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12, DECEMBER 1992

A New Empirical Nonlinear Model for HEMT and

MESFET Devices
Iltcho Angelov, Herbert Zirath, and Niklas Rorsman

Abstract-A new large signal model for HEMTs and MES- THE MODEL
FETs, capable of modeling the current-voltage characteristic
and its derivatives, including the characteristic transconduc- The drain current function is expressed in accordance
tance peak, gate-source and gate-drain capacitances is de- with previous models as
scribed. Model parameter extraction is straightforward and is
demonstrated for different submicron gate-length HEMT de-
vices including different &doped pseudomorphic HEMTs on
GaAs and lattice matched to InP, and a commercially available
MESFET. Measured and modeled dc and S-parameters are where the first factor is dependent only on the gate voltage
compared and found to coincide well. and the second only on the drain voltage. The ZdB[Vd,]
term is the same as the one used in other models [ 11, [4].
INTRODUCTION For ZdA [ V,,], however, we propose a function whose first
derivative has the same bell shaped structure as the
D IFFERENT empirical models suitable for simulation
of GaAs MESFETs in nonlinear circuits have been
developed [1]-[6].Some of the models have been incor-
measured transconductance function g, [ V,,] . The hyper-
bolic tangent (tanh) function describes the gate voltage
dependencies and its derivatives well and is normally
porated in commercial Harmonic Balance (HB) simula- available in commercial HB-simulators i.e. :
tors. These models are used to predict gain, intermodu-
lation distortion, generation of harmonics, etc, versus
bias, for circuits like amplifiers, mixers, and multipliers.
Recently, Maas et al. [6] pointed out that not only the
current-voltage characteristic Zd, [ Vg,y, VdJ but also their where I p k is the drain current at which we have maximum
derivatives have to be modeled correctly, especially if the transconductance, with the contribution from the output
model is supposed to predict intermodulation distortion. conductance subtracted. A is the channel length modula-
In [ 6 ] ,the Zd, [V,,] dependence is modeled as a harmonic tion parameter and Q is the saturation voltage parameter.
series, and the coefficients are fitted to both the measured The parameters Q and X are the same as those in the Statz
Zd, [ V,,, Vd,] and its derivatives by using singular-value and Curtice models. rc/ is in general a power series func-
decomposition. Since the above models are intended tion centered at V p k with V,, as a variable i.e.
mainly to describe the performance of MESFETs, there
are increasing demands for general FET models, which $ = - I/pk) + p2(Vgs - Vpkl2 + p3(Vgs - l/pkl3 + 9

model both HEMTs and MESFETs. In particular, the

characteristic peak in the transconductance versus gate (3)
voltage dependence found in most HEMTs must be cor- where V p k is the gate voltage for maximum transconduc-
rectly modeled. In principle, the model utilized in [2], [6] tance g m p k . The selected Id,[V,,, Vd,] function has well
could be used, but many terms are normally needed and defined derivatives. An advantage of the selected model
parameter extraction requires special techniques. is its simplicity. The different parameters can as a first
We propose a new simple model, where parameter ex- approximation be easily obtained by inspection of the
traction can be made by simple inspection of the experi- measured Ids [ V,,, Vd,] at a saturated channel condition as
mental Zd, [V,,, Vd,]and g, [V,,] dc-characteristics, which follows: all higher terms in rc/ are assumed to be zero, X
models Zd, and its derivatives with good accuracy. The is determined from the slope of the Zd,-Vd, characteristic,
model has been applied to FETs based on the following I p k and V p k are determined at the peak transconductance
material structures: AlGaAs-GaAs, pseudomorphic g m p k . The intrinsic maximum transconductance g m p k is cal-
(AlGaAs-InGaAs-GaAs) (homogeneously doped and sin- culated from the measured maximum transconductance
gle and double &doped), lattice matched to InP (AlInAs- g m p k m by taking into account the feedback effect due to the
GaInAs-InP), and GaAs MESFETs with good results. source resistance, R,, which can be obtained from dc-
measurement [7]:
Manuscript received July 10, 1992; revised July 30, 1992.
The authors are with the Department of Applied Electron Physics, Chal- gmpkm
mers University of Technology, S-41296, Goteborg, Sweden. gmpk = (4)
IEEE Log Number 9203679. (1 - Rsgmpkm)

0018-9480/92$03.00 0 1992 IEEE


P I is now obtained as characteristic for increasing Vgsdue to the absence of par-

asitic MESFET channel formation in the AlGaAs layer,
found in HEMTs with a doped AlGaAs layer.

