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Habiburrahim M.Com., M.S., Ph.D.


Rizkina Putri



Preface ............................................................................................................... i

Table of Content ............................................................................................... ii


A. Background of Study .................................................................................. 1

B. Research Question ....................................................................................... 1
C. The Aim of Study ........................................................................................
D. Terminology ................................................................................................ 1
E. Significant of Study ....................................................................................


A. Definition of Motivation ............................................................................. 3

B. Types of Motivation .................................................................................... 3
C. The Importance of Motivation in Second Language Learning ................... 4
D. Factors that affect Motivation in Second Language Learning .................... 5
E. Related Study ........................................................................................ 6


A. Participants .................................................................................................. 9
B. Research Instrument .................................................................................... 9
C. Data Collection ........................................................................................... 9
D. Data analysis ............................................................................................... 9


A. General Information .................................................................................... 9

B. Students Motivation .................................................................................... 9


A. Conclusion and Recommendation .............................................................. 10

REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 10

A. Background of Study
Nowadays, the learning of English language in Aceh is very important to be

known in the society. Language was very important to communicate each other in

every minute with interaction in community. Every person in this era prefers to

talk in another language as the complement of study of foreign language. English

language become as the foreign language in our country. In this case, many from

student in university they can talk active in the class depend on their learning that

they got from their school before. Many from student who was active in the class

certainly they have the motivation of their self or another to become as native or

clear as they can to talk in the class now in their university.

Motivation is the feeling that can make someone doing something hard,

studying new things, and encourages trying again when failing. According to

Hines and Rutherford (1982), Motivation is the feeling nurtured primarily by

the classroom teacher in the learning situation as he engages in carefully

planned as well as intuitive practices which will satisfy one or more of the basic,

universal, cognitive, and affective human needs. That argument talks to every

one if the teachers have the duty as a motivator to their student in the class. The

teacher in first basic school have to learn much to their student until in the end of

study they get their purpose of study and they get in their self what another

motivation that they must get to continue their life until the end. The teacher here

must carefully plan as well as intuitive practice in the basic of study, cognitive,

universal and affective what students need.

Motivation in learning foreign language was varies. Every people can get their

motivation because of the important one that they must reach with that language.

For example in this case people have to work in another country that they must to
talk English, so they have their own motivation to do that work and start to study

English well. Next, they want to know about one culture in English country, so

that they have to study that culture within the language of English country.

Another motivations that comes from someone who want to master in foreign

language, like international language such as Arabic, English, France, Mandarin,

That phenomenon was asking for the student in university about the research

students motivation in learning English about who is their motivator in learning

foreign language. From that statement many of answers we got in learning that

students motivated their self in learning English because of their parents, getting

the good occupation because English is the language that important in the world,

and the university that they choose is the best major in one faculty. That

encourages motivation surely can increase the successes students in their learning

English as their foreign language. Uin Ar-Raniry is one of state university in Aceh

with has the major of English Department; with the students motivation in

learning English has variant. Therefore, the research would like to take place in

English Department as the good motivation of student like to choose that major as

the best major in Uin Ar-Raniry. The next the researcher would like to know the

oriented from the students how can they motivate their self in learning English

and to know how they act in the classroom as student in university about English


B. Research Question
Based on previous background, the researcher would like to identify the problem,

as follows:
1. What is students motivation in learning English?
2. Who is the motivator for student to learn English?
3. Why did the students select their learning in English Department of Uin


C. The Aim of Study

Based on question above, the researches would like to answer the purpose or the

aim of study, as follows:

1. To know the motivation of learning English from student PBI in English

Department of Uin Ar-Raniry.

2. To find out who is the motivator every student in learning English
3. To discover the student about their selected the English department as their

best major.

D. Terminology
To get general understanding about the research, the writer would like to clarify

some terms is used in the title and body of this research:

1. Motivation
2. English language
3. Learning

E. Significant of Study
The result of study this research is expected that can be the input of the teacher

especially in English department can help the problem of student learning, give

well the motivation for student, and also can give the knowledge to every aspect

in the University that can improve the quality of learning English.

a. Academic
- To help the university, especially major being good in the people view

because of the great motivation come from someone.

- To help teacher knowing the knowledge of student, then the teacher can

give the motivation well based on the student need.

- To understand the student and help them to get the good motivation in

learning process.
b. Practical
- To develop the teacher being a good teacher and improve the learning of

student with the motivation.

