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Nucleic Acids Research Advance Access published January 13, 2010

Nucleic Acids Research, 2010, 16


Zip nucleic acids are potent hydrolysis probes for

quantitative PCR
Clement Paris, Valerie Moreau, Gaelle Deglane, Emilie Voirin, Patrick Erbacher and
Nathalie Lenne-Samuel*

Received November 3, 2009; Revised December 15, 2009; Accepted December 17, 2009

ABSTRACT (4,5). They consist of oligonucleotides with a uorophore

and a quencher dye attached at either end. Dual-labeled
Zip nucleic acids (ZNAs) are oligonucleotides con- probe detection relies on the existence of distinct uores-
jugated with cationic spermine units that increase cence emission levels associated with the free and
affinity for their target. ZNAs were recently shown hybridized states and it is mediated by Forster resonance
to enable specific and sensitive reactions when energy transfer (FRET). Indeed, prior to hybridization,
used as primers for polymerase chain reaction reporter and quencher can come close to each other due

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(PCR) and reverse-transcription. Here, we report to the random-coil conguration of the oligonucleotide
their use as quantitative PCR hydrolysis probes. probe or can be kept in proximity through formation of
Ultraviolet duplex melting data demonstrate that a hairpin stem as in molecular beacons (5). The average
attachment of cationic residues to the 30 end of an distance between the dyes is of prime importance for
oligonucleotide does not alter its ability to discrim- detection sensitivity since it determines both quenching
eciency and background uorescence of the probe.
inate nucleotides nor the destabilization pattern
When the probe hybridizes to the target amplicon, helix
relative to mismatch location in the oligonucleotide formation maintains the reporter and the quencher at a
sequence. The stability increase provided by the large distance from each other with concomitant uores-
cationic charges allows the use of short dual- cence increase. The maximal uorescence intensity is
labeled probes that significantly improve single- reached when the uorophore is cleaved from the probe
nucleotide polymorphism genotyping. Longer ZNA by the 50 nuclease activity of the polymerase (4,6).
probes were shown to display reduced background Dual-labeled probes undergoing this degradation process
fluorescence, therefore, generating greater sensitiv- are referred to as hydrolysis probes.
ity and signal level as compared to standard Reducing the probe length has become crucial to
probes. ZNA probes thus provide broad flexibility increase the discrimination in single-nucleotide geno-
in assay design and also represent an effective typing, as well as to provide design exibility for dicult
targets. However, probe shortening decreases melting
alternative to minor groove binder- and locked
temperature (Tm), precluding ecient probe binding at
nucleic-acid-containing probes. PCR cycling temperatures. The introduction of chemical
modications that increase probe stability, such as a
INTRODUCTION minor groove binder (MGB) moiety (7,8) peptide nucleic
The invention of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the acid (PNA) backbones (9) or locked nucleic acid (LNA)
1980s has revolutionized research, diagnostics, medicine analogs (10), has enabled ecient short PCR probes to be
and forensics (1). With the development of quantitative generated. Zip nucleic acids (ZNAs) are oligonucleotides
PCR (qPCR), the technology has become quantitative conjugated with repeated cationic spermine units (11,12)
and accurate (2). A target nucleic acid is detected by mon- that decrease electrostatic repulsions with target nucleic
itoring in real time the uorescence generated either by acid strands. The number of cationic units attached at
an intercalating dye that quanties the accumulation of any position of the oligonucleotide modulates the global
double-stranded DNA or by a probe that hybridizes to charge of the molecule, thus raising the corresponding
the amplicon (3). Although more expensive, probe-based duplex Tm in a smooth, linear and predictable manner
detection confers a higher specicity and provides the (13). We have recently reported the use of ZNAs as
possibility to implement multiplex PCR or allelic discrim- specic primers for PCR and reverse transcription (14).
ination. Among the numerous probe types available, ZNAs enable fast and accurate detection of rare targets,
dual-labeled probes are the most widely used in qPCR and allow ecient PCR or reverse-transcription reactions

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +33 3 9040 6180; Fax: +33 3 9040 6181; Email:

The authors wish it to be known that, in their opinion, the rst two authors should be regarded as joint First Authors.