In some HEMTs, VPkis weakly dependent on the drain EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION

voltage V d , in the saturated region. This effect can be ac-
The model parameters were extracted for a commer-
counted for by
cially available MESFET and different submicron gate-
Vpk = Vpko + * Vds* (6) length devices, including different &doped pseudo-
morphic HEMTs on GaAs and lattice matched to InP (Fig.
In the non-saturated region and for negative Vd,, V,, will
l ) , with mushroom gates of length from 0.15 pm to 0.35
vary considerably with Vd,, as will be discussed later. The
pm and gate width from 50 pm to 200 pm, fabricated in
dependence of Vpkon V d s must be found (experimentally
our laboratory at Chalmers University. fT and f,,, were
or modeled) and the model will predict the transistor per-
70-1 10 GHz and 120-200 GHz respectively for the short
formance correctly. gate-length devices.
The same type of modeling functions were chosen to
DC-parameters were measured by using a HP 4145B
model the dependencies on gate and drain voltage of ca-
parameter analyser. In Figs. 2-5, the result of the mea-
pacitances Cg, and c g d
sured ( V d , = 2 V) and the modeled dc parameters of the
C i V g x , Vdsl = [Qnh (vgs)l CB [ t a d (Vds)l (7) different transistors is shown. For most devices, the func-
tion $, extracted from the measured drain current I d s , is
as suggested in [ 8 ] , [9].Due to the similarity of I d , [ Vg,, almost a straight line and it is possible to use only the first
V d s ] and cgs[Vgs,
Vd,] the functions can be expressed as
term in $ to model the transistor (Figs. 2, 3, 4). For some
cgs = Cgs0[1 + tanh ($1>1 + tanh ($211 (8) of them (Fig. 5 ) it is necessary to use more terms to im-
prove the fitting.
cgd = Cgdo[l + tardl ($313 [l - tad ($4)I (9) In Fig. 6(a), the measured variation of Vpkfor one tran-
where sistor (PM3) with a gate width, L,, of 2 X 25 pm is
shown. At low and at negative values of V d s , Vpkvaries
$1 = pogsg + PI, Vgs + p 2 g s g Vis + p 3 g s g v,; + * * * strongly with Vd,. Therefore, the Vpkdependence also has
(10) to be modeled if the operating conditions of the device
correspond to these cases. In the same figure, the modeled
$2 = POgsd + P l g s d V d s + p2gsdV2s + P3gsdVis + * ' V,, is plotted using different approximating functions for
the Vpkdependence. In Fig. 6(b) and (c), the measured
(1 1) and modeled I d , and g, versus Vg, are presented.
$3 = + plgdg Vgs + p2gdg Vis + p 3 g d g Vis + ' * The S-parameters were measured by Cascade probes
WPH-405 connected to a Wiltron 360 Vector Network
(12) Analyzer in the frequency range 0.5-62.5 GHz. Here we
$4 = pOgdd + (plgdd + plcc V g s ) Vds + p2gdd Vis present results of measurements of the HEMT (PM2) with
the gate width of 200 pm and gate length 0.35 pm for
+ PJgddvis + * * (13)
which the influence of fringing and pad capacitances is of
The term PlccVgsV d s reflects the cross-coupling of V,, and less importance compared to the short gate width devices.
v,d on c g d . When an accuracy on the order of 5 1 0 % of S-parameters were measured at the following bias points
Cg, and c g d is sufficient (8)-(13) can be simplified to: for parameter extraction: V d s = - 1 V, -0.5 V, 0 V,
0.75 V, 2 V, 3 V and Vg = -1.5 V to +0.5 V with a step
cgs = cgso[1 + tanh V g s ) ] [1 + hnh (plgsd vds>l
of 0.25 V . The parasitic parameters of the transistor (Fig.
(14) 7(a)) can be found most accurately at V d s = 0. This re-
gime is also important for mixers working in the resistive
cgd = cgdo[1 + tanh (plgdgVgs)l mode [lo]. At V d s = 0.75 v, I d , is saturated. At V d , =
' [1 - tanh (plgdd Vds + plcc Vgs Vds)l a (15) 2-3 V the transistor is working in its normal operating
Equation (15) can be further simplified if cross-coupling The intrinsic parameters of the equivalent circuit (Fig.
at large drain voltages ( V d , > 1 V) is neglected: 7(a)) were derived. The parasitic parameters Lg, L d , L,,
Rg, Rd, C, were fixed at the parameter values extracted
C g d = cgdo L1 + tanh (plgdg Vgs)] [1 - tanh ( p l g d d Vds>I . from the S-parameter measurement at Vd, = 0.
(16) Our model was easily implemented in a commercial
Harmonic Balance-simulator (MDS from HP) as a custom
These equations (14)-(16) are suitable for &doped defined equation model. The model parameters of the PM2
HEMTs with an undoped AlGaAs spacer-layer, as inves- (L, = 200 pm, Lg = 0.35 pm) HEMT are listed in Table
tigated in this study, since they have a saturated Cg, [V,,] I. For this particular HEMT we have to include the cubic

