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I inerrinee Ekon

Inzi E nommik
g Ecconom
mics,, 20
013 4(1), 5-17
3, 24 5 7

D n Ma
ng in
i Mac
M chine To
Tooll Seleecttio
on:: An
A In
d Ap
oacch wiith
WAR A an
G Me
M ham
mad d Ha
H san A hdaiee1,22 Sa
n Agh arffarrazz Has
H hemk
khani Zol ni1,3 Ed
Z fan Edmu
as Kaz
K zim
V ius Geedim
Vilni mina
as Tec
T chniicall Univ
U versity
auleetekkio al.
a 11, LTT-10
23, Viln niuss, Lith
L huan
maiil: mh_
m _ag ghda m, sa.h
s hasshem
@gm, ed
mall Unniveersiity
P. O. Boox 731,
7 , Am moll, Maza
M anddara
an, Ira
maiil: mh_
e-m m _agghda
Amirrkabbir Unniveersiity of
o Tech
T hno ologgy
P.O. Box
B x 15 5855-44 413
3, Tehr
Te ran,, Ira
maiils: sa..hassheemkkhan
e-m ni@@gm


Ma hinee to oolss arre onee of th he imp porrtan
nt part
p ts ofo manm nufafactuurinng pro oceess tha at coul
c ld helph p comc mpany to ach hieving g high
h h
omp petittiveenesss in
n thhe mar
m rkettpla ace.. In
n adddittionn, th
he qua
q lityy off theeir outp
o tputts depe
d end ds onn th
heirr mach hinees and
a d theerefforee evveryy
omp panyy sh hou
uld sellectt the bestb t ma achhinee byy ittself
lf. Also
A o, a ch hoicce of app prop priaate ma achhinee toool is very
v ry sign
s nificcant fo or a
ma anuf
ufaccturringg coomp pany
ny as
a itt heelpss to o reeachh high h prroduuctiivity a effficieencyy. Fur
ty and F rtheermoree, markm ket offferss va arieety kind
k d of
ma achhinees with
w h dif ifferren
nt bran
b nds.. Besid des, thheree are
a ma any criiterria witth resp
r pectt to o nu umeerous alteern nativves that shos ould d bee
onsiiderred as par p rt of prrop per ma m chiine too ol seelecctio s h as
on, suc a co ost,, op
peraativve flexi
fl ibility, saffetyy, ettc.
Co onseequuenttly sellecttion m hine tool
n off mach t l ca an be reg garrdedd as
a a multm tiplee-a attriibutte dec
d cisioon ma akin ng (MA
( ADM M) prrobllem m.
Geenerally, MA ADM M metm thod ds dea
d al with
w thee prroceess off sellecttion n off ann altern native am mon ng num
n mberr off dif ifferrent allterrnattivees in
thee presencce of o usua
u allyy co onfl
flictt obj
bjecctivees and
a d crriteeria. In
n thhis stud dy two o MAD
M DM M methodss, step-wiise weigh ht asse
a essm men nt
ratio an nalyysis (SSWA ARA A) and
a d co omp plexx prop
p porttion nal asssesssmeent off altern w h grrey rellatiionss (C
natiivess with COP
RAS--G)), were
w e
app f ma
pplieed for achiine too ol eval
e luattion n annd sele
s ectio on.
Thhis mo odell iss a hyybrid mod m del wh hichh innteggrates tw wo MAMADM M meth
m hod ds for
f im mpro ovinng thee qu uality and accua ura acy off thee
sellecttionn. Lite
L eratturee su urveey was
w s ussed d to ideentiify thee most atttracctivve crite
c eria a whic
w ch influ
i uen nce thee seelecctioon of
o a machm hinee
toool. Eig ght criiteria for
f eva aluaatioon pro
p ocesss inclludee co ost, op
peraativve flexi
f ibillity, ma ain
ntainnabbilitty and
a d serrvicce abia lityy, siize and d
phhysiicall, coomp patiibillity, saf p cision and
afetyy, prec d prrodducttivity. Mo ore pre
p ecisselyy, th
he first
f t pa art of the
t pro opoosed d meth
m hod doloogy,
SWWAR RA is useefull fo or dete
d erminin ng thee immpo ortaancee off eaachh crriterrion a calculatiing weeigh
n and ht of
o each
e h crite
