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An Associate’s Mind Presents:


W. A F: July 15, 2010
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Law p m e
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Lawyers face constant challenges. W?

Some succeed. Some fail.


i s a n A m e r i c a n  p s y c h o l o g i s t
and psychometrician and the Dean of Arts and
Sciences at  Tufts University. He was
for merly  IBM  Professor of  Psychology
and  Education at  Yale University and
the  President of the  American Psychological
Association and is generally considered a a
p ro m i n e n t fi g u re i n t h e re s e a rch o f
human  intelligence.  Most of Dr. Sternberg’s Work
research in the past decade has gone towards
his Triarchic Theory of Intelligence.
In 1994 Dr. Sternberg wrote In Search of the
Human Mind, in which he lists what he believes
to be the twenty reasons why intelligent people
fail. Now, regardless of public perception or
personal anecdote, lawyers are intelligent
people. Certainly some are more intelligent
than others, but as a whole, they are intelligent
Development Time
people. Lawyers have: graduated from college,
completed a graduate degree, and passed the
bar exam. One might say this only makes them The pressures facing
educated and not intelligent (a distinction not lawyers can be
without merit). However, for my purposes, I am daunting.
going to say that lawyers are, in general,

The Top Twenty Reasons Lawyers Fail |


“I have not failed.  I've just found 10,000

ways that won't work.”  ~Thomas Edison
20. “Too little or too much self-confidence. Lack of the over-reaching goal of their
self-confidence can gnaw away at a person’s project.
ability to get things done and become a self-
fulfilling prophecy. Conversely, individuals 17. “Inability to delay gratification. Some people
with too much self-confidence may not reward themselves and are
know when to admit they are wrong or in r e w a r d e d by o t h e r s f o r
need of self-improvement.” finishing small tasks, while
- Do I even need to address this? avoiding bigger tasks that
Stories of lawyers who have blown a would ear n them larger
case or a contract because of hubris rewards.”
are countless. -See my post in
regard’s to Aemilius
19. “Lack of balance between critical, analytical Paullus advice on this
thinking and creative, synthetic thinking. It is topic. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
important for people to learn what kind of
thinking is expected of them in each 16. “Spreading oneself too think or
situation.” too thick. Undertaking too many activities
- Being a good lawyer requires a may result in none being completed on
fine balance between these two. time. Undertaking too few can also result in
Often I think lawyers tend towards missed opportunities and reduced levels of
t h e c r i t i c a l , a n a l y t i c a l s i d e. accomplishment.”
However, g reat lawyers bring
creative solutions to new problems.
- A recent example of a lawyer
spreading themselves too thin.
The only
18. “Inability to see the forest for the trees. 15. “Distractibility and lack of concentration.
real failure
Some people become obsessed with details
and are either unwilling or unable to see or
Even some very intelligent people have very
short attention spans.”
in life is
deal with the larger picture in the projects
they undertake.”
- L a w ye rs c a n d e fi n i t e l y b e
scattershot and unable to block out
the failure
– I think new lawyers tend to
have this problem. It’s very easy to
distractions and focus on the task at
hand. The always on email/Twitter/
to try.
get fired up about being provided telephone environment we find
assignments at the beginning of a ourselves in isn’t helping.
new job and dive right into the thick
of things but not being able to view

The Top Twenty Reasons Lawyers Fail |


“Failure is only the opportunity to begin

again more intelligently”

14. “Wallowing in personal difficulties. -Oh woe is the life of a avoid obstacles and difficult
Some people let their personal lawyer. situations. But failure is not an
difficulties interfere grossly with their end, it’s just another step in the
work. During the course of life, one 11. “Misattribution of blame. Some people rode. Everyone fails, you just
can expect some real joys and some always blame themselves for even the have to learn to deal with failure
real sorrows. Maintaining a proper slightest mishap. Some always blame and not let it debilitate you from
perspective is often difficult.” others.” action in the future.
-I’d say lawyers tend not to -I’ve met a number of
have this problem as they are lawyers who seem to have a 8.  ”Failure to initiate. Still others are
usually fairly emotionally propensity for self-flagellation unwilling or unable to initiate a project.
detached from their personal over minor matters. However, It may be indecision or fear of
lives at work. Where this tends to lawyers can equally (if not more) commitment.”
become an issue for lawyers is lash out at others who they -Like I mentioned
when their work becomes their perceive as having contributed to before,  never wait until you’re
personal lives; which is an easy their failure. ready.
thing to do for lawyers.
10.  ”Procrastination.  Some people are 7. “Inability to complete tasks. For some
13. “Excessive dependency. Some people unable to act without pressure. They people nothing ever draws to a close.
expect others to do for them what they may also look for little things to do in Perhaps it’s fear of what they would do
ought to be doing themselves.” order to put off the big ones.” next or fear of becoming hopelessly
-Partners dump -There are always other enmeshed in detail.”
responsibilities onto senior things you can justify doing than -It can be awfully tempting to
associates, senior associates that which actually needs doing. write, edit, and revise
dump onto junior associates, Responsibility begins with you. continuously. Just a little more
junior associates dump onto Don’t put off that which needs time spent on the opening
paralegals. Every single one of doing. Psychology Today has paragraph, or a bit more time
the above listed probably dump a blog devoted to the topic. properly crafting the thrust of
domestic responsibilities on their yo u r a rg u m e n t – u n t i l i t ’s
partners. 9. ”Fear of failure. People may not reach midnight the day before the
peak performance because they avoid project is due. Make sure you
12. “Excessive self-pity. Some people the really important challenges in life.” keep the end goal in sight.
spend more time feeling sorry for -It can be very tempting to
themselves than expending the effort remain in your comfort zone and
necessary to overcome the problem.”

