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UNITATEA DE INVATAMANT: Grup Scolar Gregor J. Tajovski

ARIA CURRICULARA: Limba si comunicare
DISCIPLINA: Limba engleza
CLASA: a V-a
PROFESOR: Ivanischi Cristina
ANUL SCOLAR : 2010-2011
MANUAL: Snapshot, Starter Students Book, Brian Abbs, Chris Barker, Ingrid Freebairn, Longman,2001

Nr.crt. Succesiunea unitatilor de invatare Competente specifice Nr. ore Semestrul Observatii

1 Unit I - Its great to be here! 1.1 4 I

2 Unit II- Whos Em? 1.1 5 I
3 Unit III- Im French-Canadian 1.1 4 I
4 Unit IV- Can you spell that, please? 1.1 5 I
5 Unit V- From one country to another 3.3 2 I

6 Unit VI- Ive got two sisters 1.2 4 I

7 Unit VII- Do you like heavy metal? 1.2 4 I

8 Unit VIII- Can I come too? 1.1 4 I


9 Unit IX-Welcome to Brighton 1.1 4 I

10 Unit X- Six of a kind 4.2 1 I
11 Unit XI- I never go straight home 1.1 4 II
12 Unit XII- Can you scuba-dive? 1.1 5 II
13 Unit XIII-Whats Daniel doing? 1.2 4 II
14 Unit XIV- What are you going to wear? 1.1 5 II
15 Unit XV- Were you out last night? 1.1 4 II
16 Unit XVI- Did you talk about me? 1.1 5 II

17 Unit XVII- It was a warm evening 1.1 4 II


18 Unit XVIII- My jokes funnier 1.1 5 II


UNITATEA DE INVATAMANT: Grup Scolar Gregor J. Tajovski

ARIA CURRICULARA: Limba si comunicare
DISCIPLINA: Limba engleza
CLASA: a V-a
PROFESOR: Ivanischi Cristina
ANUL SCOLAR : 2010-2011
MANUAL: Snapshot, Starter Students Book, Brian Abbs, Chris Barker, Ingrid Freebairn, Longman,2001

Nr.crt. Competente Unitatea de Continuturi ale invatarii Nr.ore Sapt. Observatii

specifice invatare

1. 1.1 Unit I- Its great Greet people and exchange names 4 S1-S2
1.2 to be here! Verb to be singular
2.3 Question words: What?, How (old)?, Who?
3.1 Demonstrative pronouns: this/that
4.1 Indefinite articles: a/an
Possessive adjectives: my/your
Common objects and furniture
Numbers 1-20

2. 1.1 Unit II- Whos Introduce people 4 S3-S4

2.1 Em ? Greet people you know
2.2 Ask where people and things are
4.2 Question word: Where?
Common adjectives:right, wrong,big, small,hot,
Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its
Genitive apostrophe s (s)
Prepositions: in, on, at
3. 1.1 Revision Units I-II 1 S5
4. 1.1 Unit III- Im Talk about your nationality and say where you 4 S5
2.2 French- are from S6
3.1 Canadian Plurals of nouns S7
4.1 Verb to be plural

5. 1.1 Unit IV- Can you Ask for and give telephone numbers 4 S7
1.2 spell that, Ask for and give names and addresses S8
2.2 please? Verb can (request) S9
2.3 Question word: When?
Preposition on with days of the week
Numbers 20-100
The alphabet
Days of the week

6. 1.2 Revision Units III-IV 1 S9


7. 3.3 Unit V: Wide From one country to another 1 S10

4.1 angle -Project
4.2 Consolidation of language and skills
8. 1.2 Unit VI- Ive got Talk about your family 4 S10
2.1 two sisters Family members S11
2.2 Talk about peoples appearance S12
4.2 Possessive adjectives: our, your, their
Genitive apostrophe s: singular (s), plural (s)
Verb have/has got
Some and any
Question words: How many? Why?
Linker: because
Family members

9. 1.2 Unit VII- Do you Talk about likes and dislikes 3 S12
2.2 like heavy metal? Present simple S13
3.1 Adverbs of degree: very much, a lot, at all
4.1 Object pronouns: me, you, him, her, it, us, them