c erio on, wh hile thee
secconnd parp rt with
w h COP C PRA AS-G G isi usef
u ful forr evvalu uatiing
g allternnattivess mor
m re precp ciseely tha an usu ual criisp CO OPR RAS S and
a d forr
rankiing ma achine too ol alte
a erna ativves fro om thee beest to thee wo orstt onness. In
n evvalu uattion
n prroceess deecision n ma h to asssesss
akeer has
criiterria whi
w ich aree no ot accu
a ura ate. Grrey rela atio
on ana
a alyssis allo
a ows inccorp porrating thee va aguee an nd imp
i preccisee inf
nforrma ation n in
n to
o thee
deecision mo odeel. For
F illu ustrratiion of thee prropo osedd meth
m hod doloogy,, a casse stud
s dy wasw exp pla
aineed inn a ma anuf
g co omp pany
ny inn
Ka arajj, Irran Th mo
n. This odell caan help
h p mana ageers to
t eval
e luate and a d sellectt the best ma achiine toool alter
a rna ativee baaseed on
o own
o n co omp panyy
strrateegiees, reso
r ourrcess, po olicciess, ettc. for
f theeir org
o ganiizattion n.
Keeyw ds: Ma
word ach
hinee tool sele
s ectiion pro
obllem;; Mult
M ti-a
attriibutte deci
d isio
on mak
m king g; step
s p-wise weeigh
ht asse
a essm
nt ratio
o an
SWAARA A); Comp plexx PR
nal ASs
A sesssmeent witth Grey
G y reelattion
ns (CO
n Fu urth
herm morre, selectiing a suit
s tablle mac
m hin ne toool cann im
prrodducttivitty, effficienccy, effffecttiveely,, quuality,, saafetty andd
T day ev
Tod veryy com mpaany y uses
u s the t ir maach hinees forr Machiine too
prrofiit. Ma ols aree one
o off the imp portantt kiindss of
pro odu
ucin g ods or pro
ng goo ovid
ding g seervices foor own
o n cu usto
omeers.. m hinees thaat are
mach a useed in maanufactturiing prroceess.. Also A o,
On ne of
o thhe starrtin
ng poin
p nts ofo man
m ny comc mpaaniees for
fo ach
a ieving g acccordin ng to O ut et
t Onu e al., (200
( 08)) deecision n maakin ng abo out this
higgh com mpeetitivennesss in
n mar
m rkett ap ppro opriatee iss a sellecttion
n isssuee is very sop phissticaated
d an nd tim
me con
c sum min b ausee of
ng beca
off maachhinee toools (YYurddakuul, 200 04)). Clea
C arly, th he qua
q lity y off m y feas
many fe iblee mach
m hine to ools fo or sele
s ectiion and c flicting
d conf g
theeir ou uts dep
utpu pen
nds on n th heirr mac
m chin nes an nd theerefforee ob bjecctiv
ves. Foor thes
t se reas
r sonss, wew con nsid
dereed mac
m chin ne toool
very y co omppanny sho
s ouldd seelecct the
t best mac m chin ne by itself.. seelecction proc
p cess as a a multi
m iplee atttrib butee deci
d ision mak m king g
Beesiddes, theere aree man
m ny mac
m chin ne pro
p duccerss in n thhe mar
m rkett (MMA ADM M) probp blem m. Ope O eratiion rese r earcch/M Maanag gemmennt
nd th heyy off
ffer a wide
w e raangee off chhoicces for sellectting
g maachhinee scciennce haas man
m ny sub b-diisciiplin
ness annd MA ADM M is onee of
nativves. Also
A o, a decisiion maakeer (m mannag
ger or eng gineeer)) thhemm. Also
A o, MAMADM M iss on ne of thee twwo maim in cate
c ego ories of
sho oulld con
c sideer manm ny facctorrs, suc
s h asa prod
p ducctiv vity,, coost,, m ti crit
mult c teriaa dec
d cisioon maki
m ing (M MC CDM M). TheT other
saffetyy, relia
r abillity y, etc. forr appprroprriatee mac
m chin ne sele
s ectiion.. caateggory y of
o MCMCDM M is m lti objjecttivee deci
i mu d sion n mak
m king g

