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Fu huang Shuang Shuang Heng is Clement is able to
Shuang Heng can Heng had able to show be active learner
Heng understa difficulty willingness to - have desire to
nd, listen on taking enggage in class learn
and had turn, and lesson, active - able to focus on
an high struggles learner and does the task given
IQ other to follow not meet during
than her through difficulty in instructional time
classmat instruction taking turns - proactive
es and less (willingness to
of take risk in task
attention. and answering
Pui Ying Pui Ying Pui Ying Pui Ying is able Pui Ying is able to
understa had to stay focused stay focused on a
nd and difficulty on a learning learning process/
follow an engaging process/ task task given
instructio in given
n given activities - hands on
in a short quietly activity
period. - shaping
- set up
- whole
Lee Wei Wei Ter is Wei Ter Wei Ter listen and can Wei Ter listen and
able to do a struggles to follow through on
Ter can follow
task with a follow simple instruction
guide and through time with some
through on simple
clear instruction intervention instruction time
instructions - does not - speech therapy with speech
appear to activities-repetitive therapy & hands
listen ( low of and clear instruction
language during lesson
on activities
proficiency - -shaping (positive
Malay/Englis support and reward
h language after achieve the
instruction) lesson
-hands on activity
Redzwa Redzwan Redzwan Redzwan is able Redzwan is able
n understa had to stay focused to stay focused on
nd and difficulty on a learning a learning
follow an engaging process/ task process/ task
instructio in given given
n given activities - hands on
in a short quietly activity
period. - shaping
- set up
- whole
Qistina Qistina is Qistina had a Qistina had a Qistina had a
able to low self- confidence and active confidence and active
follow and esteem leaner during class leaner during class
understand during lesson lesson
simple learning - gives full attention (
instruction process rewards like token,
- less desire positive
to learn, lack compliment )
of focused, - group assessement
and lack of -hands on activity
willingness to (used flashcard )
take risk -whole brain teaching
-always shy ( rewards, follow
and scared to rules )
( take a few
Shuhad Shuhada is Shuhada had Shuhada have a Shuhada had a
able to a low self- confidence and active confidence and active
follow and confidence leaner during class leaner during class
mudah understand and over lesson lesson
sensitif simple sensitive - gives full attention (
instruction rewards like token,
compliment )
- group assessement
-hands on activity
(used flashcard )
-whole brain teaching
( rewards, follow
rules )
Sharves Sharvessh is Sharveshh is Sharveshh had a Sharvessh had a
able to passive confidence and active confidence and active
follow and learner learner during class learner during class
understand during lesson lesson
simple learning - gives full attention (
instruction process rewards like token,
- less desire positive
to learn, lack compliment )
of focused - group assessement
- shy and -hands on activity
scared to (used flashcard )
answer -whole brain teaching
question ( rewards, follow
( take a few rules )
Asyraf Asyraf Asyraf is Asyraf had a Asyraf had a confidence
passive confidence and active and active learner
learner learner during class during class lesson
nd, listen - lack of lesson
and focused - gives full attention (
follow -easy to rewards like token,
instructio bored positive
compliment )
n - group assessement
properly -hands on activity
(used flashcard )
-whole brain teaching
( rewards, follow
rules )
Harith understa had Harith is able to Harith is able to
nd and difficulty stay focused on stay focused on a
follow an engaging a learning learning process
instructio in process/ task and task given
n given activities given
in a short quietly - hands on
period. activity
- shaping
- set up
- whole
Ling Kah Yan is Kah Yan Kah Yan listen and Kah Yan listen and
able to do a struggles to can follow through on
Kah Yan can follow
task with a follow simple instruction
guide and through time with some
through on simple
clear instruction intervention instruction time
instructions - does not - speech therapy with speech
appear to activities-repetitive
listen and clear instruction therapy & hands
-cant stay during lesson
on activities
quietly -shaping (positive
support and reward
after achieve the
-hands on activity
Haziq understa had Haziq is able to Haziq is able to
nd and difficulty stay focused on stay focused on a
follow an engaging a learning learning process/
instructio in process/ task task given
n given activities given
in a short quietly - hands on
period. activity
- shaping
- set up
- whole
Nini Nini is able Like to avoid Nini turns to an Nini is able to stay
to follow from others active learner and focus and active
and (hide under stay focus during learner during learning
understand the table) class lesson process.
simple - gives full attention (
instruction rewards like token,
compliment )
- group assessement
-hands on activity
(used flashcard )
-whole brain teaching
( rewards, follow
rules )
Shuhad Shuhada is Shuhada had Shuhada have a Shuhada had a
able to a low self- confidence and active confidence and active
follow and confidence leaner during class leaner during class
mudah understand and over lesson lesson
sensitif simple sensitive - gives full attention (
instruction rewards like token,
compliment )
- group assessement
-hands on activity
(used flashcard )
-whole brain teaching
( rewards, follow
rules )
Sharves Sharvessh is Sharveshh is Sharveshh had a Sharvessh had a
able to passive confidence and active confidence and active
follow and learner learner during class learner during class
understand during lesson lesson
simple learning - gives full attention (
instruction process rewards like token,
- less desire positive
to learn, lack compliment )
of focused - group assessement
- shy and -hands on activity
scared to (used flashcard )
answer -whole brain teaching
question ( rewards, follow
( take a few rules )


