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25th International Conference on Computer

Theory and Applications

ICCTA 2015

24-26 October 2015

Alexandria, Egypt

Conference Proceedings
Session # Session Title Page#
Session I Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 1
Session II Computer Control and Industrial Applications 39
Session III Information Systems and Software Engineering 71
Session IV Computer Networks, Security, and HPC 112

Session V Image Processing and Pattern Recognition 166

ICCTA 2015 Committees 208

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Session I:
Artificial Intelligence and Machine

Title: Page#

Improving Sparse Subspace Clustering Using Subsampled 2

Randomized Hadamard Transform
Sabra Hechmi and Ezzeddine Zagrouba

Accuracy Improvement of WPBC Dataset-Based Breast Cancer 9

Magdy Abd-elghany Zeid ,M. B. Abdelhalim, and Gouda I. Salama

Simple and Robust Design of A Neural-Based Ensemble Classifier 17

Hassan Wahbi Hassan, Amin Shoukry, and Mahmoud Farouk

Epistemic Hybrid Tree Logic 22

Ammar Mohamed, Rana Mohamed, and Hesham Hefny

Opinion Mining Framework For News Reviews To Build Good 28

Customer Loyalty
Fainan Nagy El sisi, Abd El-Fatah Hegazy, and Hatem Abdel Kader

Framework for Activity Recognition Using Smart Devices 34

Walid Mohamed Aly, Khaled Eskaf, and Alyaa Aly

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Improving Sparse Subspace Clustering Using Subsampled Randomized Hadamard


Sabra Hechmi and Ezzeddine Zagrouba

Equipe de Recherche en Syst`emes Intelligents en Imagerie et Vision Artificielle (SIIVA), Laboratoire RIADI,
Institut Superieur dInformatique (ISI), Universite Tunis El Manar, Abou Raihane Bayrouni, 2080, Ariana, Tunisie.
Email: hechmi,

AbstractIn the era of high dimensional data, trying to find divided into four principle groups: Algebraic methods in-
clusters is a challenging issue. In this context subspace cluster- cluding Boult and Brown algorithm [6] and Costeira and
ing has showed surprising results. The tenet of this technique Kanade [7] method. Iterative methods: such as K-subspaces
is to uncover groups of data that exist in multiple underly- [8] and K-planes [9] algorithms. Statistical methods: includ-
ing subspaces. Recently, several methods have been proposed ing Mixtures of Probabilistic PCA [10] and Multi-Stage
that arise in many research fields, including signal/image Learning [11]. Finally, Spectral clustering-based methods:
processing, system identification and computer vision. In the including Local Subspaces Affinity (LSA) [12], Spectral Lo-
presented work, we are interested to an algorithm, namely cal Best-Fit Flats (SLBF) [13] and Low Rank Representation
Sparse Subspace clustering (SSC). This algorithm has showed (LRR) [14].
encouraging results to cluster high dimensional data. In spite,
In this paper, we study a special type of subspace
the meaningful drawback of SSC is its computational complex- clustering methods which is Sparse Subspace Clustering
ity due to the solving of the sparse optimization problem. In this (SSC) [15]. To cluster a dataset according to their underlying
study, we propose a new method which can deal with large scale subspaces, SSC is based on the idea of sparse data represen-
issues. The key idea is what we call Sub-sampled Randomized tation [16], means that, every data point can be represented
Hadamard Transform (SRHT) that approximates the amount as a linear combination of few other data points from the
of data X T X (X is the data matrix), used to compute the same dataset. This representation is used after in a spectral
sparse solution. The performance of the proposed method is clustering framework to infer the segmentation of the data
tested on real datasets, especially Extended Yale B database into subspaces. The motivation behind this algorithm is that
for face clustering and Hopkins 155 for motion segmentation a sparse representation of a data point corresponds to a
problem. combination of points from its own subspace. The algorithm
showed very interested performance compared to other spec-
1. Introduction tral methods. In spite, due to the high dimensionality and the
solving of the sparse optimization solution, this algorithm is
Clustering is a fundamental task in machine learning very computationally demanding. Several algorithms have
which organizes objects into sensible classes. Clustering been proposed to overcome this problem. Unfortunately,
methods have been used in image analysis, information they fail to preserve the clustering performance such as
retrieval and bio-informatics. Therefore, several methods [1] Scalable Sparse Subspace Clustering (SSSC) [17] or to
have been proposed. However, the choice of an appropriate accelerate dramatically the algorithm such as the Latent
method stays an open issue that depends essentially on the Space Sparse Subspace clustering (LS3C) [18].
nature of data and the domain application. Unfortunately, Here, we propose a straightforward method to speed up
applied to high dimensional data, conventional clustering the SSC algorithm. In fact, the algorithm is often applicable
methods fail to generate meaningful results. Indeed, in only when a dimension reduction step is used a priori. Then,
high-dimensional spaces, the data is often very close to the idea is to exploit a robust sampling strategy to eliminate
each other, which masks groups. In this case, clustering the dimensionality reduction step and to estimate the amount
algorithms based on a distance measurement become in- of data X T X (X is the data matrix) which is the most
creasingly meaningless. Subspace Clustering techniques [2] expensive step in terms of calculation.
succeed to overcome this problem by uncovering clusters
that exist in multiple underlying subspaces. Various tasks The outline of this paper is as follows. Section 2 reviews
in computer vision can be solved as a low-dimensional the subspace clustering problem and the sparse representa-
subspace clustering issue, such as face clustering [3], motion tion formulation. Section 3 discusses the related works. Sec-
segmentation [4] and image segmentation and compression tion 4 introduces the proposed method. Section 5 presents
[5]. Over the last few years, numerous subspace clustering the experimental results and the final section concludes the
methods have been proposed. These methods can be broadly paper.

978-1-5090-0217-7/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 2

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt


2.1. Subspace Clustering Problem 3.1. Sparse Subspace Clustering (SSC)

Clustering is required to discover groups in datasets. A
lot of methods have been done in this area [1]. However, Sparse Subspace Clustering (SSC) [15] is one of the
the most of real-world problems are high-dimensional ones. state-of-the-art algorithms proposed for subspace clustering.
In such situation, traditional clustering algorithms tend to SSC can be considered as a spectral clustering method which
fail. Subspace clustering [2] presents an evolving technique the neighbor graph connectivity is constructed based on the
to cluster high dimensional data. sparse representation.
Formally, Given N data points {yi }N Precisely, let the data matrix Y = [y1 y2 ...yN ] that lies in
i=1 that lie in the union
of l subspaces {Sj }lj=1 and we denote the matrix containing the union of the l subspaces, the key idea behind SSC is
all the data points as: that data points are self-expressive in a union of subspaces.
That means, each data point yi can be expressed as a
Y = [y1 y2 ... yN ] <dN linear combination of other data points that lie in the same
subspace i.e.:
The goal of subspace clustering is to find clusters in different
underlying subspaces within the high dimensional dataset, yi = Y ci , cii = 0 (4)
instead of finding groups in the entire original space. More
precisely, subspace clustering aims to identify the number of where ci = [ci1 ci2 ... ciN ]T and cii = 0 eliminates the trivial
subspaces l embedded in the dataset, their dimensions, a ba- solution of writing a data point as a linear combination of
sis for each subspace and the segmentation of the data points itself. The solution is not unique, SSC seeks for the solution
according to their subspaces. Subspace clustering, has found with the smallest k ci k1 and the optimizing problem is
numerous applications including gene expression analysis written as:
[19], systems identification [20] and computer vision [3]
[4] [5]. min k ci k1 s.t. yi = Y ci and cii = 0 (5)

2.2. Sparse Representation Technique Expressed in the matrix form as:

Data-sparse representation [16] has received a great deal min k C k1 s.t. Y = Y C and diag(C) = 0 (6)
of attentions over the past decade. The term Sparsity
implies the existence of many zeros in a vector or a ma- Where C = [c1 c2 ... cN ] RN N the sparse coefficient
trix. Therefore, sparse representation aims to discover the matrix. This solution is called the sparse subspace repre-
most compact representation of a data vector y in terms of sentation which constructs the neighbor graph connectivity
linear combination of a few typical data vectors over an of SSC. In fact, a similarity matrix is built after as :
overcomplete dictionary such that y = c where c is a W =| C | + | C |T where wij =| cij | + | cji | is
sparse coefficient vector. the edge weight between a node i and an other node j in
More formally, sparse solution means to solve the following a graph representation. Data segmentation is obtained then
non-convex program: by applying a spectral clustering technique to the graph. To
deal with real word issues, where data is corrupted by noise,
min k c k0 subject to y = c (1)
the optimizing problem is modified as a LASSO problem is
Where k . k0 denotes the l0 norm, which counts the number solved:
of non-zero entries in c. The aforementioned problem is NP-
hard and numerically unstable [21]. Recent developments in
sparse representation theory reveal that this problem can be min k C k1 + k Y Y C k2F s.t diag(C) = 0 (7)
replaced by its l1 -convex relaxation [22] [23]: 2

min k c k1 subject to y = c (2) Where z > 0 is a regularization term in the objective

function, k . kF designs the Frobenius norm chosen as the
To deal with noisy data, the previous problem is generally appropriate norm to detect noise.
described as follows:
min k c k1 s.t k y c k2 (3) Applied to face clustering and motion segmentation
[15], SSC appears effective in identifying the underlying
Where 0 is the error tolerance. subspaces even with corrupted and noisy data. However
The sparse representation technique was successfully ap- the main drawback of SSC is its computational complexity
plied in several machine learning fields specially, image due to the solving of sparse optimization problem.
restoration [24], compressed sensing [25] and face clustering Algorithm 1 summerizes the SSC method:

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Algorithm 1 Sparse Subspace Clusterin (SSC) identity(xi ) designs the label of xi .

Input: A data matrix Y = [y1 y2 ... yN ] that lies in the Scalable SSC helps to reduce the time complexity since
union of l subspaces. it requires only O(t1 dp3 + t2 pk 2 + N p2 ) comparing to
SSC which requires O(t1 dN 3 + t2 N k 2 ) with p << N
1) Solve the problem (6) for free data or (7) in the and d the data dimension. We note also that t1 and t2
case of noise corrupted data. presents the number of iterations of ADMM solver and k-
2) Normalize the columns of C as ci = kcicki . means clustering respectively. However, Scalable SSC fails
3) Form the graph W with N nodes representing the to preserve the clustering performance yielded by SSC.
N data points such that every node i is connected
to other node j by an edge weight wij =| cij | + |
3.3. Latent Space Sparse Subspace Clustering
cji |.
4) Apply spectral clustering to the similarity graph W . (LS3C)
Output: The cluster membership of Y . It turns out that to control the high computational time
demanding of SSC, a dimensionality reduction process is
generally applied before. The motivation of Latent Space
3.2. Scalable Sparse Subspace Clustering (SSSC) Sparse Subspace Clustering (LS3C) [18] is to project data
points into a low-dimensional space and to find in the same
Scalable SSC [17] has proposed to overcome the scala- time, the sparse coefficients in this space. This methodology
bility problem of SSC. The first step states to select a subset is in order to eliminate the reduction step and to simultane-
of points from the original dataset named in-sample data and ously accelerate the computational time.
proceeds by applying SSC algorithm on this set. The next Specifically, let Y = [y1 y2 ...yN ] <dN be the matrix
step assumes to assign the out-sample data to their natural containing a collection of N data, which are drawn from a
clusters. But, since high-dimensional data are usually not union of l linear subspaces S1 S2 ... Sl and P <td
lie into a distance measurement such as Euclidian distance, be a linear transformation matrix that projects data from the
so the goal is to find an appropriate relationship measure input space Rd to a t-low-dimensional space. The goal of
between data points. Therefore, a regression strategy is LS3C is to optimize the following function:
adopted to code the out-sample data X by the in-sample
[P , C ] = min J(P, C, Y ) (11)
data X . the final step is to assign the out-sample data P,C
to the cluster with minimal residual calculated from the
relationship previously found. Exactly, the Scalable SSC subject to P P T = I, diag(C) = 0,
proceeds as follows: where
Algorithm 2 Scalable SSC J(P, C, Y ) =k C k1 +1 k P Y P Y C k2F (12)
Input: A data matrix Y = [y1 y2 ...yN ] , the number of T
+2 k Y P P Y k2F
clusters k and a rigid regression parameter  = 106 .
The first two terms of J present the sparse research
1) Select randomly p data points from Y which pre- problem. The other term is a PCA-like regularization term
sented the in-sample denoted X . The remaining set that insures a non-significant information loss between the
of points is denoted X as the out-sample data.
two spaces. 1 and 2 are two non-negative regulariza-
2) Apply SSC over X . tion parameters. Under the assumption that there exists
3) Compute the relationship between each out-sample an optimal solution P to the optimizing problem where
data point xi by using X as: P = T X T with RN t , the cost function can be
ci = (X T X + I)1 X T xi (8) written as follows:

4) Calculate the residuals of xi overall subspaces by

solving: J(, C, Y ) =k C k1 +1 k T K (I C) k2F (13)
k xi Xj (ci ) k2 +2 k Y (I K) k2F
rj (xi ) = (9)
k j (ci ) k2 s.t. T K = I, diag(C) = 0
5) Assign xi to the subspace that has the minimal Where K = Y Y T and as a result: P P T = T K = I .
residual by : This formulation leads to up-date P via and the algorithm
identity(xi ) = argminj {rj (xi )} (10) proceeds by optimizing the previous problem iteratively over
and C . For more details of this algorithm see [18]. LS3C
Output: The cluster assignment of Y . shows good clustering performance comparing to Scalable
SSC. Unfortunately, LS3C fails to reduce the important
The nonzero entries j (ci ) Rn are the elements computational time of SSC and consequently, stills expen-
related to X which associated with the j -th cluster and sive for use in applications requiring large datasets.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

4. THE PROPOSED METHOD with this small change the time complexity of the entire
algorithm will be O(t1 sN 3 + t2 N k 2 + N d log(s)) where:
4.1. Preliminary
O(N d log(s)) to calculate Ye .
In this section, we describe the novel approach we O(t1 sN 3 ) for the ADMM solver.
proposed to reduce the SSC computational time. The entire O(t2 N k 2 ) is the cost of spectral clustering
idea behind our method is to approximate the amount of
data Y T Y . On the other hand, if Ye = Y T where Y is the SVD
It is known that the L1 minimization problem corresponding of Y and k the rank of Y , then with probability at least
to the formulation (7), is equivalent to a regression problem 1 ( + epk )
type Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator, more
known as Lasso regression. In this context, several solvers
have been proposed to solve the L1 regularization problem. (1 )G G
e (1 + )G (16)
An example would be the Alternating Direction Method
of Multipliers (ADMM) [27]. This solver is based on the
computing of the amount of data Y T Y well-known by the Where = klog(2k/)
s .
Gram matrix. For more details about the proofs of SRHT theory, see
Let us consider the data matrix Y RdN such as each [28],[29].
column is the j-th vector data of d-dimension. The Gram
matrix can be written as: So, we define the SSC-SRHT algorithm as follows:

G = Y T Y RN N (14)
Algorithm 3 SSC-SRHT
Thus, to get the sparse coefficients matrix, we need to calcu-
late the inverse of this matrix. The fact to calculate the Gram Input: a data matrix Y = [y1 y2 ...yN ] that lies in the union
matrix and its inverse cost O(dN 3 ) which slow down the of l subspaces.
execution time of the entire algorithm. Therefore, we have 1) Compute the SRHT of the data
the idea to approximate the matrix G i.e to get a matrix G e
as a way to speed up and robustify the SSC algorithm. This Y = Y T (17)
can be made by the Subsampled Randomized Hadamard 2) Compute
Transform or SRHT. e = Ye T Ye
G (18)

4.2. Subsampled Randomized Hadamard Trans- 3) Solve the ADMM problem using the amount of
data G.
4) Normalize the columns of C as ci = kcicki .
5) Form the graph W with N nodes representing the
Recently, Subsampled Randomized Hadamard Trans-
N data points such that every node i is connected
form (SRHT) has received particular attention [28][29].
to other node j by an edge weight :
For d = 2p where p is any positive integer, a SRHT is a
(s d) random projection matrix that can be defined as: wij =| cij | + | cji | (19)
= d/sSHD (15) 6) Apply spectral clustering to the similarity graph W .
S Rsd is a subsampling matrix. Output: The cluster membership of Y .
H Rdd is a normalized Walsh Hadamard matrix
which is defined recursively as:
Hd/2 Hd/2 +1 +1 In this section, we evaluate the results of the proposed
Hd = and H2 =
Hd/2 Hd/2 +1 1 method on publicly available datasets, which are the Ex-
tended Yale B dataset [30] for face clustering and the
D Rdd is a diagonal matrix which each diagonal Hopkins155 dataset [31] for motion segmentation. These
element is a i.i.d. Rademacher random variable. databases are commonly used in testing machine learning
algorithms especially subspace clustering methods.
There are two important properties of this transform. The performance of our algorithm is compared with previ-
First, due to the recursive structure of the matrix H , the ap- ously presented algorithms (SSC, Scalable SSC and LS3C).
proximate Gram matrix G e will take only O(N 2 s) comparing The comparison is done in terms of the computational times
with O(N d) in the normal case where s << d. Therefore, and clustering error.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

5.1. Face Clustering Algorithms SSC SSSC LS3C SSC-SRHT

2 subjects
Face clustering refers to the problem of clustering face
Mean 2.035 3.45 2.36 1.04
images of multiple individuals acquired under fixed pose
and varying illumination conditions. According to the Lam- Median 0.78 2.86 1.10 0.703
bertian assumption [32], the set of face images taken under 3 subjects
all illumination conditions of a single object lie close to Mean 3.77 4.23 3.51 1.79
a 9-D linear subspace. Therefore, the set of face images
Median 2.60 4.03 2.40 1.73
of multiple subjects can be considered as a union of 9-
dimensional subspaces. 5 subjects
Mean 6.79 7.74 6.08 3.64
Median 5.31 7.19 4.93 2.25
8 subjects
Mean 10.28 15.56 9.85 5.86
Median 9.57 15.90 9.74 5.66
10 subjects
Mean 11.46 22.36 11.47 10.12
Figure 1: a Sample from the Extended Yale B Dataset. Median 11.09 23.45 11.00 9.53

TABLE 1: Clustering error on the Extended Yale B database.

We evaluate the clustering performance of our method
as well as the state-of-the-art methods on the Extended
Yale B dataset which contains 192 168 pixel cropped 5.2. Motion Segmentation
face images of 38 subjects, each of which consists of
64 frontal face images taken under varying illumination Motion segmentation is a fundamental pre-processing
conditions, see Figure 1. Face images are downsampled to step for different computer vision applications including
48 42 pixels in the purpose to reduce the computational tracking and surveillance. The main idea of motion
time of the algorithms.Then, we stacked them into 2016- segmentation is to classify a set of tracked feature points
dimensional column vectors. Since these images are into multiple groups corresponding to multiple objects on
corrupted by outliers, the sparse outlying entries variation the basis of their motions. see Figure 3.
of the optimizing problem is used with a value of e = 20e ,
for more details see [15].

Figure 3: Samples from the Hopkins 155 Database.

Under the affine camera model assumption, the trajec-

tories of tracked points belonging to the same object (or
motion) lie in a linear subspace of dimension at most four.
Figure 2: Average CPU times on the Extended Yale B Indeed, the relationship between the tracked feature points
database. and the corresponding 3-D coordinates of the points on the
object is :

TABLE I gives the clustering accuracy for different

x11 x21 ... xP 1

individuals, and Figure 2 depicts the runtimes for algorithms A1

X1 ... XP

y11 y21 ... yP 1
computing. Note that, the SSC algorithm is preceded by A2

.. .. .. .. Y1 ... YP
a dimension reduction step with PCA. We show that our . = .
. . .

. Z1 ... ZP

method yields to the best results compared to other state- x
1F x2F ... xP F
1 ... 1
of-the-art methods. AF
y1F y2F ... yP F

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Accuracy Improvement of WPBC Dataset-Based Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Magdy Abd-elghany Zeid, M. B. Abdelhalim and Gouda I. Salama

College of Computing and Information Technology
Arab Academy for Science Technology & Maritime Transport
Cairo, Egypt

Abstract This paper discusses two different methods to distinguishes benign from malignant breast lumps and Breast
improve the resultant accuracy of Breast Cancer Diagnosis. Cancer Prognosis predicts when Breast Cancer is likely to
The methods were applied to Wisconsin Prognosis Breast recur in patients that have had their cancers excised. one of
Cancer (WPBC) dataset. the highest fatality rate for women over the last decades is
breast cancer. By the end of the year 2008 in United States
The first method generates a reduced dataset feature vector by alone 692,000 women are estimated to be diagnosed with
deriving it from the available feature vector of WPBC dataset. some type of cancer and 26% of these women will be
The second one generates a new dataset that combines the
diagnosed with breast cancer. With 26% expected
Wisconsin Diagnosis Breast Cancer (WDBC) and WPBC
occurrence rate, breast cancer has the highest percentage
datasets and apply the different classifiers systems on the
generated dataset by using classification accuracy and Area
among other cancer types [4].
Under the Curve (AUC) metrics based on confusion matrix of The contribution of this paper is to reduce feature vector
10-fold cross validation method. In addition, we introduce a from WPBC dataset by deriving a new feature vector
fusion at the classification level between these classifiers to get (Relative Standard Error (RSE)) from the available feature
the most suitable multi-classifier approach for each data set. vector. Then, manipulated Breast Cancer Wisconsin
Reducing of WPBC dataset size gives better outcomes through Diagnostic and Prognostic datasets and created four datasets
reducing the number of features. with different classes and instances to improve the resultant
accuracy achieved through WPBC dataset: (the intersection
The experiments were performed considering the following between WDBC and WPBC datasets, Probabilistic
classifiers individually (decision tree (J48), Multi-Layer Unification (PU) between WDBC and WPBC datasets,
Perception (MLP), Naive Bayes (NB), Sequential Minimal
Probabilistic Unification of Heterogeneous Malignancy
Optimization (SMO), and Instance Based for K-Nearest
(PUHM) Datasets and Probabilistic Unification of
neighbor (IBK)) along with their possible combinations.
Heterogeneous Recurrent Malignancy (PUHRM) Datasets).
The results were very promising, for example: The We perform a diverse set of experiments that include
Probabilistic Unification of Heterogeneous Recurrent combined successive binary classifications and multi-class
Malignancy (PUHRM) Dataset has up to 86.17 % classifications using diverse classification algorithms. By
improvement in the accuracy. All experiments are conducted comparing the performance of multiple algorithms and
in WEKA data mining tool. experimental settings, we try to find the best model system
that can predict both diagnosis and prognosis of breast
Keywords: Breast cancer, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Feature cancer. The above contribution is discussed in details in
reduction, Classification, a priori algorithm, Expectation section VII.
Maximization (EM) algorithm.
Of the many data mining algorithms that developed in
I. INTRODUCTION recent years for extraction of knowledge in database are
supervised learning algorithms. These algorithms are mostly
Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that develops when used for classification tasks. Basically, there are much
cells in the breast tissue divide and grow without the normal researchers on breast cancer prognosis. A principle factor
controls on cell death and cell division [1]. Breast cancer has that determines the way of treatment is the prognosis, which
become a major cause of death among women in developed will immediately follow the disease diagnosis. Hence, many
countries [2], with an incidence rate more than twice that of of these researchers reflect good classification accuracy. In
colorectal cancer and cervical cancer and about three times [6], the performance criterions of supervised learning
that of lung cancer. However, breast cancer mortality classifiers, such as decision tree (J48), Multi-Layer
worldwide is just 25% greater than that of lung cancer in Perception (MLP), Naive Bayes (NB), Sequential Minimal
women [3]. One of the most effective ways to reduce breast Optimization (SMO), and Instance Based for K-Nearest
cancer deaths is early detection. An accurate and reliable neighbor (IBK) are compared, to find the best classifier in
diagnosis are required procedure on early diagnosis that in a WPBC dataset. The experimental results showed that the
way offers physicians the ability to differentiate the benign fusion of MLP, J48, SMO and IBK classifier is superior to
breast tumors from malignant ones with no need to the the other classifiers when using it as a single; it obtains
surgical biopsy. Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis are accuracy of 77.31%. In [7], the performance of Support
considered challenging medical applications to researchers. Vector Machines (SVM) in WPBC dataset scores accuracy
Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis has been of 76.3%. In [8], the neural network classifier is used on
revolutionized extensively by the use of machine learning WPBC dataset. It achieves accuracy of 70.725%. In [9], an
and data mining techniques. Breast Cancer Diagnosis

978-1-5090-0217-7/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 9

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

accuracy of 75.32% was obtained with the application needle is used in this test, which also involves fluid
logistic model trees algorithm (LMT) with WPBC dataset. extraction from a breast mass, and then a visual inspection of
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 the fluid came out under a microscope.
presents the preprocessing phase including details of all used
datasets. Feature Reduction is discussed in section 3. Data A. The Wisconsin diagnostic breast cancer dataset
Mining Classification Methods is discussed in details in The Wisconsin diagnostic breast cancer (WDBC)
section 4. In section 5 Multi classifiers methodology is dataset consists of 569 instances (357 benign and 212
proposed. Performance evaluations criteria is discussed in malignant), where each represents FNA test measurements
section 6. Section 7 discusses Modification of the Breast for one diagnosis instance. For this dataset, each instance has
Cancer Wisconsin dataset. Section 8 reports the experimental 32 attributes, with the first 2 attributes corresponding to a
results and evaluation of the classification techniques. unique identification number and diagnosis status
Finally, Section 9 draws some conclusions of this paper and (benign/malignant). The remaining 30 features are
highlights the main possible directions of future computations for 10 real-valued features, along with their
enhancements. mean, standard error and the mean of the three largest values
(worst value) for each cell nucleus, respectively. These 10
II. DATASET DESCRIPTION real values, which are depicted in Table 1, are determined
This paper deals with the breast cancer diagnosis and from a digitized image of a Fine Needle Aspirate (FNA)
prognosis problem using WDBC as well as WPBC datasets. from the breast tumor, describe characteristics of the cell
These datasets, that are publicly available [5], are used to nuclei present in the image and are recorded with four
represent machine learning algorithm performance through significant digits.
many studies. The above datasets include some B. The Wisconsin prognostic breast cancer dataset
measurements selected according to (FNA) Fine Needle
Aspirate test. Here, the main function of diagnosis is to The Wisconsin prognostic breast cancer (WPBC) dataset
provide the difference between malignant and benign breast consists of 198 instances (151 non-recurrences and 47
masses. If the patient is primarily diagnosed with breast recurrences), where each represents follow-up data for one
cancer, the malignant mass must be investigated. After breast cancer case. These were consecutive in-patients at the
investigation, the expected disease course must be University of Wisconsin Hospital from the period of 1984 to
predicated. 1995 and include only those cases exhibiting invasive breast
cancer and no evidence of distant metastases at the time of
TABLE 1. WDBC/WPBC CELL NUCLEI CHARACTERISTICS/ATTRIBUTES. diagnosis. Each instance has 34 attributes, with the first 2
attributes corresponding to a unique identification number
Radius Mean of distances from center to points on the
and prognosis status (recurrence/non-recurrence),
Texture Standard Deviation of gray-scale value
respectively. They follow the above-mentioned 30 features,
and the last 2 attributes are the diameter of the excised tumor
Perimeter Total distance between consecutive snake points
constitutes the nuclear perimeter centimeters. and number of positive axillary lymph nodes
Area Measured by counting the number of pixels on the
observed at the time of surgery.
interior of the snake and adding one-half of the
pixels on the perimeter
Smoothness Measuring the difference between the length of a In the following, we distinguish two classes of feature
radial line and the mean length of the lines reduction strategies: Feature Subset Selection (FS) and
surrounding it Dimensionality Reduction (DR). The main idea of feature
Compactness Perimeter2 / area - 1:0
subset selection is to remove redundant or irrelevant features
Concavity Severity of concave portions of the contour from the data set as they can lead to a reduction of the
Concave Points Number of concave portions of the contour classification accuracy or clustering quality and to an
unnecessary increase of computational cost [10]. The
Symmetry Measuring the difference between lines advantage of FS is that no information about the importance
orthogonal to the major axis through the center of
the cell in both directions. of single features is lost. With dimensionality reduction
techniques the size of the attribute space can often be
Fractal Dimension "coastline approximation" 1
decreased strikingly without losing a lot of information of
the original attributes space. An important disadvantage of
However, prognostic prediction does not belong to the DR is the fact that the linear combinations of the original
classic learning paradigms of function approximation or to features are usually not interpretable and the information
simple classification problems. As a result of this, a patient about how much an original attribute contributes is often
may be classified as a recur instance in case of observing lost.
the disease, where there is no dominant point of considering A. Feature (Subset) Selection
the patient a non-recur instance. The WDBC and WPBC
datasets are the result of efforts made at the University of Generally speaking, there are three types of feature
Wisconsin Hospital for the diagnosis and prognosis of breast subset selection approaches: filters, wrappers, and embedded
tumors solely based on the FNA test. Using a small gauge

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

approaches which perform the features selection process as to describe the group of the objects. Then, the classifier is
an integral part of a Machine Learning (ML) algorithm. used to predict the group attributes of new cases from the
domain based on the values of other attributes. The
Filters are classifier agnostic pre-selection methods commonly used methods for data mining classification tasks
which are independent of the later applied machine learning can be classified into the following groups [16]:
algorithm. Besides some statistical filtering methods like Support vector machine (SVM) classifier, originally
Fisher score [11] or Pearson correlation [12], information developed by Vapnik [17]. It tries to find the tradeoff
gain, originally used to compute splitting criteria for decision between minimizing the training set error and maximizing
trees, is often used to find out how well each single feature the margin, in order to achieve the best generalization ability
separates the given data set. and remains resistant to over fitting. Additionally, one major
advantage of the SVM is the use of convex quadratic
Wrappers are feedback methods which incorporate the ML programming, which provides only global minima hence
algorithm in the FS process, i.e., they rely on the avoid being trapped in local minima. SVM is an algorithm
performance of a specific classifier to evaluate the quality of that attempts to find a linear separator between the data
a set of features. Wrapper methods search through the space points of two classes in multidimensional space. SVMs are
of feature subsets and calculate the estimated accuracy of a well suited to deal with interactions among features and
single learning algorithm for each feature that can be added redundant features. Recently, Smola and Schlkopf [18]
to or removed from the feature subset. The feature space can [19], proposed an iterative algorithm, called Sequential
be searched with various strategies, e. g., forwards (i.e., by Minimal Optimization (SMO), for solving the regression
adding attributes to an initially empty set of attributes) or problem using SVM. This algorithm is an extension of the
backwards (i. e., by starting with the full set and deleting SMO algorithm proposed by Platt [20] for SVM classifier
attributes one at a time). Usually an exhaustive search is too design. Computational speed and ease of implementation are
expensive, and thus non-exhaustive, heuristic search some of the noteworthy features of the SMO algorithm.
techniques like genetic algorithms, greedy stepwise, best first SMO is an approximate and fast method to SVM classifiers
or random search are often used [13]. On the other hand, the [21]. SMO is a simple algorithm that can quickly solve the
wrapper method, used in this process, is computationally SVM QP problem without any extra matrix storage and
more demanding, but takes dependencies of the feature without using numerical QP optimization steps at all.
subset on the learning algorithm into account. Nave Bayes classifier [22] is a probabilistic classifier
based on the Bayes theorem, considering a strong (Naive)
Dimensionality Reduction
independence assumption. Thus, a Naive Bayes classifier
B. Dimensionality Reduction considers that all attributes (features) independently
Dimensionality Reduction (DR) refers to algorithms and contribute to the probability of a certain decision. Taking
techniques which creates new attributes as combinations of into account the nature of the underlying probability model,
the original attributes in order to reduce the dimensionality the Naive Bayes classifier can be trained very efficiently in a
of a data set [14]. The most important DR technique is the supervised learning setting, working much better in many
Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which produces new complex real-world situations, especially in the computer-
attributes as linear combinations of the original variables. In aided diagnosis than one might expect [23]. Because
contrast, the goal of a factor analysis [15] is to express the independent variables are assumed, only the variances of the
original attributes as linear combinations of a small number variables for each class need to be determined and not the
of hidden or latent attributes. The factor analysis searches for entire covariance matrix.
  ,.., |
underlying (i e. hidden or latent) attributes that summarize a PC|F , . . , F
= (1)
group of highly correlated attributes. Where P is the probability, C is the class variable and
IV. DATA MINING CLASSIFICATION METHODS F1.......Fn are Feature variables F1 through Fn The
denominator is independent of C.
The data mining consists of various methods. Different
methods serve different purposes, each method has its own The Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), the application of
advantages and disadvantages. However, most data mining neural network of the artificial intelligence world, in
methods commonly used for this review are of classification healthcare is relatively new [24] [25] [26]. The goal of this
category as the applied prediction techniques assign patients paper is to show how we can apply the data mining and
to either a benign group that is non-cancerous or a especially the neural network to the medical databases,
malignant group that is cancerous and generate rules for where this application can predict or classify the data with a
the same. Hence, the breast cancer diagnostic problems are given accuracy. Multi-layer feed forward neural network,
basically in the scope of the widely discussed classification such that multi-layer perceptron MLP is the structure of
problems. In data mining, classification is one of the most network used in our study. As shown in figure 1. Each
important task. It maps the data in to predefined targets. It is network contains three layers, input, hidden and output layer.
a supervised learning as targets are predefined. The aim of The features of the dataset are the input of the networks. The
the classification is to build a classifier based on some cases number of hidden neurons should be determined
with some attributes to describe the objects or one attribute experimentally. The output layer consists of two classes

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

corresponding to the two types of breast cancer (B for benign to a conjunction of attribute tests and the tree itself to a
and M for malignant). disjunction of these conjunctions [22] [28].
Fusion of classifiers is combining multiple classifiers to
get the best accuracy. It is a set of classifiers whose
individual predictions are combined in some way to classify
new examples. es. Integration should improve predictive
accuracy. In WEKA the class for combining classifiers is
called Vote. Different combinations of probability estimates
for classification are available.
The study uses the feature vector file to achieve the best
accuracy of tumor instance. During the process, the
researcher uses a single classifier technique to check
accuracy. After achieving the highest accuracy, another
FIG. 1: GENERAL ARCHITECTURE MLP [6] classifier iss added from a list of (N-1)
(N different classifiers in
a way to get the highest accuracy. In the next step, a third
K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classifiers are instance- classifier is added to the present two ones in order to get a
based or lazy learners [27]. It delays the process of modeling more accurate result. This methodology is applied until we
the training data until it is needed to classify the test samples. reach the (N) classifiers
fiers merged in an attempt to obtain the
It can be used both for classification and prediction. The best accuracy. Here the (N) classifiers are limited to the five
training samples are described by n-dimensional
dimensional numeri
numeric listed classifiers (NB, SMO, MLP, IBK, and J48). In the
attributes. The training samples are stored in an nn- final stage, single and fusion classifiers are checked
check to get
dimensional space. When a test sample (unknown class the highest possible accuracy as shown in Figure 2.
label) is given, the k-nearest
nearest neighbor classifier searches the
k training samples which are clsosest to the unknown
sample. Closeness is usually definedined in terms of Euclidean Test Sample feature vector file
distance. The Euclidean distance is between two points P
(p1, p2, ,pn) and Q (q1, q2, . ,qn) given by equation 1.
dP, Q = 
p  q  (2)

The advantages of KNN classifier is very too simple to Select the classifier with the highest accuracy and
implement and easy to justify thee outcome of KNN. call it the group of classifiers
Although KNN has this advantages, it has some
disadvantages such as: a) high Computation cost since it
Count = 1
needs to compute distance of each test instance to all training
samples b) requires large memory proportional to the size of
training set
et c) Low accuracy rate in multidimensional Generate the complementary groups between the
datasets with irrelevant features d) there is no rule of thumb available group and the other remaining classifiers
to determine value of parameter K (number of nearest
Select the complementary group of classifiers
Decision Trees (DTs) classifier is one of the widely with the highest accuracy
used classifiers in Data Mining. In this paper we use one
specific decision tree algorithm (C4.5)) that was designed by
Quinlan [29]. The algorithm made by WEKA project is count
ount = count+1
known as J48.. Decision trees provide the classification of the
instances by sorting them down the tree from the ro root to
some leaf node. An instance is classified by starting at the No
root node of the tree, testing the attribute specified by this count =N
node, then moving down the tree branch corresponding to
the value of the attribute in the given example. This process Yes
is then repeated for the sub tree rooted at the new node. In
general, decision trees represent a disjunction of Output complementary group of classifier with the
conjunctions of constraints on the attribute values of highest accuracy
instances. Each path from the tree root to a leaf corresponds

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

For each performed experiments, we obtain a confusion DATASET
matrix for the generated classification model. The confusion There are two different methods to improve the resultant
matrix [30] [6] is represented in table 3.3 in which rows accuracy achieved through WPBC dataset
represent the actual classes (benign and malignant) and The first one generates a reduced dataset feature vector
columns represent the predicated classes. by deriving a new feature vector from the available feature
TABLE 2: CONFUSION MATRIX vector of WPBC dataset and apply the single classifiers
system. Relative standard error (RSE) is used to reduce
Predicted features vector of WPBC dataset by dividing the standard
Benign Malignant error of the estimate by the mean and expressed as a
percentage, then multiplying that result by 100 as shown in
Benign TB FM equation 5.
Malignant FB TM +
RSE = * 100 (5)
Several standard terms have been defined for the 2 class where RSE= Relative Standard Error, S= samples standard
matrix: error and X = mean value of the sample dataset.
The accuracy (AC): is the proportion of the total The second one generates and evaluates a screening
number of predictions that were correct. It is determined algorithm that classifies the dataset into recurrent and non-
using the equation: recurrent (R, N) classes, benign, malignant, recurrent and
 ! non-recurrent (B,M,R,N) classes, benign and malignant
AC = (3)
 !  ! (B,M) classes and finally, benign, recurrent and non-
recurrent (B,R,N) classes. So, we used both the Breast
The Area Under the ROC (Receiver Operating Cancer Wisconsin Diagnostic dataset and the Breast Cancer
Characteristics) Curve, or simply AUC, has been Wisconsin Prognostic dataset from the UC Irvine Machine
traditionally used in medical diagnosis since the 1970s. It has Learning Repository [5]. The diagnostic dataset is to predict
recently been proposed as an alternative single-number whether it is benign or malignant and the prognostic dataset
measure for evaluating the predictive ability of learning is to predict whether it will recur or not (so all cases in the
algorithms. The (AUC) performance measure, which links Prognostic dataset are malignant instances). The attributes of
the hit rate to the false rate, has clearly become a traditional the two datasets are nearly the same (Table 1). So, we made
measuring tool of predictive modeling accuracy. a new datasets combining the two datasets as described in
Furthermore, it is an assessment of the probability that a table 3 and equations 6, 7, 7 and 9 where numerical
classifier may rank a randomly chosen positive sample examples are given to show the needed calculations.
higher than a randomly chosen negative sample. As a result
of this, the AUC is extensively thought to be a better
measure than the classification error rate, which is based on a No. of No. of No. of
single prior probability or KS statistic threshold. Formula for Dataset
Attributes Instances Classes
solving area under a curve, the calculus formula is intersection between WDBC and 2
S0  n0 n0 + 1 2 WPBC datasets
28 139
[R and N]
A *
n0n1 Probabilistic Unification (PU)
between WDBC and WPBC 15 628
[R, N, B and M]
where n0 and n1 are the numbers of positive and negative datasets
examples respectively, and S0 = ri where ri is the rank of ith Probabilistic Unification of
heterogeneous Malignancy 13 198
positive example in the ranked list. (PUHM) Datasets
[B and M]
Probabilistic Unification of
K-fold cross validation is one way to improve over the 3
Heterogeneous Recurrent 10 555
holdout method. The data set is divided into k subsets, and [B, N and R]
Malignancy (PUHRM) Datasets
the holdout method is repeated k times. Each time, one of
the k subsets is used as the test set and the other k-1 subsets TABLE 3: DESCRIPTION OF THE GENERATED BREAST CANCER DATASETS
are put together to form a training set. Then the average error
across all k trials is computed. The advantage of this method The intersection between WDBC and WPBC datasets
is that it matters less how the data gets divided. Every data
point gets to be in a test set exactly once, and gets to be in a
= 569 + 198  569 198
training set k-1 times. The variance of the resulting estimate
= 767  430 + 59 + 139
is reduced as k is increased. A variant of this method is to
= 767  628
randomly divide the data into a test and training
= 139 (6)
set k different times. The advantage of doing this is that you
can independently choose how large each test set is and how
many trials you average over.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

The Probabilistic Unification (PU) between WDBC and VIII. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
WPBC datasets To evaluate the proposed model, two experiments were
= 569 + 198  569 198
= 767  139 A. Experiment (1) using Reduction of WPBC dataset
= 628 (7) feature vector
This experiment is applied to study the effect of the
PUHM Dataset reduced dataset feature vector by deriving a new feature
Partial uni?icationBB, MD vector from the available feature vector of WPBC dataset.
= WDBC  M + WDBC  B WPBC Table 4 show the accuracies for the five classifiers (NB,
= 569  212 +  569  357 198 MLP, J48, SMO and IBK) based on 10-fold cross validation
= 357 +  212 198 as a test method. The results show the same best accuracy
= 357 +  271 using the WPBC dataset before reduction [6] shown in Table
= 628 (8) 4 but with lower number of features (24 features instead of
PUHRM Dataset 34 features). It means that the dataset compressed with a
Partial uni?icationBB, R, ND Compression Ratio = 34 / 24 = 1.417 which means less
= WDBC  M + WPBC  WDBC  M WPBC classification time with the same best accuracy.
= 569  212 + 198  569  212 198
= 357 + 198   357 198
= 555 (9)
In data mining, A priori algorithm is a classic algorithm
for learning association rules [31]. A priori is designed to Accuracy 55.6701% 61.8557% 77.31% 55.1546% 76.2887%
operate on databases containing transactions. Other
algorithms are designed for finding association rules in data In the case of combining two classifiers, table 5 show
having no transactions, or having no timestamps (DNA that a fusion between SMO (the highest single classifier
sequencing). The whole point of the algorithm (and data accuracy) and other classifiers. It could be noticed that the
mining, in general) is to extract useful information from resultant accuracy it the same in all cases (76.2887%).
large amounts of data. The algorithm aims to find the rules
which satisfy both a minimum support threshold and a TABLE 5 : RESULTANT ACCURACY OF COMBINING SMO WITH each
minimum confidence threshold (Strong Rules). OF THE OTHER CLASSIFIERS IN WPBC_RSE

Classifiers NB and MLP and J48 and IBK and

The expectation-maximization algorithm was introduced SMO SMO SMO SMO
by Dempster et al. (1977) [32], who also presented its main Accuracy 76.2887% 76.2887% 76.2887% 76.2887%
properties. Widely used for cases of missing data. In short,
the EM algorithm aims at finding maximum likelihood
estimation where the data are incomplete or the likelihood Accordingly, in the case of three classifiers fusion, the
function involves latent variables. The EM algorithm is used table 6 present that a fusion between SMO plus each one of
in tasks such as handwriting recognition, medical diagnosis classifiers for example J48 and different classifiers shows the
and machine translation. Informally, the EM algorithm starts same results of accuracy (76.2887%). The same techniques
with randomly assigning values to all the parameters to be in the fusion of four and five classifiers are applied and give
estimated. It then iterately alternates between two steps, the same accuracy results.
called the expectation step (i.e., the E-step) and the
maximization step (i.e., the M-step), respectively. In the E- TABLE 6: RESULTANT ACCURACY OF COMBINING SMO AND J48 WITH
step, it computes the expected likelihood for the complete EACH OF THE OTHER CLASSIFIERS IN WPBC_RSE
data (the so-called Q-function) where the expectation is
taken w.r.t. the computed conditional distribution of the Classifiers SMO, J48 and SMO, J48 and SMO, J48 and
latent variables (i.e., the hidden variables) given the NB MLP IBk
current settings of parameters and our observed (incomplete) Accuracy 76.2887% 76.2887% 76.2887%
data. In the M-step, it re-estimates all the parameters by
maximizing the Q-function. Once we have a new generation
of parameter values, we can repeat the E-step and another M-
step. This process continues until the likelihood converges,
i.e., reaching a local maxima.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt


1) Results of intersection between WDBC and WPBC Classifiers

Accuracy 94.45% 96.77% 97.29% 94.34% 95.04%
In this experiment, we manipulated the WDBC and
WPBC datasets and generated a new dataset from the AUC 98 99 97 93 95
intersection between the two datasets with two classes (R
and N) and it consists of 139 samples, each sample described 4) Outcomes of a PUHRM Dataset
by 28 features. We applied five single classifiers (NB, MLP, In this experiment, we manipulated the WDBC and
SMO, IBK and J48) individually. Cross validation of 10 WPBC datasets and generated a unified dataset with three
folds have been chosen as test method using WEKA data classes (B, R and N) it consist of 555 samples, each sample
mining tool kit. Table 7 shows the comparison of AUC and described by 10 features. We applied 5 single classifiers
accuracies for the five classifiers. SMO is more accurate than (NB, MLP, SMO, IBK and J48) individually. Cross
other classifiers (82.34%). validation of 10 folds have been chosen as test method using
WEKA data mining tool kit. Table 10 shows the comparison
of accuracies for the five classifiers. SMO is more accurate
than other classifiers (86.17 %).

Accuracy 71.58% 78.01% 82.34% 71.09% 74.99%
AUC 73 77 67 64 66
2) Results of a PU between WDBC and WPBC Accuracy 78.02% 83.38% 86.17% 78.48% 82.88%
datasets AUC 95 95 91 89 90

In this experiment, we manipulated the WDBC and As mentioned in the above experiments, results shows a
WPBC datasets and generated a unified dataset with four clear distinction in results with a variety of percentages as a
classes (R, N, B and M) it consist of 628 samples, each result of reducing feature number of WPBC dataset
sample described by 15 features. We applied 5 single
classifiers (NB, MLP, SMO, IBK and J48) individually. VIII. CONCLUSIONS
Cross validation of 10 folds have been chosen as test method
Most work done on the WPBC dataset produces
using WEKA data mining tool kit. Table 8 shows the
insufficient results, which motivates the researcher to tackle
comparison of accuracies for the five classifiers. SMO is
such a problem to get satisfactory results. Reducing the
more accurate than other classifiers (76.4%).
WPBC dataset features and generating new datasets with
new features are the outstanding contributions done here that
TABLE 8: RESULTANT ACCURACY AND AUC OF THE SELECTED FIVE in a way improves results. Experimental results using
CLASSIFIERS ON FULL UNIFICATION BETWEEN WDBC AND WPBC Reduction of WPBC dataset show the same accuracy using
DATASETS the original WPBC dataset before reduction. But this reduces
the number of features used across the dataset from 34 to 24
NB MLP SMO IBK J48 features. Experimental result, using combination of WDBC
and WPBC datasets, show that SMO classifier is superior to
Accuracy 66.36% 72.39% 76.4% 68.6% 71.6%
other classifiers for all generated datasets: The intersection
AUC 80 81 79 60 78 between WDBC and WPBC datasets presents (82.34%). The
Probabilistic Unification between WDBC and WPBC
3) Results of a PUHM Dataset datasets shows (76.4%). The Probabilistic Unification of
Heterogeneous Malignancy Datasets produces (97.29%).
In this experiment, we manipulated the WDBC and Finally, the Probabilistic Unification of Heterogeneous
WPBC datasets and generated a unified dataset with two Recurrent Malignancy Datasets gives (86.17 %).
classes (B and M) it consist of 628 samples, each sample ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
described by 13 features. We applied 5 single classifiers
(NB, MLP, SMO, IBK and J48) individually. Cross We would like to thank to Dr. William H. Wolberg at the
validation of 10 folds have been chosen as test method using University of Wisconsin for supporting us with the breast
WEKA data mining tool kit. Table 9 shows the comparison cancer dataset which we have used in our experiments.
of accuracies for the five classifiers. SMO is more accurate
than other classifiers (97.29%).

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

REFERENCES [22], last visited on

February, 25, 2011.
[1] Jerez-Aragones JM, Gomez-Ruiz JA, Ramos-Jimenez G, Munoz-
Perez J, Alba-Conejo E. A combined neural network and decision [23] S. Belciug, (2008) Bayesian classification vs. k-nearest neighbour
trees model for prognosis of breast cancer relapse. Artif Intell Med classification for the noninvasive hepatic cancer detection, Proc. 8th
2003;27:4563. International conference on Artificial Intelligence and Digital
[2] Bothorel S., Meunier B.B., and Muller S.A., Fuzzy logic based
approach for semi logical analysis of micro calcification in [24] K.Hornik, M. Stinchcombe, and H. White, Universal approximators
mammographic images International Journal of Intelligent System, of an unknown mapping an its derivatives using multilayer
12 (1112): 819-848, 1997. feedforward networks, Neural Networks, vol.3, pp. 551-560, 1990.
[3] [25] M. Riedmiller, Advanced supervised learning in multi-layer
s.html, last accessed February 2011 perceptrons from back propagation to adaptive learning algorithms,
In Int. Journal of Computer Standards and Interfaces, Special Issue on
[4] American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts & Figures 2008 neural Networks (5), 1994.
(2008). [26] S. Haykin, Neural networks : A comprehensive foundation, New
York : Macmillan College Publishing company, 1994.
[5] UCI Machine Learning Repository [Internet]. UCI Machine Learning
Repository: 2010; [cited 2011 Dec 20]. Available from: [27] J. Han, and M. Kamber, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, San Francisco, Morgan Kauffmann Publishers, (2001).
[6] Salama. Gouda. I., Abdelhalim. M.B., and Zeid. Magdy. A., 2012: [28] Tom Mitchell M., "Machine Learning", Mc-Graw Hill
Science/Engineering/Math, 1997.
Experimental Comparison of Classifiers for Breast Cancer Diagnosis.
International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems [29] Quinlan, 1993] :Quinlan, J.(1993) C4.5: programs for machine
(ICCES'2012), Cairo city, Egypt, 180-300,121. learning. San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Inc.
[7] Mu T. and Nandi A.K, 2008, BREAST CANCER DIAGNOSIS AND [30] Kohavi, R., & Provost, F. (1998). Glossary of terms. Editorial for the
PROGNOSIS USING DIFFERENT KERNEL-BASED Special Issue on Applications of Machine Learning and the
CLASSIFIERS. International Conference on Biomedical Electronics Knowledge Discovery Process, 30(23).
and Devices, BIOSIGNALS 2008, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, [31] Rakesh Agrawal and Ramakrishnan Srikant Fast algorithms for
January 28-31, 2008, Volume 2. mining association rules in large databases. Proceedings of the 20th
[8] Vaibhav Narayan Chunekar, Hemant P. Ambulgekar (2009). International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, VLDB, pages
Approach of Neural Network to Diagnose Breast Cancer on three 487-499, Santiago, Chile, September 1994.
different Data Set. 2009 International Conference on Advances in [32] Dempster, A. P., Laird, N. M., & Robin, D. B. (1977).Maximum
Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing. likelihood from incomplete data via the EM algorithm (with
[9] Jin S., Won J., Lee H. and Choi H., 2011:Construction of an discussion). Journal of Royal Statistical Society B, 39, 138.
automated screening system to predict breast cancer diagnosis and
prognosis. International Conference on Internet (ICONI'2011), 5: 15
18 doi:10.1111/j.1755-9294.2012.01124.x.
[10] Avrim L. Blum and Pat Langley. Selection of relevant features and
examples in machine learning. Artificial Intelligence, 97:245271,
[11] Terrence Furey, Nello Cristianini, Nigel Duffyy, David W.
Bednarski, and David Hauessler. Support vector machine
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microarray expression data. Bioinformatics, 16:906914, 2000.
[12] Koji Miyahara and Michael J. Pazzani. Collaborative filtering with
the simple Bayesian classifier. Pacific Rim International Conference
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[13] Ron Kohavi and George H. John. Wrappers for feature subset
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[14] Huan Liu and Hiroshi Motoda. Feature Selection for Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.
[15] Richard L. Gorsuch. Factor Analysis. Lawrence Erlbaum, 2nd
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[17] Vapnik, V.N., The nature of statistical learning theory. 1995:Springer,
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Birlinghoven, Germany, 1998.
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Regression, Royal Holloway College, London, U.K.,
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B. Schlkopf, C. Burges, and A. Smola, Eds. Cambridge, MA: MIT
Press, Dec. 1998. Fast training of support vector machines using
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[21] J. Platt. Sequential Minimal Optimization. Technical Report MSR-
TR-98-14, Microsoft Research, 1998.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Simple and Robust Design of A Neural-Based

Ensemble Classifier
Hassan Wahbi Hassan Amin Shoukry Mahmoud Farouk
College of Computing & Egypt-Japan University of Science College of Computing &
Information Technology, and Technology. New-Borg El- Information Technology,
AASTMT Arab City, Alexandria, Egypt AASTMT
Alexandria, Egypt Alexandria, Egypt

Abstract-This paper proposes a simple, fast and robust required decision rule by modifying their weights in a way
method for classifiers fusion (or ensemble design) using a single that minimizes an error (or objective) function.
hidden layer feedforward Neural Network. The parameters of the The performance of any classifier is affected by several
hidden layer are chosen at random while those of the output factors including the size of the training data set, its
layer are optimally estimated using the pseudo-inverse technique.
dimensionality, the number of classes to be discriminated
Therefore, backpropagation (or gradient-descent like learning) is
not needed and instead one-shot learning is possible. Moreover, and their mutual separability. Ensemble methods have been
the ensemble training error is controlled by the number of devised for reducing over-fitting and improving the
neurons in the hidden layer. A case study on breast cancer performance of individual classifiers by fusing their
diagnosis, using the Wisconsin data set (from UCI data decisions [1]. This paper proposes a simple, fast and robust
repository) consisting of 569 samples with 30 attributes per method for classifiers fusion (or ensemble design) using a
sample, is given in which 4 base classifiers (K-Nearest single hidden layer feedforward Neural Network (NN).
Neighbors, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, feedforward
Neural Network) are fused using the proposed methodology. The paper is organized as follows. Section II presents a brief
Keywords-Classifiers, K-Nearest Neighbors, Decision Tree,
review about ensemble classifiers. Section III introduces the
Support Vector Machine, feedforward Neural Network, proposed ensemble design methodology. Section IV applies
Ensemble, Fusion. the proposed methodology to design an ensemble classifier
for breast cancer diagnosis. Finally, the paper is concuded in
Classification is a main task in any recognition system. It Ensembles are either homogeneous or heterogeneous.
is concerned with finding a decision rule that determines the Homogenous ensembles use a single, arbitrary learning
class of an unobserved (future) pattern from a limited set of algorithm but manipulate training data to make it learn
observed patterns. The observation phase is called multiple models (see Fig. 1 ).
training/ learning. Learning has two different modes:
supervised learning (or learning using a teacher that teaches
the classifier the correct desired output) and unsupervised
learning (or learning without a teacher); also known as self-
organization. In this paper, we are mainly concerned with
supervised learning.

Various statistical, syntactical and structural

classification algorithms have been proposed. In the
statistical approach, the decision rule is based on Bayes
rule (the a posteriori probability of each pattern class based Fig. 1- Ensembles Learning
on the detected features). In the syntactic approach, the
decision rule is based on parsing of the input string to
determine if it belongs to the grammar generating a given Data1 Data2 Datam and Learner1 = Learner2 =
class of patterns. In the structural approach, the decision rule Learnerm. Therefore, m models are fitted; using m
is based on graph matching. Neural Networks learn the bootstrap samples; and combined by averaging or voting.
This is known as bagging. Samples bootstrapping aims at

978-1-5090-0217-7/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 17

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

creating diversity in the training data while average/voting a multiclass classifier by combining several binary SVM
aims at improving classification performance. Random classifiers [11].
forests belong to homogeneous ensembles [2]. The ensemble combiner itself is a single hidden layer
Heterogeneous ensembles (Committees) apply different feedforward Neural Network that is described in the next
learning algorithms; to a single dataset; and combine their section.
individual predictions in some way.
Data1 = Data2 = = Datam and Learner1 Learner2
Learnerm. The predictions of the base-level learners/ III. PROPOSED ENSEMBLE
classifiers together with the correct class values constitute a
meta-level dataset. Multi-level ensembles (also known as The specific Neural Network- based ensemble works
stacking) can be considered as meta-learning (learning about according to the following theorem [12, 13]: A single-
learning) [3]. hidden layer feed-forward network with at most N hidden
neurons (including bias) can learn N distinct input-output
Recent advances in ensemble design have studied
pairs with zero error (It is possible to tolerate a certain
techniques that can make the errors committed by the base
amount of error by letting the number of hidden neurons be
classifiers uncorrelated [4, 5] as well as methods to deal
less than N). This remains true whether the activation
with high dimensional data; such as microarray gene
function of the hidden neurons is the signum (hard limit or
expressions data [6, 7].
threshold) or sigmoid (logistic) functions. The activation
The ensemble classifier, proposed in this paper, belongs to function of the output neuron(s) is (are) linear. The main
the class of committees. It combines the decisions of four advantage of this kind of network is that the hidden layer
base classifiers; whose characteristics are given in Table 1. weights are chosen randomly between [-1.. 1] while the
output layer weights can be optimally estimated using the
Table 1 - Main characteristics of the classifiers used in the pseudo-inverse solution of an over-determined set of linear
proposed ensemble. equations which is, also, the solution of the least-squares
error between the desired and actual outputs from the neural
Classifier Learning Algorithm network. Therefore, backpropagation (or gradient-descent
K-NN (K=3) Memory based learning like learning) is not needed and one-shot (fast) learning can
SVM Quadratic Optimization be used instead. Therefore, the network enjoys both a simple
Feed Forward Neural Back Propagation (Gradient and fast design strategy. The design is robust because it is
Network Descent) based on a sound theoretical basis. Moreover, NNs are
Decision Tree Recursive - Greedy model free, i.e, they do not impose any restrictions on the
statistical distribution of their input data.
The K-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier algorithm is a non-
parametric technique that works by storing a subset of the IV. CASE STUDY
available observations, and classifying a new set of
unknown observations into classes based on similarity (or
distance) with the stored patterns. The KNN has been used The ensemble proposed in section III is used for breast
in statistical estimation problems and pattern recognition cancer diagnosis, using the Wisconsin data set (from UCI
field since late 60s [8]. data repository). Four base classifiers (K-Nearest
Decision trees are a class of nonlinear classifiers. They Neighbors, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine,
are multistage decision systems in which the feature space is feedforward Neural Network) are fused using the proposed
split into unique regions, corresponding to the classes, in a methodology as shown in Fig. 2.
sequential manner. Splitting is based on an attribute test that
The data is permuted so that the training and testing sets
optimizes certain criterion (e.g. Information Gain [9]). Both are selected at random each time the computation starts. The
Decision Trees and NNs aim at forming complex decision neural network MATLAB toolbox has been used for
boundaries in the feature space. In contrast to the sequential modeling and training of the network.
nature of trees, neural networks utilize a set of soft decisions
in a parallel fashion [10]. A. KNN Classficiation
Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a supervised binary
The trained KNN Classifier produced 12 errors on the
classification method that seeks an optimal hyperplane training data set and 20 errors on the testing data set. The
(linear) that maximizes the margin between the classes. The confusion matrix on the testing data is as follows:
data points closest to the hyperplane are called support
vectors. The support vectors are the critical elements of the
training set.
SVM can be adapted to become a nonlinear classifier
through the use of nonlinear kernels. It can, also, function as

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 99. 7% 0.3%
Benign (= 0) 4.7% 95.3

C. Decision Tree Classficiation

The DT produced 4 errors on the training data set and 21
errors on the testing data set. The confusion matrix on the
testing data is as follows:

Assigned Class by the Classifier

True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 94.8% 5.2%
Fig. 2- The Proposed Ensemble
Benign (= 0) 15.1% 84.9

Assigned Class by the Classifier

The confusion matrix for the whole data is as follows:
True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 97.0 % 3.0%
Assigned Class by the Classifier
Benign (= 0) 17.2% 82.8
True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 97.8% 2.2%
The confusion matrix for the whole data set is as
follows: Benign (= 0) 8.0% 92.0%
Assigned Class
True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 98.0 % 2.0% The obtained regression tree is shown below:

Benign (= 0) 11.8% 88.2

B. SVM Classification
The trained SVM Classifier produced 3 errors on the
training data set and 8 errors on the testing data set. The
confusion matrix on the testing data is as follows:

Assigned Class by the Classifier

True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 99.3% 0.7% Fig. 3- Decision Tree
Benign (= 0) 7.5% 92.5
D. Feed Forward NN Classficiation
A 30-10-1 feed forward network with sigmoid
The confusion matrix for the whole data is as follows: neurons in the hidden and output layers has been used.
Since the Mat lab toolbox allows the use of validation
data when training a NN, the data was divided into 60%
training, 20% validation and 20% testing. The trained
Assigned Class by the Classifier

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

NN Classifier produced 2 errors on the training data set

and 6 errors on the testing data set.

