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Pretest/Post test in Science 7

Name: _____________________ Teacher: _____________Date: ________

Directions: Read each item carefully. Circle the letter of the best answer.
1. Which does not belong to the group?
a. mold c. yeast
b. coccus d. penicillum
2. Which scientist fully utilized the functions of the microscope?
a. Joseph J. Lister c. Zacharias Janssen
b. Anton van Leeuwenhoek d. Robert Hooke
3. Which statement is not true?
a. Transmission electron microscope can magnify specimen up to 100,000x and provides three
dimensional view.
b. Scanning electron microscope uses the beam of electrons to magnify specimens.
c. Transmission electron microscope is effective in studying the details and layers of a
d. Scanning electron microscope can magnify specimen up to 100,000x.
4. Why is Escherichia coli commonly used for the propagation of recombinant DNA?
a. E. coli possesses high bacterial plasmid that can accommodate huge DNA.
b. E. coli bacteria have the ability to reproduce in a very short time.
c. E. coli is free from genetic errors
d. E. coli contains a strain that might help in the propagation of recombinant DNA.
5. Which shows sensitivity to stimulus?
a. Eating of food in a slow pace
b. Sleeping nine hours a day
c. Running from one place to another
d. Perspiring due to high temperature
6. The organism that preys upon the bodies of dead animals is ____.
a. Commensal b. scavenger c. parasite d. predator
7. Nitrogen is essential for all living things because ____.
a. it is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere
b. it can be synthesized into proteins
c. it is converted into nitrates
d. it can be acted upon by nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil
8. ___is not needed in the nitrogen cycle.
a. Protein b. nitrogen fixer c. bacteria d. root tip
9. The following factors are abiotic, except ___.
a. Topography b. moisture c. species d. wind
10. Birds and carabaos, flowers and bees, sharks and remora are all examples of ___.
a. transitory association c. endoparasitism
b. continuous association d. ectoparasitism
11. The biosphere includes the regions of the Earth, except for the ____.
a. tallest tree thriving in the highest mountain
b. deepest ocean depth reached by sunlight
c. inner core of the atmosphere
d. microorganisms living in the atmosphere
12. Rice birds and rats feed on rice plant. The kind of relationship that exists between these
organisms is___.
a. predation b. symbiosis c. mutualism d. competition
13. As we move upward to the ladder of the energy pyramid, the biomass level ___.
a. increases b. decreases c. remains the same d. has no effect
14. Grasses, shrubs, seedlings, and young trees occupy the ___.
a. first tropic level c. third tropic level
b. second tropic level d. fourth tropic level

15. Which of the following is not included in the C-O cycle?

a. respiration and decay c. burning
b. photosynthesis d. flow of energy
16. Which of the following is the SI unit of energy?
a. newton c. joule
b. watt d. calorie
17. What happens to the objects PE when it is raised to a higher place?
a. it remains the same c. it decreases
b. it becomes zero d. it increases
18. A bouncing ball possesses
a. potential energy c. both potential and kinetic energy
b. kinetic energy d. gravitational force
19. Which material is a good conductor of heat?
a. copper c. wood
b. feather d. rubber
20. What form of energy is contained in a dry cell?
a. heat c. mechanical
b. chemical d. sound
21. From what source do hydroelectric power plants generate electricity?
a. sunlight c. radioactive materials
b. falling water d. wastes
22. Which process is heat energy transferred through a vacuum?
a. radiation c. conduction
b. convection d. evaporation
23. What energy is produced by splitting atoms?
a. chemical c. nuclear
b. mechanical d. electromagnetic
24. Which group comprises the nonrenewable sources of energy?
a. coal, geothermal, natural gas c. wind, solar, biomass
b. nuclear, oil, natural gas d. solar, coal, nuclear
25. The Philippines is the second largest producer of what form of energy?
a. biomass c. nuclear
b. geothermal d. solar
26. Which of the following color has the longest wavelength?
a. yellow b. red c. blue d. green
27. What would be the arrangement of electromagnetic waves if they were arranged according to
decreasing energy?
a. Gamma, radio, microwave
b. X-ray, light, radio
c. X-ray, gamma, ultraviolet
d. Gamma, ultraviolet, X-ray
28. Light travels slowest in ____.
a. alcohol b. air c. glass d. plastic
29. All except one are examples of opaque objects.
a. notebook b. monoblock hair c. glass cup d. rubber shoes
30. Objects that emit or send off their own light are luminous objects. Which of the following is not
a. sun b. stars c. moon d. light bulbs
31. The instrument that measures air pressure
a. Thermometer c. hygrometer
b. Barometer d. anemometer
32. Wind that occurs during night time is called ____.
a. land breeze c. sea breeze
b. front d. calm wind
33. Cold air masses ___ warm air masses.
a. are lighter than c. are heavier than
b. have the same weight as d. are less dense than

