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WORD from Waggoner

April 2010 Volume 6, Issue 1

Welcome new team members

Jacquelyn Spruill (Jacque) joined Brandon Rarig, a 2007 graduate in
SPECIAL the Waggoner Team as Circulation Su- Business Administration with a Music
POINTS OF pervisor in August 2009. A 2007 gradu- Business concentration, became the
ate of Trevecca 2007 ma- Evening Supervisor in November 2009.
joring in English, Jacque Brandon says, ―The areas of business
New Waggoner Team
says ―I use my degree all communication can be used any-
ACL Research Award the time communicating where...helping patrons with their prob-
with patrons and student lems, working to find solutions is what
New Online Resources workers, sending e-mails, many aspects of business are all about,
etc.‖ keeping the customer happy.‖
New Services Jacque finds working in the library ―a Brandon and wife,
Thrasher Archives
blessing to work in such a peaceful en- Rachel, have two teacup
vironment with such wonderful cowork- Chihuahuas, Lola Ray
What’s Happening at ers. I adore the atmosphere here at and William Earl. Bran-
Waggoner Waggoner library.‖ Jacque has a grey- don would love to work
hound named Emmy and a heart for at a performance rights
missions in Haiti where she has been organization like BMI or ASCAP or
doing mission work since age 12. A possibly get his Masters in Library Sci-
major goal in her life would be to live ence, ―two very different things, but
and teach there one day. both I would enjoy.‖
ACL Research Award
Online Resources 2
For the first time last year, Waggoner onstrate record of leadership, ability,
New Services 3
Library honored two Trevecca students and character.
with the presentation of a research award To qualify for this award, a student
Thrasher Archives 3
sponsored by the Association of Chris- must be in their final year of study for
tian Librarians. The ACL Research an Associate, Bachelors or Master‘s
Award established in 2006 for member degree and receive faculty nomination
What’s Happening 4
institutions to honor student researchers The 2009 recipients
is presented at Academic Awards chapel were Joni Hardin Batts, a
or corresponding departmental awards senior Psychology major
ceremony. The award consists of a (‗09) and Jessica
printed certificate and a $50 Barnes & McLendon, a student in
Noble gift card. In addition, those receiv- the Gradu-
ing the award may be featured in the As- Joni Hardin Batts
ate PA pro-
sociation of Christian Librarian‘s journal, gram.
The Christian Librarian, and on the ACL We look forward to con-
website. tinuing this tradition of
Nominees must excel in research, dis- honoring some of our out-
play outstanding characteristics and dem- standing students! Jessica McLendon

Online Resources!