A. Definitions of motivation

There are many different definitions of motivation, especially in language


Harmer (1991, p.3) said that the meaning of motivation as the internal drive
that demanded someone to do something. If we think that our goal is worth doing and
attractive for us , then we try to reach that goal; this is called the action driven by
motivation. Lightbown and Spada (1999, p. 56) note that motivation in second
language learning is quite complicate to study which can be explained in terms of two
factors: learners communicative needs and their attitudes towards the second
language community.

In addition, another definitions we found that Parsons, Hinson and Brown

(2001 , p. 28) define motivation as an important component or factor in the learning
process. Learning and motivation have the same importance in order to achieve
something. Learning makes us gain new knowledge and skills and motivation pushes
us or encourage us to go through the learning process.

Gardner (1982), in his socio-educational model, notes that motivation is

perceived to be composed of three elements. These are effort, desire and affect. Effort
refers to the time spent studying the language and the drive of the learner. Desire
indicates how much the learner wants to become proficient in the language, and affect
means the learners emotional reactions related to language study. Also the motivation
according to Aree Punmanee (1991) that the process aroused by stimulus to
achieve desired purposes, behaviors or conditions. Motivation is the continuous
process based on a persons desire.
B. Types of motivation
(Harmer, 1991, p. 3) uses the word goal to categorize the motivation in
second language learning into two types :
1. Short-term goal means when students wish to succeed in doing
something in the near future, for example, students who want to pass their
examination or to get good grade or high scores.
2. Long-term goal refers to a wish of students or learners who want to get a
better job in the future or to be able to communicate with people who use
the language that they study or the target language.

Krashen (1988, p.22) mentioned the following factors which are rather related
to motivation that will attempt to relate the second language ability to these
two functions.
1. Integrative motivation, defined as the desire to be a part of recognized or
important members of the community or that society that speak the second
language. It is based on interest in learning the second language because of
their need to learn about, associate or socialize with the people who use it or
because of purpose or intention to participate or integrate in the second
language using the same language in that community; but sometimes it
involves emotion or affective factors a great deal. (Saville-Troike, 2006, p. 86)
2. Instrumental motivation involves the concepts of purely practical value in
learning the second language in order to increase learners careers or business
opportunities, giving them more prestige and power, accessing scientific and
technical information, or just passing a course of their study in school.
(Saville-Troike, 2006, p. 86)

Furthermore, the motivation is further classified into two main categories as

the following:
1. Extrinsic motivation refers to a desire to get a reward and avoid punishment.
It emphasizes external need to persuade the learner to take part in learning
activity (Arnold, 2000, p. 14), such as homework, grade, or doing something
to please teachers. Both integrative and instrumental motivations are also
grouped under the branch of the extrinsic motivation (Harmer, 1991, p. 4)

As extrinsic motivation is based on external outcomes such as rewards and

punishment. This motivation could bring a negative impact to the students,
because with extrinsic motivation, students do not learn with their strong
intention or will but they study it because they are pushed by the interest in the
rewards or the punishment. When a student is learning because he is promised
rewards or because he wants the rewards , he will be highly motivated to come
to classes and learn and achieve the goal that is set for him. But when these
rewards are taken away, or sometimes even if they do not see any punishment,
the student will not be interested in coming to class and learn the language any
2. Intrinsic motivation refers to learning itself having its own reward(Arnold,
2000, p.14). It means the learners are willingly and voluntarily (not
compulsorily) try to learn what they think it is worth or important for them.
When students have intrinsic motivation, they have the internal desire to learn
and they do not have the need for external outcomes. There are no negative
impacts in having intrinsic motivation. In addition, intrinsic motivation
pushes the student to learn without rewards, because the need is innate or
come from inside or depends on their own will. Lightbown and Spada (1999,
p. 56-57) mentioned that teachers do not have many effects on students
intrinsic motivation since the students are from different backgrounds and the
only way to motivate students is by making the classroom a supportive

C. The Importance of motivation in second language learning

Motivation has an important role in success and failure in learning a
second language. Spolsky (1990, p. 157) stated that motivated students are
likely to learn more and learn more quickly than students who are less
motivated. In a particular learning situation, students who are less
motivated are likely to lose their attention, misbehave and cause discipline
problems. On the contrary, students who are more highly motivated will
participate actively and pay more attention to a certain learning task or