Mahesha Murid dapat Murid suka Maheshan dapat Maheshan
melaksanaka berkhayal mengekalkan fokus
n dapat
n tugasan dan tidak berkhayal
yang sehingga tamat PdPc
diberikan dengan peneguhan fokus dan tidak
dengan dan pembentukan berkhayal
bimbingan positif terhadap sehingga tamat
Previn Murid dapat Murid suka Previn dapat Previn dapat
melaksanaka berkhayal mengekalkan fokus mengekalkan fokus
n tugasan dan tidak berkhayal dan tidak berkhayal
yang sehingga tamat PdPc sehingga tamat
diberikan dengan peneguhan PdPc
dengan dan pembentukan
bimbingan positif terhadap
Wei Yian Wei Yan dapat Wei Yan Wei Yan dapat Wei Yan dapat
melaksanaka sukar untuk menguasai menguasai dan
n tugasan memahami penggunaan bahasa memahami
yang arahan dan utama (BM & BI) penggunaan bahasa
diberikan percakapan dengan teknik latih utama (BM & BI)
dengan baik guru tubi, berulang dan
dan kemas ( komunikasi terapi pertuturan.
kerana tidak
Melayu &
Shasmut dapat Terbatas dari Shasmitha dapat Shasmitha dapat
melaksanaka segi menguasai menguasai dan
n tugasan memahami penggunaan bahasa memahami
yang percakapan Melayu dengan teknik penggunaan Bahasa
diberikan atau latih tubi secara Melayu dengan lebih
dengan baik penggunaan perbualan harian luas dan perkataan
dan kemas bahasa yang rumit.
( terutamany
a bahasa
Lim dapat Terbatas dari Lim dapat menguasai Lim dapat
melaksanaka segi penggunaan bahasa menguasai dan
n tugasan memahami Melayu dengan teknik memahami
yang percakapan latih tubi secara penggunaan Bahasa
diberikan atau perbualan harian Melayu dengan lebih
dengan baik penggunaan luas dan perkataan
dan kemas bahasa yang rumit.
( terutamany
a bahasa
Sandtya dapat Bersikap Sandtya lebih berani Sandtya lebih berani
melaksanaka pemalu dan untuk bercakap dan untuk bercakap dan
n tugasan pendiam menjawab soalan menjawab soalan
yang semasa PdPc semasa PdPc
diberikan berlangsung. berlangsung.
dengan baik - perbualan
dan kemas santai