Global Issues in Context American History in Video to prepare sermons and lessons. The
Global Issues in Context from Gale collection includes resources like the
Cengage Learning, is now available American History in Video from New Interpreter's Bible, the Interpreta-
through Waggoner Library. Accord- Alexander Street Press is a rich and tion biblical commentary series, the
ing to the publisher's description this growing collection of videos available Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible,
database was "designed to support online for the study of American his- the Westminster Dictionary of Theol-
global awareness and the develop- tory, with 2,000 hours and more than ogy, and many titles in the history of
ment of critical thinking and informa- 5,000 titles. This collection allows Christian thought, pastoral care &
tion literacy skills." Global Issues in patrons to analyze historical events counseling, Christian education, lec-
Context provides access to informa- and their presentation over time, tionary resources, sermon collections,
tion published in articles, pictures, through commercial and governmen- prayers and worship resources.
videos, podcasts, and websites from tal newsreels, archival footage, public
around the world for a truly interna- affairs footage, and important docu- SnapShot Series
tional perspective on top- mentaries. Individual us-
A ProQuest® database, Snapshot
ics such as Health & Medi- ProQuest® Central ers can create personal
provides a unique source for market
cine, Conflict & Diplo- CODiE Award playlists, which can in-
research data, offering worldwide mar-
macy, Science & technol- winner for ―Best clude whole videos, seg-
ket data for a broad range of industries
ogy, Environment & ments (clips), tracks and/
Online General and regions. The reports give users
Global Change, and or other items such as
Reference Service‖ everything they need to produce busi-
Women, Children, and the links to any static URL.
ness plans, marketing plans, start-up
Family. The current release pro-
plans, new business development, mar-
vides 4,163 titles, with videos from
ProQuest® Central ket growth analysis, and strategic and
new partner, Newsreel Films and
ProQuest® Central hosted by Pro- Documentary Educational Resources, financial plans. Much of the informa-
Quest® of course, is considered by as well as videos from PBS and The tion is available in color graphs and
some to be the largest multidiscipli- History Channel, archival footage charts, ideal for incorporating into re-
nary database with over 11,000 titles from NASA and NARA, additional ports and presentations.
and over 8,000 titles in full-text. This titles from Universal Newsreel. Vid-
database is used as a central resource eos cover the period from the discov- ABI/INFORM®
for researchers, meeting general refer- ery of the Americas to the late 20th Now part of the ProQuest collections,
ence needs. ProQuest Central has over century. ABI/INFORM® considered the
160 subject areas covered extensively world‘s leading business research data-
from news to criminal justice to iPreach base. ABI/INFORM® delivers the lat-
women studies, ProQuest® Central iPreach, a Cokesbury online resource, est-breaking business news, national
has information on your topic. This offers a large set of contemporary bib- and international. Provides practical
database is also the recipient of the lical study and preaching resources to information on the latest business
CODiE Award for Best Online Gen- pastors, teachers and laypersons. This trends, economic, political and market
eral Reference Service—for content extensive collection of commentaries, developments around the world and
and delivery of content. Bible dictionaries and other reference provides research content from full text
works provides a breadth of substan- international business journals.
tial, searchable materials with which
Page 3 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 1

New Library Services

The library debuted some new services this fall. We During the summer renovations, a water line was
are very excited about our new, later hours. On Mon- installed near the Circulation Desk so that we could
days through Thursdays, the library install a coffee machine!
is open until midnight. Hours on Regular and decaffeinated cof-
Sunday evening from 8:00pm until fee is available in a variety in
midnight were added as well. Stu- blends. Specialty and flavored
dent response to the late hours has been very positive. coffees include vanilla, hazel-
We have averaged about 50 students each night during nut, chocolate, Milky Way
the extended hours. swirl, and cappuccino. A small selection of teas are
In the Spring of 2009, the microfilm collection and also available.
reader/printers were re-arranged and moved closer to Prices for an 8oz drink range from 50 cents for
the Reference Desk area. The space freed up was fur- hot water only to $1.50 for the specialty coffees.
nished with tables and chairs to create a quiet area All the supplies – cups, lids, sleeves, and stir straws
where snack-type food can be consumed. This area is – are recyclable and compostable. Lids are re-
located on the main level back beyond the restrooms, quired on all drinks in the library. Come and try
in the southeast corner of the building. some coffee!

