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Switchgear Protection
'SutitcLt,gean'' is a term which couers wid.e range of ecluipment as regan'd.s stritchirLg ottrl
interru,pting the cun'ents in power system d.uling normal and abnormo,l conditions. Coitrolling.
protecting, regulating and measuring instruments are also covered by switchgear. Switchgear in
general consists of su.titches, fuses, circuit breo.kers, isola.tors, r'elays, control po,nels, metering po.rt.els.
ligh.tning a.rrestors, cwrrent transfbrrrt,ers, potential h'ansformers etc.


In a power system, generally the following types of faults occur
1 . Over current 2. Under voltage
3. Unbalance 4. Reversed power
il 5. Surges
'Cirr:uit brea,kers'a,re. mechanico,l d.euices designed to close or open contor.t mentbet's, tltrt-'
closing or opening an e.lectrical circuit ttnder norma,l or abnormal conditions.
A circuit breaker has fixed. and mouing corttorts. These contacts remain in contact wheuevet'
tlre circuit breaker is in normal operation. Whenever fauli occurs the contacts separate outrtz'sltltirtg
in, al'c behteen the e.lech' 'fhe prod.uction of arc not only d.elays the cun'ent interruptiotL l)t'ott?ss
bu.t it ct.lso genero,tes enortnou s he.n,t uthich tnoy ca.use damage to the system or the breaher llsr:fii Thus
th.e rrloin proble.m is to extingu,ish tlt e arc whenever it occurs is circuit breaker. The temperature of
arc may be as high as 6000"C.
Methods of arc extinction
Commonly used methods of o.rc extinction are :
l. High resistance inten'u.ption.
By increasing the effective resistance with time current can be reduced to a value insufficient
to maintain it. The arc resistance can be increased by
(i) Arc lengthening (ii) Aic cooling
(iii) Arc splitting (iu) Arc constraining.
2. Loul r e si s tanc e i nt ena,pti on.
Here, the arc resistance is kept low, in order to keep the arc enerry to a minimum. Thls'is
achieved by
(i) Cooling (ii) Gap lengthening
(iii) Blast effect.

Essential Elements of the Relays 3.

All the relays have the following three essential fundamental elements : (.1

l. Sauing element. ...... also called measuring element respond.s to the change in the a.ctuati (ttil
qu.o.ntity, the cun'ent in a protected system in cose of ouer-cur,
2. Comparing element....... serves to compare the antion of the actuating quantity on the rela"v Fo
w ith a pr es elected. t' eLalSgfu&g- 1-
3. Conh'ol element. ...... accomplishes a su,dden change in control quo,ntity such as closing of 3-
the operative current circuit. 20.9. PR
Classification of Relays O'
A. According to operating characteristics classifrca
1. Solenoid type 2. Attracted armature type. A
3. Electrodynamic t;pe 4. Moving coil type
5. Induction type 6. Directional or reverse current type
7. Directional or reverse power t5rpe
8. Under-voltage, under current and under power relay
9. Over voltage, current or over power relay 1-0. Thermal relay
11. Differential relay 12. Distance relay. T
.]: According to operation time
as ouer-L
Instantaneous 2. Definite time lag
3. Inverse time lag r..atrl 4..Inverse.definite-minimum time lag.
The following points are worth noting about some relays : 3
Differential relo.y responds to vector difference between two or more similar electrical quan- 20.10. N
Ouer currentreloy respondsto increase in current; the relayoperates'whenthe currentexceeds !
a preset level. achiever
Impedo.ncerela.y operates when the impedance between relay pcint and fault point is below a A
specified value. 1
Instantaneous relay is a quick operating relay ; operating time less than 0.2 sec. 2
Sto.tic relay has no moving parts ; the mdapurement is performed by a stationary circuit. 3
Common Faults
Following are some of the faults which can, occur in alternators :
1. Primemover failure 2' Over speed 1

3" Over current 4. Over voltage I

5. Field failure 6. Unbalancpd loading. 33 kv.
Protection system used I

The following protection systems are used :

kV and
1. Differential protection scheme 2. Balanced earth fault protection :
3. Sator inter-turn protection. aPparal
CommonFaults 1

The following faults usually occur in the transformers : overher

1. Open circuits 2. Overheating tran$

3. Winding short circuits resulting from

(a) inter-turn faults (ll) phase-to-phase faults
(ili) earth faults.
Protection relays used
For the protection of transformer following relays are used :
l Over current relay 2. Buchholz's relay
3. Earth fault relay.
over voltages may be caused by conditions external or internal, to the system a convenient
classification given below :

A. Internal Causes
l-. Sudden change in load 2. Switching operation of an unloaded line
3; Insulation failure 4. Arcinggrounds
5. Resonance
6. Sudden opening of loaded line, particularly under short-circuit conditions.
B. External Causes
These are mainly due to atmospheric conditions, i.e., due to rightning.
fhe devices used for protection ofelectrical equipment from surges or over voltages are known
as ouer-uoltage prdection deuices, these are enumerated below :
1. Ground wire 2. Earthing screen
3. Surge diverters or lightning arresters 4. Surge absorbers.
These days, the majority of 3-phase systems operate with an earthred neutral, earthing being
ach ieved e ith er d i r e c t ly or thr ou gh :,n i mp-gfu ttgs"
1. Eliminatioo of p"1A|;tu#*t* grounds (by the use of a suitable switch gear).
2. Earth faults can be utilised to operate protective relays to isolate the fault.
3. This system gives reliable service and greater safety to personnel and equipment.
'4. Maintenance
and operating cost of such system, as compared to isolated systems, is less.
5. The voltage of healthy phases remains nearly constant.
Methods of Neutral Earthing
The following methods are employed to earth the neutral of the power system :
l. Sdlid earthiog. ".... usually confined to systems operating a tvoltagebeLou 2.2ky and.aboue
33 kV.
2. Resistance earthin9......' usually employed for the system operating Jt voltages
beht;een 2.2.
kV and 33 kV whel the power source capacit;r, exceeds 5000 kVA
3. Reo'ctance earthin&...... this system ensures satisfactory relaying partial grading of the
apparatus insulation, reduced interference to neighboiiog"o*-rrrrication as Jompared with.
thatrin solidly earthed system. Its main drawbacl i"l""y higt transient over "i.",rit"
voltages due to which
this system is not in corlrnon,
4. Aic suppression coil or Peterson coil earthing...,... usually confined to 'medium voltage
overhead transmission lines which are connected to generating source through intervening po*""

