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Warwick Bridge Primary School

Information Sheet for Parents of Kingfisher Class Year 2/3

Term: Summer 2017

Class teacher Miss Day Class Support Mrs Reid, Mrs

Tyrrell, Miss

School begins at 8.50am and ends at 3.15pm. Please make sure your child is at
school on time and that he/she is collected on time. Thank you.

Please remember to inform the school office of any change of address, home
telephone number, mobile telephone number, or any other emergency contact

Please Remember
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Dinner Money
2.30 per day
(Year 3 only)
PE Kit Standard kit in for week, for gymnastics and general outdoor. (Indoor
footwear if weather unsuitable). P.E days will be a Monday and Wednesday
for Summer 1 and Wednesday and Thursday for Summer 2.
Homework set: Maths Spellings
reading daily Literacy
(Due Monday)
After-School Performing Gymnastics Multi-Sports Multi-skills
Years 3-6
Clubs Arts Years 2-6 Year 1/2
(3:15 4:15)
Years 2-6 (3:15 4:00 & Gardening (3:15-4:00)
(3:15 4:30) 4:00 4:45) Year 1/2
(3.15 4.15)
Lunch time Clubs Draughts/ Cards/ Choir Recorders Football
12.30 1pm Chess Years 2-6 Years 2-6
Years 1-6 Years 3-6 Running
Year 1-6

This term we are going to cover the following topics:

English This term we are going to be looking at writing instructions and traditional tales. We will
sometimes be linking these to our topic of Hot & Cold. Spellings will be tested on a
Friday. There will also be a Big Write every other week.
Mathematics We will be primarily using the Collins Busy Ant Maths programme. This term we will be
looking at number and place value, addition and subtraction, properties of shape,
multiplication and division, measurements and position and direction.
Science This term our science topics will be Young Gardeners and Growth and Survival.
Children will be looking at what animals, including humans, and plants need in order to
grow, thrive and survive. They will explore the life cycles of various animals and
investigate how young develop into adults, looking specifically at what humans need to
live a healthy life.
Music In music we will be looking at motown and soul music. Music lessons will be taught by
Mrs Kelly.
Computing This term we will be looking at being researchers. We will be using the internet to
research our topic and use PowerPoint to create presentations.
PE Our P.E sessions for Summer 1 will focus on hockey and athletics. In Summer 2 we will
be doing basketball and doing dance again. Dance will be with Judith Irving.
RE Our R.E topics for this term are Religious Leaders and Rules and how they influence
actions. These lessons will be taught by Mrs Kelly.
Art This term we will develop a range of art mediums linked to our topic of Hot & Cold
Arctic/ Antarctic/ Deserts.
Geography Our geography will be linked to our topic of Hot & Cold Arctic/ Antarctic/ Deserts.
Design Technology This term we will develop a range of D & T skills linked to our topic.
History Our history will be linked to our topic of Hot & Cold Arctic/ Antarctic/ Deserts.
PSHE This term we will be looking at Healthy Lifestyles.
Modern Foreign Children will continue to learn German. This term they will look at introducing themselves
Languages in sentences, animals and favourite things. Taught by Miss Cooper.
Class 2/3 Timetable Summer 1 2017

There will also be a 10 minute afternoon break time each day.

We value the support of all parents and guardians. If you feel you can help in any way with the work we
are covering this term, please contact myself.

Homework will be set where possible. Children will have at least two days to complete most work and I
recommend they spend no longer than forty minutes working on the task. After this time encourage
your child to stop. If there are any problems or difficulties please contact the school. Thank you.

Once again this term children are being encouraged, where possible, to give themselves 15 minutes a
day to read their book, recording in their diaries what time they started and finished, and how much they
managed to read. Any assistance and encouragement would be appreciated.

If you have any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to pop in to class after school for a quick
chat or alternatively contact me to arrange a mutually convenient appointment for more in depth

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