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Meri-Rastilantie 3 B, FI-00980 Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.12 (1): 323-328. 2014
Helsinki, Finland

Organic carrot-lettuce intercropping using mulch and different irrigation levels

Daniela Pinto Gomes 1, Daniel Fonseca de Carvalho 2, Wilk Sampaio de Almeida 3, Leonardo Oliveira
Medici 4* and Jos Guiherme Marinho Guerra 5
Programa de Ps-Graduao em Fitotecnia - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Rod BR 465, km 7, 23890-
000, Seropdica, RJ, Brazil. 2 Departamento de Engenharia - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Rod BR 465,
km 7, 23890-000, Seropdica, RJ, Brazil. 3 Departamento de Cincias Fisiolgicas - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de
Janeiro, Rod BR 465, km 7, 23890-000, Seropdica, RJ, Brazil. 4 Programa de Ps-Graduao em Cincia do Solo -
Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Rod BR 465, km 7, 23890-000, Seropdica, RJ, Brazil. 5 Embrapa
Agrobiologia, C. Postal 74.505, BR 465 km 7, Seropdica, 23851-970, RJ, Brazil. e-mail:,,,,,,
Received 13 November 2013, accepted 26 January 2014.
Two field experiments were conducted in Seropdica, RJ, Brazil, to evaluate the yield of carrot and lettuce grown: 1) as monoculture or intercropped,
with or without mulch (in 2010); and 2) intercropped, with mulch and under different irrigation levels (in 2011). Both experiments were carried out
in a randomized block design with 4 repetitions. In 2010, a 3 2 factorial arrangement was applied, combining crop type (carrot monoculture, lettuce
monoculture, carrot/lettuce intercrop) and the use (or not) of gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium) mulch. Watering was performed using an automatic
controller, operating in response to soil matric potential. In 2011, the irrigation levels were obtained with a combination of drippers of different
discharge, resulting in D2.8 (328.8 mm), D3.75 (412 mm), D5.6 (602.9 mm) and D6.5 (711.2 mm). Carrots were evaluated for crop yield, fresh matter,
length and diameter; and lettuce for yield, fresh matter and diameter. Land equivalent ratio (LER) was evaluated in 2010 and water use efficiency
(WUE) in both years. Irrespective of mulching, the agronomical performance of lettuce-carrot intercropping was higher in 2011 than in 2010, likely
because of different climatic conditions each year. In 2010, lettuce crop compromised carrot yield when grown in the intercropping system, but this
association increased LER to above 1.0. The use of mulch did not increase carrot and lettuce yield, but increased significantly the diameters of carrot
root in 2010 and 2011 and lettuce head in 2011. The carrot root rottenness increased proportionally to the irrigation levels in 2011. In the mulched
intercrop system, irrigation depth D2.8 produced the highest lettuce (26.07 t ha-1) and carrot root (62.60 t ha-1) yields and the highest water use
efficiency (26.97 kg m-3).

Key works: Intercropped, mulch, irrigation levels, Lactuca sativa L., Daucus carota L., automation, water management, water-use-efficiency, drip
irrigation, rotten carrot, family farming, Brazil.

To meet the growing demand for food, the agricultural sector faces contrast to conventional cropping, it does not intensively exploit
the daunting challenge of increasing production with efficient natural resources 46, cause significant environmental impact 35 or
use of natural resources 12. Food systems use cover crop 21, crop require high investments per land unit.
rotation 11 , organic fertilizers 1 and adequate watering Carrot-lettuce intercropping in particular uses vegetables with
management 46, in addition to other techniques that are important the highest economic value in Brazil. These crops cover more
alternatives for increasing sustainable food production, farmer than 28 thousand ha of agricultural land in the country 41. Carrots,
profitability and environmental quality. one of the best carotene sources 32, has been increasingly
In Brazil, small producers supply vegetables to large urban consumed and is one of the most popular vegetables in the organic
centers. However, owing to significant real estate expansion and food market of Rio de Janeiro 40. Lettuce, in turn, is a good source
increasing competition for water resources, farming areas have of vitamins and minerals 8.