The Author(s) 2010. Published by Oxford University Press.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
by-nc/2.5), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2 Nucleic Acids Research, 2010

at high annealing temperatures, low primer concentra- Genomic DNA extraction

tions, low magnesium and using fast protocols. Another
Total DNA was isolated from A549 cells (lung carcinoma,
valuable application for ZNA oligonucleotides could be as
ATCC CCL-185) which are wild-type for the factor V
PCR probes, in particular, short hydrolysis probes. Here,
gene, and from factor V-decient cells (GM14899,
we report that ZNAs are indeed potent short dual-labeled
Coriell Institute, Camden, NJ, USA) containing the
probes with enhanced discrimination level. Interestingly, G1691A mutation, using the DNAeasy Blood and
we also found that cationic spermine unit conjugation Tissue kit (Qiagen), according to the manufacturers
improves the performances of longer probes as well, by instructions. DNA purity and concentrations were
decreasing the uorescence background. assessed by agarose gel electrophoresis and UV
spectrophotometry. Aliquots were stored at 20 C for
long-term and +4 C for short-term use.
Oligonucleotides qPCR
ZNA oligonucleotides were synthesized on a standard All qPCR reactions were performed in a nal volume of
oligonucleotide synthesizer as previously described 10 ml in a Rotor-Gene 6000 instrument (corbettlifescience
(11,12) and DMT-ON puried on reverse-phase Poly- .com). Unless specied otherwise, the nal reaction
Pak II cartridges (Glen Research, Sterling, VA, USA). mixtures were composed of 2.5 ml Sensimix NoRef PCR
Standard and ZNA dual-labeled probes were synthesized kit (Quantace, London, UK), 3 mM MgCl2, 10 ng of

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following the same procedure using BHQ1-CPG resin DNA, 200 nM of each primer and 200 nM probe.
supports (Biosearch Technologies, Novato, CA, USA). Salmon sperm DNA ( was used to spike
6-Carboxyuorescein (6-FAM) phosphoramidite (Glen diluted target genomic DNA and as negative control.
Research) was used to introduce the 50 -reporter dye. Results shown are representative of at least three indepen-
After ammonia deprotection at room temperature, dent experiments.
probes were puried by anion-exchange HPLC under All the studies were performed in accordance with
basic conditions as previously described (11,12). Minimum Information for publication of quantitative
Dual-labeled probes and ZNA oligonucleotides were real-time PCR Experiments (MIQE) guidelines (15).
characterized by anion-exchange HPLC and ESI-TOF
mass spectrometry.
Unmodied oligonucleotides were from Eurogentec RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
(Seraing, Belgium). Primers were DMT-ON puried and To address the performances of ZNA probes, we imple-
oligonucleotides for Tm studies were puried by HPLC. mented a qPCR assay aiming to genotype the human
The TaqMan MGB probe was from Applied blood coagulation factor V gene at position 1691. In this
Biosystems ( and LNA probes locus, the mutation G1691A, referred to as Factor V
were from Integrated DNA Technologies (Coralville, IA, Leiden mutation, is a highly prevalent single-nucleotide
USA). polymorphism (SNP) that confers an increased genetic
risk for venous thrombosis (16,17). Among numerous
Tm measurements DNA tests developed so far to evaluate the predisposition
Melting temperature studies were carried out in 1-cm of individuals to this hemostatic disorder, we have
path-length quartz cells on a CARY 100 Bio UV/Visible adapted a 50 nuclease assay originally designed to be
spectrophotometer (Varian, France) by measuring the used with a short 17-base-long hydrolysis probe
absorption at 260 nm. The samples were placed in a conjugated with an MGB (Table 1) (18). We synthesized
CARY Thermostatable Multicell Holder accessory and a standard (unmodied) and a ZNA dual-labeled probe
the temperature was regulated by a CARY Temperature with the same sequence, replacing for the latter probe the
controller by Peltier eect. Samples consisted of single- MGB moiety by four cationic units. In order not to inter-
stranded oligonucleotides mixed in 1:1 molar ratio in a fere with the exonuclease activity of the polymerase, the
typical PCR buer containing 3 mM MgCl2, 50 mM KCl cationic units (Z units) were attached at the 30 end. Prior
and 10 mM TrisHCl (pH 8.5 at 25 C). The nal to studying ZNA probe performance in qPCR, Tm mea-
oligonucleotide concentration was 2 mM. Samples were surements were carried out in order to investigate the
denatured by heating to 95 C at a rate of 1 C/min and impact of spermines on mismatch discrimination.
maintained at this temperature for 20 min. Annealing was
performed by cooling samples to 20 C at a cooling rate of Mismatch discrimination
0.7 C/min and duplexes were maintained 15 min. Melting The mismatch discrimination ability of a probe relies upon
was performed by heating samples from 20 to 90 C at rate the dierence in melting temperatures (Tm) between
of 0.7 C/min and absorbance at 260 nm was recorded perfect-match and single-base-pair mismatched probe
every 0.5 s. Tm values were determined by calculating the target duplexes. The greater the dierence, the more
second derivative of the absorbance versus temperature discriminant the probe is. Furthermore, the shorter the
curve and subsequent determination of the null. probe, the more a mismatch destabilizes the duplex.
Measurements were repeated at least twice and the Consequently, the Tm is higher when the probe size
average deviation was 0.2 C. decreases. Tm also depends on the nature of the
Nucleic Acids Research, 2010 3