20.7. F:
Functions (a
The main functions of substations an'e to receiue energy transrnitted at high uoltage
gene.sating stations, red,uce the uoltoge to a ualue appropriote- from the 20.8. A
for local disbi\ufion ind prouide aE
far:iliti es for su.titching.
Classifrcation: (c,
A. According to serulce 20.9. A
1. Transformer substations 2. Industrial substations (a
3. Switching substations (b
4. Power factor correction or sJmchronous substations (c
5. Frequency changer substations 6. Converting substations.
B. According to d.esign
1. Indoor t;,pe substations
20.10. T
2. Outdoor substations (c
(i) Pole mounted substations (ii) Foundation mounted substations. (I
Equipment for Substations and Switehgear fnstallations (c

The main equipment for substations and switchgear is given below: (r

1. Main bus-bars 2. Insulators 20.11. F

3. Isolators 4. Circuit breakers
5. Load-intenupter switches 6. Fuses (r
7. Power iransformers 8. Current and potential transformers ((

9. Indicati;rg and meteringinstruments 10. Pmtective relays (

1 1. Carrier-current equipment 12. Conhol cables-
20.12. (
A. Choose the Correct Answen',: (
2O.1. The main function of a fuse is to 20.4. The arcing contacts in a circuit breaker 20.13. 1
(o) protect the line

are made of T
(b) open the circuit (o) copper tungsten alloy :
(c) protect the appliance (b) porcelain (
(d) prevent excessive currents (c) electrolytic copper
ofthe above
(e) none (d) aluu:rinium alloy 20.14 I
2O.2. On which of the following routine tests 20.5. Which of the following medium is
are conducted ? employed for extinction of arc in air {
(o) OiI circuii breakers gircuit breaker ? {
(6) Air blast circuit breakers ia) Water (b) Oil I

(c) Minimum oil circuit breakers (c) Air 20.15.

1d) SFo l
(d) A1l of the above 20.0. With which of the following, a circuit I

20.3. SF6 gas breaker must be equipped for remote I

(o) is yellow in colour operation ? I

(6) is lighter than air (o) Inverse time trip I

(c) is nontoxic (b) Time-delaytrip 20,1e

(d) his pungent small (c) Shunt trip (d) None of the above I

(e) none ofthe above (e) All of the aborle I


2O.7. Fault diverters are basically (c) armature core air gap
(o) fuses (b) relays (d) all of the above
(c) fast switches (d) circuit breakers 2A .fi . In order that current should flow without
20.8. Athermal protecbion switch can protect causing excessive heating or voltage
against drcp, the relay contacts should
(alshort-circuit (L')temperature (a) have low contact resistance
(c) overload (d) over voltage (t) be clean and smooth
20.9. Are i-n a circuit behaves as (c) be ofsuffrcient size and proper shape
(a) a capacitive reactance (d\ have all above properties
(b) an inductive r.eactance 20.18. Circuitbreakers usually operate under
(c) a resistance increasing with voltage (o) transient state ofshort-circuit cur-
rise across the arc rent
(d) a resistance decreasing with volt- (b) sub-transient state of short-circuit
age rise across the arc . current
20.10. Thennal circuit breaker has (c) steady state of short-circuit current
(a) delayed trip action (d) after D.C. component has ceased
(t) instantaneous trip action 20.19. Circuit breakers are essentially
(c) both ofthe above (a) current carrying contaets calleci elect-
(d) none of the above rrodes
20.11. Relays can be designed to respond to (b) arc extinguishers
changes i:e (c) circuits to break tfe system
(a) resistance, reactance or impedance (d) transformers to isolate the two sys-
(b) voltage and current tems
(c) light intensity (e) any ofthe above
(d) temperature 2O.2$. The current zero interruption, in oil
(e) all above and air blast circuitbreakers, is achieved
20.12. Overload relays are of ...... t5rpe. by
(o) induction (b) solid state (a) lengthening of the gap
(c) thermal (d) electromagnetic (6) cooling and blast effect
(e) all above (c) both (o) and (b)
20.13. Thermal overload rylays are used to (d) deionizing the oil with forced air
protect the motor against over eurrent {e) none ofthe above
due to .a20.2L.
\/ Air blast circuit breaker is used for
(o) short-circuits (b) heavy loads ,4.b (o) over currents (6) short duty
(c) grounds (d) all of the above tr" ' (c) iniermittant duty
20.14. Magnbtil circuit breaker has ...... trip (d) repeated duty
action. 20.22. An elficient and a well designed protec-
(a) delayed (b) instantaneous tive relaying should have
(c) both ofthe above (o) good selectivit5r and reliability
(d) none of the above (b) economy and siurplicity
20.15, D.C. shunt relays are made of (c) high speed anJ selectivity
(o) few turns of thin wire (d) all of the above
(b) few turns of thick wire 20.23. Burden of a protective relay is the Fower
(c) many turns of thin wire (o) required .to operate the circuit
(d) many turns of thick wire breaker
20.16. The relay operating speed depen& upon (b) absorbed by the circuit of relay
(a) the spring tension (c) developed by the relay circuit
(6) thd rate of flux built up (d) none ofthe above

29"24" Directinnal relays are based on flow of (c) increasing freld sbength 20.40.
(cr.) power (L') current (d) all of the above
(c) voltage wave (d) all of the atrove 20.32. In a eircuit breaker the basic problem
28.25. A differential relay measures the vec- is to
tor difference between (o) maintain the arc .?nAl.
(o) two cunents (6) two voltages (b) extinguish the arc \z.L'
(c) two or rnore similar eiectrical quan- (c) transmit large power :
tities (d) ernit the ionizing electrons a

