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Culture of Feedback

Culture of Feedback - Anna Gwozdz (agwozdz1) (Feb 9, 2017 2:25 PM)

I think the description that Dr. Brown puts forth is true for what most people feel. I think humans in
general try to just shy away from anything and everything that could even cause the littlest amount of pain.
We try and shy away from anything that will hurt or ego or this positive image we have of ourselves.
However, many people do not even take the opportunity to listen to feedback they are given about
themselves unless it is viewed in a positive light. So I agree that people should get used to feeling that
discomfort because it's a normal part when receiving feedback. WE may not like it at first, but in the end, it
can make us a better person. As the quote indicates, this can be applied to not just work-life, but other
communities as well.

Basing it off of the questions on page 223, I feel like I have had some feedback given to me thus far. So far, I
have only had feedback in accordance to some type of work I have been doing or a project I was making. It
was more me initiating the conversation to see what my supervisor thought of the work I was doing. So far I
have not been given feedback that has been negative or something that I would take personally. I think it
may be because I haven't developed much of a relationship with my supervisor in order for her to see my
learning and personality tendencies. For the feedback I have gotten, I feel as if I have responded in an
appreciative way. Anything she has to say, I take it all in and think about how I can apply it to my work. I
hope I will be able to remain as calm if I'm given feedback and would be a little more hurtful to myself as a
person. I haven't had a sit-down evaluation of my performance thus far. I would hope that whatever news I
receive, I can handle it graciously and not get defensive about it. Even though it may not be something I
agree with personality, I do have to respect the opinion of the person above me.

I really enjoyed the TedTalk that was given on feedback. She offered new insights that I had never thought
about before and made me reflect on the ways that I experience feedback in my life. I liked the way she
phrased it in that feedback is you interacting with the world and the world interacting with you. It should
also not be something that is always taken negatively; although that seems to be the case for most of us. We
seem to become defensive right off the bat regarding who is giving us this feedback, why are they telling us
this, and whats their purpose behind it all. I think that barrier should be taken down when accepting
feedback. The least we can do is hear the person out because you never know what they have to say. At the
end of the day, we tend to be our worst critics, so hearing someone else out may just benefit us in the end.

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