Table 1. Sequences of primers and hydrolysis probes (18)

Factor V gene NCBI Accession number: NM_000130

50 30 sequences Size (bases)
Dual-labeled probes junction exon10-intron 1011

Zn denotes n spermine cationic units.

+N denotes LNA nucleotide.
The SNP position is underlined.

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mismatch, the neighboring bases and the mismatch intrinsic oligonucleotide sequence recognition specicity
position along the probe sequence, the largest eect remains unaected.
being generally achieved at central positions. To investi-
gate whether the presence of spermine units aects these Shorter probes for better discrimination
properties, the sequence corresponding to the probe used
To evaluate ZNAs as probes, wild-type genomic DNA
in the qPCR assay was chosen as a standard oligonucleo-
was serially diluted and amplications were carried out
tide and the corresponding ZNA was synthesized with
under conditions allowing 50 nuclease degradation using
four cationic units at the 30 end. Melting temperatures
the 17-mer ZNA probe or the standard probe (Figure 2A).
of duplexes formed by the standard and ZNA
As shown by the amplication plot, the ZNA probe
oligonucleotides with the complementary oligonucleotide
allowed sensitive and ecient detection, exhibiting
were measured in a PCR buer containing TrisHCl
higher signal levels and earlier Cq values than the 17-mer
10 mM pH 8.5, KCl 50 mM and MgCl2 3 mM. The
standard probe. Post-PCR melting analysis gave no vari-
matched ZNA duplex exhibited a 2.5 C Tm increase ation in uorescence signal with the temperature, and u-
compared to the standard duplex. This rather limited Tm orescence accumulation over cycles was similar whether
increase does not reect the stabilization during PCR since the acquisition was performed after the denaturing step
cation conjugation has a much larger impact on Tm when (95 C) or the elongation/polymerization step (60 C)
the ZNA hybridizes to a target contained in a longer (data not shown). These two observations indicate that
nucleic acid strand (13). In this situation, indeed cationic ZNA probe-based detection most probably occurs
units counterbalance a much larger electrostatic repulsion through a 50 degradation mechanism (4,6).
presented by the target strand. The ZNA 17-mer probe performed much the same as a
We introduced single-nucleotide changes all along the longer standard probe containing 22 bases (Figure 2B) for
target oligonucleotide sequence, which led to mismatches detection of the wild-type target. In contrast, due to its
at various positions in the probetarget duplex (Figure 1). shorter length, the ZNA probe showed signicantly
Tm of mismatch duplexes, containing standard or ZNA improved SNP discrimination. Indeed, amplication of
oligonucleotide probes, were determined and Tm were the genome containing the Leiden mutation was not
calculated by subtracting Tm values from the perfect- detected by the ZNA probe, while the standard probe
match duplex Tm. Within experimental error, data show still displayed a uorescence signal from the mutant
identical Tm values for both standard and ZNA probes sequence.
for each mismatch position (Figure 1), demonstrating that The short ZNA probe was then compared to MGB- and
ZNA retains full oligonucleotide discrimination capacity. LNA-containing dual-labeled probes, maintaining
This result strikingly contrasts with those obtained with sequence and length identical for all probes. LNA-
MGB modication, which reduces Tm except when the modied oligonucleotide performances are highly depen-
mismatch is within the MGB-binding region (8). This dent on the number of LNA substitutions, their
nding confers a strong advantage to ZNAs, making positioning and the sequence context. The LNA probe
probe design much easier. In contrast to LNA modi- design was performed by Integrated DNA Technologies
cation, we did not observe that ZNA improves discrim- (Coralville, IA, USA) according to Owczarzy and collab-
ination per se. However, LNA-containing probe design orators (19), which led to two probes comprising four
remains dicult due to Tm variation with sequence, and ve LNA moieties which were tested. As shown in
position and number of modications (19). In conclusion, Figure 2C, ZNA and MGB probes behaved similarly
these results clearly demonstrate that while the attachment and provided the best Cq improvement over the
of spermine units to oligonucleotides increases the Tm, the standard probe, while both LNA probes exhibited
4 Nucleic Acids Research, 2010

