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Total No. of
Number of Projects taken
Total Households
Total no. of Households up relating to Total No. of
Person days No. of Projects provided
MGNREGS completed 100 Natural MGNREGS
Generated till completed under employment in
projects taken days of work in resources Projects taken
Sl.No Name of the Blocks last reporting MGNREGS till
up till last MGNREGS till
Management up till last
month for last reporting last reporting
reporting month last reporting under MGNREGS reporting month
Current Year month month for
for current year month for till last reporting for current year.
Current Year
Current Year month for
current year

BLOCK S 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 Asika 253683 455 2074 56 6140 510 2074
2 Beguniapada 261641 1076 2208 60 6408 681 2208
3 Bellaguntha 286567 799 2601 84 7054 818 2601
4 Bhanjanagar 302059 760 2808 181 7360 737 2808
5 Buguda 297032 847 2803 98 8227 660 2803
6 Chhatrapur 250004 457 2961 39 6784 393 2961
7 Chikiti 246487 575 1520 128 5751 340 1520
8 Dharakote 269125 627 2357 77 6483 846 2357
9 Digapahandi 288779 587 2036 201 6334 436 2036
10 Ganjam 177463 603 2055 90 4815 461 2055
11 Hinjilicut 283168 486 1537 68 6574 353 1537
12 Jagannathprasad 398886 874 2567 179 9390 794 2567
13 Kavisuryanagar 303414 692 2174 68 7807 596 2174
14 Khalikote 313760 656 2935 67 8434 653 2935
15 Kukudahandi 134106 656 2084 38 3674 451 2084
16 Patrapur 341222 517 1994 125 8531 449 1994
17 Polasara 327267 1119 2483 31 8559 671 2483
18 Purusottampur 280522 439 1485 150 6752 377 1485
19 Rangeilunda 190051 722 2187 44 5897 398 2187
20 Sanakhemundi 272703 612 2106 163 6039 527 2106
21 Saragada 264598 744 2699 185 6644 1101 2699
22 Surada 289736 443 2178 177 7544 605 2178
Total 6032273 14746 49852 2309 151201 12857 49852


Total person- expenditure on expenditure No. of AWC Expenditure expenditure
Total no. of
days generated Agriculture and (based on the Buildings incurred through without No. of
active workers Persondays
in MGNREGS till Agriculture allied cost for the completed till convergence till Administrative Beneficiary
under MGNREGS generated by
last reporting works till last running year) till last reporting last reporting empenditure till Aadhaar seeded
for the last 2 women
month for reporting month last reporting month for month for last reporting in MIS
Current Year for current month for current year current year. month of current
year. : current year year

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
253683 334.11 703.26 1 67.51 683.74 8652 12917 111534
261641 372.45 624.18 7 108.42 605.6 10694 18674 133954
286567 411.99 758.87 4 10.95 746.48 10980 16601 122632
302059 518.69 852.4 4 42.00 837.39 8616 16183 107269
297032 349.99 686.99 0 15.76 671.78 7184 17600 124654
250004 439.59 709.97 8 78.95 691.14 9873 18421 120223
246487 383.80 554.7 7 90.40 548.2 8660 12762 147202
269125 376.31 690.22 0 6.31 677.02 6788 15888 119443
288779 437.14 799.26 3 100.64 781.5 10273 14478 124085
177463 234.03 477.44 9 6.44 466.91 6353 13749 86939
283168 423.17 670.72 1 4.21 655.48 8061 14637 178589
398886 567.38 1414.23 4 20.34 1391.96 10026 22987 152924
303414 320.74 715.03 2 15.49 700.23 8530 15983 144375
313760 419.42 891.7 0 30.87 874.77 10097 20428 162996
134106 259.99 394.59 2 1.48 384.12 5468 10847 64592
341222 527.52 886.38 2 5.55 870.21 8133 18462 192006
327267 529.51 906.76 1 10.20 895.76 11549 20328 162535
280522 355.95 525.36 1 45.04 510.94 7492 16856 160299
190051 249.77 391.03 1 5.36 373.77 5886 15143 107284
272703 357.68 523.34 5 12.30 518.3 7061 14374 116367
264598 479.81 756.95 9 3.33 736.35 8930 15026 103081
289736 395.01 810.38 0 14.38 810.04 6629 16123 118896
6032273 8744.05 15743.76 71 695.92 15431.66 185935 358467 2861879
3.37 0.00
15747.13 15431.66

Total Persondays MGNREGS

Labour Budget
generated till expenditure till
target ( in Lakh
last reporting last reporting
Rs.) upto the
month of the month, for
year Current Year

27 37 38
253683 703.26 700.86
261641 624.18 742.17
286567 758.87 783.49
302059 852.4 742.17
297032 686.99 742.17
250004 709.97 742.17
246487 554.7 597.59
269125 690.22 824.79
288779 799.26 742.17
177463 477.44 494.32
283168 670.72 824.79
398886 1414.23 907.41
303414 715.03 804.14
313760 891.7 866.09
134106 394.59 494.32
341222 886.38 783.48
327267 906.76 826.17
280522 525.36 742.17
190051 391.03 659.56
272703 523.34 742.17
264598 756.95 823.41
289736 810.38 908.31
6032273 15743.76 16493.93

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