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Learning Management System


Honesty, Integrity and Plagiarism

Dear Student,

We would like to remind you that as students on an advanced programme you are
required to prepare your assignments with honesty, integrity and without plagiarism. It is
understood that in preparing your assignments/coursework, you should read and draw
on the work of other authors. However, in writing or orally presenting your assignments,
you should take extreme care that you have:

1. Acknowledged the words, data, diagram, models, frameworks and / or ideas of

others that you have quoted, summarized, paraphrased, discussed or
mentioned in your assignment through proper referencing.
2. Provided a reference list of the publication details so that the assessor can
locate the source if necessary. You must remember to make reference to
materials taken from the Internet sites by providing the web address, date, and
month of access.

When you submit your assignment without acknowledging the source from where you
have drawn your material, you may be accused of plagiarism because you have passed
off the work and ideas of another person without the proper referencing, as if they were
your own. This act tantamount to academic deceit and this is a very serious academic
offence constituting misconduct.

The penalties for the act of plagiarism are:

1. Annotation of transcript to indicate where the breaches of the academic deceit

policy have occurred.
2. Recording of a failure for the coursework
3. Canceling of any or all results
4. Suspension from the programme
5. Expulsion from the programme

To assist you to avoid accusation of plagiarism, some of the types of plagiarism are
illustrated :

1. Direct copying of phrases/passages without proper referencing.

2. Paraphrasing from other authors/persons work in your assignment without citing the
3. Making direct reference to an author that you have not read although you may have
read about them.
4. Copying from another student either in part of whole.
5. Writing your work in conjunction with others (joint work) when not approved.
6. Submitting written work that has already been submitted for assessment in another

Last update: 15 February 2016 Page 1 of 1

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