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Standard 4

Note the focus area and standard Note the type of artefact / Describe the artefact / document and indicate the Describe how the artefact / document
descriptor/s the artefact / document document possible impact or result on teaching and/ or student meet the standard descriptors you have
reflects learning identified.

4.1 Support student This artefact is two The feedback was provided by my mentor The artefact of feedback supports
participation sections of feedback teacher at the end of a lesson where I was inclusion of students within
provided by my mentor able to successfully implement strategies to classroom activities as I was able
Identify strategies to support teacher in relation to support student participation and to use positive reward systems
inclusive student participation classroom management engagement within the classroom. My and redirect students who may
and engagement in classroom strategies. The mentor provided constructive feedback that have moved off task [APST 4.1].
activities. feedback is I am able to utilise in my current and future According to the feedback, I was
constructive and is teaching in regards to the effectiveness of able to organise and manage
4.2 Manage classroom activities applicable in all the strategies employed. According to classroom activities by providing
aspects of classroom Hattie and Timperley (2007), feedback is support and roaming around the
Demonstrate the capacity to management in my one of the most powerful influences on room as students worked [APST
organise classroom activities and current and future learning and achievement. Therefore, 4.2].
provide clear directions. practice. receiving constructive feedback, I am able Together with this, I was able to
to drive my own teaching and learning and manage and guide any
4.3 Manage challenging thus heighten student learning. challenging behaviour I was
behaviour faced with by trying different
strategies that would work for me
Demonstrate knowledge of including the use of a tambourine
practical approaches to manage to regain attention when class
challenging behaviour. became too loud [APST 4.3].
Artefact: Feedback

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