D. Factors that affect motivation in second language learning

Four factors that can be dangerous to the learners motivation, according to
Harmer (1991, p. 4) are the following :
1. Physical condition which means the atmosphere in class. For example if
student have to study in the bad lighting classroom , overcrowded with too
many students , have to look at the small board, or in the unpleasant smell
classroom, they can lose their motivation or their motivation in learning
will be lowered.
2. Method of teaching which refers to the way that students are taught must
affect their motivation. Whenever the learners feel bored at the teachers
method, their motivation would likely be lost or gradually decreased. As
he said, If the students loses confidence in the method, they will become
demotivated (Harmer, 1991, p. 5)
3. The teachers as the most powerful variable of motivation and
demotivation, can become a major part in demotivating the learners.
4. Success refers to the appropriate level of challenge designed by the
teachers. If the difficulty of work and activity is too high or too low, it can
lead students to a demotivated situation in learning. As Harmer pointed
out, to give high challenge activities may have a negative effect on
motivation. Students can also equally be demotivated by too low level of

From Krashens affective filter hypothesis (as cited in Lightbown and Spada,
1999, p.39), emotional states such as tiredness, depression, boredom, etc
obstruct the learning process of the students. Anxiety becomes a factor that
influences the affective filter. Low anxiety is more helpful for second
language acquisition (Krashen, cited in J.Oller and J. Richards, 2003, p. 183).
This means that learners anxiety can affect their motivation. According to
Krashen, there are three affective variables that interact with the affective
1. Motivation which is beneficial for language acquisition
2. Self-confidence which is also useful for acquisition
3. Anxiety which is good in the case where it is in a low level

F. Related Study

A. Participants
In this research, the researcher was taking the method with using
quantitative as the best way to collect data which take the randomly
sample for the responder 25 third year undergraduate students in English
Department of UIN Ar-Raniry, who were studying in fifth semester,
academic year 2014.

B. Research Instrument
The instrument used in this study is a 3 point Likert Scale which was
adapted from the original 7-poins Likert Scale format of Gardners
Attitute/ Motivation Test Battery (AMI), range from strongly agree to
strongly disagree. (Gardner: 1960). In this instrument the researcher uses
3 points of answer questions contain of agree, neutral, and disagree.
According to Prapphal (1981) to get the motivation, the questions used in
questionnaire were adopted from Prapphals Attitudes Testing. There are 7
questions in the questionnaire which consists two main parts; first is the
general question about the name, student number, and gender. For the
second, the questions according to motivation of learning English in UIN

C. Data Collection
The questionnaire was making by using Google form to get the
information about 25 English Department third year undergraduate
students in their motivation learning. The data was collecting from social
media and the student was filled out the question from questionnaire
completed when they have leisure time until the data collected now.

D. Data analysis
The data was collecting from the questionnaire were analyzed using the
SPSS program. The data was get the comments from the participants were
calculated and presented in percentage by using diagram. A three-point
Likert Scale was used to measure the important of motivation in learning
English student in English Department, UIN Ar-Raniry.

The findings of this study are divided into two parts: (1) general information of the
student; and (2) students motivation.

A. General Information
This part indicates the general demographic data of the respondents. The
results are shown based on the questionnaires as following below:

Table.1 Gender of Respondents

Gender Frequency Percent (%)

Male 3 12
Female 22 88
Total 25 100

The table shows that there were a total of 25 respondents. The majority of
respondents were female (88 %) and the minority were male (12 %)

The next is general demographic data of the respondents from entry year that
the researcher takes 25 students from third year undergraduate who were study
in English Department of UIN Ar-Raniry in fifth semester 2014. (100 % from
2014 students)

B. Student Motivation
This part presents overall details of the studys results. The entire questions
item was seven and based on Likert Skile using a-three points that agree,
neutral, and disagree. The questionnaire was given to everyone in English
Department students and this is the result that we got after collecting data.
This table shown based on the questionnaire give back as following below:

Table.2 Motivation
N Question Agree Neutral Disagree
1 English Department as my first major
80 20 -
2 I choose English Department because
this is the best major in UIN Ar-Raniry 80 12 8
3 I have no other choice to continue my
12 32 56
4 My English improve when i study in
92 8 -
English Department.
5 Family is my first motivator to study in
44 44 12
English Department.
6 Go abroad is my motivation in learning
80 12 8
7 Learning English is useful for getting
88 12 -
the job.

From the table, the researcher got the answer based on collecting data from
questionnaire that given from social media. The point that shown students in
English Department has the motivation high in point no 4 that (92%) with the
English improve when they study in English Department. However, the point
no 3 many from participants disagree (56 %) if they join into English
Department because of they have no other choice to continue their study. In
the end, the data was indicated that the students motivation was different but
they enjoy to study in English Department with various motivation that they



A. Conclusion and Discussion


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