Target sequences 5 3
WT AGGCGAGGAATACAGGT Tm (C) = Tm (perfect match duplex) Tm (single-mismatch duplex)
Probe sequences 3 5




3 )


m C
















Figure 1. Identical mismatch discrimination of standard DNA and ZNA oligonucleotides for various mismatches located along the duplex.
(A) Sequences of target and probe strands used in UV melting experiments. (B) Tm of standard DNA (white triangles) and ZNA oligonucleotide
(black circles) as a function of mismatch position.

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slightly later Cqs. The comparison was also carried out
A ZNA -17 using dierent commercial PCR mixes. We observed vari-
DNA -17 ations in relative performances of the modied probes
Norm. Fluoro.

0.4 depending on the PCR reagent, some being more favor-

0.3 able for one type of modication than another.
Nevertheless, for all PCR mixes, ZNA-, MGB- and
LNA-containing probes displayed improved performances
over the standard probe (data not shown).
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Cycle Improved quenching
B Standard dual-labeled probes are typically 2225-mer
0.5 Wild-type DNA
oligonucleotides in order to achieve a Tm value compatible
0.4 with ecient PCR detection. We addressed the eect of
Norm. Fluoro.

0.3 the attachment of spermines on such probes that do not

ZNA -17
require any Tm increase by comparing 22- and 33-mer
0.2 DNA -22
standard and ZNA probes. As previously observed for
0.1 short probes, the conjugation of four cationic moieties
Leiden DNA
0.0 at the 30 end of the oligonucleotide provided earlier Cqs
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 and higher signal levels than standard counterparts for
both probes lengths (Figure 3). An examination of raw
C 5LNA-17
uorescence data showed that standard probes exhibited
4LNA-17 a high background signal. This was expected since the
0.5 FRET quenching decreases as the distance between
Norm. Fluoro.