Aslan Murid dapat Murid suka Aslan dapat mengikuti Aslan dapat
melaksanaka bercakap dan PdPc dengan baik
Asmara mengikuti
n tugasan mengganggu - peneguhan
yang ketika PdPc positif
PdPc dengan
diberikan sedang - aktiviti yang baik dan tidak
dengan baik berlangsung menarik dan bercakap yang
tidak perlu @
- aktiviti
berkumpulan berkaitan
dengan PdPc
Shuhada Murid dapat Murid suka dapat mengikuti PdPc dapat
melaksanaka bercakap dan dengan baik
n tugasan mengganggu - peneguhan
yang ketika PdPc positif
PdPc dengan
diberikan sedang - aktiviti yang baik dan tidak
dengan baik berlangsung menarik dan bercakap yang
tidak perlu @
- aktiviti
berkumpulan berkaitan
dengan PdPc
tionh dapat sukar untuk dapat menguasai dapat menguasai
melaksanaka memahami penggunaan bahasa dan memahami
n tugasan arahan dan utama (BM & BI) penggunaan
yang percakapan dengan teknik latih bahasa utama (BM
diberikan guru tubi, berulang dan & BI)
dengan baik ( komunikasi terapi pertuturan.
dan kemas terbatas
kerana tidak
Melayu &
mursyid Murid dapat Murid suka dapat mengekalkan dapat mengekalkan
melaksanaka berkhayal fokus dan tidak fokus dan tidak
n tugasan berkhayal sehingga berkhayal sehingga
yang tamat PdPc dengan tamat PdPc
diberikan peneguhan dan
dengan pembentukan positif
bimbingan terhadap murid.
Aiman Murid dapat Murid suka dapat mengekalkan dapat mengekalkan
melaksanaka berkhayal fokus dan tidak fokus dan tidak
n tugasan berkhayal sehingga berkhayal sehingga
yang tamat PdPc dengan tamat PdPc
diberikan peneguhan dan
dengan baik pembentukan positif
terhadap murid.
Tan jia dapat faham Bersikap lebih berani untuk lebih berani untuk
pembelajaran pemalu dan bercakap dan bercakap dan
dengan baik pendiam menjawab soalan menjawab soalan
semasa PdPc semasa PdPc
berlangsung. berlangsung.
- perbualan

2.1 Peneguhan
Peneguhan dari perspektif psikologi merujuk kepada hubungan ransangan dan gerak balas.
Ransangan dan gerak balas berkaitan antara satu sama lain. Ransangan ialah pencetus,
manakala gerak balas ialah perlakuan hasil tindak balas daripada pencetus. Dalam teori
tingkah laku pelaziman operan Skinner ialah proses meningkatkan atau menurunkan kadar
satu-satu tingkah laku dengan cara menetapkan kesan pengukuhan atau hukuman bagi
tingkah laku tersebut. Tingkah laku boleh diajar dan dipelajari melalui satu ransangan yang
sesuai selepas tingkah laku itu dilakukan.

Peneguhan positif menggalakkan tingkah laku yang diingini dengan cara memberikan
ransangan atau peneguhan yang baik. Memberi ganjaran setelah perlakuan ditunjukkan
yang menyebabkan perlakuan itu diulang atau diperkuatkan lagi. Ganjaran konkrit seperti
hadiah, alat permainan atau makanan, manakala ganjaran social berbentuk pujian,
senyuman atau perhatian. Peneguhan negative adalah ransangan yang tidak menyenagkan
atau menyakitkan yang dinapuskan selepas sesuatu tingkah laku ditunjukkan.

2.2 Dendaan
Dendaan adalah proses untuk melemahkan atau mengurangkan berulangnya tingkah laku yang
diingini, individu berhenti melakukan sesuatu tingkah laku kerana ia mendatangkan kesan
yang tidak diingini. Semua hukum denda perlu dimaklumkan kepada murid dan pihak
sekolah mesti menentukan bahawa sesuatu hukuman itu betul-betul dilaksanakan dan
mengikut prosedur yang ditetapkan. Dendaan yang boleh dilakukan di sekolah seperti
dimarahi oleh guru, diberi amaran apabila melakukan kesalahan, mengenakan hukuman
yang dibayar dengan membuat kerja di sekolah seperti mengutip sampah dan mencuci
tandas. Tujuan denda adalah untuk menghentikan tingkah laku negative dan ia boleh
membawa kesan dalam tempoh yang singkat sahaja.

2.3 Reverse Psychology

Reverse Psychology ialah menggunakan psikologi untuk memodifikasikan tingkah laku
negative kepada positif. Teknik ini memerlukan guru memahami psikologi murid yang
berkenaan serta mengenalpasti sikap, pandangan dan pemikiran dalamannya. Tujuan
menggunakan teknik ini adalah untuk menginsafkan murid agar melepaskan sikap negative
dan memupuk sikap positif demi membentuk tingkah laku yang diingini.