been restricted. In this context, farmers must increase yield per Among the various indexes that indicate intercropping
area unit and water used. performance, land equivalence ratio (LER) or land use efficiency
Intercropping, defined as the simultaneous cropping of two or (LUE) are used to compare the agricultural efficiency of
more plant species in a same area 10, is characterized as an intensive intercropped vegetables with the same species grown in
management system aimed at optimizing time and space. monoculture 37. LER corresponds to the relative area needed to
Several studies suggest that intercropping can also reduce plant promote, under monoculture conditions, the same yield obtained
disease 33, promote microbial diversity 19 and product quality 13, with intercropping. LER values greater than 1.0 indicate that the
control soil erosion, increase nitrogen cycling, soil fertility 16, seed intercrop is efficient, whereas values less than 1.0 indicate losses
quality and others. According to Rezende et al. 34, intercropping compared to monoculture 27.
can also promote sustainable vegetable production because, in Irrespective of the plant species used and characteristics of the

Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.12 (1), January 2014 323
intercropping systems, the use of plant matter for mulching has 20 DAS/DAT (days after sowing/days after transplanting) 29. Each
been proven to promote benefits such as maintaining soil kg of plant matter contained 30.2 g N, 8.85 g K, 2.75 g Mg, 8.85 g
temperature and moisture at adequate levels for crop growth 42-44, Ca and 1.34 g P (mean value for the two years studied).
controlling invading species and improving physical and chemical In 2010, carrot sowing and lettuce transplanting were performed
soil properties 9. In addition to the advantages described, using on July 8; lettuce was harvested on August 12 and carrots on
leguminous trees, such as gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium), as mulch October 18. In 2011, carrot sowing and lettuce transplanting were
increases crop yield by releasing nutrients during decomposition 40. performed on July 10, with lettuce harvested on August 13 and
In the search for environmental sustainability, the development carrots on October 18.
of automatic irrigation systems that maintain adequate soil Carrots (Braslia variety) were planted by direct sowing, with a
moisture for plant development can contribute to efficient water distance of 0.25 m between the rows. At 30 DAS, the plants were
use 36. Therefore, the use of intercropping systems, coupled with thinned to maintain a distance of 0.10 m between them. Lettuce
mulching and adequate water management, with an automatic seedlings (Regina variety), planted as monoculture, were produced
irrigation controller, can promote the social, environmental and simultaneously to carrot monoculture, transplanted at 33 DAS in
economic sustainability of a production unit in time and space 37. 2010 and 32 DAS in 2011, maintaining a distance of 0.25 0.25 m
The present study evaluated the agricultural performance of between plants. In the intercropping system, carrots were planted
carrot and lettuce crops grown under intercropping and in the same space used in the monoculture and intercropped with
monoculture systems, with or without mulch, under different lettuce in the inter-rows, along the bed width.
irrigation levels applied by an automatic watering controller. Two fertilizations were performed. The first fertilization
consisting of 10 t ha-1 cattle manure was applied at planting. This
Materials and Methods fertilizer contained 14.65 g kg-1 N, 10.35 g kg-1 K, 4.6 g kg-1 Mg, 11.8
Two experiments were carried out in the Integrated System of g kg-1 Ca and 2.3 g kg-1 P (mean values for the two years of study).
Agro-Ecological Production in Seropdica, RJ, Brazil (latitude The second fertilization, top dressing with 1 t ha-1 commercial
2248'00" S; longitude 4341'00" W; 33 m altitude), from July to castor bean cake, was applied only to lettuce at 20 DAT. According
October. The first experiment was conducted in 2010 and the other to the product label, it contained 5% N, 150 mmol kg-1 CEC and
in 2011. The climate of the area corresponds to Kppen 20% maximum humidity.
classification Aw, with rainy and hot summers and dry winters Watering was performed by a drip irrigation system. In 2010,
with mild temperatures. Average rainfall is 1213 mm, concentrated drippers with nominal discharge of 2.8 L h-1 were placed 0.25 m
from November to March, and annual temperature is 24.5C 31. apart, in 3 irrigation lines for treatments with carrot monoculture
The study area is covered by Oxisol (Argissolo Vermelho and intercropping and 2 lines for treatments with lettuce
Amarelo). The 0 - 0.15 m layer is composed of 14% silt, 63% sand monoculture. In 2011, the same distance was used between
and 23% clay, and has a density of 1.59 Mg m-3, 0.0 cmolc dm-3 Al, drippers in 3 irrigation lines.