0.4 ZNA -17 uorophore and quencher increases. Interestingly, both

0.3 DNA -17 ZNA probes displayed signicant reduction of the basal
0.2 uorescence emission, which may explain their better
0.1 performances. Indeed, a lower uorescence background
0.0 allowed earlier detection and provided a higher signal-
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 to-noise ratio after normalization by the instrument
software. MGB conjugation has been reported to
Figure 2. PCR detection and SNP discrimination with short ZNA decrease the background uorescence when adjacent to
dual-labeled probe, and comparison with other modied probes. the uorophore in Pleiades probes (20), the heterocyclic
(A) Serial dilution amplications of target genomic DNA (10 ng to
10 pg) were detected using ZNA short hydrolysis probe (red lines) MGB possibly acting as a quencher itself. Here, the
and its unmodied DNA counterpart (black dotted lines). (B) SNP greater quenching eciency observed for the ZNA probe
discrimination. Amplication of 10 ng of wild-type and Leiden is presumably due to the oligocationic chain folding back
genomic DNA were detected using the short ZNA probe (red circle) toward the anionic oligonucleotide, thus leading to a
and a longer unmodied DNA probe. The probes were respectively 17
and 22 bases in length. (C) Amplication of wild-type genomic DNA
shorter end-to-end distance than for the oligonucleotide
and detection using short unmodied, ZNA-, MGB- and LNA- where internal repulsions lead to an extended conforma-
containing probes. All probes have identical sequence. tion (Figure 3C).
Nucleic Acids Research, 2010 5


0.7 60
Normalized data Raw data
50 DNA -33

0.5 DNA -22
Norm. Fluoro.

30 ZNA -22
ZNA -33
0.2 20

0.1 10
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Cycle Cycle



Fluorophore + + + Z
- - - -
Figure 3. PCR detection with long ZNA dual-labeled probes. Amplications of 10 ng of target genomic DNA were detected using ZNA hydrolysis
probes (red) and their unmodied DNA counterpart (black dotted) containing 22 bases (circle) and 33 (triangle). (A) Normalized data by the

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instruments software. (B) Raw uorescence data. (C) Model for the greater quenching uorescence of ZNA probes: the cationic charges of spermine
units stabilize the probe in a coil conformation, reducing the distance R between the uorophore and the quencher.

A ZNA primers B DNA primers 200 nM

200 nM
25 nM 25 nM
0.7 0.8
0.6 0.7
Norm. Fluoro.

Norm. Fluoro.

0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0.0 0.0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Cycle Cycle

10 ng 0.1 ng 10 ng 0.1 ng
Figure 4. The 5 nuclease assay using low concentration of ZNA and standard primers. Target genomic DNA (10 and 0.1 ng) was amplied with
either ZNA primers (A) or standard primers (B). Reactions were performed with 200 nM (thin lines) and 25 nM (dotted lines) of primers, 200 nM of
ZNA-22 hydrolysis probe and JumpStart Taq ReadyMix (SigmaAldrich).

Combining a ZNA probe with ZNA primers conjunction with the 22-mer ZNA probe. As ZNA
primers may generate nonspecic amplication products
We have recently shown that the use of ZNAs as primers
in the presence of high salt (14), reactions were carried out
improves PCR in AT-rich regions and provides greater
using a commercial kit optimized for probe-based PCR
exibility in PCR and reverse-transcription conditions.
containing 1.5 mM MgCl2. The MgCl2 concentration
Indeed, ZNA primers worked at higher annealing temper-
was increased to 3 mM for the standard DNA primers.
atures, in lower and constant magnesium concentration
Standard DNA primers led to inecient amplication at
and under fast, time-saving protocols. The most striking
25 nM concentrations as indicated by +10 cycles shift
advantage was the possibility to substantially decrease the
in Cq as compared to 200 nM (Figure 4). In contrast,
ZNA primers concentration without aecting the Cq,
ZNA primers, although showing dierent signal inten-
dynamic range, sensitivity or eciency. Lower primer con-
sity, led to the same Cq value at 200 nM and 25 nM
centrations allowed early PCR arrest as observed by a low
concentration, even with a diluted target. This result high-
plateau level (14). We suggested that such a property lights the potential of ZNAs for use in multiplex PCR
would be of interest for multiplex PCR where multiple applications.
target amplication reactions compete for the same, ulti-
mately limiting reagents. Yet, simultaneous detection of
several targets in a sample generally requires the use of
probes. We therefore performed reactions using ZNAs CONCLUSION
both as primers and probes. ZNA primers with sequence The data reported here show that ZNA probes are potent
identical to the standard primer pair were synthesized short hydrolysis probes. The presence of cationic residues
with four cationic units at their 50 end and used in increases the Tm without aecting the oligonucleotide
6 Nucleic Acids Research, 2010

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