Pseudomorphic HEMT (PM2)

- 1 pm GaAs (undoped)
5000 A GaAs (undoped) <l.lO14 nn-3

Semi-insulating GaAs 650pm

Semi-insulating GaAs

Double &doped HEMT (PM3)


Semi-insulating GaAs 650 pm

Fig. 1. Structure of the devices. (a) Ordinary HEMT. (b) Pseudomorphic HEMT (PM2). (c) Double &doped pseudomorphic
HEMT (PM3). (d) Lattice matched to InP HEMT.

50 HEhfr-kI00~

s 20


Gate voltage, (v) Gate voltage, (v)

(a) (b)

50 HE
m -2x100 pn.



-0.5 0 . 0.5
Gate voltage, IV) Gate voltage, (V)
(C) (d)
Fig. 2. Measured V, = 2 V (dots) and modeled (solid lines) characteristic of ordinary HEMT (L, = 2 x 100 pm, L, = 0.15
pm). (a) Drain current I,,, versus gate voltage, VgT(I,,, = 31 mA, h = 0.02, 01 = 1.3, V,,, = 0.51 V). (b) $-function versus
gate voltage, VgJ( P , = 1.8, P2 = O,.P, = -0.09). (c) Transconductance, g,", versus gate voltage, Vgr. (d) Derivative of the
transconductance d( g,) /dV,,.

-0.5 - 0 0.5 1
Gate voltage, (VI Gate voltage. (V)

(a) (a)

0.5 DoubkGdopcdHEMT


-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5

Gate voltage, (V) Gate voltage, (VI

(b) (b)

80 '

-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0
Gate voitage, (VI Gate voltage, (VI

(C) (c)


-100 '

-150t -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5

Gate voltage, (V) Gate voltage, (V)
(4 (4
Fig. 3. Measured Vd = 2 V (dots) and modeled (solid lines) characteristics Fig. 4. Measured Vd = 2 V (dots) and modeled (solid lines) characteristics
of pseudomorphic HEMT (PM2) ( L , = 2 x 100 pm, L, = 0.15 pm). (a) of double 6-doped HEMT (PM3) (L, = 2 X 100 pm, L, = 0.15 pm). (a)
Drain current, Ids, versus gate voltage, Vgs(Ipk = 38 mA, h = 0.02, a! = Drain current, Ids, versus gate voltage, V,, (Ipk = 69 mA, h = 0.025, a! =
1.5, V,, = 0.12 V). (b) $-function versus gate voltage, Vgs( P I = 1.9, P2 1.3, Vpk = -0.0.25 V). (b) $-function versus gate voltage (PI = 1.42, P2
= 0, P3 = 0.83). (c) Transconductance, g,, gate voltage, Vgs.(d) Deriv- = 0, P3 = -0.02). (c) Transconductance, g,, versus gate voltpge, Vps.
ative of the transconductance d( g,)/dV,. (d) Derivative of the transconductance d( g,)/dV,,.