The confusion matrix on the testing data is as follows:

Assigned Class by the Classifier
True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 99.3% 0.7%
Benign (= 0) 5.4% 94.6%

The confusion matrix for the whole data is as follows:

Assigned Class by the Classifier
True Class 1 0
Fig. 5- NN Training Performance
Malignant (= 1) 99.7 % 0.3%
Benign (= 0) 3.3% 96.7% The performance of the ensemble-based classifier
compared to the other base classifiers is summarized in the
tables 3 & 4 below:
The Receiver Operating Curve for the NN is shown below: TABLE 3: Performance of Ensemble Classifier against
the base classifiers
# of # of
Confusion Matrix
Classifier Training Testing
on Test Data
Errors Errors
97.0 3.0
KNN 12 20
17.2 82.8
99.3 0.7
SVM 3 8
7.50 92.5
99.3 0.7
NN 2 6
5.4 94.6
94.8 5.2
DT 4 21
15.1 84.9
99.3 0.7
Ensemble 2 5
4.3 95.7

TABLE 4: Performance against all the data

Total # of Confusion Matrix
Errors on All Data
Fig. 4-ROC Curve 98.0 2.0
KNN 32
11.8 88.2
E. Neural Network-based Ensemble: 99.7 0.3
SVM 11
The adopted NN is a 4-11-1 feedforward network. The 4.70 95.3
hidden neurons have hyperbolic tangent activation functions 99.7 0.3
NN 8
while the output neuron is linear. This network has 67 3.3 96.7
degrees of freedom ((4+1bias)*11+(11+1bias)*1). The four 97.8 2.2
DT 25
inputs are fed from the KNN, SVM, NN, and DT classifiers. 8.00 92.0
The inputs as well as the output to/from this network are 99.7 0.3
Ensemble 7
adjusted to 1/ -1 corresponding to true/false cancer 2.8 97.2
diagnosis. Several random initializations of the weights of
the hidden layer are tried and the best neural network which
achieves the minimum sum of the squares of the errors is V. CONCLUSIONS
The mean Square Training Error versus the number of
epochs is shown below:

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

A methodology for designing a NN-based ensemble has [4] H. Chen, X. Yao. Regularized negative correlation
been presented. The designed ensemble offers the following learning for neural network ensembles, IEEE
advantages: Transactions on Neural Networks, 20 (12), pp. 1962
1979, 2009.
i. The design is simple because it uses a single [5] H. Chen, X. Yao. Multiobjective neural network
hidden layer NN. The hidden layer neurons are non- ensembles based on regularized negative correlation
linear while the output neuron(s) are linear. learning, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data
Engineering, 22 (12) , pp. 17381751, 2010.
ii. The weights of the hidden layer neurons are chosen [6] Lausser, L., Buchholtz, M., & Kestler, H. A.
at random while those of the output layer are obtained Boosting threshold classifiers for high-dimensional data
by solving an overdetermined system of linear in functional genomics. In L. Prevost, S. Marinai,
equations. Proceedings of the 3rd IAPR Workshop on Artificial
Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition, Paris, France,
iii. No gradient descent optimization technique is pp. 147-156. 2008.
needed. [7] L.I. Kuncheva, J.J. Rodriguez, C.O. Plumpton, D.E.
Linden, S.J. Johnston, Random subspace ensembles for
iv. The training error is controlled by the number of FMRI classification, IEEE Transaction on Medical
neurons in the hidden layer. Imaging, 29 (2) (2010), pp. 531542.
[8] Cover, T.M., Hart, P.E. Nearest neighbor pattern
v. The proposed method produced better results than classification. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, IT-
that of the base classifiers when estimated on the whole 13(1):2127, 1967.
available data set. [9] Quinlan, J. R. Induction of Decision Trees,
Machine Learning, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 81-106, March
For future research, we plan to test the robustness of the 1986.
proposed methodology using ensembles stacking and [10] Theodoridis S., Koutroumbas K. Pattern
using other data sets. recognition, 2nd edition, Elsevier, 2003.
[11] WANG, Lipo (Editor), Support Vector Machines:
Theory and Applications, Springer, 2005.
REFERENCES [12] Shih-Chi Huang and Yih-Fang Huang, Bounds
on the Number of Hidden Neurons in Multilayer
Perceptrons, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks.
[1] Michael P. Perrone and Leon N Cooper, When Vol. 2. No. I . January 1991, 47-55.
Networks Disagree: Ensemble Methods for Hybrid [13] Guang-Bin Huang and Haroon A. Babri, Upper
Neural Networks, October 1992. Bounds on the Number of Hidden Neurons in
[2] Breiman, L. Random forests. Machine Learning, Feedforward Networks with Arbitrary Bounded
45(1), 532, 2001. Nonlinear Activation Functions, IEEE Transactions on
[3] Vilalta, R., & Drissi, Y. A perspective view and Neural Networks, Vol. 9, No. 1, January 1998, 224-22.
survey of meta-learning. Artificial Intelligence Review,
18:2, 7795, 2002.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Simple and Robust Design of A Neural-Based

Ensemble Classifier
Hassan Wahbi Hassan Amin Shoukry Mahmoud Farouk
College of Computing & Egypt-Japan University of Science College of Computing &
Information Technology, and Technology. New-Borg El- Information Technology,
AASTMT Arab City, Alexandria, Egypt AASTMT
Alexandria, Egypt Alexandria, Egypt

Abstract-This paper proposes a simple, fast and robust required decision rule by modifying their weights in a way
method for classifiers fusion (or ensemble design) using a single that minimizes an error (or objective) function.
hidden layer feedforward Neural Network. The parameters of the The performance of any classifier is affected by several
hidden layer are chosen at random while those of the output factors including the size of the training data set, its
layer are optimally estimated using the pseudo-inverse technique.
dimensionality, the number of classes to be discriminated
Therefore, backpropagation (or gradient-descent like learning) is
not needed and instead one-shot learning is possible. Moreover, and their mutual separability. Ensemble methods have been
the ensemble training error is controlled by the number of devised for reducing over-fitting and improving the
neurons in the hidden layer. A case study on breast cancer performance of individual classifiers by fusing their
diagnosis, using the Wisconsin data set (from UCI data decisions [1]. This paper proposes a simple, fast and robust
repository) consisting of 569 samples with 30 attributes per method for classifiers fusion (or ensemble design) using a
sample, is given in which 4 base classifiers (K-Nearest single hidden layer feedforward Neural Network (NN).
Neighbors, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, feedforward
Neural Network) are fused using the proposed methodology. The paper is organized as follows. Section II presents a brief
Keywords-Classifiers, K-Nearest Neighbors, Decision Tree,
review about ensemble classifiers. Section III introduces the
Support Vector Machine, feedforward Neural Network, proposed ensemble design methodology. Section IV applies
Ensemble, Fusion. the proposed methodology to design an ensemble classifier
for breast cancer diagnosis. Finally, the paper is concuded in
Classification is a main task in any recognition system. It Ensembles are either homogeneous or heterogeneous.
is concerned with finding a decision rule that determines the Homogenous ensembles use a single, arbitrary learning
class of an unobserved (future) pattern from a limited set of algorithm but manipulate training data to make it learn
observed patterns. The observation phase is called multiple models (see Fig. 1 ).
training/ learning. Learning has two different modes:
supervised learning (or learning using a teacher that teaches
the classifier the correct desired output) and unsupervised
learning (or learning without a teacher); also known as self-
organization. In this paper, we are mainly concerned with
supervised learning.

Various statistical, syntactical and structural

classification algorithms have been proposed. In the
statistical approach, the decision rule is based on Bayes
rule (the a posteriori probability of each pattern class based Fig. 1- Ensembles Learning
on the detected features). In the syntactic approach, the
decision rule is based on parsing of the input string to
determine if it belongs to the grammar generating a given Data1 Data2 Datam and Learner1 = Learner2 =
class of patterns. In the structural approach, the decision rule Learnerm. Therefore, m models are fitted; using m
is based on graph matching. Neural Networks learn the bootstrap samples; and combined by averaging or voting.
This is known as bagging. Samples bootstrapping aims at

978-1-5090-0217-7/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 17

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

creating diversity in the training data while average/voting a multiclass classifier by combining several binary SVM
aims at improving classification performance. Random classifiers [11].
forests belong to homogeneous ensembles [2]. The ensemble combiner itself is a single hidden layer
Heterogeneous ensembles (Committees) apply different feedforward Neural Network that is described in the next
learning algorithms; to a single dataset; and combine their section.
individual predictions in some way.
Data1 = Data2 = = Datam and Learner1 Learner2
Learnerm. The predictions of the base-level learners/ III. PROPOSED ENSEMBLE
classifiers together with the correct class values constitute a
meta-level dataset. Multi-level ensembles (also known as The specific Neural Network- based ensemble works
stacking) can be considered as meta-learning (learning about according to the following theorem [12, 13]: A single-
learning) [3]. hidden layer feed-forward network with at most N hidden
neurons (including bias) can learn N distinct input-output
Recent advances in ensemble design have studied
pairs with zero error (It is possible to tolerate a certain
techniques that can make the errors committed by the base
amount of error by letting the number of hidden neurons be
classifiers uncorrelated [4, 5] as well as methods to deal
less than N). This remains true whether the activation
with high dimensional data; such as microarray gene
function of the hidden neurons is the signum (hard limit or
expressions data [6, 7].
threshold) or sigmoid (logistic) functions. The activation
The ensemble classifier, proposed in this paper, belongs to function of the output neuron(s) is (are) linear. The main
the class of committees. It combines the decisions of four advantage of this kind of network is that the hidden layer
base classifiers; whose characteristics are given in Table 1. weights are chosen randomly between [-1.. 1] while the
output layer weights can be optimally estimated using the
Table 1 - Main characteristics of the classifiers used in the pseudo-inverse solution of an over-determined set of linear
proposed ensemble. equations which is, also, the solution of the least-squares
error between the desired and actual outputs from the neural
Classifier Learning Algorithm network. Therefore, backpropagation (or gradient-descent
K-NN (K=3) Memory based learning like learning) is not needed and one-shot (fast) learning can
SVM Quadratic Optimization be used instead. Therefore, the network enjoys both a simple
Feed Forward Neural Back Propagation (Gradient and fast design strategy. The design is robust because it is
Network Descent) based on a sound theoretical basis. Moreover, NNs are
Decision Tree Recursive - Greedy model free, i.e, they do not impose any restrictions on the
statistical distribution of their input data.
The K-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier algorithm is a non-
parametric technique that works by storing a subset of the IV. CASE STUDY
available observations, and classifying a new set of
unknown observations into classes based on similarity (or
distance) with the stored patterns. The KNN has been used The ensemble proposed in section III is used for breast
in statistical estimation problems and pattern recognition cancer diagnosis, using the Wisconsin data set (from UCI
field since late 60s [8]. data repository). Four base classifiers (K-Nearest
Decision trees are a class of nonlinear classifiers. They Neighbors, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine,
are multistage decision systems in which the feature space is feedforward Neural Network) are fused using the proposed
split into unique regions, corresponding to the classes, in a methodology as shown in Fig. 2.
sequential manner. Splitting is based on an attribute test that
The data is permuted so that the training and testing sets
optimizes certain criterion (e.g. Information Gain [9]). Both are selected at random each time the computation starts. The
Decision Trees and NNs aim at forming complex decision neural network MATLAB toolbox has been used for
boundaries in the feature space. In contrast to the sequential modeling and training of the network.
nature of trees, neural networks utilize a set of soft decisions
in a parallel fashion [10]. A. KNN Classficiation
Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a supervised binary
The trained KNN Classifier produced 12 errors on the
classification method that seeks an optimal hyperplane training data set and 20 errors on the testing data set. The
(linear) that maximizes the margin between the classes. The confusion matrix on the testing data is as follows:
data points closest to the hyperplane are called support
vectors. The support vectors are the critical elements of the
training set.
SVM can be adapted to become a nonlinear classifier
through the use of nonlinear kernels. It can, also, function as

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 99. 7% 0.3%
Benign (= 0) 4.7% 95.3

C. Decision Tree Classficiation

The DT produced 4 errors on the training data set and 21
errors on the testing data set. The confusion matrix on the
testing data is as follows:

Assigned Class by the Classifier

True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 94.8% 5.2%
Fig. 2- The Proposed Ensemble
Benign (= 0) 15.1% 84.9

Assigned Class by the Classifier

The confusion matrix for the whole data is as follows:
True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 97.0 % 3.0%
Assigned Class by the Classifier
Benign (= 0) 17.2% 82.8
True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 97.8% 2.2%
The confusion matrix for the whole data set is as
follows: Benign (= 0) 8.0% 92.0%
Assigned Class
True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 98.0 % 2.0% The obtained regression tree is shown below:

Benign (= 0) 11.8% 88.2

B. SVM Classification
The trained SVM Classifier produced 3 errors on the
training data set and 8 errors on the testing data set. The
confusion matrix on the testing data is as follows:

Assigned Class by the Classifier

True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 99.3% 0.7% Fig. 3- Decision Tree
Benign (= 0) 7.5% 92.5
D. Feed Forward NN Classficiation
A 30-10-1 feed forward network with sigmoid
The confusion matrix for the whole data is as follows: neurons in the hidden and output layers has been used.
Since the Mat lab toolbox allows the use of validation
data when training a NN, the data was divided into 60%
training, 20% validation and 20% testing. The trained
Assigned Class by the Classifier

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

NN Classifier produced 2 errors on the training data set

and 6 errors on the testing data set.

The confusion matrix on the testing data is as follows:

Assigned Class by the Classifier
True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 99.3% 0.7%
Benign (= 0) 5.4% 94.6%

The confusion matrix for the whole data is as follows:

Assigned Class by the Classifier
True Class 1 0
Fig. 5- NN Training Performance
Malignant (= 1) 99.7 % 0.3%
Benign (= 0) 3.3% 96.7% The performance of the ensemble-based classifier
compared to the other base classifiers is summarized in the
tables 3 & 4 below:
The Receiver Operating Curve for the NN is shown below: TABLE 3: Performance of Ensemble Classifier against
the base classifiers
# of # of
Confusion Matrix
Classifier Training Testing
on Test Data
Errors Errors
97.0 3.0
KNN 12 20
17.2 82.8
99.3 0.7
SVM 3 8
7.50 92.5
99.3 0.7
NN 2 6
5.4 94.6
94.8 5.2
DT 4 21
15.1 84.9
99.3 0.7
Ensemble 2 5
4.3 95.7

TABLE 4: Performance against all the data

Total # of Confusion Matrix
Errors on All Data
Fig. 4-ROC Curve 98.0 2.0
KNN 32
11.8 88.2
E. Neural Network-based Ensemble: 99.7 0.3
SVM 11
The adopted NN is a 4-11-1 feedforward network. The 4.70 95.3
hidden neurons have hyperbolic tangent activation functions 99.7 0.3
NN 8
while the output neuron is linear. This network has 67 3.3 96.7
degrees of freedom ((4+1bias)*11+(11+1bias)*1). The four 97.8 2.2
DT 25
inputs are fed from the KNN, SVM, NN, and DT classifiers. 8.00 92.0
The inputs as well as the output to/from this network are 99.7 0.3
Ensemble 7
adjusted to 1/ -1 corresponding to true/false cancer 2.8 97.2
diagnosis. Several random initializations of the weights of
the hidden layer are tried and the best neural network which
achieves the minimum sum of the squares of the errors is V. CONCLUSIONS
The mean Square Training Error versus the number of
epochs is shown below:

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

A methodology for designing a NN-based ensemble has [4] H. Chen, X. Yao. Regularized negative correlation
been presented. The designed ensemble offers the following learning for neural network ensembles, IEEE
advantages: Transactions on Neural Networks, 20 (12), pp. 1962
1979, 2009.
i. The design is simple because it uses a single [5] H. Chen, X. Yao. Multiobjective neural network
hidden layer NN. The hidden layer neurons are non- ensembles based on regularized negative correlation
linear while the output neuron(s) are linear. learning, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data
Engineering, 22 (12) , pp. 17381751, 2010.
ii. The weights of the hidden layer neurons are chosen [6] Lausser, L., Buchholtz, M., & Kestler, H. A.
at random while those of the output layer are obtained Boosting threshold classifiers for high-dimensional data
by solving an overdetermined system of linear in functional genomics. In L. Prevost, S. Marinai,
equations. Proceedings of the 3rd IAPR Workshop on Artificial
Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition, Paris, France,
iii. No gradient descent optimization technique is pp. 147-156. 2008.
needed. [7] L.I. Kuncheva, J.J. Rodriguez, C.O. Plumpton, D.E.
Linden, S.J. Johnston, Random subspace ensembles for
iv. The training error is controlled by the number of FMRI classification, IEEE Transaction on Medical
neurons in the hidden layer. Imaging, 29 (2) (2010), pp. 531542.
[8] Cover, T.M., Hart, P.E. Nearest neighbor pattern
v. The proposed method produced better results than classification. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, IT-
that of the base classifiers when estimated on the whole 13(1):2127, 1967.
available data set. [9] Quinlan, J. R. Induction of Decision Trees,
Machine Learning, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 81-106, March
For future research, we plan to test the robustness of the 1986.
proposed methodology using ensembles stacking and [10] Theodoridis S., Koutroumbas K. Pattern
using other data sets. recognition, 2nd edition, Elsevier, 2003.
[11] WANG, Lipo (Editor), Support Vector Machines:
Theory and Applications, Springer, 2005.
REFERENCES [12] Shih-Chi Huang and Yih-Fang Huang, Bounds
on the Number of Hidden Neurons in Multilayer
Perceptrons, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks.
[1] Michael P. Perrone and Leon N Cooper, When Vol. 2. No. I . January 1991, 47-55.
Networks Disagree: Ensemble Methods for Hybrid [13] Guang-Bin Huang and Haroon A. Babri, Upper
Neural Networks, October 1992. Bounds on the Number of Hidden Neurons in
[2] Breiman, L. Random forests. Machine Learning, Feedforward Networks with Arbitrary Bounded
45(1), 532, 2001. Nonlinear Activation Functions, IEEE Transactions on
[3] Vilalta, R., & Drissi, Y. A perspective view and Neural Networks, Vol. 9, No. 1, January 1998, 224-22.
survey of meta-learning. Artificial Intelligence Review,
18:2, 7795, 2002.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Simple and Robust Design of A Neural-Based

Ensemble Classifier
Hassan Wahbi Hassan Amin Shoukry Mahmoud Farouk
College of Computing & Egypt-Japan University of Science College of Computing &
Information Technology, and Technology. New-Borg El- Information Technology,
AASTMT Arab City, Alexandria, Egypt AASTMT
Alexandria, Egypt Alexandria, Egypt

Abstract-This paper proposes a simple, fast and robust required decision rule by modifying their weights in a way
method for classifiers fusion (or ensemble design) using a single that minimizes an error (or objective) function.
hidden layer feedforward Neural Network. The parameters of the The performance of any classifier is affected by several
hidden layer are chosen at random while those of the output factors including the size of the training data set, its
layer are optimally estimated using the pseudo-inverse technique.
dimensionality, the number of classes to be discriminated
Therefore, backpropagation (or gradient-descent like learning) is
not needed and instead one-shot learning is possible. Moreover, and their mutual separability. Ensemble methods have been
the ensemble training error is controlled by the number of devised for reducing over-fitting and improving the
neurons in the hidden layer. A case study on breast cancer performance of individual classifiers by fusing their
diagnosis, using the Wisconsin data set (from UCI data decisions [1]. This paper proposes a simple, fast and robust
repository) consisting of 569 samples with 30 attributes per method for classifiers fusion (or ensemble design) using a
sample, is given in which 4 base classifiers (K-Nearest single hidden layer feedforward Neural Network (NN).
Neighbors, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, feedforward
Neural Network) are fused using the proposed methodology. The paper is organized as follows. Section II presents a brief
Keywords-Classifiers, K-Nearest Neighbors, Decision Tree,
review about ensemble classifiers. Section III introduces the
Support Vector Machine, feedforward Neural Network, proposed ensemble design methodology. Section IV applies
Ensemble, Fusion. the proposed methodology to design an ensemble classifier
for breast cancer diagnosis. Finally, the paper is concuded in
Classification is a main task in any recognition system. It Ensembles are either homogeneous or heterogeneous.
is concerned with finding a decision rule that determines the Homogenous ensembles use a single, arbitrary learning
class of an unobserved (future) pattern from a limited set of algorithm but manipulate training data to make it learn
observed patterns. The observation phase is called multiple models (see Fig. 1 ).
training/ learning. Learning has two different modes:
supervised learning (or learning using a teacher that teaches
the classifier the correct desired output) and unsupervised
learning (or learning without a teacher); also known as self-
organization. In this paper, we are mainly concerned with
supervised learning.

Various statistical, syntactical and structural

classification algorithms have been proposed. In the
statistical approach, the decision rule is based on Bayes
rule (the a posteriori probability of each pattern class based Fig. 1- Ensembles Learning
on the detected features). In the syntactic approach, the
decision rule is based on parsing of the input string to
determine if it belongs to the grammar generating a given Data1 Data2 Datam and Learner1 = Learner2 =
class of patterns. In the structural approach, the decision rule Learnerm. Therefore, m models are fitted; using m
is based on graph matching. Neural Networks learn the bootstrap samples; and combined by averaging or voting.
This is known as bagging. Samples bootstrapping aims at

978-1-5090-0217-7/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 17

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

creating diversity in the training data while average/voting a multiclass classifier by combining several binary SVM
aims at improving classification performance. Random classifiers [11].
forests belong to homogeneous ensembles [2]. The ensemble combiner itself is a single hidden layer
Heterogeneous ensembles (Committees) apply different feedforward Neural Network that is described in the next
learning algorithms; to a single dataset; and combine their section.
individual predictions in some way.
Data1 = Data2 = = Datam and Learner1 Learner2
Learnerm. The predictions of the base-level learners/ III. PROPOSED ENSEMBLE
classifiers together with the correct class values constitute a
meta-level dataset. Multi-level ensembles (also known as The specific Neural Network- based ensemble works
stacking) can be considered as meta-learning (learning about according to the following theorem [12, 13]: A single-
learning) [3]. hidden layer feed-forward network with at most N hidden
neurons (including bias) can learn N distinct input-output
Recent advances in ensemble design have studied
pairs with zero error (It is possible to tolerate a certain
techniques that can make the errors committed by the base
amount of error by letting the number of hidden neurons be
classifiers uncorrelated [4, 5] as well as methods to deal
less than N). This remains true whether the activation
with high dimensional data; such as microarray gene
function of the hidden neurons is the signum (hard limit or
expressions data [6, 7].
threshold) or sigmoid (logistic) functions. The activation
The ensemble classifier, proposed in this paper, belongs to function of the output neuron(s) is (are) linear. The main
the class of committees. It combines the decisions of four advantage of this kind of network is that the hidden layer
base classifiers; whose characteristics are given in Table 1. weights are chosen randomly between [-1.. 1] while the
output layer weights can be optimally estimated using the
Table 1 - Main characteristics of the classifiers used in the pseudo-inverse solution of an over-determined set of linear
proposed ensemble. equations which is, also, the solution of the least-squares
error between the desired and actual outputs from the neural
Classifier Learning Algorithm network. Therefore, backpropagation (or gradient-descent
K-NN (K=3) Memory based learning like learning) is not needed and one-shot (fast) learning can
SVM Quadratic Optimization be used instead. Therefore, the network enjoys both a simple
Feed Forward Neural Back Propagation (Gradient and fast design strategy. The design is robust because it is
Network Descent) based on a sound theoretical basis. Moreover, NNs are
Decision Tree Recursive - Greedy model free, i.e, they do not impose any restrictions on the
statistical distribution of their input data.
The K-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier algorithm is a non-
parametric technique that works by storing a subset of the IV. CASE STUDY
available observations, and classifying a new set of
unknown observations into classes based on similarity (or
distance) with the stored patterns. The KNN has been used The ensemble proposed in section III is used for breast
in statistical estimation problems and pattern recognition cancer diagnosis, using the Wisconsin data set (from UCI
field since late 60s [8]. data repository). Four base classifiers (K-Nearest
Decision trees are a class of nonlinear classifiers. They Neighbors, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine,
are multistage decision systems in which the feature space is feedforward Neural Network) are fused using the proposed
split into unique regions, corresponding to the classes, in a methodology as shown in Fig. 2.
sequential manner. Splitting is based on an attribute test that
The data is permuted so that the training and testing sets
optimizes certain criterion (e.g. Information Gain [9]). Both are selected at random each time the computation starts. The
Decision Trees and NNs aim at forming complex decision neural network MATLAB toolbox has been used for
boundaries in the feature space. In contrast to the sequential modeling and training of the network.
nature of trees, neural networks utilize a set of soft decisions
in a parallel fashion [10]. A. KNN Classficiation
Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a supervised binary
The trained KNN Classifier produced 12 errors on the
classification method that seeks an optimal hyperplane training data set and 20 errors on the testing data set. The
(linear) that maximizes the margin between the classes. The confusion matrix on the testing data is as follows:
data points closest to the hyperplane are called support
vectors. The support vectors are the critical elements of the
training set.
SVM can be adapted to become a nonlinear classifier
through the use of nonlinear kernels. It can, also, function as

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 99. 7% 0.3%
Benign (= 0) 4.7% 95.3

C. Decision Tree Classficiation

The DT produced 4 errors on the training data set and 21
errors on the testing data set. The confusion matrix on the
testing data is as follows:

Assigned Class by the Classifier

True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 94.8% 5.2%
Fig. 2- The Proposed Ensemble
Benign (= 0) 15.1% 84.9

Assigned Class by the Classifier

The confusion matrix for the whole data is as follows:
True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 97.0 % 3.0%
Assigned Class by the Classifier
Benign (= 0) 17.2% 82.8
True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 97.8% 2.2%
The confusion matrix for the whole data set is as
follows: Benign (= 0) 8.0% 92.0%
Assigned Class
True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 98.0 % 2.0% The obtained regression tree is shown below:

Benign (= 0) 11.8% 88.2

B. SVM Classification
The trained SVM Classifier produced 3 errors on the
training data set and 8 errors on the testing data set. The
confusion matrix on the testing data is as follows:

Assigned Class by the Classifier

True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 99.3% 0.7% Fig. 3- Decision Tree
Benign (= 0) 7.5% 92.5
D. Feed Forward NN Classficiation
A 30-10-1 feed forward network with sigmoid
The confusion matrix for the whole data is as follows: neurons in the hidden and output layers has been used.
Since the Mat lab toolbox allows the use of validation
data when training a NN, the data was divided into 60%
training, 20% validation and 20% testing. The trained
Assigned Class by the Classifier

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

NN Classifier produced 2 errors on the training data set

and 6 errors on the testing data set.

The confusion matrix on the testing data is as follows:

Assigned Class by the Classifier
True Class 1 0
Malignant (= 1) 99.3% 0.7%
Benign (= 0) 5.4% 94.6%

The confusion matrix for the whole data is as follows:

Assigned Class by the Classifier
True Class 1 0
Fig. 5- NN Training Performance
Malignant (= 1) 99.7 % 0.3%
Benign (= 0) 3.3% 96.7% The performance of the ensemble-based classifier
compared to the other base classifiers is summarized in the
tables 3 & 4 below:
The Receiver Operating Curve for the NN is shown below: TABLE 3: Performance of Ensemble Classifier against
the base classifiers
# of # of
Confusion Matrix
Classifier Training Testing
on Test Data
Errors Errors
97.0 3.0
KNN 12 20
17.2 82.8
99.3 0.7
SVM 3 8
7.50 92.5
99.3 0.7
NN 2 6
5.4 94.6
94.8 5.2
DT 4 21
15.1 84.9
99.3 0.7
Ensemble 2 5
4.3 95.7

TABLE 4: Performance against all the data

Total # of Confusion Matrix
Errors on All Data
Fig. 4-ROC Curve 98.0 2.0
KNN 32
11.8 88.2
E. Neural Network-based Ensemble: 99.7 0.3
SVM 11
The adopted NN is a 4-11-1 feedforward network. The 4.70 95.3
hidden neurons have hyperbolic tangent activation functions 99.7 0.3
NN 8
while the output neuron is linear. This network has 67 3.3 96.7
degrees of freedom ((4+1bias)*11+(11+1bias)*1). The four 97.8 2.2
DT 25
inputs are fed from the KNN, SVM, NN, and DT classifiers. 8.00 92.0
The inputs as well as the output to/from this network are 99.7 0.3
Ensemble 7
adjusted to 1/ -1 corresponding to true/false cancer 2.8 97.2
diagnosis. Several random initializations of the weights of
the hidden layer are tried and the best neural network which
achieves the minimum sum of the squares of the errors is V. CONCLUSIONS
The mean Square Training Error versus the number of
epochs is shown below:

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

A methodology for designing a NN-based ensemble has [4] H. Chen, X. Yao. Regularized negative correlation
been presented. The designed ensemble offers the following learning for neural network ensembles, IEEE
advantages: Transactions on Neural Networks, 20 (12), pp. 1962
1979, 2009.
i. The design is simple because it uses a single [5] H. Chen, X. Yao. Multiobjective neural network
hidden layer NN. The hidden layer neurons are non- ensembles based on regularized negative correlation
linear while the output neuron(s) are linear. learning, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data
Engineering, 22 (12) , pp. 17381751, 2010.
ii. The weights of the hidden layer neurons are chosen [6] Lausser, L., Buchholtz, M., & Kestler, H. A.
at random while those of the output layer are obtained Boosting threshold classifiers for high-dimensional data
by solving an overdetermined system of linear in functional genomics. In L. Prevost, S. Marinai,
equations. Proceedings of the 3rd IAPR Workshop on Artificial
Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition, Paris, France,
iii. No gradient descent optimization technique is pp. 147-156. 2008.
needed. [7] L.I. Kuncheva, J.J. Rodriguez, C.O. Plumpton, D.E.
Linden, S.J. Johnston, Random subspace ensembles for
iv. The training error is controlled by the number of FMRI classification, IEEE Transaction on Medical
neurons in the hidden layer. Imaging, 29 (2) (2010), pp. 531542.
[8] Cover, T.M., Hart, P.E. Nearest neighbor pattern
v. The proposed method produced better results than classification. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, IT-
that of the base classifiers when estimated on the whole 13(1):2127, 1967.
available data set. [9] Quinlan, J. R. Induction of Decision Trees,
Machine Learning, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 81-106, March
For future research, we plan to test the robustness of the 1986.
proposed methodology using ensembles stacking and [10] Theodoridis S., Koutroumbas K. Pattern
using other data sets. recognition, 2nd edition, Elsevier, 2003.
[11] WANG, Lipo (Editor), Support Vector Machines:
Theory and Applications, Springer, 2005.
REFERENCES [12] Shih-Chi Huang and Yih-Fang Huang, Bounds
on the Number of Hidden Neurons in Multilayer
Perceptrons, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks.
[1] Michael P. Perrone and Leon N Cooper, When Vol. 2. No. I . January 1991, 47-55.
Networks Disagree: Ensemble Methods for Hybrid [13] Guang-Bin Huang and Haroon A. Babri, Upper
Neural Networks, October 1992. Bounds on the Number of Hidden Neurons in
[2] Breiman, L. Random forests. Machine Learning, Feedforward Networks with Arbitrary Bounded
45(1), 532, 2001. Nonlinear Activation Functions, IEEE Transactions on
[3] Vilalta, R., & Drissi, Y. A perspective view and Neural Networks, Vol. 9, No. 1, January 1998, 224-22.
survey of meta-learning. Artificial Intelligence Review,
18:2, 7795, 2002.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Framework for Activity Recognition Using Smart

Walid Mohamed Aly*, Khaled Eskaf**, Alyaa Aly*#
College of Computing and Information Technology Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport

Abstract Activity recognition has become of great importance located in a fixed position in the front leg pocket of each
in many fields especially in fitness monitoring; health and elder subject [3]. The organization of this paper is as follows:
care by offering the opportunity for large amount of applications Section II describes previous work in this area. In section III,
which recognize humans daily life activities. The prevalence of details about the proposed framework used for the activity
smart phones in our society with their ever growing sensing recognition system and its stages. Section IV describes
power has opened the door for more sophisticated data mining
detailed information about components of human activity
applications which takes the raw sensor data as input and
classify the motion activity performed. The main sensor used in
recognition framework and the sensors used in measurements.
performing activity recognition is the accelerometer. This paper Section V includes the transformation methods applied on raw
presents a framework for activity recognition using smart phone data extracted from smart phone systems, the activities
sensors. Features extracted from raw sensor data are used to performed in this paper and the output graphs for each activity.
train and test supervised machine learning algorithms. Section VI presents analysis for the results. Section VII
includes conclusion for this paper.


Keywords Activity recognition, mobile sensor, accelerometer,
human activity, smart devices The history of human activity starts in the late of 90's [4][5]
but there are still some challenges facing this research such as
I. INTRODUCTION the collection of data in real conditions, the proper feature to
Activity recognition which predicts the user daily life be extracted from raw data in order to provide an accurate
motion such as walking, jogging, climbing up stairs, climbing recognition system as well as the selection of classification
down stairs, sitting and standing has grabbed a great attention techniques. Previous work in human activity recognition using
with the large amount of applications built upon this area. accelerometer sensors has shown that it is possible to detect
With the tremendous growth of smartphone and the real time human activities. Maurer, Smailagic et al. used
incorporation of many diverse and powerful sensors, this area single accelerometer to classify six different activities using
has been highlighted to be a new rich point of research. decision trees classifier [6]. This sensor was placed on six
Recent smartphones are powered with various types of sensors different body positions where most smart devices are
including light sensors, temperature sensors, direction sensors, commonly used the resulted accuracy varies from 16.7% to
acceleration sensors, and gyroscope and barometer sensors. 92.8% depending on the position of the accelerometer and the
The addition of these sensors has opened the door for many features used. Choudhury, S. Consolvo, et al. Focused their
applications to be built to help the activity recognition area study on placing smart phone in different places and evaluate
with the help of data mining techniques to predict the users the effect of the sensor position [7]. They tested the
motion which turned the mobile phone to be smarter that it accelerometers on the individuals hip, wrist, arm, ankle, thigh,
could provide the appropriate action based on the users and combinations of them. Their conclusions suggest that only
activity. This paper highlights the importance of activity two accelerometers are sufficient to recognize simple daily
recognition which could help in various fields and most activities
importantly with elder people who can face a sudden fall.
Using activity recognition in these cases can be of great help. Multiple kinds of sensors were used in other researches for
Various applications were developed based on motion sensors. activity recognition. Maurer, A. Smailagic, et al. uses
These applications receive raw sensor data as input and output accelerometers, temperature sensors and microphones for
the prediction of the users activity. recognizing human activities [6]. Current smart phone version
are equipped with these sensors in additional to light sensor,
Most researches in human activities recognition use several proximity sensors, direction sensors(compass) which make
accelerometers located at particular body sites and with these smart devices able to recognise the current state of the
specific orientations [1][2], in our framework, we use single user.
tri-axial accelerometer imbedded in a smart device which is

978-1-5090-0217-7/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 34

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Previous work used commercial smart devices for data in the activity recognition process. Sensors are categorized
collection. J. R. Kwapisz, G. M. Weiss, et al. use Android- into tree main type; motion sensor, environmental sensor and
based smart phone for recognizing very simple activities such position sensor. Motion Sensors: measure the acceleration
as walk, jog, climb up and down the stairs [8]. J. Yang used force and rotational force along three axes X, Y and Z. This
the Nokia N95 cell phone for distinguishing between different type of sensor includes accelerometer sensors, Gyroscope,
actions [9] gravity sensors and rotational vector sensors. The most
important sensor used in this framework is the accelerometer.

III. STRUCTURE OF ACTIVITY RECOGNITION FRAMEWORK Accelerometer sensors sense the acceleration event of
smartphones. Accelerometer reads the values of three axes.
The activity recognition systems pass through stages in The directions of those axes are shown in the following figure.
order to predict the human activity. Figure 1 illustrates these The raw data stream from the accelerometer is the
stages. Data is collected using smartphone sensors such as acceleration of each axis in the units of g-force. Along with
accelerometer. The collected data is divided into training and the three axes reading, a time stamp is also recorded. Most of
testing data. During the training phase, subjects are used to existing accelerometers provide a user interface to configure
perform specific actions for a specific time series. Time series the sampling frequency so that the user could choose a best
are divided into time windows from which, features are sampling rate through experiments. Accelerometer has been
extracted for each individual activity. These features are the used heavily in smartphone sensors based activity recognition.
input of the learning techniques (Classifiers) to generate a set Its popularity is due to the fact that it directly measures the
of rules for each activity in order to build a model which can subjects physiology motion status. For example, if a user
predict the subjects motion. During the testing phase, the changes his/her activity from walking to jogging, it will reflect
collected data is transformed into features which will be on the signal shape of the acceleration reading along the
evaluated through a pre-trained model in order to predict the vertical axis there will be an abrupt change in the
activity label amplitude. Moreover, the acceleration data could indicate the
motion pattern within a given time period, which is helpful in
the complex activity recognition.
Raw Data


Features Generation

Time Domain Frequency Domain Figure 2. 3-axis accelerometer

Features Features

B. Data Collection
Data collection phase is one of the critical processes which
Classification Techniques affects the accuracy of the activity recognition. The number of
trained subjects is also a crucial factor in any HAR study. In
this paper we have collected 20 volunteers with different
Activity Recognized
characteristics for each in terms of gender, age, weight and
height. These subjects were asked to do some specific
Figure 1. ACTIVITY RECOGNITION PROCESS activities such as walking, jogging, sitting, standing, going
upstairs and going downstairs [10]. These subjects were
provided with android devices and they put it in their front leg
IV. HUMAN ACTIVITY FRAMEWORK COMPONENTS pocket. We have developed mobile software which measures
the three axis of acceleration for the subject holding it. This
While designing human activity system, many concerns software is designed to allow the users submit their
must be taken into consideration. characteristics through a simple graphical user interface (GUI)
before performing any of the mentioned activities. The rate of
A. Sensors used collecting accelerometer data was every 66ms which is around
The new generation of smart phones is highly equipped 15 readings per second.
with a wide variety of sensors, these sensors had a great help

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

4- Binned distribution: This is calculated by First,

determine the range of values for each axis, then
C. Data Pre-Processing
divide this range into 10 equal sized bins and
In order to recognize the activities performed, some calculate the fraction of the values falling within each
classifier algorithms can be applied on the accelerometer data.
of the bins
But these algorithms cannot be applied on the raw data
collected instead data transformation must be used to generate
features based on the readings. Data collected is divided into
10 sec intervals. By experiment, we have found that the 10 sec B. Activities Measured
is a sufficient period to capture the activity repetition.

Activities recognized by the sensors data can be classified

D. Device Position in different ways. For example, activities can be categorized
based on the complexity of activities (simple activity,
The Device position during the data collection process was
complex activity, location based activity, vision based
an interesting point of research in this field. Many
activity,). A simple human activity could be walking,
experiments were performed to determine the recognition
jogging, walking downstairs, taking elevator, etc. The
accuracy in both position specific and position independent
complex activities are usually related to a combination of a
recognition. Doruk Coskun et al. have collected activity data
longer period of activities (e.g., taking bus and driving). The
from 15 volunteers performing the primary activities (walking,
activities may only correspond to the movements of certain
running, upstairs, downstairs, sitting and standing) while
parts of the body (e.g., typing and waving hand). In this paper
carrying smart devices in three different positions, in a
we have concentrated the research on the simple activities and
backpack, in the hand and in the pocket. On average, the
subjects were asked to perform each activity individually.
accuracy was the same for position specific and position
independent but only in the pocket the accuracy increased by
In the following section, a graph for each activity will be
shown describing the values measured using accelerometer
A. Feature Extraction
Time Domain Features
Time domain features contain the basic statistics of each data
1- Mean: This is the mean value of each segment in
each dimension
2- Max, Min: the min and max values of each
3- Standard deviation: The variance and standard
deviation of each segment
4- Correlation: Calculated between each pair of axes
5- Signal-Magnitude Area: this is the sum of the Figure.3 walking activity
magnitude of the three axes acceleration
6- Average Resultant Acceleration: This is the average
of the square root of the sum of the acceleration

Frequency Domain Features

These features measure the periodicity of the signal:
1- Energy: It is the sum of the squared discrete FFT
component magnitudes.
2- Entropy: It is the normalized information entropy of
the discrete component.
3- Time between peaks: This is the time between peaks
in the sinusoidal waves. Figure.4 jogging activity

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt


As shown in the above figures, the activities performed

show periodic behaviour described by the magnitude of the
accelerometer values. For the walking pattern we can analyse
that the Y axis measures high peak every around half a second
while Z axis show the same behaviour, the difference between
the magnitude of both Y and Z axis demonstrate the time of
each stride. The x axis measures the lowest magnitude. For the
jogging graph, we can notice a similar behaviour as the
Figure. 5 Climbing Upstairs walking but the time between peaks decreases reaching
quarter a second. In the jogging activity, the values of y axis
are greater than in walking. For the climbing downstairs
activity, we can notice small peaks for z axis with negative
values comparing it with the running and jogging which
represent moving down in every single step. In climbing up
stairs, the space between peaks for y and z axis is increasing
representing the longer time taken to climb up stairs. By
evaluating the standing and sitting results, we found that the
acceleration is almost constant

A previous research [8] which used a similar framework

for activity recognition; activities were classified using weka
Figure. 6 Climbing Downstairs
learning machine tool. Multiple classifiers were used
including: J48, Logistic Regression and Multilayer Perceptron.
A high accuracy was achieved in most cases. Table 1 below,
demonstrates the accuracy for each classifier. Accuracy over
90% was easily reached in the most common activities
(walking and jogging). Jogging activity recorded the highest
accuracy as it involves more acceleration changes than in
walking. Although sitting and standing do not exhibit any
change in acceleration, but they can be easily recognized
through the relative magnitude of values for each axis.
Climbing upstairs and downstairs are the most confusing
activities so their accuracy was low.

Table I. Accuracies for Activity Recognition

Figure. 7 Standing

% of records Correctly Predicted

J48 Logistic Multilayer
Regression Perceptron
Walking 89.9 93.6 91.7
Jogging 96.5 98.0 98.3
Upstairs 59.3 27.5 61.5
Downstairs 55.5 12.3 44.3
Sitting 95.7 92.2 95.0
Standing 93.3 87.0 91.9
Overall 85.1 78.1 91.7

Figure.8 Sitting

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Activity recognition has become a focus research point [9] J. Yang, Toward physical activity diary: Motion recognition
due to increasing availability of accelerometers in smart using simple acceleration features with mobile phones, In
devices and due to the tremendous number of applications First International Workshop on Interactive Multimedia for
based on this kind of sensor. In this paper we have proposed a Consumer Electronics at ACM Multimedia, 2009.
system to measure the acceleration of 20 subjects using an
android smart phone placed in the front leg pocket. By [10] Naciye C elenli, Kamile Nur Sevis.: An Unconstrained
Activity Recognition Method Using Smart Phones. International
analyzing the resulted measures and after data transformation
Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG)
we came up with 43 features which will be the input of many 2014
classifiers in order to detect the users motion and then taking
action based on the result. Weka data mining tool will be used
to generate model to predict the user activities classify the
motion of the user


[1] Karantonis, D.M., Narayanan, M.R., Mathie, M., Lovell, N.H.,

Celler, B.G.: Implementation of a real-time human movement
classifier using a triaxial accelerometer for ambulatory monitoring.
IEEE Trans. on Information Tecnhology in Biomedicine 10(1) (2006)

[2] Song, Y., Shin, S., Kim, S., Lee, D., Lee, K.H.: Speed estimation
from a tri-axial accelerometer using neural networks. In: 29th annual
international conference of the IEEE EMBS (2007)

[3] Doruk C., Ozlem D., Atay O.: Phone Position/Placement

Detection using Accelerometer: Impact on Activity Recognition.
IEEE Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors,
Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP) 2015

[4] O. X. Schlmilch, B. Witzschel, M. Cantor, E. Kahl, R.

and C. Runge, Detection of posture and motion by
a validation study in ambulatory monitoring, Computers in
Behavior, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 571---583, 1999.

[5] F. Foerster, M. Smeja, and J. Fahrenberg, Detection of

posture and motion by accelerometry: a validation study in
ambulatory monitoring, Computers in Human Behavior, vol.
15, no. 5, pp. 571---583, 1999.

[6] U. Maurer, A. Smailagic, D. P. Siewiorek, and M. Deisher.

Activity recognition and monitoring using multiple sensors
on different body positions. In International Workshop on
Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks , Apr 2006.

[7] T. Choudhury, S. Consolvo, B. Harrison, J. Hightower,

A.LaMarca, L. LeGrand, A. Rahimi, A. Rea, G. Bordello,
B. Hemingway, et al., The mobile sensing platform:An
embedded activity recognition system, Pervasive Computing,
IEEE, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 32-41, 2008.

[8] J. R. Kwapisz, G. M. Weiss, and S. A. Moore, Activity

recognition using cell phone accelerometers. In Proceedings
of the Fourth International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery
from Sensor Data, Washington DC, pp10-18, 2010.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Session II:
Computer Control and Industrial

Title: Page#

Effect of SLA Process Parameters on Part Build-Time 40

Mootaz Ghazy and Mohab Hossam

Modeling and Simulation of MDF Bagasse Fiber Drying 46

Gafary Mahmoud, Esam H. Abdelhameed, G. Shabib, and Mahmoud A. Sayed

New Tuning Approach of Discrete PI/PID Controller Applied to 52

Bitumen System Based on Non-Minimal State Space Formulation
E. M. Shaban, AR. Hamed, R. R. Darwish, and A. M. Abdel ghany

Mechanism Design with Computational Algebra 58

Samuli Piipponen and Eero Hyry

Modified Model Predictive Control for a Positioning Mechanism 64

with Harmonic Drive Gear
Esam. H. Abdelhameed, Tarek Hassan Mohamed, and Makoto Iwasaki

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Effect of SLA Process Parameters

on Part Build-Time
Mootaz Ghazy Mohab Hossam
Industrial & Management Engineering (IME) Department of Industrial Engineering and Systems
College of Engineering and Technology Management (IEM)
Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime School of Innovative Design Engineering (IDE)
Transport (AASTMT) Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology
Alexandria, Egypt (E-JUST) Alexandria, Egypt

On Leave from:
Production Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering
Alexandria University
Alexandria, Egypt

Abstract Additive manufacturing (AM) processes are processes are the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), the 3D
relatively new manufacturing methods that directly produce printing (3DP), the Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), and the
physical parts from 3D model data by deposing a layer-upon- Stereolithography (SLA) processes. The Stereolithography
layer of material. Parts produced by AM processes are largely process (SLA) was the first additive manufacturing technique
affected by the process parameters; however, the knowledge to be introduced to the market [1] [2].
needed to fully understand the effect of these parameters over the
part build-time is insufficient. This study aims to investigate the The SLA machine consists of a computer, a container of
effect of some parameters of the SLA process (one the AM the photosensitive resin, a moveable platform in which the
processes) such as the hatch overcure, the part orientation, and model is built, a laser beam for curing the photosensitive resin,
the layer thickness on the part build-time. Design of experiments and a dynamic mirror system to direct the laser beam. The
(DOE) method was used to investigate and to understand the computer digitally control the mirror in order to direct the
relationships between these process parameters and the build- laser beam over the surface of the resin to draw one cross
time. The 23 full factorial design was applied and the build-time section of the CAD model of the part. Following the
was measured as the output response. The regression analysis termination of a layer, the platform goes down in the resin
and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) techniques were conducted container to permit the appearance of a thin film of the resin to
to the investigated SLA parameters as inputs and the part build- be cured for the following cross section of the CAD model. A
time as output. The results showed that the most significant
waiting period is allocated to recoat the surface of the previous
factors for the part build-time are the main effect of the hatch
layer before the new layer is drawn. The purpose of recoating
overcure, the layer thickness, and the part orientation,
is to cover the model with resin when it has been moved down
by one layer thickness [3][4].
KeywordsAdditive Manufacturing (AM); Stereolithography The parameters of the SLA process can be classified into
(SLA); Process Parameters; Build-Time; Design of Experiments part parameters, support parameters, and recoat parameters.
(DOE); Regression Analysis The part parameters are the parameters that affect the accuracy
of the produced part, and thus the selection and the setting of
I. INTRODUCTION these parameters are very important. Fig. 1 shows different
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is the process of producing parameters of the SLA process including the layer thickness,
3D physical parts directly from CAD model by adding layer the hatch spacing, the fill spacing, the hatch overcure, the
upon layer of material. The AM technologies permit the border overcure, and the fill cure depth [5].
production of complex three dimensional structures, the ability Another SLA parameter that affect the quality of the
to generate near-net-shaped parts, and the reduction of the produced part is the optimal orientation of build-up, also
time and the cost of production. AM processe can be classified called part orientation, which is an important parameter
according to the starting material into powder and wire affecting not only the part surface quality, but also the need of
material processes. Every AM process possesses its supporting structure, the part build-time, and, consequently,
advantages and disadvantages. The most famous AM the part cost [6] [7] [8].

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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Fig. 1. Parameters of the SLA process [5]

The determination of the SLA process parameters to three main three SLA process parameters (hatch overcure, part
produce the required objectives set by users is not an easy task orientation, and layer thickness) as factors. Finally, Section V
due to the fact that these objectives are conflicting in nature. presents the drawn conclusions from this research.
The selection of the process parameters is also called the
setting of the building strategies or the building scenarios. II. EXPERIMENTAL WORK
Generally, these process parameters affect the characteristics
of the produced parts produced by the SLA machine such as The experimental work was intended to investigate the
the dimensional accuracy, the surface finish, the tensile effect of the SLA process parameters, i.e. layer thickness, part
strength, and the build-time. orientation, and hatch overcure, over the build-time of the
produced part.
Section II of the paper presents the conducted
experimental work including the design of the produced part, A. Part Design
the specifications of the SLA machine used for producing the
parts, the part material specifications, the post-processing of The experiments were conducted using samples of a
the part, and the applied Design of Experiments technique. pyramid-shape with a height of 50 mm, a square base of
In Section III the part build-time is introduced. Section IV 37.5 mm per side, and a cylindrical hole of 12.4 mm diameter,
discusses the regression analysis applied to derive a as illustrated in Fig. 2. The CAD file of the sample was
relationship between the part build-time as response and the translated to the STL format (.stl) in order to be exported to
the SLA machine.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Accura Xtreme for these applications is justified due to the

fact that the properties of the post-cured material are [9]:
Tensile strength: 38 44 Mpa
Tensile Modulus: 1790 1980 Mpa
Elongation at break: 14 22 %
Flexural strength: 52 71 Mpa
Flexural modulus: 1520 2070 Mpa
Impact strength (Notched Izod): 35 52 J/m
Fig. 2. Pyramid-Shape of the Experimental Samples
Heat deflection temperature at 66 PSI: 62 C

B. SLA Machine Heat deflection temperature at 264 PSI: 54 C

In order to produce the experimental samples, an
D. Part Post-Processing
SLA 5000 machine manufactured by 3D Systems was used.
The SLA 5000 machine is a Stereolithography machine for Following the production of the part, it undergoes some
liquid photo reactive materials. The machine is typically used post processing operations. Post processing starts by removing
for the production of casting patterns, patterns for Prosthetics, manually the support structure, then the part is dipped into an
marketing model, aerodynamic testing, and design Acetone bath to remove the residual resin on the part surface,
verification. The specifications of the machine are [9]: brushing the part, and the last step is to put the part into a UV
chamber for 30 minutes to complete the solidification of the
Laser power at vat at 5000 hours: 216 mW resin.
Laser beam diameter: 0.20 0.30 mm
E. Design of Experiments (DOE)
Maximum recommended scan speed: 5.0 m/sec This study is concerned with the factorial experiments that
Maximum part weight: 68.04 kg focus on, purposefully, changing the inputs in order to observe
and to identify the reasons for changes in the output
Maximum build envelope (XYZ): 508 x 508 x 584 mm response(s). The inputs can be classified as controllable and
uncontrollable factors that may or may not influence the
Software used: 3D Lightyear
outputs. The variability of the uncontrollable factors has to be
Recommended temperature: 20 26 C minimized in order to better understand the relationship
between the controllable inputs and the outputs. The factorial
Maximum change rate in temperature: 1C/hr approach of the Design of Experiments (DOE) allows the
examination of the main (individual) effect, as well as the
C. Part Material interactions. The factorial design is denoted by the exponent-
The used material for producing the experimental samples base system 2k. The base, 2, represents the number of levels
is the Accura Xtreme that is a commercial resin polymer. The that are tested for each factor. The levels are the values
specifications of this liquid material (grey appearance) are [9]: considered to be the maximum and the minimum of the range
of the focus of the experiments. The number of factors, k,
Liquid density at 25 C: 1.13 g/cm3 represents the controllable inputs for the experiments [10].
Solid density at 25 C: 1.19 g/cm3 In this study, the DOE technique was applied in order to
investigate the effect of the SLA process parameters over the
Viscosity at 30 C: 250 300 cps build-time of the produced part. An unreplicated 2 full-
Penetration depth: 4.1 mm factorial design was used, where the three considered factors
(each of them at two different levels) were the part orientation,
Critical exposure: 11.7 mJ/ cm3 the layer thickness, and the hatch overcure. TABLE I. presents
The Accura Xtreme possesses the look and the feel of a the applied DOE scheme, where the levels of the layer
durable molded plastic with an outstanding durability and thickness and the hatch overcure were set to the lowest and the
highest values of the machine settings, while the part
impact resistance, as well as, a thermal resistance over 60 C.
orientation was set to 0 and 70, as shown in Fig. 3. The level
Thus, these characteristics of the Accura Xtreme permit using
of 70 for the part orientation level was used for the purpose of
this material for applications such as the production of
positioning one side face of the pyramid-shape parallel to the
prototypes (form, fit, and functional testing prototypes),
XY plane of the machine, which permits the best surface
durable assemblies (snap fit assemblies, tough enclosures, and
finish on the upper face of the part. The value of the hatch
consumer electronic components), and master patterns for
overcure may be a positive, a zero, or a negative value.
Silicone molding. Moreover, this material replaces CNC
machining of Polypropylene and ABS. The use of the

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

TABLE I. 2 FULL FACTORIAL DOE estimated time. TABLE II. introduces the estimated build-
Hatch Part Layer time, the actual build-time (response variable), and the
Overcure Orientation Thickness difference in the build-time of the produced parts for the
(mm) (Degrees) (mm) different experimental settings of the DOE. The actual build-
1 -0.025 0 0.10 times are greater than the estimated ones and the difference
2 0.125 0 0.10 percentages are noticeable. It is worth to mention that these
difference percentages would be considerably significant and
3 -0.025 0 0.15
affecting the part cost, especially for parts that are more
4 0.125 0 0.15 complex than the simple pyramid-shaped samples of the
5 -0.025 70 0.10 experimental work since the build-time, and consequently the
cost, for such complex parts would be higher.
6 0.125 70 0.10
7 -0.025 70 0.15
8 0.125 70 0.15
Regression analysis using Minitab 17 was applied to the
23 full-factorial experiments in order to investigate the effect
of the three process parameters on the part build-time. In the
regression analysis, the hatch overcure was assigned as factor
A, the part orientation as factor B, and the layer thickness as
factor C. The main effects of the factors A, B, and C were
studied, as well as the interactions effects AC, AB, BC, and
ABC. Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 present the results of the regression
analysis, where the mains effects showed significance, while
the interactions effects showed no significance. The results
were attained with a 95% level of significance ( equals 0.05).
The main effect of factor A representing the hatch overcure
showed a 59.5% significance on the part build-time as
Fig. 3. Part Orientation: a) 0 and b) 70 response. Factor C representing the layer thickness and factor
B representing the part orientation showed a 32.5% and 20.5%
When the overcuring occurs exactly at the surface significance, respectively.
separating two consecutive layers of the material, the value of The derived regression equation for the part build-time as
the hatch overcure is zero. A positive value of the hatch the response function of the three SLA process parameters was
overcure is when overcuring occurs in the previous layer of as follows:
material under the surface separating two consecutive layers
of the material. And a negative value of the hatch overcure is Build-Time = 245.5 + 140.0 (A) 0.3381 (B) 753.3 (C) +
when overcuring occurs in the new layer of material above the 0.1905 (A*B) + 1867 (A*C) + 0.09524 (B*C) +
surface separating two consecutive layers of the material. 3.810 (A*B*C)
where: A, B, and C are the hatch overcure, the part orientation,
III. PART BUILD-TIME and the layer thickness, respectively.
The part build-time is a very important response variable TABLE III. shows the results of the Analysis of Variance
of the SLA process, which highly affect the part cost [11]. The (ANOVA) for the studied factors, where the degrees of
build-time is estimated by the operating software of the SLA freedom (DF), the adjusted sum of squares errors (Adj. SS),
machine according to the setting parameters of the process, and the adjusted mean squares errors (Adj. MS) are presented.
however, the actual build-time may vary differently than the


Hatch Part Layer Estimated Actual Actual Estimated Difference in

Overcure Orientation Thickness Build-Time Build-Time Build-Time Build-Time
(mm) (Degrees) (mm) (minutes) (minutes) (minutes) (%)
1 -0.025 0 0.10 153 162 9 6
2 0.125 0 0.10 207 211 4 2
3 -0.025 0 0.15 115 122 7 6
4 0.125 0 0.15 181 185 4 2
5 -0.025 70 0.10 131 138 7 4
6 0.125 70 0.10 188 193 5 3
7 -0.025 70 0.15 95 98 3 3
8 0.125 70 0.15 156 169 13 8

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Fig. 4. Normal Plot of the Effects

Fig. 5. Pareto Chart of the Effects

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

deducted for these three parameters in their significance order

TABLE III. RESULTS OF ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE during the design and the setting of the part and of the process,
Source DF Adj. SS Adj. MS
Model 7 10171.50 1453.07 The derived conclusions are encouraging the conduction of
Linear 3 10033.50 3344.50 further investigations for the purpose of studying the effect of
the SLA process parameters over other part characteristics, i.e.
A 1 7080.50 7080.50
dimensional and geometrical errors, as well as the mechanical
B 1 840.50 840.50 properties of the produced part.
C 1 2112.50 2112.50
2-Way Interactions 3 137.50 45.83 References
A*B 1 24.50 24.50
[1] F. Brenne, T. Niendorf, and H. J. Maier, Additively manufactured
A*C 1 112.50 112.50 cellular structures: Impact of microstructure and local strains on the
monotonic and cyclic behavior under uniaxial and bending load, J.
B*C 1 0.50 0.50 Mater. Process. Technol., vol. 213, no. 9, pp. 15581564, 2013.
3-Way Interactions 1 0.50 0.50 [2] L. Elsherif, M. Ghazy, K. S. Elkilany, Modeling stereolithography
A*B*C 1 0.50 0.50 process parameters using system dynamics, CIE 44 and IMS14
Proceedings. Istanbul, Turkey; 2014. p. 1188200.
Error 0 * * [3] T. Chartier, A. Badev, Y. Abouliatim, P. Lebuady, and L. Lecamp,
Total 7 10171.50 Stereolithography process: influence of the rheology of silica
suspensions and the medium on polymerization kinetics-cured depth and
width, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., vol. Vol.32, pp. 16251634, 2012.
[4] P. J. Bartolo and J. Gaspar, Metal filled resin for stereolithography
The cost of producing a part using the SLA process, which metal part, CIRP Ann. - Manuf. Technol., vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 235238,
is relatively high, depends on the cost of the material used 2008.
(usually expensive materials) and the production time. The [5] H. S. Cho, W. S. Park, B. W. Choi, and M. C. Leu, Determining
production time is composed of the part build-time and the optimal parameters for stereolithography processes via genetic
algorithm, J. Manuf. Syst., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 1827, 2000.
post-curing time that is neglected compared to the build-time.
Thus, the part cost depends largely on the part build-time. [6] H.-S. Byun and kwan H. Lee, Determination of the optimal build
direction for different rapid prototyping processes using multi-citerion
In this study, pyramid-shaped parts were produced using decision making, Robot. Comput. Manuf., vol. Vol.22, pp. 6980,
the SLA process. The aim of this study was to investigate the
[7] Y. Chen and J. Lu, RP part surface quality versus build orientation:
effect of some of the SLA process parameters, i.e. layer When the layers are getting thinner, Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., vol.
thickness, part orientation, and hatch overcure, over the build- 67, no. 14, pp. 377385, 2013.
time of the produced part. [8] Y. S. F. Xu H.T. Loh; Wong, Considerations and selection of optimal
orientation for different rapid prototyping systems, Rapid Prototyp. J.,
The regression analysis for the produced experimental vol. 5, no. 2, 1999.
parts has shown that the 2-way and the 3-way interactions of
[9] 3D Systems. [Online]. Available:
the three SLA process parameters have no significance over [Accessed: 25-
the part build-time. On the other hand, the main effects of the Jul-2015].
three SLA process parameters were significant with a 59.5% [10] D. C. Montgomery, Design and Analysis of Experiments. Wiley, 1997.
significance for the hatch overcure, a 32.5% significance for
[11] Y. Zhang, A. Bernard, J. M. Valenzuela, and K. P. Karunakaran, Fast
the layer thickness, and a 20.5% significance for the part adaptive modeling method for build time estimation in Additive
orientation. Therefore and in order to decrease the high cost of Manufacturing, CIRP J. Manuf. Sci. Technol., vol. 10, pp. 4960, 2015.
producing a part with the SLA process, more attention is to be

