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Who would be the audience for your media product?

My main target audience focuses on the male demographic between the ages 15-40
i have decided this is an effective target audience since i did research on the BBFC
and there age ratings for films. After researching 3 different war films all being 18
rated i decided that with our budget being next to nothing we could not make our film
as gory as the others therefore we picked our film to be a 15 rated therefore it
allowed more people to go and watch the film, additionally to this the younger ages
would be more inclined to watch a film since so many war games on consoles are
popular. The reason we also are trying to appeal to the older ages of 40 is because
older males also enjoy war films this could be because of a relation to people who
were in the war etc. We decided to stereotypically target the male demographic
rather than the female demographic simply because its stereotypical of males to
enjoy war films and if we tried to target females we would probably not attract as
many people and could not gain as much attention as we could do.

There are psychographic factors that do come into play when choosing the target
audience for example we would target males between the ages of 15-40 who enjoy
action and gory films over the males who prefer comedies and romantic films
because they are less likely to watch and or enjoy our film. Additionally to that i
would want to target people who grew up watching a lot of T.V because there is a
chance they would be desensitized to strong violence in films, also younger people
who play video games such as First Person Shooters as it means that they would
appeal to a war film more than someone who doesn't like war games. With the
average age of male gamers being 35 it shows that having the age of 15-40 is very
good since it will include the males who are gamers and would be drawn to war films
more than other males.

My secondary audience would be females since stereotypically they arent as fond of

war films as males between my desired age range, therefore if i would primarily
target females as my mass audience then i would not succeed since i believe that an
audience of females that like war films would be very niche and would not help get
as much popularity for my film and would go down as well with the public if i made no
attempt to attract my mass target audience of males between 15-40.
This can be linked to my audience profiles since it shows the average stereotypical
person i am aiming my product at favouring the war genre and their interests fits with
the war film

connotations i am implementing into my final product.

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