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Bio 11

FINALS Mock Exam

December 2015
Analogy (15 pts.)
mitochondria (cristae)
1. glycolysis : cystosol :: electron transport : ________
2. Vessel element : xylem :: sieve-tube member : ________
vertical growth
3. Vascular cambium : lateral growth :: apical meristem : ________
4. Stoma : epidermis :: lenticels
________ : periderm
gland insects : Malpighian tubules
5. Crustaceans : ________::
6. Pericycle : procambium :: cortex, pith : ground
7. glucose : glycolysis :: ________: calvin cycle
8. adenine : guanine :: uracil : ________
open circ sys haemolymph
9. Closed circulatory system : blood :: ________:
10. IgM : ________::
IgA : dimer
plasma membrane
11. exocytic vesicles : Golgi body :: endocytic vesicles : ________
lateral root : pericycle
12. Root hair : epidermis :: ________
autocrine : cells that secrete the molecules :: paracrine: neighboring cells
13. ________
14. Broca s area : ________::
Wernickes area : comprehension of speech
15. cyclic electron flow : ATP :: noncyclic electron flow : ________
Fill in the blanks (10 pts.)
containing cells, such as the ones found in squid, are called chromatophores.
The cardiac cycle ________
with atrial and ventricular diastole.
membrane potential
Voltage-gated ion channels open or close in response to a change in ________.
Lungs contain ________
called alveoli.
air sacs
Tendon connects ________to
The spleen performs mechanical filtration of red blood cells to remove old______
The ________
vacuole of Protozoa expels excess water gained by osmosis.
CO2 is carried in ________
towards lungs mostly as bicarbonate.
Neuroendocrinesignaling is when neurohormones diffuse into the bloodstream and t
responses anywhere in the body.
10. When ________,
epiglottis covers the opening to the respiratory tract.
Sequencing (10 pts.)
Arrange the following events in their proper order, that is, the letter of the f
irst event should be
written in #1 and the last in #5 for Set A, and the first in #6 and the last in
#10 for Set B.
Set A: Events in the synthesis and utilization of protein molecules
A. RNA molecules move into the cytoplasm and attach to the ribosomes
B. Intracellular digestion occurs.
C. New proteins are initially modified
D. RNA molecules are assembled in protein-coding regions of DNA
E. Proteins are sorted out and shipped to the lysosomes or the plasma membrane
Set B: Events in breathing
A. Contraction of intercostals muscles and diaphragm
B. Decreased pH in blood
UP Psych Soc
Literary Archives Committee
Bio 11
FINALS Mock Exam
December 2015
Increased pH in blood
Stimulation of inspiratory centre in the brain
Entry of air into lungs
Matching (15 pts.)
1. ATP is produced directly by
substrate-level phosphorylation
2. acetalhyde is an intermediate
product of this process
3. pyruvate can be regarded as the end
product of this process
4. produces NADH and carbon dioxide;
change pyruvate
5. reduced NAD+ transfers electrons to
Cause and Effect
6. Obesity
7. Bone softening in adults
8. Anemia
9. Kwashiorkor
10. Defective blood clotting
11. FSH
12. GH
13. Oxytocin
14. PRL
15. TSH
acetyl CoA formation
electron transport system
Krebs cycle
Mutated leptin
Loss of appetite
Vitamin D deficiency
Iron deficiency
Protein deficiency
Vitamin K deficiency
Thyroid gland
Milk production and secretion
Ova and sperm production
Growth and metabolid functions
Uterus contraction
True or False (5 pts.)
1. Differentiation reflects the synthesis of different proteins in different typ
es of cells
within the same individual.
The loss of one water molecule through transpiration creates a certain tension
between the water molecules that also affects the water molecules in the soil.
The protoderm which is an undifferentiated epidermis can be found in a region
where most absorption of water occurs.
The zone of cell maturation includes the apical meristems and its derivatives, t
primary meristems.
Scattered vascular bundles and possession of xylem tracheids are
characteristics of a corn stem.
UP Psych Soc
Literary Archives Committee
Bio 11
FINALS Mock Exam
December 2015
Multiple Choice (45 pts.)
1. Which of the following would likely not contribute to the surface area availa
ble for water
absorption from the soil by a plant root system?