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Modeling and Simulation of MDF Bagasse Fiber Drying

Gafary Mahmoud Esam H. Abdelhameed, and G. Shabib Mahmoud A. Sayed
Nag-Hamady Fiberboard Company, Faculty of Energy Engineering, Qena Faculty of Engineering,
Qena, Egypt Aswan University, Aswan, Egypt South Valley University, Qena, Egypt

AbstractDrying process is the most important stage in of the first line is 200 / , 4500 / , and with total
Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) production. On one hand, of 5400 / . Where, for the second line, it is about 50
this process is considered the most energy-consuming stage in / , 1500 / , with total of 72000 / for
MDF manufacturing which affecting the final price of the both lines.Both of the two lines use one-stage flash tube dryer
product, in addition, the loss of the energy represents50-60% of [2].
the total energy. On the other hand, the product quality is
depending on how the drying performance is going on i.e. the Production of MDF requires a large amount of thermal
investigation of the produced MDF properties is directly related energy and electricity. Fiber drying consumes 48% of the total
to how the desired moisture content is obtained. The authors thermal energy in case of using direct flue gas in the drying
propose drying process improvement through the control side of process, where it consumes around 54% in case of hot air
view by optimizing the amount of energy that is required for drying. All of the additional thermal energy (16 GWh/year) is
drying the wet resinated fibers before pressing it into aboard consumed by the fiber drying when air is used for drying[2]. In
during the pressing stage. Consequently, achieving a simulation addition to the energy consuming challenge in NFBC, control of
model for the drying process is the target in this study. The drying process is not a fully automatic control. As, with the
obtained model has been verified using the experimental data failure of control system, proportional-integral-derivative(PID)
from, Nag-Hamady Fiberboard Company, Qena, Egypt. Using the
controller, to dominate the high turbulent flow and uncertainties
proposed mathematical models, the estimated values of the mixing
in the input conditions at starting time, the operator switches the
chamber outlet air temperature, and wet fiber temperature at the
inlet of the drying process were satisfactory comparing with the control mode to manual mode to dominate these variations
experimental results, where the model of the processed fiber manually anyway. This situation compounds the problem due to
temperature at the outlet of the drying process has to be modified. the occurrence of large losses in thermal energy. In addition, the
operator only considers the failure of control system from the
KeywordsMedium density fiberboard; Drying process; Flash outlet material characteristics. After getting steady state
dryer; Mathematical modeling operation by the operator, he switched to automatic mode. The
important impact of staring the drying process manually is that,
I. INTRODUCTION on one hand, process adjustment is depending on operators
Drying process is the key point for various industrial experience. Consequently, not only a lack of security may there
sectors, it is considered one of the most common unit operations be but also the starting will be a time and energy consuming
in the process industries such as: drying of pulp and paper, process, which can be easily translated as an additional cost for
drying of wood, drying of foodstuffs, drying of grain, fruits and the final product. on the other hand, the products during manual
vegetables, drying of herbal medicines and tea, drying of starting time did not have an accepted quality so they may sold
pharmaceutical products, drying of ceramics, drying of fibrous with low price, recycled, or in some cases burned ,in both cases
materials, drying of textile products, drying of coal, and many that can be also translated as an additional cost for the final
other products. Sugarcane bagasse negatively affecting the product.
environment when it is treated as a waste, from the other side, it In the literature, many efforts have been done to solve MDF
can be considered as a resource when appropriate technologies production problems but most of those researches focus on the
are implemented to process it and producing a consumable physical properties of the drying process [3-5].The authors of
product with market potential. Those products are such as these researches proposed new methods for improvement the
paper, pulp, Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF), and High drying process but they were from the viewpoint of drying
Density Fiberboard (HDF) manufacturing. process design. Authors in [4-5] suggested the use of higher air
In Egypt, with its poor forests resource and high cost price velocity during drying besides increasing a second-stage dryer.
of imported wood, there is a high demand of wood products. So They also suggested fiber conditioning in the fiber conveyers.
that, wood based panel production, particleboard production, Where the authors in [3] suggested decreasing the steam flow
was started in 1963 by Komombo Company in Aswan rate into the dryer from the refiner.
governorate .Sugarcane bagasse was used as raw materials for The significance of this study is that, the proposed method
this manufacture. Where Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) for improving the drying process based on the control
was started in 1996 to introduce a new type of wood based viewpoint, by optimizing the amount of energy that is required
panel using sugarcane bagasse as raw materials in Qena for drying the wet resinated fibers before pressing it into aboard
governorate by Nag-Hamady Fiberboard Company (NFBC)[1]. during the pressing stage .Wet fiber includes moisture of
NFBC has two production lines, the MDF production capacity 30~35%where it is required to be decreased to 9~12% in the

978-1-5090-0217-7/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 46

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

dried fiber. This can be accomplished by designing heated directly with hot air, which is generated from a boiler
robust/optimized controllers for the drying process off line, and plant. Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of fiber preparing
then it can be applied to control the process at real-time .Been process including a drying process, which is the case in this
known that, off-line controller design is basically based on study. As indicated in the figure, washed bagasse material, in
getting process model. Consequently, achieving a simulation wash beater, is fed to a plug screw. The plug screw directs
model for the drying process is the key point in this research. amount of the bagasse material [kg/min] to a pre-heater
The model has been developed based on the fundamental according to the Fig. 2. During the pre-heater, which also called
knowledge of thermal properties of the adiabatic system and the digester, bagasse material is heated to a point where the lignin
coefficients of heat and mass transfer rate between hot air and present in greatest concentration in the material between the
fiber material. The model is able to predict fiber temperature at individual fibers, becomes plastic, at a temperature generally
the mixing chamber, dryer inlet and dryer outlet temperature taken as 140C in material core [6]. Saturated steam with about
respectively after validation against the measured air 1 Mpa pressure and within 170 -180 C range of temperature is
temperature and fiber moisture the authors can design a robust used to heat the material. The required steam in the preheater, in
controller to minimized the error between actual and target kg/h, can be determined from the flowing formula [3]:
values for the dryer exhaust temperature. The model has been
obtained and verified using the experimental data from NFBC, ( )/( (1 )) (1)
Qena, Egypt.
Fiber drying Process is working according the principle of a
one-stage flash tube dryer where the conveying fiber flow is

Plug 1 Preheater 2 Refiner Blow

from the screw (digester) machine line
Wet fiber
Hot air from valve
source Mixing Hot
chamber iB
Fresh air
material Waste

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of fiber preparing Process break chips into fibers through mechanical action in doing so,
the electricity is converted to thermal energy and the refiner
effectively acts as steam generator [7]. The generated steam, in
kg/h, can be calculated by the following equation [3]:
3600 / (2)
Material [kg/min]

Where is the coefficient of electricity-to-heat by the refiner,
in %, is the refiner machine load, in watt, and is the
average latent heat of water vaporization, in kj/kg. After
refining process fibers are discharged through a valve into a
blow line. In the blow line, at the normal operating pressure
of 0.4~0.5 MPa, a velocity of up to 100 m/s for the mixture of
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
fibers and steam can be achieved. The UF resin solution, in
Plug Screw Speed [rpm]
Kg/h, is added in the blow line where the turbulent flow
Fig. 2. Pre-heater feeding versus plug screw speed provides the desired mixing. There is no net energy supplied in
the blow line. However, it is necessary to calculate the
The refining process is the stage which follows the variations in fiber moisture and steam evaporation rate in the
preheating process, in the refiner, the electric energy is used to blow line because with the highly turbulent steam-fiber flow,

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

the pressure drop in the blow line is significant and can be two values is the loss of energy or no benefit energy, this range
estimated from the following equation [3]: represents50-60% of the total Energy, 22.5GKcal/h [2]. The
proposed solution for decreasing energy loss as well as
0.014 ( )/( ) (3) improving the quality of the final product i.e. designing an
optimal/robust/intelligent control for the drying process, was
where, is the blow line pipe length, is the inner diameter of based on the following stated fact. At first, drying is a complex
the blow line pipe, is the steam-fiber velocity in the blow line, thermal process because of multi-component moisture transport,
in m/s. At the entrance of the blow line, the steam becomes coupled with mass transfer, input parameters uncertain,
superheated steam once the pressure is reduced, and the chemical/biochemical reactions, phase changes, shrinkage
superheated steam provides sensible heat. The reached sensible transient, change in quality and change of physical structure.
temperature can be calculated from the following equation Second, the temperature difference in the hot air before and
[3]: after contact with the fiber material is highly correlated to
moisture that lumped all of the variables associated with drying
5 ( ) 3.48 96.5 (4) into one variable. Accordingly, fiber moisture MC can be
calculated by simple basics of thermodynamics rules to escape
Blow line input and output energy can be expressed as in from the above complexity since the authors interested with
Eqs. (5) & (6), through which, blow line energy balance can be improvement outlet fiber moisture by controlling input thermal
obtained [3]. energy as manipulated variable. In addition, uniform moisture
content are required in the produced fiber, which can be
obtained through the precise control of the air temperature at the
( ) out feed of the cyclone, due to, under constant working
conditions such as capacity, inlet material moisture content,
(5) steam evaporation rate, and production speed, the final fiber
moisture is in direct relation (equilibrium) to the exhaust
In this study, to model the drying process to be used for
optimal/robust/intelligent control system design, three physical
where is the resin temperature in at injection, and
properties have been modeled. Firstly, modeling of the hot air
are the specific heat of fibers at at the inlet and the outlet of temperature that generated from a mixing chamber, dryer inlet
the blow line in kj/kg.k, respectively. The outlet fiber moisture air temperature, and this case is considered as mixing humid air
from the blow line related to the steam evaporation rate ( , in the mixing chamber. Secondly, modeling of dryer inlet air
kg/h) for a given amount of resin solution based on the mass temperature, exhaust. Thirdly, modeling of outlet fiber
balance can be: temperature, which can be considered as an adiabatic process.
During dying process modeling, the thermal properties of the
/( ) (7) hot air and fiber are needed to quantify the heat requirement.
The hot air average specific heat ( ) of 2200 J/kg.K and the
Equations (5) & (7) can be solved to determine the outlet average latent heat of water vaporization (H ) of 2100 KJ/kg
MC ( ) and the steam evaporation rate ( ), the other have been used for temperature range of 100 to 180 [8].
parameters are known from either the operation conditions or A. Inlet Hot Air Temperature Modeling
the refining.
As indicated in Fig.1, fresh air, a pure air from the
III. DRYING PROCESS MODELING AND SIMULATION atmosphere, is mixed with the hot air, air generated from the
Bagasse (fiber) as a hygroscopic material has equilibrium heater (source) with constant temperature of 350, to generate
moisture which is in direct relation to the ambient temperature a mixed air to be directed to the drying process tube. The
and the psychrometer (Humidity Tester) difference i.e. the mixing process of the fresh air and the hot air is occurred in a
difference between a dry and a wet bulb thermometer. The mixing chamber. The thermodynamic properties of hot air and
water evaporation occurs when the wet fiber surface comes in of fresh air are shown in Table I. The hot air flow rate and
direct contact with the hot drier air, creating a very high consequently the final temperature of the mixed air is based on
evaporating rate (very high specific surface of the fibers). The the opening area of the servo valve gate, which is controlled by
moisture is "flashed-off" and due to the fast heat exchange, the a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller as a sub-
temperature of the heating mixture is reduced. The prime control loop.
factors of dryer operation are the air throughput, the thermal The properties of temperature, pressure, moisture content,
capacity of the heating medium and the temperature control, and enthalpy of the generated hot mixed air can be determined
thermo-dynamic capacity for evaporating, and exhausting the as the properties of as mixing two humid air. When mixing air
moisture physical flow of the fibers in the dryer with a basic air of state A (fresh air) and C (hot air), the mixing point (mixed
speed. These factors have a direct effect on the dryer efficiency, air) will be on the straight line in point B. The position of point
which specifies the relationship between the amount of energy B depends on the air volume (or mass) of A and C, the points
required to heat the actual introduction of the dryer and the total A, B, and C are as indicated by Fig.1. The mixing process is
consumed amount of heat Energy. The difference between these indicated in a Psychrometric chart as shown in Fig. 3.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

TABLE I. THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF HOT AIR AND OF FRESH AIR By substituting from Eq. (9), temperature of the mixed
properties Fresh air Hot air units air can be obtained as in Eq. (13)
Mass flow dry ca.32 Ca.30 Kg/sec
/ (13)
Temperature (dry blub) 34.5 350
Water content 27.7 30-130 g/kg dry At the inlet point of drying process, inlet of the drying tube,
Heat capacity 1.00 1.00 kJ/kg dry the mixed air from the mixing chamber is in direct contact with
the fiber particles. As shown in Fig. 1, the point (3) is the inlet
Dust content 0.5 300 Mg/Nm3
conditions, at which the hot air would be in direct contact with
Delivery pressure the moist fiber when this pressurized hot mixture is released to
0 +300 Pa
atmospheric pressure in the dryer, the moisture on the fiber
surface quickly evaporates and the vapor diffuses into the air.
The moisture balance of the mixed fresh air and hot source The drying process just after the blow line is very fast, thus, this
air can be expressed as [14, 16]: process is sometimes called flash drying, the mixture
temperature at this point can be estimated based on the
(8) principal of mixing humid air as follows [14,16]:

(9) ( )/( ) (14)

where is the amount of steam at dryer inlet in kg/h, and is

where is the flow of the air generated from the mixing
the sensible temperature of flash steam in .
chamber, in kg/s, which is required for drying 1 Kg of moist
fiber, is constant. is the flow of hot air to the mixing B. Dried Fiber Temperature Modeling
chamber in kg/s, is the flow of fresh air to the mixing Along with the drying tube, just after the flash drying
chamber in kg/s. period, the required heat for removing moisture from fiber can
be supplied by the hot air i.e. the hot air supplies the heat to the
fiber and absorbs moisture vapor at the same time. Accordingly,
the air temperature decreases and humidity increases along the
Enthalpy dryer length. Drying process continues until the fiber
approaches its equilibrium moisture content at the dryer exit.
C The necessary heat consumption of a given flow rate of
Hot air drying material for heat and moisture mass balances, between
the hot air and the fiber surface, in an infinitesimally short
Mixed air length of the dryer can be estimated according to [4] as in (15)
Specific Humidity Fresh air . . . (15)

where is the particle concentration by volume in kg/m3, is

Fig. 3. Simplified Psychrometric Chart the air density kg/m3, is the fiber density kg/m3, is the air
temperature, is the fiber surface temperature, u is the air
/ (10) velocity m/s, is the particle velocity, is the specific heat
of the fiber in J/kg/K, is the fiber diameter in m, is the
As long as the mixed air is above the saturation line, the fiber length in m, is the hydraulic diameter in m, is the
temperature balance can be expressed by modifying the heat transfer coefficient in W/m2/K, and is the heat
enthalpy balance as [14, 16]: conductivity of air in W/m/K. This energy has to be delivered
by the hot air as its temperature declines from to at the
(11) end of the drying tube. can be calculated as follows [10]:

where is the temperature of the mixed air in , is the ( ) (16)

source air temperature in , is the is the ambient
temperature in , and is the specific heat capacity of air at where ( ) is the heat capacity of hot air in kJ/kg/C at
constant pressure in kJ/kg, the temperature of the mixed air constant pressure as a function of temperature. If the specific
can be expressed as follows: heat capacity of the combustion air is taken as constant and
equal to , the difference in enthalpy can be approximated as
/ (12) the difference in enthalpy, per kg, of the air at and ,
multiplied by the flow of hot air from the mixing chamber ,

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

which can be calculated as . , as expressed by illustrated at Fig. 5 (d). The output data, which has been used to
Eq.(17) [4-5]. model the temperature of the exhaust gases, which also is
considered same as the temperature of processed fiber at the
. ( ) (17) outlet of the drying process, has been compared with
experimental data of the exhaust gases temperature as shown in
The output temperature modeling can be obtained by Fig. 6.
approximating the solution of (15) & (17) 170

Mixed air temprature


. . /( . . . (1 )) (18)

[ oC]



where is a constant . . . 0 500 1000 1500

2000 2500 3000

Time [sec]

Steam amount at dryer inlet



To verify the model of the drying process of bagasse fiber in 4000

MDF, the obtained results from the proposed model has been

compared with the experimental data from Nag-Hamady 0 500 1000 1500
2000 2500 3000

Fiberboard Company, Qena, Egypt, as shown in Figs. 4-6.

Coefficients of the proposed drying process model and process 144

Flash steam temprature

conditions were described in [9-17]. For each variable of the

[ oC]
drying process, a set of data which were taken during around
two hours have been illustrated as follows: The data set which 143
represents the inputs to the mixing chamber and its output 0 500 1000 1500
2000 2500 3000

temperature is illustrated in Fig. 4. The inputs have been used as 210

the experimental hot air temperature, as shown in Fig. 4 (a), the Exp.
Inlet air temprature
200 Model
experimental gate opening ratio, as shown in Fig. 4 (b), and the [oC] 190

fresh air temperature which has been taken around 27 . Figure 180

4 (c) represents the temperature of the resulting mixed air from 170
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
the mixing chamber. It is clear from the figure that, the (c)
Time [sec]
temperature of the mixed air is well expressed.
380 Fig. 5. Wet fiber temperature at the drying process inlet
Hot air tem prature

[ o C]

350 Exp.
340 95
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Hot air temprature at drying tube end

Gate opening ratio

[% ]

80 85


70 80
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
170 75
M ix ed air tem prature

[ o C]

160 70
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Time [sec]

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Time [sec]
Fig. 6. Temperature of processed fiber at drying process outlet

Fig. 4. Inputs & output of the mixing chamber.

Controlling drying process is critical to produce a good
Figure 5 shows the wet fiber temperature at the inlet of the product and to save energy losses, therefore this research is
drying process of the data sets. The figure illustrate how good ongoing on this field. Consequently, a mathematical model of
the proposed model is, comparing to the experimental data. bagasse fiber drying process based on industry practice has been
Figure 5 (a), (b), (c) represent the experimental mixed air discussed in this study. The model has been validated by
temperature, the amount of the steam at input of the drying tube, comparing the simulated result with experimental data from
and the temperature of the flash steam, respectively. The Nag-Hamady Fiberboard Company, Qena, Egypt. The obtained
resultant temperature of the inlet dry hot air to the drying tube is mathematical models of mixing chamber outlet air temperature,

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

and wet fiber temperature at the inlet of the drying process were Fiber density [kg/m3]
sufficient where the model of the processed fiber temperature at Air temperature []
the outlet of the drying process has to be modified which is one
Fiber surface temperature []
of the authors duties during future research.
Air velocity [m/s]
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Particle velocity [m/s]
The authors would like to thank Prof. Ahmed Mahmoud C Specific heat of wood fiber [J/kg/K]
Abdel-Ghany for his constructive cooperation during this study.
Prof. Abdel-Ghany works as a professor Mechanical d Fiber diameter [m]
Department in the Faculty of Energy Engineering, Aswan L Fiber length [m]
University, Aswan, Egypt. Now He works in the Agriculture
d Hydraulic diameter [m]
Engineering Department, College of Food and Agriculture
Sciences, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. h Heat transfer coefficient [W/m2/K]
Particle concentration by volume [kg/m3]
Heat conductivity of air [W/m/K]
c Specific heat capacity of the fiber, in [kJ/Kg. K]
a Opening ratio for hot air source damper [0-100 %] REFERENCES
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[2]. Technology manual operation Buttner document for Nag-Hamady
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energy demand in MDF production,Forest Products Journal, Vol.
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Optimization,Drying Technology International Journal, vol. 18,
N Refiner machine load [watt] pp. 1433-1448, Issue 7, 2000, Published online: 10 May 2007.
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Feb 2007.
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[6]. Kelvin M. ghapman , A study of Two Aspects of Medium Density
M Outlet fiber moisture from dryer [%] fiberboard manufacture , University of Canterbury. Chemical and
Inlet fiber temp to pre heater [] Process Engineering, Issue Date March 2004, Copyright 2002-
Outlet fiber temp from pre heater [] [7]. Allen, D.G.saefstroem,c.wiecke,p. Design aspects of modern MDF
Super heated steam temperature [] plants Appita journal, vol. 41(2),pp. 93-96,Mar 1988.
[8]. Don W. Green, Robert H. Perry: Perry's Chemical Engineers'
Resin temperature [] Handbook, Eighth Edition, Copyright 2008.
Mixing chamber outlet air temperature [] [9]. Pang. S.: External Heat and Mass Transfer Coefficients for Kiln
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Dryer inlet temp after flash process [] 14, pp. 859-871, Issue 3-4, 1996,Published online: Oct 2007
Exhaust air temperature [] [10]. ErikW. Aslaksen:Mathematical Model of a Flash Drying
Process,Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Industrial
Source Air temperature for, in [] Mathematics, vol. 2014, February 2014.
Ambient temperature [] [11]. International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research ISSN
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Humid air flow at exhaust [kg/h]
[12]. J. Zhou: EPSRC thermal management of industrial processes; Case
Hot air from source temperature [] Study: Thermal Design of a Biomass Drying Process Using Low
Water content in inlet air [kg/kg] Grade Heat from Steel Industry, Report Prepared by: SUWIC,
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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

New Tuning Approach of Discrete PI/PID Controller

Applied to Bitumen System Based on Non-Minimal
State Space Formulation

E. M. Shaban AR. Hamed

Faculty of Engineering, Jazan University, on leave from Mechanical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering (Mataria) Helwan University Faculty of Engineering Helwan University
Cairo, Egypt Cairo, Egypt

R. R. Darwish A. M. Abdel ghany

Mechanical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering Helwan University Faculty of Engineering Helwan University
Cairo, Egypt Cairo, Egypt

AbstractThis paper presents a new optimal tuning approach Alternatively, the current work examines non-minimal
for discrete PI/PID compensators via Linear Quadratic (LQ) cost state space (NMSS) form, in which the non-minimal state
function by exploiting non-minimal state space (NMSS) form. In vector is composed only of those variables which can be
this regard, first order discrete-time transfer function (TF) of directly measured and stored in the digital computer. Various
Bitumen system with samples time delays more than unity is authors have considered NMSS formulation, including Young
utilized to formulate the novel NMSS-PI/PID form. The & Willems [5], Young et al. [6], Hesketh [7], Taylor et al. [8],
approach then develops state variable feedback (SVF) control Gonzalez et al. [9] and Gawthrop et al. [10]. Some efforts
law for PI/PID implementation on Bitumen system, sited at have been intended for formulating state space model in order
INSUMAT Company. The work also introduces proportional-
to tune PID compensators with LQ cost function as in He et al.
integral-plus (PIP) control as a well-established model-based, full
state feedback control, when applied to the same Bitumen system,
[11] and Yu and Hwang [12], considering the error and
as benchmark. For consistent comparison, NMSS-PIP form is integral of error as the state variables. Furthermore, Das et al.
formulated using the same TF, then optimizing the PIP gains via [13] formulates a non-commensurate order state space model
LQ cost function. Here, the Bitumen temperature should not while considering the error signal and its fractional order
exceed 5% of the specified temperature (90oC 180oC) in order differ-integral as the state variables. However, this paper
to achieve an accepted properties for the produced material. develops a novel formulation of NMSS model which suits
Moreover, overshoot behaviour is not allowed in order to avoid PI/PID controller design (NMSS-PI/PID), for which the
self-ignition for the vapor inside the Bitumen tank. Simulation NMSS vector is composed of three elements (the integral of
results verify the applicability of the new discrete PID approach. error, the error and the difference of error). Optimization in
Also both discrete PID and PIP control show satisfactory steady terms of LQ cost function is used to find the optimum SVF-
state response with good control action, with little significant PI/PID gain vector that satisfies weighting criteria.
improvement of PIP over new approach of discrete PID control.
The paper shows successful implementation onsite for the two Regarding PIP controller, the dimension of the NMSS
controllers, for which all the control design criteria are met. vector depends upon the structure of the discrete-time TF, for
which its elements are the present and past sampled values of
Keywordsdiscrete PID control, proportional-integral-plus the output variables and the past sampled values of the input
(PIP) control, non-minimal state space (NMSS), Bitumen tank variables [1]. Successful applications include environmental
systems [14], heavy construction machinery [15], nuclear
I. INTRODUCTION decommissioning robots [16], navigation of ground vehicle
[17] and temperature system [18].
The state space formulation is, perhaps, the most natural
approach for use with digital controllers, since it allows for the The industrial Bitumen system established in 1994, sited at
implementation of state variable feedback (SVF) control [1]. INSUMAT Company, is used as a practical demonstrator in
One major difficulty is that it is not measureable; therefore which the two proposed controllers are implemented for
researchers developed state observer to generate a surrogate verification of the novel NMSS-PID control and comparison
state vector which converges asymptotically to the true state with the PIP controller. The demonstrator is a temperature
vector [2], e.g. Kalman filter [3] and Luenberger observer [4]. system in which the Bitumen is heated to a certain set point
priori to mixing process, see Fig. 1. The heating process of

978-1-5090-0217-7/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 52

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Bitumen is performed by means of hot oil (265oC) [19]. and estimation of a suitable linearized model of the Bitumen
Overshoot is not allowed to avoid self-ignition of the vapor system to the real-time implementation of the final control
inside the tank [20-22]. law. Therefore, as a first step, it is required to find a single-
input single-output representation of the dynamic behaviour of
the Bitumen system based on discrete-time TF model. In terms
of backward shift operator, z 1 , this TF model takes the form

B ( z 1 )
yk = uk (1)
A( z 1 )
Fig. 1. Typical control process of Bitumen temperature at INSUMAT
Company, Tamouh Egypt.
where yk is the output variable (Bitumen temperature), u k is
The control process of the Bitumen temperature is carried the control input (percentage of the valve opening) and
out by controlling the flow rate of the hot oil via three-way
valve. Here the control action manipulates the opening of the
valve by means of AC motor with potentiometer. As shown in A(z 1 ) = 1 + a1 z 1 + a2 z 2 + " + an z n
Fig. 1, a temperature sensor (PT100) is used to complete the (2)
closed loop feedback control system. B (z 1 ) = b1 z 1 + b2 z 2 + " + bm z m

The Bitumen tank had been repaired in 2014, consequently in which a1 " an and b1 " bm are the TF parameters.
the former KFM-PID controller failed to cope with the new
dynamic behaviour. There is a steady state error of 10% Data based modeling is utilized to identify the appropriate
with about 120 minutes of settling time, see Fig. 2. The structure for the TF (1) and estimate the TF parameters. The
manual tuning of KFM-PID controller is chancy, since algorithm of simplified refined instrumental variable [23],
Bitumen is a petrochemical substance. combined with Young Identification Criterion (YIC) and the
coefficient of determination RT2 , is implemented using
CAPTAIN toolbox [24] and reveals that a TF with first order
and one numerator with three samples time delay provides an
acceptable description of Bitumen system [19], i.e.

b3 z 3
yk = uk (3)
1 + a1 z 1

The estimation process declares that a1 = 0.972 and

Fig. 2. The response of Bitumen system using KFM-PID controller after tank b3 = 0.0696 , at YIC = 11.6 and RT2 = 0.98 . The Bitumen
amendments, showing the unacceptable steady state error, February 2014 [19].
system shows relatively slow dynamics and the opening value
The contribution of this paper is developing an optimal of the valve is 70% every 1 minute, therefore the sampling
tuning approach for PI/PID gains via LQ cost function by rate had been chosen to be 0.25 sample/minute [19].
formulating a novel NMSS-PI/PID representation of discrete-
time TF. As a benchmark, the work introduces the NMSS-PIP III. DISCRETE PI/PID CONTROLLER DESIGN
control methodology. For consistency, an optimal tuning of
SVF-PIP gain vector is developed via LQ cost function. A. NMSS-PI/PID representation
There are many different structures to implement discrete
II. HARDWARE/SOFTWARE SETTING AND PID controllers. The most common structure is depicted in
BITUMEN SYSTEM MODELING Fig. 3 for which the proportional, integral and derivative
The original KFM-PID controller was replaced with compensators {k P , k I , k D } are placed into the path of the
computer. The computer is connected with a motored three- error, ek = rk yk . Here, the SVF-PID control action is
way valve, which serves as an actuator, and a temperature
sensor (PT100), which serves as a feedback element, via
LabJack (UE9). The actuator is normalized as a percentage
from 0 (fully closed) to 100 (fully opened) to manipulate the uk = k I
1 z 1
( )
+ k P ek + k D 1 z 1 ek
flow rate of the hot oil. All the detailed explanation for the
hardware/software setting is documented by Hamed et al. [19]. zk (4)
The control system design for both approaches is carried = [k I kP k D ] ek
out entirely in discrete-time, starting from the identification ek

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

for which x k = [z k ek ek ]T is the feedback state vector, 1 a1 0 b3

F = 0 a1 0, g = b3 , h = [0 1 0] (8)

given that ek is the error state, ek is the difference of error
state and z k is the integral of error state. Note that SVF-PI 0 (a1 + 1) 0 b3
control action can be achieved by discarding the derivative
compensator k D and its state ek in (4). The definition (8) describes the NMSS-PI form due to the
existence of the zero-column in the state transient matrix F .
In order to derive the NMSS-PID form, consider the first and
rk second difference of the error state of model (5) as
ek kI
+ k p + k D 1 z 1 ) uk ( )
B z 1 yk
1 z 1 A(z ) 1

ek =
b3 z 1 1 z 1 )u k
1 + a1 z
Fig. 3. The conventional structure of discrete PID controller when applied to 2
ek =
b3 z 1 1 z 1 )u

the Bitumen system. 1 + a1 z 1
Consider a unity output feedback system shown in Fig. 3. The numerators of both equations in (9) approach zero as
Here, as reported in He et al. [11] and Das et al. [13], the
external set point does not affect the result and therefore it is the system approaches steady state ( z 1 1 ), therefore it is
possible to assume that
possible to place rk = 0 . Thus the closed loop system is
reduced to a regulator problem [26, 27], where it is assumed
that the major disturbance is the change in the reference 2 ek = ek
signal. Consequently, the error signal is given by ek = yk . (10)
= (a1 + 1)ek 1 b3 u k 1
Given the feedback state vector of the PID controller (4), it
is expected that the matrices of the NMSS-PID form is of third Given that 2 ek = ek ek 1 , then equation (10) gives
order. This is not possible since the model (3) has three
samples time delay. The new approach suggest introducing an
intermediate input uk , for which u k = z 2 u k . Therefore, the ek = (a1 + 1)ek 1 b3 u k 1 + ek 1 (11)
TF (3) becomes y k = b3 z ( 1
1 + a1 z 1
)u k . Consequently,
The other two elements of the non-minimal state vector can be
derived from (11) as
b3 z 1
ek = uk (5)
1 + a1 z 1 ek = a1 ek 1 b3 u k 1 + ek 1 (i)
z k = z k 1 a1 ek 1 b3 u k 1 + ek 1 (ii) (12)
The three elements of the non-minimal state vector can
ek = (a1 + 1)ek 1 b3 u k 1 + ek 1 (iii)
now be derived from (5) as follows
A new definition for The NMSS form (7) can be now
ek = a1 ek 1 b3 u k 1 (i) constructed from (12) as
z k = z k 1 + ek
(ii) (6)
= z k 1 a1 ek 1 b3 u k 1 1 a1 1 b3
ek = ek ek 1
F = 0 a1 1, g = b3 , h = [0 1 0] (13)

= (a1 + 1)ek 1 b3 u k 1 0 (a1 + 1) 1 b3

The set of equations (6) reveals the following NMSS form,

The definition (13) presents the NMSS-PID form in which
the three PID gains can be optimized using LQ cost function.
x k = F x k 1 + g u k 1
(7) B. PI/PID-LQ optimization
yk = h x k
One possible approach to calculate the control gain vector,
k = [k I k P k D ] , is the optimal state variable feedback
Recalling that x k = [z k ek ek ]T is the feedback state control which minimizes the Linear Quadratic type of
vector. The three dimensional state transient matrix F , input performance criterion, i.e.
vector g and command input vector h are defined as follows

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

The PIP control law is then takes the usual SVF-PIP form,
[ ]

J = xTk Q x k + R u k2 (14)
k =0
uk = k xk (19)
Here, Q is a weighing matrix of states and R is a scalar
for weighing the control action. The weighing state matrix is
Q = diag [q z q e q e ] , where qe is the error weighting,
where k = k p [ ]
k u1 ku2 k I is the SVF gain vector. The
SVF-PIP control (19) can be implemented as shown in Fig. 4,
whereas q z and qe are the weighting on the integral of error where it can be considered as one particular extension of the
and difference state variables z k and ek respectively. PI controller, where the control action is enhanced by the
higher order forward path compensators k u (z 1 ) , where,
Given the NMSS-PI/PID system description {F, g} , the
weightings Q and R ; the SVF-PI/PID gain vector can then
be obtained recursively using Algebraic Riccati Equation ku (z 1 ) = ku1 z 1 + ku2 z 2 (20)
(ARE) [28], derived from the cost function (14) as follows,

k = g T P (i +1) g + R ]
1 T
g P (i +1) F
rk ek kI uk ( )
B z 1 yk

P (i ) = F T P (i +1) [F g k ] + Q 1 z 1 A(z )

k u ( z 1 )
for which P is a symmetrical positive definite matrix, with
initial value P (i +1) = Q , and k is the control gain vector. kp

IV. PROPORTIONAL INTEGRAL PLUS (PIP) CONTROLLER DESIGN Fig. 4. The typical structure of PIP controller.
The Proportional-Integral-Plus (PIP) controller approach is
firstly introduced by Young and Wang [29] in which the Since PIP exploits the power of SVF within the NMSS
control system design is carried out entirely in discrete time, setting, NMSS-PIP control is inherently much more flexible
starting from the identification and estimation process of a and sophisticated, allowing for optimization in terms of ARE-
suitable linearized model (3) to the real time implementation LQ cost function (15). Here the state weighting matrix
of the final control law. One of the main features of PIP
methodology is the utilization of NMSS form, in which the
Q = diag q y [ qu1 qu2 qz .]
NMSS vector is composed of those states that can be
measured directly and stored for the use of control law, see V. COMPARISON BY SIMULATION
Fig. 4. Recalling that the states are the present and past
A comparison between PID and PIP controller had been
sampled values of the output variable, the past sampled value
carried out by Dixon et al. [30] and Shaban and Nada [31] in
of the input variable and the integral of error, the NMSS
which the comparison took place using different design
formulation of model (3) is
methods; they are frequency domain technique based on the
Nichols chart and a model-based, full state feedback approach.
x k = Fx k 1 + gu k 1 + dy d ,k However in this paper, a consistent comparison between the
(16) two controllers is considered. In this regard, a model-based
y k = hx k SVF is exploited within the NMSS setting which allows for
optimization in terms of ARE-LQ cost function for both
for which the matrix F , and the vectors g , d and h are discrete PID and PIP controller. A simulation for the tracking
defined as follows [1], test and input/output disturbance rejection tests are shown in
Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 respectively, when applied to the discrete
time TF model (3) of the Bitumen system.
a1 0 b3 0 0 0 The tracking test, Fig. 5, shows acceptable response for
0 0 0
0 0 both approaches with zero steady state error at all stages; also
F= , g = , d = , faster settling time for PID approach is noticed at the
0 1 0 0 0 0 (17)
beginning by about 4 samples (~16 minutes). In terms of
1 0 b3 1 0 1 control action, PIP controller shows superior performance
h = [1 0 0 0] over PID controller which suffers from some noisy behaviour.
Regarding input/output disturbance rejection test, Fig. 6, PIP
Here, the n + m non-minimal state vector x k is controller shows better performance regarding retrieving zero
steady state error quickly as well as its efficient ability to
withstand input disturbance due to the two input compensators
x k = [yk u k 1 u k 2 z k ]T (18) ku1 and ku2 .

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt


Bitumen temperature, y k
TF model response, yk

100 100

50 NMSS-PID method 60 PID controller

NMSS-PIP method 40 PIP controller
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 50 100 150 200 250 300

100 100
Control input [%], uk

Control input, uk
80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Samples [0.25 sample/min]
Samples [0.25 sample/min]

Fig. 5. A simulation showing tracking test of PID controller versus PIP Fig. 7. Onsite practical comparison between NMSS-PID and NMSS-PIP
controller when applied to the TF model (3). controllers when applied to the Bitumen system.

Bitumen temperature, y k
TF model response, yk

100 100

80 Output
20% output
50 60
disturbance PID controller
NMSS-PID method 40 PIP controller
NMSS-PIP method
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Control input, uk
Control input [%], uk

20% input 80
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Samples [0.25 sample/min]
Samples [0.25 sample/min]

Fig. 8. Onsite practical comparison between NMSS-PID and NMSS-PIP

Fig. 6. A simulation showing 20% input/output disturbance rejection test of controllers when applied to the Bitumen system in case of output disturbance.
PID versus PIP controller when applied to the TF model (3).
Bitumen temperature, y k

This section illustrates typical onsite implementation of the 120
new NMSS-PID approach with comparison to NMSS-PIP
when both are applied to the Bitumen system. As shown in PID controller
Fig. 7, both controllers provide satisfactory closed loop 80
PIP controller
performance in which all the control criteria are met. However 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
PID control action suffers from noisy behaviour. Regarding
settling time, contrary to the simulation study, PIP controller 60

shows faster settling time by 2 samples (~ 8 minutes).

Control input, uk

40 Input
Two other practical tests were performed for both disturbace

controllers; they are output and input disturbance rejection test 20

which are shown in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 respectively. For the
given disturbances, both controllers reveal the zero steady 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
state error in a reasonable time with satisfactory performance. Samples [0.25 sample/min]
However, PIP controller still has superior performance
regarding control action. This may be due to the enhancement Fig. 9. Onsite practical comparison between NMSS-PID and NMSS-PIP
provided by the higher order compensators k u (z 1 ) . controllers when applied to the Bitumen system in case of input disturbance.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Mechanism Design with Computational


Samuli Piipponen Eero Hyry

School of information sciences School of information sciences
University of Tampere University of Tampere
Tampere, Finland, P.O Box 617, FI-33014 Tampere, Finland, P.O Box 617, FI-33014
Email: Email:
Telephone: +358 50 3465002 Telephone: +358 50 3185855

AbstractThe configuration spaces (c- of the mechanism where the rank of its con-
space) of mechanisms and robots can in many straint map drops. Here we present more precise
cases be presented as an algebraic variety. definition by means of algebraic geometry and
Dierent motion modes of mechanisms and give also criteria to find out whether the c-space
robots are usually irreducible components of the mechanism has singularities and also to
of the c-space and their union the whole c-
space. Singularities of the variety correspond
compute them if needed. On the other hand,
usually (but not necessarily) to intersections singularities are not desirable since if you do
of irreducible components/motion modes of not have an idea where singularities are located
the configuration space. If the mechanisms in the c-space then dynamical simulation of
purpose is to perform several tasks and it the mechanism may prove dicult since stan-
contains closed kinematical loops then the dard DAE-solvers can not handle singularities.
tasks are usually dierent motion modes of In fact these types of mechanisms and their
the mechanism connected by singularities in constraints are often used when testing and
c-space. This means that in order to switch comparing dierent DAE-solvers [8].
the mechanism from one task to an other the
mechanism needs to go through a singularity But on the other hand if you want to de-
in c-space. Now there are dierent kinds of sign your mechanism to perform several tasks
singularities and our main purpose here is
introduce concepts and tools which allows
which are represented by irreducible compo-
to investigate and design the properties of nents/motion modes Vi of the c-space V then in
these singularities. The concepts related to order to move your mechanism from one mode
singularities and their properties are well to another it needs to go through a singularity
understood in algebraic geometry and the in c-space. If one is able to design a mechanism
advances in computational algebraic geom- in such way that the singularities are a priori
etry and commutative algebra allows us ac- known a dynamical simulation can be done
tually investigate and design these proper- using the generators of each component sepa-
ties if necessary. KeywordsMechanism the- rately. Then in order to switch from one mode
ory, Robotics, Kinematical analysis, Compu- to another it is possible to design a tailored
tational algebra, Algebraic geometry
switching criteria based on the location and
nature of singularities on c-space V. This topic
will also be one goal of our future research.
I. Introduction
The crucial fact in our analysis is that the The singularity problem and analysis is
ideal joints constraints appearing in engineering therefore at the same time particularly impor-
can always be formulated as a set of polynomial tant, but also dicult area of mechanism design
equations, say, f1 = 0, . . . , fk = 0 which in turn [2], [3], [9], [17], [14], [13]. In past the singularity
span the constraint ideal I = f1 , . . . , fk A problem and analysis has proven to be partic-
in the polynomial ring A. This means that the ularly dicult because previously c-spaces has
c-space is an algebraic variety V(I ) and thus been considered as smooth manifolds, which by
algebraic geometry and commutative algebra definition do not posses singularities or as ana-
provide exactly the right framework for the lytic varieties for which constructive computa-
analysis and design of the c-space. tional algorithms are rarely available. However
in case of algebraic varieties the singularities are
The goal of this article is to find and analyze both well understood and and moreover they
c-space singularities of mechanisms and robots. can be eciently computed and analyzed by
Intuitively a singularity is a point in the c-space computational algebraic geometry. 58
978-1-5090-0217-7/15/$31.002015 European Union
ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Especially we mean to develop this method B. Singularities

further to a working design method of such
mechanisms and robots. This kind of care- Definition 2.1 (Tangent space): Let
ful analysis of kinematics of mechanisms and I = f1 , . . . , fk be an ideal and let us
robots is extremely important for example in denote by f = ( f1 , . . . , fk ) the map defined by
space exploration since the autonomous ma- the generators. The dierential (or Jacobian)
chine can not be maintained and fixed after of f is then denoted by d f , and its value at
they have begun their mission [16]. p is d f p . Let us suppose that I is a prime
ideal. Then the tangent space of the variety
Suppose for example that the mechanism V = V(I ) at p is
has two 1-dimensional modes V1 and V2 and
its c-space V = V1 V2 is connected by singu- TpV = {z Kn | d f p z = 0}.
larity p = V1 V2 . Now in a generic case the
modes V1 and V2 intersect non-tangentially at Note that by definition TpV is a vector space so
p so that Tp V1 Tp V2 = {(p, 0)} in the tangent its dimension is well defined.
bundle T V. So there is no regular curve (regular
motion) connecting the modes. Hence in order Definition 2.2 (Singular points): A point
to change the task from V1 to V2 we must p V is singular if dim(TpV ) > dim p (V ).
have a motion q : [t0 ,t2 ] 7 V (a smooth curve) Otherwise the point p is regular. The set of
connecting V1 and V2 at q(t1 ) = p, but in generic singular points of V is denoted by (V ).
case [1] the mechanism has to stop at p, that is
1 ) = 0 at p and the motion therefore cannot
q(t Recall that (V ) is itself a variety whose di-
be regular. In most of our computations in this mension is less than dim(V ). Hence almost all
article we have used a well established program points of a variety are regular.
Singular [11] for computations in algebraic ge- Let V = V1 V be the decomposition
ometry and commutative algebra. to irreducible components. Then there are ba-
sically two ways of a point p of a general variety
V to be singular: either p is a singularity of an
II. Mathematical Preliminaries irreducible component Vi or it is an intersection
point of two components. That is, the variety
We give some basic facts about algebraic of singular points is
geometry and computational commutative al-
gebra and refer to [4], [10], [5], [12] for more

detailed discussion. (V ) = (Vi ) Vi V j . (1)
i=1 i= j

A. Rings and ideals Once we have the irreducible decomposition

it is easy to compute the intersections (the
We denote the polynomial ring with coe-
second term in (1)). To compute the singular
cient field K as
points of irreducible components (the first term
in (1)) one needs the concept of Fitting ideals
A = K[x1 , . . . , xn ].
[6], [10].
whose element are polynomials depending on Let M be a matrix of dimension k n with
variables xi . The following facts about ideals entries in A. The th Fitting ideal of M, F (M),
I A in A are fundamental is the ideal generated by the minors of M.
If 0 we define F (M) = A and if > min{k, n},
(i) every ideal is finitely generated, i.e. it then F (M) = 0. Note that
has a basis with a finite number of
generators. F+1 (M) F (M) V(F (M)) V(F+1 (M)).

(ii) every radical ideal can be decomposed Now the variety V(F (M)) consists of the points
to a finite number of prime ideals: where the rank of M is less than . In particular
if F (M) = A then the rank of M is at least
I = I1 Is everywhere.
Let now f = ( f1 , . . . , fk ) : Kn 7 Kk be a
where each I is prime. This gives the map corresponding to the prime ideal I =
decomposition of the variety to irre- f1 , . . . , fk and let V = V(I ) be the correspond-
ducible components: ing irreducible variety. Let us suppose that
dim(V ) = n . The following result is usually
V(I ) = V( I ) = V(I1 ) V(Is ). called the Jacobian criterion. 59
ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Theorem 1 (Jacobian criterion): The p V1 V2 . The definition is based on the idea

singular variety of V is of reduction to the diagonal [7]. For this, note
( ) ( ) ( ) that the diagonal embedding
(V ) = V I + Fl (d f ) = V I V Fl (d f ) .
: Kn Kn Kn ,
In particular if I + Fl (d f ) = A then V is
smooth. (a1 , . . . , an ) 7 (a1 , . . . , an , a1 , . . . , an )

The number of minors in the Fitting ideal induces an isomorphism V1 V2

= (Kn ) (V1
grows quite quickly as a function of n and k. V2 ).
Hence sometimes it is very useful to find and Definition 2.4 (Intersection multiplicity):
analyze appropriate elimination ideals [4], [10], The intersection multiplicity of V1 and V2 at p
[15]. is
Finally one can ask how does the variety i p (V1 ,V2 ) = e( OV1 V2 ,(p,p) ),
look like locally. Unlike manifolds varieties where
dont have to be smooth or even locally Eu-
clidean. If p is a smooth point then naturally = (x1 y1 , . . . , xn yn ) K[x1 , . . . , xn , y1 , . . . , yn ]
the tangent space TpV can be thought of as the
best local approximation. In case of singular is the ideal of the diagonal (Kn ) Kn Kn .
points we need the concept of tangent cone C pV Fundamental theorem connecting multiplic-
which has the following properties ities of points of V to its tangent cone is
Definition 2.3 (Tangent cone): Suppose Theorem 2: Let V be a variety and denote
that V(I ) Rn is an algebraic variety and its multiplicity at p V by mult(V, p). Then
I = h1 , . . . , hl and let p V. The Tangent the tangent cone C p V and the variety V have
cone of V at p, denoted by C p (V), is the variety the same multiplicity at p
C p (V) = V( f(p,min) | f I(V)). mult(V, p) = mult(C p V, p).
The tangent cone has the following basic prop-
erties: The tangent cone gives the geometric picture of
the variety near its singular points. For example
if p is a smooth point then C pV = Tp V if we compute the irreducible decomposition of
the tangent cone at singularity by computing
dim(Cp V) = dim p (V).
the primary decomposition of its generators
Hence the tangent cone is the simplest possible we can get a clearer geometric picture of the
approximation of V in the neighborhood of p variety near the singularities. For example if
such that dim(C p V) = dim p (V). The generators the variety V is one dimensional and at singular
of the tangent cone can be obtained eciently point the cone is an union of lines intersecting
using Grobner basis techniques and the gener- at p
ated ideal will in fact be homogeneous [4], [10]. C p V = L1 L2 ,

C. Intersection multiplicity and singular points then near p the variety looks also like two in-
tersecting lines p. This can happen for example
Let p be a point of a subvariety for the plane curve V1 = V(y2 x2 ) or for the
V Km . Consider an ideal I OV,p with nodal curve V2 = V(x2 + x3 y2 ) which both
dimK (OV,p /I ) < . Then the Hilbert-Samuel have the same cone C0 V = V(y x) V(y + x)
function of I is at origin. Or for three leaved clover curve
HI (n) = dimK (OV,p /I n ) (n N). V3 = V((x2 + y2 )2 x(3y2 x2 )) the cone of V3
at origin is an union
It is known that there exists a polynomial PI (n)
such that HI (n) and PI (n) coincide for large C0 V3 = L1 L2 L3 ,
n. This polynomial is called the Hilbert-Samuel and the variety V3 will also look as three inter-
polynomial of I. It is of degree d = dim OV,p . The secting lines in a small neighborhood of origin.
leading coecient is e(I )/d!, where e(I ) is an
integer. We say that e(I ) is the Hilbert-Samuel III. Test problems
multiplicity of I .
A. Ordinary slider-crank mechanism
Let V1 ,V2 Kn be subvarieties. Then one
can define the intersection multiplicity of V1 Let us analyze few basic examples of mech-
and V2 at an irreducible component of the anism and count their multiplicities at singular
intersection V1 V2 . We restrict to the special points of intersections and try to determine
case where the irreducible component is a point the nature and tangency of singularities. The 60
ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

ring OV,0 O0 . The computation of the tangent

cone and it primary decomposition gives us

C0V = V(b1 , b2 , a1 + a2 ) V(b1 , b2 , a1 a2 )

= L1 L2 ,

which is now two intersecting lines a1 = a2 and

a1 = a2 in the plane b1 = b2 = 0 confirm-
ing our result about non-tangential intersec-
tion at q2 and about intersection multiplicity
i(V1 , V2 , q2 ) = 1.

B. Slider-crank mechanism of type 2

Let us then look at the slider-crank mecha-
nism whose end eector is restricted to move on
circles which osculate at origin. The constraint
Figure 1. Ordinary slider-crank mechanism with equal
link lengths.

constraint equations for the slider-crank mech-

anism in polynomial for are
p1 = s1 + s2 = 0, p2 = c21 + s21 1 = 0
p3 = c22 + s22 1 = 0.
The constraint ideal is thus I = p1 , p2 , p3 so
let us analyze it in
Q[c1 , s1 , c2 , s2 ]
Now we can compute
Figure 2. The slider-crank mechanism where the end
I = I = I1 I2 . eector is constrained to union of osculating circles.

The modes V(I1 ) and V(I2 ) are clearly smooth equations for the mechanism are
so the singularities are intersections of the two
modes and we have p1 = c1 + c2 x = 0, p2 = s1 + s2 y = 0
(V) = V(I1 + I2 ) = {(0, 1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1)} p3 = ((x 1)2 + (y 1/2)2 1/4)
= q1 q2 ((x 1)2 + (y + 1/2)2 1/4) = 0
Let us then define ideals p4 = c21 + s21 1 = 0, p5 = c22 + s22 1 = 0

i1 = a1 + a2 , b1 + b2 , 2b2 a22 b22 The equation p3 = 0 is clearly the constraint for

the end eector to move on the union of two
i2 = d1 d2 , e1 + e2 , 2e2 d22 e22
circles with radius 1/2 and centers at (1, 1/2)
which correspond to I1 and I2 after q2 is and (1, 1/2). See Figure 2. The constraint
transferred to origin. Next we compute the sum ideal is thus I = p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 , p5 so let us
J = i1 + i2 and compute the localization of analyze it in
quotient ring A/J in the localization O0 of
Q[c1 , s1 , c2 , s2 , x, y]
A = Q[a1 , b1 , a2 , b2 , d1 , e1 , d2 , e2 ]
Now we can compute
In OA/J we define the ideal
p1 , . . . , p5 = I = I = I1 I2 .
= a1 d1 , b1 e1 , a2 d2 , b2 e2 OA/J .
and compute its Hilbert polynomial from which The singular points are again intersection of
we get intersection multiplicity i(V1 , V2 , q2 ) = 1. two modes V(I1 ) and V(I2 ) which represent
the motion where the end eector is constrained
Let us again transfer q2 to origin and investi- to move on one of the circles. A quick check us-
gate the intersection of the modes at q2 at local ing Jacobian criterion proves that both modes 61
ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

V(I1 ) and V(I2 ) are smooth. The singular

points are thus

(V ) = V(I1 I2 ) = V(I1 + I2 )
= V(y, x 1, 4s22 3, 2c2 1, s1 + s2 , c1 + c2 1)
= k1 k2 .

which is can be seen from the figure and con-

struction. The two choices of s2 correspond
to two position of the mechanism from which
other one is reflection of the mechanism about
x-axis in Fig.2. Lets look at the mechanism
then locally at point
Figure 3. The slider-crank mechanism where the end
k1 = (1/2, 3/2, 1/2, 3/2, 1, 0). eector is constrained to move on the union of quadri-
folium and a line. The line intersects quadrifolium at
As before we make coordinate transformation
in which k1 is origin and investigate the ideals
C. A non generic situation
i1 = b1 + b2 y1 , a1 + a2 z1 , y21 + z21 y1
Let us finally analyze bit more complicated
, 2b2 y1 + 2a2 z1 + 2a2 + ( 3 1)y1 z1 slider-crank mechanism whose end eector is

, a22 + b22 + a2 + ( 3)b2 restricted to the union of a line V(y (x 1))
and the quadrifolium curve shown in Figure
i2 = e1 + e2 y2 , d1 + d2 z2 , y2 + z22 + y2
3. The constraint equations for the mechanism
, 2e2 y2 + 2d2 z2 + 2d2 + ( 3 + 1)y2 z2 are

, d22 + e22 + d2 + ( 3)e2 , p1 = c1 + c2 x = 0, p2 = s1 + s2 y = 0
which correspond to I1 and I2 after coordi- p3 = (y x + 1)(((x 1)2 + y2 )3 4(x 1)2 y2 ) = 0
nate transformation. Next We compute the sum p4 = c21 + s21 1 = 0, p5 = c22 + s22 1 = 0
J = i1 + i2 and the localization of the quotient
ring A/J in the localization O0 of Again we can compute

p1 , . . . , p5 = I = I = I1 I2 .
A = Q( 3)[a1 , b1 , a2 , b2 , d1 , e1 , d2 , e2 , z1 , y1 , z2 , y2 ]
Now however the mode V(I1 ) is not smooth
In the localization of OA/J we define the ideal but has a singularity exactly at the point of
intersection of modes V(I1 ) and V(I2 ) which
= a1 d1 , b1 e1 , a2 d2 , b2 e2 is easy to check with Jacobian criterion and we
, y1 y2 , z1 z2 OA/J
(V1 ) = {t1 ,t2 } (V) = {t1 ,t2 ,t3 ,t4 } = V1 V2 .
The Hilbert polynomial of has multiplicity 2
The (x,y)-coordinates of the other two singular-
which indicates i(V1 , V2 , k1 ) = 2. Since V1 and
ities t3 and t4 are of course caused by the two
V2 are smooth and i(V1 , V2 , k1 ) = 2 we must
other intersections of the line V(y (x 1)) and
have tangential intersection of modes V1 and
quadrifolium V(((x 1)2 + y2 )3 4(x 1)2 y2 )
V2 at k1 .
seen in Figure 3. Let us again investigate the
If we again compute the tangent cone at k1 mechanism at the intersection t1
t1 = (1/2, 3/2, 1/2, 3/2, 1, 0).

C0V = V(a1 + a2 z, b1 + b2 y, 2a2 z 3y As before we set k1 to origin, make the proper
change of variables and investigate ideals i1 and
, 6b2 3z 3y, y2 ) = (L1 )2
i2 which correspond to I1 and I2 after change
of variables. The generators of i1 and i2 are
which is a doubled tangent line y2 = 0 in the fairly long so we will not write them down.
plane As before we form the sum J = i1 + i2 and
compute the localization OA/J of the quotient
T = V(6b2 3z, 2a2 z, 6b1 + 3z, 2a1 z), ring A/J in localization O0 of

and indicates the same result i(V1 , V2 , k1 ) = 2. A = Q( 3)[a1 , b1 , a2 , b2 , d1 , e1 , d2 , e2 , z1 , y1 , z2 , y2 ] 62
ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Next we form the ideal which enables us control its motion easier. Also
the ability to transit regularly between motion
= a1 d1 , b1 e1 , a2 d2 , b2 e2 modes means we do not necessarily have to use
, y1 y2 , z1 z2 OA/J . so much external forces to transit between its
The Hilbert polynomial of has multiplicity dierent mode.
4 which indicates i(V1 , V2 ,t1 ) = 4. Since V1
and V2 are smooth and i(V1 , V2 ,t1 ) = 4. As References
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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Modified Model Predictive Control for a Positioning

Mechanism with Harmonic Drive Gear
Esam. H. Abdelhameed*, Tarek Hassan Mohamed Makoto Iwasaki
Faculty of Energy Engineering, Aswan University, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Aswan, Egypt. Nagoya Institute of Technology Nagoya, Japan.

AbstractServo actuators, mechanisms used to produce or quality specifications, increasing productivity demands, and the
control motion in mechanical systems, provided with harmonic trend for every precise motion are control design challenges.
drives have been widely used in many applications such as Consequently, classic control algorithms are often insufficient
industrial precision positioning mechanisms. However, harmonic to control the process adequately and modern control
drives exhibit performance features more turbulent than that of approaches such as intelligent or adaptive ones should be
conventional gear transmissions. In order to adapt to the applied. This inadequacy of the classic control algorithms is one
increasing demand for high-precision motion, nonlinear friction of the motivations for the increasing interest in Model
forces and angular transmission error, which deteriorate the Predictive Control (MPC) as an adaptive methodology. On the
control performance of the positioning mechanism, should be
other hand, the MPC appears to be an efficient strategy to
compensated. In this study, a Modified Model Predictive Control
(MMPC), methodology has been proposed to improve positioning
control many applications in industry [7-13]. MPC has many
precision of a harmonic drive mechanism, i.e. transient advantages such as very fast response, and robust against
characteristics, based on forcing the manipulated output to track disturbance and parameters uncertainty. Moreover, MPC is an
a predesigned reference trajectory. The MMPC has been designed appealing solution to the control of constrained discrete-time
in order that, the effect of system disturbances could be reduced. nonlinear systems due to its ability to provide the optimal
Numerical simulations have been provided to validate the solution while respecting the given constraints i.e. MPC has a
effectiveness of the proposed scheme. The performance priori consideration of the constraints for computing the control
characteristics of the proposed scheme has been compared to action. In addition, MPC methodology can be recruited to
those obtained using the standard Model Predictive Control design controllers for variety of dynamical systems as control
(MPC) and conventional controllers. As a result, the proposed action prediction principles of the MPC does not depend on the
system possesses good transient response and good robustness in applied model type [14]. Furthermore, many theoretical and
face of system disturbances. applicable studies of MPC have been done [10, 15-16].
KeywordsPrecision motion control; Positioning mechanisms; In this study, design of robust controller for constrained
model predictive control; harmonic drive. discrete-time nonlinear systems using MMPC methodology
based on a reference trajectory, to make a gradual transition to
I. INTRODUCTION the desired set point, has been proposed. The MPC technique
In motion control, the current trends in the applicable new produces its optimal output derived from a quadratic cost
technologies demand ever-higher precision, productivity, and function minimization based on simplified model of the
accuracy of industrial positioning systems. Since the invention positioning mechanism. The technique calculates the optimal
of harmonic drive gearings (HDs) in the mid-50s of the last control signal while satisfying the given constraints over the
century, HDs have been widely used in a variety of output speed of the positioning mechanism. A comparison
applications, such as industrial and humanoid robots, and between the response of the proposed controllers and the
industrial precision positioning mechanisms due to its excellent traditional P-PI controller has been done. Simulation results
positioning accuracy, compact design, high single-stage proved the capability of the proposed controllers to provide a
reduction ratio, and high efficiency, zero backlash, back good performance comparing to P-PI controller.
derivability, and higher torque-to-weight ratio comparing to the This article has been organized as follows: in Section II,
conventional gear drive. [1-2]. Over the last decades, this area is modified MPC as a control scheme has been explained.
considered one of the most challenging research areas as the Configuration of the positioning mechanism, and control system
requirement for high precision positioning and high tracking specifications have been described in Section III. Control
accuracy, consequently, many researches have been done to system configuration has been clarified in Section IV. In
model the dynamic characteristics of the HD, design robust Section V, MPC numerical simulated results have been
controllers and compensate for the nonlinearities of the system illustrated to evaluate the proposed control performance. The
characteristics e.g. nonlinear friction forces, and transmission conclusions have been presented in Section VI.
compliance [2-6].
On one hand, most of industrial systems are, inherently
nonlinear. With the rapid developments in the applicable new MPC has proved as an appealing solution to the control of a
technologies, industrial systems nonlinearities, higher product wide range of applications in industry such as chemical process,
petrol industry, electromechanical systems and many other
* Corresponding author. IEEE member, Researcher in
Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, 2015/2016.

