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Guild of Church Musicians Inc

ABN 66 581 261 630

PO Box 420 Gordon NSW 2072


No. 1 June 2016
Dear Members of the Guild in in the NSW Southern rn Highlands, while Keith remains
Australia, involved as a representative
tative in the Newcastle region.
This is the first issue of what we Revised Constitution of the Guild in Australia
hope will be a regular newsletter
newsletter, The special resolution to adopt the revised constitution
published after each Australian was passed at the AGM.. The AC thanks the members
Council meeting as a way of for supporting the resolution, and believes the new
keeping members directly and constitution is a good foundation for the greater
more frequently informed of autonomous management of the Guild in Australia.
matters considered at each meeting. We also hope it
will encourage members to provide their views and AUSTRALIAN COUNCIL MEETING
feedback on various issues to the Council.
uncil. Election of Office-bearers
This issue follows the Annual General Meeting on The remaining three office bearers elected from within
19 April 2016 and Council meeting immediately after. the AC at the Council meeting following the AGM are:
Vice-Chair: Philip Matthias
Treasurer: Phillip Bongers
Members will have received the full AGM agenda, Officer) Don Yorath
Secretary (and Public Officer):
together with the previous years annual accounts,
prior to the meeting.. The income and expenditure The Guilds Annual Festival Service 2016
budget, also distributed, was the first prepared since
the (renamed) Australian Council began managing the
activities and financial affairs of the Guild in Australia
independently of the UK Guild Council. A summary of
the main business covered at the AGM follows.
Composition of the Australian Council
This artwork by John Coburn, the Backdrop for World Council of Churches
As noted in the agenda, the Guild Council in the UK 7th Assembly, Convention Centre, Canberra, February 1999, now hanging in
All Saints Cathedral, Bathurst, was used (with permission)
per on the front
reappointed The Rt Revd Richard Hurford OAM as the cover of the service booklet for the 2015 Festival Service.
Australian Subwarden and he in turn re re-appointed me
as the AC Chair. Bishop p Richard and I announced the Planning for the Annual Festival Service starts early and
following jointly-made
made appointments at the AGM AGM: is a permanent AC meeting agenda item year-round.
Director of Studies: Dr Brett McKern Planning for the 2016 AFS began in February. The 2015
Examinations Secretary: Andrew Davidson service had to be held on a Saturday, but following that
Australian Correspondent: Neville Olliffe experience and feedback, the 2016 service reverts to a
The revised constitution provides for a Council of ten Sunday afternoon 3 pm on 23 October at the Guild
councillors. The following people were declared Church, the Anglican Church of St John the Evangelist
elected to the five electable Council positions
positions: in the Sydney suburb of Gordon. Former AAC member
Phillip Bongers, Dr Philip Matthias, Ian McLeod
McLeod, The Revd Dr Daniel Dries, now Rector of Christ Church
Robin Ruys and Don Yorath
Yorath. St Laurence at Railway Square in the Sydney CBD, has
accepted Councilss invitation to convene the service.
Retirements from Council Fr Daniel and I are about to begin detailed preparation.
This year we farewell James Peet and Dr Keith Murree
Allen OAM as they retire from Council.. Both are long- Other permanent agenda items at AC meetings
term AAC/AC members and office bearers
bearers. Neither, include reports from the Chair, Treasurer and Director
however, is lost to usJim remains onon call
call to the of Studies, and the subjects of Guild membership,
Council while enjoying retirement from the workforce library, website and current administrative matters.

Sub Warden: Bishop Richard Hurford OAM CStJ Australian Council Chair: Madeleine Rowles
Membership. Council is conscious that the member- opportunity to meet in person with members of the AC
ship is concentrated in NSW and that the Guild is not which, for practical reasons at present, is Sydney-
represented in WA, NT, or Tasmania. We are consider- centric. Please send the Council your questions and
ing options for promoting the Guild and our study comments at the post box address or secretarys email
courses among Australian Christian church communi- address provided in the letterhead.
ties. We welcome members ideas for attracting indi-
The next AC meeting will take place on 21 June 2016.
vidual or corporate members and potential students.
Madeleine Rowles
Administration. An ongoing administrative matter is
development of an AC Operating Manual giving GUILD STUDY COURSES
information, policies, procedures, position descrip- Many Australian Guild
tions and duty lists, for AC members reference. This members and of Guild
manual also documents the Annual Festival Service corporate members
planning process, tasks and timetable. The draft was have successfully
well advanced under previous governance, but with gained Guild awards.
the advent of greater autonomy was set aside until the Thus far, the Arch-
Constitution was updated. It will now be updated to bishops Preliminary
suit the new Constitution. These two documents Certificate and the
contain the rules and regs for the Guild in Australia Archbishops Certificate in Church Music (ACertCM)
and guidance for their practical application. The have been the most popular in Australia and NZ.
Manual, unlike the Constitution, is a living document Others are the Archbishops Certificate in Public
that will be updated frequently, particularly in regard Worship (ACertPW, for leaders of worship, lay and
to the Annual Festival Service as we gain further ordained), and the Fellowship of the Guild of Church
experience each year of what works and what doesnt. Musicians (FGCM, a high-level diploma of postgraduate
The Revd Canon Jeremy Some syllabus changes will be of interest to members.
Haselock HonFGCM, Guild 1. The Preliminary Certificate course consists of
Warden since 2011, planned playing or singing 2 pieces, a viva voce, simple
to visit us in October last year sight-reading and ear tests, and an assignment of
at the ACs invitation, but had 1500-3000 words depending on age. The assign-
to postpone when planned ment task will be updated to offer the alternative
surgery was rescheduled. of a presentation or composition. This may appeal
to people who havent studied for some time, or
At this stage, Fr Jeremy, with possibly one other
have never studied music formally. The standard
member of the UK Guild Council, plans to visit around
relates to the candidates church work, and is
the same time this year and, if all falls into place, he
assessed in that context.
will be with us at the Annual Festival Service. The
2. The second exciting development is the new
previous visit from UK Guild Council members was in
diploma of Licentiate of the Guild of Church
2003, and as most key personnel on the UK Council
Musicians (LGCM). This award comprises the first
have changed since then, it will be good for Fr Jeremy
part of the two parts of the Fellowship diploma.
to have the opportunity to meet Australian members
3. While its not new, remember parts A-C of the five
and to discuss issues of local concern.
parts of ACertCM may be taken as a separate
Much as we would prefer otherwise, Fr Jeremy may award: the Archbishops Award in Church Music,
not be able to travel much further than Sydney and with study concluded then, or continued later.
Newcastle, because of time and local budget. We do So to summarise, the Guild now has six awards:
have tentative plans to optimise opportunities for Preliminary Certificate Archbishops Award
members elsewhere to spend time with the Warden. ACertCM ACertPW LGCM FGCM
We hope the visit will also, particularly for regional Many members of the Guild and those affiliated with a
members able and willing to travel to Sydney or corporate member have undertaken these awards,
Newcastle, provide opportunity for potential and from small children and choirboys and choirgirls, to
existing Guild study candidates to hear more about the adults from 18 to over 80. All have said that there was
courses and to discuss them in person with Director of something useful in the process and material for them.
Studies Brett and Exam Secretary Andrew. I can confirm that accolade! I encourage all Guild
Subsequent newsletters will provide further details as members to consider study, and to consider who they
plans for the visit take shape. know that may like to become a candidate.
Dr Brett McKern
Director of Studies
Feedback from members is always welcome, especially Study course details and email addresses for Director of Studies and
from regional and interstate members with no Examinations Secretary are on the Guilds website (please see letterhead).

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