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Lesson Plan Midterm

Submission ID 365503375961622326

Submission Date 2017-03-16 14:56:15

Class 1st Grade

Teacher Ms. Carrillo

Title of Lesson Telling Time

Lesson Summary Students will learn to tell time on an analog and digital clock.

"Do Now" Assignment Start a discussion with the students and hear their thoughts on how you tell time.

Objective/ SMART Goal 70% of Ms. Carrillo's class will score a 70% or above on the Telling Time unit test.

How can you tell if your You can tell if a SMART Goal is well written if it's specific, measurable, achievable,
SMART Goal is well written? realistic, and timely. In this case, i'm being specific because I use a specific percentage
and a specific test. It's measurable because I want 70% of my class to score a 70% or
above. It's achievable, realistic, and timely because this goal is made to be
accomplished by the time the unit is over.

Standards Addressed 1.MD.B3

Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks.

What set of standards was Common Core State Standards

adopted by California
Department of Education in

*Discuss one pro and one The perk of the Common Core State Standards is that students won't struggle if they
con of the standard set you move to another state because all schools are now required to teach just about the
selected above. same things around the same as every other school.

A con about the common state standards is that it makes subjects more complicated to
learn because you have to make them relate to real life issues.

Materials - analog clock

- digital clock
- bingo game for the whole class
- copies of time practice worksheets

Anticipatory Set/ Motivation After the "DO NOW" assignment I will show them a video on how to tell time and how it
helps to know how to tell time.

Modeling/ Input (Teacher Teacher will print out an analog clock where the hands are adjustable and explain how
Does During Guided Practice) it works. Teacher will also do practice problems on the board.

Guided Practice (Student Students will practice reading the given time on the clock and putting the time on the
Does During Guided Practice) clock when given in word form.

Independent Practice Students will play bingo in small groups where they will practice telling time. Students
will review by matching the time with the analog clock that matches.

*Differentiate between Guided During guided practice, students do worksheets or activities with the help of a teacher
Practice and Independent while Independent Practice is where students work on their own.
Formative Assessment Students will be given a 5 minute practice worksheet where they work on telling and
identifying time.

Summative Assessment A test will be given at the end of the lesson that includes reading a clock and moving
the hands of a clock to the time given.

*Compare and contrast Both formative and summative assessments are made to what the students are
formative and summative capable of doing. A formative assessment is done while the students are still learning
assessment. while a summative assessment is done after the lesson is done.

ELL Modifications For the ELL modifications, I will do think-pair-share activites where the students can
help each other out and share their understanding. I will also do more visual activities
that include videos and drawings that will increase their understanding.

*Describe what students English Learners in Level 3 should be able to communicate and understand most of the
should be able to do by the time. They will still need help and support but by now they will be able to write
time they are classified as a paragraphs.
Level 3 English Learner.

Special Needs For students with ADD, activities will be done where the students have to walk around.
For students with dyslexia, I will stay close to the student just to clear up any confusion
or mistakes, if any.

For kids who wear glasses, I would personally talk to them and put them somewhere
close to the board so they can be successful in class.

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