978-1-5090-0217-7/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 64

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

applications. MPC is a control strategy that provides solutions where, is the n-dimensional state vector, , , and are
for even linear or nonlinear systems. MPC schemes use linear system matrices with dimensions , 1 , and 1 ,
models of the controlled system to predict the system dynamics respectively. The internal model of MPC is used to predict the
with consideration of linear constraints on the system states and future plant output based on the past and current values of the
inputs and optimize the control actions accordingly. The inputs, outputs, and on the proposed optimal future control
strategy of this control approach for solving the control problem actions, in addition to the constraints. The controller current
based on repeated solution of an open-loop optimal control state, which consists of the plant model state variables and the
problem for a given state. The first part of the resulting open- manipulated variable, expressed in Eq. (1) and Eq. (2), is used
loop input signal is implemented and the whole process is during the operation of MPC controller as the basis for
repeated [17]. To summarize, MPC solves an optimization predictions. System model yields a state observer, which can be
problem at each control interval , this solution determines the used by MPC controller in order to estimate the values of
manipulated variables to be used in the plant until the next unmeasured states needed as the basis for control input
control interval 1. The MPC scheme is based on an explicit predictions, and to predict how the controller's proposed
use of a prediction model of the system response to obtain the manipulated variable adjustments will affect future plant output
control actions by minimizing an objective function. values. The controller updates its state automatically using the
Optimization objectives include minimization of the difference latest plant measurements, and then supply these values to the
between the predicted and reference response, and the control controller. The performance function to be minimized is given
effort subjected to prescribed constraints. The modified by Eq. (3), a standard GPC control law for a SISO LTI system:
configuration of the MPC control system is shown in Fig.1. The
standard configuration of the MPC control system can be , , , ,
explained as follows: the prediction has two main components,
the free response which being expected behavior of the output 1 (3)
assuming zero future control actions, and the forced response
which being the additional component of the output response where is the predicted output i.e. the predicted value
due to the candidate set of future controls. For a linear system, of plant output velocity at jth prediction horizon step,
the total prediction can be calculated by summing both of free is the reference value for plant output at jth prediction horizon
and forced responses, reference trajectory (a) signal is the target step, N1 and N2 are the lower and upper prediction horizons
values which the output should attain. The optimizer is used to over the output, Nu is the control horizon, , are
calculate the best set of future control action by minimizing a weighting factors at jth prediction horizon step to help in
cost function . The optimization is subject to constraints on competing objectives balance, and is the controlled input
both manipulated and controlled variables [17-18]. increment, defined as 1 as is the
controlled input. Moreover, the output predictions required to
be computed over the prediction horizon to calculate the
Cost Function optimal control input by minimizing above cost function as
Reference Trajectory
follows [19]:
Error Input (4)
Optimizer Plant
Reference + Output
Trajectory - where, 1 (5)
(a) Models
Solution of Eq. (3) gives the optimal sequence of control
Predicted output signal over the horizon N while respecting the given constraint.
Standard MPC The effectiveness of the MPC is demonstrated to be equivalent
to the optimal control [7-8]. Constraints over the control signal,
the output, and the control signal changing can be added to the
Fig. 1. MPC Modified Configuration cost function as follows:
The general object is to tighten the future output error to
zero, with minimum input effort. At any control interval k, the
cost function to be minimized is a weighted sum of two terms,
each focusing on a particular aspect of controller performance,
square predicted errors and square future control values. For
Generalized Predictive Control (GPC), let the state-space model
of a single input single output (SISO) linear time invariant (LTI)
system be given as: where , , , , , and are the
lower and upper limits of the controlled input, controlled input
1 (1) increment, and plant output, respectively.
In this study, to modify MPC controller principles, the
(2) manipulated variable is forced to track an additional reference
trajectory (b), as shown in Fig. 1, i.e. the internal model of MPC

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

is used to predict the future plant output based on the past and component model is illustrated in Fig. 3. Where is the motor
current values of a velocity reference trajectory as well as those inertia, is the total load inertia, and are the viscous
of the inputs, outputs, and the proposed optimal future control damping coefficients at the motor side and the load side,
actions. The modified performance function to be minimized respectively. is the driving torque applied by the AC servo
is given by Eq. (6): motor. The driving toque can be obtained as ,
where is the motor torque constant and is the input
, , , , , current to the motor. In this model, the system is analyzed as a
two-mass system with harmonic drive characteristics and the
HD is represented as a semi gray element with three ports that
(6) transmit the torque and angular motion seen by the WG, FS, and
CS. The WG is attached to the motor shaft, the load attached to
where is the reference trajectory for plant output FS, and CS is fixed i.e. the rotation of the circular spline
velocity at jth prediction horizon step, and is a weighting 0.0, the rotation of the motor shaft attached to the
factor at jth prediction horizon step. wave generator is represented by , and the load angular
position at the end side of the flexspline is represented by
III. SYSTEM DYNAMICS . With ideal motion transmission, ignoring the effects of
Actuators provided with harmonic drive has been widely friction, compliance, and kinematic error of HD, the behavior of
used in many applications such as industrial precision these three ports can be expressed by the following basic
positioning mechanisms. Components of the harmonic drive equations [21, 24-25]:
gearing is illustrated in Fig.2 (a), adapted from [20], which
consists of three components: a an elliptical shape wave (7)
generator (WG) made up of a rigid steel core, a flexspline (FS)
of an elastic thin walled made up of alloy steel with external / (8)
gear teeth at its open end, and a circular spline (CS) which is a
rigid internal gear. The circular spline has two teeth more than
1 (9)
those on the flexspline. The assembled harmonic transmission
system is shown in Fig. 2 (b) [2, 6, 21-22].
where is the resulting torque of the circular spline, is the
Actuators provided with harmonic drive normally controlled transmitted torque across the flexspline ( represents the load
by semi-closed feedback control, a current practice in industry, torque), is the resulting torque of the wave generator,
for controlling the load position based on motor shaft position.
Harmonic drives are special flexible gear transmission systems, provided by the servo motor, and is the reduction gear ratio.
consequently, they exhibits dynamic behavior more turbulent Equation (7) expresses torque balance around motor inertia,
than that of conventional gear transmissions. Conventional where Eq. (8) expresses torque balance around load inertia.
control techniques such as P-PI cannot meet the required Equations (10) & (11) represent the complete model of the
characteristics of the control system performance i.e. they are harmonic drive.
insufficient to compensate for neither the nonlinear disturbances
and therefore the optimal control accuracy corresponding to the _ (10)
apparent resolution cannot be attained in the load side [6, 23].
_ (11)
Circular Spline

where _ represents a dry frictional torque component at the
bearings of the wave generator, and _ represents a dry
Wave Generator frictional torque component at the load.

Circular Spline, CS

Flexspline, FS
Motor Torque, ,
(a) (b) Motor Position,
HD Load Torque,
Fig. 2. Harmonic Drive Gear (a) Components, and (b) Assembly. Semi gray Load Position,

The positioning mechanism provided with HD transmission [I] [Nm]

(system under study, is a FHA-8C-50-E200-C actuator with
metal disc load), can be described as a mechanism composed of Motor viscous friction Wave Generator, WG Load viscous friction
coefficient, coefficient,
an actuator (AC servo motor) with an encoder, a harmonic drive ,
gear for motion transmission, and an inertial load. In order to
simplify the description of the positioning device behavior and Fig. 3. Modeling Diagram of the Positioning Mechanism.
to derive the motion equations for the overall system, lumped

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

The HD can be represented as a damper and nonlinear where is the velocity sign function, determines the
spring, which can be expressed by the following equation: width of hysteresis, and are the transmission error and
the motor angle at the velocity reversal, and 2 is the level
(12) fluctuation after the non-stable region. is the bsolute value
of non-linear elastic deformation component during
where is damping coefficient of the HD, is the stiffness reversal of rotation direction.
torque of the HD, and is the transmission error angle, IV. CONTROL OBJECTIVES AND CONSTRAINTS
expressed as in Eq. (13) [5, 6, 24, 26].
In this research, from an input/output viewpoint, the plant
has a single input , which is manipulated by the controller,
(13) and has two outputs, one measured and fed back to the
controller, , and the other is unmeasured, . For high-speed
where is the synchronous component and is the nonlinear and high-precision positioning, specifications of the target
elastic component. The effects of and on the transmission position of the controlled object have been summarized in two
error angle was taken into consideration to improve the characteristics, the positioning accuracy and performance
accuracy of the static positioning. In this study, based on [24, settling time. At first, the positioning accuracy, variations of the
26], the general equation, which will be used to model the HD load position during multiple one-way positioning are within
as a non-linear spring characteristics, can be given as: 30 load arc-sec ( 1 3600 arc-sec), from the average
response of multiple load positioning. Second, positioning
(14) settling time, motor response is required to settle within 1500
motor arc-sec from its target during 0.25 sec. In addition, the
To consider the effect of the non-linear friction model at low applied reference current must stay within the range,
velocities, _ and _ were modeled as: | | 0.64 A. These specifications require a fast servo
response despite existence of plant disturbances and/or
tanch (15) constraints on plant input.
_ tanch (16)
The structure of the feedback control system to build a
positioning mechanism is described in this section. The angular
where is the motor angular velocity, is the load angular position is controlled using what is called cascade control
velocity, and , , , and are constants. The synchronous scheme which has two nested feedback control loops. In which
component can be expressed as a periodical pulsation for as there is a secondary (inner) control loop, velocity loop, located
follows [24]: inside the primary (outer) control loop, position-loop, as shown
in the Fig. 4 i.e. the controller of position-loop is used to
cos (17) calculate the set point for the velocity control loop.

where is the harmonic order for motor angular position, is

the amplitude of the harmonics, and is the phase of the Position Position Velocity Velocity Actual
harmonics. In [2], to study the dynamic behavior of the set point Error Position set point Error Velocity Position
complete harmonic drive system, the model of hysteresis will be +
Controller + -
combined with the wave generator and load dynamic models. +
Based on these nonlinear behaviors, can be expressed as
the following formula for the displacement after velocity Velocity-loop
reversal [5]:
. 2 | |
| |
. Fig. 4. Block diagram of a cascaded control scheme
| |
In this study, the proposed control scheme has used MPC as
the controller for the velocity control loop (inner loop), in which
the velocity error , actual motor velocity , and the
. 1 2 commanded velocity generated by the position loop (outer
(19) loop) are used as MPC inputs. The predicted control signal
has been used as the plant input. The modified MPC-based
1 2
control architecture is derived, and a velocity trajectory is
forwarded to the velocity-loop controller to force the velocity
to track this trajectory as stated in the introduction, shown in
| |, / (20) Fig. 5.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt


d/dt Maximum current 0.64 A
Maximum torque (related to load side) 3.3 load Nm
Maximum rotational speed (related to load 120 load rpm
Actuator side)
Position Modified
with HD Motor encoder resolution 8000 pulse/rev
+ Controller +- MPC
- Inertia of the motor (related to load side) 0.0074 kgm2
Inertia of the load 0.02126 kgm2
Torque constant 0.144 Nm/A
d/dt Reduction ratio 50

Fig. 5. Block diagram of the Proposed MPC 43.58


Motor Displacement [deg]

Numerical simulations have been carried out in order to trajectory

(Load Angle)
validate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. The 43.52

MATLAB/Simulink software package has been used for this 43.5

purpose. Parameters and specifications of the positioning 43.48
mechanism were described in [24, 26], as shown in TABLE I.
The MPC controller parameters are set as follows: 100 samples 43.46

prediction horizon, 20 samples control horizon, and 0.5 msec 43.44

sampling interval. Where the imposed constraints over the
control action are considered as: 0.64 A maximum control 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Time [s]
action, -0.64 A minimum control action. The results obtained Fig. 6. Motor angular positions
using the proposed controller have been compared with those
obtained using standard MPC and conventional P-PI control 43.6

technique, which is considers a cascade control scheme. The 43.58

parameters of the P-PI controller were optimized by trial and 43.56
error with consideration of the system stability, as follows:
312 rev/sec, the speed
Load Displacement [deg]

position proportional gain 43.54

proportional gain 0.0133 A/(rad/sec), the speed integral trajectory

(Load Angle)

43.52 P-PI
gain 0.1575 A/rad. Figures 6-10 show the simulation 43.5

results of the proposed schemes, values of the position reference MMPC

trajectory and the obtained motor angles are indicated in the 43.48

figures related to the load side i.e. /50 , and /50 , 43.46
respectively. It has been noticed from Figs. 6 and 7 that, the
reference and the actual motor and load positions are aligned
and good tracking performance has been achieved with the 43.42
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
modified and standard MPC controllers comparing to those Time [s]

achieved with the conventional P-PI controller. The resultant Fig. 7. Load angular positions
transmission error is shown in Fig. 8, the effectiveness of the
modified MPC is indicated from the minimization of the 0.02

transmission error comparing to standard MPC and P-PI 0

controllers. The control effort of the proposed modified MPC
controllers is leading those of the other controllers, as reported -0.02
in Fig. 9. Moreover, when evaluating the reproducibility of the
Transimission Error [deg]

control system, through calculating the positioning accuracy, as MMPC
(Load Angle)

shown in Fig. 10, there is no sufficient reproducibility since -0.06

there is a little variety of load performance. However, the
mechanisms reproducibility with the proposed MMPC, Fig. 10 -0.08

(c), are better than those with standard MPC, Fig. 10 (b), and -0.1
with conventional P-PI controller, Fig. 10 (a). It has been
noticed also that, although variations of the load position during -0.12
multiple one-way positioning is within 1500 motor arc-sec
from the average response of multiple load positioning, a finite -0.14
0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
steady state error appears in the load position. This error can be Time [s]

explained because of the nonlinear characteristics of the Fig. 8. Transmission Error

harmonic drive gear.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

is robust against the nonlinear characteristics of the positioning
0.8 0
mechanism and achieved a better performance in comparison of
P-PI classical P-PI controller. In addition, the motor position was
0.6 MPC
settled at the target position, whereas, the effect of the nonlinear

characteristics of the harmonic drive gear were a problem lead
to a finite steady state error in the load position. Therefore, the
Reference Current [A]

0.2 0.25 0.3 authors plan to modify the proposed control technique to
compensate for these effects in future research.

State vector of the system
Output vector of the system
-0.6 , , and State-space matrices
Motor inertia
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Time [s] Total load inertia
Fig. 9. Control Input Viscous damping coefficients at the load side
Viscous damping coefficients at the motor side
Driving torque applied by the AC servo motor
Load Displacement [deg]

Motor torque constant
(Load Angle)

Input current to the motor.
Motor shaft angular position
Load angular position
0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6
Motor angular velocity
Load angular velocity
Dry frictional torque at the wave generator bearings
Load Displacement [deg]

43.55 _
(Load Angle)

_ Dry frictional torque at the load.

Damping coefficient of the harmonic drive
Stiffness torque of the harmonic drive
0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 Transmission error angle
Synchronous component
Nonlinear elastic component
Load Displacement [deg]

Commanded velocity reference
(Load Angle)

Velocity reference Trajectory
0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6
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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Session III:
Information Systems and Software
Title: Page#

Adapting Balanced Score Card (BSC) technique to assess the 72

Egyptian Government Websites
Mai Mahmoud and Rasha Abd El Aziz

Software Release Planning Models: A Comparative Study 78

Asmaa H. Elsaid, Hamdy Ibrahim, and Hatem M. Abdul-kader

Evaluating Social Media Information Usage in Ranking the Web 84

A. S. Hashwa, N. El-Fishawy and S. M. Youssef

Efficient Dependable Rules Generation Approach for Data Quality 91

Asmaa S. Abdo, Rashed K. Salem, and Hatem M. Abdul-Kader

A GIS based-Modelling for Best Allocation of Voters Among 97

Polling Centers: Elections in Egypt Case Study
Ali Amasha, Dina El-Sayed Ibrahim, and Safaa Hassan

Decreasing ERP Implementation Failure in Egypt 106

George Sharmokh Wanas, Ali H. El-Bastawissy, and Mona Ahmed Kadry

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Adapting Balanced Score Card (BSC) technique to

assess the Egyptian Government Websites

Mai Mahmoud Rasha Abd El Aziz

Business Information Systems Department Business Information Systems Department
College of Management and Technology, Arab Academy College of Management and Technology, Arab Academy
for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport
Alexandria, Egypt Alexandria, Egypt

Abstract this research seeks to assess the 27 Egyptian of the country. Egypt has a potential to be a rich country but it
governorates website services and activities using an adapted suffered from autocratic ruling hierarchy in the past three
modified balanced scorecard. It utilizes a content analysis decades, which did not permit a space of freedom or economic
strategy to get deep insight into the structure and performance of opportunity or prosperity to reach the mass of population.
the 27 different Egyptian governorates websites according to the After the 25th revolution the government operates the country
different criteria allocated into the four perspectives of the with a totally different strategy which views the achievement
modified balanced scorecard. The presence or absence of each of citizens prosperity and welfare as one of its priorities, so
criterion is being analyzed and mapped into a frequency table according to that the Egyptian governorates websites should
and then a statistical analysis is performed and the description of be assessed for their performance effectiveness and efficiency
each website is being provided. It has found that the status of the and their ability to deliver better services with reduced cost
Egyptian governorate websites differ in terms of website
and time saving [3].
structure and design efficiency. Moreover, the governorate
websites were found to be lacking privacy and security, calendar With the high population, poor provided services because
of important governorate events and do not promote active of employees lack of professionalism, long queues, dilemma
citizen participation. of paperwork and working hours; the Egyptian government
Keywords E-government; balanced scorecard; evaluation has launched different Egyptian Governorates websites which
criteria exposes the efforts of providing news, information and
services to the citizens of each governorate, The Development
of the web sites is not self-sufficient, it is supposed to be
Over the last decades, the Internet and the World Wide monitored and evaluated for their performance according to
Web has played a significant role in consolidating different perspectives each contains a set of various criteria to
governmental operations and the government interaction with be able to map these websites to the appropriate e-
the citizens, businesses and with each other which results in government maturity level.
improved provision of citizens services, internal business
efficiencies, citizens participation in the democratic process II. LITERATURE REVIEW
and cost reduction [1].
Accordingly, many governmental units have realized the A. Local Government
importance of their online presence and started launching their Local governments are the main point of contact for
own portals to create a one-point access to all the offered and delivery of services; they are the key players because what
available governmental services. One of those governments they do directly affects citizens more than the whole
was the Egyptian government as in the year 2004; the Ministry government [4, 5] Local governments are committed to work
of State for Administrative Development (MSAD) has taken with citizens and groups within the community to find
the responsibility for convenient delivery of government sustainable ways to meet their social, economic and material
services through the Egyptian government portal, which is needs to improve the citizens' life quality [6].
updated on a continuous basis. MSAD introduced new
channels to access and deliver governmental services for B. E-government
different segments of users such as Internet, landline phones,
E-government is now a main theme in the information
mobile phones and service providers. MSAD has also
society at all levels locally, nationally, regionally and globally.
developed websites for the 27 Egyptian Governorates, which
E-government became a basic element for successful
is considered a one-stop entry point to each governorates
implementation of different government policy targets. It
news, information and services provided to citizens.
changed the way the government functions to be ready to
Egypt is a developing country with a population of 94 adapt new and creative developments in order to be citizen
million [2] which are mainly centered in the northeast corner centralized [7]. E-government is defined in literature as a tool

978-1-5090-0217-7/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 72

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

where governments use the recent information and E. Local E-government Evaluation Criteria
communication technologies, especially web-based Internet Accessibility: According to[15]; [16]; [17]; [18]; [19]
applications, to offer citizens and businesses with easy accessibility refers to the website technical
accessibility to government information and services. This in compatibility and website loading speed
return would result in the improvement of governmental
services quality and greater chances to participate in Navigation: According to [17]; [18]; [19] the website
democratic institutions and processes [8, 9]. pages should be consistent in terms of layout, coloring
and terminology. The pages should be well organized
C. Balanced score card with a clearly structured navigation menu, site map and
It is a performance management assessment tool that internal search engine.
measures organizational performance through aligning and Public outreach: According to [17]; [18]; [15] the
integrating four different perspectives which are financial, website should provide adequate contact details.
customers, internal business processes, and learning and
growth. The Financial perspective is intended to assess the Privacy: According to [17];[18];[19];[15] a clear
financial performance of the company and determines how the privacy and security statement should be available on
company wants to be viewed by its shareholders. The the website and it should protect the citizen
customer perspective is intended to assess the customer information transition through a secure connection.
relationships Management by the company and how the Multilingualism: According to [15]; [19]; [18] the
company wants to be viewed by its customers. The internal website should support multiple languages and there
business process perspective is intended to assess the business should be consistency between the website and those
operations inside the company through which shareholders offered in other languages.
and customers satisfaction can be achieved. The learning and
growth perspective identifies the improvements and E-participation information Factor: According to [20]
modifications which the company needs to put into its the citizens should be able to access policy documents
consideration [10]. online through the website.
E-participation active Factor: According [19]; [18] the
D. Modified Balanced score card
website should promote the citizens participation
Morrison [11] has developed a modified balanced through the availability of polls, surveys, bulletin
Scorecard (BSC) through which the website effectiveness can boards, blogs, chats and e-forums.
be measured using four balanced perspectives, which are
technical, customer, internal and marketing. Each perspective
is being translated into a set of Critical success factors, which
represent criteria that a website must meet in order to be III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
effective [12]. The Technical perspective critical success The research adopted content analysis strategy which
factors include link check, HTML check, browser refers to a detailed and systematic examination of the contents
compatibility, load time, spell check and search engine of a particular area for the purpose of identifying patterns,
optimization. The Customer perspective critical success themes, or biases. Content analysis allows the researcher to
factors include ease of navigation components and ease of discover features in the content of large amounts of material
contact components. that is unnoticeable [21]. Using the content analysis will allow
the researcher get deep insight into the structure and
The Internal perspective critical success factors include the performance of the 27 different Egyptian governorates
internal functionality of the websites. Marketing perspective websites to understand and interpret the status of each website
critical success factors include the presence of content or according to the defined criteria and allocate the main
features related to website marketing. differences between them.
Morrison [11] also mentioned that the modified BSC This research is being guided using a modified balanced
approach has been tested since the late 1990s and found to be scorecard that evaluates the Technical perspectives, the
a reliable measurement instrument [13].The modified BSC is Citizen perspective, the internal process perspective and the
being implemented in assessing websites of different types of Marketing perspective of the Egyptian governorates website
hospitality and tourism businesses. Morrison and Taylor according to the different e-government website evaluation
[11]are the pioneers in using the modified balanced scorecard criteria.
method to evaluate the design and maintenance of a group of
small Scottish hotels websites, Yuan [14] used the modified
BSC to evaluate the marketing effectiveness of small A. Technical Prespective
wineries websites in a Mid-western U.S. state. Purnawan [13] Technical Perspective, where the Egyptian E-government
used it in assessing hotel websites of Singapore. website technical qualities is being assessed through two main
criteria, first, Accessibility which concentrates on the
download time of the website through a simple PSTN
connection, the availability links for downloading required
software which is necessary to view the websites content and
the website matches the first W3C (World Wide Web

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Consortium) accessibility level, number of bad links, HTML

errors, compatibility with different browsers and spelling
mistakes. Secondly, search engine optimization which checks
on which page the search results are shown and link popularity
which refers to the total number of websites link to this

B. Citizen perspective
Citizen perspective focuses on Egyptian governorates
websites user friendliness including ease of navigation and
site attractiveness and it indicates the presence or absence of
specific site features such as navigation, it is directly
connected to websites functionality and ease of use and ease
of contact (public outreach).

C. Internal Business Process perspective Fig. 1. Governorate Accessibility

Internal Business Process shown assesses the website's
functionality of the Egyptian governorates websites to satisfy B. Governorate Search Engine Optimization
the customers intensions through the provision of the online
services offered and its depth and breadth. The search engine optimization of a website tests the
earlier and more frequently a site appears in the search results
and how popular the websites pages as shown in Fig 2.
D. Marketing Perspective
Marketing Perspective assesses the ability of the Egyptian
governorates website to handle transactions online through
secured connection and save citizens data, the availability of
the website in the national language and others, the news and
information updates frequency, governorates event calendar
and the content and width of the information offered.

A content analysis was performed to measure the overall
performance of the Egyptian local e-government using a
modified balanced scorecard in terms of Accessibility, Search
engine optimization, Navigation, Public outreach, website
functionality, privacy, multilingualism, news and updating, Fig. 2. Governorate Search Engine Optimization
general content, specific content and E-participation.

A. Governorate Accessibility C. Governorate Navigation

Accessibility is an essential factor for any website to Being a navigational website measures the website user
operate, especially for E-government websites, being friendless and eases of use through the presence of well-
accessible means the websites usage is available for All organized and consistent navigational menu, consistency of
citizens regardless their age, origin, disability and social the websites pages font and coloring with a clear readable
status, short downloadable time, no HTML errors and broken text as shown in Fig 3.
links, compatibility with all browsers and links to Software
required to view the website content as shown in Fig1.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

F. Governorate Privacy
Governorate privacy checks the availability of privacy and
security statement on the website and the movement of the
data provided by the citizens using a secured connection as
shown in fig 6.

Fig. 3. Governorate Navigation

D. Governorate Public Outreach

Public outreach measures the availability of the
governorate contact details online including email and the Fig. 6. Governorate Privacy
ability to contact the elected representatives for requests as
shown in fig 4.
G. Governorate Multilingualism
Multilingualism checks the foreign languages the website
offers and the content completeness in each version as shown
in fig 7.

Fig. 4. Governorate Public Outreach

E. Governorate Internal Process

Governorate internal process measures the internal
capabilities of the website to satisfy the customer intensions Fig. 7. Governorate Multilingualism
through offering services operating in the right way as shown
in fig 5.
H. Governorate News and updating
News and updating measures the website updating
frequency and checks for the presence of news and the event
calendar as shown in fig 8.

Fig. 5. Governorate Internal Process

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

K. Governorate Overall Performance

The overall performance shows the average rate of the
overall performance of the websites depending on the different
criteria which are measured before as shown in fig 11.

Fig. 8. Governorate News and Updating

I. Governorate General Content

General Content checks the availability of detailed
information about the governorate mission, authority
priorities, messages from the authoritys representative, the Fig.11. Governorate Overall Performance
structure of the authoritys internal organization and services it
offers, GIS maps and links to other relevant websites as shown
in fig 9.
This study is the result of the adaptation of a modified
balanced score card for evaluating the websites of 27 Egyptian
governorates by following a content analysis strategy. The
modified balanced scorecard included four main aspects, each
contains one or more criterion translated into items that
addressed the general website features as well as the
governmental websites functionality characteristics.
The study revealed that there is a relatively big difference
in the status between one governorate and another. For
example, some governorates have very clear and well-
structured websites, while others have poor presence or even
no online presence. It was noticeable that most of the
governorate websites lack privacy and security, calendar of
important governorate events, and citizen participation.
Firstly, privacy and security, is considered a key factor
when delivering e-government services; as the government
Fig. 9. Governorate General Content holds the responsibility of protecting citizens' personal data
and promotes citizens' rights by the provision of an online
J. Governorate Specific Content privacy and security statement.
Specific content checks for the availability of e- Secondly, the calendar of events which is considered an
procurement services and job openings notices on the website access point to all events the governorate will hold during the
and information on governorate financial issues as shown in month and builds a general picture for the citizen on which
fig 10. events he/she can participate at.
Finally, the citizen participation is divided into information
factor and active factor. For the information factor, the
governorate policy documents were not available in most of
the websites and for the active factor there were not any e-
forums, blogs or chats that allow the citizen to express his
opinion in a specific topic. The governorate websites do not
promote democracy, which is nowadays one of the key aspects
for any country that seeks to follow the development wheel.

Fig.10. Governorate Specific Content

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Software Release Planning Models:

A Comparative Study
Asmaa H. Elsaid, Hamdy Ibrahim, Hatem M. Abdul-kader
Information System Department
Faculty of computers and information, Menofia University
Menofia, Egypt
stakeholders being feasible with available resources, and
AbstractSoftware release planning is a challenge task as
reflect existing dependencies between features [6].
it includes different stakeholder perspectives, competing
objectives, and different types of constraints. Additionally, It is difficult to clearly and completely define the
most of information is used during the process of software software release planning problem. Additionally, finding
release planning usually uncertain. Last few years, an optimal solution for this problem is a challenge.
significant progress has been made in software release Information related to software release planning problem
planning research. Many software release planning (SRP) is usually incomplete, inconsistent, and uncertain.
models have been proposed to address challenges Making balance between competing stakeholders
associated with software release planning problem.
demands and benefits for the developing organization
Comparing SRP models with respect to these challenges
will help in identifying which challenges are not or
according to available resources is the purpose of
partially addressed. These challenges need to be studied software release planning studies [1, 2].
by researchers. In this paper, a comparative study is There are many SRP models proposed in literature
proposed. In the proposed study, SRP problem and [7, 11]. These SRP models represent research efforts
solution spaces are explored, a number of comparison towards addressing challenges associated with SRP.
criteria representing key challenges associated with SRP SRP models can be classified into: some specifically
problem are identified, 22 well-known SRP models are targeted at the SRP problems while others are simply
identified and compared according to 11 comparison
requirements prioritization and selection models [9].
criteria using Weighted Score Method (WSM). Results of
the comparative study identify a set of challenges that are A study comparing current SRP models with
not or partially addressed and need more research and focusing on which challenges have been addressed and
investigation. to what extent will help in: (1) Identifying current
KeywordsSoftware release planning, Models, Weighted challenges that are partially or not addressed. (2)
Highlighting future research directions related to SRP
Score Method (WSM). and associated challenges. This paper presents a
Weighted Score Method (WSM) [3, 5] oriented
comparative study. The proposed comparative study
Last few years, researchers and practitioners paid aims at understanding SRP problem and context,
more attention to software release development because identifying, studying, and analysis of current SRP
of the increasing market demand of software systems, models, their process, advantages and disadvantages.
extensive use of technology in life, and increasing
awareness for the use of software products. Inefficient In this study, 22 SRP models have been compared
planning for developing a new software release may lead according to pre-identified 11 comparison criteria. The
to: (1) delaying or not including critical and key system proposed comparative study consists of four steps. The
requirements, (2) Overrunning time (i.e., the software first step starts with exploring SRP problem and context.
release will reach the market late) and budget, (3) The second step identifies a number of comparison
Stakeholders dissatisfaction because their critical needs criteria according to challenges associated with SRP
are not implemented in the release, and (4) loss in the problem and context. In the third step, current SRP
market share. models are explored identifying features of each model,
its advantages, and disadvantages. Finally, the fourth
Software release planning is the process of step applies WSM to compare 22 SRP models according
developing a plan for delivering a software release to the to 11 comparison criteria.
market. The software release planning includes selection
and assignment of requirements to create a sequence of The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section
consecutive product releases that satisfies stakeholders 2 discusses related work in particular pervious
needs, technical resource, budget, and risk constraints. A comparative analysis. Section 3 presents the proposed
good release plan should provide a maximum business comparative method and discusses its process (i.e. SRP
value by offering the best possible set of requirements in Exploration, Criteria Identification, SRP Models
the right sequence of releases, satisfy the needs of key Exploration, and Conducting Comparison). In section 4,
results of the proposed comparative study are presented.

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Finally, the conclusion for the proposed study is

presented in Section 5.
Multiple comparative studies for software release
planning have been introduced in this section. Each
study compares different software release planning
models by selecting the proper factors and key aspects
but not by viewing software release planning as a
complex problem that needs a structured approach for Fig. 1. Proposed Comparative Method.
analyzing and understanding it deeply and efficiently.
By depending on a structured approach in this study, objective of the proposed SRP comparative method is
software release planning researchers can find out defining a clear and well-structured comparison
challenges points that each model covered and to framework.
determine the topics of research that needs more
The proposed method helps researchers and
concentration in future.
practitioners to identify the SRP model(s) that best fit
In [8], existing release planning method based on with a specific SRP context. The proposed method can
key technical and non-technical aspects impacting be also used to select SRP models according to their
software release planning is evaluated. The most ability to address challenges associated with a SRP
relevant aspects of release planning are scope, time context. This can be achieved by selecting SRP model
horizon, objectives, stakeholders involvement, with the highest score in addressing challenges
prioritization mechanism, technological constraints, associated with SRP context. The application of the
resource constraints, system constraints, character and proposed method and meeting its objectives require
quality of solutions, and tool support. In [7], a answering the following research questions:
comparative analysis of existing models/approaches that
RQ1: What are the current well-known SRP models?
proved that most of the organizations are still using ad-
hoc approach for strategic Release Planning (RP) even RQ2: What are technical and non-technical
for their large products is presented. In [11], different challenges (i.e. comparison factors or criteria) that can
models and contribution of models of strategic RP be used to compare and evaluate these SRP models?
(requirements selection and packaging) presented in
academia and being used in Industry addition to the ones RQ3: What is the relative importance of these
presented in academia are studied. In [10], all strategic comparison factors or criteria?
release planning models, their degree of empirical RQ4: To What extent the current SRP models
validation, their factors for requirements selection, and address these challenges?
whether they are intended for a bespoke or market-
driven requirements engineering context are As shown in Fig. 1, the proposed SRP comparative
investigated. In [12], the various release planning method consists of four steps called SRP Exploration,
models and the factors considered by these models for Criteria Identification, SRP Models Exploration, and
feature selection are analyzed. Thirty two release Conducting the Comparison. These steps are iteratively
planning models are considered and taxonomy of applied to gather sufficient information about SRP
requirement selection factors is constructed. This study context and models required to determine a set of
assists software engineers in finding out the real factors challenges or comparison factors and accordingly SRP
that need to be considered in planning a release and to models will be compared and evaluated to determine the
assess the effect of these identified factors on a release best SRP model addressing these challenges. The
so as to plan releases efficiently and effectively. following sections briefly discuss these steps.

In the past comparative studies, a limited number of IV. SRP EXPLORATION

SRP models were compared with respect to a limited SRP exploration step aims at understanding the
number of criteria. Most of past studies did not explore software release planning context and possible
SRP problem and solution space as well as did not associated challenges. In SRP exploration, research
assign weight to comparison criteria. This makes past papers and case studies related to SRP problem have
comparative studies subjective. The comparative study been studied and analyzed to explore the SRP problem
proposed in the paper addresses these drawbacks. The space. Studying and analyzing of collected research
proposed comparative study uses WSM method to papers and case studies helps in the following:
compare 22 SRP models. This overcomes the
subjectivity of past comparative study. 1. Identifying the people (i.e. stakeholders) who are
directly or indirectly impacted by the software
The steps of the proposed SRP comparative method 2. Exploring stakeholders needs and their preferences
presented in this paper are shown in Fig. 1. The key of system features.
3. Identifying resources and different constraints for
each case study.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

4. Determining potential challenges associated with Information related to the identified SRP models was
each case study and corresponding importance level collected and analyzed to determine:
(i.e. weight).
1. Characteristics of SRP context at which the SRP
5. Identifying criteria (e.g., cost, effort, time) used for model was used.
selecting features implemented in a release [1, 6].
2. What are challenges addressed by the SRP model?
6. Identifying reasons behind the success and failure of
former SRP projects. 3. To what extent the SRP model addressed a
Collecting, studying, and analyzing SRP research
papers, case studies, and similar comparative studies 4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a SRP
present keys for answering research questions RQ2 and model?
RQ3. Analysis of research papers and case studies VII. CONDUCTING THE COMPARISON
reveals many reasons for possible failure of a SRP
project. This includes for example: Once problem and solution spaces are explored and
comparison criteria are defined, SRP models will be
1. Stakeholders are not involved in the SRP process. compared according to these criteria. Step 3 deals with a
2. Continuous change in requirements and detailed comparison of the identified 22 SRP models. In
stakeholders needs. this step, Weighted Score Method (WSM) oriented
comparative method is used to conduct the comparison
3. Difficulty of gathering complete, certain, and [3, 5].Conducting the comparison was completed by
consistent SRP-related data. applying the scoring values shown in Table III.
4. Under-estimating resources. 1-Each challenge is assigned a weight reflecting the
necessity to address the challenge. A 9-point scale is
5. Schedule pressure and limited resources.
used to represent the weight. A weight of 9 is assigned
In conclusion, there are common characteristics and to a challenge when it is very important to address it to
challenges between different SRP contexts. However, ensure effective software release planning. A weight of
each SRP context has its own unique characteristics and 0 is assigned to a challenge when it is not important at
challenges. Additionally, deciding which set of features all to address it. The weights may be normalized so that
having a maximum business value and increasing their total is one.
satisfaction level of all stakeholders is a real challenge.
2- For each challenge, a score is assigned to each
V. CRITERIA IDENTIFICATION model reflecting how well the model addresses the
challenge. As shown in Table III, A scores can have
In this step, challenges associated with SRP problem values between 0 and 1; 1 indicates full coverage of the
are identified and defined. These challenges represent challenge by the model, 0 indicates no coverage, and
comparison criteria used in and represent the basis for values between 0 and 1 represent different levels of
the comparison study presented in this paper. These addressing the challenge.
challenges are identified and defined according to
analysis results of SRP exploration step. The identified 3- The overall score of each model, reflects how well
challenges are summarized in Table I. Table I presents a the model performs with respect to all challenges, is
name and a description of each challenge or criterion. calculated using following equation.
Each challenge or criterion is assigned a symbol (e.g.,
C1-C11). Finally the last column defines possible values = = 1,2, (1)
that can be assigned to a SRP model. These values
represent to what extent SRP model address the
corresponding challenge. For example criterion C6 Wj: the weight of the jth challenge
represents number of foreseen future releases. It refers to
the ability of a SRP model to plan for one future release, Sij: the relative score of the ith model in terms of the jth
two releases, or more than two releases. challenge.

VI. SRP MODELS EXPLORATION Si: the overall score of the ith model in terms of all
In SRP models exploration, SRP models have been
studied and analyzed to explore the solution space of
SRP problem space as well as determining which Table IV summarizes the comparison using WSM
challenges have been addressed by which SRP models method. Fig. 2 depicts the overall score of the 22 SRP
and to what extent the challenge has been addressed (see models. The SRP model with the highest overall score
Table II). This step answers the research question RQ1. (Si) represents the model who addresses most of SRP
A list of 22 well known SRP models was identified and key challenges.
used in the comparative study.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt


Target time of release (C1): [4] only proposed a genetic

VIII. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION algorithm oriented method to determine release plans
As shown in Figures 6 and 7, S-Evolve* has the considering variation of release dates within a pre-
highest overall score. However, the SRP models defined interval of feasibility. All other methods handled
AEQWW and CVA have the lowest overall score. software release planning problems with a fixed release
According to the analysis and comparison conducted in time. Accordingly, flexible time requires more research.
this study, a number of challenges that need further Further research is required to decide what the
investigation and research have been identified. These internal/external factors are for flexible intervals and
challenges include the following: how to determine the length of this interval.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt


Team project cooperation & uncertainty of data features are well defined and completely described.
(C2): This challenge has not been addressed by current Clear and complete description of features makes it
software release planning models. So far, handling data easier for stakeholders to properly understand and
uncertainty which obstacles the efficient cooperation evaluate features and requirements.
between team members is a real challenge. Addressing
Supporting old releases (C10): All SRP models do
the data uncertainty challenge should aim at decreasing
not support old releases. It is required to study the
the uncertainty of data and its possible consequences on selection of features which will be included in the future
software release planning decisions. release considering supporting old releases. Supporting
Interdependency & availability of data among old releases means future release should include and
system (C8): system constraint): A further research is improve key features implemented in old releases such
required to address this challenge and to understand the that stakeholders needs are satisfied.
relationship between the future release of a system and Software support tool for release planning (C11): As
its previous releases. It is necessary to determine which Release planning is a complex process, developing an
features implemented in the previous release are intelligent tool support would be of great value to help in
required to be changed, deleted, or replaced in the future making release decisions. Release planning needs
release considering stakeholder and markets needs. intensive human expertise and knowledge and includes
Interdependency between features should be analyzed to many demanding tasks like resource estimation and
minimize the impact of updating, deleting, or replacing a setting objectives in release plan generation and decision
feature on other dependent features. making.
Features are not well specified (C9): A formal In conclusion, detailed investigation of these
specification of features is required to ensure that all challenges and addressing it aim at meeting the overall
objective of software release planning process and
enhancing the accuracy of associated decisions.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

In this paper, a comparative study based on WSM
was proposed. The proposed study includes exploring of
SRP problem and solution space (e.g. SRP models). It
also defines 11 comparison criteria according to
technical and non-technical challenges. In the proposed
study, 22 SRP models were compared with respect to the
11 criteria. Comparison results helps us to determine
which challenges are addressed and to what extent as
well as which challenges need more investigation. Our
future research will focus on studying and addressing
challenges that are partially addressed or not addressed
at all.
[1] Danesh A.S. and Ahmad R.(2012).Software release planning
challenges in software development: An empirical study
,African Journal of Business Management Vol. 6(3), pp. 956-
[2] Khannur A. (2014).Structured Software Testing: The Discipline
of Discovering.
[3] Kontio J.(1995).OTSO: A Systematic Process for Reusable
Software Component Selection, University of Maryland,
Maryland, CS-TR-3478.
[4] McElroy J., Ruhe G. (2007) Software release planning with
time-dependent value functions and flexible release dates. In:
11th IASTED international conference on software engineering
and applications 2007, Cambridge, pp 429438.
[5] Ncube C. and Dean J. C.(2002).The Limitations of Current
Decision-Making Techniques in the Procurement of COTS
Software Components, In Proceedings of the 1st International
Conference on COTS-Based Software Systems (ICCBSS'02),
Orlando, Florida , pp. 176-187.
Handbook Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering -
Vol. 3.
[7] SaleemS.B., and ShafiqueM. U.(2008). A Study on Strategic
Release Planning Models of Academia and Industry through
Systematic Review and Industrial Interviews, Master thesis,
School of Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology
[8] Saliu, O., Ruhe, G.(2005). Supporting Software Release
Planning Decisions for Evolving Systems, 29th Annual
IEEE/NASA Software Engineering Workshop, pp. 14-26.
[9] Saliu and Moshood O.(2005). SOFTWARE RELEASE
[10] Svahnberg,M. ,Gorschek,T. , Feldt,R. , Torkar,R. , Saleem,S. ,
and Shafique,M U.(2010).Asystematic review on strategic
release planning models, Information and Software
Technology,v.52 n.3, p.237-248.
[11] SvahnbergM., GorschekT., FeldtR., TorkarR., SaleemS., and
ShafiqueM U.(2009). A systematic review on strategic release
planning models.
[12] ValsalaS.and Anil (2014). Review and Analysis of Software
Release Planning Models , International Journal of Engineering
and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 8958,
Volume-3, Issue-5.

Fig. 2. Overall score of 22 SRP Models

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Evaluating Social Media Information Usage

in Ranking the Web

A. S. Hashwa, N. El-Fishawy S. M. Youssef

Computer Science and Engineering Department Computer Engineering Department
Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufia University, Arab Academy for Science and Technology,
Menouf, Menoufia, Egypt Alexandria, Egypt
{ahmed.samy, nawal.elfishawy}@el-

Abstract Information retrieval is a critical issue for The interaction of people with these resources via social
everyone online. Searching for information happens all the time. media gives valuable information about those resources, which
To better retrieve our needs from the web, its logical to leverage is known as "wisdom of the crowd"[3][4]. Social media include
data generated by users via Web 2.0 (web of interaction). Users social networks (Facebook1, Twitter2, Google+3, LinkedIn4,
actions such as tagging a page, liking, sharing or other kinds of etc.), social bookmarking and discovery systems (Delicious5,
interaction are used in this paper to better enhance information StumpleUpon6, etc.) and social news sites (Reddit7).
retrieval. The work presented in this paper used a dataset from Unfortunately, major search engines like Google doesn't make
Open Directory Project (ODP) to test the promising use of social use of this valuable information directly yet there are some
services for better ranking of web results. We propose a
researches that use social annotations in search results [5].
framework to process social info and use it in the indexing and
ranking processes. The proposed framework retrieves data from The gap between social info generated by social networks
different kinds of social info (social bookmarking, social news, and Information Retrieval (IR) needs to be bridged to increase
social network, discovery engines). Raw data is parsed into fields the quality of the results requested by a user. The main tracks
and significant values are either inserted into the index or used in to enhance the IR process and reduce the amount of irrelevant
the ranking process. Mean Average Precision (MAP) is used to documents are:
evaluate results. Results are promising for using social tagging
services such as Delicious. An initial assessment of the usage of (i) rewriting query using extra knowledge, i.e. expansion
other social services for instance Facebook and so on- reveals of the user query,
that their data are not good enough to improve ranking of (ii) adding more information about the document from
webpages. other sources, i.e. document expansion,
(iii) improvement of the IR model, i.e. the way documents
KeywordsInformation Retrieval; Social networks; Rank and queries are represented and matched to quantify
Aggregation; Information Retrieval Model; Social Info. their similarities, and
I. INTRODUCTION (iv) post filtering or re-ranking of the retrieved documents
(based on the user profile or context or some
As the World Wide Web (WWW) is expanding all the time, document - related information).
the content of web documents available online is exponentially Mainly many researches dealt with this gap using two
increasing [1] thus rendering users confused when finding approaches:
information they need. The advent of Search Engines made that
problem much easier to handle as users now have a destination (i) personalized approach by modeling the user
to resort to. As time went by, a lot of search engines emerged (extracting a profile or a group of keywords that
such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, AOL Search and others [2]. 1
Their mission is to find the users desired information need but
most of them use the content of these documents mainly to
match a query and the link structure between the documents to
rank the results - among other unpublished proprietary factors.
Recently, as the Web of interaction - also known as Web 6
2.0 - is evolving rapidly, many services emerged to give the 7
people the power to express their feedback about any web
resource in the form of comments, tags and rating.

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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

represent topics interesting for a user) and from IMDb which contains movie resources where as our
customizing the result for him/her, dataset is a general dataset from ODP. Their experimental
(ii) non-personalized approach which uses social info evaluation shows that the integration of social properties within
generally to better enhance information retrieval. a textual search model allows to enhance the quality of the
Our proposed approach is a non-personalized model of IR, search results.
which depends on the social information available publicly by
social media as a source of extra information about web pages S. Xu et al. [8], used a personalized rank derived from the
included in the indexing phase of IR and used at the ranking users tagging and another rank based on the query matching
phase to enhance the quality of ranking. with documents then aggregated two ranked lists into the final
ranked list and presented it as the final result. They also used
The aim of our proposed work is to achieve the following: Delicious as a source for their data as well as Dogear (an
enterprise social bookmarking system). They used ODP as a
1) The inclusion of social information in the indexing reference model. MAP was used mainly to evaluate their
process of IR for better results. results.
2) Re-ranking results using the available social information.
3) An evaluation study of the proposed approach and a III. PROPOSED IR MODEL
comparison with the closest works on a large public
dataset. A. Problem Definition
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. As a result of information revolution, users couldnt easily
Section II reviews some related work. Section III describes our get the information they need. Here we can see the great role of
IR Model. In section IV, we describe our dataset and show Search Engines, which help users in retrieving the information
evaluation methodology and metrics then discuss the results. they need. Search engines such as Google, Yahoo and others
Finally, we conclude the paper and propose some future work. are helpful in finding the users desired information but most of
them use the content of documents mainly to match a query or
II. RELATED WORK users need and the link structure between documents to rank
Many researchers used social information to enhance the results among other unpublished proprietary factors. As
information retrieval in various methods. stated in [3] info generated by the crowds is of value and needs
Y. Yanbe et al. [6] tried to combine link-based ranking metric to be considered when retrieving webpages for users which is
(PageRank) with another metric derived using social what we consider in our paper.
bookmarking data (SBRank). They also used metadata from
social bookmarking to enable more search capabilities such as B. Proposal Overview
temporal search. That increases the precision of a standard The following figure (Fig. 1) presents the framework for
link-based search by incorporating popularity estimates from the proposal which uses social information from different
aggregated data of bookmarking users. Their approach was sources to enhance matching and ranking. It shows the main
non-personalized. Their framework enhanced results but components of the proposed system
depended on only two source for analysis. Their evaluation The framework consists of two main parts, online part that
used analytical studies of social bookmarks as well as focuses on the interaction between the user and the system in
comparative analysis between PageRank and SBRank. Another real time, and offline part that is concerned with the gathering
non-personalized approach was in S. Bao et al. [7] where the of social information for the indexing and ranking processes.
authors used two factors for ranking pages; SocialSimRank
(SSR) which calculates the similarity between social 1. Online part:
annotations and web queries and SocialPageRank (SPR) which The online part comprises the query or information needed
captures the popularity of web pages. They used Mean Average by the user as well as the re-ranking phase. Using the social
Precision (MAP) and Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain ranker, results of the search engine are re-ranked to bring about
(NDCG) to evaluate their results. However, both previous the needed documents that fulfill the user need.
approaches depend on social bookmarking only although many
other sources of social data are available. Personalized
approaches discussed in [8] and [9] used publicly available data
from Delicious to build profiles for users which can be used to
personalize results for that user. Unfortunately when trying to
gather social info of a particular person from different sources
it is hard and almost impossible for researchers. Tracking users
publicly through different social platforms is not available for
researchers to make better personalization for some user.
Nonetheless, it is increasingly becoming popular to for
example use your Facebook, Twitter or Google account to
login into other social platforms such as Delicious or Fig. 1 Proposed IR Model framework
StumbleUpon and others. Also it is possible to add other social 2. Offline part:
platform accounts to your Google+ profile. Recently, a The offline part comprises many parts to store, index and
research by I. Badache et al. [10] used social signals from process the document collection as well as the social info
different sources to enhance search. Their dataset was collected retrieved from the Web. After collecting documents from
whatever source from the Web, the system invokes a social

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

info crawler and parser to collect all social info available about
these documents from different social media services as score q, d ,
indicated in Fig. 1. All social info collected is processed and
stored in a database for later use. The document collection is (1)
then processed by the search engine for indexing and relative
social info is added to the index from Delicious tags entered by
users and sub-reddits (a form of categorization in a social news
website called Reddit- also chosen by users).
Where ti: query term,
1) IR model improvement
tfd (ti): term frequency in document =
In this solution document expansion has been done by
adding all tags associated with a web document from Delicious . ,
(a social tagging service), also a social news website called idf (ti): inverse document frequency for documents
Reddit contains a categorization of topics called sub-reddits
which have been added also as representative of the document. containing ti 1 ,
To further investigate the effects of expanding documents in
this manner seven query methods were implemented: docFreq (the number of documents in which the term ti
1. Querying using only information included in the getBoost (ti): boost value associated with a query term which
document (Title, URL, content) referred to as can be assigned when boosting a field at query time,
DocumentInfo. coord (q, d): is a score factor based on how many of the query
2. Querying using DocumentInfo in addition to information terms are found in the specified document.
from Delicious only referred to as DocumentInfo,
Delicious. 1
3. Querying using DocumentInfo in addition to information (2)
from Reddit only referred to as DocumentInfo, Reddit.

4. Querying using DocumentInfo in addition to information
from Delicious as well as Reddit referred to as For multi-field multi-term-query scoring formula is:
DocumentInfo, Delicious, Reddit. score q, d ,
5. Querying using DocumentInfo in addition to information
from Delicious only giving information in Delicious
more importance when finding a result referred to as , , (3)
DocumentInfo, Delicious, Boosted.
6. Querying using DocumentInfo in addition to information ,
from Reddit only giving information in Reddit more ,
importance when finding a result referred to as And queryNorm is calculated as
DocumentInfo, Reddit, Boosted.
7. Querying using DocumentInfo in addition to information 1
from Delicious and Reddit giving information in both (4)
Delicious and Reddit more importance when finding a
result referred to as DocumentInfo, Delicious, Reddit, ,

Boosted. ,
2) Re-ranking of the retrieved documents b) Social ranking
Re-ranking of retrieved documents occurs after the search All social information for a web page is consolidated into a
engine retrieves relevant documents from the index. This single metric Ws using weighted mean formula as follows in (5)
means the retrieved results are only reordered. There is the [12]:
ranking Lucene performs (textual ranking) and social ranking
and a combination of the two ranks (textual and social). (5)

a) Textual ranking (Lucene Score) where n is the number of social services used,
Textual rank is done using Lucene practical score formula
in [11]. This is the default formula in Lucene that uses a is the score calculated for the social service and
combination of the (term frequency / inverse document is the weight given to each social service which was
frequency - tf/idf) vector space and Boolean models for chosen as 1. In addition, for each social service the score is
scoring. Suppose you have a document d that consists of a calculated using the score of components of the social service
number of fields k {f1, f2, ,fk} and a query q which consists of (such as like or share in Facebook) using an equation just like
m terms { t1, t2, ,tm}, then the score that q get when related to (5) for which the weights are chosen as in Table I.
d ( if the document has one field ) is
Score calculation uses social information available from
different sources in two different ways:

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

(1) Non - weighted: all information is included from

different components of a social service for example
Facebook: share, like.
(2) Weighted: different components of a social service
have different weights for example Facebook share
count has more weight than like count for a certain web
Components of the social services and their weights are
listed in Table I

Social Service Component Weight

Likes count 2
Share count 4
Twitter Posts count 1
Total tags count 1
Posts count 1 Fig. 2. Flow chart of the offline part of the algorithm
User lists 3
User likes 1
GooglePlus Likes count 1
LinkedIn Posts count 1
Total score sum 3
Posts count 1
c) Combining textual and social rank
Finally re-ranking is done using only social information as
well as a combination between the textual rank (rt) and the
social rank(rs) resulting in a new aggregated rank (rt,s). This is
accomplished using rank aggregation using Weighted Borda-
Fuse (WBF) where in (6) as in [8].

