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Johannah Gamble

Intro to Business
Term Paper Career Research Paper

Software Implementations Consultants

IT system implementations usually start with negotiating a contract with a client who

needs software developed or customized. A client will contact a Software Implementation

Consultant to gather requirements and oversee the software development project. A Software

Implementations Team is designated from the technical side of the business to oversee and

develop new code. This team consists mostly of software developers and project managers. The

client and the Software Implementation Consultants (SI Consultants) meet to settle upon the

terms of agreement between the two.

This is a scrupulous process that establishes the framework for software development

procedures. Deadlines and payment schedule for the entire software implementation process are

finalized upon signing the contract. Contract requirements include expectations of system

performance criteria including consequences related to issues and bugs that can occur throughout

the implementation process. Documentation, training and issue resolution requirements are

defined in the agreement as well.

The client may have a list of requirements and expectations for a new software build. The

client could have only the outline established and need further guidance from technology before
establishing requirements. The Implementation Consultant is well versed in what is attainable

and what is not. Sometimes the expectations of a client may request something that is unfeasible.

The Software Implementation Consultant must know how to say no when these project requests

are established. Generally, the two must overcome such an impasse to start the software

development process.

An IT related support agreement is also put in place at this stage to administer support

after the system goes live for quality assurance and good business relations. Having detailed

requirements settled in writing is an advantage to vendors and companies providing software

implementations. This gives Software teams and clients a clear condition of what is to be done

throughout the process, during the initial software launch and maintenance afterward. This

contractual agreement holds the vendor accountable for the product.

Software Implementation Consultants can work within one organization assisting in the

synchronization of process execution of development pertaining to software engineering projects

between teams in the business. They may also be an outside consultant that directs another

company on a software build. Regardless of the internal or external nature of the contract

between the consultant and the client. This role is responsible for overseeing the daily activities

of assigned to the information technology development team to ensure successful client software

implementations. SI Consultants also supervise department strategy to communicate goals and

deadlines between the business and the IT department. They will main rapport with the client to

ensure successful communication techniques are taken during the lifespan of a relationship with

a client. They manage and oversee the development of new software. They are the first in

command to handle customer complaints and communicate deadlines and limitations. SI

Coordinators must collaborate closely with all other departments within an organization. They

oversee daily review and tracking of implementation procedures. The consultant must be able to

identify and apply process improvements. It is important for a consultant to proactively

communicate to the team and management.

A Day in The Life of a Software Implementations

9-9:15am - Check emails and review tasks for the day. With a lot of projects moving

forward simultaneously, getting a recap whats going on at the beginning of the day is

important. This keeps the consultant organized and helps make sure all deadlines are met.
9:15 11am - Prepare for client visit to execute a training on a newly finished project

before launching the software. Part of the role in involves detailing the process of data

migration. Visiting clients before they are due to go live on their new system and to train

them how to use it. This is useful to the software implementation process to find out more

about how different clients use the system. This helps the consultant to understand the

requirements the client or vendor might have in the future. In any business, its important

to understand the clients base and this is a great way to get to know the end users.
11 12:45pm - Work on upcoming database migration. For example, if a product

currently uses one of two database platforms and the company is moving to only support

one of these, proper measure will need to be taken to protect legacy data.
12:45 1:45pm Lunch, The most important part of the day.
1:45 3pm - Produce plan for Data Protection. Any business that has the need to deal

with sensitive client data has a responsibility to do so with dignity. Data Protection is a

high priority with software implementations. Consultants must ensure they use genuine

client data and that it is held securely and in line with legal data protection requirements.

Everyone in the company shares this responsibility. This involves working with the

business executive, compliance teams and legal department to safeguard client data.
3 5-:30pm -Software Quality Assurance testing

Software design is a volatile product. Each change the developers code can cause issues with

different sets of code. With each new release comes the requirement for thorough testing to

ensure high quality and client satisfaction with no software bugs. Consultant testing comes

towards the end of the development and testing process. This step is crucial to ensure correct

functionality before delivery to clients. This is good chance to see and use new developments in

the product, and to contribute to discussions on possible improvements.

Unless one specifically seeks specialized training to be a consultant, most start as

Software Implementations Coordinators or business analysts. They develop into the role of

Software Implementations Consultants. Consultants have the definitive responsibility and

experience to ensure software projects are received by a client. Many SI coordinators could work

under the guidance of a SI Consultant.

As with most industries, education influences salary and uptake of responsibilities in this

role. Software Implantations Consultants have varying degree options. They must understand

software development and have excellent diplomatic skills. The educational requirements for SI

Consulting vary. In 2016, 11% of SI Consultants obtained vocational training or only had a hs

diploma. 9% of SI Consultants have an Associates of Science in a related field; information

technology, software development etc. The majority of people in this position obtain a

Bachelors degree. 60% of people with this profession have a Bachelor of Science degree. Only

20% obtain Masters of Business Administration.

Education influences salary but not as much as experience. According to,

Software implementations Coordinators can make $45,000 - $60,000 a year. The salary of a

seasoned Consultant is normally between $75,000 - $100,000

Technology regarding software development is a booming industry. Companies must

adapt to the ever-changing times. Software that was developed today will only be cutting edge

for a limited amount of time. Software developers are constantly shifting the design and

expectations of what technology should look like. Today most companies have websites or are
entirely based online. To speak to the importance of technology, Blockbuster refused numerous

offers to buy Netflix and was reluctant to roll out online subscriptions. Blockbuster refused to

undergo a shift to a more technological based business. The company filed for bankruptcy on

2010. If Blockbuster had wised up and hired a Software Implantations Consultant and

technology team, they could have been a competitor for mega-tech savvy company like Netflix.

Currently I am employed as a business operations coordinator. I work on a team that

maintains rapport with the software development team, project managers and executives and

board members. As an Operations Coordinator, I am required to have a full understanding of

software system functions to evaluate documentation and procedures in preparation for system

change requests. I review, test, and provide feedback on the user experience and functionality for

all technological development items pre-release. My position includes formulating clear and

concise documentation of system bugs including severity level and descriptions, documentation

of training items, and ongoing user system support and troubleshooting in the software staging

and production environments.

1. Gear Up Waco. "The 5-Step Personal Essay Writing Guide: Future Career." Gear Up

Waco Press. N.p., 2016. Web.

2. Kenny Lin. "Indeed Most Distinguishable Career Paths." Indeed Most Distinguishable

Career Paths 2016: 3. Print.

3. "Linkedin." LinkedIn Profile of the person I interviewed. N.p., 2014. Web. 2016.

4. Dept. of Workforce Services. "Wage and Occupational Openings Data." Dept. of
Workforce Services. Utah Dept. of Health, 2016. Web. 21 Apr. 2016.
5. Taylor, Christine B. Successful Packaged Software Implementation. 1st ed. Vol. 1. Boca

Raton, FL: Auerbach Publications, 2006. Print.

6. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. "Software Dev and Management."

College Grad. N.p., 2016. Web. 2017.

7. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. "Information Technology." College

Grad. N.p., 2016. Web. 2017.

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