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Practicum for Assessment and Treatment of Reading Difficulties:

Marisa Bauer
Dates Started and Ended:
Feb. 29- April 15

Name Of Students: (just first names)




Test being administered: FAST

Beginning Universal Screening Test Scores

Names: Joey Kenna Clayton

Scores 39 48 44

Skills to be worked on:

Students will be working on identifying letters and letter sounds. While working on
letter identification and sounds, students will also be working on reading CVC words
with short vowel sounds.
Lessons taught

Week One

Magnet Letters: I laid out letters on the table in random order. The first student
picked any 2 letters that matched and named them along with the letter sound. If
they did not know the letter, the group helped that student and returned them to
the pile. If they knew the letters, they kept the set. Each student got a turn until all
the letters were gone.

Focus letters: P,C,A,N,D,F,G,I,L

Beginning Sound Write with Picture Cards:
Students took turns drawing a card out of a bag and naming the picture. On their
whiteboards, all students wrote the letter that they thought the word began with. I
checked to see who was correct and we discussed the letter and sound and
rewrote any mistakes together.

Focus letters: P,C,A,N,D,F,G,I,L

No Intervention- Early dismissal at 1:50 p.m.

Foam ABC puzzles, uppercase/lowercase:
I laid out the most recent letters on the table. Each student took a turn finding one
letter that was missing from the puzzle and putting it in the puzzle where it
belongs. Student identified the name of the letter and the letter sound. To help,
students started at letter A and touched all the letters as they said the alphabet
until they got to the missing letter. We repeated the activity with lowercase letter

Focus letters: P,C,A,N,D,F,G,I,L

Fishing Game (ABSeas):
Each student had a mat and pole. Students took turns going fishing in the water
to catch a fish. Students named the letter and sound on the fish. If their mat had
the matching lowercase letter, they put it on their mat. If they did not have the
match, they asked their friend who needs that letter.

Focus letters: P,C,A,N,D,F,G,I,L

Week Two

Letter Book with Rubbing Plates:
On each page in their book, students rubbed a letter plate to create a letter book.
When finished with 4 pages, students read the book by pointing to the letter,
naming it, saying the sound, and telling the picture. Students were able to take
these home with them to practice.

Letters: N,G, I, A
Progress Monitoring

Alphabet Border Order
I laid out the alphabet border strip on the table. Students took turns picking a card
from the bag, naming the letter and sound, and placing the card in the right place
along the border (where the letter matches). Students recited the alphabet to help
them name the letter they chose if needed.

Letters: C,A,F,G,N,D,I,L

No Intervention- Early dismissal at 1:50 p.m.

No Intervention- Early dismissal at 12:00 p.m. for conferences
No Intervention- Spring Break

Week Three

Egg Match
All egg pieces were laid out on the table. Each student took turns finding the
uppercase and lowercase egg match. When they found a letter match, they named
the letter, sound, and a word that began with the letter. We played until all the egg
pieces were gone.

Letters: N,D,G,I,L,H,B,K,O

Whiteboard Writing
Each student has a whiteboard and marker. I said a letter name and specified
upper or lowercase while students wrote the correct letter. Students wrote the
letter 2 times while saying the name and sound.

Letters: I,L,H,B,K,O

No Intervention- Early dismissal at 1:50 p.m.

Progress Monitoring

Alphabet Train Puzzle
Students worked together to complete the train alphabet puzzle. We sang the song
to help find the next missing letter. Students took turns looking for and adding the
next letter. As students added the letter, they told what sound each letter would

Letters: All

Sand Writing
Each student had a sand tray and Q-tip. I named one of the most recent letters,
specifying uppercase or lowercase each time. All students wrote the letter in the
sand and said the sound.

Letters: I,L,H,B,K,O

Week Four

Crocodile SNAP!
Students took turns drawing a card from the crocodile. Students named the letter
and sound they drew. If students were unsure of the letter name/sound, they used
the alphabet chart for help. When students pulled out a SNAP card, they had to put
all of their cards back in the crocodile.

Letters: All

Beginning Sound Houses
All the houses were laid on the table. Students took turns choosing a card and
naming the picture. Students then put the card under the correct beginning sound

Letters: All


No Intervention- Early dismissal at 1:50 p.m.

