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Student Feedback on School and MST

TP: Year 3 Sem2 Date: 15-3-2017 Student:

Shammah Khameis Saaed

School: Al-massah School Score: 19 Rating of school: Very


MST: Maryam Gaseeb Score: 48 Rating of MST: Very


Please rate the following on a scale of 5 to 1 (5 being excellent and 1

being very poor). Add any comments you feel are relevant. School (20)
Rate how welcoming/cooperative the administration of the school was. 5 4 3 2 1
In what ways did they make you feel welcome in the school?
They asked to attend with them the meetings.
They helped as to organize the classes for the visits.
All the admin were treating as very well.

Rate how welcoming/cooperative other teachers were. 5 4 3 2 1

In what ways did they cooperate with you during TP?
They were asking to provide a help for as.
They were treating as a one from their groups.
Sharing ideas together.

Rate how polite/well behaved the children were. 5 4 3 2 1

Were there many children with behavioural problems?
They had some behavioural problem like saying bad words for others, chitchatting with their
friends while the teacher is talking, attending the class late, and other problem.

Rate the availability of facilities (copier, OHP, computer etc) in the school. 5 4 3 2 1
Was it easy or difficult for you to prepare materials at the school?
Easy with the teacher

Mentor School Teacher (50) Rate the general feeling of support given to
you by your MST.

What was especially good or bad about her level of support for you? 5 4 3 21
Good: Sharing ideas and helping me to prepare for the lessons
Rate the amount of time given to you by your MST. 5 4 3 2 1
Why was she able to give you a lot or a little of her time?
Because she wanted to teach me more to be a perfect teacher.
Rate the MSTs use/knowledge of English in the classroom. 5 4 3 2 1
What percentage of her classroom language was L1?

Rate the MSTs use/knowledge of English when speaking with you. 5 4 3 2 1

Did she always use English when speaking with you?
Most of the time she spoke with me in English.

Rate the amount of help given to you in planning/discussing your lessons. 5 4 3 2 1

In what way was the teacher especially helpful or not helpful before your lessons?
Helpful: She gave me opportunity to practice teaching for most of her classes.
Discussing the lessons plans for teaching any lesson.

Rate the helpfulness of post-lesson oral feedback given to you by the MST. 5 4 3 2
Was she always helpful in giving suggestions or overly critical?
She gave me alternative ways for areas of development after the lesson.
She gave me feedback after each class and encouraged me to work better.

Rate how thorough post-lesson written feedback was. 5 4 3 2

Was the feedback detailed or sketchy? When did you receive it?
After each class she gave me oral feedback in the strengths and areas for
development in specific aspects.

Rate the amount of new knowledge (strategies, ideas etc) you gained from your MST.
What was the area in which the SST was able to give you most help? 5 4 3 2
Steps on how to manage the time.
In what area did she give you least help?
Giving me ideas for the activities for different learning styles.

Rate the accuracy of the final assessment given by your MST. 5 4 3 2 1

Why do you think the assessment was fair or unfair?
Fair, because she gave the grade that I deserved.

Rate how well your MST motivated you to do your best on TP. 5 4 3 2 1
What did she say/do to motivate and encourage you?
She always said for me I am a perfect teacher and I will be a one of perfect teacher in the

School (20) MST (50)

Very good 20, 19, 18 50 - 40

Good 17, 16, 15 39 - 30
Satisfactory 14, 13, 12, 11, 10 29 - 20
Poor 9, 8, 7, 6 19 - 10
Very poor 5 and below 9 and below

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