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1. They are friends. (Ellos son amigos).

2. She is sick today. (Ella est enferma hoy).
3. He is in Europe. (l est en Europa).
4. He is in his office. (l est en su oficina).
5. He is a smart boy. (l es un chico listo).
6. He is angry. (l est enojado).
7. He and Mary are good students. (l y Mary son buenos estudiantes).
8. She is an honest woman. (Es una mujer honrada).


1. Are they brothers? (Ellos son hermanos?).----- No, they are not, they
are cousin.( No, no lo son, son primos.)
2. Is the weather good? (El clima est bien?).---- no, is not
3. Is the sky clear? (El cielo est limpio?).------ no, it is not, it is
cloudy(No, no lo est, est nublado)
4. Is the child in the garden? (El nio est en el jardn?).----- No, he's not,
he's at school.( No, no est, est en la escuela.)
5. Is he in his office? (l est en su oficina?)----- No, he is not, he in his
home (No, no est, est en su casa)
6. Am I a good student? (Soy un buen estudiante?).-----No, I am not, I
am a bad student.( No, no lo soy, soy un mal estudiante.)
7. Are we old friends? (Somos viejos amigos?).-----No, we are not, we
are new friends.( No, no lo somos, somos nuevos amigos.)
8. Is he a student? (l es un estudiante?).-----No, he is not, He is a
teacher.( No, l no es, l es un maestro.)

Are you busy ? (Ests ocupado ?)
Are we fine ? (estamos bien ?)
Are they tired ? (estn ellos cansados?)
Are you happy ? (Estn ustedes felices?)
Is he busy ? (Est el ocupado?)
Are you going to cook now? (estas llendo a cocinar ahora?)
Are you a doctor?( Eres un mdico?)
How are they going to buy that expensive car? (Cmo van a hacer para comprar ese
auto costoso?)

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