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Quiz: Understanding the Big Picture: 1450 to 1750

Question 1a of 5 ( 1 Consequences of Trade 975254 )

Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: How did the rise of the Ottoman Empire affect global trade networks
from 1450 to 1750?

Choice Feedback
The Ottomans established colonies in
A. Southwest Asia, which led to increased
European demand for Asian goods.
The Ottomans established colonies in West
B. Africa, which led to Europeans paying lower
prices for African goods.
The Ottomans controlled access to the Silk
*C. Road, which led to Europeans paying higher Correct!
prices for Asian goods.
The Ottomans promoted free trade on the Silk
D. Road, which led to the development of new
trade routes between China and Europe.

Global Incorrect Feedback

The correct answer is: The Ottomans controlled
access to the Silk Road, which led to Europeans
paying higher prices for Asian goods.

Question 1b of 5 ( 1 Consequences of Trade 975255 )

Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: How did the rise of the Ming dynasty affect global trade networks?

Choice Feedback
The Ming dynasty produced low-quality goods,
decreasing demand for Asian goods.
The Ming dynasty established island colonies
B. that were used as ports for European
The Ming dynasty created and expanded trade
*C. Correct!
networks across Asia.
D. The Ming dynasty shut down all non-Asian
access to the Silk Road.

Global Incorrect Feedback

The correct answer is: The Ming dynasty created
and expanded trade networks across Asia.

Question 1c of 5 ( 1 Consequences of Trade 975256 )

Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: How did European expansion affect global trade networks in the 15th
through 18th centuries?

Choice Feedback
Europeans weakened Asian economies by
refusing to trade with them.
Europeans produced luxury goods that were in
high demand in China.
Europeans challenged the Ottomans and
gained control of the Silk Road.
Europeans established trade networks between
*D. Correct!
Europe and the Americas.

Global Incorrect Feedback

The correct answer is: Europeans established
trade networks between Europe and the

Question 2a of 5 ( 2 Consequences of Trade 975258 )

Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: How did global trade change as a result of European voyages during
the Age of Exploration?

Choice Feedback
Trade between Europe and Africa stopped
Trade declined over land routes, including the
Silk Road.
Trade expanded on a large scale as Europeans
*C. Correct!
found new markets.
D. Trade became less necessary for Asian

Global Incorrect Feedback

The correct answer is: Trade expanded on a
large scale as Europeans found new markets.

Question 2b of 5 ( 2 Consequences of Trade 975259 )

Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: Indigenous peoples in the Americas had never eaten pork or beef
before contact with European explorers. Which of the following
accurately explains why they had not done so?

Choice Feedback
*A. Cattle and pigs were found only in Europe. Correct!
B. Cattle and pigs were considered unclean.
C. Cattle and pigs were too expensive to raise.
D. Cattle and pigs were considered sacred.

Global Incorrect Feedback

The correct answer is: Cattle and pigs were
found only in Europe.

Question 2c of 5 ( 2 Consequences of Trade 975260 )

Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: Which of the following developments led to an increase in European

Choice Feedback
A. Improved agricultural technologies
*B. Improved seafaring technologies Correct!
C. The discovery of Asian silk
D. The discovery of African gold

Global Incorrect Feedback

The correct answer is: Improved seafaring
Question 3a of 5 ( 3 The Triangle Trade 975262 )
Multiple Choice
Question: Based on the map, which of these goods were shipped from Europe to Africa as part
of the triangular trade?

Choice Feedback
A. Teas
*B. Iron products Correct!
C. Rum
D. Gold

Global Incorrect Feedback

The correct answer is: Iron products.

Question 3b of 5 ( 3 The Triangle Trade 975263 )

Multiple Choice
Question: Based on the map, which of these goods were shipped from Europe to North America
as part of the triangular trade?

Choice Feedback
A. Fish
B. Iron products
*C. Teas Correct!
D. Slaves

Global Incorrect Feedback

The correct answer is: Teas.

Question 3c of 5 ( 3 The Triangle Trade 975264 )

Multiple Choice
Maximum 2
Question: Based on the map, which of these goods were shipped from Africa to the West Indies
as part of the triangular trade?

Choice Feedback
A. Spices
B. Molasses
C. Rum
*D. Slaves Correct!

Global Incorrect Feedback

The correct answer is: Slaves.

Question 4a of 5 ( 3 Trade Routes 975268 )

Multiple Choice
Question: Based on the map, which of these places is part of the Hansa commercial trade

Choice Feedback
*A. Riga Correct!
B. Vienna
C. Tripoli
D. Valencia

Global Incorrect Feedback

The correct answer is: Riga.

Question 4b of 5 ( 3 Trade Routes 975269 )

Multiple Choice
Question: Based on the map, which of these places is in the center of banking activities?
Choice Feedback
A. Lipsia
*B. Milano Correct!
C. Constantinopoli
D. Tunisi

Global Incorrect Feedback

The correct answer is: Milano.

Question 4c of 5 ( 3 Trade Routes 975270 )

Multiple Choice
Question: Based on the map, which of these places is not part of Venice's commercial trade
Choice Feedback
A. Venezia
B. Ragusa
C. Lajazzo
*D. Sinope Correct!

Global Incorrect Feedback

The correct answer is: Sinope.

Question 5a of 5 ( 4 Consequences of Trade 975272 )

Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: How was trade between Europe and Africa before the 1400s different
from trade between those continents between the 1400s and the

Choice Feedback
Before the 1400s, Europe and Africa traded
A. only spices. Between the 1400s and the 1700s,
they traded other items.
Europe traded slaves to Africa before the
B. 1400s. Between the 1400s and the 1700s,
Africa traded slaves to Europe.
Trade between Europe and Africa before the
*C. 1400s was indirect. Between the 1400s and Correct!
the 1700s, it was direct.
Africa controlled trade with Europe before the
D. 1400s. Between the 1400s and the 1700s,
Europe controlled the trade.

Global Incorrect Feedback

The correct answer is: Trade between Europe
and Africa before the 1400s was indirect.
Between the 1400s and the 1700s, it was direct.

Question 5b of 5 ( 4 Consequences of Trade 975273 )

Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: How were the trade networks constructed by the Ming dynasty
different from those constructed by Europeans?

Choice Feedback
The Ming dynasty constructed triangular trade
A. networks, while Europeans constructed direct
trade networks.
The Ming dynasty constructed slave trade
B. networks, while Europeans constructed gold
trade networks.
The Ming dynasty operated trade networks
*C. primarily over land, while Europeans operated Correct!
them over oceans.
The Ming dynasty constructed trade networks
D. only within its territory, while Europeans
constructed them with other nations.

Global Incorrect Feedback

The correct answer is: The Ming dynasty
operated trade networks primarily over land,
while Europeans operated them over oceans.

Question 5c of 5 ( 4 Consequences of Trade 975274 )

Maximum Attempts: 1
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Maximum Score: 2
Question: How were the roles of the Americas and Oceania similar during the Age
of Exploration?

Choice Feedback
A. Both areas provided gold to European traders.
*B. Both areas were new to European explorers. Correct!
Both areas controlled European access to
Both areas introduced devastating diseases to

Global Incorrect Feedback

The correct answer is: Both areas were new to
European explorers.

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