2.4 Shaping (Pembentukan)

Shapinh adalah satu pembentukan tingkah laku dengan secara berperingkat. Maksudnya satu
usaha memberikan ganjaran kepada murid setiap kali hamper kepada matlamat tingkah laku
yang ditetapkan oleh guru. Dalam teknik ini ganjaran yang ditawarkan oleh guru menjadi
semakin besar apabila murid bergerak kea rah pencapaian matlamat tikgkah laku yang
2.5 Token Ekonomi
Token Ekonomi adalah sesuatu mata wang yang diberi bagi setiap tingkah laku yang
dipamerkan boleh ditukarkan dengan aktiviti, objek atau keistimewaan yang ditawarkan.
Dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran untuk mengawal tingkah laku supaya proses
pembelajaran tidak terganggu. Setiap murid yang menunjukkan tingkah laku positi akan
diberi satu token oleh guru, jika murid dapat mengumpulkan banyak akan diberikan hadiah
ia akan memotivasikan murid untuk terus menunjukkan tingkah laku positif.

2.6 Kontrak (lisan atau bertulis).

Kontrak adalah membuat perjanjian secara lisan atau menandatangani kontrak merupakan
salah satu cara yang berkesan untuk memodifikasikan tingkah laku negative kepada positif.
Kontrak secara bertulis akan terdapat peraturan yang perlu diikuti. Jika tidak mematuhinya
hukuman akan dikenakan. Murid yang menunjukkan tingkah laku yang baik dan prestasi
kerja yang tinggi, murid akan diberikan ganjaran seperti yang ditetapkan dalan kontrak.
Dengan cara ini murid akan terus berkelakuan baik kerana pandangan mereka dipandang
serius oleh guru.

2.7 Pengasingan
Teknik dimana murid disuruh keluar daripada bilik darjah atau dimasukkan ke dalam kelas
detensi untuk menjalani hukuman yang ditetapkan oleh guru. Satu konsep yang penting
dalam teknik pengasingan ialah guru membiarkan tingkah laku murid yang bermasalah
negative serta tidak member apa-apa perhatian kepadanya. Teknik ini adalah sesuai apabila
murid tidak menunjukkan tingkah laku yang positif walaupun diingatkan oleh guru beberapa
kali. Dalam teknik ini guru tidak akan memberikan perhatian kepada tingkah laku
bermasalah sehinggalah mereka berubah. Jika masih tidak mengikut arahan, maka
pengasingan ke dalam kelas detensi disyorkan.

Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in chair.

Has difficulty remaining in seat.

Runs about or climbs excessively.

Difficulty engaging in activities quietly.

Acts as if driven by motor.

Talks excessively.

Blurts out answers before questions have been completed.

Difficulty waiting or taking turns.

Interrupts or intrudes upon others.

Fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes.

Has difficulty sustaining attention.

Does not appear to listen.

Struggles to follow through on instructions.

Has difficulty with organization.

Avoids or dislikes tasks requiring sustained mental effort.

Loses things.

Is easily distracted.

Is forgetful of daily activities.

engage with the material, participate in the class, and collaborate with each
other. Don't expect your students simply to listen and memorize; instead, have
them help demonstrate a process, analyze an argument, or apply a concept to a
real-world situation.

List of Engagement Activities for Students

The good news is that there are many activities that will enable you to spend less
time talking and more time getting your students engaged in the classroom. Here is a
list of fourteen student engagement strategies from Reading Horizons Reading
Specialist, Stacy Hurst, that you can use to increase student engagement in your

1. Pretest with a Partner

This is a great activity, especially for ELLs. Before handing out the pretest let your
students know that the test will not be scored, that way we can lower anxiety and
increase engaged learning. Pair students up for the pretest, then have them use the
same set of materials for that pretest. If its on the computer, simply have them share
a computer between the two of them. During the pretest walk around the room so
you can gauge your students needs and adjust the lesson accordingly. Make sure
that the pretest is very similar to the posttest so you can see how much was actually
retained during the direct instruction.

2. Stand Up Sit Down

Teachers can use this to help students differentiate between any two categories. For
instance, when a teacher is trying to help her students distinguish between common
nouns and proper nouns, she would give an example then instruct them to either
stand up if it is a common noun or sit down if it is a proper noun. This is a great way
to see how much of your class is actually grasping the material. Its also a great way
to get your students blood flowing to keep them alert and engaged.
3. Thumbs Up Thumbs Down
I do this when I do teacher trainings all the time. You instruct students to put their
thumbs up if they agree or put their thumbs down if they disagree. Its a very quick
way to see how students are doing. However, when students have a low energy level
(i.e. right after lunch) Stand Up Sit Down may be a better alternative. On the other
hand, if you need to maintain your students current energy level Thumbs Up
Thumbs Down is ideal.