3.45 cmolc dm-3 Ca, 1.0 cmolc dm-3 Mg, 130.3 mg dm-3 P, 103.5 mg Dripper discharge was tested before the crops were planted in
dm-3 K, 1.0% C, 1.7% organic matter and pH 6.65 (mean values for the field to better determine the water levels applied. However, in
the two years studied). Water content in soil corresponding to the first 14 DAS/DAT, the period of lettuce seedling and carrot
field capacity, measured in situ, was 0.26 cm3 cm-3. seed emergence, the same irrigation depth (16.5 mm in 2010 and
The experiment of 2010 and that of 2011 were conducted in a 27.8 mm in 2011) was used for all sprinkling treatments.
randomized block design, with 3.0 m2 plots of 2.0 m2 measured Watering was performed using an automatic controller 26,
area. In 2010, the agricultural development of carrot and lettuce operating in response to soil matric potential. In the present study,
crops was evaluated in a 3 2 factorial arrangement with 3 crop the controller was regulated to start operating at a soil water tension
types (carrot monoculture, lettuce monoculture, carrot/lettuce of approximately 5.0 kPa, and installed in unmulched intercropping
intercrop) and 2 crop cover conditions (mulched and unmulched). treatments (LCun in 2010 and D2.8un in 2011). These treatments
Treatments were composed of lettuce monoculture with mulch were assumed to have the highest water demand (control depth),
(Lmu) and unmulched (Lun), carrot monoculture with mulch (Cmu) thereby satisfying the water needs of the others.
and unmulched (Cun), and lettuce-carrot intercropping with mulch Irrigation depth was calculated from readings taken by Alpha
(LCmu) and unmulched (LCun). Irrigation depth was applied using mnf hydrometers (FAE Tecnologia, Fortaleza) (0.00001 m
a drip irrigation system with 2.8 L h-1 emitter discharge. precision) installed in each experimental block. The daily readings
In 2011, we evaluated the effects of 4 irrigation levels on the of water volumes considered the number of drippers and respective
agricultural performance of lettuce and carrot crops with mulch, in discharges. Crop location was also taken into account by
both monoculture and intercropping systems. The different estimating the relative shaded area (RSA), which was the ratio of
irrigation levels were obtained with a combination of drippers shaded to total cropped area 24. This was estimated by direct
(nominal discharge of 2.8 and 3.75 L h-1). The treatments tested observation of plant growth in the field.
were characterized by different emitter discharge: D2.8 (2.8 L h-1), In 2010, soil moisture was monitored using the TDR technique 5,
D3.75 (3.75 L h-1), D5.6 (5.6 L h-1) and D6.5 (6.5 5L h-1). In addition, with probes installed horizontally at a depth of 0.15 m in all
another treatment, unmulched and under 2.8 L h-1 discharge (D2.8un), treatments. In 2011, soil moisture was monitored in treatments
was compared with the LCun treatment carried out in 2010. D2.8, D6.5 and D2.8un using a TDR100 soil moisture meter (Campbell
Therefore, treatments LCmu and LCun, applied in 2010, could be Sci.) calibrated in a field near the experimental area.
compared to D2.8 and D2.8un from 2011, respectively. Lettuce was collected at 36 DAT in 2010 and 34 DAT in 2011 to
The mulch was composed of branches of the leguminous tree determine yield, fresh matter and diameter. Lettuce heads with
gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium), applied to the beds at 2.5 kg m-2 at defects such as rottenness, discoloration, tip-burning, deformation,

324 Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.12 (1), January 2014
lesions and bolting were considered unmarketable, as proposed t ha-1, Marouelli et al. 25 stated that carrot crops managed with
by Hortibrasil 15. adequate watering can yield more than 50 t ha-1. Carrot root yield
At 103 DAS in 2010 and 101 DAS in 2011, carrots were was higher in monoculture than in intercropping, irrespective of
harvested to determine yield, fresh matter, length and root mulch application. On the other hand, evaluation of overall crop
diameter. Roots shorter than 10 cm and with defects such as performance per unit of land showed that LER was positively
woody texture, cracks, deformations, stains, evident rootlets and affected by intercropping. In fact, based on 2010 data, the area
soft or dry rottenness were classified as commercially planted with carrot and lettuce in monoculture systems should be
unmarketable according to Hortibrasil 14. at least 30% larger to achieve the total yield obtained with
Land equivalent ratio (LER) was calculated based on yield intercropping. Mulching affected neither crop development, nor
parameters of the different crops (Eq. 1): LER (Table 1).