34. The ___ is the atmospheric layer that reflects radio waves back to Earth.
a. Exosphere c. ionosphere
b. Thermosphere d. ozone
35. When warm, moist air moves over cool surface, ___ is formed.
a. snow c. hail
b. fog d. rain
36. Which value corresponds to the PH of pure water?
a. 14 b. 7 c. 3 d. 1
37. What type of substance is NaCl?
a. Acid b. base c. salt d. sugar
38. Which does not belong to the group?
a. Sodium b. tungsten c. aluminum d. tin
39. Which process can separate sulfur and iron filing when put together?
a. Decantation
b. Filtration
c. Magnetic separation
d. Evaporation
40. Which of the following is not a property of a colloid?
a. Tyndall effect
b. Brownian motion
c. Adsorption
d. Absorption

II. Identification
Directions: Supply the missing word or group of words to complete the sentences.
1. The nearest point of the moons orbit around Earth is called ______________.
2. The darkest part of a shadow casts by an opaque objects is called _______________.
3. Lunar eclipse can happen during _________________ phase.
4. Solar eclipse can happen during ________________ phase.
5. During annular eclipse, the ring of light that surrounds the umbra is called ____________.
6. Snow, hail, sleet, and rain are examples of ______________.
7. The ______________ layer in the atmosphere absorbs ultraviolet radiation from sunlight.
8. The particles in the atmosphere where water vapor condenses are called ______________.
9. The unequal heating of the land and water causes the air movements called ____ and ______.
10. Predictions made as regards changes in weather are called ___________.


A. Directions: Match the items in column A with those in column B. Write your answer on the line
provided before the number.

A. Force
_____1. friction a. force that pulls you down
_____2. spring balance b. always opposes movement of objects
_____3. contact force c. present in objects directly in contact
_____4. magnetic d. like poles repel, unlike poles attract
_____5. gravitational e. instrument used to measure force
B. Motion
_____6. speed f. 5 kilometers
_____7. velocity g. 40 m/s
_____8. acceleration h. 10 m/s2
_____9. distance i. 60 kph, east
_____10.displacement j. 30 meters, south
B. Use the key given below in classifying the materials in numbers 1 to 9. Write your answer on the
space provided before the number. Write the letters only.
a. igneous c. metamorphic
b. sedimentary d. sediment
_____1.basalt _____6. andesite
_____2. gravel _____7. Limestone
_____3. Marble _____8. Gneiss
_____4. Peat _____9.clay/ mud
_____5. Conglomerate _____10. Pumice
C. Arranged the following materials composing the Earths interior from the least dense (number 1)
to the densest (number 6).

_____ silicates of metallic compound

_____ iron and nickel
_____ silicon aluminum
_____ iron and magnesium
_____ iron- rich metal alloy

1. Compare and contrast the following terms:
a. Gravity and weight
b. Vector and scalar
c. Impulse and momentum
d. Speed and velocity
e. Acceleration and deceleration
2. Do you think it is possible to have a frictionless surface? Prove your answer.
3. Where do you exert greater force, in climbing or in going down the mountain? Why?
4. Do you agree on the continuous importation of crude oil even if it is expensive? Why?
Prepared by:
Maam Capawing
Maam Rapsing

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