Mohammad Hasan Aghdaie, Sarfaraz Hashemkhani Zolfani, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas. Decision Making in

(MODM). In many decision-making problems, decision more competitive and unforeseen so emphasizing on the
maker (DM) should deal with selecting an alternative importance of effective decision making is critical
among existing alternatives. Also, for making a decision (Wallenius et al., 2008). Therefore, decision making
by DM, alternatives should be compared and evaluated become more and more sophisticated, time consuming
(Zavadskas et al., 2009). with high risk and decision maker or makers should
Some of the most famous MADM tools include consider many factors for decision making.
analytic hierarchy process (AHP) (Saaty, 1980), analytic According to aforementioned reasons, machines are
network process (ANP) (Saaty & Vargas, 2001), technique one of the important parts of manufacturing companies to
for order preference by similarity to ideal solution maintain ability to compete in the market. Usually, every
(TOPSIS) (Hwang, Yoon, 1981), Elimination and Choice process of making products should include machines so
Translating Reality (ELECTRE) (Roy, 1968), MUSA machines would influence on the companies outputs.
(Grigoroudis & Siskos, 2002), VI sekriterijumska Nowadays, many research projects are defining as
optimizacija i Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) (Opricovic, improving productivity, quality, life cycle, etc. Besides,
1998), Preference Ranking Organization Method for market offers variety of machines with different brands.
Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE) (Brans et al., Therefore, it is critical for every company to select
1984), Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) (Churchman & appropriate machine for itself. Some general criteria such
Ackoff, 1954, Multi-Objective Optimization on basis of as axis movement, table size, power, spindle speed, axis
Ratio Analysis (MOORA) (Brauers & Zavadskas, 2006;), speed, tool number, machine size and machine cost, work
Complex Proportional ASsessment (COPRAS) (Zavadskas piece size, work piece material, work piece size, work
& Kaklauskas, 1996), Complex PRoportional ASsessment piece complexity, material removal rate, finish tolerances,
with Grey relations (COPRAS-G) (Zavadskas et al., 2009), process type, etc. are often used for evaluating qualitative
Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) (Zavadskas & Turskis, and quantitative criteria (Kalpakjian & Schmid, 2001;
2010), Step-wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis Maleki, 1991; Sun, 2002).
(SWARA) (Kersuliene et al., 2010), Factor Relationship In the literature models for machine selection problems
(FARE) (Ginevicius, 2011), Weighted Aggregated Sum are proposed by researchers. Table 1 depicts the machine
Product Assessment (WASPAS) (Zavadskas et al., 2012). tool selection techniques, approaches and systems including
The aim of this paper is proposing combined SWARA analytic hierarchy process (AHP), analytic network process
and COPRAS-G tools for evaluation and choosing of a (ANP), technique for order preference by similarity to ideal
machine tool. Weight of criteria is calculated by SWARA solution (TOPSIS), elimination and choice translating reality
and the COPRAS grey is used to select a machine tool (ELECTRE), preference ranking organization method for
alternative. There are some reasons for selection of this enrichment evaluations (PROMETHEE), DELPHI, multi-
study. In the literature, there were some papers about criteria weighted average (MCWA), decision support
assessing the machine tool alternatives and selection. But systems (DSS), rule-based techniques, Expert systems, goal
among these studies a few of them have been used MADM programming (GP), simulation techniques, linear
methods for selection with consideration of human programming, integer programming, genetic algorithm
judgments, grey relations, finite, infinite and multi- criteria. (GA), Web-based manufacturing environments, Computer-
Besides, there is no evidence in the literature that any of aided tool selection (CATS), Computer-aided process
them were prepared with the aim of the selection of the planning (CAPP) systems, generative process planning
machine tool using the SWARA and COPRAS-G. (GENPLAN) systems, Ant colony optimization (ACO). In
Furthermore, there are hardly any studies that deal with addition, fuzzy logic has been used in many studies for
machine tool selection in Iran and this study hopes to fill selection of machine tool because usually evaluations are
these gaps. vague and imprecise and nature of fuzzy logic is suitable for
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. these evaluations. Some of these techniques include fuzzy
Section 2 is summarized literature review of the most related multiple-attribute decision-making (FMADM), fuzzy
studies. In Section 3 the proposed methodology is described. analytic hierarchy process (FAHP), Fuzzy analytic network
In this section, proposed SWARA COPRAS-G process (FANP), Fuzzy TOPSIS. Furthermore, Vasilash
integrated approach for selection of the machine tool is (1997) developed a computer program called machine
described and phases of the proposed approach and steps tool selector which reaches a feasible set of machine tools
are presented in detail. How the proposed approach is used by searching the data base and deleting in appropriate
on a real world case study is explained in section Case ones.
study. The results of the case study are presented in
section 5. Finally, section 6 concludes the paper. Proposed Methodology

Literature review The aim of this paper is use of MADM approaches to

assess and choose the best machine tool for a
Over the past decades with rapid increase in the manufacturing company. There are some reasons for using
complexity of economical decisions, highlighting the MADM approaches.
importance of developing and implementing sophisticated Firstly, MADM methods deal with the process of
and efficient quantitative analysis techniques for selecting the best alternative among existing alternatives
supporting and aiding economical decision-making has with respect to many conflicting qualitative and
increased (Zavadskas & Turskis, 2011). Besides, the quantitative multiple criteria based on decision maker
business world has changed and this situation becomes (DM) judgments.

Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 2013, 24(1), 5-17

Table 1
Machine tool selection techniques
Techniques Authors Techniques Authors
MCWA (Arslan et al., 2004) Two-stages ranking, Fuzzy sets (Devedzic & Pap, 1999)
membership functions
AHP (Lin & Yang, 1996) ACO ,GP, Fuzzy (Chan & Swarnkar, 2006)
AHP (Yurdakul, 2004) AHP, Discrete- event simulation (Ayag, 2007)
AHP, Rule-based (Tabucanon et al., 1994) IP, GA (Moon et al., 2002)
AHP (Cimren et al., 2007) GP, Fuzzy (Mishra et al., 2006)
AHP,VIKOR, Fuzzy (Ilangkumaran et al., 2012) Web-based manufacturing (Chung & Peng, 2004)
environments, CATS, CAPP
LP, IP (Atmani & Lashkari, 1998) AHP, Fuzzy (Duran & Aguilo, 2008)
MADM, Fuzzy (Wang et al., 2000) AHP,TOPSIS, Fuzzy (Onut et al., 2008)
Program design (Vasilash, 1997) ANP, Fuzzy (Ayag & Ozdemir, 2011)
Optimization, Simulation (Almutawa et al., 2005) TOPSIS, Fuzzy (Yurdakul & Ic, 2009b)
AHP, Fuzzy (Ayag & Ozdemir, 2006) Scoring model (Georgakellos, 2005)
step-by-step (Gerrald, 1988) ELECTRE III (Balaji, 2009)
AHP, Fuzzy (Taha & Rostam, 2011) GA (Keung et al., 2001)
AHP,PROMETHEE, (Ozgen et al., 2011) GP,GA, Fuzzy (Rai et al., 2002)
Delphi, Fuzzy
AHP, GRA (Samvedi et al., 2012) weighted sum model (Goh et al., 1995)
TOPSIS, FAHP (Azadeh, 2011) AHP, PROMETHEE (Dagdeviren, 2008)
FAHP, FTOPSIS (Lashgari et al., 2011) AHP, ANP (Paramasivam et al., 2011)
TOPSIS, Spearmans rank (Yurdakul & Ic, 2009a) TOPSIS, AHP, ANP (Lashgari et al., 2012)