(,i) none of the above 20.33. Overheating of relay contacts or con-

28"26, A transmission line is protected by tact born out is due to
(o) inrush protection (o) slow making and breaking of load m"/aL
(b) distance protection circuit contacts
(c) time graded and current graded (b) foreign matter on the contait sur-
over current protection f,ace
(d) botli {6) and (c) (c) too low contact pressure
(e) none of the atrove (d) all of the above
20"27. Large internai faults are protected by 20.94. Interruption oflarge currents by relay
(a,) merz price percentage differential requues
protection (o) arc suppressing blow out coils 20.43-
(6) mho and ohm relays (b) wide separation of the opened con-
(c) horn gaps and temperature relays tacts I
(d) earth fault and positive sequence (c) high speed openingofcontacts I

relays (d) all of the above I

20.28. Wiren a transmission line is energized, 20.35. Shunt capacitance is neglected while I
the wave that propagates on it is considering 20.44 '
(rr) current wave only (o) short transmission line
(6) voltage wave only (b) medium transmission line
(c) both (cr) and (b) (c) long transmission line
(d) power factor wave only (d) medium and long'transmission lines
20.29" Protective rela;'s sr. devices that detect 20.36. The arc voltage produced in A.C. iircuit
abnorrnal conditions in electrical cir- o breaker is always
cuits try measuring o4"' (o) in phase with the arc current
(o.)current during abnormal pondition t1' (b) lagging the arc current by 90"
(b) voltage during abnormal condition (c) leading the arc cument by g0' 20.45-
(c) constantly the electrical quantities (d) none of the above
which <iiffer during normal and ab- 20.57. The time ofclosingthe cycle, in modern
normal conditions circuit breakers is
(d) none ofthe above (a.) 0.003 sec (b) 0.001 sec 20.46.
20"30. The voltage appearing across the corr- (c) 0.01 sec (d) 0.10 sec
tacts afber opening ofthe circuit breaker (e) none ofthe above
,o is cailed ...... voltage. 20.38. Insulation resistance of high voltage
1L (a,) recovely (6) surge circuit breakers is more than
-t/. - (c) operating (d) arc (o) 1 mega ohms (b) 10 mega ohms
(e) none ofthe above (c) tOO mega ohm* (d) 500 rrega ohms
?0.31. Ionization in circuit breaker is facilitated 9{}.39. H.R.C. fuses provide best protection 1

by against "T'47'
\7. I
{c.) irigh temperature (cr) overload (b) reverse current c'8' I
{6) increase of mean free path (c)open-circuits (d)short-circuits

2O.4O. The ground rvire should zol be srraller (c) eitherof the above
than No. ...... copper. (d) none of the above
(a) 2 (b) 4 20.48. Ungrounded neutrai transmission sys-
(c) 6 (d) 10 tern is not recommended because of sys.
. The delal'fuses are used for the protec- tem
rron ot (o) insulation being overstressed .lue
{' ig"i motors to over voltages
' 'bl power outlet circuits (b) insulation overstress may lead to
rcl fluorescent lamps failure and subsequent phase to
tC) light circuits phase faults
20-42- \\'hich of the following is the least ex- (c) being inadequately protected against
pensive protection for overcurrent is ground fault
low voltage system ? (d) all of the above
(o) Rewireable fuse 24.45. The reflection co-eflicient at the open
(b) Isolator circuited end of a transmission line ;-
(c) Oil circuit breaker (a\ zeto (b) infmiby
(d) Air break circuit breaker (c) unity
(e) None of the above (d) none of the above
20.43. Resistance grounding is used for volt- 20.50. For the protection ofpower station build-
age between inp against direct strokes the require-
(o) 33 kV to 66 kV ments are
(6) 11 kVto 33 kV (o) interception
(c) 3.3 kV and 11 kV (b) interception and conduction
(d) none of the above (c) interception, conduction and dis-
20;.44. The contacts of high voltage switches sipation
used in power system are submerged in (d) interception, conduction, dissipa-
oil. The main purpose of the oil is to tion and reflection
(o) lubricate the contacts (e) nine ofthe above
(b) insulate the contacts from switch 20.51. The line insulation is ...... the insula-
body tion level of the station equipment.
(c) extinguish the arc (o) less than (2,) same as
(d) all of the above (c) more than (d) proportional to
(e) none ofthe above (r) not directly related with
20.45. In Railway applications ...... circuit 20.52. The interaction between a transrris-
breaker is used. sion line and communication line is
(o) SFe (b) bulk oil minimizedby
(c) minimum oil (d) air break (o) transposing transmission as well as
20.46. To protect most of the electrical equip- communication lines
ment handling low power, the fryes of (t') increasing the height of the trans-
relays used are mission line tower
(o) thermocouple (c) increasing the distance between the
(b) electronic and bimetallic two lines
(c) both (o) and (b) (d) all of the above
(d) none ofthe above 20.53. When a wave propagates on a trans-
- w.47.
Wave trap is used to trap waves of mission line, it suffers reflection several
(o) power frequeneies times at
ctk' (6) higher frequencies enteringgenera- (o) tapping (b) load end
tor or transforrrer units (c) sending end

