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Spatial Learning in Axolotls Based on Visual Cues

April 24, 2016

Brooklyn College, 2900 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11210
Frank Grasso, Eleanor Ovalle

Axolotls a subspecies of salamander, differencing in their neoteny, meaning they
retain juvenile characteristics. While they are common laboratory animals, not much is
known about their learning capabilities. Spatial learning in amphibians has not been
researched, much less salamanders. Since they are closely related species, salamanders,
have the ability to use landmarks to locate resources, axolotls are expected to possess
those same capabilities. This experiment seeks to find out whether or not axolotls have
the ability to acquire spatial learning using standardized visual cues. If they are able to
learn to use certain visual cues for navigation, it will give an insight into the minds and
behaviors of axolotls. This can potentially help scientists uncover the way in which
animals learn and function in their habitats, and with other species around them. This
experiment will differ from those previously conducted on salamanders in the fact that
there will be no food used to motivate the axolotl. The experiment relied on the axolotls
discomfort of shallow water to push it to find the escape hole to deeper water. Instead of
a rock being used as a visual cue, shapes will be placed around the rig, a circular plastic
container, which will also test the axolotls ability to distinguish these different signals.

Axolotls are amphibians native to, and found exclusively in, Xochimilco in
Mexico (National Geographic). Axolotls, unlike most amphibians, keep their gills and
their tadpole-like dorsal fin that runs down their back (National Geographic). Since the
discovery of the axolotl, they have become a model organism to understand the concept
of neoteny, the retention of adolescent or juvenile traits, and regeneration of limbs (Voss,
et al., 2009). They are a species of salamander and have even been identified as being a
subspecies of the tiger salamander. While axolotls completely aquatic animals, have the
ability to complete their metamorphosis if their environment dries up or becomes
unfavorable (Voss, 2009). Psychology and learning in salamanders in general has not
been explored until recently (Crane & Mathis, 2011). Spatial learning will help to get a
sense of how axolotls view the world around them. This will give insight into their
behavior. Exploration in animal behavior and capabilities is important to help understand
nature as a whole (Frontier).
Nature has always been the inspiration for human invention and advancement in
technology (Bar-Cohen, 2005). According to Bar-Cohen, biomimetics represents the
studies and imitation of natures methods, mechanisms and processes. The idea of
studying animal behavior allows for humans to advance, but also to understand human
behavior (Snowdon, 2004). It holds the possibility of helping to explain and improve
humans relationship to their environment (Snowdon, 2004). Animals interact and behave
a certain way in their environment; changes in those behaviors could indicate changes in
the environment (Mench, 1998). It also helps to improve conditions for laboratory
animals (Mench, 1998). By studying the intellectual capabilities of the axolotl, we can
use the information gathered to propel future experiments that focus on their intellectual
capacity (Crane, 2011).
Amphibians represent a specific point in evolution in which animals transitions
from aquatic to terrestrial. (Feder, 1992) Axolotls are considered a backwards step in
evolution because of their neoteny. Their neoteny is a factor for their ability to regenerate
limbs, which is due to plasticity in their cells.Their retention of juvenile characteristics
could mean they have more brain plasticity, which could mean axolotls could potentially
learn better. (Denver, 1997) Studying their learning would serve as a basis for basic
human learning. Since salamanders were seen to be able to acquire spatial learning,
axolotls should be able to as well. In this experiment, the goal is to test whether or not
axolotls have the capability of acquiring spatial learning.

Materials and Methods

The arena consisted of a large circular tub. Inside, was a smaller tub sitting on 3
pegs. The tub had an escape hole. The water was then poured into the bigger tub until it
reached the height of approximately three and a half inches. Six scoops of powdered milk
was mixed into the water in order to make it opaque. A mesh was placed under the
smaller tub in order to make it easier to pick up the axolotls. There will be a camera
overhead taking three pictures per second.
Eight juvenile male axolotls of approximately the same age were be used. The
axolotls were brought from the Carolina supply company. Each animal will be put
through 10 consecutive trials in which they will be trained to find the escape hole. Then,
a probe trial will be conducted in which the placement of the landmark is changed in
order to test for the axolotls spatial learning. The axolotl will be put through a tube that
slides it down into the rig and given eight minutes to find the escape hole. If the eight
minutes pass and the axolotl has not discovered the escape hole, it will be gently nudged
into it. The axolotl will then have three minutes rest before it is put back in for another
trial. If the axolotl discovers the escape hole and goes through before the eighth minutes
have elapsed, it will simply be put back to start over. After all the data is collected, then
the pictures will be uploaded to MetaMorph to be tracked. Tracking consists of looking at
the pictures of each trial, and locating where the head and neck of the axolotl is. Tracking
both the head and the neck will allow for us to calculate the angle of its head. If the head
is turned or tilted towards the escape hole, this could signify some spatial awareness. This
information will be put in a spreadsheet to determine the animals movement in
correlation to the escape hole. The spreadsheet will then be used to make graphs,
demonstrating the proximity of the axolotls to the escape hole, in comparison to the other

All the animals and trials have been run. Trials are currently being tracked and analyzed.

Based on observations, some axolotls were able to locate the escape hole, while others
were not. Some axolotls were even immobile, potentially due to the impact experienced
when landing in the rig. Once the data is analyzed, we will be able to see if axolotls can
potentially use visual cues to acquire spatial learning. This would help provide an insight
into to the axolotls capabilities. Studying the learning abilities of an axolotl helps learn
about the origin of human learning and how our brains have evolved. Observing even the
direction in which the axolotls move could give signs of learning.


Armstrong, J. B., & Malacinski, G. M. (1989). Developmental biology of the axolotl. (pp.
176-186). New York: Oxford University Press, Inc.

Bar-Cohen, Y. (2005). BiomimeticsUsing Nature to Inspire Human Innovation. Retrieved


Crane, A. L., & Mathis, A. (2011). Landmark learning by the ozark zigzag salamander
plethodon angusticlavius. Current Zoology, 57(4), 485-490.

Frontier, S. T. (n.d.). What Is Basic Research, 38-48. Retrieved from

Heuring, W. L., & Mathis, A. (2014, November 4). Landmark Learning by Juvenile Salamanders
(Ambystoma maculatum). Retrieved from

Mench, J. (1998). Why It Is Important to Understand Animal Behavior. Retrieved from

National Geographic, Mexican Axolotls, Mexican Axolotl Pictures, Mexican Axolotl Facts -
National Geographic. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Snowdon, C. T. (2004). Significance of Animal Behavior Research. Retrieved from

Voss, S.R., Epperlein, H.H., Schroeder, B., and Tanaka, E.M. 2009. The axolotl. In Emerging
Model Organisms. Cold Spring Harbor Press.

Warrington, Ian, Max Ringler, and Walter Hodl. "Poison Frogs Rely on Experience to Find the
Way Home in the Rainforest." Biology Letters. N.p., 19 Nov. 2014. Web. 15 Aug. 2015.

Feder, M. E. (1992). Environmental physiology of the amphibians. University of Chicago Press.

Denver, R. J. (n.d.). Environmental Stress as a Developmental Cue: Corticotropin-Releasing
Hormone Is a Proximate Mediator of Adaptive Phenotypic Plasticity in Amphibian
Metamorphosis. Retrieved November 1, 2016, from

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