Secondly, determining and evaluating all these factors Constructing decision making team
is a difficult task for decision maker. Besides, it is hard to
select the exact number for every criterion and DMs
evaluations are subjective and imprecise. Therefore grey Identification of selection criteria

Phase I
relations analysis can be a natural approach for dealing
with this kind of issue. Determining qualitative and quantitative
criteria for evaluation process
After reaching consensus about needs for purchasing
machine tool, alternatives for this decision are defined
evaluation procedure. Figure 1 describes the evaluation Construction of selection criteria and
procedure of this study which consists of three main problem structure
Phase I. After constructing decision making team, the Assigning evaluations via SWARA

Phase II
most important criteria for machine tool selection was
identified. Next, the qualitative and quantitative criteria
were defined. The criteria listed in Table 2 are selected
based on the literature survey. Finally, the project team Criteria weights by SWARA
constructed the selection criteria and problem structure
(see Figure 2). Assigning evaluations for COPRAS Grey
Phase III

A step-wise weight assessment ratio analysis

(SWARA) method (Kersuliene et al., 2010) Ranking via COPRAS-G

There is a variety of approaches for assessing weights

in the literature such as (Zavadskas et al., 2010), e.g. the Select the best machine tool
eigenvector method, SWARA (Kersuliene et al., 2010),
expert judgment method (Zavadskas et al., 2012), analytic
hierarchy process (AHP) (Saaty, 1977, 1980), Entropy Figure 1. The evaluation procedure
method (Susinskas et al., 2011, Kersuliene & Turskis,
2011), FARE (Ginevicius, 2011), etc. Phase II. Criteria weights were calculated by applying
Among these approaches, SWARA method is one SWARA method and based on experts evaluations.
of the brand-new ones. The most significant criterion is Phase III. In this stage, all alternatives were evaluated
given rank 1, and the least significant criterion is given by project team and COPRAS-G method was applied to
rank last. The overall ranks to the group of experts are achieve the final ranking results.
determined according to the mediocre value of ranks
(Kersuliene & Turskis, 2011).

Mohammad Hasan Aghdaie, Sarfaraz Hashemkhani Zolfani, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas. Decision Making in

Table 2
Criteria and their descriptions
Evaluation Criteria Description Reference
(Yurdakul, 2004; Onut et al., 2008;
Cost (C1) The purchasing cost of the machine.
Arslan et al., 2004)
The possibility of using the machine (Yurdakul, 2004; Arslan et al., 2004;
Operative flexibility (C2) tool as desired, Number of tools, Rotary table, Number of pallets, Index Ozgen et al., 2011; Balaji, 2009)
table, CNC type, U or V axis, Head changer, Spindle power.
Maintainability & The ability to be maintained and serviced, Training, Repair service, Spare (Arslan et al., 2004; Ozgen et al., 2011;
serviceability (C3) parts, Regular maintenance. Lin & Yang, 1996; Cimren et al., 2007)
Machine dimensions, Machine weight, Auxiliary equipment (Arslan et al., 2004; Ayag & Ozdemir,
Size and Physical (C4)
(loading/unloading, material handling, quality). 2011)
The ability of using computer and machine together, CNC type, Number (Onut et al., 2008; Arslan et al., 2004;
Compatibility (C5) of tools, Taper number. Ayag & Ozdemir, 2006)

The machine tool is safe to use for its intended, Mechanical risk, Work (Yurdakul & Ic, 2009b; Lin & Yang,
Safety (C6) organization, Operator training, Mist collector, Safety door, Fire 1996; Chung & Peng, 2004)
Axis precision, Repeatability, Thermal stability, Static and dynamic (Arslan et al., 2004; Ayag & Ozdemir,
Precision (C7)
rigidity. 2006);
(Yurdakul, 2004; Onut et al., 2008;
Speed, power, Cutting feed, Tool change time, Rapid speed, Pallet
Productivity (C8) Arslan et al., 2004; Ayag & Ozdemir,

Goal: Machine tool selection and evaluation


C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8

Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3

Figure 2. Problem structure, selection criteria and alternatives

The step-wise weight assessment ratio analysis The COPRAS-G method

(SWARA) (Kersuliene et al., 2010) methodology is In order to evaluate the overall efficiency of an
developed in 2010 and applied for the selection of rational alternative, it is essential to identify most important
dispute resolution method (Kersuliene & Turskis, 2011). criteria, to evaluate alternatives and assess information
The procedure for the criteria weights determination is with respect to these criteria; develop methods for
presented in Figure 3. The ability to estimate experts evaluating the criteria to meet the DMs needs. Decision
opinion about importance ratio of the criteria in the process analysis is concerned with the situation in which a DM has
of their weights determination is the main element of this to choose among several alternatives by considering a
method (Kersuliene et al., 2010). This method is useful for particular set of, usually conflicting criteria. For this reason
coordinating and gathering data from experts. SWARA Complex proportional assessment (COPRAS) method
applications are uncomplicated and experts in various which was developed by (Zavadskas & Kaklauskas, 1996)
fields can contact with general idea of this method easily. can be applied. In real situations, the most of the criteria
All developments of decision making models based on for evaluating alternatives deal with vague feature, and
SWARA method up to now are listed below: values of criteria cannot be expressed by exact numbers.
Kersuliene et al., (2010) in selection of rational Therefore MADM approaches need to be functioned not
dispute resolution method. only with exact criteria values, but with fuzzy values or with
Kersuliene and Turskis (2011) for architect values in some intervals. (Zavadskas et al., 2008) presented
the main ideas of complex proportional assessment method
selection. with grey interval numbers (COPRAS-G) method.
Hashemkhani Zolfani et al., (2012) in design of

Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 2013, 24(1), 5-17

Drawing a set of Responded survey List of main criteria


Drawing general list of criteria

Responded survey (respondents arrange criteria
according to rank, the most important criterion being
listed as the first, etc.)
Arrangement of criteria according to
frequency of indication
Determination of criteria ranks

Analysis of criteria list

Determination of criteria weights

Deletion of interrelated criteria

Presentation of jth Presentation of j+1
criterion criterion
Drawing of unrelated criteria list

Evaluation of how much jth attribute is

more important than j+1 attribute

Relative comparison should be applied

Value of importance of j+1


j: = j+1

If j+1< = n,
Yes is number of
Determination of criteria importance vector unrelated

Determination of criteria importance:

qj = j

Figure 3. Determining of the criteria weights based on (Kersuliene & Turskis, 2011)

The idea of COPRAS-G method with criterion values Hashemkhani Zolfani et al., (2012b) in quality
expressed in intervals is based on the real conditions of control manager selection;
decision making and applications of the Grey systems theory Aghdaie et al., (2012) in prioritizing projects of
(Deng, 1982). The COPRAS-G method uses a stepwise municipality;
ranking and evaluating procedure of the alternatives in Rezaeiniya et al., (2012) in greenhouse locating;
terms of significance and utility degree (Hashemkhani Bitarafan et al., (2012) in evaluating the
Zolfani et al., 2012a, b). The recent developments of construction methods of cold-formed steel
decision making models based on COPRAS and COPRAS- structures in reconstructing the areas damaged in
G method are listed below: natural crises;
Hashemkhani Zolfani et al., (2011) in forest roads Das et al., (2012) in measure relative performance
locating; of institutions.
Hashemkhani Zolfani et al., (2012a) in supplier Aghdaie et al., (2013) in market segment evaluation
selection; and selection;
Chaterjee et al., (2011) in materials selection.

Mohammad Hasan Aghdaie, Sarfaraz Hashemkhani Zolfani, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas. Decision Making in

Maity et al., (2012) in materials selection. Here x ji is determined x ji (the smallest value,
The procedure of applying the COPRAS-G method
consists of the following steps (Zavadskas et al. 2009): the lower limit) and x ji (the biggest value, the upper limit).
1. Selecting the set of the most important criteria, 3. Determining significances of the criteria qi .
describing the alternatives.
2. Constructing the decision-making matrix X . 4. Normalizing the decision-making matrix X is
calculated by formula 2.

[ x11] K K [ x1m] [ x11; x11] [x ;x ] 12 12 K [x ;

1m x1m ]
[ 21] K K [ x2m ] [ x ; x ] [ x ; x ] K [x ;
2m x2m ]
X =
21 21 22 22
= ; j = 1, n,i = 1, m (1)

[xn1] K K [ xnm] [ xn1; xn1] [x ;
n2 xn2 ] K [ xnm; xnm]

~ x ji 2 x ji x ji 2 x ji j = 1, n ; i = 1, m
x= = , ~x = = ;
1 n n n n 1 n n n (2)
x ji + x ji x ji + x ji x ji + x (x + x ji )

2 j =1 2 ji ji
j =1 j =1 j =1 j =1 j =1 j =1

[ ~ ~ ~ ~
In formula (2) x ji the lower value of the I criterion x 11 ; x11 ] [ ~x 12 ; x12 ] L [~
x 1m ; x1m ]
~ ~ ~ ~
in the alternative j of the solution; x ji the upper value of ~ [ x ; x ] [~ x 22 ; x 22 ] L [~
x 2 m ; x1m ]
X = 21 21 ; (3)
the criterion i in the alternative j of the solution; m the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[ x n1 ; x n1 ] [ x n 2 ; x n 2 ] L [~
x nm ; x nm ]
number of criteria; n the number of the alternatives,
5. Calculating the weighted normalized decision
compared. Then, the decision-making matrix is normalized
and determined according to the formula 3: matrix X . The weighted normalized values x ji are
calculated as follows:

x ji qi ; or x ji = ~
x ji = ~ x ji qi and x ji = ~
x ji qi (4)

where qi is the significance of the i -th criterion. Then, the normalized decision-making matrix is:
[ x11 ] [ x12 ] L [ x1m ] [ x 11 ; x11 ] [ x 12 ; x12 ] L [ x 1m ; x1m ]
[ x ] [ x ]
L [ x1m ] [ x 21 ; x 21 ] [ x 22 ; x 22 ] L [ x 2 m ; x 2 m ]
X = 21 22
= ; (5)

[ x n1 ] [ x n 2 ] L [ x nm ] [ x n1 ; x n1 ] [ x n 2 ; x n 2 ] L [ x nm ; x nm ]

P 9. Calculating the relative significance of each

6. Calculating the sums j of criterion values, whose
larger values are more preferable: alternative Q j the expression:
R j
1 k j =1
Pj = ( x ji + x ji ); (6) Q j = P j + n 1
; (9)
2 i =1 R j
j =1 R j

7. Calculating the sums R j of criterion values, whose

10. Determining the optimally criterion by K the
smaller values are more preferable: formula:

Rj =
1 m

2 i = k +1
(x ji
;i = k, m
(7) K = max j Q j , i = 1, n; (10)

11. Determining the priority order of the alternatives.

In formula (7), ( m k ) is the number of criteria which 12. Calculating the utility degree of each alternative by
must be minimized. the formula:
8. Determining the minimal value of R j as follows: Qj
Nj = 100%. (11)
Rmin = min j R j , j = 1, n (8) Qmax
Here and are the significances of the
alternatives obtained from Eq (9).