(d) sending and other end 20.60. To reduce short circuit fault currents
all ofthe above
(e) ...... are used.
(o) reactors (6,) resistors
2A.54. Which of the following statements is 20-69
(c) capacitors
incorcect ?
(d) none ofthe above
(rz) Station batteries are used to operate
reiay only 20.6L. Bus coupler is very essential in ......
(b) The lightning arresters are basical- arrangeulent
ly surge diverters (a) single bus
(c) An impedance relay has maximum (b) double bus, double breaker 20"?l!
fault current when fault occurs near (c) main and transfer bus
the reiay (d) all of the above
(d) A higli speed relay has an operation 20.62" For cost and safety, the outdoor substa
of l- to 2 cycles tions are installed for voltages above so_7t
20.55. Discrimination between rrain and back (o) 11kV (b) 33 kv
up protection is provided by the use of {c) 60 kV (d 110 kv
relays which are 20.6S. The short circuit in rny winding of the
(o) fact (t) sensitive
transformer is the result of 20-72
(c) slow (o) mechanical vibration
(d) none of the above (b) insulation failure
20.56. Induction cup relay is operated due to (c) loose connection
changes in (d) imputse voltage
(o) current (b) voltage
20.64. ...... relays are used for phase faults on
(c) impedance(d) all of the above V,nio long line.
2A.67. A.C" network analyser is used to solve LiY' (o) Impedance (b) Reactance
problems oi (c) Either of the above
(cl) load flow (d) None of the above
(b) load flow and short-circuit 20.65. For which of the following protection
(c) load flow and stability from negative-sequence currents is
(d) load flow, short-circuit and stability provided ?
ofthe above
(e) none (o) Generators (6) Motors
20.58. Whicle of the following statements is (c) Tlansmission line 20-i4
i ncorrect ? (d) Tlansformers
io) Lightning arrestors are used bdfore 20.66. ...... relay is preferred for phase fault on
the switchgear short transmission line.
(b) Shunt reactors are used as compen- (o) Induction type.(b) Reactance 2{}.n
sation reactors (c) Impedance
(c) The peak short current is (1.8 x {f,) (d) None of tJre above
times the A.C. component 20.67. Distance relays are generally 20.71
(d) The MVA at fault is equal to base (o) split-phase relays
M'\rA divided try per unit equivalent (b) reactance relays
fault reactance (c) impedauce relays
28.59. Short-circuit eurrents are due to (d) none of the above
(c.) single phase to ground faults 20.68. For which of the following ratings of the
(b) phase to phase faults transformer differential protection is
(c) two phase to ground faults recommended ? 20-7
(d) three phase faults (o) above 30 kV4
(e) al^ry of these (b) equal to and above 5 MVA

(c) equal to a-nd above 25 IIVA (t,) maximum current

(dj none of,the above (c) minimum vcltage
20.69. -{ .-.... is :a=e.d to measure the stator (d) maximun-i voltage
-rildine temperature of the generator. 20.78. ...... transmission line has re{lection co-
tr i Lher-r0ocouple efficient as one.
l r F-;t"c,meter (a) Open circuit (b) Short-circuit
,.' r.esistance thermometer (c) l,ong
j, lhermometer (d) None of the above
20";0, fhe under voltage relay can be used for 20.75, What will be the reflection co-efficient
iql generators (b) busbars ofthe wave ofload connected to trans-
(c) transformers (d) motors mission line if surge impedance of the
(e) all ofthe above line is equal to load ?
20.71. The relay with inverse time charac- (a) Zera (b) Unity
teristic will operate within (c) Infinity
(o) 1.5 sec (L') 5 to 10 sec (d) None of the above
(c) 5 to 20 sec (d) 20 ta 30 sec 20.8CI. The inverse definite mean time reia'ys
(e) none ofthe above are used for over current and earth
20.72. The single phasing relays are used for fault protection of transformer against
the protection of (o) heaw loads
(o.) single phase motors only . (b) internal short-circuits
(6) two phase motors only (c) external short-circuits
(c) two single phase motors running in (d) all of the above
parallel 20.81. Over voltage protection is recommended
(d) three phase motors for
20.73. Which of the following devices will (o) hydro-electric generators
(b) steam turbine generators
receive voltage surge first travelling on
(c) gas turbine generators
the transmission line ?
(d) all of the above
(o) Lightning arresters
(e) none ofthe above
(b) Relays
20.82. Air blast circuit breakers for 400 kV
(c) Step-down transformer
power systern are designed to operate
(d) Switchgear
20.14. Which of the following parameter can (n) l-00 micro-second
be neglected for a short line ? (b) 50 milli-second
(rz) Inductance (b) Capacitance (c) 0.5 sec (d) 0.1- sec
(c) Resistance (d) Reactance 20"83. Overfluxingprotection is recom:nended
20.75, Series reactors should have for
(o) low resistance (b) high resistance (o) distribution transf,ormer
(c) low impedance (d) high impedance (&') generator transformer of the power
20.76, Which of the following circuit breakers plant
has high reliabilif and minimum main- (c) auto-transformer of the potver
tenance ? piant
(o) Air blast circuit breakers (d) station transformer of the power
(b) Circuit breaker wiih SFe gas plant
(c) Vacuum circuit breakers 20.84. Series capacitors are used to
(d) Oil circuit breakers (a) compensate for line inductive reac-
2A.7i. Arc in a circuit breaker is interrupted. tance
at (b) compensate for line capacitive reac-
h) zero current tance