LER values are comparable to those of 1.16 found by Negreiros
Yi crop A Yi crop B et al. 28 in a study on lettuce Regina, and 1.04 to 1.19 reported by
LER = + (1)
Ym crop A Ym crop B Bezerra Neto et al. 3. In another study on lettuce Regina, Salgado
et al. 38 found LER of 1.8 and 1.47 in the first and second crop
where Yi is the yield of the crop (A or B) grown under the years, respectively.
intercropping system and Ym is the yield of the crop grown in Yield parameters determined for carrot and lettuce under
monoculture (in kg ha-1). intercropping and monoculture, mulched or not, are shown in
Water use efficiency (WUE) was calculated from the commercial Table 2. In monoculture, carrot roots had higher fresh matter
fresh matter produced by the water depth applied (Eq. 2): content, length and diameter compared to those grown
intercropped, irrespective of mulching. These results reflect
competition between the two crops, primarily because lettuce at
WUE = (I+Pe
).10 1
(2) the final stage of development may have shaded carrots in the
initial growth stage 46.
where Y = crop(s) productivity, in kg ha-1; I = irrigation depth Other studies report negative (as found in the present study),
applied, in mm; Pe = effective precipitation, in mm. null or positive effects of carrot-lettuce intercropping on carrot
Effective precipitation (Pe) is the depth of rainfall water (mm) yield. Similar to the negative effects shown in our study, Bezerra
corresponding to crop evapotranspiration (ETo) that interrupts Neto et al. 3 report higher total and commercial yield of carrot
the irrigation system. The daily reference ETo was estimated by roots in monoculture than in lettuce-carrot intercropping with
the Penman-Monteith FAO-56 method and based on meteorological different strip arrangements. Caetano et al. 4 also observed a
data collected in an automatic weather station close to the study significant reduction in commercial carrot yield in intercrops with
area. lettuce Marisa.
Data from 2010 and 2011 was analysed by ANOVA followed Ceclio Filho and May 6 report that intercropping yield is affected
by the Tukey test, considering an alpha level of 0.05. In 2011, by the time that crops grow together. On the other hand, Leite et
data on the different irrigation levels were also subjected to al. 20 found no significant differences for length and diameter in
regression analysis, using linear, polynomial and quadratic carrots grown purely or intercropped with lettuce, although carrot
models. yield was higher in monoculture than in an intercropping system.
In contrast to our results, a study carried out by Salgado et al. 38
Results and Discussion under similar conditions, spatial arrangement and varieties,
The irrigation levels applied, crop yield and LER obtained in the showed higher fresh matter and root diameter in carrots grown
two systems evaluated, mulched or not, are shown in Table 1. intercropped with lettuce (smooth and loose-leaf) than cropped
None of the production parameters evaluated in 2010 indicated an in pure beds. In the present study, however, lettuce seedlings
interaction effect between crop system and residue cover. were transplanted to the field at 33 DAS, and transplanting at 21
Carrot yield was high in both crop years, ranging from 48.72 to days in the study conducted by Salgado et al. 38 that likely promoted
63.38 t ha-1. Although the national average production is nearly 29 and improved carrot growing conditions.
The different cropping systems produced lettuce with similar
Table 1. Total depth, carrot and lettuce yield and LER under fresh matter and head diameter. Therefore, intercropping did not
monoculture and intercropping, with mulch (mu) or compromise lettuce development. Accordingly, Salgado et al. 38
without mulch (un), in 2010 and 2011. found similar fresh matter and head diameter in lettuce grown in
Irrigation depth Yield monoculture and intercropping over 2 years.
Year Crop systems (mm) (t ha-1)
In both cropping systems, mulch application affected only carrot
mu un mu un
Carrot monoculture 338.3** 340.5** 63.38aA 63.32aA root diameter in the two crop years, and lettuce head diameter in
Carrot intercrop 278.5 279.9 53.18bA 48.72bA 2011 (Table 2). The irrigation management used, based on crop
2010 Lettuce monoculture 65.7 66.3 25.26A 21.55A water demands, was independent of mulching and probably
Lettuce intercrop* 80.3*** 80.5*** 13.72A 10.99A attenuated the cover effect. Therefore, an adequate water supply
IEA - - 1.41A 1.31A
contributed to crops reaching yield values, even in treatments
Carrot intercrop 328.8** 329.8** 62.60A 62.16A
Lettuce intercrop* 120.0*** 120.5*** 26.07A 22.85A without mulch.
