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Full Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Phone Number

Todays Date

The Honorable (Officials name here)

Role of the Official
Office Mailing Address

Dear (Elected Officials Name):

ParagraphOne:Opening Statement. The opening statement is a good place to state that you are
a constituent. You should also identify the reason you are writing your letter and your hopes from
the official. Tell them that you are advocating for rural veterans, and that you also want them to
advocate for rural veterans. If you have a specific bill about rural veterans that you would like
your official to act upon, request their action in regards to that bill, such as you want them to
support the bill.

ParagraphsTwoandThree:Use these paragraphs to clearly discuss the issue as it relates to

you and your community. These paragraphs should use a combination of facts, research, and
personal stories to support the points you are making. Include statistics about how many veterans
live in rural areas, information about the lack of access to healthcare, or studies about travel
distances to healthcare facilities. Also, include information about why this matters to you. Do
you have a family member or know someone who is a veteran? Do you realize how good
healthcare impacts the opportunities for rural veterans? These paragraphs should present
information that is personalized and poignant.

ParagraphFour:Specifically identify what you are asking from the legislator that you are
writing. (ex. I urge you to support (your issue here) by voting in favor of XXXX this session.
You do not have to identify a particular piece of legislation, but you can if you are aware of one
that addresses the issue at hand. It is also fine to just tell your elected official that you want them
to support rural veterans by supporting certain kinds of bills or legislator in the future, or by any
other means that is in their power.

Your Name

o Be Original- Feel free to use this guide as a base, but expand on it with your own words.
Personal letters that dont sound mass-produced are much more impactful.
o Letters may be typed or written- Keep in mind that written letters are every bit as effective, if
not more so, than typed letters, as long as they are legible.
o Be Polite- Thank them for their time and attention.
o Stay Brief- The maximum length of a letter/email should be 1 page.
o Personalize Your Relationship- The more you can personalize your relationship with the
legislator, the stronger your letter/email will be. If you voted for the legislator, worked on
his/her campaign, or donated money to the legislator or their party, say so.

General Form and Structure

______ Your mailing address (in the district) is listed on the top right-hand side.

______ You address the letter to the elected official using proper protocol.

______ The letter is no more than one full single-spaced page in length.

______ You have closed and signed the letter at the bottom.


______ The first paragraph informs the elected official of who you are and the purpose/topic of
the letter. Mention that you are a constituent.

______ The second and third paragraphs use stories, facts, and research to support the points you
are making.

______ The second and third paragraphs present information that is personalized and poignant.

______ The fourth paragraph specifically identifies what you are asking from the legislator that
you are writing.

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