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Flor Perez

Oklahoma city bombing

On April 19, 1995, a truck-bomb explosion outside the

Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma :Date April 19, 1995; 21 years ago
9:02 am CDT(UTC-05:00) target U.S. federal government
Attack type
Side 3:
Truck bombing ,Domestic terrorism mass murder
Also there had been On April 1718, 1995, McVeigh and
Nichols removed their supplies from their storage unit in
Herington kansas where Nicholas lived. They loaded their
bomb supplies into a Ryder rental truck.The two then
drove to Geary Lake State Park, where they nailed boards
onto the floor of the truck to hold the 13 barrels in place
and mixed the chemicals using plastic buckets and a
bathroom scale

Side 4:
Children injured:
In the wake of the bombing, the national media seized
upon the fact that 19 of the victims had been babies and
children, many in the day-care center. At the time of the
bombing, there were 100 day-care centers in the United
States in 7,900 federal buildings. McVeigh later stated that
he was unaware of the day-care center when choosing the
building as a target, and if he had known "... it might have
given me pause to switch targets. That's a large amount of
collateral damage The FBI stated that McVeigh scouted
the interior of the building in December 1994 and likely
knew of the day-care center before the bombing also In
April 2010, Joseph Hartzler, the prosecutor at McVeigh's
trial, questioned how he could have decided to pass over
a prior target building because of an included florist shop
but at the Murrah building not "

Side 5: emergency crews raced to Oklahoma from across

the country, and when the rescue effort finally ended two
weeks later the death toll stood at 168 people, including
19 young children who were in the buildings day care
center at the time of the blast. More than 650 other people
were injured in the bombing, which damaged or destroyed
more than 300 buildings in the immediate area.

Side 6:
In early 1991, McVeigh served in the Persian gulf was He
was decorated with several medals for his military service;
however, after failing to qualify for the Special Forces
program, McVeigh accepted the Armys offer of an early
discharge and left in the fall of 1991. At the time, the
American military was downsizing after the collapse of the
Soviet Union. Another result of the Cold Wars end was
that McVeigh shifted his ideology from a hatred of foreign
communist governments to a suspicion of the U.S. federal
government, especially as its new leader bill clinton
elected in 1992, had successfully campaigned for the
presidency on a platform of gun control.
There are many other

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