A. Root hairs
B. Endodermis
C. Mycorrhizae
D. Fungi associated with the roots
E. Fibrous arrangement of the roots
2. The driving force that pushes the root tip through the soil is primarily
A. Continuous cell division in the root cap at the tip of the root
B. Continuous cell division just behind the root cap in the centre of the apical
C. Elongation of cells behind the root apical meristem
D. The elongation of root hairs
E. Continuous cell division of root cap cells
3. The advantage of excreting nitrogenous wastes as urea rather than as ammonia
is that
A. Urea can be exchanged for Na+
B. Urea is less toxic than ammonia
C. Urea requires more water for excretion than ammonia
D. Urea does not affect the osmolar gradient
E. Less nitrogen is removed from the body
4. Chitin is a major component of
A. The skeleton of mammals
B. The hydrostatic skeletons of earthworms
C. The exoskeleton of insects
D. The body hair is of mammals
E. The skeleton and birds
5. After ingestion by humans, the first category of macromolecules to be chemica
digested by enzymes in the mouth is
A. Proteins
B. Carbohydrates
C. Cholesterol and other lipids
D. Nucleic acids
E. Minerals
6. In plant roots, the Casparian strip is correctly described by which of the fo
A. It aids in the uptake of nutrients
B. It provides energy for the active transport of minerals into the stele from t
C. It ensures that all minerals are absorbed from the soil in equal amounts
D. It ensures that all water and dissolved substances must pass through a cell
membrane before entering the stele
E. It provides increased surface area for the absorption of mineral nutrients
UP Psych Soc
Literary Archives Committee
Bio 11
FINALS Mock Exam
December 2015
7. Which of the following differentiates ATP synthesis by susbtrate level phosph
(SP) and ATP synthesis by oxidative phosphorylation?
A. In SP, an enzyme transfers a phosphate group from a substrate to ADP while in
OP, an enzyme transfers a phosphate group from ADP to another ADP to make
B. OP is powered by oxidation-reduction reactions that transfer electrons from
organic molecules to oxygen while SP requires direct bonding of inorganic
phosphate with ADP
C. SP occurs in the cytoplasm while OP occurs in the inner membrane of the
D. OP happens only in the Krebs cycle while SP happens in glycolysis
E. SP requires aerobic conditions while OP requires anaerobic conditions
8. During aerobic respiration, electrons travel downhill in which sequence?
A. Glucose ATP oxygen
B. Food glycolysis Krebs cycle NADH ATP
C. Glucose ATP electron transport chain
D. Food Krebs cycle ATP NAD
E. Food NADP electron transport chain oxygen
9. Which of the following statements is false about bulk flow?
A. It is driven primarily by pressure potential.
B. It is more effective than diffusion over distances greater than 100 m.
C. It depends on a difference in pressure potential at the source and sink.
D. It depends on the force of gravity on a column of water.
E. It may be the result of either positive or negative pressure potential.
10. The root apical meristem differs from the stem apical meristem in that it
A. Gives rise to the procambium
B. Produces a root cap
C. Is found at the region of cell formation
D. Is covered with leaf primordia
E. Has a high rate of mitotic activity
11. Which cells are no longer capable of carrying out the process of DNA transcr
A. Tracheids
B. Meristematic cells
C. Mature mesophyll cells
D. Glandular cells
E. Companion cells
12. Which of the following statements about xylem is incorrect?
A. It conducts material from root tips to leaves.
B. The conducting cells are part of the apoplast.
C. It transports mainly sugars and amino acids.
D. It typically has a lower water potential than is found in soil.
E. No energy input is required for transport.
UP Psych Soc
Literary Archives Committee
Bio 11
FINALS Mock Exam
December 2015
13. A tree will die slowly if it is girdled, meaning that a ringlike cut has bee
n made all the way
around the trunk to a depth just below the bark. The cause of death is mainly
A. Destruction of the cork cambium
B. Destruction of the procambium
C. Destruction of the plants ability to continue primary growth
D. The killing of the bark cells
E. Destruction of the axillary buds
14. Celery stalks that are immersed in fresh water for several hours become stif
f and hard.
