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347 Internship Cognitive Impairment Observation Format

Name of student_ Amanda Asfour Date_Wednesday, March 8
School Mulick Park Elementary
Mentor Teacher Mrs. Jill Brindle

Formal Observation # 1

Goal #3 Positive relationship with Children ******
Goal #4 Positive Methods of Behavior Support ******
Goal #6 Manage Physical Setting
Goal # 7 Assess and report Student Learning
Goal # 8 Effective Planning and Preparation
Goal # 9 Use Instructional Materials Effectively

Observation Notes:
- positive start, very calm, engaging students, waiting until all are
-remember, you dont have to raise your hand
-making connection to day before- bike riding comment
-give me thumbs up
-best listening ears-
-do it together- cover for Porsha
-scoot over so that you are not in Angies bubble, personal space
-Friends, our voices are off
- called on Sean to help him focus and be engaged
- count together, waiting patiently, give two acceptable choices
- stand up for 3-D chant, lots of engaging motions and words to
reinforce names of shapes******excellent!!!!!

Observation Review:-
- awesome lesson, very well prepared and executed!
- followed usual structure but added creative touches!!!!!
- use your teacher presence in the classroom, walk around, rub
back, tap desk, facial contact
- use voice, loud-soft-pausing, make it gamey- I am thinking of a
really challenging questioncan you answer my question? You are
so smart!!!
- use hand signals to show beginning and ending cut off for group
-use whisper voice for quiet seat work time, set timer,
- set up special spot in room as place to reward good behavior

Thanks for the great work!!! See you again in a few weeks!
Jill Stegink

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