* Lettuce plants in the intercropping system corresponded to half of the plants cropped in the monoculture Unlike our results, Santos et al. 40 reported that gliricidia mulch
system; ** Total irrigation depth applied in intercropping; and *** Total irrigation depth applied in
intercropping until lettuce harvesting. Means followed by a same letter are statistically similar (Tukey test, application increases carrot yield and root diameter. Moreover,
p < 0.05). Lowercase letters differentiate monoculture from intercropping, and uppercase differentiate Oliveira et al. 30 found that the application of different dead mulch
between crops with and without mulch.

Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.12 (1), January 2014 325
Table 2. Fresh matter, diameter and length of carrot and lettuce grown under were obtained in D3.75, and the lowest in D5.6.
monoculture or intercropping system, mulched (mu) or unmulched Lettuce production variables showed no significant
(un), in 2010 and 2011. differences between the treatments and in
Fresh matter Diameter Length regression analysis. This demonstrates that carrot
Year Crop systems (g per plant) (cm) (cm) is more sensitive to excess water than lettuce.
mu un mu Um mu un WUE values in the two years studied are shown
Carrot monoculture 94.99aA 89.01aA 3.06aA 2.85aB 17.80aA 16.82aA
in Table 5. In the lettuce crop of 2010, WUE
Carrot intercrop 83.14bA 76.71bA 2.88bA 2.61bB 16.47bA 16.39bA
Lettuce monoculture 157.89aA 134.65aA 23.88aA 23.34aA - - ranged from 13.65 kg m-3 in LCun to 38.45 kg m-3
Lettuce intercrop 171.55aA 137.43aA 23.95aA 24.12aA - - in Lmuo. For carrot, WUE ranged from 17.41 kg
Carrot intercrop 126.23A 114.68A 3.53A 3.12B 16.70A 16.65A m-3 in LCun to 19.10 kg m-3 LCmu in 2010.
Lettuce intercrop 325.84A 285.66A 35.73A 33.54B - - The WUE results obtained in both intercropping
For more details, see legend to Table 1. Means followed by a same letter are statistically similar (Tukey test, p < 0.05). Lowercase
letters differentiate monoculture from intercropping, and uppercase differentiate between crops with and without mulch. and monoculture systems were compatible with
those of other studies. For instance, Arajo et al. 2
types increases fresh matter and head diameter of lettuce grown
cropped lettuce Vernica under greenhouse conditions in Boa
organically over 2 cycles. Although these studies were carried
Vista, Roraima state, obtaining WUE between 7.0 and 12.0 kg
out in the same experimental area as that of the present study,
m-3 at irrigation levels ranging from 100 to 40% Class A
the authors did not describe the irrigation levels applied.
evaporation pan (CAEP). In another study with greenhouse-grown
Lima et al. 23 found that mulch application improved lettuce
red loose leaf lettuce from Erechim, Rio Grande do Sul state,
yield at irrigation levels corresponding to 50%, 80% and 100%
Cuppini et al. 7 obtained WUE between 13.9 and 41.5 kg m-3 at
of ETo, but this mulch effect was not observed at levels of 25%
irrigation levels ranging from 125% to 50% CAEP.
and 115% ETo. The absence of a mulch effect was also detected
In an open field carrot crop in Lavras, Minas Gerais state, Lima
in the present study, where the irrigation controller kept plants
Jnior et al. 22 found 5.4 kg m-3 WUE for the Nantes variety and
well watered, at irrigation levels above ETo. Therefore, mulch
51.1 kg m-3 for the hybrid Nayarit F1. These values correspond
application seems to be beneficial only if irrigation is slightly
to the mean WUE obtained in treatments with depths of water
under plant needs (50% to 100% of ETo), but not when it is
applied corresponding to soil water tension from 15 to 75 kPa.
under or oversupplied.
