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Multimedia Project : Unit Plan

Teacher Name: Dr. Heroman

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Group Unit Plan Content is well The unit plan Content is logically There was no clear
Template organized using template is filled out organized but or logical
headings or bulleted but some fields are missing a number of organizational
lists to group related not complete fields. structure, just lots of
material. All fields of facts.
the template are

Lesson plans Lesson plans follow Lesson plans follow Lesson plans do not Lesson plans are
the template and are the template but are follow the template missing many of the
detailed and meet all missing several but include most of requirments
of the requested requirements. the information

Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation is Presentation lacks

provides a clear includes the majority disorganized but organization and
overview of the unit of the information for includes most of the information.
and the individual the unit. required information.
lesson plans

technology Technology activity is Technology activity is Technology activity no technology

Activity presented in a clear presented but is not is not matched to the activity is evident.
and precise format. comprehensive and content
Activity enhances clearly understood.
the lesson plan

Assessment Clear assessments Assessments are Assessments are not No assessments

for each lesson plan provided but not appropriate for the evident
and technology thorough content

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