(c) improve }ine voltage (o) transmission line

(d) none of the above (t) motor
20.85. Admittance relay is ...... relay. (c) generator (d) feeder
(o) impedance (b) directional 2A.92. A fuse is connected 20-101
(c) non-directional
(d) none of the above
(o) in series with circuit
(b) in parallel with circuit
20.86. The material used for fuse must have (c) either in series or in parallel with
(o) low melting point and high specific circuit
resistance (d) none ofthe above
(6) low melting point and low specific 20.93. H.R.C. fuse, ascomparedto arewirable 20-lfr
resistance fuse, has
(c) high melting point and low specific (o) no -ageing effect
(b) high speed ofoperation
resistance (c) high rupturing capacit;z
(d) low melting point and any specific
(d) all of the above
resistance 20.94. The fuse rating is expressed in terms of
20.87. If the fault occurs near the impedance (o) current (b) voltage
relay, the VII ratio will be (c) VAR (d) kvA
(a) constant for all distances 20.lfi
20.95. The fuse blows offby
(b) iower than that of if fault occurs (o) burning (b) arcing
away frorn the relay (c) melting
(c) higher than that of if fault occurs (d) none of the above
away from the relay 20.96. On which of the following effects of
(d) none of the above
electric current a fuse operates ? 20.10
20.88. The torque produced in induction t;,pe (a) Photoelectric effect
relay (shaded pole structure) is (b) Electrostatic effect
(o) inversely prpportional to the curent (c) Heating effect
(6) inversely proportional to the square (d) Magnetic effect
ofthe current 20"97. An isolator is installed 20.11
* (c) proportional to the current (o) to operate the 'relay of circuit
(d) proportional to square ofthe current breaker
20.89. The steady state stability of the power (6) as a substitute for circuit breaker
system can be increased by (c) always independent of the position 2{}.11
(o) connecting lines in parallel of circuit breaker
(6) connecting lines in series (d) generally on both sides of a circuit
(c) using machines of high impedance . breaker
(d) reducing the excitation of machines 20.98. A fuse in a motor circuit provides m-1
(e) noneofthe above protection against
20.90. The inductive interference between (o) overload
power and communication line can be (b) short-circuit and overload
minimized by (c) open circuit, short-circuit and over- 20-1
(o.) transposition of the power line lcad
(6) transposition of the communication (d) none of the above
line 20.99. Protection by fuses is generally not
(c) both (o) and (6) used beyond
(d) increasing the distance between the (o) 20 A (b) 50 A
conductors (c) 100 A (d) 200 A
20.91. The power loss is an important factor 20.100. A fuse is never inserted in ztr-l
for the design of (o) neutral wire

(b) negative cf D.C. circuit (o) fault occurs on the btls itself
(,:') posi'iwe of D.C. circuit (b) fault occurs on neutral line
r ,tr pha-_e lire (c) two or more f,aults occur sirnul-
20.101. Oil:-ritrhe: are employed for taneously
-' ,:-"-r c,Lrrrents circuits (d) fault occurs with respect to earthing
: l:m r-c,ltages circuits 20.110. trVnich of the {'ollowing is used in liqrrid
high loltages and large currents fuses ?
:ircuits (o) Transformer oil
; r all circuits (b) Sulphur hexafluoride
20- f {J2. A su;itchgear is device used for (c) Distilled water
interrupting an electrical circuit
i.:;) (d) Cartron tetrachloricie
(b) switching an electrical circuit 20.11-1". In a coniactor, interrupting medirine
(c) switching and controlling an electri- rnay be
cal circuit (o) air (b) oil
switching, controlling and protect-
(rJ) (c) SFe gas (d) any ofthe above
ing the electrical circuit and equip-
20.103. The fuse wire, in D.C. circuits, is in-
28.LL?. A circuit breaker, under norrral condi-
tions, should be inspected
(a) every day (6) ever;r week
serted in (c) every month
(a) negative circuit only (d) once in 6 months or 12 months
(6) positive circuit only 20.1L3. Which of the follcwing circuit hreakers
(c) both (o) and (b)
has the lowest voitage range ?
(d) either (cl) or (b) (o) SFe circuit breaker
20.104. By which of the following methods rnajor (6) Air'-biast circui'r, breaker
portion of the heat generated in a (c) Tank type oii circuit hreaker
H.R.C. fuse is dissipated ? (d) Air-break circuit breaker
(o) Radiation (L,) Convection
20.1L4" The transieni voltage that appears
(c) Conduction (d) AII of the above
across the coniacts at the-instant ofarc
20.105. A sholt-circuit is identified by
exiinction is called ...... voltage.
(cl) no current flow
(a) supply (6) recovery
(b) heawy current flow
(c) voltage drop (d) voitage rise {c) restriking (d) peak
20.106. The information io the circuit breaker 20.115. A fuse urir:e possesses
under fault conditions is provided by
(cz)direct time characteristics
(o) reiay (b) rewirable fuse
(6) inverse tirne characteristics
(c) either of the above
(c) H.R.C. only (d) alt of the above
20.107. To limit short-circuit curent in a power (d) none ofthe above
system ...... are used. 20.1 16. Which of the following reiays is used for
(rz) earth wires (6) isolators protection ofmotors againsi cverload ?
(c) H.R.C. fuses (d) reactors (o) tsuchleolz reiay
20"108. Abalanced 3-phase system consists of (8,) Therrnai relay
(o) zero sequence currents only (c) Impedance relay
(l-;) positive sequence currents only ' (d Electrourag:oetic attraction type
(c) negative and zelo sequence cur- (e) None of the above
rents 20.117. Fi.R.C. fuses provide best protection in
(d,) zero, negative and positive sequence case of
currents (o) overloads (6) open circuits
20.109. In a single bus-bar syste:n there will be (c) shqrt-circuits
compiete shut down when (d) none of the at'ove