- 10 -
Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 2013, 24(1), 5-17

Case Study were denoted as A1, A2, and A3, respectively. For receiving
general agreement in every step of this project, face to face
A real case study problem has been chosen to show the interviews and Delphi method were used. So, after a lot of
performance and application of the model. The study was discussions, a project team identified criteria for evaluation
conducted by a well-known company in manufacturing and they constructed problem structure. Then the project
industry. This company is an average sized manufacturing team accepted the criteria list that was explored from the
company which has 80 employers and located in Simin literature study (see table 2). As mentioned before, in this
Dasht Industrial area, Iran. This company makes some paper SWARA was used for calculating criteria weights.
kind of press machines such as hydraulic and pneumatic, After determining all selection criteria and machine
and casts of them. Besides, it is a supplier of Zamyad tool alternatives, SWARA method was used to tackle the
Automobile manufacturing Company. Recently, there has ambiguities involved in the process of the linguistic
been a regular increase in request for products of this assessment of the data. Like other similar methods (AHP
company and company needs to buy a new CNC machine and ANP), SWARA is also based on experts ideas or
for making new casts. Therefore, manager of the company thoughts but experts can participate without difficulty in
has decided to buy a new CNC machine. After defining a this method. Information about experts is shown in Table
new project for buying a new CNC, a project team 3. Table 4 shows the results of criteria weights. The rank of
including two industrial engineers, two mechanical criteria was shown in the first column and the last column
engineer and manager of the company was collected (see was shown the weight of each criterion.
table 3). The project team identified three potential
machines as alternatives for purchase. The alternatives
Table 3
The characteristics of the five decision-making experts

Gender Age Education Level Job title Job responsibility
Decision- In charge of the most important decisions
Bachelors in Manager of the
making Male 55 > 30 of the company.
management company (CEO)
Decision- Managing the engineering team, supply
Masters in mechanical Project manager and
making Male 51 > 25 chain, suppliers and new projects.
engineering supply chain analysis
Decision- Managing repair and maintenance
Bachelors in Quality control and
making Male 50 > 20 programs, teams. Designing new programs
mechanical engineering maintenance manager
expert1(D3) for improving quality and processes.
Decision- Production planning
Bachelors in industrial Managing product lines, buying new
making Male 49 > 15 and material handling
engineering materials and inventory planning.
expert1(D4) manager
Doctor of philosophys Marketing and Sales Responsible for R&D, new products,
making Female 46 > 15
industrial engineering manager marketing research and pricing decisions.

Table 4
Final results of SWARA method in weighting criteria
x j 1 wj
importance of
Coefficient k j = s j +1 Recalculated weight wj = Weight qj =
average value s j kj w j

C1 1 1 0.191
C2 0.15 1.15 0.869 0.166
C7 0.16 1.16 0.749 0.143
C3 0.13 1.13 0.662 0.126
C4 0.14 1.14 0.580 0.112
C8 0.13 1.13 0.513 0.099
C5 0.15 1.15 0.446 0.086
C6 0.12 1.12 0.398 0.077

Results levels: at the highest level the objective of the problem is

situated while in the second level, the criteria are listed.
After representing the case study, proposed model, The goal is selecting the most suitable CNC for the
selecting the project team, identifying most important company. The criteria are C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, and
criteria for evaluating, representing the decision model and C8(see Table 2). Among all criteria only C1 is a cost
using analytical techniques, the remaining part of the study criterion (the minimum amount of this criterion is
will focus on the obtained numerical results. The desirable) and others are benefit criteria. At this stage of
hierarchical structure of decision problem consists of three the application, the group of experts evaluated each

- 11 -
Mohammad Hasan Aghdaie, Sarfaraz Hashemkhani Zolfani, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas. Decision Making in

alternative according to each criterion and developed Table The initial decision making matrix, has been
5. The evaluations of these three alternatives according to normalized first as discussed in section 3.2. The
the previously stated criteria, i.e., evaluation matrix, are normalized decision making matrix is presented in Table 6
displayed in Table 5. by using equations (6) to (11) or all the alternatives. Table
Also, Table 5 indicates initial decision making matrix, 6 shows normalized weighted decision making matrix.
with the criterion values described in intervals. For the According to results of Table 7, it shows evaluation of
weight of criteria, we used the weights in Table 4. As utility degree, A3>A1>A2. A3 is defined as the best
mentioned before, the aim of using SWARA is to alternative for this selection that a project team can choose
determine importance weight of criteria that will be for buying new CNC. Hybrid approach results indicate that
employed in COPRAS-G method. A3 is the best candidate with the highest degree and is the
best machine tool alternative for selection.
Table 5
Initial decision making matrix with the criteria values described in intervals

opt Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

 0.191 0.166 0.126 0.112 0.086 0.077 0.143 0.099
Alternatives  ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,  

A1 60 70 50 60 80 90 70 80 60 70 60 70 80 90 80 90
A2 70 80 50 60 60 70 60 70 50 60 70 80 80 90 70 80
A3 60 70 70 80 60 70 60 70 60 70 60 70 90 95 70 80

