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Crane Runway Beam Design - AISC LRFD 2010 and ASD 2010


> Crane Runway Beam Design - AISC LRFD 2010 and ASD 2010


Crane runway design based on Code Abbreviation

AISC 360-10 Specification for Structural Steel Buildings AISC 360-10

AISC Design Guide 7: Industrial Buildings-Roofs to Anchor Rods 2nd Edition AISC Design Guide 7

Crane runway beam section W360x45

Section Properties

W Shape Section

A=8.882 [in2]

d=13.858 [in] bf=6.732 [in]

tw=0.272 [in] tf=0.386 [in]

h=11.732 [in] h0=13.472 [in]

top yc=6.929 [in] bott. yt=6.929 [in]

Ix=293.1 [in4] Iy=19.7 [in4]

top Sxc=42.17 [in3] bott. Sxt=42.17 [in3]

Sy=5.84 [in3]

Zx=47.54 [in3] Zy=9.03 [in3]

rx=5.748 [in] ry=1.488 [in]

J=0.38 [in4] Cw=890 [in6]

Top Flange

Af=2.598 [in2] dall / Af=5.335 [in-1]

rT=1.754 [in] ryt=1.943 [in]

It=9.81 [in4]

St=2.91 [in3] Zt=4.37 [in3]

W section yield strength Fwy=60.0 [ksi]

Runway beam unbraced length Lb=360.00 [in]

Design Forces LRFD-10 ASD-10

Bending moment x-x axis Mx=669.80 [kip-ft] Mx=462.85 [kip-ft]

Bending moment y-y axis - top
My-t=38.85 [kip-ft] My-t=24.28 [kip-ft]
Shear along y-y axis Vy=110.03 [kips] Vy=76.00 [kips]


LRFD-10 ASD-10[24/10/2016 19:24:00]
Crane Runway Beam Design - AISC LRFD 2010 and ASD 2010

Overall ratio=16.54 NG ratio=16.98 NG

Local buckling OK

Bending about the X-X axis ratio=14.54 NG ratio=15.10 NG

Bending about the Y-Y axis in the
ratio=2.00 NG ratio=1.88 NG
top flange - top running crane

Biaxial bending in the top flange ratio=16.54 NG ratio=16.98 NG

Shear along Y-Y Axis ratio=0.81 OK ratio=0.84 OK

Web sidesway buckling ratio=14.30 NG ratio=14.75 NG

Runway beam vertical deflection ratio=11.50 NG

Runway beam lateral deflection ratio=15.21 NG

Design Basis & Assumption Code Reference

1. The crane runway beam is designed as simple span beam. AISC Design Guide 7

2. The W section top flange and cap channel resist the hor.
load and the combined section resists the ver.
load. This assumption eliminates the need for an analysis of
torsional effects on the combined section Section 18.1 on Page 56
and simplifies the analysis.

3. If A36 channel cap is used on A992 W section then lateral

torsional buckling and weak axis flexure
Section 18.1.4 on Page 57
strength must be calculated based on A36 yield stress.

4. For bending moment about the X axis, the moment caused

by runway beam and rail self weight is
calculated at beam midspan as maximum and added to the maximum
moment caused by crane

moving load. Even though the maximum moment caused by crane moving
load may not be at the
beam midspan, this conservative approach rarely makes a significant
change in the final combined
Mx value used in the runway beam design.


Check Local Buckling

W Shape Classification

Flange of W shape AISC 360-10

Compact limit lp=0.38 sqrt (E / Fwy) =8.35 Table B4.1b Case 10

Noncompact limit lr=1.0 sqrt (E / Fwy) =21.98

bf / 2tf=8.72 Noncompact

Web of W shape

Compact limit lp=3.76 sqrt (E / Fwy) =82.66 Table B4.1b Case 15

Noncompact limit lr=5.7 sqrt (E / Fwy) =125.31

h / tw=43.19 Compact

W shape section classification Noncompact OK

Check Bending about X-X Axis

Mn - Compression Flange Yielding AISC 360-10

Mn1= Mp = Fy Zx =237.7 [kip-ft] Eq F2-1[24/10/2016 19:24:00]
Crane Runway Beam Design - AISC LRFD 2010 and ASD 2010

Mn - Lateral Torsional Buckling AISC 360-10

Moment gradient

Mmax=365.8 [kip-ft] M at L/4MA=228.6 [kip-ft]

M at 2L/4MB=342.9 [kip-ft] M at 3L/4MC=285.8 [kip-ft]

Cb= =1.194 F1-1

Runway beam unbraced length Lb= =360.00 [in] AISC 360-10

Lp= =57.58 [in] Eq F2-5

rts= =1.771 [in] Eq F2-7

Lr= Eq F2-6

=160.00 [in]

For Lb > Lr AISC 360-10

J=0.38 [in4]

Fcr= =14.57 [ksi] Eq F2-4

Mn2=Fcr Sxc <= Mp =51.2 [kip-ft] Eq F2-3

Mn - LTB Mn2= =51.2 [kip-ft]

