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My name is Andrew Winn.

I am an undergraduate student at the University of North

Carolina at Charlotte. I am majoring in mechanical engineering with a concentration to
energy engineering.

This is my portfolio for UWRT 1104.

I have only ever taken one writing class that wasnt required of me. It was in high school
my junior year; the class was AP English Language and Composition. I didnt take the
class to further my skills as a writer; I took it because I liked the teacher. That being, I am
aware that my skills as a writer are not the most honed. Even though I am aware there are
flaws in my writing, I still would put my writing abilities above average. If I am given a
topic I feel that I can talk about freely, I can write for what seems to be forever.

This class (UWRT 1104) started after early in the New Year and will span until early
May. Throughout the class, our assignments have all had a common link; this link is
argument. We started the semester by reading and watching examples of how to give
good arguments. Then we began working on a project where we would create our own
argument. We learned ways to research information and how to make sure works are
reliable. We had several workshops where we would take a portion of the project and
have our peers edit it. After all of our research we had to present or arguments in info-
graphics. Our peers graded us on the presentation of our argument and our professor
graded our info-graphic itself.

In this class I have learned about giving arguments and I have developed skills that will
help me present better arguments in the future. A large portion of what I have written in
the class will be displayed in this website. My intention by displaying my works is to
show my progression throughout the semester. Our studio assignments branched into our
unit work and will also show progression. These progressions through my assignments
are meant to prove that I have worked this semester. Had I faked my way through the
duration of this class I would not have much to show in my portfolio. The works that I
am including in this portfolio are not just the final copies of assignments, they are the
drafts and peer reviews also. This way, those who view my portfolio will not only be able
to see my progress from assignment to assignment, they will also to be able to see my
progression throughout individual assignments.

This collection of my works is here to show people who view my portfolio that I have
made progress as a writer through this class. It is here to show that I have learned to form
meaningful and well thought out arguments in my time in this class. My goal by creating
this portfolio is to allow others to see that through practice and patience, writing is a
learnable and master-able skill. I do not claim to be a master at writing, just to be better
than when I started.

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