Table 6
Normalized weighted decision making matrix

Opt. Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max

Alternatives  ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,   ,  

A1 0.055 0.065 0.044 0.054 0.046 0.052 0.038 0.043 0.027 0.032 0.022 0.026 0.043 0.049 0.033 0.037
A2 0.065 0.074 0.044 0.054 0.035 0.041 0.032 0.038 0.023 0.027 0.026 0.030 0.043 0.049 0.029 0.033
A3 0.055 0.065 0.062 0.071 0.035 0.041 0.032 0.038 0.027 0.032 0.022 0.026 0.049 0.051 0.029 0.033

Table 7 decisions could influence the final outcomes. Specifically,

Evaluation of utility degree this study provides valuable view which DMs should
selected as a decision making team.
Alternatives    Rank Though DMs judgments, education and expertise play
A1 0.273 0.060 0.339 99.7% 2 important roles in the success or failure of manufacturing
A2 0.252 0.0695 0.309 90.8% 3 decisions, sometimes their evaluations or judgments are
A3 0.274 0.060 0.340 100% 1 vague and imprecise. These inaccuracies can cause
difficulties in the process of decision making. Another
Conclusions and Discussions meaningful contribution to this study is the proposed
COPRAS-G, an effective mathematical model which uses
Today machines are used for producing many goods in grey relation analysis for dealing with vagueness. Although,
every company and they can be considered as an asset of a the most important criteria and problem structure was
company. Machines can influence quality of the products
constructed based on literature study, some of selected
so it is important to select the most appropriate machine
for every company. Besides, the cost of buying a new criteria and evaluations were qualitative. So for dealing
machine is expensive so this decision should be considered uncertainty and improving lack of precision in evaluating
as a critical decision for every organization. Therefore the criteria and machine tool alternatives, grey numbers were
evaluation and selection of new machine is a crucial used. In COPRAS-G method, the score option can provide
managerial or political activity for every company. It helps better insight to the DM by taking into account both the
a company to choose its own machine tool so lead to differences and similarities of the alternatives according to
companies effectively satisfying customers needs and the best and the worse alternatives. The grey numbers
wants. enabled DM to get better results in the overall importance
In this paper, a hybrid MADM methodology with three of criteria and real alternatives.
phases based on integrating two MADM methods for In addition, SWARA method was used as a decision
selecting the most suitable machine tool was proposed. making tool for extracting weights of criteria which
According to the results of this study, DMs faced with COPRAS-G needed. Therefore, COPRAS-G used
critical factors that were found to influence an SWARA result weights as input weights. Therefore,
organizations decisions about selecting a new machine another significant contribution to this study is the
tool. Based on this research, it was shown that DMs have a proposed SWARA COPRAS-G integrated approach.
great impact on decisions in an organization so their

- 12 -
Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 2013, 24(1), 5-17

In general, the findings of this study have contributed including ARAS, VIKOR, ANP, and PROMETHEE, etc.
towards providing important and advanced knowledge by and compare with the results of this paper.
various criteria and a simple, efficient method with which The study results show that decision criteria
managers of a company or decision makers can increase significantly influence the choice of machine tool
their ability to choose an appropriate machine tool in their selection. However in this paper the most important criteria
efforts to develop the firms outputs qualities. As a result were selected based on the in-depth literature survey;
of the study, we found that the proposed approach is another study can be designing a new structure with other
practical for ranking machine tool alternatives with respect criteria, sub-criteria and assessing alternatives with a new
to multiple conflicting criteria. structure.
This integration was proposed as an analytical model
for dealing with uncertainly and imprecise information in Acknowledgment
conflict management situations. Therefore further research We gratefully acknowledge the Lolaiy Industrial
can apply this method as an adaptable approach to other Company for their participation on this project.
situations. Also, further research could focus on using
other multi-attribute decision making (MADM) approaches

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Mohammad Hasan Aghdaie, Sarfaraz Hashemkhani Zolfani, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas

Sprendimo primimas pasirenkant mechanines stakles: jungtinis SWARA ir COPRAS-G metodas
iais laikais beveik visos kompanijos, gamindamos gaminius naudoja savo stakles. Stakli kokyb gali daryti tak gamini kokybei, todl
kiekvienai kompanijai svarbu pasirinkti paias tinkamiausias stakles. Naujos stakls yra brangios, todl siek sigyti stakles, reikt laikyti svarbiu
kiekvienos organizacijos sprendimu. Nauj stakli vertinimas ir pasirinkimas yra svarbi kiekvienos kompanijos valdymo arba politikos dalis.
Mechanins stakls yra viena i svarbiausi gamybos proceso dali, kuri gali padti kompanijai pasiekti aukt konkurencingum rinkoje. Be to,
kompanijos rezultat kokyb priklauso nuo stakli ir todl kiekviena kompanija turt pati pasirinkti joms tinkamiausias ir geriausias stakles. Tam tikr
stakli pasirinkimas yra labai reikmingas gamybos kompanijai, nes tai padeda pasiekti aukt naum ir efektyvum j veikloje. Rinka silo daugyb
skirting ri stakli. Tinkama stakli pasirinkimo dalimi reikt laikyti stakli kain, saugum, gamybin lankstum. Tai pagrindiniai kriterijai, kuriuos
reikt atkreipti dmes renkantis stakles. Tinkamas stakli pasirinkimas ir sigyjimas leidia kompanijai efektyviau tenkinti vartotoj poreikius ir norus.
Taigi stakli pasirinkim galima laikyti viena i sprendim primimo pagal daugel savybi (MADM - multiple-attribute decision making)
problema. Daniausiai, naudojant MADM metodus, susiduriama su daugybs skirting alternatyv pasirinkimo procesu, kuris atsiranda esant konfliktui
tarp tiksl ir kriterij. io darbo tikslas yra pasilyti jungtin tinkam ingsni svorio vertinimo santykio analiz (SWARA - step-wise weight
assessment ratio analysis) ir sudtin proporcing alternatyv vertinim grey santykiu (COPRAS-G - complex proportional assessment of alternatives
with grey relations), kuris skirtas vertinti ir pasirinkti stakles.
iame tyrime, pasirenkant ir vertinant stakles, buvo panaudoti du MADM metodai, SWARA ir COPRAS-G. Norint nustatyti patraukliausius
kriterijus, kurie daro tak pasirenkant stakles, buvo isamiai ianalizuota teorin literatra. Iskirti atuoni vertinimo proceso kriterijai. Tai kaina,
gamybinis lankstumas, eksploatavimo ir aptarnavimo galimyb, dydis ir fiziniai kriterijai: suderinamumas, saugumas, tikslumas ir naumas. Pasilytos
metodikos pirmoji dalis, t. y. SWARA, yra naudinga nustatant kiekvieno kriterijaus svarb ir apskaiiuojant kiekvieno kriterijaus svor, o antroji dalis
COPRAS-G, yra naudinga vertinant alternatyvas daug tiksliau, nei prastiniu glaustu COPRAS metodu ir surikiuojant stakli alternatyvas nuo geriausios
iki blogiausios. Asmen, priimani sprendimus isilavinimas yra labai svarbus . Nuo j danai priklauso gamybos sprendim skm arba neskm.
Danai priimani sprendimus asmen vertinimai arba sprendimai yra nemotyvuoti ir netiksls. Tokie netikslumai gali sukelti sunkum vertinant ir
priimant sprendimus. vertinimo metu, spendim primjas turi vertinti kriterij, kuris yra netikslus. Grey santykio analiz leidia traukti neaiki ir
netiksli informacij sprendimo model.

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Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 2013, 24(1), 5-17
is modelis yra hibridinis modelis. J sudaro du MADM metodai, skirti pagerinti pasirinkimo kokyb ir tikslum. Taip pat model sudaro trys
fazs. Fazje I, sudarius sprendim primimo komand, buvo nustatyti patys svarbiausi stakli pasirinkimo kriterijai. Toliau buvo nustatyti kokybiniai ir
kiekybiniai kriterijai. Kriterij sraas pasirinktas remiantis literatros apvalga. Galiausiai, projekto komanda sudar pasirinkimo kriterij ir problemos
struktr. Fazje II, kriterij svoriai buvo apskaiiuoti taikant SWARA metod bei remiantis ekspert vertinimais. Fazje III, projekto komanda vertino
visas alternatyvas ir buvo pritaikytas COPRAS-G metodas, siekiant gauti galutinius rezultatus.
Norint pailiustruoti pasilyt metodik, buvo atliktas tyrimas gamybinje kompanijoje Karaj mieste, Irane. Kaip alternatyvos buvo trys
kompiuterinio skaitmeninio valdymo stakls, kurias projekto komanda parinko vertinti, ir viena i j turt bti pasirinkta kaip geriausia alternatyva.
Delphi metodika buvo panaudota, norint gauti bendr daugelio io modelio ingsni variant. Penki sprendim primimo ekspertai buvo pasirinkti
alternatyvoms vertinti, prie tai atsivelgiant nustatytus kriterijus. is modelis gali padti vadovams vertinti ir pasirinkti geriausi stakli alternatyv,
remiantis savo kompanijos strategija, resursais, politika ir t.t.
io tyrimo rezultatai leido nustatyti vairius kriterijus, taip pat paprast ir efektyv metod, kuriuo naudodamiesi kompanijos vadovai arba
sprendim primjai turi galimyb pasirinkti atitinkamas stakles, stengdamiesi pltoti kompanij produkcijos kokyb. Tyrimo metu mes supratome, kad
pasilytas metodas yra praktikas, nes vertinant ir klasifikuojant stakli alternatyvas, remiamasi daugeliu prietaring kriterij. iame darbe svarbiausi
kriterijai buvo pasirinkti remiantis isamia literatros apvalga. Kitas tyrimas gali bti apie naujos struktros krim su kitais kriterijais, sub-kriterijais ir
vertinant alternatyvas su nauja struktra.
Remiantis io tyrimo rezultatais, sprendim primjai susidr su svarbiais veiksniais, kurie dar tak organizacijos sprendimams renkantis naujas
stakles. Remiantis iuo tyrimu buvo parodyta, kad sprendim primjai turi didel tak organizacijos sprendimams. J sprendimai turi tak ir
galutiniams rezultatams. Tiksliau sakant, is tyrimas pateikia verting nuomon, kuri sprendim primjai turt pasirinkti kaip sprendim primimo

Raktaodiai: mechanini stakli pasirinkimo problema; daugiakriteris sprendim primimas; SWARA; COPRAS-G.
The article has been reviewed.
Received in November, 2012; accepted in February, 2013.

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