Similar stalks left in a salt solution become limp and soft. From this observati
on, we can
deduce that the cells in the celery stalks are
A. Isotonic with fresh water but hypotonic to the salt solution.
B. Hypotonic to both fresh water and the salt solution.
C. Hypertonic to both fresh water and the salt solution.
D. Hypotonic to fresh water, but hypertonic to the salt solution.
E. Hypertonic to the fresh water, but hypotonic to the salt solution.
15. What is the relationship among DNA, a gene and a chromosome?
A. A gene contains hundreds of chromosomes which are composed of proteins
B. A gene is composed of DNA, but there is no relationship to a chromosome
C. A gene contains hundreds of chromosomes which are composed of DNA
D. A chromosome contains hundreds of genes which are composed of DNA
E. A chromosome contains hundreds of genes which are composed of proteins
16. About 12 to 24 hours after the last meal, a persons blood sugar level normall
y varies
from 60 to 90 milligrams per 100 milliliters of blood, although it may rise to 1
30 mg/100
ml after meals high in carbohydrates. That the blood sugar level is maintained w
ithin a
fairly narrow range despite uneven intake of sugar is due to the bodys ability to
carry out
A. Adaptation
B. Growth
C. Homeostasis
D. Inheritance
E. Metabolism
17. Which of the following are properties of all life forms?
A. Heritable programs in the form of DNA
B. Photosynthesis
C. Growth and development
D. Only A and C are correct
E. A, B, and C are correct
18. Who among the following did not contribute anything to the development of ce
ll biology?
A. Theodor Schwann
B. Carolus Linnaeus
C. Robert Hooke
D. Anton van Leeuwenhoek
E. Matthias Schleiden
UP Psych Soc
Literary Archives Committee
Bio 11
FINALS Mock Exam
December 2015
19. Most of the water taken up by a plant is
A. Used as a solvent.
B. Used as a hydrogen source in photosynthesis.
C. Lost during transpiration.
D. Converted to CO2.
E. Used to keep cells turgid.
20. Which of the following is correct statement about sugar movement in phloem?
A. Diffusion can account for the observed rates of transport
B. Movement can occur both upward and downward in the plant
C. Sugar is translocated from sinks to sources
D. Only phloem cells with nuclei can perform sugar movement
E. Sugar transport does not require energy
21. Which pair correctly associates a physiological process with the appropriate
A. Blood clotting and vitamin C
B. Normal vision and vitamin A
C. Synthesis of cell membranes and vitamin D
D. Protection of skin from cancer and vitamin E
E. Production of white blood cells and vitamin K
22. Among mammals, it is generally true that
A. All types of foods begin their enzymatic digestion in the mouth
B. After leaving the oral cavity, the bolus enters the larynx
C. The epiglottis prevents swallowed food from entering the trachea
D. The esophagus is a key source of digestive and enzymes
E. The trachea needs to be esophagus and then to the stomach
23. During most daily activities, the human respiration rate is most closely lin
ked to the blood
levels of
A. Nitric acid
B. Nitrogen
C. Oxygen
D. Carbon dioxide
E. Carbon monoxide
24. Compared to oxidative skeletal muscle fibers, those classified as glycolytic
typically have
A. A higher concentration of myoglobin
B. A higher density of mitochondria
C. A darker visual appearance
D. A smaller diameter
E. Less resistance to fatigue
25. Of the following choices, impairment of a mammals breathing cycle is most li
following neural damage in
A. The cerebrum and cerebellum
B. The medulla oblongata and the pons
C. The adrenal medulla and the adrenal cortex
D. The thalamus and the hypothalamus
E. The frontal lobe and the temporal lobe
UP Psych Soc
Literary Archives Committee
Bio 11
FINALS Mock Exam
December 2015
26. Skeletal muscle contraction begins when calcium ions bind to
A. Energized cross-bridges
B. Myosin
C. Actin
D. Tropomyosin
E. Troponin
27. Which of the following is incorrectly paired with its structure and function
A. Sclerenchyma - supporting cells with thick secondary walls
B. Periderm - protective coat of woody stems and roots
C. Pericycle - waterproof ring of cells surrounding the central stele in roots
D. Mesophyll - parenchyma cells functioning in photosynthesis in leaves
E. Ground meristem - primary meristem that produces the ground tissue system
28. The root apical meristem differs from the stem apical meristem in that it