Double Woped HEMT

0 I
-0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Gate voltage, (V) Drain voltage, (V)
(a) (a)

301 1
Y Double sdoped
2. InPHEMT 20
-WO pm.
1. 10



-2 ' -20.

-30' 1
-3. -1 -0.5 0 0.5
Gate voltage,(V)


-1 -0.5 0 0.5
Gate voltage, (VI
Gate voltage, (V) (C)
Fig. 6. Measured (dots) and modeled (solid lines) characteristics of double
(C) &doped HEMT (PM3) (L, = 2 X 25 pm, L, = 0.15 pm). (a) Vpeak versus
Vdr:I ) v,k = -0.27 + 0.65(Tanh [(V,, + 0.34)] and 2) Vpk = -0.1 +
0.5 V, - 0.13V2s. (b) Drain current, Ids,versus gate voltage, V,, (I,, =
16 mA, h = 0.03, (Y = 1.3, P , = 1.65, P2 = 0, P3 = 0 . 5 , VpI = -0.27
+ 0.65(Tanh [(Vdr 0.3411). (c) Transconductance, g, versus gate volt-
age, VgS.

term in order to improve the fitting of the drain current

and its derivates at voltages close to pinch-off. All terms
except P I and P3 are zero.
In Fig. 7(b)-(d), the measured and modeled Zds-Vds
-80' J
-0.5 0 0.5 characteristics, the transconductance g,, and the output
Gate voltage, (V) resistance, Rds, are plotted, respectively.
(d) Fig. 8 shows the measured and simulated S-parameters
Fig. 5. Measured Vd = 2 V (dots) and modeled (solid lines) characteristics of the transistor at different bias points. The difference
of InP-HEMT (L, = 2 X 50 pm, L, = 0.15 pm). (a) Drain current, I,,, between the modeled and simulated values is small for all
versus gate voltage, V,, (I,, = 15 mA, X = 0.02, Q! = 1.5, v p k = 0.02 S-parameters. The model has been also used to simulate
V). (b) #-function versus gate voltage, Vgs ( P I = 2.4, P , = -0.4, P3 =
0.02 V). (c) Transconductance, g,, versus gate voltage, VgS.(d) Derivative the performance of different non-linear circuits like mix-
of the transconductance d( g,)/dV,,. ers and multipliers with good accuracy [12], [13].

U 70

Cds 2e 5n







Fig. 7. Measured (dots) and modeled (solid lines) PM2 HEMT characteristics (L, = 200 pm, L, = 0.35 pm). (a) The equivalent
circuit of the transistor. (b) Drain current, Ids, versus drain voltage, Vd3.(c) Drain current, Ids, and transconductance, g,, versus
gate voltage, VgS.(d) Drain-source resistance, R,, gate voltage, VSs.


3 3.5 3 6 60 0.28 35

IPk[mAl PI p3 v,, [VI h 01

0 frequency(GHz1 50
26.3 3.35 I 0.55 0.02 3

Figs. 9(a)-(c) show the measured and modeled depen-

dencies of C,, and C,, for transistors with gate dimensions
of 200 pm x 0.35 pm. The commonly used models
(pn-junction or Statz models) are not appropriate for this
case. For the studied pulse-doped pseudomorphic HEMT
the following simple expressions were found (with simple
curve fitting procedure [ 111) giving an accuracy, which is
sufficient for most practical cases:
C,, = C,,,[l + tanh (V,, - 0.0481/~s)] Fig. 8. The measured (dots) and modeled (solid lines) S-parameters of the
PM2 HEMT (L, = 200 pm L, = 0.35 pm) for Vds = 2 V and VgS= 0 V ,
[l + tanh (O.4Vds)] (17) 0.1 V and 0.45 V . (a) Magnitude of Szl.(b) S 2 , . (c) S,l. (d) Sz2.

- 250.

0 2 4
Drain voltage, (VI Gate voltage, (V)
(a) (a)

1. ME-sFEr


Drain voltage, (V)

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
(b) Gate voltage, (VI

0 2 4
Drain voltage, (VI
Gate voltage, (VI
Fig. 9. Measured (dots) and modeled (solid lines) capacitances of the PM2
HEMT ( L , = 200 pm, LR = 0.35 pm) (C,,, = CRdo= 145 fF). (a) C,, (C)
versus v& eq. (17). (b) c,d versus vdr eq. (18). (c) C,d versus V,, eq. (19).

cgd = C&[l + Qnh (0.48Vg,)]

* [1 - tanh (0.551/,, - 0.048Vis + 0.2vgsvds)]
(18) MGF1303
and for the simplified equation of C,, we obtain: -50.