It is important to highlight that irrigation management in the
Carrot and lettuce yield under mulched intercropping is shown
present study was automatic, using a controller activated at 5
in Table 3 for the 4 irrigation levels applied. Losses from
kPa soil water tension. In an arid area of Pernambuco state, Santos
rottenness and WUE for the different treatments are also shown.
et al. 39 recorded WUE of 3.45 kg m-3 for Brasilia carrot cropped
Treatment D2.8 exhibited the highest carrot (62.60 t ha ) and -1
in drainage lysimeter, whereas Imtiyaz et al. 17, 18 found WUE of
lettuce (26.07 t ha-1) yield, whereas D6.5 produced the lowest.
up to 6.86 (sprinkler irrigation) and 13.4 kg m-3 (dripping
The lowest lettuce yield was obtained in D5.6, but it did not differ
irrigation). These authors adopted irrigation management based
statistically from the yield obtained in treatments at other
on Class A pan evaporation.
irrigation levels.
Losses in the commercial yield of carrot roots due to Table 4. Fresh matter, diameter and length of carrot
rottenness increased proportionally to the irrigation levels lettuce intercropping with dead mulch, in 2011.
applied (Table 3). According to Marouelli et al. 25, the water Fresh matter Diameter Length
demand of carrot crops ranges from 350 to 550 mm per cycle Treatment (g per plant) (cm) (cm)
and depends on climatic conditions, cycle length and irrigation Carrot Lettuce Carrot Lettuce Carrot
regime. The depths applied in D5.6 (602.9 mm) and D6.5 (711.2 D2.8 126.23a 325.84a 3.53a 35.73 16.70a
mm) are therefore above adequate levels, explaining the higher D3.75 105.71ab 294.14a 3.31a 34.85 17.22a
D5.6 95.82b 280.78a 3.47a 31.97 16.66a
losses from rottenness in these treatments. It is worth mentioning D6.5 73.83c 289.08a 3.56a 34.73 16.43a
that drippers with the lowest discharge were used in treatments Means for each crop followed by a same letter are statistically similar (Tukey test, p < 0.05).
D2.8 and D2.8un (control), which were unmulched and supplied with
the automatic irrigator. Table 5. Water use efficiency (WUE) of crops grown
Table 3. Total irrigation depth, crop yield and losses from under monoculture and intercropping, with
rottenness of carrot roots grown intercropped with (mu) and without (un) mulch.
lettuce and receiving mulch, in 2011. WUE (kg m-3)
Year Crop systems
Mu un
Irrigation Yield (t ha-1) Losses from rottenness
Treatment Carrot monoculture 18.73 18.60
depth (mm) Carrot Lettuce of carrot roots (%)
Carrot intercrop 19.10 17.41
D2.8 328.8 62.60a 26.07a 1.45
Lettuce monoculture 38.45 32.50
D3.75 412.6 56.58ab 23.53a 3.74 2010
D5.6 602.9 51.84b 22.46a 13.81 Lettuce intercrop 17.09 13.65
D6.5 711.2 42.74c 23.13a 19.12 Intercropping (LCmu) 24.02 -----
Means for each crop followed by a same letter are statistically similar (Tukey test, p < 0.05). Intercropping (LCun) ----- 21.33
Carrot intercrop (D2.8) 19.04 18.85
The production parameters for carrot-lettuce intercropping Lettuce intercrop (D2.8) 21.73 18.96
with dead mulch in 2011 are shown in Table 4. In the carrot crop, Intercropping D2.8 26.97 -----
2011 Intercropping D3.75 19.41 -----
treatment D2.8 produced the highest amount of fresh matter. Intercropping D5.6 12.32 -----
The increase in irrigation levels did not affect carrot diameter Intercropping D6.5 9.26 -----
and length. The highest fresh matter and lettuce head diameters Intercropping D2.8un ----- 25.78

326 Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.12 (1), January 2014
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Acknowledgements 19
Lacombe, S., Bradley, R. L., Hamel, C. and Beaulieu, C. 2009. Do tree-
To CAPES-Brazil (AUXPE-PNPD 02779/09) and FAPERJ (E-26/ based intercropping systems increase the diversity and stability of
102.325/2009) for the financial support provided. To CAPES by soil microbial communities? Agric. Ecos. Envir. 131:25-31.
granting the scholarship to first author.
Leite, H. M. F., Tavella, L. B., Mota, L. H. S. O., Almeida, F. A.,
Bravin, M. P. and Dias, J. R. M. 2011. Viability of the intercropping
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