A. Gives rise to the procambium
B. Produces a root cap
C. Is found at the region of cell formation
D. Is covered with leaf primordia
E. Has a high rate of mitotic activity
29. Which of the following cells or tissues arise from lateral meristem activity
A. Secondary xylem
B. Leaves
C. Trichomes
D. Tubers
E. Cortex
30. Which cells in a root form a protective barrier to the vascular system where
all materials
must move through the symplast
A. Pericyle
B. Exodermis
C. Endodermis
D. Epidermis
E. Cortex
31. If you were able to walk into an opening cut into the centre of a large redw
ood tree,
when you exit from the middle of the trunk (stem) outward, you would cross, in o
A. The annual rings new xylem vascular cambium phloem periderm
B. The secondary xylem cork cambium phloem periderm
C. The vascular cambium oldest xylem newest xylem
D. The secondary xylem secondary phloem vascular cambium
E. The summer wood --> periderm --> phloem
32. The significance of mitosis is that it
A. Governs the quantity of cytoplasm in the daughter cells
B. Makes the daughter cells identical to the parent cells
C. Controls cell division
D. Makes a multicellular organism identical to its parent
E. Provides opportunity for the replication only of tissues
UP Psych Soc
Literary Archives Committee
Bio 11
FINALS Mock Exam
December 2015
33. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are similar in that they both ________; they a
re different
in that chloroplasts but not mitochondria ________.
A. Deal with energy transformations; are found only in eukaryotes
B. Have many internal membranes that increase their internal structure; are foun
d in
C. Have a double membrane; contain DNA
D. Have an internal 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules; also have centrioles
E. Have a double membrane; carry out photosynthesis
34. Gas exchange is more difficult for aquatic animals with the gills than for t
animals with lungs because
A. Water is less dense than air
B. Water contains much less 02 than air per unit volume
C. Gills have less surface area than lungs
D. Gills allow only unidirectional transport
E. Gills allow water to flow in one direction
35. Excretory structures known as protonephridia are present in
A. Flatworms
B. Earthworms
C. Insects
D. Vertebrates
E. Cnidarians
36. The hypothalamus modulates hormone secretion by the anterior pituitary by me
ans of
A. Peptide hormones
B. Steroid hormones
C. Electrical synapses
D. Neurotransmitters
E. Paracrine signals
37. Preparation for the fight-or-flight response includes activation of the ____
____ nervous
A. Sympathetic
B. Somatic
C. Central
D. Visceral
E. Parasympathetic
38. Calculation, contemplation, and cognition are human activities associated wi
th increased
activity in the
A. Pituitary gland
B. Hypothalamus
C. Cerebrum
D. Cerebellum
E. Spinal cord
39. Adaptive immunity depends on
A. Traits common to groups of pathogens
B. Pathogen-specific recognition
UP Psych Soc
Literary Archives Committee
Bio 11
FINALS Mock Exam
December 2015
C. Maternal provision of antibodies to offspring
D. Plants being exposed to new pathogens
E. Having exhausted all options for innate immunity responses
40. A cell with membrane-bound proteins that selectively bind a specific hormone
is called
that hormone s
A. Secretory cell
B. Plasma cell
C. Endocrine cell
D. Target cell
E. Regulatory cell
41. The establishment and expression of emotions involves the
A. Frontal lobes and limbic system
B. Frontal lobes and parietal lobes
C. Parietal lobes and limbic system
D. Frontal and occipital lobes
E. Occipital lobes and limbic system
42. Which metabolic pathway is common to both fermentation and cellular respirat
A. Reduction of pyruvate to lactate
B. Synthesis of acetyl CoA from pyruvate
C. The Krebs cycle
D. The electron transport chain
E. Glycolysis
43. A mineral that is especially important for preventing anemia is
A. Zinc
B. Iron
C. Iodine
D. Molybdenum
E. Folic acid
44. Organisms categorized as osmoconformers are most likely
A. Found in freshwater lakes and streams
B. Marine
C. Amphibious
D. Found in arid terrestrial environments
E. Found in terrestrial environments with adequate moisture
45. The primary neurotransmitter from the parasympathetic system that influences
autonomic targets is
A. Acetylcholine
B. Adenosine
C. Norepinephrine
D. Adrenaline
E. Dopamine
UP Psych Soc
Literary Archives Committee

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