10. 3.2 Revision Units VI-VII 1 S14

11. 1.1 Unit VIII- Can I Ask for permission 4 S14
1.2 come too? Ask and say the time S15
2.3 Fast food and drinks S16
4.3 Present simple with fixed times
Question words: How long? How much?
Preposition of time: at
Verb can (permission)
12. 1.1 Unit IX- Ask and say where places are 3 S16
1.2 Welcome to Places in towns S17
2.2 Brighton Make suggestions with lets
1.4 Prepositions of place: in/on, next to, behind, in
4.2 front of, in the center of, on the corner of,
opposite, betweenand
There is and there are
Verb want + infinitive

13. 2.3 Revision Units VIII-IX 1 S18

14. 4.2 Unit X: Wide Six of a kind- Project 1 S18
4.3 angle Consolidation of language and skills

UNITATEA DE INVATAMANT: Grup Scolar Gregor J. Tajovski

ARIA CURRICULARA: Limba si comunicare
DISCIPLINA: Limba engleza
CLASA: a V-a
PROFESOR: Ivanischi Cristina
ANUL SCOLAR : 2010-2011
MANUAL: Snapshot, Starter Students Book, Brian Abbs, Chris Barker, Ingrid Freebairn, Longman,2001

Nr. crt. Competente Unitatea de invatare Continuturi ale invatarii Nr. ore Sapt. Observatii

15. 1.1 Unit XI- I never go straight Present simple for routines 4 S1-S2
2.2 home Linkers: first, then, after that
2.4 Adverbs of frequency: always,
4.1 usually, often, sometime, never

16. 1.1 Unit XII- Can you scuba- How often? With adverbial phrases 4 S3-S4
1.2 dive? of frequency
3.2 Verb can (ability)
4.1 Gerund (- ing form) after like, love,
Prepositions in and on with dates

17. 2.3 Revision Units XI-XII 1 S5

18. 1.2 Unit XIII- Whats Daniel Give orders (Imperatives ) 4 S5
2.3 doing? Present continuous S6
3.3 Positive and negative S7
3.4 Rooms and parts of the house

19. 1.1 Unit XIV- What are you Comment on clothes 4 S7

2.1 going to wear? Make plans ( Verb going to for S8
2.2 future plans and intentions ) S9
3.3 Too+ adjective
4.2 Demonstrative adjectives:
20. 3.1 Revision Units XIII-XIV 1 S9
21. 1.1 Unit XV- Were you out last Offer, accept and refuse with 4 S10
2.3 night? would like S11
4.1 Ask about past events
4.3 Verb to be past simple
Past time adverbials: last night,
yesterday evening etc.

22. 1.1 Unit XVI- Did you talk about Talk about the past 4 S12
2.3 me? Express opinions S13
4.2 Past simple of regular verbs
3.2 Past simple questions with did

23. 3.1 Revision Units XV-XVI 1 S14

24. 1.1 Unit XVII- It was a warm Ask and talk about the weather 4 S14
2.1 evening. Narrate past events S15
2.3 Special phrase: Whats thelike? S16
3.3 Past simple of irregular verbs
25. 1.1 Unit XVIII- My jokes Make comparisons 4 S16
1.2 funnier Comparative and superlative of S17
2.1 short adjectives S18
2.2 Comparative and superlative of
good and bad
Question word: Which?

26. 4.3 Final revision Units XVII-XVIII 1 S18


UNITATEA DE INVATAMANT: Grup Scolar Gregor J. Tajovski

ARIA CURRICULARA: Limba si comunicare
DISCIPLINA: Limba engleza
CLASA: a V-a
PROFESOR: Ivanischi Cristina
ANUL SCOLAR : 2010-2011
MANUAL: Snapshot, Starter Students Book, Brian Abbs, Chris Barker, Ingrid Freebairn, Longman,2001

Nr. Unitatea de Continuturi Competente Nr ore Sapt. Activitati de Evaluare Resurse

crt invatare specifice invatare

Initial revision 1.1 4 S1-S2 Reading, (partial) Tests

1.2 matching the text translation, Textbook, tape,
1. Its Great to Be Communication: greeting 2.3 with the image, simple Worksheet
Here people, exchange names, ask 3.1 acting the conversation,
someones names 4.1 dialogue, homework;
Grammar: to be (Present simulation, grid
Simple), demonstrative completion;
pronoun: this/ that; indefinite
Vocabulary: common objects
1.1 4 S3-S4 Reading; T/F Reading, Textbook, tape;
2. Whos Em? Communication: introduce 2.1 exercises; homework, Workbook
people, ask people where are 2.2 multiple choice (partial)
from 4.2 exercises; translation;
Grammar: genitive s, matching,
possessive adjective: my, exercises
your, his, her, its, prepositions, regarding
definite article; phonetic
Vocabulary: common differences;
adjectives; titles: Mr., Mrs,
Miss, Ms;
1.1 1 S5 Responding (partial) Worksheets
Fast Rewind: Units 1 and 2 Revision 1.4 questions; translation; Textbook
3.4 Fill in; listening simple Workbook