C,, = Cgdu[l + tanh (0.481/,,)][1 - tanh (0.55Vds)] 100

(19) -0.5 0 0.5 - 1
Gate voltage, (V)
where C,,, = Cgdu= 145 f F are the capacitances for Vgs
= v,, = 0. (d)
In Fig. 9(b) and (c), the modeled C,, using (18) and Fig. 10. Measured (dots) and modeled (solid lines) MESFET (MGF1303)
(19) are shown. Evidently even such a simple equation as characteristics. (a) Drain current, Ids, versus gate voltage, V,, (Ipk
= 49
mA, h = 0.02, a = 3). (b) $-function versus gate voltage, V,, ( P , = 1.4,
(19) gives good accuracy. When higher accuracy is re- P, = 0, P , = 0.8, Vpk = 0.2 V). (c) Transconductance, g,, versus gate
quired more terms should be included. voltage, Vx5.(d) Derivative of the transconductance d( g,)/dVr,.


- >
- E




0 Vds(V1 5

Fig. 11. Measured (dots) and modeled (solid lines) MESFET (MGF1303) characteristics. (a) The equivalent circuit of the
packaged transistor. (h) Drain current, Ids, versus drain voltage, Vds.(c) Transconductance, g,, versus gate voltage, Vgs.(d)
Drain-source resistance, Rdr, versus gate voltage, Vgs.

2.4 2.2 3.7 3.3 750 30 130 0.35 0.52 45 32 200 80 0.45

The same study was performed on an ordinary MES- extracted for a MESFET (MGF 1303), were used in Har-
FET and the model was shown to work equally well for monic Balance Simulator (MDS) to simulate the dc and
this kind of device. Model parameters were extracted for microwave performance of this transistors.
packaged MESFETs fabricated by different manufac- In Fig. 1l(b)-(d) the measured and modeled Ids-vds de-
tures. DC- and S-parameters were measured using a pendence, the transconductance, g,, versus gate voltage
Maury MT-950 transistor fixture and Wiltron 360/HP V,,, the output resistance, Rds,for this packaged transistor
8510 C ANA in the frequency range 0.1-18 GHz. are shown. Measured and simulated S-parameters for the
The measured and simulated dc parameters of the Mit- MESFET at different bias conditions are shown in Fig.
subishi MGF 1303, the drain current, Ids, the $-function, 12. The difference between measured and modeled Ids
the transconductance, g,, the derivative of the transcon- versus Vgs,g, and S,, is less than 5 % .
ductance, g,, are shown in Fig. 10. We have used a more
complicated equivalent circuit of the transistor (Fig. 1l(a)) CONCLUSIONS
to model the packaged transistors accurately. Parameters A practical, simple, and accurate large-signal empirical
were extracted in the same way as for the HEMT as de- model capable of modeling the drain current-gate voltage
scribed above. The model parameters listed in Table I1 characteristic and its derivatives, and the capacitances C,,

