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Central Presbyterian Church

Minutes of the Stated Session Meeting

Monday, May 20, 2002

Present: Rev. Ann J. Deibert, Associate Pastor and Moderator for this meeting; Elder Eileene J.
MacFalls, Clerk; Elders: Kathie Barger, Gladys Boykin, Sharon Clements, Katie Cobb, Priscilla
Freeman, Laurie Griffith, Melanie Hardison, Craig Johnson, Don Lueckert, Susan Scott, Jeff Sodowsky,
Susan Stanford and David Wheeler

Excused Absences: Mark Baridon, Ron Johnson, Vince Patton

A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order by the Rev. Ann Deibert at 7:05 p.m. in the
Community Room. She opened the meeting using lectio divina (an ancient Christian way of prayer).
The text was from the lectionary selection for the day, Proverbs 3, on Wisdom.

1. Financial Report:
A. Elder Craig Johnson, treasurer, reviewed the actual-to-budget year-to-date financial statements
through April 2002 and the balance sheet as of April 30, 2002. He noted that statements
will be mailed at the end of the second quarter showing the amounts pledged to the budget
and to the Capital Campaign and the amounts paid on each of these pledges to date.
B. He provided a list of Capital Campaign expenditures as of April 30, 2002:
Air-conditioning the sanctuary $143,967.30
New phone system 7,234.49
Window repairs in the basement 8,931.00
Grand piano 43,817.50
International Womens Leadership 6,666.67
Development Endowment Fund
Amity Foundation, China 1,666.67
Total $212,283.63
C. He reported Capital Campaign Fund receipts of $102,255 on pledges of $295,451. Follow-up on
Capital Campaign pledges was discussed. Elder Freeman asked for a status report on the various
projects included in the campaign. Rev. Deibert offered to meet with her to do this and then
communicate this information to the congregation through
articles in The Central Idea. Elder Lueckert asked for an update on the Berry
Boulevard Mission Project. Elder Stanford offered to contact Rev. Baridon and
bring a report to the August Stated Session Meeting. Elder Johnson said he has
calculated the percentage paid to date on each Capital Campaign pledge and noted some
have been paid in full and others have had no payments. Individual contacts are to be made with
those who are not up to date, as directed by the Stewardship

2. Pastors Reports
A. Ann Deibert
1. Due to concerns about recent rulings on the clergy housing allowance, she asked to change her
housing/salary distribution by moving $3,500 to salary (no change in total). The request
was approved. It was noted that new interpretations of the housing allowance state
that a pastor can claim the Fair Rental Value of the house.
2. Her vacation in Florida was great.
3. The Recreational Workshop at Montreat was exhausting.
4. Visioning Gathering details have taken a lot of her time.
5. She led worship at the Presbyterian Center during the downsizing notification week.
6. She continues on the presbyterys Church and Culture Task Force. Their purpose is to
strengthen leadership in congregations. Currently they are working on a Lilly Grant
proposal to enhance preaching leadership in the presbytery.
B. Mark Baridon (presented by Ann Deibert in his absence)
1. Requested approval for an offering for Campus Ministry on Sunday, June 2, 2002 to be used for
funds to begin a ministry at UofL by fall 2002. This offering was approved by the Presbytery of
Mid-Kentucky for churches in the presbytery. Start-up costs are estimated at $13,000. Note: The
request has been withdrawn. Rev. Deibert misunderstood Rev. Baridons request. He feels
that the Browinski Fund Grant will be an adequate contribution from Central.
2. Fundraiser for HELP Office (weekend of St. James Art Fair, 2002); goal: $5,400 toward $13,000
shortfall for 2002. Requested use of Centrals bell tower as the place people raising funds for this
cause will be locked up. To get out of the tower they will need to raise a certain amount for the
HELP Office and will be calling on friends to help them do this. Concerns about the churchs
potential liability if people were injured and about the appropriateness of using incarceration in
a playful way were expressed. The difficult financial position the HELP Office faces in light of
merged city/county government beginning in 2003 was noted. All similar entities will
also be losing funding provided in the past by the Board of Alders of the City of
Louisville. The session approved the use of the bell tower for this event
with 2 no votes and one abstention.

3. Faith Journeys: Elder Craig Johnson shared his faith journey and his call to ministry at Central at this

4. Visioning Process: Elders Jeff Sodowsky and Priscilla Freeman reflected on the congregational
visioning sessions attended by 70 persons to date. A mixture of oldtimers and newcomers have
participated; common threads have emerged. An additional session for the congregation has been
planned. Appreciation for the creative process design for these sessions and for the leadership of
Elders Sodowsky and Freeman was expressed. The session will be continuing the process in a called
meeting June 7 June 8.