Communication: talking about 1.1 S5 Reading, Reading, writing Textbook, tape;

3. Im French nationality and where you are 2.2 S6 comprehension, a formal letter, Games;
Canadian from; 3.1 4 S7 exercises writing simple
Grammar: plural of nouns; 4.1 regarding texts, answering
Vocabulary: countries and phonetic to common
nationalities, compass points differences, questions;
and places; writing simple

Communication: ask for and 1.1 4 S7 Reading , Reading, textbook, tape;

4. Can You Spell give telephone numbers, 1.2 S8 comprehension, homework, Workbook
That, Please? names and addresses; 2.2 S9 simulation, grid spelling different
Grammar: can (request), 2.3 completion, words, counting
preposition on with days; exercises with
Vocabulary: greetings, phonetic
numbers from 1 100, the differences;
alphabet, the days of the week
1 S9 Responding (partial) Worksheets
Fast Rewind: Units 3 and 4 Revision questions; translation; Textbook
Fill in; listening simple Workbook
WIDE ANGLE ON 3.3 1 S10 Dialogues , Writing informal Textbook, tape,
5. THE WORLD: 4.1 simulation, letters; reading, worksheet
From One Consolidation of language 4.2 matching, T/F (partial)
Country To skills exercises, fill in translation;
Another texts, exercises
with phonetic
1.2 4 S10 Reading , Reading, answer Textbook, tape;
Ive Got Two Communication: talk about 2.1 S11 comprehension, to questions,
6. Sisters your family/ peoples 2.2 S12 chart Writing (about
appearance; 4.2 completion, favourite band)
Grammar: possessive exercises with
adjectives: our, your, their, the phonetic
verb have/has got; question differences,
words: how many? why?, matching, simple
linker: because; descriptions;

Communication: expressing 1.2 3 S12 Reading , Homework; Textbook, tape;