20.118. Minimum arcing voltage will be least 20.127. In circuit breakers, the advantage of
in case of usingoil as quenchingmedium is
(o) silver (6) graphite (o) oil acts as insulator 20.135
(c) carbon (d) tungsten (b) oil has high dielectric strength
I 20.119. Breaking capacity of a circuit breaker (c) absorption ofarc enerry
is usually expressed in terms of (d) all of the above
(o) volts (b) amperes 20.128. In the event of a fault on connected 20.l:ffi
(c) MVA (d) Mw circuit, a circuit breaker will operate
(d) none ofthe above (o) automatically (b) manually
20.120. The total time for high speed breakers (c) manually through control switch
in nearly (d) depends on the desrgn
(o) five cycles (6) few cycles 20.129. An arc in a circuit behaves like
(b) one cycle (d) half cycle (o) an inductive reactance
2A.l2L. Which of the following is not a part of (b) a capacitive reactance
the circuit breaker ? (c) infrnite resistance 20.197
(o) Operating mechanism (d) a resistance decreasing with volt-
(t,) Conservator age rise across the arc
(c) Explosion pot 20.130. A differential rdlay responds to
(d) Fixed and moving contacts (o) vector difference between two electri-
2A.122. Which of the following circuit breakers cal quantities 20.13a
will produce ttre l,east arc enerry ? (6) algebraic difference between two
(o) Air blast circuit breaker voltages
(b) Minimum oil circuit breaker (c) algebraic difference between two
(c) Plain oil circuit breaker cunents tr
(d) None of the above (d) algebraic fifference between two
20.123. In a circuit breaker the time duration electrical quantities
from the instant of the fault to extinc- 20.131. Buchholz's relay is
tion of arc is known as (o) installed inside the breaker
(o) clearing time (b) operation time (b) located on the top of conservator 20.13S.
(c) lag time (d) lead iime tank
24.124. Air used in air blast circuit breaker (c) connected in the pipe connecting
(o) must be free from moisture main tank of transformer and con-
(b) must have least CO2 servator
(c) must be ionized (d) part of circuit breaker installed near
(d) must have oil mist the transformer
2O.Lg2. The pilot rela5r is provided to obtain ?CI.1{}
2A.125. The rating of a circuit breaker is
(o) high speed tripping
generally determined on the basis of
(o) line-toline fault current (b) delayed tripping
(6) symmetrical fault current (c) preset tripping
(c) single line to ground fault cument (d) none ofthe above
(d) double line to ground fault current 20.133. A circuit breaker will normally operate 20.I1t.,
(o) whenever fault in the line o""..""
20.128, ...... gives rise to s;rmmetrical fault ? (b) when the switch is put on
(o) Phase-to-phase
(c) when the line is to be checked 20.L4tL
(b) Single phase to ground
(d) when the power is to be supplied
(c) Double phase to ground
20.134. Merz-Priee protection is irsed for
(d) Three-phase short-circuit
(o) alternators
(e) None of the above
(b) ghort trirnsmission lines

(c) long traasmission lines ZO.LAS. The material used for bus-bars should
(d) air cooled h'ansformers have
20.13-5. React:nce relays are used for phase (o) low cost
fault in ...... Iine. (b) higher softening terrperature
(o) short (6) medium (c) low resistivit;z (d) all of the above
(c) Iong (d) all of the above 20.144. The main factor in favour of the use of
20.136. An earth conductor provided on the top aluminium as bus-bar material is its
of the transmission line provides protec- (o) low cost (b) low density
tion against (c) low melting point
(o) direct lightning stroke (d) high resistivit;r
(b) travelling waves 20.145. Surge modifiers are used to
(c) electrostatically induced voltage due (o) modi& the shape of wave front
to a charged cloud (b) reduce the steepness ofwave front
(d) all of the above (c) reduce the current of wave front
20.137. The use of oil immersed reactors is (d) reduce the voltage of wave front
generally restricted upto 20.148. Current limiting reactors may be
(o) 5 kV (b) lL kv (o) air cooled air cored
(c) 22kY (d) 33 kv (6) oil irrmersed magnetically shielded
(e) normally no restriction of voltage (c) oil immersed non-magnetieally
20.138. A lightning arrester provides shielded
(a) a low impedance path between line (d) any ofthe above
and ground, during operation 20.147" Which portion of transmission system
(b) ahigh impedance pathbetween line is leasf prone to faults ?
and groundo during operation (o) Alternators (b) Switchgear
(c) a low resistance path between line (c) Overhead lines
and ground, during operation (d) None of,the above
(d) a high resistance path between line 20.148. Switchrpg over voltages arc more haz-
and ground, during operation ardous than lightning surges in case of
20.139. Which system will need the lightning (o) unbala-nced systems
arrester of least voltage rating ? (b) lowvoltages
(o) Solid ground neutral system (c) 11 kV systems
(b) Insulated neutral system (d) EHV and UHV systems
(c) R.esistance grounded neutral sys- (e) none ofthe above
tem 20.149. Thermal relays are often employed in
(d) Reactance grounded neutral system (o) motor starters
20.140. Buchholzrelay cannot be used on (b) transformer protection
(cl) three phase transformers (c) generator protection
(b) air cooled transformers (d) none of the above
(c) 500 kV transformers 20.150. Which of the following protective devices
(d) 1" 000 kV tr-:ansformers can be used against lightning surges ?
20.L41. Basically a lightning amester is a (o) Lightning arrestors
(a) surge diverter (b) surge alternator (b) Horn gap
(c) surge reflector (d) surge absorber (c) Surge diverters
20.142. Least nuurber of faults are generally (d) Any of the above
reported for 20.151. The over-voltage surges in power sys-
(o) transmission lines tems may be caused by
(b) cables (o) resonance (b) switching
(c) switchgears (d) transformers (c) lightning (d) any of thb above
(c) deterioration of insulation 20.171
20.152. The contact space in circuit breakers is
(d) heaW current in neutral
(o) field emission from the surface of 20.156. Which fuse material is more suscep- 20J72
contacts tibte to oxidation as compared to the
(b) thermal emission from surface of remaining ?
(o) Silver (b) Copper 20.173
(c) thermal ionization of gas (c) Tin lead alloY
(d) anY ofthe above 20.157' Outdoor switchgear is generally used
for voltage beYond 20.I74
20.i.53. The breaking capacity of a 3-phase cir- (o) 11kV (b) 33 kv
cuit breaker is given bY (c) 66 kV (d) 132 kv
(o) y'5 x x rated
service voltage sSzm-
eunent 20.158. SF6 gas is transPorted in
sretrical (o) air cylinders (b) gas cylinders
(b) 3 x service voltage x rated sSrm-
(c) Iiquid form in cYlinders 2s:175
metrical curuent (d) solid form in boxes
(c) 2 x service voltage x rated sSrm-
(e) none ofthe above
metrical current
(d) none of the ahove
20.159. The advantage ofneutralearthing is 20.176
(o) freedom from persistent arcing
20.1,54. The positive sequence impedance of a gror:nds
transrnission line is (t) over voltages due to lightning can
(o) three ti:rres the negative sequence be discharged to earth
current (c) simplified design earih fault protec-
(b) equal to negative sequence current ticn
(4 all of the above -{!
(c) one-third ofnegative sequence clrr-
rent 20.160. In a circuit breaker ionisation is not
(d) alwaYs zero facilitated bY 20.178
(e) none of,the above (a) material of contacts
(b) increase of mean Path :
20.155. The most seriorls result of a major un-, (c) increase of field strength
cleared short-circuit fault could be (d) high teneperature of surrounding
(o) blowing offof fuse
medium 20.1?g
(b) fire

ts, Fill in ttre blanks/Say Yes' or'No' :