4. Secret Answer
I love this activity because its great for students that might not be as confident in
their answers. These students are the ones that if you were doing Stand Up Sit
Down or Thumbs Up Thumbs Down as a class, they would be looking around the
room to see what other students answers are before they would answer it
themselves. To do the exercise properly, have your students place their hand near
their heart (physically) and hold up the appropriate number of fingers depending on
what their answer is. This way, especially if all the students are facing the teacher, it
is difficult for students to copy their neighbors answer.

5. Response Cards
This is another great way to get your students involved during class time. And
frankly, sometimes its nice to just mix things up a bit. You can use Response Cards
for any number of responses, including: agree/disagree, true/false, yes/no, greater
than/less than, multiple choice, and emotions. For example, while reading a book
together as a class the teacher may pause and ask her students what they think the
character is feeling right now. Then the students would be able to select happy from
their personal stack of cards.

6. Think-Pair-Share
This activity is a great way for students to be able to pause and process what they
have just learned. Ask the class a question that they must first consider by
themselves then give them the opportunity to discuss it with their neighbor. Once
theyve discussed the question, students are then invited to share their answers with
the class. By giving them this time, you are enabling them to be more engaged in
their learning.

7. Quick Writes
Studies show that the proper ratio of direct instruction to reflection time for students
is ten to two. That means that for every ten minutes of instruction teachers need to
provide students with two minutes for reflection. This activity is a great way to
provide students with that much needed reflection time! In this activity, the teacher
asks a question about a topic or concept that has just been taught. Then the student
produces a written response and either shares it with a neighbor or is invited to
share it with the entire class.

8. One Word Splash

Although this activity is one that most teachers are pretty much unfamiliar with, its a
very effective way to help students process what theyve already learned. After
explaining new material, ask your students to write down one word to sum up that
material. Now, you might think that writing down one word is overly simplistic but it
actually requires higher processing skills that will help your students digest their
learning. This can be done either with a pencil and paper or a dry erase marker and
personal whiteboard for each student.

9. Quick Draw
This activity is great, especially for visual learners or students that arent quite writing
yet. After learning a new concept or topic, have your students draw a picture about
what theyve just learned. For example, after reading part of the story: Jack and the
Bean Stalk, have your students draw what has happened in the story up to that
point. Then a student may draw a picture of a boy planting seeds with a bean stalk
growing in the background.

10. Gallery Walk

This is another great activity that will keep your students engaged and their energy
level high. After having your students write or draw their responses, and have a
Gallery Walk and allow your students to look around the room and see other
students responses. Because students seek approval from their peers they will put
more effort into the exercise.

11. A-Z Topic Summary

End of lesson responses are a great way to engage your students and help them
connect the dots on their own. I love having my students do an A-Z Topic Summary
either as individuals or in pairs. If it is an individual activity, Ill have my students write
either a word or a sentence having to do with the lesson for each letter of the
alphabet. For example, if we learned about baking they would write a sentence for A
such as: Always preheat the oven before baking. If we do that activity in pairs, Ill
usually assign a letter to each pair and have them write a sentence rather than have
them do the whole alphabet.

12. 3-2-1
This activity is very quick so its perfect when youre pressed for time but still need to
give your students a chance to process the material. First youll have them write
three facts they learned about the topic. Next, two questions they still have about the
topic that might not have been covered in class. Finally, have your students write one
opinion they have about the material.

13. Find Your Match

This is another activity that will get your students up and moving. Hand out one card
to each student in the class and then have them get up and find the other student
with the matching card. You can do this with many topics including: rhyming words,
uppercase/lowercase, antonyms/synonyms, words/definitions, problem/solution, and
words/pictures. I especially like doing this with math problems and solutions for older
students and words to their matching pictures for younger students.

14. Dictation
One of my very favorite activities is Dictation! It is highly effective in engaging
students because it is multisensoryinvolving: auditory, visual, kinesthetic, and
tactile senses. Having a multisensory approach increases working memory and
integrates all language skills/modalities. To do Dictation have students listen to a
word, repeat the word out loud, write it out on paper, and then have them read the
word out loud again.