Progress Monitoring


No Intervention- Field Trip


Tiger Letter Puzzle:

This puzzle is made of wood pieces with lowercase letters on them. Students took
turns finding the puzzle piece that came next. As students were putting the piece
in correct order, I had them name something that began with the letter.

Letters: All

Week Five

Alphabet Box
Students choose a mat with pictures on it. I put the following most recently
learned letters into a bag. Students took turns pulling a letter out of each bag and
then naming the letter and sound. All students looked at their mats to see who had
the picture with the matching beginning sound on their mat. Student with the
match put the letter on their matching picture and told the group what the picture
was and the beginning sound.

Letters: O, K, B, H, L, I

Letter Book with Rubbing Plates:
On each page in their book, students rubbed a letter plate to create a letter book.
When finished with 4 pages, students read the book by pointing to the letter,
naming it, saying the sound, and telling the picture. Students were able to take
these home with them to practice.

Letters: Jj, Ee, Yy, Zz


No Intervention- Early dismissal at 1:50 p.m.

Progress Monitoring

Beginning Sounds Match and Foam Letters
Students had a bag that contained puzzle pieces that match by beginning sound.
Students picked a bag and took out the puzzle pieces. Students named the picture
out loud as they looked for two words that began with that same sound. When
they found a match, students then found the foam letter that had the beginning
sound to add next to their puzzle.

Letters: J, K, L, D

Three Bears Game
Each student turned over the top card and said the name of the picture on the card.
They also said the name of the letter the picture began with and its sound. If
students were correct, they moved to the next space with the letter on it. If they
were incorrect, they must stay on their current space. Play continued until all
students reached the end.

Letters: J, K, L, D

Week Six

Letter Stamp and Write
Each student chose a letter stamp and told the name of the letter. Next, they
stamped the letter on their paper. Students wrote the letter next to it and said the
letter sound while writing.

Letters: O, K, B, H, L, I

Egg Match
All egg pieces were laid out on the table. Each student took turns finding the
uppercase and lowercase egg match. When they found a letter match, they named
the letter, sound, and a word that began with the letter. We played until all the egg
pieces were gone.

Letters: N,D,G,I,L,H,B,K,O
No Intervention- Early dismissal at 1:50 p.m.
Progress Monitoring

No Intervention

Friday: No School- Professional Development

Weekly Progress Monitoring tracking document: Click here to track data (Make a copy
first, title it with your name.)

Final Universal Screening Test Scores

Names: Joey Clayton Kenna

Scores 51 61 60

Final Reflection on how your interventions went:

Throughout the school year, I have been working with Joey, Clayton and Kenna
in my letters/sounds intervention group and sight word intervention group.
During these interventions, students were working on various alphabet skills
(letter identification, letter sound, letter writing, building words, etc.). While in
intervention this year, students made huge growth with letter identification and
sounds!! Clayton and Joey had both attended preschool and Joey is the oldest
in our class. Kenna did not attend preschool and has a February birthday.
Joey knew 0 sounds at the beginning of the year and his current letter sounds
is 23/26 (missing e, o, u). Kenna and Clayton both knew 0 sounds at the
beginning of the year and now they both have them mastered!
During intervention and guided reading groups, I observed all of them
becoming more confident and fast in naming their letters and sounds. As you
noticed in the weekly tracking document, it has taken them awhile to learn their
letters and sounds, especially since this intervention was started in September
(began documenting Feb. 29). The data received from this intervention
supported the work that was being done in the intervention and spring FAST
data. Each week I progress monitored students for letter sounds. Students
continually worked on identifying letter sounds proficiently. Clayton and Kenna
were always slightly above or at their aimline. Joeys data was more
inconsistent and has not shown proficiency. I continue to work with Joey on
being focused and in control of his body during this 1 minute assessment.

Overall, I am pleased with the progress these students have made, even while
being under the FAST benchmark score of 64. When looking at the subtests
that made up the composite score, Clayton and Kenna both did very well in
letter sound identification but struggled with sight words and nonsense words.
Joey did the best he had ever done with the letter sound assessment, but
struggled with the time factor. It truly has been a year of growth in reading and
writing and I am thankful for the interventions that were put in place for these
struggling readers.

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