20.166. In a power sy$em under voltage (fault)
20.161. The apparatus including its associated shori-circuits beeause of 20.1S
occurs either
auxiliaries employed for controlling'
voltage drop in lines and srachines
regulating or switching on or off the more
or on failure of alternator's field'
electrical circuits in the elechical power (YesNo)
sYstem is known as """ to have a large 20.181
A ...... is a coii designed
20.162. Broadly speaking switchgear is of two 20.167.
reactance in comparison
tlryes : (i) ...."'type and (ii) """typt' inductive
its ohmic resistance.
20.163. A surge neay be considered as high voit-
age of very high frequency' (Yes['{o) 20.168. The reactors ...... the fault by lilniting
the cunent that can flow into it frosr
20.164' Reversed power (fault) occurs only in 20.1&
..;... sYsterrs'
other healthY Parts of the sYstem.
The fault of '..... current occurs mainly 20"169. The reactors are employed to protect
due to short-circuit or leakage due to the circuit breakers of ...."' rating'
corona effect and sometimes due to 20.1?0. The use of open fipe reactors is limit'ed
to 5 kV. (YesA{o)
overload on the suPPlY sYstem'

20.17L. oil immersed tlpe reactors are used for 20.183. The conductivif,y of ...... does notclete-
voltages abo.r'e 33 (Yes,A{o) riorate with oxidation.
20.t72. \\'hen the reactors are inserted in 20.184. ...... current is defined as the minimum
series with each generator the reactors value of current at which the fuse ele-
are'L-orvn as ....,. reactors. ment or fuse wire melts.
20.173. \\'hen the reactors are connected in 20.185. A relay is an ...... operated switch.
series rvith the feeder, the reactors are 20.186. Silver contacts ...... be oiled because
known as ...... reactors. this causes overheating.
20.174. In a tie-bar system the generators are 2O.I87. A relay which operates faster as cur-
connected to the common bus-bar rent increases is said to have .,,... cha-
through the reactors but the feeders racteristics.
are fed frour the generator side of the 20.188. A relay which operates'with a time lag
reactors. (Yes/1.{o) after current reaches a particular value
20:175. A...... is used in an electric circuit as a is called time delay over current relay.
device for makingorbreaking an electric
circuit in a convenient way.
20.1?6. ...... are mechanical devices designed to 20.189. A relay which operates immediately on
current reaching a particular value is
close or open contact members, thus
called ...... over current relay.
closing or opening an electrical circuit
under normal or abnormal conditions.
20.190. Discharge resistor is placed across relay
contacts to avoid ...... jumping across
20.'1,77, ...... resistance method of extinguishing thern causing their pitting and burn-
- employed in D.C. circuit breakers
^r"is itrg.
.|i,r and low and medium power industrial z0.tgL. Solenoid reiay is an instantaneous over
type air circuit breakers. current relay butdash pot makes it......
20.I7 8. ...... resistance method of extinguiehing over currgnt relay.
arc is applicable only to AC. circuits in
2O.Lg2. ...... prevents one eet of contacts from
which resistance is kept low and arc ie
closing while other set of contacts is
prevented from restriking after it has
gone out at a cunent zero.
?O.tgg, Air blast circuit breaker uses dr5r com-
2O.l7S. During the arcing period the voltage preesed air. (Yes/No)
across the contacts is known as ...... 20.lg4, Air circuit breakers are used for voltage
voltage. above 10 kV. (YesA{o)
20.180. Low voltage air circuit breakers are 20.195. An ...... doee not have any current
designed for ua on D.C. circuit and low , making or current breaking capacit;r.
voltage AC. (upto and including 600 V) 20.196. An isolator is always operated normal-
circuits. (YesA.{o) ly. (YesA{o)
20. 181. " Oil ...... are increasing$ employed 24.197. Non-linear resistors are used in lighh-
in unattended subetationg and nrral ing resistors. (Yes/No)
distribution schemes, where circuit 20.198. Jhe damage caused by surge depends
breakeqs are employed in outlying on ...... of the wave frout.
areas. 20.199. Frequency relays are used in generator
29.182. ...... is a wire of short length or thin strip protection.
of material having low melting point 20.200. Distance relay is used where time lag
and is inserted in an electric circuit as can be permitted. (Yes/No)
a protective device to the flow of an 20.201. Tripping relays are slow and generally
excessive current through the circuit. attractingarrnaturetSrye. (Yes/No)
20.202. Arcing ground is also kriown as """ 20.222. The value of fusing factor is always
fault. gteater than ......
20.203. A directional relaY senses "..... 2G.225. The maximum value to which the fault
current reaches before the fuse melts is
20.204. Isolators are mainly used for providing
called the ...... current.
disconnection for ...... 20.237"
2A.224. Arcing-ti:cne is the tiure accountedfrom
20.205. Current breakers are generally over-
(Yes/l'[o) 'the instant of arc initiation to the ins-
part circuit tant ofarc being extinguished or the arc
2s.2W. Trip ci:rcuit is normally a of
current becomes zero. (Yes/I{o)
breakers. (YesA{o) 20.2#-
20"225. ...... capacity of a fuse is the rating
2fi.247. The time interrralbetween occurance of

corresponding to the r'm.s. value of the


fault and closure of relay contacts is A.C. component of the maximum pros- :

known as....,. pective current and the system voltage'