, 1 (6)
3) Description of the proposed algorithm
Our proposed algorithm is constructed mainly to use social
information on the web to enhance web retrieval. The Fig. 3 Flow chart of the online part of the algorithm
algorithm is divided into offline and online parts. The Indexing documents then happen by including data from
construction of each of them is described in the following Delicious and Reddit (from the database) as well as the
figures. document itself in different fields in the index. All documents
The flow chart in Fig. 2 shows the steps of processes done indexed are stemmed (broken into terms) using Porter
in the background with no interaction with the user. It first Stemmer. In addition, a social rank is calculated using social
starts with getting social information by using the URLs of information retrieved for every document then stored in the
cached web documents and requesting and retrieving all database. In Fig. 3, the user submits the query to the system
possible data from different sources on the web. Then the and the system searches the index for the information need and
retrieved information is stored in a database for later use by the retrieves the results which is then re-ranked using the social
system. To extract and use this data - which is usually found in information stored in the database.
either JSON (Java Script Object Notation) format or RSS/XML IV. DATASET AND EVALUATION METHODOLOGY
(Really Simple Syndicate/Extensible Markup Language)
format - parsers are used to split data into usable fields in the A. Dataset description
database. The dataset used in this work - as a document collection
was collected from the DMOZ Open Directory Project
(ODP)8 during March 2014. ODP is the biggest, most
comprehensive directory of the web maintained by humans.
This high quality and free web taxonomy resource has been

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

used in a number of previous researches for different purposes responsible for indexing web documents cached from phase 2
such as topic extraction in [8], [13], finding relative pages ages and adding social info from Delicious and Reddit only as fields
in [14], as a reference model in [7]. in a Lucene document. Queries are executed using the seven
methods mentioned in IR model improvement in phase 6 and
In this paper ODP is used as a reference model using the only the first 100 results for each query are stored for the final
same way as in [7]. Category paths were used as queries and phase where they are re-ranked using five methods:
their corresponding URLs as the ground truth. A collection of
randomly selected 3960 categories were collected as queries of 1. No re-ranking (Only results from querying and ranking
which only 2439 were actually used and the rest has been using Lucene tf/idf model).
ignored. 2. Re-ranking by weighted mean rank method using the
social scores calculated by (5) and weights from Table I
Queries have been filtered as follows: and combining the rank of Lucene and social score using
1. Queries for which relevant URLs had no social (6).
information and/or no longer exist on the web were 3. Re-ranking by mean rank method using the social scores
ignored. calculated by (5) and weights of 1 for each component
2. Because ODP categorizes some URLs alphabetically, and combining the rank of Lucene and social score using
queries that had a capital alphabetic letter as the last (6).
category were removed and if a letter appeared within Finally, in phase 7 evaluation metrics are calculated from
the query, the letter alone was removed. the results and final comparison result is extracted.
3. Also, any duplicated words in the query were removed.
B. Evaluation Metric
4. To ensure measurable quality, all queries must have at
least 10 relevant results. To evaluate the system Mean Average Precision (MAP)
5. Finally, all non-English queries were removed. metric is used as defined in [15].
A total of 79275 URLs were used in the experiment. All of 1) Precision
them have social information from at least one of the used Precision (P) is the fraction of retrieved documents that are
social information sources and has a web document with a title relevant and is expressed as a percentage.
and html content. The web documents and all social info have
been downloaded using a custom C# application. Table II
# (7)
shows the coverage percentage of social info for the dataset
URLs used in the experiment. #
For ranked results, Precision @k is used to represent
TABLE II. SOCIAL INFORMATION COVERAGE OF THE USED DATASET precision when only inspecting the first k items in the results,
Social Info Coverage calculating how many relevant items in the first k items
Source Percentage % retrieved.
Facebook 80.944
2) Mean Average Precision (MAP)
Twitter 55.378
Most standard among the TREC (Text REtrieval
Delicious 52.621 Conference) community is MAP, which provides a single-
StumbleUpon 50.523 figure measure of quality across recall levels. Among
GooglePlus 34.597 evaluation measures, MAP has been shown to have especially
LinkedIn 28.868 good discrimination and stability. For a single information
Reddit 4.833 need, Average Precision is the average of the precision value
obtained for the set of top k documents existing after each
A. Proposal Evaluation Methodology relevant document is retrieved, and this value is then averaged
To evaluate the effectiveness of using social info to over information needs. That is, if the set of relevant
enhance information retrieval process a framework was built documents for an information need qj Q is {d1, . . . dmj} and
using C# and Lucene .Net (the .Net port of an Open Source Rjk is the set of ranked retrieval results from the top result until
search engine called Lucene - originally written in Java). The you get to document dk, then
evaluation was executed in stages numbered and shown in Fig. | |

4. 1 1 (8)
| |
The evaluation framework presented in Fig. 4 is numbered
to show the sequence used in the evaluation process. Phase 1 C. Evaluation Results and Discussion
has input of data from ODP as categories and subcategories Evaluation was performed using a Windows PC whose
with each category containing a set of URLs relative to that specifications are as follows : ( CPU : Intel Core i7 3.9GHz
category. Queries, URLs and reference dataset were extracted Quad Core with hyper-threading enabled, RAM: 32GB
from ODP categories. Then in phase 2 social services info is DDR3), Microsoft SQL server was used to store all kinds of
queried from the web using the URL dataset and stored in a information but index which was stored using Lucene.Net as
database. In addition the document itself is also downloaded independent custom files. Code and libraries were used in C#
and cached. Parsing all social info into usable form is done in programming language and parallelism was used to improve
phase 3. To calculate social ranks phase 5 uses parsed social performance and minimize experiment time.
info and stores results in social ranks database. Fifth phase is

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

In this section the results from the evaluation phase (No.7) effect. In addition, boosting may even make score lower also
in Fig. 4 is presented and discussed. Figures from Fig. 5 to Fig. because of queryNorm factor in Lucene in (4) which is also
7 represent MAP results at different levels (10, 20, 100) for inversely proportional to term boost in a field (getBoost (ti,fi)).
different re-ranking methods in IR model improvement
This explains why boosted version of DocumentInfo,
Delicious query method (DocumentInfo, Delicious, Boosted)
has a higher average. As either documents with no Delicious
info or non-relevant info is pushed down the list surpassing
the 100 limit set for the experiment. Using Reddit only as a
representative of a document is not effective enough mainly
because of coverage percentage of 5% from Table II and for
the same reasons as in Delicious boosting make it worse.
Combining it with Delicious lowers precision and MAP also
for the same reasons specially when a match is scored in a
Delicious field and not in a Reddit the score is less than in
Delicious, causing the combination to be lower than Delicious
alone but still higher than using DocumentInfo alone.
Unfortunately using re-ranking methods lowers the score
Fig. 4. Proposal evaluation framework for all query methods used. The reason is that all social info
paragraph (also included in Table III). fail to capture the rank properly which is probably for many
reasons. Websites used are not all covered completely by every
By inspecting Fig. 5, MAP is at max when using social service but every website has at least info from one
DocumentInfo, Delicious, Boosted query method. This social service. In addition, many of the websites are either
suggests that Delicious is a very effective source of information static or dynamic but has no social plugins. That make it harder
for expanding a document, because usually users add tags that for users to interact and give ratings for pages. Lastly, the point
do represent the content of the document. Note that all tags for of view for social services users is probably different from
a document are added, hence there could be duplicated tags that those made by ODP admins. In collected data, there is no way
means better matching for a document when the query contains for us to normalize data successfully because there is no way to
that tag as a term. Unfortunately because Delicious from Table know how many have dealt with a specific webpage hence the
II covers only about 53% of the dataset not all documents have results are not that accurate.
info associated with them. Yet this percentage was enough to
make large enhancement (almost 30-50% over Document
Info), which means most relevant documents had Delicious
info associated and relevant. However, some relevant
documents had either no Delicious info or non-relevant info,
which would push them down the list.
Because Lucene scoring formula punishes not finding info
in a designated field by reducing the score of a document by
means of queryNorm factor in the scoring formula (3).
QueryNorm is calculated by (4) in which the idf factor is
inversely proportional to document frequency (field frequency)
that is zero if no documents (fields) have this term. Hence, as
idf goes higher queryNorm goes lower which causes penalty


Rank Method None WeightedMean Mean

Query Method MAP@10 MAP@20 MAP@100 MAP@10 MAP@20 MAP@100 MAP@10 MAP@20 MAP@100
DocumentInfo 6.711 8.412 10.832 4.850 6.680 9.250 4.858 6.691 9.256
DocumentInfo, Delicious 8.460 10.675 13.816 5.697 7.899 11.313 5.700 7.908 11.313
9.006 11.205 14.195 5.892 8.077 11.378 5.886 8.074 11.364
Delicious, Boosted
DocumentInfo, Reddit 5.538 6.981 9.146 3.108 4.562 6.956 3.084 4.565 6.940
DocumentInfo, Reddit,
2.992 3.942 5.663 1.418 2.220 4.109 1.406 2.204 4.094
7.262 9.148 12.075 4.028 5.900 9.089 4.048 5.899 9.097
Delicious, Reddit
Delicious, Reddit, 5.733 7.330 9.912 3.057 4.540 7.334 3.061 4.526 7.332

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

[1] M. Hilbert, How much inforrmation is there in the information
society?, Significance, vol. 9, no.
n 4, pp. 812, Aug. 2012.
[2] Eb. Inc., Top 15 Most Populaar Search Engines | December 2014.
[Online]. Available: http://ww
[Accessed: 03-Dec-2014].
[3] J. Surowiecki, The wisdom of croowds. New York: Anchor Books, 2005.
[4] S. K. M. Yi, M. Steyvers, M. D. D Lee, and M. J. Dry, The Wisdom of
the Crowd in Combinatorial Prooblems, Cognitive Science, vol. 36, no.
Fig. 5. MAP results using no rank method and different query methods 3, pp. 452470, Apr. 2012.
[5] A. Muralidharan, Z. Gyongyi, and a E. Chi, Social annotations in web
search, in Proceedings of the 20012 ACM annual conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems - CHI C 12, 2012, p. 1085.
[6] Y. Yanbe, A. Jatowt, S. Nakkamura, and K. Tanaka, Can social
bookmarking enhance search in the web?, in Proceedings of the 2007
conference on Digital libraries - JCDL 07, 2007, p. 107.
Fig. 6. MAP results using weighted mean rank method and
a different query
methods [7] S. Bao, G. Xue, X. Wu, Y. Yuu, B. Fei, and Z. Su, Optimizing web
search using social annotatioons, in Proceedings of the 16th
international conference on Woorld Wide Web - WWW 07, 2007, pp.
[8] S. Xu, S. Bao, B. Fei, Z. Su, and a Y. Yu, Exploring folksonomy for
personalized search, in Proceeedings of the 31st annual international
ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information
retrieval - SIGIR 08, 2008, p. 1555.
Fig. 7. MAP results using mean rank method and differeent query methods
[9] M. R. Bouadjenek, H. Hacid, andd M. Bouzeghoub, Sopra: a new social
personalized ranking functionn for improving web search, in
V. CONCLUSION AND FUTUREE WORK Proceedings of the 36th interrnational ACM SIGIR conference on
This work contributes to the enhancemennt of search model Research and development in info formation retrieval - SIGIR 13, 2013, p.
by incorporating social information from manny sources. As the
results indicated, some modifications actuallyy introduced better [10] I. Badache and M. Boughanem, Harnessing
Social Signals to Enhance a
Search, in 2014 IEEE/WIC/AC CM International Joint Conferences on
results while others did not. The modificaations that led to Web Intelligence (WI) and Intellligent Agent Technologies (IAT), 2014,
enhanced results were using delicious dataa in the indexing pp. 303309.
process as if they were part of the web docuument. In addition, [11] Similarity (Lucene 3.0.33 API). [Online]. Available:
giving delicious field of the document more significance gives
better results generally and specifically at the first 10 to 20 imilarity.html. [Accessed: 15-Febb-2015].
results. This gave a better ranking in com mparison to other [12] G. R. PRICE, Extension of covvariance selection mathematics, Annals
methods because usually delicious tags arre relevant to the of Human Genetics, vol. 35, no. 4,4 pp. 485490, Apr. 1972.
content of the webpage. Other methods faileed to perform well [13] P. A. Chirita, W. Nejdl, R. Paaiu, and C. Kohlschtter, Using ODP
metadata to personalize search,, in Proceedings of the 28th annual
as expected because social coverage of the websites
w of the test international ACM SIGIR conferrence on Research and development in
is not high enough and the reference useed probably has a information retrieval - SIGIR 055, 2005, p. 178.
different point of view of the websites than the average users [14] P. Heymann, G. Koutrika, H. Garcia-molina, I. T. Report, L. U.
using social services. Also normalizationn issues are very November, G. Koutrika, annd H. Garcia-molina, Can social
difficult to implement perfectly. bookmarking improve web seearch?, in Proceeding WSDM 08
Proceedings of the 2008 Internaational Conference on Web Search and
To better enhance the results some areass may be explored. Data Mining, 2008, pp. 195206..
For example, many websites are associatedd with a Facebook [15] C. D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghaavan, and H. Schtze, An Introduction to
Page (mostly included as a link in the front f page of the Information Retrieval. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
website) from which rank may be extrracted (using for
examples how many likes and the interactionn of people on the
Facebook Page). In addition, the normalization issue may be
addressed by normalizing for the largest valuev of a certain
aspect such as Facebook like or share for a ceertain webpage. As
a future work, the weights selected for the rannking methods can
be calculated using neural network or some other optimization
algorithm along with machine learning rather r than being
chosen by hand.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Efficient Dependable Rules Generation Approach for

Data Quality Enhancement
Asmaa S. Abdo, Rashed K. Salem, and Hatem M. Abdul-Kader
Information System Department, Faculty of Computers and Information, Menoufia University, Egypt

{engasmaa.saad.mis, rashed.salim, hatem.abdelkader}

Abstract In area of data quality research, enhancing data Data cleaning (or data scrubbing) is considered as preliminary
quality is still big challenge, especially in large databases. Data and important phase of data preprocessing, i.e., essential part of
mining techniques can be efficiently utilized in data cleaning data mining [7]. It works for maintaining corrupted and/or
process. Databases are often suffered from data inconsistency, erroneous records. This phase is mandatory in data manage-
which has no vital solution up to now. In this paper, we tackle the ment cycle before mining and analyzing data [23].
problem of detecting data inconsistency from large databases.
We propose an approach for discovering dependable rules from Indeed, data cleaning methods in the literature focus on record
databases themselves. Such generated rules are minimal and matching [10], which match master cleaned records with prob-
non-redundant that covers all rules among patterns in database. ably erroneous records. It is still necessary to tackle the prob-
The proposed approach focuses mainly on generating precise lem of data inconsistency with the help of data themselves and
dependable data quality rules through extracting maximal fre- without the need for external master copy of data. During re-
quent patterns, as effective pruning mechanism to reduce the solving data inconsistencies, several integrity constraints are
search space domain. The proposed approach is validated against ensured, e.g., Functional Dependencies (FDs), Conditional
several datasets from different application domains. Experimen- Functional Dependencies (CFDs) [20, 28]. Identifying incon-
tal Results demonstrate that our approach outperform other sistent values is a major step in the data cleaning process.
approaches in terms of the efficiency, accuracy and scalability
using both real-life and synthetic datasets. Currently, growing data in most application domains considers
a big challenge for ensuring consistent and accurate quality
Keywords Data Quality, Data Mining, Data Cleaning, Func- data, to be employed for data management purposes. Such
tional Dependency (FD), Conditional Functional Dependency most of these applications suffers from inconsistent and dirty
(CFD), Association Rule Mining (ARM), Maximal Frequent Pat- data problems. The incorrect data recorded electronically lead
terns (MFP). to poor quality data. Herein, we are interested to generate de-
pendable accurate data quality rules, which then used for re-
solving data inconsistencies in several application domains.
Business and Scientific data are most important value
among both public and private organization, which are ex- The problem is formulated as follows: Given an instance r of a
ploited for management purposes [1]. However, real-life data relation schema R, support s, and confidence c thresholds. The
are often dirty holding inconsistencies, conflicts and errors. proposed approach firstly extract maximal frequent patterns in
The value of data highly depends on its degree of quality. Hen- r and their associated generators at defined support threshold.
ceforward, the presence of errors and inconsistencies in data Secondly, it generates dependable data quality rules with de-
decreases their value, making them insignificant, or even harm- fined confidence threshold, extracted patterns in r, retaining
ful. interest measure greater than 1. The generated output rules are
minimal interest and non-redundant constant conditional func-
The consequences of poor data quality are serious problems on tional dependencies that cover all set of rules.
result of data analysis, they often arise due to modifications in
usage of data and violation of integrity constraints (or deficien- The main contribution of this paper is to propose an approach
cy of these constraints). Such poor data quality leads to incor- for enhancing performance of generating data quality rules
rect statistics, which results in inefficient daily tasks, wasting based on extracting maximal frequent patterns and their asso-
of time and money, and poor business decisions [2], [3]. ciated generators. Therefore, maximal frequent patterns reduce
number of patterns generated and search space domain. The
Data residing in databases is called to be dirty if it holds incon- proposed approach utilizes data mining techniques for generat-
sistencies with respect to some set of constraints. Dirty data ing dependable rules, which mainly rely on extracting patterns
costs US business billions of dollars annually that issue poor that speed up rules generation process. Also, the proposed
decisions making resulting from the poor data quality [4]. approach employs Interest (lift) measure as a filter to generate
Therefore, its very important task for detecting data inconsis- accurate dependable interest data quality rules, and it prunes
tency in the data cleaning process. Doubtless, ensuring high other rules that are not statistically significant nor meaningful.
quality dependable data is a competitive advantage to all busi- Such generated rules are exploited not only for detecting in-
nesses, which requires precise data cleaning solutions [5], [6]. consistent data, but also for correcting them.

978-1-5090-0217-7/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 91

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

The experimental results of the proposed approach compared III. PRELIMINARIES

with CCFD-ZartMNR algorithm [11] are conducted over dif-
There are several terminologies from the literature are related
ferent application domains. We verify that the proposed ap-
proach scales well with varying the dataset size, number of to the proposed approach. The definitions of such terminolo-
attributes and the minimal number generated data quality rules. gies are provided, including functional dependencies, condi-
tional functional dependencies, closed frequent patterns, max-
This paper is organized as follows: Section II discusses re- imal frequent patterns and their associated generators, constant
lated works. In section III, we present some notations which CFD problem, and pruning search space.
will be utilized by the proposed approach. Section IV introduc-
Functional Dependencies (FD): defined as constraint be-
es the proposed approach for generating dependable data clean-
ing rules. Section V discusses the experimental study and re- tween two sets of attributes in relation from a database. FD
sults conducted for different datasets from different application over Relation(r) represented as X Y where each X value is
domains. Finally, section VI concludes the proposed work and associated with precisely one Y value. Herein, X is considered
highlight future trends. as the determinant and Y is considered as the dependent. Func-
tional dependencies employed for working on schema design
II. RELATED WORK that not capture semantic of data for data cleaning [11].
Despite the urgent necessity for dependable techniques to Conditional Functional Dependencies (CFD): an extension
enhance data quality and data cleaning issue, this issue has not of FDs aims to detect inconsistencies of data between tuples in
vital solution up to now. Indeed, there have been little discus- single relation since CFD on relation r is a pair (X Y, tp),
sions and analysis for enhancing data inconsistency. To the where X Y is a standard Functional Dependency (FD) on r;
best of our knowledge, most of literature focus on record and tp is the pattern tuple of with attributes in X and Y. For
matching and duplicate detection [8]. each attribute A in X Y, tp[A] is either a constant in the
Database and data quality researchers have discussed variety domain of A, or an unnamed variable _ [6].
of integrity constraints based on Functional Dependencies
(FD) [9][12]. These constraints are developed essentially for Example 1: In this example, we address records from custom-
schema design, but are often not able to embed the semantic of er relationships have the following attributes Country Code
data for data cleaning. (CC), Area Code (AC), Phone Number (PN), Name (NM),
Other researchers focus on extension of FD, they have pro- Street (STR), City (CT) and Zip Code (ZIP). It explains the
posed Conditional Functional Dependencies (CFD) and Con- concept of functional dependency, and conditional functional
ditional Inclusion Dependencies (CID). Such integrity con- dependency.
straints are employed for capture errors in data [13][15]. TABLE 1. RECORDS FROM CUSTOMER RELATION
Moreover, several data quality techniques are proposed to CC AC PN NM STR CT ZIP
clean missy tuples in databases [16]. Statistical inference ap- t1 40 872 6666666 Mike Port PI UN 08422
proaches are studied in [17]. These approaches tackle missing t2 40 872 6666666 Rick Port PI UN 08422
values in order to enhance quality of data. From technological t3 40 101 9999999 Joe M.V.P EDI 01202
part, there are several open source tools which developed for t4 40 872 9999999 Jim Majestic UN 08422
handling messy data [18]. t5 32 222 4444444 Ben 6rd Str VIZAG EH4 1DT
t6 32 222 7777777 Ian 6rd Str VIZAG EH4 1DT
Besides, data transformation methods such as commercial t7 32 872 7777777 Ian XXX UN W1B 1JH
ETL (Extract, Transformation and Loading) tools are devel- t8 40 131 9999999 Sean 5rd Str MH 01332
oped for data cleaning [19].
The usage of editing rules with master data is discussed in
[20]. Such rules are able to find certain fixes by updating input Traditional FD that hold on Table 1 is
tuples with master data. However, this approach requires de- f1: [CC, AC] CT
fining editing rules manually for both relations, i.e., master f2: [CC, AC, PN] STR
relation and input relation, which is very expensive and time- f1 mean that if there are two customers that have the same
consuming. country and area code, they also have the same city, similarly
Furthermore, lots of work are proposed in the literature relying for f2.
on domain specific similarity and matching operators, such The following are CFDs that hold on table 1 is
works include record matching, record linkage, duplicate de- 0: ([CC, ZIP] STR, (32, -|| -))
tection, and merge purge [8], [21], [22]. These approaches 1: ([CC, AC] CT, (40, 872 || UN))
define two functions; namely match and merge [23]. While 2: ([CC, AC] CT, (32, 222 || VIZAG))
match function identifies duplication of records, the merge 3: ([CC, AC] CT, (40, 101 || EDI))
function combines the two duplicated records into one. Rules are classified to 0 as variable CFD, where 1, 2, 3 are
From the literature, we reutilized CFD as a special case of constant CFD. In this work, we are concerned with such type
association rules [14], [24]. The relationship between minimal of constant CFD. CFD 0 asserts that zip uniquely determines
constant CFD and association rule as similar relationship to STR. This FD hold on subset of tuples with the pattern
CFD that work on minimal non redundant rules [25]. CC=32, rather than on the entire relation. CFD 1 assures that
for any transaction tuple if customer country code=40 with

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

area code 872, then the customer city is UN. Similarly for 2 discovering all frequent patterns or closed frequent patterns,
and 3 these cannot represent as FDs. reducing the size of search space domain shown in figure 2.
Closed Frequent patterns: Pattern is frequent closed if it is
not included in a proper superset having the same support. A
generator Y of a frequent closed pattern X, is a pattern con-
straint with it has the same support as X, and it does not have
any subset having the same support [14].
Maximal Frequent patterns: Pattern is maximal frequent if
none of its immediate supersets is frequent. The set of fre-
quent maximal patterns is thus a subset of the set of frequent
closed patterns, which is a subset of frequent patterns [26]. Figure 2: Search Space Domain
Constant CFD Problem: The problem is to discover minimal
set of frequent constant CFDs that include non-redundant CFD Support CFD : (X A) is defined as the percentage of the
[2], [27]. Example 1 has 1, 2, 3, which are constant CFD. number of records in the dataset that contain X A to the total
Pruning Search Space: Pruning is to remove infrequent number of records in the database. For example, the support of
nodes from search space using predefined support value [2]. 1 in example 1 (Section 3) is 3/8 because three tuples satisfy
1. Support of a CFD : (X A) where X generator pattern
IV. PROPOSED WORK and A is (maximal /generator) [28], defined as:
The proposed approach focuses on generating precise depend- N X A
support X A (1)
able interest minimal and non-redundant constant CFD data T
quality rules, which cover all set of rules with respect to speci-
fied support and confidence thresholds. Such generated rules The second step depends on extracted patterns and their asso-
are exploited for detecting and repairing data inconsistencies ciated generators from the first step. Then, the minimum con-
from large datasets. Since, the overall performance of rules fidence threshold is utilized to generate the set of interest min-
generation is based on fast extraction of patterns from data. imum non redundant constant CFD data quality rules. While
The proposed approach named minimal interest constant con- the literature utilizes only support and confidence for generat-
ditional functional dependencies miner abbreviated as ing such rules, we consider interest (or lift) measure into ac-
(MICCFD-Miner). This mainly based on mining maximal count for generating more dependable and reliable rules.
frequent patterns and their associated generators, applying the The form of rules for each frequent generator pattern X finds
effective pruning mechanism to reduce the search space do- its proper supersets A from set of frequent maximal patterns.
main. Maximal frequent patterns (MFP) are usually much Then, from X and A add rule antecedent (Generator) conse-
smaller than the set of frequent patterns and also smaller than quence (maximal/generator) as : X A.
set of frequent closed patterns. In other words, maximal fre-
quent patterns closed frequent patterns frequent patterns. Confidence CFD is calculated as the number of records in the
MFP patterns are called maximal because they have no fre- dataset that contain X A divided by number of records that
quent supersets. Moreover, the set of these patterns is a mi- contain X. For example, confidence of 1 in example 1 (Sec-
nimal set, i.e. the smallest set from which all frequent patterns. tion 3) is 1.0, defined as CFD : (X A) is
The proposed approach is depicted in figure 1. XA
confidence X A (2)
Confidence measures the reliability of rules, since the value of
confidence is real number between 0 and 1.0 [29]. However,
the pitfall of confidence is that ignores support of right hand
side of rules. As consequence, we add data quality measure
called Interest (Lift) which generates more dependent rules
when reserving it as greater than 1.

Lift CFD tries to measure the degree of compatibility of left

hand side and right hand side of rules as, i.e., occurrence of
Figure 1: The proposed MICCFD-Miner approach both left hand side and right hand side [30]. We set here Lift
value greater than 1 to obtain dependent MICCFD-Miner
The main input of MICCFD-Miner are dataset and two prede- rules. For example, lift of this CFD rule : (X A) is
fined thresholds, i.e., minimum support, and minimum confi-
dence. The first step is to extract list of maximal frequent pat- lift X A
terns and their associated generators by using minimum sup-
port threshold. MICCFD-Miner approach then utilizes such This approach optimizes the process of the rules generation
extracted maximal frequent patterns instead of working on compared with the most related methods.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

V. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY equal to 0.4 and confidence =1, the number of maximal fre-
We present an experimental study for validating the proposed quent patterns extracted from the proposed approach is 41
approach. the proposed approach is evaluated w.r.t three di- patterns, but number of closed patterns generated from other
mensions: (1) Efficiency; extracting maximal frequent patterns approach is 140. Such results show the effectiveness in ex-
that results in reduction in the number of patterns generated tracting maximal frequent patterns as first step in generating
and space complexity without loss of information when gene- accurate and dependable rules instead of extracting closed
rating dependable rules. (2) Accuracy; generating accurate frequent patterns as current existing approaches. Focusing on
dependable rules, which are minimum and non-redundant. (3) maximal frequent patterns also optimize the memory space,
Scalability; measuring response time when increasing both which shown in figure 4. In this example, the usage memory
database size and number of attributes. space of the proposed approach equal to 11.1 MB, but the
A. Experimental Setting usage memory space of other approach equal to 12.24 MB.
The experiments are conducted using both real-life and syn-
thetic datasets. Such datasets are taken from the UCI machine
learning repository ( namely,
Mushroom, Thyroid (hypothyroid), Adult, Audiology. Table 2
shows the number of attributes and the number of instances
for each dataset.


Size (Number of Arity (Number
Dataset name Instances) of Columns)
Mushroom 8124 23
Thyroid(hypothyroid) 3772 30
Adult 32561 15
Audiology 226 70
Figure 3: Total number of maximal frequent patterns
All our experiments were implemented using java (JDK1.7). extracted from mushrom dataset.
The implementation is tested on machine equipped with In-
tel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPUT3400 with 2.00 GB of memory
running on windows 7 operating system. The proposed ap-
proach runs mainly in main memory. Each experiment is re-
peated at least five times and the average reported here.
B. Experimental Results
We next demonstrate and discuss the results from experimen-
tal study over the proposed approach against CCFD-ZartMNR
algorithm [24]. The experiments are conducted for different
dataset from different application domains described in pre-
vious section.
Experiment-1: Efficiency of extracting patterns. We here in
evaluate the efficiency of extracting maximal frequent patterns
Figure 4: Space Complexity measure about mushrom dataset.
from the proposed approach against closed frequent patterns
from CCFD-ZartMNR [24]. The results for mushroom dataset Experiment-2: Accuracy of rules generation. In this expe-
are shown in figures 3, 4. This dataset contains 23 attributes, riment, we validate accuracy of rules generated from the pro-
and 8124 records about mushroom physical characteristics. posed approach compared to CCFD-ZartMNR algorithm [24].
Figure 3 show the efficiency in reduction the number of pat- Results from thyroid (hypothyroid) diagnosis dataset is shown
terns generated form the proposed approach (MICCFD-Miner) in figures 5, 6. This dataset contains 30 attributes, and 3772
over other approach without loss of information. The x-axis is records of patient data describing patient information about
the different support values and y-axis is the total number of the hypothyroid diagnoses data. As shown, figure 5 confirm
extracted patterns, and set fixed constant confidence value effectiveness of the accurate minimal non-redundant data
equal 1. Figure 4 demonstrate the space complexity optimiza- quality rules generation of the proposed approach over other
tion of the number of patterns extracted from the proposed approach for detecting inconsistency problems. The proposed
approach against other approach. The x-axis is the support approach always generate less numbers of rules but more ac-
values and y-axis is the space complexity measure in mega- curate as compared to other approach, because the other ap-
bytes (MB), at fixed constant confidence value equal 1. For proach does not consider interest measure of rules. The x-axis
example in figure 3, with thresholds minimum support value is minimum support threshold values and y-axis is the number

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

of rules generated, and set fixed constant confidence value milliseconds (ms). This experiment concludes that
equal 0.99. Figure 6 also show that the proposed approach the proposed approach outperforms other approach in
outperforms the other algorithm with respect to response time scalability of increasing number of tuples with less
for rules generations. The x-axis is minimum support thre- response time.
shold values and y-axis is the response time in seconds (s), and
also set fixed constant confidence value equal 0.99.

Figure 7: Scalability per number of tuples on adult dataset.

Figure 5: Numbers of rules generated from thyroid diagnoses dataset.
b) Scalability of the proposed approach with increas-
ing arity of relation. We asses performance of sca-
lability on increasing number of attributes at fixed
number of tuples over the proposed approach against
CCFD-ZartMNR algorithm. Results from audiology
dataset are depicted in figure 7. This dataset contains
226 tuples and 70 attributes describing audiology
disease data about patients. Fixing database size=226
tuples, confidence=1, minimum support=0.99. We are
changing arity from 10 to 70. Figure 8 shows the re-
sponse time of the proposed approach against other
approach by varying number of attributes. The x-axis
is the number of attributes starting from 10 to 70 and
Figure 6: Response time measure of generated rules
from thyroid diagnoses dataset y-axis is the measure of response time in milliseconds
(ms). Such number of attributes increased signifies
Experiment-3: Scalability of the proposed approach with that the proposed approach scales well in less re-
the dataset size and arity of relation. In order to evaluate the sponse time compared to other algorithm.
scalability of the proposed approach against CCFD-ZartMNR
algorithm [24] by varying dataset size, and arity of relation.
a) Scalability of the proposed approach with varying
database size of relation. In this experiment, we
evaluate the scalability of the proposed approach
when increasing number of tuples at fixed number of
attributes against CCFD-ZartMNR algorithm. Results
from adult dataset is shown in figure 7. This dataset
contains 32561 tuples and 15 attributes describing
prediction about whether income exceeds $50K/yr or
not based on census data. Fixing arity=15, confidence
= 0.95 and minimum support= 0.5. We are changing
database size (number of tuples) from 5k to 30k
tuples. The response time of the proposed approach Figure 8: Scalability per number of attributes on audiology dataset.
against other approach by varying number of tuples
are reported in figure 7, which shows linear time VI. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK
scaling of our approach over that always less than the We have proposed MICCFD-Miner, an approach that generat-
other approach. The x-axis is the number of tuples ing accurate minimum dependable interest data quality rules,
*1000 and y-axis is the measure of response time in as solution to data inconsistency problems. The proposed ap-

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Efficient Dependable Rules Generation Approach for

Data Quality Enhancement
Asmaa S. Abdo, Rashed K. Salem, and Hatem M. Abdul-Kader
Information System Department, Faculty of Computers and Information, Menoufia University, Egypt

{engasmaa.saad.mis, rashed.salim, hatem.abdelkader}

Abstract In area of data quality research, enhancing data Data cleaning (or data scrubbing) is considered as preliminary
quality is still big challenge, especially in large databases. Data and important phase of data preprocessing, i.e., essential part of
mining techniques can be efficiently utilized in data cleaning data mining [7]. It works for maintaining corrupted and/or
process. Databases are often suffered from data inconsistency, erroneous records. This phase is mandatory in data manage-
which has no vital solution up to now. In this paper, we tackle the ment cycle before mining and analyzing data [23].
problem of detecting data inconsistency from large databases.
We propose an approach for discovering dependable rules from Indeed, data cleaning methods in the literature focus on record
databases themselves. Such generated rules are minimal and matching [10], which match master cleaned records with prob-
non-redundant that covers all rules among patterns in database. ably erroneous records. It is still necessary to tackle the prob-
The proposed approach focuses mainly on generating precise lem of data inconsistency with the help of data themselves and
dependable data quality rules through extracting maximal fre- without the need for external master copy of data. During re-
quent patterns, as effective pruning mechanism to reduce the solving data inconsistencies, several integrity constraints are
search space domain. The proposed approach is validated against ensured, e.g., Functional Dependencies (FDs), Conditional
several datasets from different application domains. Experimen- Functional Dependencies (CFDs) [20, 28]. Identifying incon-
tal Results demonstrate that our approach outperform other sistent values is a major step in the data cleaning process.
approaches in terms of the efficiency, accuracy and scalability
using both real-life and synthetic datasets. Currently, growing data in most application domains considers
a big challenge for ensuring consistent and accurate quality
Keywords Data Quality, Data Mining, Data Cleaning, Func- data, to be employed for data management purposes. Such
tional Dependency (FD), Conditional Functional Dependency most of these applications suffers from inconsistent and dirty
(CFD), Association Rule Mining (ARM), Maximal Frequent Pat- data problems. The incorrect data recorded electronically lead
terns (MFP). to poor quality data. Herein, we are interested to generate de-
pendable accurate data quality rules, which then used for re-
solving data inconsistencies in several application domains.
Business and Scientific data are most important value
among both public and private organization, which are ex- The problem is formulated as follows: Given an instance r of a
ploited for management purposes [1]. However, real-life data relation schema R, support s, and confidence c thresholds. The
are often dirty holding inconsistencies, conflicts and errors. proposed approach firstly extract maximal frequent patterns in
The value of data highly depends on its degree of quality. Hen- r and their associated generators at defined support threshold.
ceforward, the presence of errors and inconsistencies in data Secondly, it generates dependable data quality rules with de-
decreases their value, making them insignificant, or even harm- fined confidence threshold, extracted patterns in r, retaining
ful. interest measure greater than 1. The generated output rules are
minimal interest and non-redundant constant conditional func-
The consequences of poor data quality are serious problems on tional dependencies that cover all set of rules.
result of data analysis, they often arise due to modifications in
usage of data and violation of integrity constraints (or deficien- The main contribution of this paper is to propose an approach
cy of these constraints). Such poor data quality leads to incor- for enhancing performance of generating data quality rules
rect statistics, which results in inefficient daily tasks, wasting based on extracting maximal frequent patterns and their asso-
of time and money, and poor business decisions [2], [3]. ciated generators. Therefore, maximal frequent patterns reduce
number of patterns generated and search space domain. The
Data residing in databases is called to be dirty if it holds incon- proposed approach utilizes data mining techniques for generat-
sistencies with respect to some set of constraints. Dirty data ing dependable rules, which mainly rely on extracting patterns
costs US business billions of dollars annually that issue poor that speed up rules generation process. Also, the proposed
decisions making resulting from the poor data quality [4]. approach employs Interest (lift) measure as a filter to generate
Therefore, its very important task for detecting data inconsis- accurate dependable interest data quality rules, and it prunes
tency in the data cleaning process. Doubtless, ensuring high other rules that are not statistically significant nor meaningful.
quality dependable data is a competitive advantage to all busi- Such generated rules are exploited not only for detecting in-
nesses, which requires precise data cleaning solutions [5], [6]. consistent data, but also for correcting them.

978-1-5090-0217-7/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 91

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

The experimental results of the proposed approach compared III. PRELIMINARIES

with CCFD-ZartMNR algorithm [11] are conducted over dif-
There are several terminologies from the literature are related
ferent application domains. We verify that the proposed ap-
proach scales well with varying the dataset size, number of to the proposed approach. The definitions of such terminolo-
attributes and the minimal number generated data quality rules. gies are provided, including functional dependencies, condi-
tional functional dependencies, closed frequent patterns, max-
This paper is organized as follows: Section II discusses re- imal frequent patterns and their associated generators, constant
lated works. In section III, we present some notations which CFD problem, and pruning search space.
will be utilized by the proposed approach. Section IV introduc-
Functional Dependencies (FD): defined as constraint be-
es the proposed approach for generating dependable data clean-
ing rules. Section V discusses the experimental study and re- tween two sets of attributes in relation from a database. FD
sults conducted for different datasets from different application over Relation(r) represented as X Y where each X value is
domains. Finally, section VI concludes the proposed work and associated with precisely one Y value. Herein, X is considered
highlight future trends. as the determinant and Y is considered as the dependent. Func-
tional dependencies employed for working on schema design
II. RELATED WORK that not capture semantic of data for data cleaning [11].
Despite the urgent necessity for dependable techniques to Conditional Functional Dependencies (CFD): an extension
enhance data quality and data cleaning issue, this issue has not of FDs aims to detect inconsistencies of data between tuples in
vital solution up to now. Indeed, there have been little discus- single relation since CFD on relation r is a pair (X Y, tp),
sions and analysis for enhancing data inconsistency. To the where X Y is a standard Functional Dependency (FD) on r;
best of our knowledge, most of literature focus on record and tp is the pattern tuple of with attributes in X and Y. For
matching and duplicate detection [8]. each attribute A in X Y, tp[A] is either a constant in the
Database and data quality researchers have discussed variety domain of A, or an unnamed variable _ [6].
of integrity constraints based on Functional Dependencies
(FD) [9][12]. These constraints are developed essentially for Example 1: In this example, we address records from custom-
schema design, but are often not able to embed the semantic of er relationships have the following attributes Country Code
data for data cleaning. (CC), Area Code (AC), Phone Number (PN), Name (NM),
Other researchers focus on extension of FD, they have pro- Street (STR), City (CT) and Zip Code (ZIP). It explains the
posed Conditional Functional Dependencies (CFD) and Con- concept of functional dependency, and conditional functional
ditional Inclusion Dependencies (CID). Such integrity con- dependency.
straints are employed for capture errors in data [13][15]. TABLE 1. RECORDS FROM CUSTOMER RELATION
Moreover, several data quality techniques are proposed to CC AC PN NM STR CT ZIP
clean missy tuples in databases [16]. Statistical inference ap- t1 40 872 6666666 Mike Port PI UN 08422
proaches are studied in [17]. These approaches tackle missing t2 40 872 6666666 Rick Port PI UN 08422
values in order to enhance quality of data. From technological t3 40 101 9999999 Joe M.V.P EDI 01202
part, there are several open source tools which developed for t4 40 872 9999999 Jim Majestic UN 08422
handling messy data [18]. t5 32 222 4444444 Ben 6rd Str VIZAG EH4 1DT
t6 32 222 7777777 Ian 6rd Str VIZAG EH4 1DT
Besides, data transformation methods such as commercial t7 32 872 7777777 Ian XXX UN W1B 1JH
ETL (Extract, Transformation and Loading) tools are devel- t8 40 131 9999999 Sean 5rd Str MH 01332
oped for data cleaning [19].
The usage of editing rules with master data is discussed in
[20]. Such rules are able to find certain fixes by updating input Traditional FD that hold on Table 1 is
tuples with master data. However, this approach requires de- f1: [CC, AC] CT
fining editing rules manually for both relations, i.e., master f2: [CC, AC, PN] STR
relation and input relation, which is very expensive and time- f1 mean that if there are two customers that have the same
consuming. country and area code, they also have the same city, similarly
Furthermore, lots of work are proposed in the literature relying for f2.
on domain specific similarity and matching operators, such The following are CFDs that hold on table 1 is
works include record matching, record linkage, duplicate de- 0: ([CC, ZIP] STR, (32, -|| -))
tection, and merge purge [8], [21], [22]. These approaches 1: ([CC, AC] CT, (40, 872 || UN))
define two functions; namely match and merge [23]. While 2: ([CC, AC] CT, (32, 222 || VIZAG))
match function identifies duplication of records, the merge 3: ([CC, AC] CT, (40, 101 || EDI))
function combines the two duplicated records into one. Rules are classified to 0 as variable CFD, where 1, 2, 3 are
From the literature, we reutilized CFD as a special case of constant CFD. In this work, we are concerned with such type
association rules [14], [24]. The relationship between minimal of constant CFD. CFD 0 asserts that zip uniquely determines
constant CFD and association rule as similar relationship to STR. This FD hold on subset of tuples with the pattern
CFD that work on minimal non redundant rules [25]. CC=32, rather than on the entire relation. CFD 1 assures that
for any transaction tuple if customer country code=40 with

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

area code 872, then the customer city is UN. Similarly for 2 discovering all frequent patterns or closed frequent patterns,
and 3 these cannot represent as FDs. reducing the size of search space domain shown in figure 2.
Closed Frequent patterns: Pattern is frequent closed if it is
not included in a proper superset having the same support. A
generator Y of a frequent closed pattern X, is a pattern con-
straint with it has the same support as X, and it does not have
any subset having the same support [14].
Maximal Frequent patterns: Pattern is maximal frequent if
none of its immediate supersets is frequent. The set of fre-
quent maximal patterns is thus a subset of the set of frequent
closed patterns, which is a subset of frequent patterns [26]. Figure 2: Search Space Domain
Constant CFD Problem: The problem is to discover minimal
set of frequent constant CFDs that include non-redundant CFD Support CFD : (X A) is defined as the percentage of the
[2], [27]. Example 1 has 1, 2, 3, which are constant CFD. number of records in the dataset that contain X A to the total
Pruning Search Space: Pruning is to remove infrequent number of records in the database. For example, the support of
nodes from search space using predefined support value [2]. 1 in example 1 (Section 3) is 3/8 because three tuples satisfy
1. Support of a CFD : (X A) where X generator pattern
IV. PROPOSED WORK and A is (maximal /generator) [28], defined as:
The proposed approach focuses on generating precise depend- N X A
support X A (1)
able interest minimal and non-redundant constant CFD data T
quality rules, which cover all set of rules with respect to speci-
fied support and confidence thresholds. Such generated rules The second step depends on extracted patterns and their asso-
are exploited for detecting and repairing data inconsistencies ciated generators from the first step. Then, the minimum con-
from large datasets. Since, the overall performance of rules fidence threshold is utilized to generate the set of interest min-
generation is based on fast extraction of patterns from data. imum non redundant constant CFD data quality rules. While
The proposed approach named minimal interest constant con- the literature utilizes only support and confidence for generat-
ditional functional dependencies miner abbreviated as ing such rules, we consider interest (or lift) measure into ac-
(MICCFD-Miner). This mainly based on mining maximal count for generating more dependable and reliable rules.
frequent patterns and their associated generators, applying the The form of rules for each frequent generator pattern X finds
effective pruning mechanism to reduce the search space do- its proper supersets A from set of frequent maximal patterns.
main. Maximal frequent patterns (MFP) are usually much Then, from X and A add rule antecedent (Generator) conse-
smaller than the set of frequent patterns and also smaller than quence (maximal/generator) as : X A.
set of frequent closed patterns. In other words, maximal fre-
quent patterns closed frequent patterns frequent patterns. Confidence CFD is calculated as the number of records in the
MFP patterns are called maximal because they have no fre- dataset that contain X A divided by number of records that
quent supersets. Moreover, the set of these patterns is a mi- contain X. For example, confidence of 1 in example 1 (Sec-
nimal set, i.e. the smallest set from which all frequent patterns. tion 3) is 1.0, defined as CFD : (X A) is
The proposed approach is depicted in figure 1. XA
confidence X A (2)
Confidence measures the reliability of rules, since the value of
confidence is real number between 0 and 1.0 [29]. However,
the pitfall of confidence is that ignores support of right hand
side of rules. As consequence, we add data quality measure
called Interest (Lift) which generates more dependent rules
when reserving it as greater than 1.

Lift CFD tries to measure the degree of compatibility of left

hand side and right hand side of rules as, i.e., occurrence of
Figure 1: The proposed MICCFD-Miner approach both left hand side and right hand side [30]. We set here Lift
value greater than 1 to obtain dependent MICCFD-Miner
The main input of MICCFD-Miner are dataset and two prede- rules. For example, lift of this CFD rule : (X A) is
fined thresholds, i.e., minimum support, and minimum confi-
dence. The first step is to extract list of maximal frequent pat- lift X A
terns and their associated generators by using minimum sup-
port threshold. MICCFD-Miner approach then utilizes such This approach optimizes the process of the rules generation
extracted maximal frequent patterns instead of working on compared with the most related methods.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

V. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY equal to 0.4 and confidence =1, the number of maximal fre-
We present an experimental study for validating the proposed quent patterns extracted from the proposed approach is 41
approach. the proposed approach is evaluated w.r.t three di- patterns, but number of closed patterns generated from other
mensions: (1) Efficiency; extracting maximal frequent patterns approach is 140. Such results show the effectiveness in ex-
that results in reduction in the number of patterns generated tracting maximal frequent patterns as first step in generating
and space complexity without loss of information when gene- accurate and dependable rules instead of extracting closed
rating dependable rules. (2) Accuracy; generating accurate frequent patterns as current existing approaches. Focusing on
dependable rules, which are minimum and non-redundant. (3) maximal frequent patterns also optimize the memory space,
Scalability; measuring response time when increasing both which shown in figure 4. In this example, the usage memory
database size and number of attributes. space of the proposed approach equal to 11.1 MB, but the
A. Experimental Setting usage memory space of other approach equal to 12.24 MB.
The experiments are conducted using both real-life and syn-
thetic datasets. Such datasets are taken from the UCI machine
learning repository ( namely,
Mushroom, Thyroid (hypothyroid), Adult, Audiology. Table 2
shows the number of attributes and the number of instances
for each dataset.


Size (Number of Arity (Number
Dataset name Instances) of Columns)
Mushroom 8124 23
Thyroid(hypothyroid) 3772 30
Adult 32561 15
Audiology 226 70
Figure 3: Total number of maximal frequent patterns
All our experiments were implemented using java (JDK1.7). extracted from mushrom dataset.
The implementation is tested on machine equipped with In-
tel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPUT3400 with 2.00 GB of memory
running on windows 7 operating system. The proposed ap-
proach runs mainly in main memory. Each experiment is re-
peated at least five times and the average reported here.
B. Experimental Results
We next demonstrate and discuss the results from experimen-
tal study over the proposed approach against CCFD-ZartMNR
algorithm [24]. The experiments are conducted for different
dataset from different application domains described in pre-
vious section.
Experiment-1: Efficiency of extracting patterns. We here in
evaluate the efficiency of extracting maximal frequent patterns
Figure 4: Space Complexity measure about mushrom dataset.
from the proposed approach against closed frequent patterns
from CCFD-ZartMNR [24]. The results for mushroom dataset Experiment-2: Accuracy of rules generation. In this expe-
are shown in figures 3, 4. This dataset contains 23 attributes, riment, we validate accuracy of rules generated from the pro-
and 8124 records about mushroom physical characteristics. posed approach compared to CCFD-ZartMNR algorithm [24].
Figure 3 show the efficiency in reduction the number of pat- Results from thyroid (hypothyroid) diagnosis dataset is shown
terns generated form the proposed approach (MICCFD-Miner) in figures 5, 6. This dataset contains 30 attributes, and 3772
over other approach without loss of information. The x-axis is records of patient data describing patient information about
the different support values and y-axis is the total number of the hypothyroid diagnoses data. As shown, figure 5 confirm
extracted patterns, and set fixed constant confidence value effectiveness of the accurate minimal non-redundant data
equal 1. Figure 4 demonstrate the space complexity optimiza- quality rules generation of the proposed approach over other
tion of the number of patterns extracted from the proposed approach for detecting inconsistency problems. The proposed
approach against other approach. The x-axis is the support approach always generate less numbers of rules but more ac-
values and y-axis is the space complexity measure in mega- curate as compared to other approach, because the other ap-
bytes (MB), at fixed constant confidence value equal 1. For proach does not consider interest measure of rules. The x-axis
example in figure 3, with thresholds minimum support value is minimum support threshold values and y-axis is the number

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

of rules generated, and set fixed constant confidence value milliseconds (ms). This experiment concludes that
equal 0.99. Figure 6 also show that the proposed approach the proposed approach outperforms other approach in
outperforms the other algorithm with respect to response time scalability of increasing number of tuples with less
for rules generations. The x-axis is minimum support thre- response time.
shold values and y-axis is the response time in seconds (s), and
also set fixed constant confidence value equal 0.99.

Figure 7: Scalability per number of tuples on adult dataset.

Figure 5: Numbers of rules generated from thyroid diagnoses dataset.
b) Scalability of the proposed approach with increas-
ing arity of relation. We asses performance of sca-
lability on increasing number of attributes at fixed
number of tuples over the proposed approach against
CCFD-ZartMNR algorithm. Results from audiology
dataset are depicted in figure 7. This dataset contains
226 tuples and 70 attributes describing audiology
disease data about patients. Fixing database size=226
tuples, confidence=1, minimum support=0.99. We are
changing arity from 10 to 70. Figure 8 shows the re-
sponse time of the proposed approach against other
approach by varying number of attributes. The x-axis
is the number of attributes starting from 10 to 70 and
Figure 6: Response time measure of generated rules
from thyroid diagnoses dataset y-axis is the measure of response time in milliseconds
(ms). Such number of attributes increased signifies
Experiment-3: Scalability of the proposed approach with that the proposed approach scales well in less re-
the dataset size and arity of relation. In order to evaluate the sponse time compared to other algorithm.
scalability of the proposed approach against CCFD-ZartMNR
algorithm [24] by varying dataset size, and arity of relation.
a) Scalability of the proposed approach with varying
database size of relation. In this experiment, we
evaluate the scalability of the proposed approach
when increasing number of tuples at fixed number of
attributes against CCFD-ZartMNR algorithm. Results
from adult dataset is shown in figure 7. This dataset
contains 32561 tuples and 15 attributes describing
prediction about whether income exceeds $50K/yr or
not based on census data. Fixing arity=15, confidence
= 0.95 and minimum support= 0.5. We are changing
database size (number of tuples) from 5k to 30k
tuples. The response time of the proposed approach Figure 8: Scalability per number of attributes on audiology dataset.
against other approach by varying number of tuples
are reported in figure 7, which shows linear time VI. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK
scaling of our approach over that always less than the We have proposed MICCFD-Miner, an approach that generat-
other approach. The x-axis is the number of tuples ing accurate minimum dependable interest data quality rules,
*1000 and y-axis is the measure of response time in as solution to data inconsistency problems. The proposed ap-

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Decreasing ERP Implementation Failure in Egypt

George Sharmokh Wanas Ali H. El-Bastawissy

College of Computing and Information Technology Faculty of Computer Science
Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime MSA University
Transport Cairo, Egypt
Cairo, Egypt
Mona Ahmed Kadry
Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport
Cairo, Egypt

AbstractERP Implementation projects have high failure which motivate the Egyptian organizations for implementing
rates. Any mistakes made during the ERP implementation ERP such as replacing legacy systems and improving
process can derail business decision-making, productivity and operational performance and system efficiency [18].
profitability. Various risks can affect and cause the failure of The elimination of work and data redundancy and business
ERP Implementation. The researchers are handling ERP failures
by using risk management before, during and post ERP
processes simplicity are important strengths of ERP system. So
Implementation phase in Egyptian organizations. We study how it is a high technical cross-functional information system, that
to resolve ERP Failures by decreasing the risks, for that we improves organizational performance and competitiveness [16]
create MSAM model based on FMEA calculations to measure the [20].
readiness of the organization for ERP Implementation and
assure successful implementation and maintenance. 1.2. ERP Implementation stages definition:
ERP pre-implementation phase comprises issues of
KeywordsFailure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), Multi selecting ERP software, vendors, consultant, and define
Stages Assessment Model (MSAM), Information and requirements. ERP Implementation phase includes activities
Communications Technology (ICT), Information Technology related to software rollout, configuration, data conversion,
Transfer (ITT), Critical Success Factors (CSF), Critical Failure
integration, testing, training of super-users and end users, and
Factors (CFF).
stabilization. ERP Post-implementation phase, encompasses,
training of super-users and end users, maintenance, upgrading,
1. INTRODUCTION new-release management, and evolution.
The paper consists of 7 parts, part 1 is the Introduction, part
1.3. The Importance of study :
2 contains the Literature review, part 3 contain Main Failure
Factors Assessment, part 4 includes the overall model ERP Systems are considered as major investment requiring
MSAM, part 5 includes the Experimentation model effective and efficient planning and facts reveal that 66% to
MSAM, part 6 contains paper conclusion and finally last part 75% of ERP implementation projects fail to achieve their
including the references. implementation goals in many organizations world wide
including Egyptian organizations [12-15], for that, the
1.1. ERP System : management of ERP risk is highly important, to insure the ERP
Many researchers describe the ERP Expression with many system success in achieving the business requirements.
aliases as Enterprise application, Enterprise Resource Planning The researchers will explore and analyze the ERP
and ERP systems, they describe ERP as a standardized Implementation failure in Pre, during and Post Implementation
software package that integrate all business processes, phases, to create Recipe for ERP implementation success.
information, and information flow across an organization, also Many researchers found that Risk management absence is
managing and optimizing the available resources, improve its the main factor that leads to the ERP implementation failure
competitiveness and business processes [1-12] [14]. [26-28]
ERP systems Control and manage complex business For that, the organization must validate the ERP to
processes and information effectively [3] [17], the important authenticate that the ERP system meets the organization
benefits from ERP Implementation for organizations are to business requirement, and create the risk assessment for the
allow better access, and improve the visibility of information ERP to evaluate and minimize the risk.
[15]. In Addition, there are technical and business reasons

978-1-5090-0217-7/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 106

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt


2.1. ERP implementation difficulties in developing countries TABLE I. RISK ASSESSMENT TOOLS
such as egypt :
There are several constraints In ERP implementation facing
developing countries compared with developed countries.
Firstly, The National Factors are the greatest challenge for ERP
Implementation in developing countries, It include Information Criteria


and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure,


economical status of the country, manufacturing industry
strength, regional location, and governmental regulations [21-
22]. Use in Many stages for X X X X 9
Secondary, Organizational Factors such as IT Maturity, ERP implementation [30] [30] [30] [48] [33]
Computer culture, Business Size, Management Commitment, [41] [36]
ERP cost , and BPR experience. [14] [18] [19] [21] [23], all [42]
business units at different countries had their own way of doing Quantitative X X X 9 9
business because of different business processes and local Tools [30] [30] [30] [49] [50]
requirements [21]. Many of ERP failures in Egypt are caused [41] [45] [44]
by customization of an ERP system to match the existing [43] [47]
processes instead of restructuring them [14] [22].
Consider Severity of 9 X 9 9 9
Thirdly, Information Technology Transfer (ITT) problems failures [44] [34] [54] [48] [50]
or the cultural issues facing the eastern developing countries [49]
when implementing and using western technologies, Prioritizing critical 9 X 9 9 9
management processes, and information systems and failures [41] [45] [54] [53] [37]
techniques. [14] [18-19] [21] [23] 9 9 9 9 9
Give clear description
Fourthly, Most of the implementation failures for ERP were for failure mode [45] [41] [45] [49] [33]
early ERP adoptions which did not have strong business (Reason of Hazard) [45] [53] [50]
justifications. [19] [51]
Powerful in complex 9 X 9 X 9
Most of ERP implementation failure factors are similar
system such as ERP [44] [30] [44] [48] [50]
between developing countries and Egypt. [14] [18-19]. [32]
2.2. Risk assessment tools: Used in Varity of 9 9 X X 9
There are many tools that are able to assess risk in general industry over the world [42] [55] [46] [38] [24]
such as Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA), Hazard and including Software [41] [29]
[48] [36]
Operability study (HAZOP), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), [49] [51]
Hazards Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP), and [52]
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), the PHA, FTA, Product error free 9 9 9 9 9
and HAZOP tools are used in early stages in the requirement [41] [41] [41] [48] [36]
analysis or at the very beginning of the design process. They
Service operation error 9 9 9 X 9
support qualitative not quantitative analysis [30] that is why free [41] [45] [54] [48] [25]
these tools are not preferred for ERP Implementation, the FTA
does not consider the severity of the failures [34] and in According to the above table its concluded that FMEA is
complex system such as ERP that includes large number of powerful Quantitative risk assessment tool for creating ERP
equipment and process variables the fault tree becomes lager Risk Assessment.
and takes long time to be completed, and they become much The researchers developed MSAM model to assess the risk
more difficult to solve [30-32], and also these makes FTA not a factors related to different implementation stages. The
preferred choice, and takes long time to be completed, and they researchers depend on using FMEA as the principle assessment
become much more difficult to solve [30-32], and also these tool for the MSAM model. The model starts with Failure
makes FTA not a preferred choice, HACCP is originated in the Factors Assessment as in Point No. 3 and proceeds as defined
food industry [38][40], and hence it is more logic to used it for in Point No. 4.
ERP systems Implemented in food industry.
FMEA methodology gives a clear description of the failure 3. FAILURE FACTORS ASSESSMENT
modes [33], FMEA methodology is now extensively used in a 3.1. Critical Failure Factors:
variety of industries including Software [24] [29][35-36][39- Critical Failure Factors aid to develop the ERP without
40], FMEA purpose is to examine possible failure modes and failure in any organization.
determine the impact of these failures on many stages by
The Critical Success Factors (CSF) and the Critical Failure
Design FMEA (DFMEA), Process FMEA (PFMEA),
Factors (CFF) is mirroring each from other, the absence of CSF
Machinery or Equipment FMEA (MFMEA) or Service FMEA
lead to the ERP project failure, and then we can use CFF
(SFMEA) [33][36], FMEA is a strategic technique for creation
expression. The absence for CFF lead to the ERP project
of error free service operation [25]. And it is a methodology
Success, then we can use CSF expression.
that focuses on prioritizing critical failures to improve the
Many researchers study and research for CSFs, CFFs that
safety [37]. FMEA considers each mode of failure of every
widely used in the information systems arena, that lead to the
component of a system, [39].
ERP success or failure [4] [12] [14].

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

3.2. Critical Failure Factors Questionnaire in Egypt: 4.1. Purpose:

The researchers use the questionnaire technique to study The researchers create MSAM model based on FMEA
various failure factors which can affect the ERP calculations for aid to measure the readiness of the organization
implementation for ERP Implementation, and also if any Failures are expected
leading to its failure for the organization in Egypt by the scale in any stage in ERP implementation.
of 1-5, and If any Extra factors can affect ERP pre, during and This model applied on all ERP Implementation phases, Pre
Post the implementation faces. ERP Implementation phase, During ERP Implementation
3.3. Data Analysis: phase, and Post ERP Implementation phase.
Data collection of this study is done based on combination
of the questionnaire with ranking 5 Likert scale from 1 to 5, 4.2. Model Inputs:
and interviews with ERP Users and experts. The survey
4.2.1. Predefined Factors Risk Check List is a output
obtained 29 response samples out of 41 (70.7% response rate).
from Critical Failure Factors Questionnaire in Egypt
All experts and Users in this study agreed on the
that was created by the reserchers
appropriateness, clarity of the items and contents in this
questionnaire. 4.2.2. Project specific Potential Failure Involve company
Some candidate reply with extra factors as the following: stakeholders and consultant aid to identify potintial
Unclear user requirement definition failure for ERP Project.
Supplier Selection
Poor Team Selection 4.2.3. Predefined Recommendationsis an output from
3.4. Questionnaire Results: Questionnaire for the consultant in Egypt that was
To evaluate the factors, in pre Implementation phase found created by the reserchers.
that Inadequate project planning and controls has highest 4.3. Model Calculation sectionFactors Assessment &
rank degree as found by this study. Evaluation:
In During Implementation phase found that Top
management commitment has highest rank degree as found by 4.3.1. Risk Management Rating criteria:
this study.
Severity SEV: How severe is effect ERP Implementation?
In Post Implementation phase found that Users resistance
to change has highest rank degree as found by this study.
4. OVERALL MSAM MODEL Severity Rating Criteria
Insignificant No effect on data security, integrity and/or
accuracy Data can be retrieved and or stored
during normal operating environment, No
hardware damage.
Minor System Downtime of up to 15 minutes but
without affecting data security, integrity and/or
No hardware damage.
Moderate Downtime of greater than 15 minutes and less
than 1 hours and/or loss of data which has been
3 previously backup.
No hardware damage.
No effect on product safety and/or quality.
Major Downtime of greater than 1 hours and/or loss of
data security, integrity and/or accuracy.
4 Hardware damage that can be fixed or corrected
with moderate maintenance.
No effect on product safety and/or quality.
Catastrophic Downtime of greater than 1 day and/or loss of
(very High) data security, integrity and/or accuracy.
5 Hardware damage that cannot be fixed and
require replacement.
Possible effect on product safety and/or quality.

Fig. 1
Multi Stages Assessment Model

Symbol ( i ) Refer to the implementation stage, i=1 Refer to

Pre ERP implementation phase, i=2 Refer to During ERP
implementation phase, and i=3 Refer to Post ERP
implementation phase.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Occurrence OCC: How frequent is the cause likely to occur 4.4. Model Output:
the risk?
4.4.1. Risk Evaluation:
TABLE III. OCCURENCE Evaluate ERP Implementation risks Depending on Severity,
Occurence and Detection
Occurrence Rank Criteria
Remote 1 Failure occurs every year or more RPN = Risk priority number in order to rank concerns,
( 1 failure per 8760 hours of operation) Calculated as SEV x OCC x DET
Rare 2 Failure occurs every 3 months(quarter)
( 1 failure per 2160 hours of operation)
Occasionally 3 Failure occurs every week
( 1 failure per 168 hours of operation)
Risk Range Criteria
Frequently Failure occurs every day
4 ( 1 failure per 24 hours of operation) 001 : 010 Insignificant
Continually 5 Failure occurs every shift
( 1 failure per 8 hours of operation) 011 : 050 Minor

051 : 080 Moderate

Detection DET: How probable is detection of failure
cause? 081 :100 Major

TABLE IV. DETECTION 100 : 125 Catastrophic (very High)

Detection Rank Criteria
Certain 1 Controls certainly detect any potential
cause and subsequent failure.
Controls will prevent an imminent failure
and isolate the cause. 4.4.2. Modified Recommendations List:
High 2 High chance that controls will detect a
potential cause and subsequent failure. Its a repository for all recommendations to decrease the ERP
Controls will prevent an imminent failure Implementation risks, Initialy we fill the Modified
and isolate the cause. Recommendation List with the Predefined
Medium 3 Medium chance that controls will detect
Recommendations and the Recommendation from risk
likelihood a potential cause and subsequent failure.
Controls will provide on indication of analysis.
imminent failure and may, or may not,
prevents failure. 4.4.3. Action Plan:
Low 4 Controls do not prevent failure from
likelihood occurring. Use Modified Recommendations List to Create Action plan for
Controls will isolate the cause and failure every ERP Failure; clarify for every action, who is the
mode after the failure has occurred. Responsible person or persons that will implement this action,
Remote 5 Very remote chance that controls will the resourses that will be used in the Action implementation,
likelihood detect a potential cause and subsequent
failure mode, or there are no controls.
and time schedule for action implementation.
4.5. Action Plan Implementation:

4.5.1. Implementation for Stages:

4.3.2. Risk management Ranking criteria:
Action plan implementation for Pre, During, and Post ERP
Depending on Severity and Occurence of Risk
Implementation stages.
TABLE V. RANKING CRITERIA 4.5.2. Acceptance:
Severity After Acceptance test, if implementation of stage is accepted
proceed to next stage, and if stage implementation did nt pass
Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic
acceptance criteria return to Factors Assessment &
1 2 3 4 5 Evaluation, make new risk evaluation, and update the
Continually 5 5 10 15 20 25 Modified Recommendation List with the new

recommendations, new action plan, and new implementation

Frequently 4
4 8 12 16 20 for the new action plan.
Occasionally 3
Rare 2
2 4 6 8 10 The researchers Apply MSAM model on two case studies
in different manufacturing field, automotive and
Remote 1
1 2 3 4 5 pharmaceutical industries for MSAM Model experimentation,
in these case studies we did not implement the complete model
life cycle, put we just apply the model to Modified
Recommendations list step.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

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Developing Countries ,2012 Implementation in Small and Medium Enterprises ,
[6] Mustafa Abdullabhai and Freddie Acosta Impact of
Adopting Enterprise Resource Planning Systems by [27] Nazli Sadat Safavi, Mahyar Amini, Azam
Commercial Organizations in Kenya ,Feb 2012 Abdollahzadegan and Nor Hidayati Zakaria An

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Effective Model for Evaluating Organizational Risk and [41] ICH-Q9 standard, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE
Cost in ERP Implementation by SME , Jun 2013 ON HARMONISATION OF TECHNICAL
[28] Vijayakumar Bharathi, Dhanya Pramod and REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION OF
ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING [42] Mohamed-Habib MAZOUNI et al. A PHA based on a
ACQUISITION DECISIONS FOR SMALL AND systemic and generic ontology 2007.
MEDIUM ENTERPRISES , 18 Mar 2013 [43] Roland Mader et al. Computer-Aided PHA, FTA and
[29] T. Frank et al. Quality Risk Management Principles and FMEA for Automotive Embedded Systems 2011.
Industry Case Studies, 28 Dec 2008 [44] JongGyu Hwang,and HyunJeong Jo
[30] S. Bernardi et al. Model-Driven Dependability Hazard Identificaiton of Railway Signaling System Usi
Assessment of Software Systems, 2013 ng PHA and HAZOP Methods 2 FEB 2013.
[31] Clifton A. Ericson Fault Tree Analysis A History, [45] HE Xin, and TAO Xin A Software Safety Test
1999 Approach Based on FTA and Bayesian Networks 2011.
[32] Ahmed Ali Baig, Risza Ruzli, and Azizul B. Buang [46] XU Xin, et al. Improvement & Application of HAZOP
Reliability Analysis Using Fault Tree Analysis: A Analysis for Batch Process with SDG 2010.
Review, June 2013 [47] Wei WANG, and Tingdi ZHAO The Application of the
[33] Yonas Mitiku Degu, R. Srinivasa Moorthy Root Causes of Human Error Analysis Method Based on
Implementation of Machinery Failure Mode and Effect HAZOP Analysis in Using Process of Weapon 2009.
Analysis in Amhara Pipe Factory P.L.C., Bahir Dar, [48] S.I. Lao et al. A real-time food safety management
Ethiopia, 2014 system for receiving operations in distribution centers
[34] Rodrigo de Queiroz Souza, and Alberto Jos lvares 2012.
FMEA AND FTA ANALYSIS FOR APPLICATION [49] Ioan Alfred Letia, and Adrian Groza Developing
OF THE RELIABILITY-CENTERED Hazard Ontology for Supporting HACCP Systems in
[50] Xi-Ping Zhu et al. A Quantitative Comprehensive
[35] Dr. D. R. Prajapati Implementation of Failure Mode Safety Evaluation Method for Centrifugal Compressors
and Effect Analysis: A Literature Review , July 2012 Using FMEA-fuzzy Operations 2013.
[36] Murat OZKOK RISK ASSESSMENT IN SHIP HULL [51] Guoqi Li Ontology-based Reuse of Failure Modes for
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[37] Rupy Sawhney et al. A Modified FMEA Approach to diagnosing service failure: Service-specific FMEA and
Enhance Reliability of Lean Systems, 2010 grey relational analysis approach 29 JUL 2011.
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2010 risk assessment of software-intensive medical devices.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Session IV:
Computer Networks, Security, and

Title: Page#

Accelerated Parallel Training of Logistic Regression using 113

Hamada M.Zahera and Ashraf B.El-Sisi

ROEF: A Smart Search Engine of the 3rd Generation World Wide 118
Web (WWW)
Karim Mahmoud, Hanafy Ismail, and Mohamed Kholief

Mitigating ARP Spoofing Attacks in Software-Defined Networks 126

Ahmed M.AbdelSalam, Ashraf B. El-Sisi and Vamshi Reddy K

DNA-Based Data Hiding Using Variable Length Substitution 132

Dina A. Ibrahim, Elsayed A. Sallam, and H.M. Abdalkader

PRNG Based Modified MSLDIP Watermarking 138

Abdelmgeid A. Ali and Ahmed H. Ismail

Energy-Aware Enhancement of LEACH Protocol in Wireless 144

Sensor Network
Ahmed AL-BAZ and Ayman EL-SAYED

Intelligent Collision Detection and Avoidance in Railways using 150

GPS/RF Module
S. A. Qunber, M. S. Zaghloul, O. Badawy, and M. Farouk

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Accelerated Parallel Training of Logistic Regression

using OpenCL

Hamada M.Zahera, Ashraf B.El-Sisi

Faculty of Computers and Information, Menofia University
Shebin El Kom, EGYPT
{hamada.zahra, ashraf.elsisi}

AbstractThis paper presents an accelerated approach for in multiple applications with respect to current multi-core
training logistic regression in parallel and running on Graphics CPU. Nevertheless, GPUs are specially designed to facil-
Processing Units (GPU). Many researchers have worked out in itate accelerated graphics processing, they have been used
boosting the performance of logistic regression using different as general purpose computing devices (often called General
techniques. Our study focuses on showing the ultimate capabilities Purpose GPU: GPGPU[3]). Certain high-performance GPUs
of GPU processing and OpenCL framework. GPU and OpenCL
are the low cost and high-performance solutions for scaling
are now designed to solve general-purpose processing instead
up logistic regression to handle large datasets. The proposed of graphics rendering, which it was the only usage of GPUs
approach is implemented in OpenCL C/C++ and tested with before.
different datasets. All results showed a significant improvement
The specifics of OpenCL architecture are strongly taken
in execution time in large datasets, which is reduced almost with
the available GPU devices. into account so as to carefully devise the parallelization
method. Consequently, this method would be effective in
KeywordsLogistic Regression, Parallel Computing, GPU, different conditions and useful for potential researchers. The
OpenCL results showed that our parallel implementation have a clear
advantage over the original algorithm, which can be obtained
I. I NTRODUCTION in a wide range of available GPU hardware.