Use Positive Behavior Supports

Your team should develop strategies for you to use to increase the behaviors you
want to see in your child.

These will need to be individualized to his particular needs and challenges. They
can often be helpful in building

a sense of pride in accomplishments and personal responsibility, and a sense of

what is expected. This will reduce

the anxiety and reactivity that results in aggression or other behaviors. Some
helpful strategies:

Celebrate and build strengths and successes: Tell him what he does well and
what you like. A sense of competence

often fosters interest and motivation. Strive to give positive feedback much more
frequently than any correction

or negative feedback. Great job putting your dishes in the sink!

Respect and listen to him: You may have to look for the things he is telling you,
verbally or through his
choices or actions. You keep sitting on that side of the table. Is the sun in your
eyes over here?

Validate his concerns and emotions: Do not brush aside his fears or tell him not
to worry. His emotions are

very real. Help to give language to what he is feeling. I know you do not like
spiders. I can see that you are

very afraid right now. I can see that you are angry that our plans have

2012 Autism Speaks Inc. Autism Speaks and Autism Speaks Its Time To Listen
& Design are trademarks owned by Autism Speaks Inc. All rights reserved.


Thank you for your concern. My child

has autism. He finds many situations difficult,

including this one. Right now, we are doing a

treatment plan recommended by our therapist,

Dr. BCBA. This includes not giving attention

to my child when he is acting out in order to

discourage it. If you have any questions,

you can contact Dr. BCBA at 123-456-7890.

I carry a note card stating:

I post these cards in the windows of my car, on the front

door of my house and at any other environment, like family

members houses. My child has Autism printable card

Provide clear expectations of behavior: Show or tell your child what you expect
of him using visual aids,

photographs or video models. A great way to teach new skills is Tell-Show-Do.

Set him up for success: Provide accommodations. Accept a one word answer
instead of demanding a whole

sentence. Use a larger plate and offer a spoon to allow him to be neater at the
dinner table. Use Velcro
shoes or self-tying laces if tying is too frustrating.

Ignore the challenging behavior: Do your best to keep the challenging behavior
from serving as his way of

communicating or winning. This is hard to do, but in the long run it is effective.
Do not allow his screams

to get him out of brushing his teeth, or his biting to get him the lollipop that he
wants. Behaviors may get

worse before you start to see them get better. Stay the course! And make sure
all family and team members

are consistent in this approach and that you pair this with other positive

Alternate tasks: Do something that is fun, motivating or that your child is good
at. Then try something

hard. He will be less inclined to give up or get agitated if he is already in a

positive framework.

Teach and interact at your childs or loved ones learning level: Take care to set
him up for growth and

accomplishment, rather than the anxiety produced by constant failure or


Give choices, but within parameters: Everyone needs to be in control of

something, even if it is as simple as

which activity comes first. You can still maintain some control in the choices that
you offer. Do you want

to eat first, or paint first?

Provide access to breaks: Teach the individual to request a break when he

needs to regroup (e.g. use a PECS

card that represents break). Be sure to provide the break when he asks so he
learns to trust this option and

does not have to resort to challenging behaviors.

Promote the use of a safe, calm-down place: Teach him to recognize when he
needs to go there. This is a

positive strategy, not a punishment.

Set up reinforcement systems: Use simple, predictable processes that reward

your child for desired behavior.
Catch him being good and reward that, verbally and with favored activities,
objects or payment. I love

that you stayed with me during our shopping trip. You earned a ride on the
airplane toy!

Allow times and places for him to do what he wants: Even if it is a stim, it is
important to provide these

options when it is not an intrusion or annoyance to others.

Reward flexibility and self control: I know you wanted to go to the pool today
and we were surprised when it was

closed. For staying cool and being so flexible about that change in plans, lets go
get some ice cream instead!

Pick your battles: Strive for balance. Focus on the behaviors and skills that are
most essential. Be sure to

include positive feedback and intersperse opportunities for success and

enjoyment for you, your family,

and your loved one with autism. Be resilient. Celebrate the fun and the good

Use positive/proactive language: Use language that describes what you want
the individual to do

(e.g. I love how you used a tissue!), and try to avoid saying NO, or dont (e.g.
stop picking your nose.)

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