20.208. The time interval between closure of 20.239.
trip eircuit and final arc interruption is 20.226. In ....". relayg the operation depends
kno*n as breaker time' (Yes/l{o) upon the ratio of the voltage to the
of the alternators are provided current.
20.209. Most
with Buchholz relay in addition to dif- 2A.221, A...'.. relay operates when some specified 20.240.
(Yes,'t'Io) . phase or magnitude difference between
ferential protection. I
the two or more electrical quantities
20.210. Short-circuit tests are conducted on cir- l

cuitbreakers to prove the ratings ofthe
circuit-breaker. (YesA{o) 2t,228. Directional or reverse power relay
operates when the applied current ntd
20"211. Core balance current trqnsformers are voltage assume specified phase dis-
used for ...'.. Protection' A. Choo
placement and uo compensation is al-
20.2L2. In oil circuit breakers transformer oil is lowed for fall in voltage. (Yes/f[o) 20.1. t

used. (YesA{o)
20.229. By placing a fuse in Parallel witb an 20.6. t

20.219. Arcing contacts of circuit breakers are instantaneous or definite time lagrelay 20.11.

generally made coPPer tungsten

(YesA'{o) it ean be made as .'.... time lag relay' 20.16. ,

20.214. In electromagnetic relays the restrain- 20.230. A Buchholz relay is a form of ..'... relay' 20.2r.
ing torque is given bY '..... 20.231. A ...... relay is pr'actically universally 20.?Ji.
20.215. Atl A.C. power systerns of today operate used ou all oil irnrnersed transformers 20.31.
with solid grounding. (Yes/No) havingratingmore than 750 kVA 2036.
20.216. The hotrding ratio of a relay is usually 20.282, .A,Buchholz relay is used in connection 28.1L
more than one. (YesA{o} with some forms of electrically operated 20.44
20.217. Loss of excitation mey cause a gene- protective gear, because it provides 20.51.
rator to run as induction generator' lrotection only against ....'. internal 20.56-
(Yes/l{o) iaults arrd does not respond to ex+ernal 20.s1.
20.218. Alarm relays initiate .'.... bushing or cable cotttection faults' 20.66.
20.219. Selectivity is the property by virtue of aCI.2s9. Inductiou type reverae power relays are 2A.7L
which the protective relaying system very suitable for protection of """ 20.78,
distinguishes between normal coodi- feeders.
tion and abnormal coqdition. (Yes/t'Io) 2A.23l. Almost auY tYPe of relaY, when con- 20.8S.
2$.224. po, 16u-d wire the approximate value nected in aparticularway, canbe made
of fusing cturent is given by : f = """ to operate as '..... relaY.
2A.221. The ratio of minimurn fusing current 20.96.
20.2:15. Tlanslay relays )re employeil for feeder
and the current rating of fuse element 20.101.
is known as ...... factor'
profeetion. (YesA'{o)

24.236" The most conunon form of protection 20.241. In a shunt relay, less the air gap ......
used for stator winding faults is ...... willbevoltagetooperatetheconductor.
protection operating on the principle of 28.242. Kiosik is an indoor grye switchgear.
differential circulating current protec- (yes,O{o)
tion' 20.243. D.C. relays are ...... in operation than
24.237. ...... protection is now widely used on A.C. relays.
large rating transformers for the pur- 20.244. Power factor of an arc is......
pose of protection against transfor'met 2O.245" Movable member of iron circuit of a
internal faults. relay is called ......
20.238. Core-balance leakage protection i; used 20.246. Phase fault is line-to-line fault.
to provide protection against earth (Yes/I.{o)
faults of lowvoltage winding. 20.247. The grounding is generally at the ......
(Yes/I'[o) end.
20.239. Over-load protection system can be 20.248. Isolators operate under no-load condi-
used for protection cf any equipment or tions. (YesA{o)
line against the current ...... than pre- 2O.Z4g. A sudden short-circuit in an A.C. sys-
determined one. tem causes a fall in current in the short-
20.240. Reverse power protection system is circuitedphase' (YesA{o)
employedin interconnected system for 20.250. Arcing ground is also known as earth.
generating units or stations. (YesA,Io) (YesA.To)

( Switchgear Prcotection)
A. Choose the Correct Answer;
20.1. (d) 20.2.(d) 20.3. (c) 24"4. (a) 20.5. (c)
20.6. (c) 20.7. (c) 20.8. (c) 20.9. (d) 20.10. (a)
I 20.11" (e) 24.12. (e) 20.13. (b) 20.14. (b) 20.15. (c)
20.16. (d) 2AJ7. (d\ 20.1"8. (o) 20.18. (a) 20.2O. (c)
2A.2"!,. (d) 20.22. (d) 20.25. (b) 2O.24. (a) 24.25. (c)
20.26. (d\ 24.21. (a) 2&"28. (c) 20.29" (c) 20.30. (o)
20.31. (d) 20.32. (b) 20.s3. (d) 2O.s4. (d) 20.35. (o)
20.36. (o) 2o.97. (a) 20.38. (c) 30.39. (d) 20.40. (d)
2O.4!. (a) 2O.42. (a) 2o.43. (c) 20.44. (c\ 20.45. (d)
20.46. (c) 2A.47. (1. 20.48. (d) 20.49. (c) 20.50. (c)
20.5L. (e) 20"52. (A 20.53" (d) 2O.64. (a) 2o.55. (c)
20.5C. (d) 20.57. (d) 2A.58. (a) 20.5$. (e) 20.60. (o)
20.G1. (c) 20.62. (b) 20"63. (d) 20.64. (a) 20.65. (o)
20.66. (b) 28.67. (d) 20.68. (b) 20.69. (c) 24.7O. (e)
20.71. (bt 20.72. ({t) 24.73. (a\ 2A.74. (b\ 24.75. (a)
20.75. (b) 20.77. to) 20.78. \at 20.19. (a) 20.80. (b)
20.81. (d) 20.82. (b) 20.83. (6) 20.84. {a) 20.85. (b)
20.86. (a) 20.87. (b) 20.88. (b) 20.89. (o) 20.90; (c)
20.91. (a) 24.92. (a\ 20.93" (d) 20.94. (cr) 20.95. (c)
2O.96. (c) zA.S',I. (d) 20.e8. (b) 20.99. (c) 20.100. (6r)
20.1O1. (c) 2A.tO2. (d) 20.tr03. (c) 20.1(X. (c) 20.105. (b)

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