Recently, machine learning have been well applied in many This paper is organized as follows. The proposed approach
complicated problems like prediction, recommendation and is presented in detail in section 2 along with sequential
classification. Logistic regression is one of machine learning training process of logistic regression. Section 3 analyzes the
algorithms used in Predicting tasks, it can anticipate the output results obtained from running several experiments on different
value based on a set of attributes or input variables. First, platforms. In section 4, we discussed the relevant works that
We need to build a logistic model through training with have done before in accelerating the training process with
previous instances. The datasets should have a variety of respect to our approach. Finally, the paper is concluded in
training examples and consider many cases. The complexity of section 5.
training process in logistic regression depends on the problem
characteristics and datasets volume. II. R ELATED W ORKS
Such training like this can take long hours and even days Recently, the size of datasets has increased rapidly by such
to reach the desired accuracy in logistic model[1]. On the a way that became difficult to be handled with current im-
other way, finding the best fit setting for building a logistic plementations. Several techniques were purposed to accelerate
model needs a certain amount of cross-validation experiments the training process of logistic regressions using technolo-
which can also be very time-consuming. In the past decade, gies such as Multithreading,MPI and Open Multiprocessing
many techniques were proposed to speed up training in com- (OpenMP). In [8], Thanh-Nghi et al have presented a new
plex applications. Multithreaded, Multi-core CPUs, Message parallel multiclass logistic regression algorithm that achieves
Passing Interface (MPI) and OpenCL have been investigated high performances for classifying large amounts of images
in different applications. Each technology has its own de- into many classes. The parallel multiclass algorithm is also
ployment characteristics and execution cost. An exponential developed for efficiently classifying large image datasets into
growth of performance is expected in the near future since a very large number of classes on multi-core computers. They
many researchers focus their attention in parallelizing a variety applied two major parallel models: MPI and OpenMP are
of computational intelligence algorithms[2] using the new mostly famous for shared memory. While OpenCL use the
hardware architectures. powerful abilities provided in GPU devices. Anther approach
for training logistic regression in a distributed fashion has
OpenCL is a development framework developed by been suggested by Yong Zhuang et al[9]. Many interesting
Khronos group to support general purpose computations on techniques are discussed for reducing the communication cost
GPUs. OpenCL provides an industry standard for parallel and speeding up the computation. They have released an MPI-
programming of heterogeneous computing platforms[2], its based implementation for public use.
not dedicated to specific GPU vendors opposite to CUDA
which is restricted to Nvidia GPUs. The recent developments Peng et al[10] analyzed three optimization approaches
of GPU have shown a superb computational performance along with two computing platforms to train logistic model

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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

on a large scale and high-dimensional datasets for classifica-

tion. Based on extensive experiments. Sequential algorithms
with memory intensive operations can perform very well if
datasets can fit in memory. For massive datasets, if limited by
machine resources, Mahout with its online algorithm is a good
choice with a slightly lower precision. The authors relied their
implementation on distributed frameworks to scale up logistic
Nowadays, GPU devices are well utilized for executing
general application in addition to processing graphics and
games. Complex applications could be run on CPU and GPU
devices in parallel. This implementation has been investigated
before by Kulkarni et al[11] in designing database processing Fig. 1. Platform model of OpenCL architecture: one host and one or more
compute devices each with one or more compute units each with one or more
model by Linear Regression on GPU using CUDA. It is ob- processing elements. While the host executes the main program, processing
served that the multithreading architecture and SIMD approach elements execute small kernel program in parallel.[4]
of CUDA helps for performance improvement in a great sense.
There is a tremendous difference in the results obtained on
CPU and GPU. So, CUDA is one of the best programming
approaches to optimize the time for various algorithms which
require a huge amount of data. Also, Mark van Heeswijk
et al[12] presented an approach that allows for performing
regression on large data sets in reasonable time. The main
component of this approach consists in speeding up the slowest
operation of the used algorithm by running it on GPU, instead
of the processor CPU. Experiments show a speedup of an order
of magnitude by using the GPU, and competitive performance
on the regression task.
In this paper, we used OpenCL framework for accelerating
training of logistic regression. The proposed approach worked
out on available GPU devices in parallel and achieve the
highest performance speed. The following section discusses in
detail the reasons behind our choice of considering OpenCL Fig. 2. Memory model of OpenCL architecture with respect to the compute
in developing the proposed algorithm. units and device[4].

III. PARALLELIZATION USING O PEN CL Local memory is allocated to a computing unit and is
smaller and faster than the global memory.
A. OpenCL Programming Model
private memory is the smallest and the fastest (e.g.
OpenCL[4] is an open standard which defines a parallel registers), and is accessible only from the processing
programming framework for programs that execute across het- element it belongs to..
erogeneous platforms. Programs that conform to the standard
may be executed on CPU, GPU and other devices that have The global memory is the only way of communication between
interfaces to the standard specification. Processing elements in host and computing device, whereas the other types of memory
OpenCL are the compute device (such as GPU), which may may be used for internal computation. In case more private
have one or more compute units (e.g. a GPU multiprocessor), memory is requested than physically available, global memory
which in turn may consist of one or more processing elements will be used instead.
(e.g. a GPU scalar processor). The processing elements are
accessed by a host, which may be a computer system where B. Training with sequential Logistic Regression
OpenCL programs are initiated. The programming elements
in OpenCL are based on work items or kernels, which are Logistic regression is a statistical method for analyzing a
equivalent to tasks in parallel programming models, and which dataset in which there are one or more independent variables
execute on a single processing element. A set of multiple work that determine an outcome. The outcome is measured with a
items that are processed (in parallel) by a computing unit dichotomous variable (in which there are only two possible
is called a workgroup. OpenCL memory model distinguishes outcomes). In order to build a predictive model using logistic
different levels of memory: regression, first we need to train this model using previous
training instances. The output value is computed based on a
Global memory is a multipurpose memory on the set of instance attributes. Each attribute has a coefficient value
compute device that is the largest and the slowest one. named attributes weight. The goal of the training process is to
find which are the best weights values that fit this problem and
Constant memory is a part of the global memory that could achieve a high prediction accuracy later on. The steps
remains unchanged during the kernel execution. of logistic regression are stated in Algortihm1[5]: Sequential

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Fig. 4. Parallel Training of Logistic Regression

Fig. 3. Sequential Training of Logistic Regression or distributed manner. The first step is to divide training dataset
T into N equal parts where N corresponds to a number of
parallel kernels. Each part of data can fit in memory and
training of logistic regression. the algorithm runs sequentially trained by logistic regression. We considered batch training
from step2 to step4. The predicted output is computed in step2 approach because it can be parallelized directly rather than
using a logistic function which based on instance attributes online training. In batch learning[6], we accumulated the error
values. values over all parts and then updated the weights. Secondly,
Algorithm 1 Sequential Training of Logistic Regression for each part of the dataset; logistic regression is trained by
initialized weights with random values at first[7]. Then, train
1: Initialize weights to small random values instance by instance to adapt weights and find the best fit
2: Compute the actual output using sigmoid function values using delta rule as shown in equation 1.
sigmoid(Z) = P1/1 + ez
where : Z = i=k Wi Xi Wij = Wij + (T O) (1)
X : Instance attribute
W : Attribute weight
where Wij represents attribute weight j in instance i and T ,
3: Estimate error and update weights using delta rule
O corresponds to target value and actual value calculated by
4: If (Actualoutput(O) 6= T argetoutput(T ))
the algorithm respectively. At each kernel, the actual output
Wi = Wi + (T O) Xi
O is computed using a sigmoid function and compared to the
5: ELSE : try new Instance
target value T . Then, weights need to be adapted in case of
actual output is not the same as the target value. The algorithm
runs in parallel starting from step 2, each kernel output delta
We did a comparative study between sequential and parallel weights which used to get final weights in the last step.
training of logistic regression. Despite in complex problems,
the training process requires very large datasets which con-
sume to the extent long time (e.g.hours, days). As shown in Algorithm 2 Parallel Training of Logistic Regression
Fig.1, the training process goes sequentially to train a logistic 1: Initialize weights to small random values
model instance by instance. This approach fits well simple 2: for each node i N do
prediction problems that require small datasets for training. 3: Compute the actual output using sigmoid function
Recently, the logistic models are designed to work out complex sigmoid(Z) = P1/1 + ez
problems with many attributes. This type of problems required k
where : Z = i=k Wi Xi
to be trained with very large training datasets. Unfortunately, X : Instance attribute
sequential logistic regression takes a long time in training and W : Attribute Weight
building efficient model. Many researchers addressed this prob- 4: Estimate error and update weights using delta rule
lem in the past few years using different parallel techniques. 5: If (Actualoutput(O) 6= T argetoutput(T ))
The motivation of our research work is to parallelize training Wi = Wi + (T O) Xi
in logistic regression using available resources in a standard 6: ELSE : Try new Instance
PC such as GPU devices as well as running on CPU. 7: end for

C. Training with parallel Logistic Regression

This section discusses main aspects of logistic regression We considered applying data parallelism in GPU due to
implementation that uses OpenCL to exploit multi-core CPU many reasons: The GPU-based solutions are cost-effective and
and GPU processors. The proposed method includes three dont require any additional resources for extreme processing
main steps in order to train logistic regression with a large- application. We used OpenCL C/C++ in GPU programming.
scale dataset in a response time. Main issues required to deal Finally, once each kernel finished adapting weights, the final
with big data; it should fit memory by processing it in parallel weights are obtained by accumulating all weights come from

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt



Data Size Sequential Logistic Regression GPU-Implemented Logistic Regression

1000 334 142

5000 1209 159
10000 2188 192
50000 10038 292
100000 15000 349
111000 80000 395



Data Size Sequential Logistic Regression GPU-Implemented Logistic Regression

1000 299 150

5000 1076 165
10000 1947 171
50000 8745 230
100000 15000 272 Fig. 5. Execution time between sequential and GPU-Logistic Regression on
111000 80000 289 platform A

different kernels as shown in equation 2.

4Wij = 4WijTk (2)


A. Environment Setup
We analyzed the performance between sequential and
parallel training of logistic regression in different datasets
and platforms. We carried out many experiments to estimate
the speedup in both approaches. Our experiments were im-
plemented in OpenCL C/C++ and run onto two different
platforms: Platform A has Mac OSX Yosemite with Intel(R)
Core(TM) i5-2415M CPU 2.30GHz and Platform B has
Mac OSX Yosemite with Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU Fig. 6. Execution time between sequential and GPU-Logistic Regression on
platform B
2.50GHz. The following subsections give more information
about datasets and results to demonstrate the performance
boosting when GPU is involved in the computation.
faster than the speed of sequential approach. GPU has power-
ful computing capabilities that points out rendering graphics
B. Dataset
applications in the past. Lately, GPU-based applications are
At first, we preprocessed the datasets from raw structure developed using programming frameworks such as CUDA and
format into a vector space model. Each record represents a user OpenCL. CUDA could be used only with Nvidia GPUs. We
review as a set of products features and users rating value. chose to implement the proposed approach in OpenCL to build
We tried out with various sizes 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000 platform independent approach.
and 100000 instances as shown in table 1 and table 2. The
speedup in all datasets was measured in microseconds. It can OpenCL has many other capabilities in building parallel
be clearly seen that the speed raised exponentially with the applications on multiple GPU devices. OpenCL supports vec-
increasing size in sequential training. While, in parallel training tor processing which means it can add two vectors of n length
the trend roughly goes constantly despite the dataset size. at the same execution cycle instead of scalar processing in
These results demonstrated the high computation capabilities CPU that takes n execution cycle. Second, OpenCL provides
of GPU devices when they were used in other applications. parallel programming at two levels: data parallelism and task
parallelism. In our implementation, we consider data paral-
C. Result Analysis lelization in training process in order to handle larger datasets
and process them in parallel.
The results are visualized in figure five and six to highlight
the comparison between execution time in parallel and sequen- OpenCL provides an effective solution for many complex
tial logistic algorithm. It can be clearly seen that the perfor- problems that usually demand high resources of memory and
mance of proposed approach outperforms sequential training CPU. OpenCL shows extremely high performance in execu-
of logistic regression. As shown in figure 5 and figure 6, the tion time when the problem is well designed with OpenCL
speedup of GPU-accelerated logistic regression is 11 times parallelization parameters: work-item and work-groups.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

In this paper, we proposed a method for accelerating
training process of logistic regression using GPU. The speedup
is analyzed and compared in sequential and GPU-based logistic
algorithm. The results showed that OpenCL can afford a
new trend in application development to have performance
boosting and make a full resource utilization. The OpenCL
model allows implementation to be deployed onto different
platforms; however, the maximum efficiency is achieved on
GPU device, the program can also be executed on CPU.
The proposed methods speed approximately reaches 11 times
faster than the speed of sequential logistic regression. The
results demonstrated high impact in performance when taking
into account developing GPU-based applications. In future
work, we will implement the proposed approach in MapReduce
to run it on Hadoop framework as well. The final version of
the proposed approach can process big datasets in distributed
framework like Hadoop and in parallel on GPU devices

This research was partially supported by XEROX Research
Center in Europe. Thanks to Frederic Roulland and Jean-Marc
Andreoli for their advice in developing the proposed approach.

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[7] Z.-P. Liu, Logistic regression, in Encyclopedia of Systems Biology,
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[8] T.-N. Do and F. Poulet, Parallel multiclass logistic regression for
classifying large scale image datasets, in Advanced Computational
Methods for Knowledge Engineering, pp. 255266, Springer, 2015.
[9] Y. Zhuang, W.-S. Chin, Y.-C. Juan, and C.-J. Lin, Distributed newton
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[10] H. Peng, D. Liang, and C. Choi, Evaluating parallel logistic regression
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puting, vol. 74, no. 16, pp. 24302437, 2011.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

ROEF: A Smart Search Engine of the 3rd Generation World Wide Web (WWW)
Karim Mahmoud, Hanafy Ismail, Mohamed Kholief
Computer Science
Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport
Cairo - Egypt,,

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss the to create a relevant and personalized semantic web
new personalized sematic web semantic search engine semantic search engine "ROEF" was born.
ROEF (Register Once Enjoy Forever). ROEF was In this section of the paper we will discuss the evolution
created to be a step towards bridging the gap between the of web and the significance of semantic web and
current search engines implementations and the future of semantic search integration.
smart and personalized Web3.0. ROEF is a search engine Then in the following sections of this paper, we will
where a user can register his personal information and highlight related work in section two and system
areas of interest, and link his social networking profiles
design in section three, in system design section we will
to his ROEF profile. After registration, every time the
user searches for any query, the results returned are discuss problem definition, ROEF design and technical
filtered and ranked by cross-referencing the search query architecture. Next section will explain how ROEF
with the users ROEF profile information. These results works with live examples, then shine a light on the
are returned as semantic search documents, which can limitations in section 5 that we've faced, and lastly we
then be processed and displayed in both user-friendly will compare ROEF against other partially similar
GUI and machine-friendly XML formats respectively, solutions and evaluate ROEF0 in section six.
thus providing a unique and personalized searching Finally we will conclude this paper in section 7 and also
experience for the end-user, and simple service-based discuss areas of future work.
integration with other applications. The product of this
paper is a fully functioning proof-of-concept that is
limited by the lack of a complete semantic knowledge A. Evolution of Web
base, and future enhancements include more advanced
query optimization, performance enhancements, and The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has
developing semantic web crawlers and scutters which overseen multiple WWW milestones, and there are three
will maintain and expand the semantic knowledge base. primary turning points that determine its life cycle.
Figure 1, shows the evolution of the WWW over the
Keywords Web3.0; Semantic web; Personalized web; years; the first turning point is Web1.0 which is based on
Semantic search static pages, the second turning point is Web2.0 which is
based on dynamic pages, and the last one is Web3.0
I. Introduction which is based on personalization techniques and
semantic technologies [2][7].
Rapid growths in the fields of communication and
information technology have resulted in the creation of a Till now there is no standard definition for Web3.0.
near infinite pool of raw data. Data that keeps expanding However, we believe that the most accurate description
greatly with every passing second. This has grown to for Web3.0 is that it is more intelligent, open and
become a serious challenge for content providers who connected to semantic web technologies, natural
need to catalog and classify this data into related bits and language processing, distributed databases, machine
pieces of information. And it has made it equally learning, autonomous agents and machine reasoning [6].
challenging for users who want to find relevant and The main reason for the absence of standards for Web3.0
personalized information; That is, users would need to concepts is its instability [2]. There are numerous
exert time and effort to browse through nearly endless concepts associated with Web3.0 like artificial
pages of search results in order to find an answer to their intelligence, personalization and semantic web [1][2]. In
query [1]. short Web3.0 aims at enabling search engines to
And on the other hand, it has become costly and difficult understand and respond to complicated human requests
for web search engines to categorize the ever expanding depending on the users personal information and the
pools of data manually. Hence they created spiders, context of the request.
robots and crawlers to search the internet automatically Search engines have become the basic backbone of the
for related pieces of data. web and are an indispensable part of any platform which
Such problems have motivated researchers to devise makes it quite important for information sources to
become semantically structured by applying the Web3.0
automated techniques to deal with web documents to
theories to provide the new generations with automated,
facilitate cataloging, organizing and browsing even smart and powerful search engines [2][10].
further and with minimum intervention. Hence, the idea

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URIs or N-Gram to seek documents that match the query

of the users for computing the similarities between the
existing set of documents. The rank associated with every
semantic web document is the most important property to
determine the significance of each document on the
semantic web.
Watson [4] is a semantic web search engine that is not
limited to a service which supports the development of
semantic web applications. It generates a number of APIs
comprising of high-level functions to find, explore and
query semantic ontologies and data that are published
online. Based on such APIs, novel applications have
come up which link the different activities like sense
disambiguation, matching and ontology construction. It
Figure 1: Past, Present and Future of WWW acts as an extraordinary resource for researchers studying
semantic web focusing on ways to produce, share and
B. Significance of Semantic Web and Semantic consume formalized data and knowledge online [4].
Search Integration Semantic search engines attempt to understand the
users query and use it as input to search through
There is a common confusion between semantic
non-semantically structured or semi-structured data
search and semantic web. This confusion can be clarified
sources. Kngine1 which is a famous semantic search
by considering semantic search as a way to improve
engine, features search outcomes classified either into
search accuracy by comprehending the searchers intent
image results or web results. They are generally headed
and the contextual meaning associated with the terms
by information regarding the search term referred to as
appearing within the data space. While, semantic web
targets converting the existing semi-structured and
unstructured data web into structured documents
represented as interconnected complicated data with easy For instance, looking for iPhone 3GS would be headed
access, and makes it possible for machines to accomplish by the specs of the device1. Looking for a film would be
tedious tasks like finding, combining and acting upon headed by information regarding the film, reviews,
information from the web without human directions; as quotes and links to its trailers. Looking for a city would
web pages before it were human readable, not machine be headed by information regarding the hotels, weather,
readable. events, local attractions and city. Kngine presently
Utilizing the stable and reliable infrastructure provided comprises of 8 million Concepts approximately, which is
by semantic web, semantic search will be able to perform the core strength of the site. The results from Kngine can
its tasks of understanding users requests more easily be shared on Facebook and twitter. One can also
accurately, and providing more context relevant results, set Kngine as the default search engine while using
in less time. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Firefox.

II. Related Work and State of the Art Another famous semantic search engine is Hakia. The
search results of Hakia2 can be classified as videos,
There are multiple research papers discussing the
images, tweets, blogs, news and web pages sorted per
different types of search engines and their features and
date or relevance. Based on the term being searched, the
latest changes. Most of which usually classify search
results might also include an excerpt from the Wikipedia
engines into 3 types; semantic web search engines,
semantic search engines and keyword-based search
The Falcons Semantic Web Search engine emphasizes
Semantic web search engines use the provided mainly on the different aspects of user interface
keywords as input to search through semantically providing the primary API comprising of a sub-set of
structured data sources. Swoogle [3] can be defined as a functions which are offered by Watson. The rest of the
crawler-based retrieval and indexing system for semantic system emphasizes on a limited number of functionalities
web documents like OWL or RDF documents. It plays a or scenarios not being used and developed further [5].
significant role in analyzing the documents for
computing the metadata relationships and properties
existing between them [3]. An information retrieval 1
system is used for indexing the documents using either

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

It should be noticed that the collection of semantic a clear and machine-readable XML based structure.
data from web has acquired a wider scope with few of the Figure 2, explains how ROEF process queries.
features appearing in the typical web search engine
which is a way of exploiting the structured data for
improving the presentation and search experience.
Semantic information which is embedded within web
pages as micro formats or RDFs provide, enriched
snippets which describe the different web pages within
the search results. Google Rich Snippets in the same way
utilize the accumulated semantic data with the help of
particular schemes for adding information to the results.

III. System Design

A. Problem Definition
As described above, todays available search engines
can be classified as semantic web search engines,
semantic search engines or keyword-based search
engines. Still, these search engines are far from fully
applying the principles of Web3.0; they lack either one or
more of the concepts of personalization, intelligence and
the ability to visualize semantic data in an understandable
and user-friendly format.
This study discusses the design and development of a
new search engine named ROEF. It targets the full
implementation of Web3.0 concepts. It aspires to surpass
all existing search engines by providing a full package of
Web3.0 functionalities that most of the other engines are
lacking. ROEF offers an intelligent and personalized
search experience that evolves and learns from the nature
of the users search patterns and their areas of interest. It
also provides semantic web data visualization in a format
that is both understandable to technical users and
user-friendly to non-technical users.

B. ROEF Design
Figure 2: ROEF Workflow

The proposed solution implements Web3.0 standards;

User interface: Interface component represents all the
semantic web, intelligent web, and personalization, aiming
user interfaces which are involved in the ROEF engine
to create a new search engine that is able to understand user
used by clients starting from the welcome page and
search queries, personalize and present the results in both registering moving to displaying the search results. Its
a user friendly machine-to-human GUI, and a semantic characterized by simplicity and easy navigation through
machine-to-machine XML based ontology. results.

From a machine-to-human perspective; ROEF works Semantic Search (Query Analyzer): This component
as a personal digital assistant that is able to understand analyzes the query and understand the query context
the users search queries and provide context-relevant using semantic search methodologies. For such it is
results that are tailored to that specific user, based on the required that the user has logged in ROEF. ROEF will
users personal ontology. have two types of search: Faceted Search and Semantic
From a machine-to-machine perspective; ROEF is
able to understand and respond to parameterized machine
initiated requests in the same way it understands and Personalization: This module will search interest/hobby
belonging to Category & Sub Category in user ontology.
responds to human user queries, but provide the results in

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Semantic Web Data Discovery: It is responsible for the

If user location is relevant for search, it will also get the
round trip of the search parameters between receiving it
user location form ontology.
after personalization, then passing it as input to an
For example: If the user is searching for I want to external invocation for a set of a restful web service for
eat then from above module we come to know that the following semantic search engines (Watson -
he/she is looking for Category-Food & Sub Category Swoogle - Sindice) and retrieving semantic web
like-Meal, Dessert, Restaurant. So, this module will documents (SWDs) to send it to Filter & Ranker.
return users favorite Meal, Dessert, restaurant from
his/her ontology[11]. It will also give the users location Filter & Ranker: Each search engine has its own indexer
as it will be required to find Restaurant. Now search and this module is using the default indexer of these
string will be modified based on the above information. search engines. The system doesnt have its own indexer
Apart from above personalization based on user ontology, as it has no own semantic data to search but this module
this module is also used following approach to improve rank the results returned from these search engines based
personalized search string to further improve search on a simple algorithm to refine & filter order of search
result before passing to semantic search engine to get results.
This module will take a list of URLs populated from
1. Incorporates current location, sometime user semantic web data discovery module as a result of search
location may be different from users native location. and rank (or assign weight) to each URL based on
This functionality will add current location to further Table1.
enhance results.
Example: Suppose user searches for car repair then Table 1: Ranking Criteria
adding its current location may help in deterring Criteria Descriptions Weight
car-repairing workshop. Valid:1000
Ping each URL to check valid or
2. Determine the intent and contextual meaning or Ping Invalid:
keyword-to-concept mapping: Example: Supposes user
searches for car then intention can be bought or RDF The URL points in RDF documents 500
repaired. OWL The URL points in OWL documents 500
3. Pattern matching, fuzzy logic, word variation to The URL points in HTML
HTML 100
allow errors in key Key
4. Synonyms of a term. For each key found in URL String 50
Example: I want to buy a house.The house can be
synonymous with property.So; this sentence can also
be considered as I want to buy a property.
Figure 3, explains the process of semantic search &

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

After assigning a weight to each URL, the system General login: Login validation will be done through
calculates total weight for each URL and short URL on user id & password stored in ROEF database.
the value of total weight in descending order.
It allows selecting minimum allowable weight/rank as Facebook Registration: User will require to login
cutoff value. A URL with a rank value less than the through Facebook account in ROEF. On successful login,
minimum allowable weight/rank will not be displayed to ROEF will get personal details from Facebook and
the user. missing information will be required to enter by the user.

Visualization Component: This component is General Registration: User will input personal
responsible to convert SWDs returned from a search information, user id & password. The user should enter
result in an understandable format for normal user. It can maximum information such as education, religion,
addresses, nationality, work, date of birth, sports, hobbies,
render SWD as HTML or Graph. Figure 4: explains the
preferences in movies, actors/ actresses, news, articles,
architecture of HTML and Graph visualization service.
etc. to get benefit of ROEF.
It uses Apache Jena to parse SWDs and HTML & SVG
Search Page: Through this page user can perform search
for rendering. It draws one HTML page for all ontology
& it also displays the test results.
instances in an understandable format for normal user. In
Graph, an ontology instance is represented as node
Ontology Store & Ontology Query: This module stores
which is connected to other ontology instance node or
personal details (User Ontology) of user as RDF model
object with arrow having suffix as the name of the & provide a way for the SPARQL query. It stores RDF in
predicate. And Technical user also can convert SWDs in dataset TDB. The Apache Jena framework is used to
different format like: N3, N-Triples, RDFa and JSON. serve this purpose. The benefit of using TDB instead
of DB :

User information is getting stored as an ontology.

User ontology can be displayed in different formats
like-RDF/XML, Turtle, N-Triples.
We can retrieve information using SPARQL.
Data can be easily shared with other semantic website.

Faceted Search: It provides the way to query based on

predefined category and sub category based on user
ontology. Apache Lucene is used for this purpose.
Benefits of faceted search are faster searching through
the structured filtering of results, therefore enabling
users to find the content he/she is looking for quicker,
faster indexing of content and drilling down in search
results by data grouping.

Plane Text Semantic Search: Here user can input text for
search. Like-I want to eat or I want watch movies or I
want to read books etc.

Figure 4: HTML & Graph Visualization This module preprocesses search string to understand
the concept of the search string. It has two parts:-
C. ROEF Technical Architecture
POS Tagger: It tags every word in the search string
In the previous section we have discussed ROEFs with its appropriate parts of speech (POS). Based on
main components and ROEFs workflow. In this tagging, search string will be broken into different
section we will dig deeper into the technical details of pairs/words (like-noun, verb, adverb, adjective etc.).
ROEFs architecture (Figure 5), we will discuss Apache open NLP POS Tagger is used for tagging.
ROEFs main UI screen, ROEFs search module, and WordNet: WordNet is used to find hyponym,
how ROEF handles users ontologies. meronym & synonyms of verb & noun return from
POS Tagger. It helps to understand the concept of
Main pages of user interface: search as well as to map search context to Category
Facebook login: Login validation will be done through (like-Food) and Sub Category (like-Meal, Dessert,
Facebook accounts. Restaurant) of the user interest / hobby. For
example: if a user is searching for pizza, then the

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

system should understand it belongs to Food Let us, suppose a user from Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt
category and can be found in Sub Category- login to ROEF & type a text I want to eat Dessert in the
Restaurant (like Pizza Hut). If user wants to eat, then text search box. Flow of control through different
system should co-relate that user is looking for Food modules will be as following:
Category& Sub Category like-Meal, Dessert, 1. User input will go to the Semantic Search
Restaurant. If, this module is able to identify module.
Category & Subcategory, it will be passed to 2. POS Tagger of Semantic Search module will
personalization module to identify users split sentence to noun, verb. The output of this
interest/hobby related to that Category & module will be-want, eat, dessert.
Subcategory from user ontology.

3. Output (want, eat, dessert) from step-2 will pass

IV. How ROEF Works to WordNet module and its output will be given
context that dessert is a type of food.
Figure 6 shows ROEF home page, which provides 4. Now dessert will be searched in the food
the search textbox. category of users ontology.
5. Let us assume in user ontology, ice cream was
found as favorite.
6. Favorite restaurants will also be searched in
user ontology. Say in user ontology Smug
International Restaurant is mentioned as
favorite restaurants.
7. Now, Personalization module will build a new
search string like-dessert, Ice Cream, Smug
International Restaurant, Nasr City, Cairo,
Egypt. This module gets location information
from user address which was entered during
8. The new search string will be passed to
Figure 6: ROEF Home Page
Semantic Web Data Discovery module.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

9. Filter & Ranker module will rank and filter the 2. It displays ontology instances as graph/html
result returned from Semantic Web Data and hides information about classes or
Discovery modules. namespace which are not relevant to normal
10. Now the result will be displayed to the user.
users. Due to this, by seeing graphics and
11. Normal users can view SWDs as HTML or a
graph. HTML, it is easy to understand content of the
12. Technical user can see SWDs in different file.
format like: RDF, RDFa and OWL.
The following comparison shown in (Table 2)
V. Limitations highlights ROEFs functions against the other
state-of-the-art search engines, excluding all features that
For ROEF to achieve its full potential as a smart are not targeted by ROEFs implementation.
semantic web search engine, it needs to have its own
complete semantic knowledge base, which doesnt exist. Table2: ROEFs functions against the other state-of-the-art
After creating this knowledge base ROEF also needs search engines
semantic web crawlers and semantic web scutters which Swoogle Watson Falcon ROEF
will be responsible for grabbing and indexing new
information in order to append to the already established Search
ever-expanding semantic knowledge base. SWD/Graph/
Result Type SWD SWD HTML
Semantic Web
Currently and despite the fact that neither the semantic Service
knowledge base or the semantic web crawlers or scutters Personalized
exist, by using other already established, but incomplete Search
semantic web data sources; ROEF was able to showcase
its features as a smart search engine and a baseline for Ontology-Based Y Y Y Y

future works in the field. Visualize SWD as

Visualize SWD as
VI. Comparison and Evaluation Graph

A. Comparison Let us consider following example to discuss the

above comparison and Table 3 will explain; suppose, we
The following features make ROEF differ from other have a 16 year old student, who lives in London and is
semantic search engines like Swoogle, Watson and studying at the faculty of computer science. His interests
Sindice: include watching movies(The Dark Knight and Harry
1. It uses semantic search component to Potter), eating (Pizza, Rice, Milk), reading (Times
understand the concept behind the search. Magazine), watching TV (ABC News), watching
2. By understanding the concept behind the football (FC Barcelona), reading books (Java
search, it personalizes search by retrieving Programming).
information from user ontology.
3. Result (RDF or OWL file) can be displayed as Q1: I want to eat.
HTML page or Graph. Q2: Where can I find a club?
Q3: I want to watch a movie.
4. It is expandable. Currently it is using Swoogle,
Q4: I want to read and play.
Watson and Sindice but can be expanded very
Q5: What is the latest news?
easily by adding more web services to retrieve
better results.
Table 3: ROEF results against other search engine results
The following features make ROEF differ from Query No.




other SWD visualization tools, like OWLGrd1, No. of results from

LODE 2 [9] and Rhizomik3: search engine
1. It is designed, so that a normal user can easily Q1 0 0 100 78
understand the content of RDF & OWL file. Q2 0 368 34 62
Q3 0 0 52 111 Q4 1 0 39 55
http: // Q5 2 1415 98 89

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

The quality of ROEFs results depends mainly on the It has the ability to interact with both humans and
quality and quantity of information present in the users machines, and it provides tailored results that are both
ontology. Hence, the user should enter correct personal and accurate and relevant to the search query and its context.
interests information during registration. ROEF also Future plans for ROEF include 1Query Optimization in
evolves users ontology based on search history by order to be able to understand user queries in a more
identifying new areas of interest. If ROEF finds that any accurate way. 2Performance Enhancements in order to be
word is getting searched frequently, it prompts the user to able to analyze user queries and fetch the most relevant
map it to the right interests category -make user ontology results in less time. 3Semantic knowledge base which
learnable ontology- and this information will be appended needs to be created in order to serve as a stand-alone
to users ontology. comprehensive semantic data source for ROEF.
Semantic web crawlers and scutters which need to be
B. Evaluation of ROEF implemented in order to fetch new information and
expand the ever growing semantic knowledge base.
Most search engines are evaluated by calculating
absolute precision and recall metrics. However, ROEF -as
stated above- depends on other semantic web search References
engines' web services and crawlers to fetch its results. Thus
we should calculate precision and relative recall [8][12] [1]. Farah, Josiane. "Predicting the Intelligence of Web 3.0
instead of absolute values. Search Engines." International Journal of Computer Theory and
Engineering, 2012: 11-32.
Yet, due to the fact that ROEF has another unique feature [2]. Sabbagh, Karim, and Olaf Acker. "Designing the
"Personalization" so precision and relative recall Transcendent Web the Power of Web 3.0 ." Booz and
metrics alone will not be able to fairly evaluate its Company, 2011: 44-87.
power. Hence, we have innovated two new terms to [3]. Finin, Tim, and Yun Peng. "Swoogle: A Search and
evaluate ROEF in a more holistic manner; Metadata Engine for the Semantic Web ." CIKM, 2004: 44-87.
Personalized Precision, and Personalized Relative Recall [4]. dAquin, Mathieu, and Enrico Motta. "Watson, more than
which we will discuss next. a Semantic Web search engine." IOS Press, 2011: 44-67.
[5]. Gong Cheng, WeiyiGe, and Yuzhong Qu. Falcons:
Sum of the scores of personalized
searching and browsing entities on the semantic web. In WWW
documents retrieved by ROEF
conference, pages 11011102. ACM, 2008.
(1)Personalized Precision = [6]. Nova Spivack, Lifeboat Foundation Advisory Boards.
Total number of personalized documents
selected for evaluation Available online[], access date:
30 Jan 2014.
Total number of personalized documents [7] . Nasr, E. A. . Agent Based Services for the Semantic
retrieved by ROEF Web. Master of Science in Systems and Computers
(2) Personalized Relative
Recall = Engineering, Al- Azhar University Faculty of Engineering
Sum of personalized documents retrieved by three 33-89, (2012).
search engines (Swoogle, Watson, Sindice) [8]. T. Usmani, D. Pant, A.Bhatt. A Comparative Study of
Google and Bing Search Engines in Context of Precision and
Relative Recall Parameter, International Journal on Computer
Unfortunately, even after innovating the new terms we Science and Engineering (IJCSE), 2012.
will still not be able to accurately calculate and represent [9]. Silvio Peroni , David Shotton , and Fabio Vitali. The Live
solid numbers for this metric, due to the lack of a complete OWL Documentation Environment: a tool for the automatic
dataset at the time of conception of this research. Yet, as generation of ontology documentation. Protg, 12-89. (2012).
soon as a complete dataset becomes available, and by [10]. Rani, Monika, Satendra Kumar, and Vinod Kumar Yadav.
applying the above formulas we will be able to accurately "Optimize space search using fcc_stf algorithm in fuzzy
calculate and represent both the Personalized Precision, co-clustering through search engine."International Journal of
and Personalized Relative Recall metrics. Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology 1
(2012): 123-127.
[11]. Rani, Monika, Maybin K. Muyeba, and O. P. Vyas. "A
VII. Conclusion and Future Work hybrid approach using ontology similarity and fuzzy logic for
semantic question answering." In Advanced Computing,
This research has attempted to study and implement Networking and Informatics-Volume 1, pp. 601-609. Springer
Web3.0 principle concepts by creating a new smart International Publishing, 2014.
[12]. B.T. Sampath Kumar. "Precision and Relative Recall of
search engine ROEF. ROEF is a strong step towards
Search Engines: A Comparative Study of Google and Yahoo "In
achieving the intelligent, personalized, and semantic web Singapore Journal of Library & Information Management .
revolution vision. 2009:Volume 38.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Mitigating ARP Spoofing Attacks in

Software-Defined Networks
Ahmed M.AbdelSalam, Ashraf B. El-Sisi Vamshi Reddy K
Faculty of Computers and Information, Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
Menoufia University. Manipal Institute of Technology.
Menoufia, Egypt Manipal, India

Abstract Software-Defined Networks (SDN) are emerging production network. Moreover, they have no built in security
as an attractive solution to overcome the limitations of traditional features.
networks. They provide network programmability and promote
rapid innovation in protocol design, network management and Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a new paradigm in
network security. Today, network security is the most important networking that changed the way the traditional networks are
concern for any computer network administrator. Traditional built and managed. It aims to solve most of the limitations in
networks had several security problems, some of them no longer traditional networks by decoupling the control plane from the
exist with the advent of SDN and others still do exist. ARP data plane. In SDN, network devices have become simple
spoofing or ARP cache-poisoning attack is mainly seen in LAN forwarding devices and only implement the data plane logic.
networks, which has no efficient solution to mitigate in The control or network intelligence is implemented in a
traditional networks but SDN provides a unique way to solve this centralized controller, as the controller is the network brain.
problem without any changes in the network. ARP spoofing is SDN will shape networking by giving the network owner or
exploited in different forms, mainly request and reply based operator the ability to customize and optimize their networks.
attacks. In this paper, a solution is proposed to mitigate both of It speeds up the innovation in computer networking at software
these types of ARP attacks in Software defined networks. The development speeds rather than a slow hardware driven
proposed solution extends the SDN controller to include an ARP approach present in the traditional networks.
module, which detects and stops the attack, and avoids
overloading or Denial of Service on the controller. The solution is Traditional networks have several security problems, as
fast, reliable and tested for different attack scenarios. Openflow they are not designed with security as the main criteria. With
is used for the communication between the controller and the increase in the number of nodes connected to a network,
switches, emulated by Mininet. security becomes the most important factor for the successful
communication. With emergence of SDN, most of these
Keywords: Software-Defined Networking; ARP; ARP spoofing problems no longer exist but there are some, which threaten
mitigation; Security. even todays networks. Spoofing attacks were first discovered
in early traditional networks, they cannot be mitigated with a
I. INTRODUCTION plain SDN controller. When a user impersonates another users
Traditional computer networks are built from large number identity on a network it will be considered a spoofing attack.
of end devices like PCs, Servers, Printers, IP Phones and By using this attack, an attacker can steal other users data or
intermediate devices such as hubs, switches, routers, access bypass the access control. IP spoofing, DNS spoofing, and
points and firewalls. These intermediate devices mainly ARP spoofing are different forms of spoofing attacks.
forward data from one end device to another. They incorporate ARP spoofing is the most common form of spoofing in
special algorithms to build their forwarding tables and forward Local Area Networks (LAN). Section II of this paper will
the traffic accordingly. They are vertically integrated: the present the details of ARP Protocol and ARP spoofing attacks.
control plane and date plane are coupled together. Control The efforts previously done to mitigate ARP spoofing Attacks
plane has the logic to handle the traffic and the data-plane in traditional networks will be examined in section III. In
forwards the traffic based on the decisions made by control- Section IV, the proposed solution to ARP spoofing problem in
plane. Devices operating in traditional networks have many SDN will be shown. Furthermore, in Section V, we have
proprietary features that are not easy to configure and may lead tested the proposed solution in different scenarios to show that
to some incompatibility between devices from different the attack can be detected and completely mitigated. In Section
vendors. In addition, traditional networks have become very VI, the results for the conducted experiments are discussed.
hard to manage in a large scale like Datacenters. They require Finally, in Section VII, the paper is concluded with further
network engineers for configuration and maintenance. modifications, extensions and enhancements to the proposed
Consequently, this increases the operational cost of a network. architecture.
Network protocols are also hard to evolve, they require years
of testing and standardization before being used into

978-1-5090-0217-7/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 126

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt


ARP [1] protocol is specified in RFC 826 [2]. It is crucial TRADITIONAL NETWORKS
for successful communication in Computer Networks. Sending The several solutions proposed to solve ARP spoofing
devices use ARP protocol to know the MAC address of the problem in traditional can belong to either one of the following
next hop device in path from the sender to receiver. Every host categories [8]:
in the network has its own ARP cache that contains the recent
IP to MAC bindings. These mappings can be learnt 1) ARP authentication: ARP protocol will be modified in
dynamically by ARP protocol or can be added manually as order to not process ARP packets unless it contains a
static rules. If two hosts host_A and host_B want to predefined cryptographic code. S-ARP [9] and TARP [10]
communicate, host_A searches in its ARP cache for the next are examples of these techniques. But this method leads to
hops MAC address. If search is successful, then it uses the some incompatibility with those devices that still operate
returned MAC address, or else, ARP protocol will start to using the standard ARP protocol.
operate for it. In ARP protocol, host_A sends an ARP request
for the next hop IP by broadcasting its request into the 2) Operating system patching: The operating system will
network. host_C, which is one hop away from host_A in the be patched to prevent ARP spoofing. However, this technique
path to host_B, replies with an ARP reply message. host_A
require a different patches for different operating systems
updates its ARP table with the next hop IP, MAC pair sent by
host_C and subsequent IP packets use this cached entry present kernels. Moreover, the patched operating system may not
in the table. One more consequence of ARP protocol is that communicate correctly with other operating systems that
host_C also adds an entry for host_A IP-MAC in its ARP cache might not have been patched. Anticap [11] and antidote [12]
table. are the solutions for ARP spoofing problems, that patch the
operating system kernel.
ARP spoofing is a technique used by attackers to perform
cache poisoning by inserting false IP to MAC address
mappings in victims ARP cache. ARP spoofing attack comes 3) Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI): Some switches (e.g.,
in different forms namely request and response attacks. In Cisco catalyst) are equipped with a security feature called
request attack, an attacker broadcasts ARP request message Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI) [13]. Switches use DAI to
with forged source IP-MAC in the ARP header. When victim stop ARP spoofing attacks by intercepting all ARP requests
receives this spoofed ARP message, it updates its ARP cache and responses and dropping packets with invalid IP-to-MAC
table with the attackers forged IP-MAC pair. When the victim address mappings. The main problem of this solution is that
sends its subsequent packets destined to the forged IP, the not all switches are equipped with the DAI feature. It also not
packets will be destined to the MAC of the host specified by viable for most organizations to buy new switches equipped
the attacker in the forged IP-MAC pair. This way attacker can with the DAI feature instead of the old ones.
intercept or deny the traffic sent to a user in the network. The
other form of attack is the response attack, in which the
attacker will either respond to normal ARP request with forged 4) ARP mitigation tools: There are several software tools
ARP replies that maps the next hop IP to the attacker MAC that have been developed to mitigate the ARP spoofing
address or send spoofed ARP replies without having requests attacks. Some of these tools prevent the attack and others only
being issued. ARP spoofing may be used to launch either one detect the attack. XArp [14], ARPWatch [15], Anti Netcut
of the following attacks [3]: [16], NoCut [17], and AntiARP [18] are example of these
software tools. However, these have many problems such as
1. DoS attacks: the attacker will prevent the two
communicating hosts from getting connected to each high rate of false positives and false negatives and
other. ineffectiveness.

2. Host impersonation attack: the attacker will receive 5) Static ARP mappings: The most effective way to
packets intended to the victim and can reply to these prevent ARP spoofing attacks is to configure the ARP entries
packets on behalf of the victim.
manually. This way, the attacker will not have any chance to
3. Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) attack: the attacker will spoof the other hosts ARP cache. But, this solution is not
be able to monitor all the traffic between two viable for large scale networks. It cant be used in networks
communicating hosts. that use DHCP addressing schemes and in Datacenters, where
Due to the popularity, importance, and danger of the ARP there is a frequent change in IP addresses. In addition, it will
spoofing attacks, various tools have been implemented to be error prone and requires a great overhead on the network
launch this attack. These tools are available on most of the administrator. Several solutions have been proposed in attempt
operating systems. Ettercap [4], Dsniff [5], Yersinia [6] and to ovecome these drawbacks. DAPS [8], NIDPS [3], and the
Cain and able [7] are the most popular tools used to launch techniques proposed in [19], [20], [21] are examples of
ARP spoofing attacks. They can also be used to execute other solutions that make use of static ARP entries. Each of these
data link layer attacks such as MAC flooding attacks, STP techniques have their own limitations.
attacks, DHCP attacks, and VLAN attacks.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

IV. MITIGATING ARP SPOOFING ATTACKS IN switch modules present on the controller for each of the
SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORKS switches present in the network. It then starts the DHCP server
for serving the lease requests by the hosts on the network.
Network security in SDN can be improved either by using
DHCP server is required to be on the controller, as the
SDNs features and capabilities or by solving the security
controller will keep track of the IP leases and uses them later in
problems of SDN itself [22]. SDN gives us the ability to gather
detecting the attack. Edge switches have the hosts connected to
the required data from the network and provides a way to
analyze and detect the attack signature. After the analysis,
network can also be reprogramed for enforcing any security Then, the controller starts monitoring on each of the ports
policy. The proposed method is an application over SDN POX on the switches connected to it. It also installs flow entries on
controller written in python; it will prevent LAN attackers from the edge switches to forward ARP and DHCP lease packets to
poisoning the ARP cache tables of other hosts present in the it for analysis. When the controller receives a packet from the
network. This application does the following: edge switch, it will process according to the protocol present in
the packet. ARP and DHCP packets are handled according to
It detects and mitigates ARP request and ARP reply the proposed logic to detect any attack. If a packet comes from
spoofing attacks. an intermediate switch, controller does plain L2-L3 processing
It does port level ARP packet count monitoring, to on the packet. The following classification is done to describe
detect large influx of malicious packets and stops them how the DHCP and ARP packets are handled.
by installing Openflow rules.
A. DHCP packets
It avoids controller overloading by installing flow
entries on switches to drop packets coming towards the The DHCP protocol is used to dynamically assign IP and
controller, in case the attacker tries to bring down the other network configuration parameters to the hosts. A DHCP
controller. client will exchange messages with the DHCP server present
on the controller to get IP address and other parameters. The
It differentiates edge switches (where security policy controller extracts the IP and MAC addresses from the DHCP
enforcement should be applied) from the other header and uses them to add an entry into the known hosts list.
intermediate switches. (Where usual forwarding logic is This known hosts list will keep track of all the IP addresses
applied). leased by the DHCP server.
The flowchart of the proposed application is shown in
Figure 1. The proposed application initializes the L2 learning

Fig. 1: ARP spoofing mitigation flowchart

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

A. Test Enviroment
B. ARP packets
The experiment is conducted on an Ubuntu Virtual
The controller handles ARP packets based on the packet Machine (VM) with 2 cores and 2 GB of RAM. The host
type namely request or reply. machine is running on Windows 8 and has Intel Core i5
1) ARP request packets: ARP request packet will be processor with 4 GB of RAM, 4x1 Intel Core i5 cores with
considered spoofed, if it satisfies one of the following Intel VT enabled.
conditions Mininet [23], a network emulator is used for creating the
Source MAC address of ethernet header and source testbed. It creates a virtual network of hosts, switches,
MAC address of ARP header are not the same. controllers and links according to a given topology. Hosts and
switches created by Mininet have Linux OS and Open Virtual
Destination IP address in the ARP header is not present Switch software (OVS) respectively. These switches support
in the known hosts list of the DHCP server. Openflow and are orchestrated by a SDN controller. The
The MAC address binding present in the known hosts Mininet emulator is installed on Ubuntu 14.10 Linux virtual
list for the Source IP of the ARP header doesnt match machine (VM) that runs on VirtualBox. The VM has two
with the source MAC address of the ARP header. network adapters, Network Address Translation (NAT) adapter
and Host-only adapter. The NAT adapter allows the VM to
2) ARP reply packets: the ARP reply packet will be connect to the internet for downloading the required software
considered spoofed, if it satisfies one of the following packages. The Host-only adapter is used for the
conditions communication between the VM (guest machine) and the
Source MAC address of ethernet header and source physical machine (host machine). POX [24] is used as the SDN
MAC address of ARP header are not the same. controller. DHCP server is also run on the POX controller as a
service, with a predefined lease IP range to serve the clients on
Destination MAC address of ethernet header and the network. The proposed solution is run as a module on the
destination MAC address of ARP header are not the POX controller for the tests.
The MAC address binding present in the known hosts B. Experiment Setup
list for the Source IP of the ARP header doesnt match The topology used to test the proposed solution is shown in
with the Source MAC address of the ARP header. Figure 2. The topology consists of three Openflow OVS
switches (S1, S1, and S3). Switches S1 and S2 are edge
The MAC address binding present in the known hosts switches and S3 is intermediate (core) switch. These switches
list, for the Destination IP of the ARP header doesnt are connected in a tree topology. It has 4 end users (H1, H2,
match with the Destination MAC address of the ARP H3, and H4), three of them (H1, H2, and H3) are normal users
header. and the fourth one (H4) acts as an attacker. This topology also
Destination MAC address of the ethernet header has a has a single controller (default POX controller with the
value of (FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF). proposed ARP spoof detection module), created by the Mininet
emulator. All the emulated links have 100 Mbps bandwidth
If any of these stated conditions is true, the controller with 5ms delay, 0% loss and with a maximum packet queue
knows that this is an attack signature, installs a flow entry on size of 1000. Every host in the emulated topology has the same
the forwarding device, to stop the incoming malicious traffic. CPU-performance.
If an attacker knows the current algorithm that the ARP
packets are sent to the controller for inspection, then he can C. Test Scenario
simply send large number of ARP packets to perform DOS Three different attack scenarios are created to verify the
attack. To avoid such problem, the controller in this proposed attack mitigation by using the proposed algorithm. In order to
solution keeps track of the number of received ARP packets on execute the tests, an ARP spoofing software (C code) called
a certain switch port by using the port-monitoring algorithm. arp-spoof is developed by using UNIX raw sockets, to generate
This algorithm collects the ARP packet count at successive spoofed ARP request and reply traffic. ARP request attack,
intervals. Port monitoring algorithm is run on every port ARP reply attack, and DoS attack against the SDN controller
present on all of the edge switches that keeps track of the ARP are the attack scenarios tested in this section.
packet counts for every second. At any time, if controller
witnesses a spike in the ARP packet count for a port, it installs Tests are performed on each of the attack scenarios to
a flow entry on the switch to stop packets coming from that evaluate attack detection time, attack mitigation time, load on
port for a specified amount of time. This prevents the attack the controller and throughput of the network. Iperf, a tool,
packets entering into the network and protects the controller. which collects statistics about the network connectivity and
throughput of the path between two hosts, is used. Packet loss
and throughput statistics between two non-malicious hosts in
V. IMPLEMENTATION the network are collected while an attacker is executing his
Experiments are conducted for various attack scenarios to ARP cache-poisoning exploit. At the same time the other
prove the feasibility of the proposed solution. The details of statistics like Attack detection and mitigation time are
these experiments are shown in this section. tabulated.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

the controller by the switches. Controller analyzes these

incoming packets and does nothing but forwarding; this may
bring the controller down as the controller is oblivious to the
fact that attacker can overhaul it by sending a large number of
good ARP packets. This problem is solved in the proposed
solution by introducing Port Monitor module that counts the
number of ARP packets received on every switch port. If this
number reaches a pre-defined threshold (threshold is 100 in
this scenario), the controller installs a flow entry at the switch
to drop traffic from this port for a pre-defined amount of time.
To test this, we have used the same tool arp-spoof to generate
good ARP packets with a high rate and injected them into the
network. POX controller running the proposed algorithm
detects that this packet flow is abnormal and stops it from
entering into the network.
Fig. 2: Test Experiment Setup

For example, the attacker Trudy is the one, sending VI. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION
spoofed ARP packets, and the victim Alice is the one, which Attack detection time and mitigation time for the
gets affected by the Trudys packets. Trudy spoofs the identity topology shown in Figure 2 are measured and shown in the
of another host Bob with its own MAC address and poisons Figure 3.
Alices ARP cache, to prevent Alices communication with
Attack detection time is the time elapsed between the
initiation of an attack by the attacker and the detection of the
attack by the controller. Attack mitigation time is the time
between the detection of the attack by the controller and the
installation of the flow rules on the switch. Load on the
controller is the process load on the CPU.

D. ARP request attack

The first form of ARP spoofing attack is the ARP request
attack. This is exploited by sending a storm of spoofed ARP
requests to into the network to poison the victims ARP cache.
To simulate this, the arp-spoof is run with the request attack
option selected. This will inject the packets into the network at
a rate of 1000 packets/second. Now, the victim host in the Fig. 3: Attack detection and mitigation time
network will accept the attackers spoofed packet and fills its
ARP cache table with a wrong IP-to-MAC address mapping of Throughput test is also performed for the topology shown
the spoofed identity. The victim host will not be able to in Figure 2. Link bandwidth of 100 Mbps is assumed for all
communicate with others in the network until its cache gets the links in this test. Figure 4 shows the graph with the various
refreshed. When we run the proposed mitigation solution on values of TCP connection throughput before, during and after
the controller, it will detect the request attack at the switch on the attack.
which the attacker is connected and installs a flow entry to
drop packets coming from the attackers port. This way,
attackers packers are filtered at the switch nearest to him,
thereby protecting the entire network.
E. ARP reply attack
ARP reply attack is another type of spoofing attack similar
to the request attack. Here, the cache of the victim is poisoned
by the unsolicited ARP replies sent by an attacker with a
spoofed identity.
F. Denial of service against SDN Controller
Denial of service attack (DOS) is not a form of ARP
spoofing but always comes in conjunction with ARP attacks.
This happens when the attacker tricks the proposed algorithm
by sending a continuous burst of non-spoofed ARP packets.
According to the algorithm, the ARP packets are diverted to Fig. 4: Throughput test between the victim and a host.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

DNA-Based Data Hiding Using Variable Length

Substitution Technique
Dina A. Ibrahim Elsayed A. Sallam
Master Student ,Computers and Systems Department Faculty Associate Professor , Computer and Control Department
of Engineering, Kafrelsheikh University, Kafrelsheikh, Egypt. Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt.

H.M. Abdalkader
Professor , Information Systems Department Faculty of
Computers and Informatics, Monyfia University, Shebien,
Abstract The field of using DNA in cryptography is a AGATAATTGTATTTAAGTGCCTGCTCGATACAATAAA
new and very promising direction in cryptographic CGCCATTTGACC".
research. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) cryptography has
shown to be very effective. In this paper a data hiding DNA molecules are arranged as two oppositely oriented
algorithm based on DNA sequence is proposed. We apply strands with sugar-phosphate backbones joined together in an
playfair encryption to the secret message first to secure the alpha-helical structure by hydrogen bonding between the
secret message then a substitution technique is used for complementary nitrogenous bases. The bases, adenine(A),
hiding. The secret message can be in any format not only thymine(T),guanine(G), and cytosine(C) represent the genetic
binary. An evaluation for the proposed algorithm is code. A bonds with T and G bonds with C. The DNA
performed according to randomness testing by using the sequence determines the arrangement of amino acids which
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) form a protein. Proteins are responsible for almost everything
test. The study showed that the proposed algorithm is in the cells. RNA is an intermediary copy of the instructions
secure against cracking. contained in DNA. Both DNA and RNA are composed of
many codons. Each codon has three nucleotides. A codon
Keywords DNA, data hiding, substitution and NIST. indicates which amino acid will be attached next. As shown in
Table 1, all distinct amino acids are: Phe, Leu, Ile,Val, Ser,
I. INTRODUCTION Pro, Thr, Ala, Tyr, His, Gln, Asn, Lys, Asp, Glu, Cys, Trp,
Important information transmitted via the Internet Arg, Met and Gly.
must be secured so that only the authorized receiver can For a real DNA sequence, it is easy to discover that it is
very difficult to distinguish between a real DNA sequence and
retrieve it. Thus, data hiding has become a well-known field of
a fake one. Another useful element is the fact that there is a
research. Traditionally, data hiding approaches usually used large number of DNA sequences, around 163 million ,
images as a host for hiding information [6,7,8]. However, publicly available on various web-sites such as the EBI
images are important for some people and hiding messages database, NCBI database.
could distort the host image to some degree. This distortion The main target of this paper is to propose a new
has two backgrounds: first, the hidden message may be algorithm for hiding using key features of DNA computing
detected by the intruder. The second disadvantage is that this and playfair cryptography. The proposed algorithm combined
distortion has limited the capacity of hiding so researches between the substitution technique as a method for hiding data
moved towards another host for hiding data which was DNA and the playfair encryption as a prior phase to secure the secret
[1,2,4,14]. DNA sequences have some inherent properties that message. The evaluation of the proposed scheme was carried
can be utilized to hide data because it is difficult to distinguish out using the randomness testing, NIST. The security analysis
between a real DNA sequence and a fake one. and experimental results indicate better performance and low
computational requirements for the proposed algorithm.
Firstly, some background knowledge should be The rest of this paper is organized as follows the next
introduced. A DNA sequence is a sequence consisting of four section highlights some of the related work Section3 presents
letters: A; C; G and T. Each letter is related to a nucleotide, Encrypting data using Amino Acid-Based Playfair Cipher.
adenine(A), thymine(T), guanine(G), and cytosine(C). For Section4 describes the variable-length substitution technique.
instance, the DNA sequence appears as follows: This is the Section5 discuss the security analysis using NIST. Finally,
DNA sequence from Litmus with 154 nucleotides retrieved Section 6 presents results and comparison against previous
from the European Bioinformatics Institute(EBI) [9]: work. Finally, section 7 contains the conclusion.