Mn - Compression Flange Local Buckling AISC 360-10


lpf=8.35 lrf=21.98

For lpf < l

<= lrf

Mn3= =235.2 [kip-ft] Eq F3-1

Mn - Bending about X-X Axis

Mnx=min( Mn1 , Mn2 , Mn3 ) =51.2 [kip-ft]

LRFD 2010 Mx=669.80 f=0.9

ratio=Mx / (f Mnx) =14.54 NG

ASD 2010 Mx=462.85 W=1.67

ratio=Mx / ( Mnx / W ) =15.10 NG

Check Bending about Y-Y Axis AISC 360-10

For top running crane, top flange is checked for bending about Y-Y axis
Check top flange compactness, for W check W flange only, for W+Cap Channel check
both W and

Channel flange[24/10/2016 19:24:00]
Crane Runway Beam Design - AISC LRFD 2010 and ASD 2010

Top flange compactness =Noncompact

For noncompact top flange

Mp=21.9 [kip-ft] Sy=2.91 [in3]


lpf=8.35 lrf=21.98

Mny= =21.5 [kip-ft] Eq F6-2

LRFD 2010 My-t=38.85 f=0.9

ratio=My-t / (f Mny) =2.00 NG

ASD 2010 My-t=24.28 W=1.67

ratio=My-t / ( Mny / W ) =1.88 NG

Check Biaxial Bending on Top Flange

- compression in top flange

LRFD 2010 Mx / (f Mnx) + My-t

/ (f Mny) =16.54 NG Eq H1-1b

ASD 2010 Mx / (Mnx /W) + My-t

/ (Mny /W) =16.98 NG

Check Shear along Y-Y Axis AISC 360-10

Clear dist between trans. stiffeners a=Lb =360.00 [in]

W sect clear dist between flange h=11.73 [in] a / h=30.69

h / tw=43.19

kv=5 if h / tw < 260 =5.00 G2.1 (b)

5 if a / h>3.0 or a / h>[260/(h / tw)]2

5 + 5 / (a / h)2

T=sqrt(kv E / Fy) =49.16

For h / tw <= 1.10T

Cv= =1.00 Eq G2-3

fVn=1.0 x 0.6 Fy (d tw) Cv =135.53 Eq G2-1

LRFD 2010 Vy=110.03 f=1.0

ratio=Vy / (f Vn) =0.81 OK

ASD 2010 Vy=76.00 W=1.5

ratio=Vy / ( Vn / W ) =0.84 OK

Check Web Sidesway Buckling AISC 360-10

(h/tw) / (Lb/bf)=0.81 <= 1.7web sidesway buckling applicable

J10.4 (b) (i)

Yield moment My=210.8 [kip-ft]

LRFD 2010

Mu=669.8 [kip-ft][24/10/2016 19:24:00]
Crane Runway Beam Design - AISC LRFD 2010 and ASD 2010

When Mu >= My Cr=4.8E+5 [ksi]

Rn= =5.68 [kips] Eq J10-7

Pv-impt=(1.2xPbr+1.6xPlt) x a
impact factor =69.06 [kips]


ratio=Pv-impt / ( f Rn ) =14.30 NG

ASD 2010

Ma=462.8 [kip-ft]

When 1.5xMa >= My Cr=4.8E+5 [ksi]

Rn= =5.68 [kips] Eq J10-7

Pv-impt=(Pbr + Plt) x a
impact factor =47.63 [kips]


ratio=Pv-impt /( Rn / W) =14.75 NG

Check Runway Beam Deflection Code Reference

Crane serviceability criteria based on

CISC Guide for the Design of Crane-Supporting Steel Structures 2nd Edition Table 4.1 item 14,15

AISC Design Guide 7: Industrial Buildings-Roofs to Anchor Rods 2nd Edition Section 18 on Page 56

CMAA 70-04 Specifications for Top Running Bridge and Gantry

Type Multiple Girder Electric Overhead
Clause 1.4.3
Traveling Cranes

CMAA crane service class Class C moderate service

Ver deflection limit (no impact , max wheel load) Bv=L / 600

Hor deflection limit (no impact , 10% max wheel load) Bh=L / 400

Runway beam span L=360.00 [in]

Vertical Deflection

Unfactored max ver. wheel load Pmax=38.10 [kips / per wheel] impact factor NOT included

Ix=293.1 [in4]

Max ver deflection Dmax=2022.8 / I =6.901 [in]

Allowable deflection Da=L / Bv =0.600 [in]

ratio=Dmax / Da =11.50 NG

Horizontal Deflection

Unfactored max hor. wheel load Ph=2.53 [kips / per wheel]

For top running crane, only top flange moment of inertia is considered for deflection

Top flange It=9.8 [in4]

Max hor deflection Dmax=2022.8 / It x Ph / Pmax =13.686 [in]

Allowable deflection Da=L / Bh =0.900 [in]

ratio=Dmax / Da =15.21 NG[24/10/2016 19:24:00]
Crane Runway Beam Design - AISC LRFD 2010 and ASD 2010[24/10/2016 19:24:00]

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