The Top Twenty Reasons Lawyers Fail |


The path to failure or success? It is never easy.

6.  ”Lack of product orientation. Some people 4.  “Using the wrong abilities.  People may
seem more concerned about the process not be using the right abilities for the tasks
than the result of activity.” in which they are engaged.”
-“The world makes way for the -”When your only tool is a “The men
man who knows where he is going.” – hammer, every problem looks like a
who try to do
Ralph Waldo Emerson nail.” Don't get caught in the trap of
over-specialization. As lawyers something and
5. “Inability to translate thought into action. Some develop, there is a tendency to fail are
people seem buried in thought. They have narrow one's skill and abilities to
good ideas but rarely seem able to do certain sub-sections of the law and
anything about them.”
with the broad spectrum of the law better than
-A lawyer is a knowledge worker.
Lawyers are retained and paid
and dearth of lawyers, this is those who try
inevitable. However, make sure you
because of their their knowledge and
approach a problem with correct to do nothing
experience, but also on the ability to
apply that knowledge and experience
focus and be mindful of the types of and succeed.” 
to problems and provide solutions. It
tools you will need to solve the
~Lloyd Jones
can be easy to get so wrapped in the
complexities and nuances of a legal 3. “Lack of perseverance and perseveration. Some
challenge, that is difficult to actually people give up too easily, while others are
put a pen-to-paper in order to craft a unable to stop even when the quest will
solution. Take careful consideration clearly be fruitless.”
with your processes, but know when -Law is hard. It can require long
to wrap it up and take action. hours and sacrifice of one's personal
time. It can eat away at the rest of

The Top Twenty Reasons Lawyers Fail |


“Fear is the mind-killer.”


your life. Maybe you feel like you complex and difficult ones. Take because of a lack of motivation.
were tricked into the profession the time to give the problems in What determines whether
in some way. Grow up. You front of you their due someone is motivated or not is
choose this path, walk down it consideration and not try to the stuff that fills psychology
with your head held high and speed off to the next in the name tomes and graduate courses. The
persevere despite the obstacles in of client service or billing.  inner workings of someone's
your way. mind and what motivates them to
and the number one reason is... act is often a mystery - not just to
2.  “Lack of impulse control.  Habitual others but to themselves. 
impulsiveness gets in the way of 1.  Lack of motivation.  A talent is
optimal performance. Some people do irrelevant if a person is not motivated Is it intrinsic or learned
not bring their full intellectual to use it. Motivation may be external
resources to bear on a problem but go (for example, social approval) or
with the first solution that pops into internal (satisfaction from a job well-
done, for instance). External sources Are lawyers not motivated
their heads.”
tend to be transient, while internal because they might fail? Or
-This seems to be an
sources tend to produce more because they might succeed?
i ncreasi ng tendency i n the
consistent performance. After which, people will expect
O u t l o o k / B l a c k b e r r y / Te x t /
them to succeed again and again
Email/Twitter/etc world. People
Motivation: it is the single and they don't feel as though they
have come to expect such
most driving, source that are up to that task. They fear, not
immediate responses to
determines whether or not a failure, but their own success, so
p ro bl e m s t h a t o f t e n t i m e s
lawyer succeeds or fails. The they never motivate themselves
whatever is offered as the first
world is filled with bright, to meet the challenge. 
solution, is seen as the best
talented lawyers who have all the
solution - which is likely to not be
skills necessary to succeed at
the case. Lawyers solve
their craft but fail time and again
problems, often times very

Qui non proficit, deficit.

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Hourglass Journal Cranes Tunnel Luggage License Information:

The Top Twenty Reasons Lawyers Fail |

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