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EDT 180A Group A3 Survey Questions "Do your extracurricular activities affect

your GPA?" (Responses)

Linshan Du

Bella Alfieri

Michael McHenry

Our research is focused on what factors contribute to a students GPA.

Specifically, that people who spent more time studying rather than other

extracurricular activities, or jobs, during the week will get a higher GPA.

And according to the grade level in the Excels, most people who answered

the questions are freshman and sophomore and most students chose to take 17-

20 credits a semester and their GPA is the highest almost 3.5. And there are

some data that about students spend different hours on extracurriculars.

Students who spent 0-5 hours a week on extracurriculars had an above average

GPA between 3.0-3.3. While students who spent 6-20 hours a week on

extracurriculars had an above average GPA between 3.4-3.7. And only less

students who spent 21-40 hours a week on the extracurriculars and the average

of GPA is between 3.0-3.2.

And also measured by the number of hours are used on job, people that

spend more time on study their GPA are higher than people more focused on

their job every week. For example, students who spent 0-20 hours a week on job

had an above average GPA between 3.0-3.5. While students who spent 21-35

hours a week on job had an above average GPA between 2.5-3.0 . And only less

students who spent 36-60 hours a week on the job rather than homework the

average of GPA is between 2.0-2.5.

Overall, our group has concluded that extracurricular activities affect your


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