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Note the focus area and standard Note the type of Describe the document / artefact and Describe

Describe how the document / artefact

descriptor/s the artefact / artefact / document indicate the possible impact or result meets the standard descriptors you
document reflects of the artefact / document on have identified.
teaching and/ or student learning

Engage in professional The two artefacts As well as partaking in While completing my third year
learning. that I have used for Professional Development while practicum my mentor had the
this standard prove completing Professional following comments;
6.2 Engage in
that I am working Experience, we have also had
professional learning and She receives constructive
towards meeting the opportunity to complete a
improve practice feedback in a positive and
the standard of number of Professional
professional manner
Understand the relevant and engaging in Development certificates
Ali has participated in
appropriate sources of professional through the PEX III unit.
collegial discussions and this
professional learning for learning. has enhanced her
teachers. understanding of curriculum,
As part of standard six, policies, priorities and
engaging in professional implementation.
6.3 Engage with learning, it is essential that pre- The above comments and the two
colleagues and improve service teachers are able to artefacts attached are both proof
practice. receive constructive feedback in of engagement in professional
a professional manner and be learning. The ability to engage in
Seek and apply constructive able to then act upon it to learning to further my career (APST
feedback from supervisors improve their teaching (NSW 6.2) and the chance to have
and teachers to improve Government, n.d). collegial discussions (APST 6.3) are
teaching practices. both essential for educators as it is
an ever changing profession.
The artefacts attached show
participation in both University
assigned Professional
Development and also
opportunities that were
provided while on my third year

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