likes and dislikes; Grammar: 2.2 S13 comprehension, Partial
7. Do You Like Heavy adverbs of degree: very much, 3.1 acting dialogues, translation,
Metal? a lot, at all, objects pronoun: 4.1 grid completion; Written test,
me, you, him, her, it, us, them; 4.2 T/F exercises;
Vocabulary: types of music;
3.2 1 S14 Responding (partial) Worksheets
Fast Rewind: Units 6 and 7 Revision 4.3 questions; translation; Textbook
Fill in; listening simple Workbook
Communication: ask for 1.1 4 S14 Reading; T/F Homework; Oral Textbook, tape;
8. Can I Come Too? permission, asking and 1.2 S15 exercises; test; Acting
expressing the time, buying 2.3 S16 listening dialogues;
things in shops; 4.3 exercises;
Grammar: Present Simple multiple choice
Tense, question words: how exercises;
long, how much, preposition matching,
at for time, can permission; exercises
Vocabulary: clock times, fast regarding
food, drinks, phonetic
Communication: ask and say 1.1 3 S16 Reading; T/F Homework; Oral Textbook, tape;
9 Welcome to where places are, ask and talk 1.2 S17 exercises; test; Acting Workbook;
Brighton about places and facilities, 2.2 listening dialogues; PPT presentation
make suggestions; 1.4 exercises;
Grammar: preposition of 4.2 multiple choice
place: in/on, next to, near, exercises;
behind, in front of, in the matching,
centre of, on the corner of, exercises
opposite, between and , regarding
there is/ are; indefinite phonetic
pronoun: one, verb want + differences;
Vocabulary: places in town,
leisure activities;
2.3 1 S18 Responding (partial) Textbook,
Fast Rewind: Units 8 and 9 Revision 3.1 questions; translation; Workbook
3.2 Fill in; listening simple
10. WIDE ANGLE ON 4.2 1 S18 Reading; Translation , Textbook, tape,
THE WORLD: Consolidation of language 4.3 multiple choice simple
Six of a Kind skills exercises; conversation,
matching, homework;
11. I Never Go Straight Communication: ask and talk 1.1 4 S1-S2 Reading, (partial) Textbook, tape,
Home about daily routines; 2.2 matching the text translation, Worksheet;
Grammar: Present Simple for 2.4 with the image, simple Workbook
daily routines; linkers: first, 4.1 acting the conversation,
then, after that; adverbs of dialogue, homework;
frequency: always, usually, simulation, grid
often, seldom, rarely, completion;
Vocabulary: daily activities;
1.1 4 S3-S4 Reading, Textbook, tape;
Communication: expressing 1.2 Reading; T/F homework, Workbook
12. Can You Scuba- abilities, ask and talk about 3.2 exercises; (partial)
Dive? dates; 4.1 multiple choice translation;
Grammar: can (ability), exercises;
gerund after like, love, hate; matching,
preposition in and on with exercises
dates; regarding
Vocabulary: sports and phonetic
activities, months and seasons differences;
of the year; ordinal numbers
2.3 1 S5 Responding to Simple Worksheets
Fast Rewind: Units 11 and Revision 3.1 questions; conversation, Textbook
12 3.2 Fill in; listening oral test Workbook
Communication: expressing 1.2 4 S5 Reading, Reading, writing Textbook, tape;
13. Whats Daniel present moments, give orders; 2.3 S6 comprehension, a formal letter, Games;
Doing? Grammar: Present Continuous 3.3 S7 exercises writing simple Workbook
Tense, positive and negative 3.4 regarding texts, common
imperatives; phonetic questions;
Vocabulary: rooms and parts differences,
of the house; writing simple
14. What Are You Communication: comment on 1.1 4 S7 reading, Reading, Textbook, tape;
Going to Wear? clothes, make plans; 2.1 S8 comprehension, homework, Workbook
Grammar: to be going to for 2.2 S9 simulation, grid spelling different
future plans and intensions; 3.3 completion, words, counting;
demonstrative adjective: 4.2 exercises with
these/ those; phonetic
Vocabulary: clothes, colours differences;
1 S9 Responding to Simple Worksheets
Fast Rewind: Units 13 Revision 3.1 questions; conversation, Textbook
and14 3.2 Fill in; listening oral test Workbook
Were You out Last Communication: offer, accept, 1.1 4 S10 dialogues, Reading, answer
15. Night? refuse, ask about past events; 2.3 S11 simulation, to questions, Textbook,
Grammar: verb to be Past 4.2 matching, T/F Writing (about Workbook
Simple Tense; 3.2 exercises, fill in favourite band)
Vocabulary: past time texts, exercises
adverbials: last night, with phonetic
yesterday evening etc, drinks; differences
Communication: talk about 3.1 4 S12 Reading , Homework; Textbook;
16. Did You Talk about the past, express opinions; 4.2 S13 comprehension, Partial Workbook; tape
Me? Grammar: Past Simple of 4.3 chart translation,
regular verbs, past questions completion, Written test,
with did; exercises with
Vocabulary: daily activities, phonetic
adjectives of quality, differences,
adjectives to describe matching, simple
personality; descriptions;
17. 1.1 1 S14 Simple Worksheets
Fast Rewind: Units Revision 2.1 Responding to conversation, Textbook
16 and 17 2.3 questions; oral test Workbook
3.3 Fill in; listening

Communication: ask and talk 1.1 4 S14 Reading , Homework; Oral Textbook, tape;
It was a Warm about the weather, talk about 1.2 S15 comprehension, test; Acting Workbook
18. Evening past events, narrate past 2.1 S16 acting dialogues, dialogues;
events; 2.2 grid completion;
Grammar: special phrase: T/F exercises;
whats she like? Past Simple
of irregular verbs;
Vocabulary: weather words;
Communication: make 4.3 4 S16 Reading; T/F Homework, Oral Textbook, tape;
19. My Jokes Funnier comparison; 3.1 S17 exercises; test; Workbook
Grammar: comparative and 3.2 S18 listening
superlative of short adjectives, 3.3 exercises;
comparative and superlative multiple choice
of good, bad, much, many, exercises;
question word: which matching,
1.1 1 S18

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