[5] Y. Tajima, B. Wrona, and K. Mishima, GaAs FET large-signal

model and its application to circuit design, IEEE Trans. Electron
Devices, vol. 28, p. 171, 1981.
[6] S . Maas and D. Neilson, Modeling of MESFETs for intermodula-
tion analysis of mixers and amplifiers, in 1990 IEEE MTT-SMicro-
wave Symp. Dig., pp. 1291-1294.
[7] R. Holmstrom, W. Bloss, and J. Chi, A gate probe method of de-
termining parasitic resistance in MESFETs, IEEE Electron Device
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[8] P. Roblin, S. Kang, and H. Morkoc, Analytic solution of the ve-
locity-saturated MOSFET/MODFET wave equation and its applica-
tion to the prediction of the microwave characteristics of MOD-
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[9] D. Amold, W. Kopp, R. Fisher, J . Klem, and H. Morkoc, Bias
MGF I303 MGF1303 dependence of capacitances in MODFET at 4 GHz, IEEE Electron
SI I Device Let?., vol. EDL-5, p. 123, 1984.
[lo] S . Maas, A GaAs MESFET mixer with very low intermodulation,
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-35, no. 4, pp. 425-
430, 1987.
[ l l ] S . Wolfram, Mathematica. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1991.
[12] I. Angelov, H. Zirath, N. Rorsman, and H. Gronqvist, A balanced
millimeter wave doubler based on pseudomorphic HEMTs, in I992
IEEE MTT-SMicrowave Symp. Dig., p. 353-356.
[13] I. Angelov, H. Zirath, N. Rorsman, E . Kollberg, Characteristics of
I I L 1 millimeter wave drain mixer, in 1992 EUMC Rec., Helsinki, Fin-
(c) (d) land.
Fig. 12. The measured (dots) and simulated (solid lines) S-parameters of
the MESFET (MGF1303) (Vds = 3 V; V,, = 0 V, -0.45 V , -0.6 V). (a)
Magnitude of S 2 , . (b) (c) S l l . (d) S2?.

and C,, for HEMTs and MESFETs is presented. Param-

eter extractionand the incorporation of this model into Iltcho Angelov received the M.S. degree in elec-
tronics in 1969 and the Ph.D. degree in physics
commercial software tool is straightforward. The model and mathematics in 1973.
has been used to predict the dc- and S-parameters of the He worked with parametric amplifiers, IM-
devices and to simulate the performance of different non- PATT and Gunn oscillators, studied nonlinear ef-
fects and synchronisation phenomena in these de-
linear circuits like mixers and multipliers with good ac- vices. Since 1976 he has worked with microwave
curacy. low noise transistor amplifiers, including criogen-
ically cooled amplifiers. Recently his research ac-
tivity is in the field of HEMT nonlinear modelling
ACKNOWLEDGMENT and develoument of millimeter wave HEMT mix-
ers and multipliers.
The authors would like to thank C. Karnfelt at Ericsson
Radar Electronics (ERE) for help with the substrates and
bonding, and T. Andersson at Chalmers University of
Technology for fabricating the test fixtures, and C. Karls-
son for help with the fabrication of HEMTs. The Swedish
Defence Material Administration (FMV) and The Swed- Herbert Zirath received the M.Sc. degree in
ish National Board for Industrial and Technical Devel- electrical engineering in 1980 and the Ph.D. de-
opment (NUTEK) are acknowledged for financial sup- gree in 1986 from Chalmers University of Tech-
nology, Goteborg, Sweden.
port, QED and NSI for growing MBE heterostructure ma- Since 1980, he has been workmg as a re-
terials, and Prof. E. Kollberg, Dr. L. Lundgren, Dr. T. searcher at Chalmers on cooled millimeter-wave
Lewin, Dr. R. Weikle and G . Ericsson for their support Schottky diode mixers and on the properties of
millimeter-wave Schottky bamer diodes In ad-
of this work. I

dition, he has been responsible for the develop-

ment of active millimeter-wave components like
REFERENCES MESFET and HEMT including their modeling,
and related circuits, like mixers, amplifiers and harmonic generators, since
W. Curtice, A MESFET model for use in the design of GaAs inte- lg86.
grated circuits, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol.
MTT-28, no. 5, pp. 448-455, 1980.
W. Curtice and M. Ettenberg, A nonlinear GaAs FET model for use
in the design of output circuits for power amplifiers, IEEE Trans.
Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-33, no. 12, p. 1383, 1985.
A. Materka and T. Kacprzak, Computer calculation of large-signal
GaAs FET amplifier characteristics, IEEE Trans. Microwave The- Niklas Rorsman received the M.Sc. degree in engineering physics in 1988
ory Tech., vol. MTT-33, no. 2, pp. 129-134, 1985. and the degree of licentiate of engineering in 1992 from Chalmers Univer-
H. Statz, P. Newman et al. GaAs FET device and circuit simulation sity of Technology. He is currently working towards the Ph.D. degree.
in SPICE, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-34, pp. 160- Since 1988 he has been working with development of heterostructure field
166, 1987. effect transistors and their applications.

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