978-1-5090-0217-7/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 132

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt
Table 1: Codon to amino acid mapping[2]
U C A G recovers the secret message M, changing S' back to the
U UUU Phe UCU Ser UAU Tyr UGU Cys U reference sequence S. However, we modified the technique to
UUC Phe UCC Ser UAC Tyr UGC Cys C deal with DNA alphabets instead of the binary data form. We
UUA Leu UCA Ser UUA STOP UGA STOP A also made some modifications to shiu's original substitution
UUG Leu UCG Ser UAG STOP UGG Trp G method to be compatible with our scheme.
CUG Leu CCG Pro CAG Gln CGG Arg G Hongjun Liu, Da Lin , and Abdurahman Kadir in 2013
A AUU Ile ACU Thr AAU Asn CGU Ser U published a novel data hiding method based on DNA coding
AUC Ile ACC Thr AAC Asn CGC Ser C using the Word document as carrier [12]. They concluded that
AUG Met, ACG Thrt AAG Lys CGG Arg G the proposed method is well suited to some data hiding
start applications, such as fragile watermarking, secret
G GUU Val GCU Ala GAU Asp GGU Gly U communication.
GUG Val GCG Ala GAG Glu GGG Gly G In [16] a modification of the original substitution method
was introduced. The capacity of the updated version has been
In this section, we briefly review some previous DNA Mona Sabry et al. [17] proposed one way of distribution of
sequence-based data-hiding schemes. In recent years, a Amino Acid along the English alphabet that is summarized in
number of methods have been proposed for hiding data within table 2. They proposed their method of Amino Acid-Based
DNA sequences. Shimanovsky et al. exploited the codon Playfair cipher.
redundancy to hide data in RNA [2]. Hence, there are many
possible combinations to form an RNA codon, while there are Another improvement of the original substitution method
only twenty distinct amino acids shown in Table 1 encoded is proposed to minimize modification rate in DNA reference
from the RNA codon. It is obvious that some codons might be sequence [19].
mapped to the same amino acids. For example, the codons
amino acid Pro. The redundancy could be exploited to embed BASED PLAYFAIR CIPHER
information in the RNA codon. In their scheme, if the codon
should be encoded with CCU, but the secret message is four, The first phase in our algorithm is that we apply Amino
they use the codon CCG to replace the original because Acids-Based Playfair encryption to the secret message. The
CCG is the fourth codon of the set of codons whose mapping traditional Playfair algorithm is based on the use of a 5- 5
amino acid is Pro. As a result, a reversible hiding mechanism matrix of letters constructed using a secret key. The Playfair
that can both conceal information into the DNA sequence and cipher is a great advance over simple monoalphabetic ciphers
completely restore the original one was proposed. Note that to [19]. Cryptanalysis of the Playfair cipher is much more
convert table1 from RNA to DNA, just replace each U in the difficult than normal simple substitution ciphers, because
distribution with T. digraphs (pairs of letters) are being substituted instead of
monographs (single letters) [19]. One of the modern
In [3] a randomly chosen DNA sequence is used to hide modifications of Playfair is playfair based on DNA. It
secret message. This DNA sequence is indexed and used to introduced some modifications to the Playfair cipher
hide secret message. The message is converted to binary using processing by using some Biological concepts such as DNA
8-bit ASCII representation then encoded to DNA using binary and amino acids structures to the improve Playfair ciphering
coding. Finally message index is produced and sent to the process. We used the table proposed by Mona Sabry [17]
receiver. for the distribution of Amino Acid along the English alphabet
to convert message from DNA form to English letters needed
to apply playfair. Therefore, we applied Playfair cipher as the
Recently, Chang et al. proposed two schemes to hide data first phase of the proposed technique. In this phase, the secret
in DNA sequences based upon a software view [5]. text plaintext is encrypted using DNA and Amino Acids
concepts [16] as follows: Convert plaintext to binary form
such as 8-bits coding. After that, a binary coding scheme used
Shiu et. al. [11] proposed three DNA-based data hiding to transform binary form into DNA alphabets A, C, G and T.
methods. All these methods secretly select a reference For instance, it may be a binary coding used: ((A 00) (C 01)
sequence S from some publicly available DNA sequence (G 10) (T 11)). It should be noted that more digits may be
databases. Only the sender and the receiver are aware of this used. Next, The DNA form is transferred to the Amino acids
reference sequence. The sender transforms this selected DNA form according to table 2 and save ambiguity number. Now,
sequence S into a new sequence S' by incorporating the secret English form of Amino Acids can go through traditional
message M into the DNA sequence S. This transformed Playfair cipher process using the secret key [19]. Amino Acids
sequence S' is sent by a sender to the receiver. The receiver
then examines the received sequence, identifies S' and

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt
form of encrypted data transferred to DNA Sequence form. where in each block the segment will be placed. If there is part
The encryption and decryption process are illustrated in Fig.1. of the message remaining, it will be concatenated at the end of
the last block. The hiding algorithm is illustrated in Algorithm
IV. The variable-length substitution technique 1. The recovery algorithm is illustrated in Algorithm2. The
receiver receives the fake sequence. It is very difficult to
Shiu et al.[11] proposed the original substitution method. distinguish between a real sequence and a fake one. He uses
We adopted the general idea of substitution in our scheme, but Algorithm2 to recover secret message. In our proposed
we developed our own scheme. We use a random number seed scheme, the substitution method is applied after playfair. We
to divide the message into segments with different sizes. We increased the security and decreased the probability of attack
divide the reference sequence into blocks. The number of by using a random number generator that divided message into
blocks is equal to the number of segments to hide each segments with variable length instead of the original method
segment into one of the blocks. We used another random that always substituted one character of reference sequence by
number generator to generate a set A that will determine one character of secret message.

Algorithm 1: Data hiding algorithm of the variable-length Substitution

Convert secret message to binary
Apply the substitution recovery
form [BP] using ASCII coding Input: Reference Sequence S, secret message in DNA form,
for example. to get DNA CIPHER(DNAC). random number seed r, random number seed k,
Output: a fake DNA sequence s'.
Step1. Determine length of reference sequence to be len_s and length of
secret message to be len_m.
code binary data into a DNA Step2. Use random number seed k to generate the number sequence k1; k2;
sequence [DP] by using the Remove Ambiguity number . . . ; ki; Find the smallest integer t such that | |. Sequentially
binary coding rule divide the secret message M into segments with lengths k1; k2; . . . ; kt-1 in
AMBIG and Transfer DNA
order, denote these segments by m1; m2; . . . ;m t-1and let the residual part
sequence to Amino acids [AC] be m t. Determine the number of segments to be n.
Step3. Divide len_s into n blocks to hide each segment of message into
Transfer DNA sequence to
one of the blocks.
Amino acids [AP] and save Step4. Use a random number generator to generate n distinct integers,
Ambiguity number AMBIG called set A, where every integer is no larger than block size.
Construct the Playfair matrix
Step5. For each message segment mi , hide each segment into one block
using the secret key [SK] and
of the reference sequence starting at the position Ai of the block
then apply traditional Playfair
Construct the Playfair matrix Step6. Attach mt at the end of the last block.
using the secret key [SK] and encryption process to get Amino Step7. Concatenate all blocks to get a fake sequence s'
then apply traditional Playfair acid of plain text [AP] Step8. Send s' to the receiver
encryption process to get Amino
acid of cipher text [AC]

transfer Amino acids [AP] to

DNA sequence [DNAP] Algorithm 2: Data recovery algorithm of the variable-length
Transfer Amino acid back to Substitution Method
DNA form using Table2 to get Input: a fake DNA sequence s', random number seed r, random
DNAC(DNA CIPHER). number seed k, len_m. len_m can be hidden in any part of sent
sequence and told about it to the receiver to extract it.
Output: secret message in DNA form .
code DNA sequence [DNAP] Step1. Determine length of used sequence to be len_s, determine number
the Substitution method is of blocks n= abs(len_s/len_m).
into binary form using binary
applied to get fake sequence s'
coding rule then back to its
Step2. Divide len_s into n blocks to hide each segment of message from
original form if necessary one of the blocks
Step3. Use random number seed k to generate the number sequence k1; k2;
. . . ; ki;
Step4. Use a random number generator to generate n distinct integers,
called set A, where every integer is no larger than block size.
Fig.1 Encryption process Decryption process Step5. For each block B , recover one segment from each block of the
reference sequence starting at the position Ai of the block and for a length
equal to ki.
Step6. Concatenate all recovered segments to get message M. if
the recovered length is not equal to len_m. find:
Step7. Recover mt from the end of the last block.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt
V. SECURITY ANALYSIS Shiu et al. [11], namely, capacity, payload, bpn, and the
cracking probability or the probability of a successful brute-
The main characteristic that identifies any encryption force attack Pbf.
algorithm is its ability to secure the protected data against The capacity ( ) is defined as the total length of a
attacks. The NIST statistical testing used to evaluate the reference sequence that encodes or includes the encrypted
secrecy of the proposed scheme. The NIST Test Suite is a message. The payload ( ) is the remaining length of the new
statistical package consisting of 15 tests that were developed sequence after excluding the reference DNA sequence. The
to test the randomness of binary sequences produced by either payload by a steganographic technique represents the
hardware or software. The NIST statistical testing as they maximum hiding capacity offered by this algorithm. In other
appear in the tables for simulation results namely are; The words, it measures the maximum size of bits that can be
Approximate Entropy Test, The Block Frequency Test, The embedded in the cover media. The bpn (bit per nucleotide)
Cumulative Sums Test, The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is another measurement that is used to estimate the hiding
Test, The Frequency Test, The Linear Complexity Test, Tests capability of a certain algorithm. The previous parameters
for the Longest-Run-of-Ones in Block, The Non Overlapping utilize the following notations: N is the length of a DNA
Template Matching Test, The Overlapping Template sequence, M is the message that will be encrypted, and |M| is
Matching Test, The Random Excursions Test, Test, The Runs its length.
Test, The Serial Test and The Universal Test. For each test we The capacity of our algorithm is: , while
compute what so called P-value; this value used to determine payload and bpn are the same as the original substitution
whether the tested bit stream is random or not. For any bit method[11] as listed in table 5. The improvement that we
stream to be random its P-value must be greater than 0.01. made to the original one is that the input to our method may be
Very small P-values would support non-randomness for given in alphabetical form also not only in the binary form as the
measure that less than 0.01. original method was. We also decreased the probability of a
According to NIST statistical testing the more randomness successful attack. The original method was one-to-one
binary sequence is the more secrecy it is, but as the final substitution but our method is a variable-length which added
cipher here is presented in a DNA form so this rule will be extra security. The substitution method has the best capacity
quietly different. Running NIST statistical testing on real over the other methods proposed by shiu et. al. [11] so we
DNA sequences; Six DNA sequences downloaded from NCBI improved it.
database and mentioned in Table 3 proved that DNA isnt As for the probability of brute force attack for the variable
random .So the evaluations here focused on proving that the length substitution technique, an intruder can discover the
final cipher behaves like any real DNA sequence not to prove secret message if he knows the following information: (1) the
that it is random. Table3 introduced the results of P-value for reference DNA sequence or the initial carrier. There are
each real DNA sequence with the fifteen tests. roughly 163 million DNA sequences available publicly. Thus,
the probability of an attacker making a successful guess is 1/
Table4 introduced the results of applying NIST statistical 1.63x108. and (2) two random seeds, if we assume everyone is
tests on the final cipher generated from the proposed scheme in the range of 1 to 10000 for example then the probability of
for each message size. According to the similarities between
guessing them is 1 10000 1 10000 The total probability
the results from Table3 and Table4, we may conclude that the
final cipher is so close to any real DNA sequence. It proved that an attacker makes a successful guess is: Pbf =
that the final cipher of the proposed scheme looks like any real

DNA sequence, this ensure the secrecy of the proposed
algorithm. Also, it is very difficult for anyone to differentiate
between any real DNA sequence and the faked one resulting
from the proposed scheme. Running NIST statistical testing Now we are going to compare our results with other
with DNA sequence also defines new ranges for P-value of steganographic approaches. We will compare our algorithm
each test with DNA sequence. So dealing with DNA isnt with Shiu[11] The comparison is summarized in table 5
similar to dealing with any other binary bit stream. Given that N is the length of a DNA sequence, |M| is the
length of the original message, and is a method-specific
VI. RESULTS and COMPARISON parameter that represents the length of the longest
In the field of data hiding, techniques are compared complementary pairs in the reference DNA sequence.
according to a number of parameters. We used a combination
of performance parameters including the ones introduced by

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Table 2:distribution of Amino Acids upon English letters[16]


4 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 3 1 2 4 1 2 2 4 2 4 4 4 2 4 1 2 1 1






Table 3. Results of NIST testing with real DNA sequences

NIST Tests
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
AC167221 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AC168874 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.00
AC168897 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00
AC168901 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 Error
AC168907 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 Error
AC168908 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.285 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.2 0.00 0.00 0.00

Table 4. Results of NIST testing with the final DNA sequence result from the proposed algorithm

NIST Tests
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
AC168908 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.285 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.2 0.00 0.00 0.00
10 KB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.5 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00
40 KB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.314 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.154 0.00 0.00 0.00
100 KB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.285 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00
300 KB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.202 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.81 0.00 0.00 0.00
600 KB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.243 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.2 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 MB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Bits per nucleotide Probability of brute Format of

Method Capacity [C] Payload [P] secret message
[bpn] force [Pbf]
Only Binary
N +|M|/N N/2 |M|/ (N+|M|/2)
| |
Insertion [11]

Only Binary
Complementary |M|/ (N+|M|
N+|M|(K+3.5) |M| (K+3.5)
pair [11] (K+3.5)) .

Only Binary
Substitution [11] N 0 |M|/N .

Alphabetical or
. binary
N 0 |M|/N


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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

PRNG Based Modified MSLDIP Watermarking

Abdelmgeid A. Ali Ahmed H. Ismail
Computer Science Dept. Computer Science Dept.
Faculty of Science, Faculty of Science,
Minia University Minia University
Minia, Egypt Minia, Egypt

Abstract Watermarking of digital media is an imperative and watermarking scheme for the Vatican library. Invisible
interactive method for identification and protection of digital data. watermarking is needed for copyright protection especially in
It allows veritable watermarks to be hidden in digital media for multimedia products. Though the Watermark modifies an
example image, audio, and video. Procedure of embedding and image, it should not change the image as seen by human eye.
extracting of watermark from original image and watermarked Digital watermarking techniques can be classified into two main
image is complicated process. These include randomization of the categories based on watermark embedding domain, i.e. spatial
watermark and selection of locations to embed and extract it from domain (which depends on modifying the pixels of one or two
the selected locations. Proposed work gives more secured digital randomly selected subsets of images) and frequency domain
watermarking algorithm that follows Modified Substitute Last
(which values of specific frequencies are modified from their
Digit in Pixel Technique. Embedding of watermark is done based
on pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) and RC4 encryption
original) [4]. Basic watermarking system mainly consists of two
of each pixel value of the cover image. Watermarked image is used basic parts [5] (Figure 1), watermark embedder which
to extract the watermark without any help of the original image. responsible for embedding the watermark image and watermark
Parameters used to evaluate the performance watermarking key into the cover image (original), and watermark detector
technique are Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean which responsible for finding and extracting the watermark
Square Error (MSE) and the results of the proposed method were image only using watermark key and watermarked image which
better. executes on the other side after transmission of data.

Keywords PRNG (Pseudorandom Number Generator),

Cryptography, Encryption, Decryption, Watermarking, Spatial
Domain, MSLDIP (Modified Substitute Last Digit in Pixel),

A. Watermarking
Digital content, with the appearance of Internet and swift
evolution of information technologies, has become an essential
part of ones day to day life. As it is easy to make an exact copy
of the digital media, illegitimate sharing and replication of
digital contents has become major concern for authors,
publishers and legitimate owners of the contents [1]. It has
become imperative to keep the intellectual characteristics of
digital content of a given media. In the beginning, ciphering and
control access methods were used to protect from harm the
authenticity of digital content of a given media [2]. But this Fig 1. Basic Watermarking System
avoids free sharing and transmission of the content through the
network, which is mostly not preferable to the author of the B. Cryptography
content. To deal with this problem, digital watermark has been Cryptography is an area within the field of cryptology. The
proposed [1]. Watermarking is the process of adding concealed expresion cryptology is a combination of the Greek (cruptos =
information by modifying the pixel values of an image with least hidden and logos = study, science). Therefore, the word
amount of perceptual interruption. A recent survey of major cryptology literally means the science of concealing. The
methods appears in [3]. Some preferable features of valuable cryptography can be divided into two areas: cryptography and
watermarking methods include imperceptibility, security and cryptanalysis [6]. Cryptanalysis is the area within cryptology
robustness. which is concerned with techniques for deciphering encrypted
Visible and invisible are the popular classification of data without prior knowledge of which key has been used. This
Watermarks. Visible watermark is seen with the content of the more commonly known as 'Hacking'. The cryptanalyst is the
image and unauthorized removal of the same causes damage to person who tries to find weaknesses in encryption schemes. He
the image. Example of scheme like that is the IBM digital will often figure out how to break the cryptography scheme, and

978-1-5090-0217-7/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 138

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

then the developer of the scheme will use that information to and each value represented by one byte, so each pixel will be
make it stronger [7]. represented in three bytes) [10]. Each byte in the watermark
image will be ranges from 0 to 255, and make each byte value's
C. Pseudo-random number generator (PRNG)
length equal to 3 digits, for example we have byte of value 19,
Pseudo-random number generators act as a black box, which this value equal to 019 which has length of 3 digits, finally
takes one number (called the seed and produces a sequence of substitute each 9 digits of each pixel with the last digit of each
numbers; this sequence is said to be pseudo-random if it passes
pixel in the current block, so each pixel of the watermark image
a number of statistical tests, and it appears random. A pseudo
will be embedded in only one block, and output the
random number generator is formed of an initialization function,
a state (a sequence of bits of bounded length), a transition watermarked image and 2 keys which be required in the
function, and an output function [8] (Figure 2): extraction process [11]. Assuming that watermark image of
height 1 pixels and width 1 pixels, and cover image of height 3
The initialization function takes a number (the seed), and pixels and width 3 pixels. The SLDIP will represent blue layer
puts the generator in its initial state. of the cover image in one row which contains one block of 9
The transition function transforms the state of the values (123, 255, 086, 192, 145, 210, 035, 099, and 004), and
generator. the watermark image will be represented as (130, 105, and 080),
the SLDIP will substitute 3 (last digit in cover image) in 123
The output function transforms the current state to produce with 1 (first digit in watermark image) in 130, the result is 121
a list of integer numbers. and also substitutions done until reaching the last digit in the
last value of the watermark. The watermarked image will be
(121, 253, 080, 195, 140, 215, 030, 098, and 000) [10].
By using SLDIP method capacity of embedding has been
increased, the maximum area of watermark image that can be
embedded in any cover image can be calculated by using this
formula [11]:

If the watermark image is grayscale image this formula can be


Fig 2. Schematic diagram of a pseudo-random number generator [8]

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In section II, Modified Substitute Last Digit in Pixel (MSLDIP) is a
we present LSB, SLDIP, MSLDIP, and Modified MSLDIP as a modified method of SLDIP that depends on a modification on
related work, then PRNG Based MSLDIP (proposed method) SLDIP by update the substitution step to decrease the difference
has been explained in section III, next the experimental results between the original pixel and the substituted pixel, for example
of our proposed method has been recorded and discussed in embedding value digit 8 in pixel 100, by using SLDIP the pixel
section IV, and finally Conclusion and Future Work in section will be 108, but by MSLDIP two possible values can be taken
V, and References in Section VI. for each substitution and choose the value that has the smallest
difference, so the two values will be 108 and 98, then the value
with the smallest difference must be chosen, so the pixel value
will be 98, the difference will be 2 instead of 8 and this increases
In general, the embedding techniques can be classified into the PSNR value of the image [11].
two categories: spatial domain techniques and frequency domain
techniques. Spatial domain watermarking techniques do a bit Modified MSLDIP is a modified method of MSLDIP which
modifications on the pixels of one or two randomly selected the watermark is encrypted using RC4 encryption before the
subset of cover image. The main technique is LSB technique. Its embedding process to increase the security of the watermarked
modifications contain flipping the least significant bit of each data and also in the extraction the extracted watermarked should
pixel. The LSB technique is the simplest technique of watermark be decrypted by RC4 decryption using the same key used in the
insertion [9]. encryption process [12].

Other method was done before is Substitute Last Digit in III. PROPOSED METHOD
Pixel (SLDIP) that takes the cover image and the watermark as In this section the proposed method will be presented, at the
input, convert the blue layer of the cover image into one row, first the PRNG Algorithm will presented and why PRNG
and divide the row into blocks each of which contains 9 values, Algorithm is used.
then consider the watermark is color image then each pixel will
be represented in 3 bytes, according to the color image In the field of symmetric ciphers RC4 is the most popular
representation (which each pixel is specified by three values algorithm that is immune to attack [13]. It used variable key size
for ciphering with byte-oriented operation. A number of
one each for red, green, and blue components of the pixel's color
research activities have been done to analyze the RC4 algorithm

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

[14-20]. Some of these papers mentioned the weaknesses 1. Take W and encrypt it by performing RC4 Encryption
present in the algorithm [14-16]. algorithm with K, the output of this step is called W'.
The ideal PRNG for this problem is one which can generate 2. Divide the W' into blocks B(i). Each block contains 8
a unique, random integer the first 232 times we call it, then repeat numbers.
the same sequence the next 232 times it can be called ad 3. Generate RS(i) using PRNG generator and K. Each
infinitum. In other words, a repeating cycle of 232 values. That number of these random numbers will represent the
way, we could begin the PRNG at any point in the cycle, always location of the pixels in C.
having the guarantee that the next 232 values are repeat-free. One 4. Apply MSLDIP watermarking embedding procedure to
way to implement such a PRNG is by defining a one-to-one embed the 8 numbers of each block B(i) of W' in the
function on the integers a function which maps each 32-bit random 8 locations of RS(i) at C.
integer to another, uniquely. Lets call such a function a 5. Repeat steps 3, 4 until the whole blocks of W' are
permutation [21]. If we have a good permutation as a result, all embedded in C.
we need is to call it with increasing inputs {0, 1, 2, 3, ..}. We
could even begin the input sequence at any value. For some
reason, it is known in Finite Mathematics that when p is a prime W RS(i)
number, x2 mod p has some interesting properties. Numbers W' B(i)
produced this way are called quadratic residues, and we can K K C
compute them in C using expression (3). In particular, the
quadratic residue of x is unique as long as 2x<p. For example,
when p=11, the quadratic residues of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are all unique RC4 Encryption
Dividing Blocks &
B(i) in RS(i) to
(0, 1, 4, 9, 5, 3) (Figure 3) [21]. Random Sets output

Fig 5. PRNG Based MSLDIP Embedding Process

B. Watermark Extraction Algorithm

Algorithm: PRNG Based MSLDIP Extracting Algorithm
Input: PRNG Watermarked Image PRNGWI, Secret Key K.
Fig 3. Quadratic residues of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 [21] Output: PRNG Random Sets RS(i),
As luck would have it, it also happens that for the remaining Encrypted Watermark into Blocks B(i),
integers, expression (4) fits perfectly into the remaining Encrypted Watermark W',
numbers. This only works for primes p which satisfy expression PRNG Watermarked Image PRNGWI.
(5), so new output numbers of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 are all unique (8, 6, Steps: (Figure 6)
2, 7, 10) (Figure 4) [21]. 1. Generate RS(i) using PRNG generator and K. Each
number of these random numbers will represent the
location of the pixels in PRNGWI.
2. Apply MSLDIP watermarking extraction procedure to
extract B(i) from the random 8 locations RS(i) at
3. Repeat steps 1, 2 until the whole blocks collected to output
the encrypted watermark W'.
4. Take W' and decrypt it by performing RC4 Decryption
algorithm with K, the output of this step is called W.
Fig 4. Quadratic residues of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 [21]

The proposed method will be divided into two algorithms B(i)

which are watermark embedding algorithm and watermark
extraction algorithm. K RS(i) W'
A. Watermark Embedding Algorithm
Algorithm: PRNG Based MSLDIP Embedding Algorithm Generating Enctypted Collect B(i),
Watermar Blocks RC4
Input: Watermark W; Cover Image C; Secret Key K. Random Sets
Extraction Decryption to
Output: Encrypted Watermark W', output W
Encrypted Watermark into Blocks B(i),
PRNG Random Sets RS(i),
PRNG Watermarked Image PRNGWI. Fig 6. PRNG Based MSLDIP Extraction Process
Steps: (Figure 5)

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt


In order to evaluate the performance of the watermarked Cover PSNR MSE Watermark
images, there are some quality measures such as PSNR and Image Image
(150 x 150) 43.56 2.86 (45 x 45 )
A. MSE (Mean Square Root)
(192 x 192 ) 45.84 1.69 (45 x 45 )
The MSE (Mean Square Root) is defined as an average
squared difference between a reference image and a distorted (256 x 256 ) 48.31 0.96 (45 x 45 )
image. It can be calculated by the formula as
(512 x 512 ) 53.49 0.29 (45 x 45 )
(768 x 768 ) 57.74 0.11 (45 x 45 )
Where X and Y are height and width respectively of the (1024 x 1024) 60.78 0.05 (45 x 45)
cover image, the c(i, j) is the pixel value of the cover
image and w(i, j) is the pixel value of the watermarked In (Figure 8), Chart showing the results of MSE and PSNR
between the cover images and watermarked images in the PRNG
based MSLDIP Algorithm.
B. PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio)
The PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) is an expression PRNG an d M SE b etween cover s
for the ratio between the maximum possible value (power) an d water m ar ked im ages (PRNG
of a signal and the power of distorting noise that affects the b ased M SLDIP
quality of its representation. It can be calculated by the
formula given below

Where L is the peak signal value of the cover image which
is equal to 255 for 8 bit images [22].
RC4 Encryption was performed before the MSLDIP Embedding
based, and in order to give the algorithm more security the
MSLDIP algorithm was done based on Pseudorandom Number
Generator (PRNG) (Figure 7),
Fig 8. Chart showing the results of PRNG based MSLDIP

PRNG based MSLDIP has been compared with [23] (Table 2),
supposed four cover image with squared sizes 128, 256, 512, and
1024, and a watermark with full capacity with cover images
according to [23], thus the full watermark capacity can be
calculated using cover image sizes according to [23] by using
Cover Image (a) Watermark (b)
(512 x 512) (45 x 45)

Then the PRNG based MSLDIP has been compared with [24]
(Table 4), supposed the grayscale baboon.bmp as a cover image
and, the grayscales lena.bmp, and barbara.bmp as watermark
and the full capacities of the embedded watermark according to
Watermarked Image (c)
each algorithm have been calculated using formulas
(512 x 512)

Fig 7. PRNG Based MSLDIP Embedding Process

PRNG based MSLDIP Watermarking implemented in

MATLAB 2014 platform and the experiment has been
conducted on various images.
PRNG based MSLDIP Watermarking has been applied on set of
images different in sizes and the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio
(PSNR), and Mean Square Root (MSE) have been calculated, all
results recorded in (Table 1).

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Then PRNG based MSLDIP has been compared with Modified From the comparison in table (2), the reason of why PRNG
MSLDIP [12] (the previous version method) (Table 3), the based MSLDIP has been compared with [23] 3rd Bit? Has been
results of PRNG based MSLDIP were slightly better and in the clarified as, in PRNG based MSLDIP substitutions can change
Modified MSLDIP if the user type incorrect key the watermark the value of pixel which the difference ranges from 0 to 5 and
will be different but the user can deduce the original watermark change in the 3rd Bit in pixel can change the value of pixel
with human eyes, in PRNG based MSLDIP if the user type which the difference ranges from 0 to 7 which include the
incorrect key the watermark will be big different as the user PRNG based MSLDIP difference range. However results in
cannot deduce the original with human eyes (Figure 9). PRNG based MSLDIP are better.
From the comparison in table (3), the results of the PRNG based
MSLDIP are compared with the results of the modified
MSLDIP [12] (the previous version), and It can be concluded
that the results of PRNG based MSLDIP were better, and in the
PRNG based MSLDIP the data which has been watermarked is
more secured as if the user type incorrect key, the user cannot
deduce the original watermark with the human eyes.
From the comparison in table (4), the results of PRNG based
Original Watermark (Correct MSLDIP are compared with results of [24], and from the
comparison it can be concluded that the two algorithm have
very good PSNR results that mean no one can discover the
watermark when looking at the image, also it can be conducted
that the watermark full capacity of PRNG based MSLDIP is
greater than [24], suppose cover image (512 x 512) and
watermark (256 x 256) algorithm of [24] cannot embed the
watermark in cover image but the PRNG based MSLDIP can
embed this watermark successfully.
After Implementing and analyzing the results, conclude that,
Fake Watermark in Modified Fake Watermark in PRNG the visual quality of the image doesn't change significantly, on
MSLDIP Method based MSLDIP Method
the other hand this algorithm is more robust than LSB
techniques [23][24], because in LSB technique some attackers
Fig 9. Watermark Extraction with incorrect Key in Modified can possibly zero out several least significant bit of pixels of the
MSLDIP Method and in PRNG based MSLDIP image and hence clear the watermark. This technique has
increased the capacity of watermark in embedding process.

Table 2. Results Comparison between [23] 3rd Bit and PRNG based MSLDIP

Watermark [23] 3rd Bit PRNG based MSLDIP

Cover Image
Baboon 128 ( 27 x 27 ) 31.68 dB 44.50 46.71 dB 1.39
Bird 256 ( 53 x 53 ) 31.68 dB 44.50 46.76 dB 1.37
Boat 512 (125 x 125) 31.68 dB 44.50 46.04 dB 1.62
Pepper 1024 (210 x 210) 31.68 dB 44.50 47.12 dB 1.26

Table 3. Results Comparison between [12] Modified MSLDIP and PRNG based MSLDIP

Watermark [12] Modified MSLDIP PRNG based MSLDIP

Cover Image

( 150 x 150 ) ( 50 x 50 ) 43.21 dB 3.11 43.13 dB 3.16

( 200 x 200 ) ( 50 x 50 ) 45.87 dB 1.68 45.98 dB 1.64
( 500 x 500 ) ( 50 x 50 ) 53.29 dB 0.31 53.49 dB 0.29
( 700 x 700 ) (50 x 50) 56.22 dB 0.16 56.38 dB 0.15
( 1000 x 1000 ) ( 50 x 50 ) 59.82 dB 0.07 59.85 dB 0.07

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

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baboon.bmp lena.bmp translation Cambridge University Press 1998.
58.64 dB 52.00 dB [7] E. Cole, "Hiding In Plain Sight: Steganography and The Art of Covert
(512 x 512) (64 x 64)
Communication", ISBN 0-471-44449-9, Wiley publishing, inc, 2003.
baboon.bmp Barbara.bmp [8] Clment PitClaudel (July, 2012), "How random is pseudo-random?
58.99 dB 51.81 dB Testing pseudo-random number generators and measuring randomness",
(512 x 512) (64 x 64)
Watermark (FC) applying [9] R. Chandramouli and Nasir Memon, Analysis of LSB Based Image
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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Energy-Aware Enhancement of LEACH Protocol

in Wireless Sensor Network

Ahmed AL-BAZ Ayman EL-SAYED (IEEE Senior Member)

Computer Science & Eng. Dept., Faculty of Electronic Eng., Computer Science & Eng. Dept., Faculty of Electronic Eng.,
Menoufia University, 32952 Menouf, Egypt. Menoufia University, 32952 Menouf, Egypt.

Abstract Clustering is an effective technique that can Link layer is primarily responsible for data stream
participate to entire system lifetime, scalability and energy multiplexing, data frame transmission and reception, medium
efficiency in wireless sensor networks. Low energy adaptive access, and error control. Physical layer is responsible for
clustering hierarchy protocol is a very effective protocol that signal transmission and reception over a physical
enhances the network lifetime. A clustering based protocol communication medium, including frequency generation,
balances the energy usage by giving equal chance to all nodes to signal modulation, transmission and reception and data
become a cluster head. This paper presents a new algorithm to
encryption [7].
select the cluster head with increasing sensor lifetime,
throughput, and the delivery packet ratio. The results show that Energy consumption is the critical aspect in wireless sensor
our proposed algorithm is more efficient than previous networks because nodes are battery-powered devices, so
algorithms. clustered-based protocols have been accelerated to balance
KeywordsClustering, Data Aggregation, Wireless Sensor and prolong lifetime of the sensor nodes in WSN [5].
Networks, cluster head selection.
Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy protocol
(LEACH) is a clustering based protocol that is proposed by
Heinzelmon. The author introduced a hierarchical clustering
I. INTRODUCTION algorithm for sensor networks. LEACH splits the sensor
A Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) considers a base station nodes into small clusters and chooses one of them as the
(BS) that communicates with a large number of wireless cluster-head (CH). LEACH utilizes randomized rotation of
sensor nodes through a radio channel. Data gathering at the CH role among sensor nodes to evenly distribute the energy
wireless sensor node, is compressed, and is transmitted either load among them to avoid draining the battery of any one
directly to the BS or via other wireless sensor nodes to the sensor in the network [8].The BS periodically changes both
BS. The BS is a superior computer where data from the the cluster membership and the cluster-head (CH) to
sensor network will be compiled and processed and may conserve energy. In LEACH protocol, cluster head
communicate with the remote controller node via Internet or probability becomes within reach of all the sensor nodes,
satellite. Data aggregation technique has been used to achieve which makes the nodes achieve economize energy as the
energy efficiency and data transfer optimization in a number main objective of prolonging the network lifetime [9].
of routing protocols [1].The sending the unprocessed data to
the BS needs more energy than local data aggregation. Our proposed modification on LEACH protocol considers
both the distance and residual energy information of sensor
Data aggregation is the combination of data from different nodes to select more efficient CH.
sources by using functions such as suppression (eliminating
duplicates), min, max and average [2]. Some of these This paper is organized as follows: section II describes the
functions can be performed either partially or fully in each related works, which discusses hierarchical routing protocols
sensor node. research point concerns with cluster-head selection
mechanism. Section III depicts the LEACH overview and
In WSN, sensor nodes sense the target area and transmit their problem definition. Our proposed for CH selection is
collected information to the sink node for further operations described in section IV. The performance evaluation of our
in order to decrease the number of transmitted messages to proposed and the other is discussed in section V. Finally, the
the sink node [3, 4]. paper is concluded in section VI.
Architectural layers of a WSN are summarized into
application layer, transport layer, network layer, data Link
layer, physical layer. Application layer defines a standard set
of services and interface primitives available to a II. RELATED WORK
programmer independently on their implementation on every
kind of platform. Transport layer provides services such as In this section, briefly existing works relating to proposed
loss recovery, congestion control, and packet fragmentation scheme were presented. Many studies have resulted in
and ordering. Transport layer helps to maintain the flow of hierarchical routing protocols are adequate for static sensor
data if the sensor the system is planned to be accessed networks, and suitable clustering algorithm is the premise
through Internet or other external networks [5, 6].Network key of the research of hierarchical routing protocols. LEACH
layer takes care of routing the data, directing the process of is a classic clustering routing protocol.
path selection along which to send data in the network. Data

978-1-5090-0217-7/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 144 1

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt
Compared with ordinary routing protoccols, LEACH can Not like in LEACH, each CH diirectly communicates with BS
reduce communication energy as much as a eight times and no matter the distance between them.
t If CH and BS are a little
thus significantly improve the network performance [10]. far, CH will consume a lot of its energy. The communication
The selection process of cluster head nodes n in LEACH among CHs is multi-hop; thee optimal path is needed to
protocol is random; causing the uneven disstribution of cluster transmit the data from a CH thrrough others CHs to a nearest
head nodes [9].Single-hop and multi-hopp are two types of CH of BS.M-LEACH protocol is i almost the same as LEACH
data communications. In single-hop, clustter heads send data protocol, but the communicationn mode between CHs and BS
directly to the sink so; the farthest clusteer away from sink are multi-hop instead of single hop
h as in LEACH.
node consumes more energy than other cluusters. In multi-hop D. LEACH-C protocol
data transmission model, some intermediiate nodes (cluster LEACH has no guaarantee about both the
heads) can be used to forward the data towards the sink. placement/number of cluster heeads. In order to improve the
These cluster heads group form a relayy network among LEACH protocol, the centralizeed clustering algorithm is used
themselves to send data to the sink [10, 111]. with the same steady-state phasse as LEACH, this protocol is
A Hybrid, Energy Efficient, Distributed (HEED)
( clustering called LEACH-C. Because off that, LEACH-C [17] has a
protocol was proposed that it could minnimize the control better performance by dispersingg the cluster heads throughout
the network. In LEACH-C, each e node sends information
overhead and prolong the network lifetim me. HEED uses a
about its current location by ussing GPS and residual energy
distributed algorithm that can converge quuickly and has been level to the BS to both determiine good clusters. In addition,
shown to have low overhead. the BS ensure that the energy loaad is evenly distributed among
HEED protocol considered the residual energy of sensor all the nodes.BS determines opttimal clusters and broadcasts a
nodes and the cost of communication within the cluster message containing cluster headd ID for each node [11,13,18].
during the selection of cluster heads [122]. The impact of Centralized approach cannot sccale to very large numbers of
heterogeneity of sensor nodes was studied in terms of their sensors.
energy, and this clustered scheme was bassed on the residual E. V-LEACH protocol
energy significance. A new version of LEACH H protocol called vice-Cluster
An energy efficient clustering protocol (E EECPL) organizes selection approach in LEACH (VLEACH) [19]. The cluster
sensor nodes into clusters and ring topology used to send contains both CH that is responssible only for sending data that
data. Thus, each sensor node can receive daata from a previous is received from the cluster mem mbers to the BS, vice-CH that
neighbor sensor node and can transmit dataa to a next neighbor is a node that will become a CH H of the cluster in case of CH
sensor node. dies, and cluster nodes that gathher data from environment and
send it to the CH. There is improovement of VLEACH in [20],
Energy Aware Intra Cluster Routing (EAICR) is appeared to the vice-CH selection proceess basis on three factors:
increase the energy efficiency up to 17% and to increase the minimum distance, maximum residual energy, and minimum
network lifetime up to 12%. EAICA conssidered the number energy. Because of vice-CH, thee network lifetime increases as
of packets sent in the network, energgy consumed, and never the cluster head will not die
d and cluster nodes data will
residual energy level of sensor nodes at specific time and always reach the BS; no need to select a new CH each time the
network lifetime [13]. CH dies.

Some of LEACH protocols depict in

i the following
subsections. III. CH PROTOCOL
A. E-LEACH protocol A. LEACH overview
Energy-LEACH (E-LEACH) protocoll improves the CH The BS periodically changess both the cluster membership
selection procedure by making residual eneergy of node as the and the cluster-head (CH) to connserve energy. Figure 1 shows
main metric to decide whether the node is a CH or not [14]. LEACH clustering hierarchical model.
In first round, every node has the samee probability to be a
CH; it means that the CHs are randomly seelected as the same
in LEACH. In the next rounds, the residuual energy of each
node is different after the first round coommunication and
taken into account for the selection of the CHs. It means that
the nodes having more energy will becomee a CHs rather than
nodes with less energy.
B. TL-LEACH protocol
A new version of LEACH called Tw wo-Level LEACH
(TL-LEACH) was proposed. In this protoocol, there are CHs
collect data from other members in its cluster as original
LEACH, but not transfer the data to the BS
B directly; it uses
one of the CHs that lie between the CH annd the BS as a relay
station [15].
Fig. 1: LEACH clusteriing hierarchical model.
C. M-LEACH protocol
Multi-hop-LEACH (M-LEACH) protoocol selects optimal The CH aggregates informaation from sensor nodes in its
path between the CH and the BS via other CHs and use these private cluster and forwards information
i to the BS. Data
CHs as a relay station to transmit data over through them [16]. aggregation and data compressiion performed by CH and BS

145 2
ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt
receives a compressed data. Randomness in cluster head several users to share the same frequency channel by dividing
selection without considering nodes' residual energy may lead the signal into different time-slots. It has a natural advantage
to energy draining in such cluster head [21]. of collision free medium access.
The operation of LEACH is divided into rounds. A desired During Steady-State Phase, TDMA schedule permits the
percentage of total network nodes are selected as cluster nodes to turn off their transmitters if there is no activity in the
heads. Each round begins with a set-up phase when the cluster. The non-cluster head nodes start sensing data and
clusters are organized, followed by a steady-state phase when transmit it in their-own time-slot [25].The cluster-head node,
data are transferred from the nodes to the BS. after receiving data from all the member nodes, aggregates it
and then sends it to the base-station. After a certain time,
Set-Up Phase split into advertisement, cluster set-up and which is determined a priori, the network again goes back into
schedule creation phases. In the set-up phase, a random the setup phase and new cluster-heads are chosen. Each
number between 0 and 1 is selected by each node n. If this cluster communicates using different Code Division Multiple
random number is less than a threshold T (n), the node Access (CDMA) codes in order to reduce interference from
becomes lucky cluster head for the current round. The nodes belonging to other clusters [24].
threshold is set as shown in equation (1).
In the original LEACH, the CH is always on receiving
data from cluster members, it aggregates these data. Then, it
(1) sends this data to the BS that might be located far away from
0, it.
Where P is the percentage of cluster heads to all nodes, Death of CH means data aggregation misses use and
and r is the selected rounds number, r mod (1/P) stands for the segment covered is out of service.
number of selected cluster head nodes before this round, and
G is the group of nodes that have not been elected as cluster B. problem definition
head nodes previously. When r = 0, the possibility of each Residual energy of nodes is not considered in the CH
node becoming the cluster head is P. If it becomes the cluster random selection. Therefore, if the node loaded with usual
head node in the first r rounds, it can be no longer re-elected in functions not compatible with residual energy. The CH will
the future (1/P-r) round which enhances the possibility of then be out of service without warning. In large-scale
other nodes to become a cluster head. After (1/P) rounds, all network, the CH suffers from communication cost especially
nodes have a possibility of P to be a cluster head once again, in energy consumed for long distance transmission.
over and over again [22].
The threshold value depends on the desired percentage to
become a cluster-head- p, the current round r, and the set of IV. PROPOSED ALGORITHM
nodes that have not become the cluster-head in the last 1/p Take residual energy and distance into CH election
rounds, which is symbolic by G. In every round, if one node question of life and death for WSN lifespan. Inharmonic
has been cluster head before, then T (n) is set to 0, so that this distribution of nodes leads to dense and slight clusters in the
node will not be selected again. For the nodes that have not same network at the same time, which affirms that some CHs
been selected once, the possibility of being selected is T (n) may be loaded more than others sensors.
[23, 24].
In set-up phase, residual energy and distance are
As the number of nodes which have been cluster head considerable factors in calculation the value of T (n).The
increases, T (n) will increase, so the possibility for the rest cluster head will be rotated by computing both distance and
nodes to be selected will increase. When there is only one residual energy of nodes and select the node with maximal
node left, T (n) =1, which means this node will be selected for parameter. Enhanced LEACH (ELEACH) in [26] decision on
sure. Higher probabilities nodes will be chosen as the Cluster basis of distance and residual energy .ELEACH calculates
Heads. decision variable (dij) as shown in equation (2).
Informing the cluster-nodes by advertisement message is
done by elected CH to the rest of the nodes in the network, , Where (2)

which include welcome message to join their clusters. The
non-cluster head nodes decide to join the clusters according to Where Ej is the initial energy for each node, Em is the
received advertisement signal strength. remaining energy of cluster head j, Sij is the distance between
the nodes i and the Cluster head j, and dij is the node i decision
The non-cluster head nodes then reply with value for cluster head j.
acknowledgement message to their respective cluster-heads
that they will be under control in their cluster. The This is fair load distribution among the nodes in one
cluster-heads creates a Time Division Multiple Access cluster [9]. However, it is not satisfied for the good
(TDMA) schedule and assigns each node a time slot in which performance, so the decision variable has to be verified again.
it can transmit the sensed data.
Our proposed takes into account both the distance and
Since the environment is noisy and sensor nodes can be residual energy as well to calculate the decision value by the
mobile, the MAC protocol must be power aware and able to equation (3), where is the average of the first order
minimize collision with neighbors broadcast. differences of the energy consumed and is the average of the
first order differences of the distance. By the equation (3), CH
Each non-Cluster Head transmits a join-request message can be selected to improve the performance of ELEACH. Our
(Join-REQ) back to its chosen Cluster Head using a CSMA proposed is Improved LEACH (ILEACH).
MAC protocol.
TDMA Schedule Prevents collision among data messages ,
and Energy conservation in non-cluster-head nodes. It allows
146 3
ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Where and (3) (4) Average energy ratio (AER): Represented as the average
energy consumed (Econsumed) at each node divided by the total
ILEACH is an optimization equation (3) which leads to energy available (Eavailable) for simulation time. AER is
more improvement on packet delivery ratio, average delay, evaluated as shown in equation (7).
throughput and number of nodes alive.
At the beginning of each round, each node receives the (7)
residual energy from all the neighbors in its cluster range.
(5) Number of alive nodes (Nalive): Number of remaining
Cluster head selected based on its weight calculated based
nodes after simulation time.
on its residual energy and the received signal strength for the
signal broadcasted by the sink. C. Simulation Results
The proposed system will improve the network life and (1) Throughput (Thr)
total communication over the network. The selection of Figure2 depicts the throughput versus number of
cluster head node in LEACH has serious defect that leads to sensor nodes. It is observed that the throughput increases with
unreasonable CH selection that the nodes have different number of nodes increase because of increasing the amount of
energy while big clusters and small clusters may exist in the data sent to the base station. Noted also that our proposed has
network at the same time. a good throughput with comparing with both the original and
ELEACH protocol. This is because there is a load balance of
the CH role distribution among the nodes in one cluster by
V. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION taking into account both the energy consumed of each node
and the distance among nodes in cluster. Also, our proposed
A. Simulation setup makes dij increases by multiply energy consumed by the rate
The simulations are often used for understanding and of distance in order to decrease the effect of distance changes.
prediction of the behavior of protocols and data streams in
networks. All simulation results in this paper are obtained
using NS2 [27] simulator.NS2 is used to evaluate the
performance of original LEACH, ELEACH and our proposed
(ILEACH).WSN area size in meter is 600x600, the initial
energy of each node in the WSN is assumed as 10 j, the
number of sensor nodes varies from10 to 250 and 20% of
sensor nodes per round become cluster heads.
B. Evaluation metrics
In order to check the protocols performance in terms of its
effectiveness, many different metrics can be used. In this
study, one can use throughput, average end-to-end delay,
observe the packet delivery ratio, average energy ratio and
number of alive nodes for protocols evaluation.
(1) Throughput (Thr): The ratio of total packets received
(Nrecv) by a receiver from a sender for a total time (T) needed
for receiving the last packet by receiver measures in bit/sec
and byte/sec. It can be expressed mathematically as shown in Fig. 2: Throughput versus number of nodes for original
equation (4). LEACH, ELEACH and our proposed.

(2) Average end-to-end delay of data packets (Davg): is the

average delay between the sending of the data packet source
and its receipt at the corresponding received. This delay
includes the time due to route acquisition, buffering, link, the
processing at intermediate nodes, retransmission at the MAC
layer, etc. If the value of end-to-end delay is high then it
means the protocol performance is not good due to the
network congestion. Equation (5) depicts the average
end-to-end delay of data packets.


(3) Packet delivery ratio (PDR): is the ratio of number of data

packets successfully received (Nrecv) by the sink to the total
number of data packets sent (Nsend). PDR is shown in Fig. 3: Average delay versus number of nodes for original
equation (6). LEACH, ELEACH and our proposed.


147 4
ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt
(2) Average end-to-end delay of data packets (Davg) (5) Number of alive nodes (Nalive)
Figure 3 shows the Average delay versus number of Figure 6 depicts the number of alive nodes versus number
sensor nodes. Noted that our proposed has a minimum delay of sensor nodes. It is noted that our proposed increases the
with comparing with both the original and ELEACH nodes lifetime with comparing with both the original and
protocol. Because of considering the distance when selecting ELEACH protocol. Because of using the cluster based
the CH. protocols. In addition, the role of CH is distributed among
cluster nodes in good manner.
(3) Packet delivery ratio (PDR)
Figure 4 depicts the packet delivery ratio versus number of
sensor nodes. It is noted that PDR decreases with increasing
the number of nodes because of the fixed available bandwidth
in the network and the worked area. Noted that our proposed
has a good PDR with comparing with both the original and
ELEACH protocol. Because there is a good distribution of the
nodes and a good selection of CH for each cluster, which
makes a good data flow from CH to BS.

Fig. 6: Number of nodes alive versus number of nodes for

original LEACH, ELEACH and our proposed.

Unjust distribution of cluster heads often causes a
Fig. 4: PDR versus number of nodes for original LEACH, significant loss of energy. To solve this problem, Cost
ELEACH and our proposed. function algorithm based on the remaining energy and their
distance from sink exists. The simulation results show that our
(4) Average energy ratio (AER): algorithm is much more efficient. Our proposed algorithm
Figure 5 depicts the average energy ratio versus number of increases sensor lifetime, throughput, and the delivery packet
sensor nodes. Noted that the AER slightly increases with ratio and decreases both the packet delay and the sensors
increasing the number of nodes. Also noted that our proposed power consumption.
has a lowest energy consumed with comparing with both the
original and ELEACH protocol. Because the role of CH is
distributed among cluster nodes in good manner.
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[16] Heinzelman, W.B.; Chandrakasan, A.P.; Balakrishnan, H., "An
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no.4, pp.660-670, October 2002.
[17] Heinzelman, Wendi B., Anantha P. Chandrakasan, and
HariBalakrishnan. "An application-specific protocol architecture for
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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Intelligent Collision Detection and Avoidance in

Railways using GPS/RF Module
S. A. Qunber, M. S. Zaghloul, O. Badawy, and M. Farouk,,,
College of Computing and Information Technology
Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport, Alexandria, Egypt

Abstract - Railways are an important mode of transport (Assistant Station Manager), so if the ASM gives wrong
because it can carry large number of people and goods signals and gives wrong route, accidents will occur. Whole
at the same time, so it is important to protect the working is ASM dominant; therefore, the drivers cannot
peoples life and property. There are many collision take any decisions. Rail accidents are inevitable where
accidents between trains, because of irresponsibility of communication is inefficient, hence the need to device
drivers and signaling problems. Several techniques have systems which will enable trains to communicate
developed in order to avoid such danger loss of life and automatically. With the aim of reducing injury and accident
property. In this paper, we have proposed an approach severity, pre-crash sensing is becoming an active research
using GPS and RF module for detecting and avoiding area.
train collisions. The GPS module identifies the location, According to an aspect of the present situation, this
speed, and direction of the trains with highest accuracy. paper describes an intelligent detect and avoidance collision
This information transfers to the train microcontroller system that can be used to avoid collision between trains.
in the same vicinity via RF module. The availability of The proposed system is based on direct train-to-train
the information allows the train microcontroller type communication. The system allows trains autonomous
PIC16F877 to take accurate decision as for train detection to imminent collisions. Designed as a safety
location. This system warns the driver both visually and overlay system, it shall warn train drivers in such situations.
by giving an alert sound, to allow avoiding the collision This approach is based on GPS and RF module and
between trains when they are separated by one kilo. We receivers. The GPS receiver is capable of identifying the
used a vibration sensor for sensing the train on the longitudinal and latitudinal position and the speed of the
track. The prototype was designed using microcontroller
specific train by receiving information from satellite. The
and tested successfully through RF communication.
time delay of GPS is very small, and the accuracy of GPS is
Index Terms - Wireless LAN, Collision Detection, Micro from 10 to15 m which i 0.3 to 0.5 % from the 3 km we
Controller, Train Anti-Collision System. calculate so we can neglect this value.

I. INTRODUCTION The Radio Frequency (RF) module is used in this

system to allow exchanging the trains information between
Railways are a mode of transport essential to the daily life trains in the same vicinity.
of people. It can carry large numbers of people and goods The rest of this paper is organized as follows: section II
speedily at the same time. It is cheap and affordable mean of discusses the related works, section III describes the system
transportation for millions of passengers. According to overview, section IV describes the proposed system
COMESA Infrastructure Statistics, it carried more than 292 structure, section V explains the scenarios of collision,
million people and 5.8 million tons of goods in year 2010 as section VI explains working flow, section VII indicates the
[1]. According to COMESA Infrastructure Statistics, the results, and finally conclusion is discussed in section VIII.
recorded drop in the number of passengers transported is
due to lack of safety, as many accidents occur. Over the past II. RELATED WORKS
ten years, more than one hundred people were killed and
another about four hundred were injured due to railway Many methods have been developed and used for avoiding
collisions as [2]- [3]. collision and for getting proper communication. Intelligent
Communication is a key issue in traffic management Collision Avoidance System ICAS as [5] is based on Radio
and tracking and railroad traffic control is not an exception. Frequency RF transmitters and receivers to sense the
The human factor has proven to be the direct cause of these direction and the position of the trains. RF transmitters
several train collisions as [4]. The driver does not know determine the track IDs and the position of trains in main
anything happening around. He does not have any tracks or sub tracks. They put vibration sensor at starting
information about other trains. He just sees the signal aspect and ending of sub tracks. When the trains are on the same
and follows it. The signal aspect depends upon the ASM track and are separated by three-kilo meters, the system

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warns the driver both visually and gives alert sound for leaves the sub tracks. The train has a controller unit that
avoiding frontal collisions. The disadvantages of this system contains several parts; like transmitter which transmits the
that eliminates the potential for collisions, includes; the information about train that can be identified by GPS and
position of trains are not accurate and the speed is unknown. the data about the track that identified by the transmitter at
Another method using powerful combination of mobile the base station. This information transmitted through Radio
computing, Global System for Mobile Communication Frequency RF transmitter and received by RF receiver.
(GSM), Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographical Then the receiver sends this information to microcontroller
Information System (GIS) technologies and software for where the controlling procedure is processed. The
improving railway security and safety and predict the microcontroller processes the data and takes accurate
dynamics of trains collisions as [6]- [7]-[8]. The in-built decision to avoid collisions. The system also consists of sub
GPS module identifies the train location and speed with a track block for detecting the train position whether it is
highest accuracy and transfers the information via GSM to entering the sub track or leaving the sub track by using
the central system to identify the possible safety issues. vibration sensor under the track, which senses the train
Location data processed to provide visual positioning using moving.
maps granting a wholesome view on train location.
Positioning data along with train speed helps the
administration to identify the possible safety issues and
react to them effectively using the communication methods
1 (RF Transmitter)
provided by the system. This system reduces waiting time,
provide automatic information of train, knowing about the
train arrival time & location. Using a SMS people can find
the location & time of arrival but it needs infrastructure. Base
Other system uses WIMAX for detecting and avoidance B
collisions as [9]. In this system using latest 4G technology 2(Train
WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave controller
Access) i.e. IEEE802.16e standards for preventing train unit)
accidents. The approach helps the train to know the location 2(Train controller unit)
of its own with the help of fixed WiMAX base stations
whose positions are known. The approach does not require 3 (RF Transmitter &
extra GPS service for calculating location, like the one 1 (RF Transmitter)
existing railway system uses. The WiMAX base station and Vibration sensor)
the train (mobile stations) contribute in sending the Base
information to the trains whenever a train comes in its Station
vicinity and range. The trains will be equipped with A
WiMAX enabled laptops/tablets for communicating with
others. The speed, location and distance of other trains are FIG. 1. TOP VIEW OF THE INTELLIGENT AVOIDANCE COLLISION
known in advance to increase awareness and safety. The SYSTEM
distance calculated between the train and the base station is
based on angle of arrival (AOA) and received signal IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM STRUCTURE
strength (RSS). Using this information, the trains will be A. Base Station Unit
able to take possible precautions to avoid collision. The
Two RF transmitters (1 in FIG. 1) mounted at base stations.
technique will be more efficient and beneficial for avoiding
One is at the beginning of the track and the other is at the
situations like collision and catastrophic hazards. The
end of the track. Each transmitter has a particular code
advantages of this system includes, not requiring GPS
signal that identifies the track IDs. When the train starts to
receiver and no need for infrastructure. The disadvantage is
move, the transmitter transmits the code of the track to the
being expensive.
train to avoid the collision.
III. DESIGN PATTERN B. Train Controller Unit
The Intelligent Collision Detection and Avoidance system is Every train has a train controller unit that processes the
based on integration of GPS and RF model as shown in FIG. information to take the correct decision to avoid the
1. This system consists of three sections: 1) base station: collision. The system consists of GPS, Transmitter,
which identify the track ID, 2) train unit: where a GPS Receiver, Microcontroller, LCD and Alarm. The
identifies the train location, speed and direction and where microcontroller unit in vehicle section module sends alarm
controller takes the accurate decision to avoid collisions, 3) sound and message for different events to the driver as:
sub track unit: which detect the train location if it enters or

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt


Main Track ID
RF Transmitter LCD

RF Receiver

Sub Track ID
Amplifier RF Traansmitter GPS Receiver

CRO Alarm Driver



Green LED and GO message: when thhe trains move at

different tracks and no collision occurs,,
Vibration Amplifier RF Transmitter
Red LED and STOP message: when thee trains move in
the same track and different direction annd
message: when the trains move in thee same track and MICRO
the same direction. ADC CONTROLLER
C. Sub Track Unit
Sub track is the path that branches from m main track. Both
starting and ending of all the sub tracks arre equipped with
vibration sensors and a low power ttransmitter. The V. COLLISION SCE
transmitters Tx1, Tx2 used to inform that thee train entering or
In railroad transport, well-defined collision
c scenarios will be
leaving from the sub track, respectively. Thhe block diagram
distinguished in different modess of operation. Table1
of the sensing unit shows as in FIG. 3. Thhe sensors consist
illustrated scenarios of collisions an
nd the expected output to
of crystal that is mounted between two iron pieces and
the drivers.
placed under the track. The force exerted onn the track by the
train makes the crystal to vibrate and oscillate. These
Scenario 1
oscillations amplified and converted to diigital format and
gives to the microcontroller. The sensor willl produce signals When two trains are at different traccks as in FIG. 4 and each
only when trains are on the specified trackk where it placed. track has a particular code, so each train has a different track
The sensor will not produce signal when thhere is a train on ID. The microcontroller compares between
b tracks IDs of the
nearby track. trains that train receivers receivees, when track IDs are
When a train is moving on the trrack, the sensor different, so the output light will still
s be green that means,
produces a signal due to vibration of the track. We have safe case and no collision danger.
selected vibration sensors because it will produce signals
only when train is on the specified track where it placed.
The sensor will not produce signal when thhere is a train on
nearby track. It is a generalized system easily
accommodated in any train. The output leevel of vibration
sensor is very low, in terms of millivoltss (150 mv). The
output is amplified and converted into diggital signal using FIG. 4. NO COLLISION SCENARIO
ADC 0808 and given to micro controller.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

TABLE 1 between them, if the distance is less than 2 km and the

vers by giving alert sound
direction is different, alerts the driv
and the red output light on, and by message to stop the
O\P trains to avoid the collision between n them.
writing light
1. Two trains at 3 beep (TrackID, positionn, speed, green FIG. 6. HEAD ON COLLISIO
different tracks direction) of two traains
COMMENT: Each train has different trackID, so thhere is no collision Scenario 4
occurs. This case was implemented.
2. Two trains at the 5 beep (TrackID, positionn, speed, red When train moves above other train n as in FIG. 7 each track
same track & same direction) of two traains has different track ID, so the micrrocontroller found it safe
case and does nothing.
COMMENT: Each train has the same trackID, tthe microcontroller
compare between the direction and depending on thhe speed, alerts the
driver to reduce or stop the second train. this case was implemented
3. Two trains at the 5 beep (TrackID, positionn, speed, red
same track & direction) of two traains
different directions
COMMENT: Each train has the same trackID, tthe microcontroller
compares between the directions then alerts the driverrs to stop the trains.
This case was implemented.
4. Train 3 beep (TrackID, positionn, speed, green
underground and direction) of two traains
the other above it UNDER IT
COMMENT: Each train has different trackID, so thhere is no collision
occurs. This case was implemented.
Scenario 5
5. When the train 3 beep (TrackID, positionn, speed, Green
enters to sub track direction) of two traains or red When the train switches from thee main track to the sub
COMMENT: Just the train moves on vibration sensorr a TrackID will track: Starting and ending of each sub track equipped with
Green light ON if the two trains in different tracks andd red light ON if the
sub track module to identify the lo ocation of the train when
two trains in the same sub track. entering or leaving the sub track k. Each sub track has a
6. two trains will 5 beep (TrackID, positionn, speed, red particular code. When the train leaaves the main track and
Converge at direction) of two traains enters to sub track, the train receiives the code of the sub
intersection point track and changes its track ID and d when it leaves the sub
COMMENT: Put vibration unit just 1km before inntersection point to track, it receives the same track ID again then automatically
change the trackID of the train. The trains have thee same trackID and changes its track ID again to main track
t ID. When a train is
depending on the speed, alert the driver to reduce or stoop the second train.
moving on the sub track, the sensorr produces a signal due to
vibration of the sub track. The transsmitter Tx1 that is present
in the sub track transmits with the signal SUB111. The RT
Scenario 2 receive the signal by and pass itt to the controller. The
controller will store it and transm mit through TT indicating
When two trains are on the same track and iin same direction that the train is in sub track. At the end
e of sub track, receiver
as in FIG. 5, the memory of the trains has thhe same track ID. RT receives SUB111 again from trransmitter Tx2 indicating
The microcontroller calculates the distance between them in the end of sub track and hence thee controller automatically
addition to the length of the train, if the disttance is less than generates the signal LIN111.
2 km and the direction is the same then aleert the drivers by
giving alert sound and the red output ligght on, and by a Scenario 6
message to stop or reduce the speed of the ssecond train.
If the train enters from main traack to other main track
directly as in FIG. 8 the vibration seensor placed at a distance
NARIO of 1km from the intersection beforee the train enters the other
main track, and transmitter Tx transmits signal code
Scenario 3 LIN111which is the code of the maiin track.