The Ray and C.R. Thrasher Archives

The Trevecca archives has been formally named the Ongoing archival projects include creating an or-
Ray and C.R. Thrasher Archives. During Homecom- ganizational structure for the collection, the acquisi-
ing 2009, a reception was held and the archives was tion of new materials, providing access to the col-
officially named in honor of Ray and C.R. Thrasher. lection through finding aids and a computer data-
Mrs. Ray Thrasher served Trevecca base, as well as the creation of dis-
through forty-three years of employ- plays. Donations of relevant materials
ment in the library, and Rev. C.R. are always welcome.
Thrasher served the Church of the The Thrasher Archives is located on
Nazarene as a pastor and district super- the ground level of Waggoner Library.
intendent. The mission of the archives is to pre-
February 11, 2010 was H. Ray Dun- serve documents and artifacts of his-
ning Day, in which former Trevecca torical significance generated by the
faculty member, now emeriti, H. Ray university and the Church of the Naza-
Dunning was honored as a Trevecca rene, with specific focus on Trevecca‘s
Treasure for his theological and schol- Southeast Educational Region. For-
arly contributions to the Church of the mally established during the 1974-75
Nazarene. The library hosted a book Dunning with Archivist academic year in conjunction with the
Andrea Gales and Gail Pusey
signing of Dunning‘s most recent publi- writing of Trevecca‘s seventy-fifth anni-
cation, Becoming Christlike Disciples. Gales was in- versary history, it has only been this year with the
volved in the planning and displays for this event promotion of Andrea Gales that the library has had
which also included a live interview with Dunning a full-time librarian whose primary responsibilities
during the chapel service. are archives.
Page 4
What’s happening at Waggoner?
From hosting birthday parties to celebrat- TNU Brass Quintet On Dec. 15 sounds of
Waggoner Library
ing Trevecca Authors to enjoying music in brass resonated in the library rotunda as
Trevecca Nazarene University the rotunda, many things have been going Trevecca‘s brass quintet graced the library
333 Murfreesboro Road on in Waggoner Library these past few with lovely and at times, lively, Christmas
Nashville, TN 37210 months and few things are forthcoming. music. Professors Matt Murdock and
David Diehl along with two music major
Millard Reed Collection students played Christmas favorites in the
May 7 from 1:00-2:00 there will be a re- rotunda during lunch hour.
ception in the Thrasher Archives celebrat-
ing the acquisition of the Millard Reed Late Night@Waggoner This freshman
Collection. This collection donated by for- mixer took place orientation week 2009.
mer university President Millard Reed in- Waggoner library played host to freshmen
cludes family memorabilia, Presidential as they
papers and other documents and photo- played
Phone: 615.248.1214 graphs relating to Trevecca as well as the Guitar
Website: Church of the Nazarene. Hero, sang
Trevecca Authors 2010 is slated for Mon- seriously
Mission Statement day April 12. For the 9th time Waggoner competed
library recognizes research and scholarship in the
The library is dedicated to
of Trevecca faculty and administrators who game of
facilitating education and have published during the school year. Corn Hole as well tried their hand at put-
research by providing access Publications will be on display in the li- ting inside the library. Outside the library
to resources and quality brary and scholars will be honored at the there was pizza and music. Free coffee
services for the University April 12 Faculty/Admin meeting. Light coupons were distributed as well.
community refreshments will be served in the library
immediately following the meeting. Food For Fines In support of Second Har-
Core Values vest Food Bank, Waggoner Library held a
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! On Thursday FOOD FOR FINES amnesty period during
Committed professionals March 4, 2010 the library celebrated the the 2009 fall semester. Students with out-
Effective communication birthday of the beloved children‘s author, standing overdue library books and unpaid
Supportive technology
Dr. Seuss. Each year a birthday party with fines had their charges waived in exchange
User-centered services
favorite readings commemorate this favor- for a non-perishable food item or items.
ite author‘s life . The Children‘s Literature The amnesty was in effect November 30th
class joined us for this event as each class –December 18th and nearly 50 lbs of food
member read a were contributed.
favorite chil-
dren‘s story Halloween Reading Last fall the library
for the audi- held its 2nd annual Halloween Reading in
ence. Cake Prof. Sharon the IRC. The event included face painting,
and punch Thompson a bookmark making table, pumpkin paint-
(green of ing, icky snack making (and eating), lots of
course) was served. Dr. Seuss books are yummy treats, and of course several
W ord from Waggoner fun and imaginative but also teach im- GREAT Halloween stories. The scary sto-
is published by the portant life lessons and encourage ries were read aloud by several drama stu-
Waggoner Library dents as well as a few faculty members.
higher thinking even in young children.
faculty of Trevecca The turnout for this event was very excit-
Nazarene University We thank everyone who stopped by to
ing as we had students, staff, faculty as
support and encourage reading! This
well as several family members and visi-
year‘s attendance was higher than ever tors in attendance.
with 49 participants.

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