5. Mission Committee:
A. Elder Sodowsky outlined Centrals work schedule for the Habitat for Humanity House to be built
by Presbyterians this year.
B. He also asked that the session docket for its August Stated Meeting a discussion of what in
Centrals annual budget the session considers to be mission giving.

6. Browinski Fund Grant Process Recommendation:

A. Elder Sodowsky distributed a draft of a Grant Application for the Browinski Fund. A few
revisions were made and the application form was approved for immediate distribution and use.
There are two annual deadlines: April 1 and October 1. A sub-committee of the Mission
Committee will review grant proposals and make recommendations to the session for
their approval. Under the terms of the will, the responsibility for the "use" of the fund
lies with the trustees. The process is for the session to approve a request to use a
portion of the fund for a purpose consistent with the will. The trustees then all sign a
paper instructing the bank to disburse the funds according to the session
resolution. The session initiates the action and the trustees carry it out.

B. Thorough discussion of options about the rate at which the approximate $190,000 balance in the
fund should be spent ensued. The session voted to grant up to $36,000 annually.
C. Elders Sodowsky and Halsey Sandford have discussed whether there are easier ways to manage
the fund including the possibility of folding it into Centrals Permanent Endowment Fund
portfolio. A specific recommendation about this will be made to the session.
D. Because two requests for Browinski Fund grants have been delayed waiting for the session to
approve a process and application form, the session agreed to waive the published deadlines
for proposals in this first round. Application forms are to be given to Mr. Alonzo Johnson
for PNEUMA and to Rev. Mark Baridon for UofL Campus Ministry (seeking
$9,000). A special meeting to deal with these applications will be called when the
Mission Committee is prepared with a recommendation for session action on either of
the proposals.

7. Appreciation for the service of elders in the Class of 2002 (Kathie Barger, Katie Cobb, Craig Johnson,
Ron Johnson, Susan Stanford) was expressed. It was noted that their service on session will not end
until the Class of 2005 has been ordained and installed. The practice of giving (for one year)
copies of approved session minutes to those who have just rotated off will continue.

8. Possibility of two-year terms: Because some have expressed how tiring the third year of a three-year
term can become, the moderator asked for feedback on reducing the term to two years (a
practice permitted by the Book of Order). The benefits of having session members with
two years experience serving a third year prevailed. No one advocated reducing the term.

9. Plans to instruct, examine, ordain and install the Class of 2005 are being made by the pastors. The
session will be asked to participate in a called meeting to examine the new class some time this
summer. Ordination and installation usually occurs in August.

10. Stewardship Committee: Elder Priscilla Freeman noted that over $2,000 has been received for the
Pentecost Offering to date. Additional gifts are expected. She also reported that Endowment
guidelines are being worked on.

11. Annual Congregational Meeting: Questions about the format of the program for the meeting were
raised. Some felt that input from elders was missing last year; others said they had been asked
for verbal reports to be given at the meeting. Elder Freeman requested time on the agenda
for the Stewardship Committee to make a Powerpoint presentation. Rev. Deibert said she
would take these comments into consideration as she planned the agenda for the meeting.

12. Omnibus Motion

A. Clerks Report
1. Minutes of the Stated Session Meeting of April 15, 2002 were approved.
2. The names of three members who have died were removed from the active roll:
a. Emily Martin on April 5, 2002
b. James Tice on April 25, 2002 (a Charter member)
c. Leonard Wilson on May 8, 2002
B. Building Use
Date Time Event Room Needed Contact
5/7/02 6 9 p.m. KY Reproductive Community Room Sheila Sutton
Health Network
6/1/02 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Camp Shakespeare Community Room Doug Sumey
6/4/02 Noon Louisville Women Community Room Polly Johnson

The omnibus motion was approved.

13. Received for Information
A. Clerks Report
1. Correspondence: Letter of appreciation from Presbyterians Today for one-time use of our
mailing list to promote subscriptions to the magazine.
2. The Sacrament of the Lords Supper was observed during worship on Sunday, May 5, 2002.
3. Communion taken to 6 homebound members.
B. Membership Report: 188 members; 5 affiliate members; 25 clergy friends= 218 total
-1 Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty
C. Worship Attendance Report: Average for April = 155
D. Pastors Help Fund Expenditures Report: Rev. Baridon = $230 ($130 food; $100 HELP office);
Rev. Deibert = $82 (insurance); $300 contribution from church member

14. Adjournment and Closing Prayer: The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. with a closing prayer by
Rev. Deibert.

Respectfully submitted,

Eileene J. MacFalls
Clerk of Session

Approved July 8, 2002

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