When two trains are on the same track and in different

directions as in FIG. 6, the memory of thhe trains has the
same track ID. The microcontroller calculates the distance

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt


Our system implemented and teested as shown in the

following figures. Here the variaables Lat, Long and H
indicate latitude, longitude and d height of the train
respectively. The direction 0 ind dicates that a train moves
CENARIO from base station A to base stationn B for example and the
direction 1 means that the train moves from base station
ART B to base station A as in FIG. 9.

In order to detect and avoid collisions betw ween trains, train

locations must be identified. The Follow paattern algorithm 1
Appendix A shows the steps for locating tthe trains in this
system. The input to the system is a longittude and latitude
from GPS receiver and track ID from RF trransmitter that is
at the base station. The first task processinng the data from
GPS by microcontroller then stores this innformation in the
memory. When the microcontroller receiives information
about other trains, then it compare betweenn track IDs of the
two trains. When the track IDs are thee same, then it
calculates the distance between them and ccompare between
the directions of the trains to take accuratee and appropriate FIG. 9 SHOWS THE DIRECTIO
decision for avoiding collision. STATION A TO

Algorithm 1 Flow chart of the decision-m making system FIG. 10 shows the result for thee scenario 1 of FIG. 4.
Inputs: GA GPS Information , IDA Track ID D, According to FIG. 10, the track ID is different so appear the
GB GPS Information , IDB Track ID GO message to driver. The result forf the scenario 2, shown
Outputs: L Light , Str Messages , B Beep in FIG. 11, so alert message appear to the driver of the
1. IDA = GetMyTrack ID() peed and GO message to
second train to stop or reduce the sp
2. GA = GetMyGPSINformation() the first train. FIG. 12, show the scenario
s 3 and the trains
3. WHILE LOOP move in different direction. So alert the drivers to stop the
4. IDB = GetOtherTrackID() train by giving STOP messages. Th he scenario 4 tested as in
5. GB = GetOtherGPSINformation()) FIG. 13 that shows that the track IDs of the trains are
6. Distance = CalcDistance(GA, GB) different so it is safe case and no collision will occur and
7. IF IDB == IDA THEN GO message appear to the drivers. When the train enter to
8. IF Distance < 1km THEN sub track as illustrated in scenario 5, here we tested when
9. IF GB.Direction == GA.Diirection nd the other one enter to
one train still in the main track an
THEN sub track as in FIG 14.
10. Str = Stop The flank collision scenario o of FIG. 8 tested and
11. Return(5B , Red L , S
Str) indicated that the two trains have the same track ID and
12. ELSE same direction.
13. Str= Reduce speed oor Stop
14. Return(5B , Red L , S
15. END IF
16. ELSE
17. Str = Go
18. Return(0B , Green L , Str))
19. END IF
20. ELSE
21. Str = Go
22. Return(0B , Green L , Str)
23. END IF

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

In this research, a scalable rule-based system for detecting
and avoiding collisions between trains has been designed
and developed based on microcontroller. A GPS/RF module
for locating trains is proposed for detecting and preventing
collisions. The system demonstrates different expected
scenarios for single and multiple tracks. The system has a
graphical user interface and information displayed in a way
that is familiar for administrators, and drivers. This system
implementation and tests are successful. The software
FIG. 11 DETECT TWO TRAINS ON THE SAME TRACK WITH SAME designed using PICBASIC PRO language, and completed
DIRECTION AND AVOID REAR-END COLLISION BETWEEN THEM using a Java program. The allotted code of a particular
transmitter can be re-used. A prototype designed to test the
feasibility of the collisions prevention. Results show that
this approach is appropriate to validate the collisions
prevention and increases the reliability of the system.
Moreover, simulations show the feasibility of the proposed

The goal of this work is to design and implement a cost

effective and intelligent system to avoid collisions. We
believe that the system is more suitable for the developing
countries. Enriching the system by adding more knowledge
rules is a continuous process.



[1] Secretariat, COMESA. Annual Bulletin of Infrastructure Statistics .

s.l. : COMESA, 2012. ISBN 978-9982-26-055-8.
[2] Series of disasters [online]. Available:
[3] Egyptian National Railways [Online]. available:
[4] Statistic of train accidents. [Online]. Available:
[5] Chellaswamy, C., Arul, S. ; Balaji, L. (2011).Design and analysis of an
intelligent collision avoidance system for locomotives. In IEEE, second
international conference on Sustainable Energy and Intelligent System
(SEISCON 2011).
[6] S.Punekar, Nisha and Raut, Archana. (2013). A Survey on Railway
Security in Wireless Network.. International Journal of Computer
[7] S.Puneka, Nisha and Raut, Archana A. (2013). Improving Railway
Safety with Obstacle Detection and Tracking System using GPS-GSM
Model. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, vol.
[8] Mohamed, Hossam Abdel Rahman. s.l. (2014). A Proposed Model for
Radio Frequency Systems to Tracking Trains via GPS(The Study for
Egyptian National Railways). International Journal of Intelligent
Systems and Applications, Vol. 6:3.
[9] Jain, Anjali and Tyagi, Dr. Neeraj (2013). Collision Detection and
Avoidance in Railways Using WiMAX. Indian Journal of Computer
Science and Engineerin (IJCSE), Vol. 3:1.



ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt


Flow chart of the decision-making system


Initialize GPS

Any message Compare between
Received? tracks ID
Set track ID


Calculate the Track ID is
distance equal?


Distance < 1 YES

Beep 5 times & Red
Read any RF Are same
LED ON & stop
message direction?

NO Beep 5 times & Red

LED ON & stop or
reduce the speed

Green LED ON

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Session V:
Image Processing and Pattern

Title: Page#

Lossless Image Compression Using Agglomerative Hierarchical 167

Clustering and the Jensen-Shannon Divergence
Sameh Samir, Sherif F. Fahmy, and Gamal Selim

An Enhanced Gene Silencing Algorithm Using Hash Table 172

Hoda Elhamy Mohamed, Essam M. Hamed, and Mohammad H. Abdel-Rahman

Novel Single Image deblurring Technique using Sparse 179

representation and Discrete Radon Transform
I.M. EL-Henawy, A. A. Ali, Kareem Ahmed, and Hadeer Adel

FPGA Implementation of Iris Recognition Based on Fast DCT 185

Ramadan Gad, M. Zorkany, Nawal El-Fishawy, and Ayman El-SAYED

A Novel 3D Image Fusion Approach Using FTransform 191

Saad M. Darwish and Maha M. Ghoneim

An Elliptical Basis Function Network for Non-blind Image 197

Mohammad Hashem, Essam A. Rashed, and Fatma Harby Mohamed

Multiclass Object Recognition Using Object-based and Local 202

Image Features Extractors
Menna Maged Kamel, Mohamed Waleed Fakhr, H. I. Saleh, and M. B.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Novel Single Image deblurring Technique using

Sparse representation and Discrete Radon Transform
I.M. EL-Henawy A. A. Ali Kareem Ahmed Hadeer Adel
Computer Science Department, Computer Science Department, Computer Science Department, Computer Science Department,
Zagazig University. Menia University. BSU University. NUB University.

AbstractIn this paper, a novel single image deblurring (PSF) is used to describe the response of an imaging system to
technique based on sparse representation and radon transform is a point source. In the other hand, Image deblurring and
presented. The Sparse representation is used to make an initial restoration is one of the most important fields of image
estimation of the latent sharp image. Then, a set of directional processing. Blind Image deblurring is the process of restoring
filters are applied to the blurry and noisy image to reduce the
the latent sharp image from the blurred one by solving
noise while maintaining the blurry information on the orthogonal
direction. After that an initial kernel estimation at different mathematical blurring model. The process is blind, i.e. there is
angles is performed using the initial latent image that was no information about the sharp image or the characteristics of
produced using sparse representation. Each estimated kernel is the blur kernel such as length and orientation. Image deblurring
transformed to radon transform and the set of projections at is useful for a variety of fields include: Personnel Photograph
different angles are stored. An inverse radon transform is applied recovery, using telescopes to watch distant objects, watching
to make a final kernel estimation. Finally, the Wiener space vehicles and satellites, Radar imaging, Tomography and
deconvolution is performed to estimate the final latent sharp medical imaging. In this paper, a novel single image deblurring
image. Experimental results showed the effectiveness of the technique based on sparse representation and radon transform
proposed technique. The best obtained PSNR is 28.233 at 0.04
is presented. The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
noise ratio, whereas the best obtained SSIM is 0.896769 at also
0.04 noise ratio. Section II presents the mathematical blur model and a brief
description of the available single image deblurring techniques,
KeywordsSparse representation; radon, deblurring, blur, Section III presents the first component of the proposed
PSF, image restoration. algorithm which is estimating an initial latent image using
sparse representation, Section IV presents the subsequent
I. INTRODUCTION stages of the proposed algorithm that estimates the final blur
Photographs are very important in our life for because they kernel using radon transform and estimates the final latent
are part of our legacy and they record important memories for image using Wiener deconvolution.
us. There is an old adage says "A picture is worth a thousand
words". Many applications such as satellite navigation, II. THE BLUR MODEL
monitoring, medical imaging, astronomy, microscopy, and The sharp image is a clear image that the we can identify
remote sensing are totally dependent on the quality of recorded and recognize all its objects correctly. For example, a face
images. Each image contains a set of pixels organized in a image is sharp if we can recognize eyes, nose, and lips
grid. The intensity value at each pixel controls the tone at this correctly. The edges in the image are responsible for
pixel. Unfortunately, the moving objects or camera shake identifying and recognizing objects. The blur reduces the edge
during shooting may cause images to be less or more blurry. content and makes the transition from one color to another very
The blurring may be caused for several reasons, such as smooth. Zooming is one type of blurring. When zooming an
relative motion between the camera and the scene, movement image using pixel replication and large zooming factor, the
of camera or object during light exposure, using long exposure result will be blurry. However, the number of pixels in the
times, using wide angle lens, defocused optical system. zoomed image is greater than the number of pixels in the
Practically, it is impossible to prevent the blur altogether original image, which differentiate it from pure blurring. The
because it is a result of several overlapped factors. As a result, blurring is a linear process that leads to image degradation. The
the blur may completely destroy the visual characteristics of blurring model is a combination of two operations: convolving
the image. The blur can be occurred at two levels: (i) the entire the original image with the blur kernel; then adding some
image level, where the blur is occurred because of camera noise. Mathematically, the blurring model [31] can be
shake which causes all pixels in the image to be affected, and expressed as , Where is blurred image, is
(ii) the region level, where the image is blurred by object the original image, is blur kernel, and is the additive noise.
motion which causes a specific region to be blurred. A simple The blur kernel is a linear shift-invariant point spread function
example to illustrate blurring is: when the image to be acquired (PSF) or impulse response. Point Spread Function (PSF) is the
is a black image that contains only one bright (white) pixel and degree to which the imaging system spreads a point of
all the surrounding pixels are dark. When capturing, the single light[33]. The Fourier transform of the point Spread Function
white pixel, also called a point source, is spread over its (PSF) is called Optical Transfer Function (OTF) which can be
neighboring pixels. A function called point spread function used to describe the response of a linear, position-invariant

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system to an impulse[32]. Image deblurring techniques are function (PSF) then adding some Gaussian noise .
divided into non-blind or blind. Non-blind single image Mathematically, the blur model can be shown as:
deblurring techniques require a priori information about the
characteristics of the blur kernel and the original image to
estimate the blur kernel and restore the sharp image. Blind The objective of the blind deblurring is to estimate the
single image deblurring techniques are able to estimate the PSF latent sharp image and the kernel from the blurry and noisy
kernel and restore the sharp image without any kind of data image . Several techniques for single image deblurring have
about the blurring process or the sharp image. There are four been widely used to restore the latent sharp image blur from the
kind of filters [10] that can cause image blurring: (i) average blurry and noisy image. However, most of these techniques are
filter, (ii) weighted average filter, (iii) Gaussian filter, and (iv) based on deconvolution process. Since is the only known
motion filter. There are several technique for single image variable and all of the other variables and are unknown,
deblurring. A comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art in so the number of unknowns is larger than the number of
image deblurring can be found in [10,30]. The Lucy- knowns. So the deconvolution is an ill-posed inverse
Richardson algorithm, or RichardsonLucy deconvolution[34, problem[1] which requires many priors and regularities to
35], is an iterative procedure for recovering the sharp image weaken the influence of artifacts and to stabilize the solution.
that has been blurred by a known point spread function (PSF). Recently, sparse prior is used in image deblurring to improve
Some techniques employed neural network [36, 37] to performance via constraining the coefficients in some
converge the recorded blurred image to the sharp ones after transform domains[3]. M. Elad and M. Aharon [2] proposed an
training the system on a private dataset. Several iterative image denoising technique to remove a zero-mean white and
approaches [38-40] have been discussed for removing the blur homogeneous Gaussian additive noise from an image based on
and restoring the sharp image. Several techniques use the sparse and redundant representations over trained dictionaries.
Wiener filter [41-43] which makes an optimal trade-off After they proposed the over-complete dictionary for image
between inverse filtering and noise smoothing and it is able to denoising, the sparse prior under over-completed dictionary is
remove the additive noise and invert the blurring employed for image deblurring. Lou et al. [6] proposed a non-
simultaneously. Blind deconvolution approaches [10] are blind image deblurring method named direct sparse deblurring
divided into categories: projection based blind deconvolution using two dictionaries to deblur the image. Cai et al. [4]
and the maximum likelihood restoration. Sparse representation estimated the blur kernel and sharp image using the sparsity of
techniques [44-50] have been widely used after developing l1- the blur kernel and the clear image under certain over-complete
norm optimization techniques, and also because natural images frame systems. Yang et al. [5] proposed an approach to single-
are intrinsically sparse in some domain. Sparse decomposition image super-resolution (SR), based on sparse signal recovery.
is used to estimate sparse multi-dimensional vector that They found that image patches can be well represented as a
satisfies a set of equations in a linear system given high- sparse linear combination of elements from an appropriately
dimensional observed data and a design matrix. In [50] a new chosen over-complete dictionary. So they seek a sparse
deblurring approach based on sparse representation is representation for each patch of the low-resolution input, and
proposed. The authors used the KSVD algorithm to train an then use the coefficients of this representation to generate the
over-complete dictionary on a set of images and curvelet to high-resolution output[5]. Haisen Li et al. [3] claimed that
represent the blur kernel. In [46], the authors propose to super-resolution ideas in [5] contribute to solving the
express the problem of the deconvolution of Poisson noisy deblurring problem using the sharp and blur dictionary pair,
images as the minimization of a new constrained problem. In instead of the traditional deconvolution techniques. The
[49], the authors proposed an image restoration method based advantage of this approach is that it avoids the ill-posed
on sparse regularized with learning dictionary. They first deconvolution problem and bring more high-frequency
construct a degradation model under the sparse representation information from the dictionary pair.
theory, with the Haar dictionary as initial over-complete
dictionary. Then they solve the degradation model by parallel In the rest of this section, we will illustrate the necessary
coordinate descent iteration algorithm. In[3], the authors steps [1, 3] to use sparse representation for single image
proposed a novel blind image deblurring method based on the deblurring. The input to this technique is the blurry image ,
sparse prior of dictionary pair, estimating the sparse dictionary , iteration number , and kernel size. The output is
coefficient, sharp image and blur kernel alternately. The an estimated blurring kernel and an estimated deblurred
proposed method could avoid the deconvolution problem image . The following three steps are performed times on
which is an ill-posed problem, and obtain the result with fewer all patches of the blurry image: (A) updating sparse
artifacts. representation coefficient, (B) updating the estimated latent
image and (C) updating the estimated blur kernel.
REPRESENTATION A. Updating the Sparse representation
In most cases, the blurry and noisy image is constituted The latent sharp image is sparsely represented [1,
by convolving the latent sharp image with point spread 3] as follows:

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Where is an over-complete dictionary with initial kernel estimation and an initial latent image
atoms and is the sparse representation coefficient. estimation , where is the number of performed iterations to
Substituting from equation 2 in equation 1 and eliminating the update Sparse coefficients, kernel estimation, and latent image
noise term, we obtain: estimation. At this stage, for simplicity, we make and
. Then the following stages are performed until the
( ) ( ) (3)
Where is the blur dictionary. The dictionary pair A. Applying Directional low-pass filter
consists of sharp dictionary and corresponding blur dictionary.
It is clear that the blurry image and the sharp image have the In this step, we apply a set of directional low-pass filter to
same coefficient under corresponding dictionary. So, the sharp the input blurry and noisy image . Lin Zhong et al [8]
image can be obtained through sparse reconstruction and by discovered that applying a directional low-pass filter to the
searching the blur image sparse coefficients on sharp input image greatly reduces the noise level, while preserving
dictionary. The sparse coefficient for each patch is updated by the blur information in the orthogonal direction to the filter.
minimizing the following equation[1,3]: First, we determine the number of directional low-pass filters
, in our experiments we make . Then we apply the
{ } (4) eighteen directional low-pass filters to the blurry and noisy

image , where the direction of each filter is determined as
Where is -th patch in the blurry image, and is the . The eighteen low-pass filters , where
sparse coefficient of the -th image patch. , are convolved with as follows:
B. Updating the estimated latent sharp image
At each iteration , the latent image is updated until the ( ) ( ) ( ) (7)
maximum number of iterations is reached. Equation 5 shows
the update process of the estimated latent image[1,3,7]:
Where is a pixel location, is the spatial distance from
(5) one pixel to , ( ) ,
{ }

is a unit vector of direction , and
Where is the first order gradient extraction filters controls the strength of the filter [8]. In our experiments, we
, . always set the extent to . The result of current step is a
set of filtered images , , , , each of which is
C. Updating the estimated blur kernel
The final stage in each iteration is to update the estimation the result of convolving with the appropriate directional
of the blur kernel[1,3]: low-pass filter , with .

(6) B. Blur kernel estimation at each filtered image

{ }
Each filtered image is treated as an independent blurry
and not noisy image. So, it is assumed that it was obtained by
just convolving the sharp image with the PSF. In other words,
the noise has been eliminated. The next step is to use the initial
There are several causes for the noise such as low light latent sharp image (referred to as ) that was produced from the
conditions, slow shutter speeds and high sensitivity modes. As sparse representation to estimate the blur kernel for each
a result, the acquired image always contains a considerable filtered image.
amount of noise. Almost, all image deblurring techniques [9-
16] are highly sensitive to Gaussian noise because small C. Applying Discrete Radon Transform on the orthogonal
amount of noise may degrade the quality of latent image direction
estimation dramatically. Most of the state-of-the-art deblurring The Radon transform computes the projection of an image
techniques have a serious problem when the amount of the intensities along a radial line oriented at specific angle. The
noise is large enough in the blurry image. Several authors tries Radon Transform [22] is an important tool in many areas such
to simultaneously reduce noise and deblur the image[17-21]. as the reconstruction of an image from its projections (CT
Lin Zhong et al [8] claimed that directly applying image scanning)[23]. The radon transform of a two dimensional
denoising methods often partially damages the blur information signal ( ) is a set of projections along an angle ,
and leads to biased kernel estimation. In this section, we :
modified the technique in [8] to make benefit of sparse
representation for estimating the initial latent image. The input
to the algorithm is the blurry and noisy image . The output is ( ) ( ) ( ) (8)
the blur kernel and the latent sharp image . The first step is
to apply the technique described in section II to estimate an

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Where ( ) is the Fourier transform of , ( ) is the

( ) ( ) (9) mean power spectral density of ( ), ( ) is the mean
power spectral density of the noise ( ) . Then the
Fourier transform of the estimated sharp image ( ) is
Where the -function is the Dirac delta function that
calculated as follows:
converts the two-dimensional integral into a line integral
along the line [24]. The radon ( ) ( ) ( ) (14)
transform maps Cartesian rectangular coordinates ( ) to
polar coordinates, i.e. a distance and an angle . It was Where ( ) is the Fourier transform of the observed
shown in [8] that each directional filter filters the image blurred image. Finally, an inverse Fourier transform is applied
to produce the final latent sharp image ( ). In our
only along the direction and it has no impact on the blur
notations, we shall apply the Wiener deconvolution on the
information in the orthogonal direction. So the authors of [8]
blurry and noisy image using the estimated blur kernel that
proposed to calculate radon transform of each estimated blur
was produced from inverse radon transform in the previous
kernel along the orthogonal direction to . So, we
stage. After that the latent sharp image is produced.
calculate , then compute the radon transform
( ) of each estimated blur kernel at an angle . V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
D. Estimating the final kernel using Inverse Discrete Radon In this section, we performed a set of experiments to
Transform evaluate the proposed technique. The quality of the produced
sharp image is an important measure to judge the effectiveness
Inverse radon transform reconstructs the original image of the deblurring technique. There are two measures that are
from a set of projections at different angles. The inverse radon used to evaluate the quality: subjective measures and objective
transform is computed using equation 11[24]. measures[30]. Subjective measures measure the users
satisfaction or perception. There is no explicit formula to
( ) ( ) ( ) (10) calculate a numeric value for the percentage of the quality.
These metrics are very important and required because they are
directly records users requirements and comments on the
deblurred images. In the other hand, the objective metrics use
( ) ( ) (11) an explicit formulas to calculate numeric values. There are two
types of objective metrics that are widely used to evaluate
It is clear that it is an integral over all angles of all various image deblurring techniques: Peak Signal-To-Noise
projections that pass through the point ( ). As in [8], we use Ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similarity (SSIM).
the inverse radon transform to make the final estimation of the
blur kernel from the set of projections ( ), with
E. Estimating the final latent sharp image using Wiener
The Wiener filter [25-29] performs an optimal trade-off
between inverse filtering and noise smoothing because it
removes the additive noise and inverts the blurring
simultaneously[10]. The Wiener deconvolution has been
widely used for de-convolving images because the frequency
spectrum of most visual images is fairly well behaved and may
be estimated easily[29]. For the following blurring model:
b( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (12)
Where ( ) is the unknown sharp image, ( ) is the
known blur kernel, ( ) is some unknown additive noise
independent of ( ), and b( ) is the observed blurred and
noisy image. All Wiener filter calculations are in the frequency
domain. Equation 13 calculates a set of Fourier transform
coefficients called ( ).
( ) ( )
( ) (13)
| ( )| ( ) ( )

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Fig. 2. Comparison between achieved PSNR among different techniques.

Fig. 1. Blurred and noisy image (Left) Deblurred image (Right)

PSNR [30] is used to measure the quality of image in dB
(decibels). PSNR between two images (deblurred image and
original image) measures how far the two images are equal.

[ ] (15)

( )
( ) (16)
Where is the original image, is the restored image, is
the number of rows, is the number of columns and is
the maximum possible intensity value of the image[10]. The Fig. 3. Comparison between achieved SSIM among different techniques.
Structural Similarity (SSIM) [30] is calculated as follows: VI. CONCLUSION
( )( )
(Eq. 23) This research proposes a novel single image deblurring
( )( ) technique based on sparse representation and radon transform.
Where and are the means of and , respectively; The Sparse representation is used to make an initial estimation
and are the variance of and , respectively; and are of the latent sharp image. Then, a set of directional filters are
used to stabilize the division with weak denominator[10]. We applied to the blurry and noisy image to reduce the noise while
have performed 30 experiment at each noise level. At each maintaining the blurry information on the orthogonal direction.
experiment, the PSNR and SSIM are recorded. The best and After that an initial kernel estimation at different angles is
worst PSNR and SSIM are summarized in table 1. The best performed using the initial latent image that was produced
obtained PSNR is 28.233 at 0.04 noise ratio, whereas the best using sparse representation. Each estimated kernel is
obtained SSIM is 0.896769 at also 0.04 noise ratio. Figure 2 transformed to radon transform and the set of projections at
and 3 compare average values of PSNR and SSIM among different angles are stored. An inverse radon transform is
different image deblurring techniques. We tested each applied to make a final kernel estimation. Finally, the Wiener
technique on ten fixed blurred and noisy images and record deconvolution is performed to estimate the final latent sharp
the average values for PSNR and SSIM. Our technique image.
achieved the highest average value for both PSNR and SSIM.
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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

FPGA Implementation of Iris Recognition Based on

Fast DCT Coding
Ramadan Gad M. Zorkany
Computer Science and Engineering Dept. Electronic and Communication Engineering Dept.
Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufia University, National Telecommunication Institute,
Egypt. Egypt.

Nawal El-Fishawy Ayman El-SAYED

Computer Science and Engineering Dept. Computer Science and Engineering Dept.
Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufia University, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufia University,
Egypt. Egypt.

Abstract Iris is a touch-less automated real-time biometric environments where high portability is required. Consequently,
system for user authentication. Most iris recognition approaches some applications are sensitive to battery life, heat dissipation,
suffer from high cost, long development times, power etc. In general, state of the art biometrics techniques suffer
consumption, and computationally intensive. Extracting valuable from high cost and long development times. In addition, these
features from iris is computational burden, computational time, techniques have high consumption of computational power.
and limited memory storage. Classification of irises is most time Therefore, the current trend is hardware/software co-design. [3,
consuming phase, repeated in recognition. In addition, general 4].
purpose systems are low speed and not portable solution. In this
paper, off-line iris approach implemented on PC and hardware. Thus, a hardware implementation of an iris recognition
Both Fast Discrete Cosine Transform (FDCT)-based feature system could be exceptionally faster than its general purpose
extraction and Hamming Distance for matching stages are counterpart. Also, being small size enough to be part of a
synthesized and implemented using low-cost Xilinx Spartan-3E digital device. Moreover, hardware/software co-design is a
FPGA chip. Simulation and implementation results indicate that suitable solution, widely used for developing specific and high
the proposed solution improved the execution time with computational cost devices. This provides a means of
equivalent accuracy and error rates achieved by computer embedded systems [4]. One of the embedded system examples
solution. Iris recognition based on FDCT system is more reliable, is the Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). FPGA
more saving in computations cost, small size, and good interclass architecture has a dramatic effect on the quality of the final
separation in minimum time.
device speed performance, area efficiency, and power
Keywords Iris Recognition; Authentication; FDCT; consumption. The re-configurability property and a good
Hamming Distance; FPGA; Parallel Processing. flexibility in design, makes them ideal prototyping tools for
hardware designers. Recent advances in fabrication technology
I. INTRODUCTION allow FPGAs capable of performing many complex
computations in parallel while hosted by conventional
Nowadays, security of computer and financial systems in
computer hardware [5].
governments and organizations invested in biometric
authentication for its high security level at critical access One of the main objectives is to minimize the complexity of
points. Remembering many passwords and ID cards is not operations as much as possible while maintaining low delays
suitable; as it may be forgotten or stolen. From among of other and high throughputs. Also, minimize the time-to-market cost,
biometrics, iris considered more accurate, reliable, and stable. and simplify debugging and verification. Architectures based
Based on recent research, it is the lowest recognition error rate; on hardware/software co-design combine the advantages of
so it is the best choice in different potential applications need both hardware and software solutions. So, the purpose of this
high security [1]. Iris overview and iris system components, paper is to implement both iris feature extraction technique
benefits, drawbacks, and challenges are in details discussed in phase due to its computational power, and matching phase as it
[2]. is a repeated function and large computation time requirement,
targeting low-cost Xilinx Spartan-3E FPGA device by using
Building such robust, more accurate, non-intrusive to
VHDL language. Because of Feature extraction for iris code
humans, and fast real-time iris recognition system, by using
based on Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) achieves less size
only PC platform, has some insufficiency. Most iris recognition
extracted normalized iris data codes, due to DCT energy
systems are operating on a slow general purpose system.
compaction characteristic, giving such less time real time
Furthermore, sequential processing devices based systems are
implementation, more reliable, low computational cost and
not especially portable. It is not suitable for use in the

978-1-5090-0217-7/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 185

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

good interclass separation in minimum time; this algorithm functions. Circular Masking technique used in normalization,
implemented, here, followed by the Hamming Distance (HD) Biorthogonal Wavelet Transform and SVD algorithms are used
as our classifier in hardware for authentication tasks. to extract iris features, and iris matched by Euclidean Distance
measure. Only 4 images from CASIA ver. 1 used in
The rest of this research paper is organized as: section II, experimental tests indicating the performance of SVD then,
illustrates the previous work done in this topic. Section III, results of hardware and CPU-based compared.
discusses the adopted architecture for system design explaining
iris recognition algorithms with phases, and the hardware As shown, facing the tasks of iris algorithms
implementation. Finally, the experimental results and implementation on hardware, designers could use several
discussion for performance evaluation are in section IV. different architecture alternatives beside FPGA to implement
the system as microprocessor, General Purpose Processor
II. RELATED WORK (GPP), full-custom Application-Specific Integrated Circuits
Judith Liu-Jimenez [6] implemented Gabor filter for iris (ASICs), and Digital Signal Processors (DSPs). In addition,
feature extraction and Hamming Distance (HD) for matching, using a combination solution obtains the inherent advantages of
on Xilinx Virtex2 FPGA. Using pipelined architectures for both systems such as: reduced time, reduced area and low
hardware reduced time 80% compared to software. In Raida power consumption. These are commonly referred to as
Hentati [6], Hough Transform and HD implemented on System on Chip (SoC) solutions [3]. The use of FPGA in the
CycloneII2c35 FPGA manufactured by ALTERA. High integrating design of iris recognition system combines the
performance, reliability, and speed achieved through iris benefits of hardware speed and re-configurability, flexibility,
localization and matching phases. Judith Liu-Jimenez et al. [7] and reprogramming from software advantages. In addition, its
developed different algorithms for off-line iris system. Fast in-system programming yields a more cost effective procedure
Wavelet Transform (FWT) algorithm for feature extraction and [5]. FPGA routinely outperforms General Purpose Processor
HD for matching are both implemented on both microprocessor (GPP) when computing algorithms that have iteration level
ARM7TDMI and Virtex4SX35 FPGA. Results obtained from parallelism. FPGAs have the potential for higher performance
the two platforms beside PC compared according to and lower power consumption than microprocessors [17].
performance, cost, area, processing time, and security level. In FPGAs compared with (ASICs), offer lower non-recurrent
[8, 9], Verilog HDL used to implement HD on Spartan-3AN engineering (NRE) costs, reduced development time, shorter
FPGA. Ten iris templates from MMU1 database are generated time to market, easier debugging and reduced risk. For DSPs,
by Matlab first, stored in text file then, transferred to ROM in the speed is limited by the clock speed of the DSPs. Re-
FPGA using Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter configurability can be achieved by changing the memory
(UART). The threshold is set to 30% for identification. content of its program. In contrast, re-configurability in FPGAs
Babasaheb G. Patil [10], implemented Singular Value can be performed by downloading reconfiguration data to the
Decomposition (SVD) using Jacobi method with tournament RAM. Power consumption in a DSP depends on the number of
ordering and HD for both iris feature extraction and memory elements used regardless of the size of the executable
classification phases respectively. Virtex5xc50vxl FPGA program. For FPGA, the power consumption depends on the
device used beside Matlab to implement this approach. circuit design [17].
Execution time was 250s at clock 100 MHZ for iris image of Daugman's overall system [18, 19] has an excellent
size 40x40, and utilization of 80% of device resources. In [11], performance and accuracy. It uses a binary representation for
the whole iris system implemented using 50 MHZ clock speed iris code. Moreover, this speeds the matching through HD. In
CycloneII2C35F672C6 FPGA. SoPC Builder Mega Wizard addition, it handles the rotation of iris easily. Also,
used to create NIOS embedded processor from ALTERA. C2H interpretation of matching as a result of statistical test of
compiler and accelerators used to gain 33% enhancement in independence. On the other hand, the system is iterative and
time execution compared with software solution running in computationally expensive. In addition, evaluation of iris
microprocessor. A selected review for iris implementation for image quality reduces to the estimation of a single or a pair of
recognition on hardware devices discussed in [6]. Hamming factors such as defocus blur, motion blur, and occlusion.
Distance classifier only implemented in [12] and [13] using Wildes [20, 21] implemented effectively gradient-based iris
FPGA platform. Youngkyoon Jang[14] implemented a segmentation by using Laplacian of Gaussian filters (Laplacian
portable iris system using Sony VGN-UX17LP ultra-mobile pyramid). The overall system was more stable to noise
personal computer (UMPC) and a small USB iris camera. perturbations and encompassed eyelid detection and
Recognition rate and usability evaluation like user acceptance, localization. Also, it uses more of the available data, in
convenience, satisfaction and resistance was experimentally matching. So, it might be capable of finer distinctions.
tested. In [13], ten samples from IITD database identified at However, it is less use of available data, due to binary edge
threshold 0.3, and execution time was 4 ns. They used Verilog abstraction, and therefore it might be less sensitive to some
HDL source file written in Integrated Software Environment details. In addition, computations by using mathematical
(ISE 14.2) environment. Huiyan Xu [15] developed iris calculations to compare irises is more exhaustive. In our
acquisition sensor based on embedded microprocessor previous research [22], efficient and effective mixture of
(Advanced RISC Machines) ARM S3C2410 with Windows Daugman and Wildes techniques described after some
CE operating system. Iris image processing was applied on modifications to implement an iris recognition system. Our
ADSP-BF533 using Embedded Visual C++ (EVC). Recently, proposed system will be discussed next section.
Mahesh Patil et al. [16], implemented iris recognition
operations on Beagleboard-xM by using OpenCV library

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt


URE The proposed architecturre divided into two sections.
Software solution based on PC,, and hardware solution based on
FPGA. The architecture of the proposed syystem is shown in scattering eyelashes will reducee the iris data signature. Finally,
fig.1. Enrolling iris image, localization, normalization,
n and iris isolation done giving pupil circle (center coordinate and
enhancement is on PC platform. Then, the inpput normalized iris radius) and iris circle too. These parameters used in iris
template transferred from a PC to FPGA deviice via a serial port normalization and unwrapping in next stage.
(RS-232), stored in the device memory. Heree; the images were
converted to binary text files (.COE) using MATLAB.
M The file 3) Iris Normalization and Enhancement
was applied as vector to the hardware interrface and stored in Before doing comparisonns, the different inconsistency
memory using ROM generated by using Inttellectual Property sources need to be fixed fiirst. The iris region must be
(IP) core generator tool. Verification of thhe two iris images normalized to compensate for all states like listed in [22]. Iris
then, done through HD module, by calculating the distance region points, in this work, are converted from Cartesian
between the ROM contents as vectors. After implementation coordinates to polar coordinattes using Rubber Sheet Model
and downloading the bit file generated, the result
r of matching proposed by Daugman [19].. Compensation for rotational
decision (authorized or imposter) based on a threshold will be inconsistencies done by shiftinng the iris templates in the ()
given by a Light-Emitting Diode (LED). Optionally,
O the HD direction until all two iris tempplates are aligned together. The
value could be displayed on the device Liquuid Crystal Display normalized iris image still hass low contrast and may has non
(LCD). uniform illumination caused byy the position of light sources. In
order to obtain more welll distributed texture image;
enhancement is required. Thiss can be reached by histogram
equalization [23]. Normalizedd and enhanced normalized iris
templates are under angular resolution of 512 and radial
resolution of 46.
4) Iris Encoding
In this paper, 1D-DCT are typically used for analyzing the
human iris patterns and extraacting significant features from
them. The N-point 1D-DCT is defined
d by [24]:

, 0,1, . . , 1(1)
Fig. 1. Architecture of our proposed system
1 , 0
A. Iris Recognition Algorithm Where: 2
Iris recognition system is divided into five phases as 1, 0
follows: iris image acquisition, localization, normalization and
unwrapping, encoding, and iris matching. EachE phase will be Feature extraction for iris coode based on DCT achieves less
discussed below. size extracted normalized iris data codes, due to DCT energy
compaction characteristic givving such less time real-time
1) Iris Image Acquisition implementation. Another advanntage, is that the former involves
All images tested in this paper are takenn from the Chinese only real multiplications, whicch reduces the total number of
Academy of Sciences Institute of Automationn (CASIA) version required multiplications [24].
(1) iris database; this database is clearly thee most known and
Real-time implementation of o the DCT operation is highly
widely used by the majority of researchers. TheT characteristics
computationally intensive. Acccordingly, the focus has been on
of this database illustrated in [2, 22]. A random subset
reducing the number of multiiplications required. Additional
database of different person's eyes is selectted for test, under
design criteria has included minimizing the complexity of
unbiased conditions.
control logic, memory requirem ments, power consumption and
2) Iris Localization complexity of interconnect. Thhe computational complexity can
The segmentation stage is critical to the success of an iris be further reduced by replaacing the cosine form of the
recognition system, Wildes approach [21] chosen
c to localize transforms with a fast algorithm
m, which reduces the operations
the iris, but some modifications occurred. Fiirst, pupil detected to a short series of multiplicattions and additions [4, 24]. So,
by thresholding techniques after resamplingg eye image. The equation (1) of DCT could be written in the form
threshold value used is (200 pixel) giving best segmentation (Y=A*X)[25], Where (A) is coefficient matrix and (X) is the
results. Second, iris boundary detected usinng Circular Hough input signal vector. Fast Discrrete Cosine Transform (FDCT)
Transform (CHT). Therefore, after canny eddge detection with consisting of alternating cossine/sine butterfly matrices to
parameters (threshold=0.1 and sigma=1), iterations of circles reorder the matrix elements to a form, which preserves a
drawing in Hough matrix space done in raange values (100 - recognizable bit reversed patterrn at every node, is set by Wang
130 pixel). In addition, we considered the sm mall area occluded [26]. Due to the symmetry of the
t (8 x 8) multiplication matrix,
by eyelids and random scattering of eyelashees, which is darker it can be replaced by two (4x4)) x (4x4) matrices, which can be
as pupil. It could be considered as a part of iris
i code as the iris computed in parallel when exeecuted in FPGA chip, as can the
region is small size rich data. That means removing random sums and differences forming thhe vectors below [24, 25]:

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

modules, adder tree, and comparator as shown in fig.2. Each 8

bit received from FDCT outtput, computed by XOR then,
(2) accumulated by adders. Finallly, it compared with threshold
value. Figure 3 shows a snappshot of the proposed hardware
system under Matlab Simulinkk simulation. The output display
sink tool added to display the HD
H operator. Also, image from
file and video viewer tools added to input the test image and
(3) plot the result iris signature affter DCT block. This system is
before using HDL coder convverter tool execution. Then, this
design converted to VHDL in i Xilinx ISE environment to
Where: A=cos (1/4), B=cos (/8), C=coos (3/8), D=cos complete the implementation by b using parallel process blocks
(/16), E=cos (3/16), F=cos (5/16), and G=cos
G (7/16). The statements. In the Spartan--3E (XC3S1200E-FGG3204C)
complexity of direct 1D-DCT, expressed as a the number of FPGA, there are 28 RAM blockks (516,096 bit) available for on-
operations O, is equal to N2. The formula caan be rearranged in chip storage. The iris templaates must be stored either in
even and odd terms to obtain a FDCT, in which
w O = N log N memory on the FPGA or off ff-chip. In one instance of our
[25]. implementation, we have impllemented a ROM in VHDL by
using memories available in IP P core generator. The iris image
5) Iris Matching has size 512*46 pixels. Each pixel
p represented in 8 bits; each
In the comparison stage, a dissimillarity measure is memory has 23552 locations with w 8 bits wide. The HD value
computed between two codes to decide whhether the two iris accumulated every clock to outt the final result value after 2944
images are the same eye or not. Hamming Distance (HD), in clock pulse. Each clock acceptts 8 pixels values and computes
this work, is the metric for recognition. The hamming distance the HD of them, and then the seecond clock pulse enters another
is defined as followed [27]: 8 pixels with adding the new HD value to the previous,
increasing the total number off different binary bits. Until the
(4) accumulator equals the threshoold value, or full size achieved,
the decision signal asserted to show the final verification
Where S and T are the enrolled sam mple and template
patterns that we compared and N is the total number of bits.
The value of the HD closer to one means thhe two patterns are
different. And the closer this distance value to zero states that
the two patterns are to be identical. Thhis technique for
matching is fast because the templates vecctors are in binary
format. In addition, it is simple and suitable for
f comparisons of
millions of template in large database [199]. A threshold is
needed to differentiate between intra-classs and inter-class
comparisons. The optimum threshold in ouur system is 0.48.
However, the selection of that value is depeending on the final
application and trade-off between False Acccept Rate (FAR)
and False Reject Rate (FRR).
B. Hardware Implementation
In feature extraction module, the FDCT algorithm requires
Fig. 2. Components of matching module.
an addition butterfly and a number of 4-input Multiply
Accumulators (MACs) that can be realized with
w only one Look
Up Table (LUT) per MAC instead of 3 FP PGA LUTs. The
structure of this algorithm implemented as each vector has 8
values. Direct factorization methods usse sparse matrix
factorization. The speed gain when using thhis method comes
from the unitary matrix used to represent thee data. These direct
factorization algorithms have been custtomized to DCT
matrices and necessitate a smaller number off multiplications or
additions. The FDCT algorithm presented by Wang requires
the use of a different type of DCT in additiion to the ordinary
DCT. Since the direct implementation of butterfly network
needs 29 additions, and 13 multiplications, annd a multiplication
consumes much more time than an additionn; this will directly
decreases the delays and the area required while
w increasing the
output. The decrease of complexity and the reduction of
multipliers make hardware implementationn easier [24, 28].
Regards matching module, it consists inteernally from XOR Fig. 3. The proposed hardware systtem under Simulink simulation tool.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION achieve faster implementation thet floating point can be replace
The performance of the previously discuussed method was by fixed point, with cost of inntroducing results with rounding
tested and simulated, using MATLAB (2009a) version error. In Matlab, this converssion is called quantization, (ii) and image processing toolbbox, .m files, and Hardware Supported Functionns: In hardware, only a limited
Simulink) , using PC with operating system m WINDOWS XP, set of operations can be synthhesized, that is hardware is not
processor Dual-Core 1.6 GHZ/2MB Cache,, RAM 2GB. The able to realize all functions in Matlab.
M Such division and square
recognition rate equals 93.07 %. The associaated FAR and FRR root are not synthesizable [33], (iii) Pipeline and Parallel
is 0.88 % and 6.04 % respectively. Equal Errror Rate (EER) is Computing: Real-time Image processing
p applications requires
4.48% at hamming distance value 0.48. The average estimated handling a large amount of data and it poses a challenge to the
time executing only feature extraction and matching
m phases is machine vision designers. In computing, a several pipeline
1.93s. The proposed system simulated annd synthesized for stages, on the other hand, acceppt an input pixel value from the
FPGA technology, namely Xilinx Spartan-3E S using stream and output a processedd pixel value each clock cycle
ModelSimTM SE from Model Technology, version 6.4.a, for with several clock cycles of latency, equal to the number of
simulating the VHDL source code and thee ISE design suite pipeline stages, between the input and output [3, 29], (iv)
12.1. In this paper, iris feature extraction annd iris matching, a Design Methodology: Top-doown and bottom-up are two
repeatedly executed portions of an iris recognition algorithm is methodologies available. Top-down design is the preferred
parallelized on an FPGA system. methodology for chip design ass this methodology simplifies the
design task and allows moore than one engineer, when
The proposed architecture simulated on ModelSimTM SE necessary, to design the chip. Second, it allows flexibility in the
with 100 ps clock for each 1-D DCT block and HD matching design, and (v) Debugging: Duue to large volume of image data
module. It was found to be working satisfactorily.
s The and complex algorithms; it is extremely
e difficult to design test
simulated results are shown in fig. 4. The matching decision vectors that exercise all of thhe functionality of the system,
(authorized signal) asserted to binary '1' as the distance value especially when there may be complex interactions [29].
reached at the threshold, indicating that the entered irises was
different (in this test case shown in fig.4). Thhe implementation
of the hardware architecture of the iris recoggnition system was
successfully synthesized Xilinx Spartan-33E (XC3S1200E-
4FG320) FPGA device, with a working frequuency of 50 MHZ.
The device utilization summary is presented in i table 1. It shows
the resources used by the implementationn of the hardware
architecture of the system. The system synthesized and
implemented successfully with equivalent accuracy
a and error
rates achieved by computer solution implem mented with Matlab
(.m) files and Simulink. It occupies 1% of o chip CLBs and Fig. 4. Simulation of the iris hardw
ware architecture with fixed point using
achieved 58.88 s to process and take decisiion compared with Modelsim.
current software implemented which takee 1.93s. Timing
simulation report indicates 16.229 ns on-chiip total delay time TABLE I. XC3S1200E FPG
(11.453 ns for Logic, and 4.776 ns forr route). Table 2
summarizes the execution time for the propposed architecture Utilization
Logic utilization Used Available
compared with some previous architectures implemented with 100 17344 1
No. of slice flip flops
different algorithms. Our FPGA based iris prroposed is the least Total No. of 4input LUTs 187 17344 1
execution time. No. of bonded IOBs 35 250 14
No. of RAMB16s 24 28 85
From the reported results, we can conclude c that all No. of BUFGMUXs 1 24 4
investigated FPGA implementations can speed s up the iris
recognition system dramatically; due to the parallelism on the TABLE II. EXECUTION TIME FOR THE PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE
FPGA system when compared to a state-of-tthe-art CPU-based REVIOUS ARCHITECTURES.
version. However, for computationally inttensive algorithms
ure Maximum Execution
like DCT, better results can be achieved by b coarser-grained solution
n frequency time
reconfigurable logic, like the one realized byy the Spartan-3E of Youngkyoon Jang
Xilinx. This utilization of coarse-grain reconffigurable resources Microproceessor 1.2 GHZ 986.2 ms[14]
available in the kit, speeds the system. In paarticular, the usage Babasaheb G. Patil
FPGA 100 MHZ 250 s
of hardwired multipliers and fast carry chainns lead to a severe [10]
acceleration of the implemented computationns. Computeer 2.8 GHZ 5660 s
Judith Liu-Jimenez
Microproceessor 60 MHZ 56600 s
Issues in Hardware Implementation: Manny key differences FPGA 122.264 MHZ 295.459 s
between software and hardware mustt be thoroughly Our Proposed
Computeer 1.6 GHZ 1.93 sec
considered. Several important issues are like follows: (i) FPGA 50 MHZ 58.88 s
Floating-point and Fixed-point Number: Reports
R show that
speedup gained when implementing directd fixed-point
execution compared to emulating floatingg point [28]. To

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

A Novel 3D Image Fusion Approach Using F-

Saad M. Darwish , Maha M. Ghoneim
Alexandria University, Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Department of Information Technology
163Horreya Avenue, El-Shatby, 21526 P.O. Box 832, Alexandria, Egypt. ,

Abstract- The fusion of information from sensors with In recent years, several image fusion techniques have
different physical characteristics enhances the understanding of been proposed, they differ according to different mathematical
our surroundings and provides 3D view. Moreover, 3D color fields such as: statistical methods (e.g., using aggregation
images can provide geo-scientists, environment planners, mapping operators, such as the Min Max method [1]), estimation theory
experts and military officers with easy-to-understand color images
[2], fuzzy methods (see [3,4]), optimization methods (e.g.,
and useful height information, which make the interpretation of the
environment of the areas of interest more efficient and more neural networks, genetic algorithms), and multi-scale
accurate. The aim of this study is to show that the F-transform decomposition methods, which incorporate various
technique is a promising 3-D multisensor image fusion method that transforms, for example, discrete wavelet transforms.
surpasses the previous approaches based on Hermite and Wavelet Wavelets are a type of multi-resolution function
transform due to its computational simplicity. An experimental approximation that allow for the hierarchical decomposition of
study based on numerical and visual observations was conducted a signal or an image. The wavelet transform has several
and eventually showed that the performance of the proposed advantages over other pyramid-based transforms: It provides a
method outperforms current non-fuzzy methods and is comparable more compact presentation, separates spatial orientation in
with wavelets methods.
different bands, and decorrelates interesting attributes in the
original image. The majority of applications of a fusion
Keywords- Image fusion, 3D Fusion system, F-Transform. scheme are interested in features within the image, not in the
actual pixels [5]. Therefore, it seems reasonable to incorporate
I. INTRODUCTION feature information into the fusion process. Region based
fusion schemes initially transform pre-registered images using
Image fusion refers the process of combining multiple a wavelet transform. Regions representing image features are
images of a scene to obtain a single composite image. This then extracted from the transform coefficients. The regions are
fused image should be more useful for human visual or then fused based on a simple region property such as average
machine perception and should contain a more useful activity.
description of the scene than provided by any of the individual Similarly to traditional transforms (Fourier and wavelet),
source images[*]. In the past decades data fusion has been the F-transform (an abbreviated name for the fuzzy transform)
applied to different fields such as pattern recognition, visual performs a transformation of an original universe of functions
enhancement, object detection and area surveillance[1]. into a universe of their skeleton models (vectors of F-
The purely image-based 3D reconstruction of scene transform components) in which further computation is easier.
geometry, for instance via a stereo method is still a highly In this study, we show that the F-transform technique is an
challenging problem. The primary reason for this is the efficient method for 3-D multisensor image fusion that could
notorious difficulty of finding multi-view correspondence overcome the various shortcomings encountered in the
when visible texture is sparse or complex occlusions are previous approaches based on Hermite and Wavelet transform.
present. Although these difficulties could be partially such as: Their computational complexity; Spectral content of
remedied by increasing the set of views or resolution of the small objects often lost in the fused images; They are not shift
images, intrinsic problems still remain such as the random invariants, and consequently the fusion methods using DWT
noise incorporated by the use of Time of Flight (ToF) active lead to unstable and flickering results. Moreover, the F-
sensors, that use laser light to probe the subject [4]. transform can be used as an effective means to enhance spatial
In the literature, Image Fusion can be categorized resolution by enhancing the edges [6]. This method is
generally into two main categories: Single Sensor Image computationally simple and can be applied in real time
Fusion System and Multi-Sensor Image Fusion System [1]. applications. Experimental results show that it outperforms the
Multi-sensor image fusion system overcomes the limitations Wavelet based method and Hermite method. The rest of the
of a single sensor vision system by combining the images paper is organized as follows: Section II summarizes the
from these sensors to form a composite image. The most previous work. The proposed fusion scheme is described in
important issue concerning image fusion is to determine how section III. Experimental results are given in section IV and
to combine the sensor's images. finally discussion along with conclusion remarks are outlined
in section V.

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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

existence of a pattern. The fusion rule selects the coefficient

II. RELATED WORK with the highest dependency value. A higher value will
represent a stronger pattern.
Recently, many approaches for 3D image fusion have The goal of this paper is to show that higher quality 3D
been introduced. In [7], Qingxiong Yang et al. envision a fused image can be obtained using the F-transform technique
conference room of the future where depth sensing systems which has been proved to be a promising and efficient method
are able to capture the 3D position and pose of users, and for 3D image fusion. Unlike the Wavelet transform, which
enable users to interact with digital media and contents being uses a single mother wavelet that determines all basic
shown on immersive displays. For this purpose, fusing two functions with different shapes, the F-transform performs a
kinds of sensors is proposed in a synergistic fashion, relying transformation of an original universe of functions into a
on passive stereo in highly textured regions while using data universe of their skeleton models (vectors of F-transform
from active depth sensors in featureless regions. One key components) in which further computation is easier.
challenge which was faced is that data from the active sensors
are of a much lower resolution than those from typical RGB III. THE PROPOSED METHOD
cameras used in the passive subsystem. To address this
problem an algorithm for up-sampling a depth map at real time The main characteristic of the F-transform method is to
based on hierarchical bilateral filtering was developed for maintain an acceptable quality in the reconstructed image even
synergistic fusion, a Time of Flight (ToF) signal strength under strong compression rates. In fact, it was shown that the
image provided by the active depth sensor was used. This PSNR of the image compressed with the FTR method gives
sensor indicates the signal strength received at each sensor PSNR values close to the PSNR obtained using the standard
pixel. This allowed the computation of a ToF sensor JPEG method under high compression rates [9].
confidence map. A stereo confidence map was also computed The following block diagram summarizes the proposed
based on local image features. The two confidence maps are algorithm:
then incorporated into the cost function used to populate the
3D volume created by a plane-sweeping stereo matching
algorithm. Multiple input
Input images
Although ToF depth sensors can provide 3D information registration (1)...(n(
regardless of texture, they only have limited resolution and
accuracy. To find an optimal reconstruction, an integrated
multi-view sensor fusion approach was proposed in [4] that F-transform for
combines information from multiple color cameras and Registered F-Transform
multiple ToF depth sensors. First, multi-view ToF sensor images
measurements are combined to obtain a coarse but complete
model. Then, the initial model is refined by means of a
probabilistic multi view fusion framework, optimizing over an Inverse F-
Inverse F-
transform for the
energy function that aggregates ToF depth sensor information fused image transform
with multi view stereo and silhouette constraints.
The proposed scheme in [8] fuses volumes at the voxel-
level using a multi-resolution directional-oriented Hermite Multi-image
transform of the source images by means of a decision map. fusion Fusion
First a multi-resolution HT of the input volumes is applied.
Then, for each level of decomposition, the orientation of
maximum energy is detected to rotate the coefficients, so the Final output
first order rotated coefficient that has most edge information. image output
Afterwards, taking this rotated coefficient of each volume we image
apply a linear dependence test. The result of this test is then
used as a decision map to select the coefficients of the fused Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed method.
volume in the multi-resolution HT domain of the input
volumes. The approximation coefficients in the case of HT are The algorithm can be summarized as follows:
the zero order coefficients, which, in this case, just are 1: Read input registered images u.
averaged to generate the zero order coefficient of the fused 2: Apply F-transform F[u]H.
volume. Finally the fused volume is obtained by applying the 3: Apply Inverse F-transform to get unm(i,j).
inverse multi-resolution HT where fused coefficients in each 4: Use the simple F-transform-based fusion algorithm (SA)
level can retrieve zero order coefficients of the higher level. which is based the one-level decomposition.
The linear dependence test evaluates the voxels inside a cube 5: For i=1 to n
of dimension wswsws, if those voxels are linearly 6: For j= 1 to m
independent, then there is no relevant feature in the cube. 7: u(x,y)= unm(x, y) + eNM(x,y), (x, y) P
However, if the voxels are linearly dependent, it indicates the 8: End
9: End

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

10: Apply fusion operator xp will be given for the example of a discrete function that
11: For i=1 to k corresponds to the image u.
12: If xp=max(x) Let u be represented by the discrete function u: P R of
13: x=xp two Variables, where P = {(i, j) |i = 1. . . N, j = 1, . . . , M} is
14: End an N M array of pixels, and R is the set of reals. If (i, j) P
15: End is a pixel, then u (i, j) represents its intensity range. The F-
transform of u corresponds u to the matrix Fnm[u] of F-
A. Input Images Registration transform components:
Image registration is the process of overlaying images (two or
more) of the same scene taken at different times, from (1)
different viewpoints, and/or by different sensors [10]. The
registration geometrically aligns two images (the reference Each component F[u]kl is a local mean value of u over a
and sensed images). Fig.2 illustrates the four steps of image support set of the respective fuzzy set Ak Bl. The latter is an
registration: element of a fuzzy partition of the Cartesian product of
intervals [1,N] [1,M]. Using the fact that a fuzzy partition of
Feature Detection a Cartesian product is the Cartesian product of fuzzy
partitions, we first introduce this notion for a single interval
and then for a Cartesian product of intervals.
Feature Matching Let [1,N] = {x | 1 x N} be an interval on the real line R,
n 2, a number of fuzzy sets in a fuzzy partition of [1,N], and
h = N1/ n1 the distance between nodes x1, . . . , xn [1,N],
Transform Model Estimation
where x1 =1, xk = x1 +(k1)h, k=1, . . . ,n.
Fuzzy sets A1, . . . ,An : [1,N][0,1] establish a h-uniform
fuzzy partition of [1,N] if the following requirements are
Image Re-sampling & Transformation
(i) For every k = 1, . . . ,n, Ak(x) = 0 if x [1,N] \ [xk1, xk+1],
where x0 = x1, xN+1= xN ;
Fig. 2. Images registrations steps. (ii) For every k = 1, . . . ,n, Ak is continuous on [xk1, xk+1],
where x0 = x1, xN+1 = xN ;
* Feature detection: Salient and distinctive objects (iii) For every i = 1, . . . ,N, nk =1 Ak(i) = 1;
(closed-boundary regions, edges, contours, line intersections, (iv) For every k = 1, . . . ,n, Ni=1 Ak(i) > 0;
corners, etc.) are manually or, preferably, automatically (v) For every k = 2, . . . ,n 1, Ak is symmetrical with respect
detected. For further processing, these features can be to the line x = xk.
represented by their point representatives (centers of gravity, The membership functions of the respective fuzzy sets in a
line endings, distinctive points), which are called control fuzzy partition are called basic functions.
points (CPs) in the literature. The example of triangular basic functions A1, . . , An, n 2 on
* Feature matching: In this step, the correspondence the interval [1, N] is given below:
between the features detected in the sensed image and those
detected in the reference image is established. Various feature
descriptors and similarity measures along with spatial
relationships among the features are used for that purpose.
* Transform model estimation: The type and parameters
of the so-called mapping functions, aligning the sensed image
with the reference image, are estimated. The parameters of the
mapping functions are computed by means of the established (2)
feature correspondence.
* Image re-sampling and transformation: The sensed Note that the shape (e.g., triangular or sinusoidal) of a
image is transformed by means of the mapping functions. basic function in a fuzzy partition is not predetermined and
Image values in non-integer coordinates are computed by the can be chosen according to additional requirements. We now
appropriate interpolation technique [11]. introduce two extreme fuzzy partitions of [1, N] that will be
used in the following.
B. F-Transform Largest partition. The largest partition contains only one fuzzy
Generally speaking, the F-transform produces an image set, A1: [1,N][0,1], such that for all x [1,N], A1(x) = 1.
by a linear mapping from a set of ordinary continuous/discrete Finest partition. The finest partition is established by N fuzzy
functions over a domain P onto a set of functions within a sets, A1, . . . ,AN : [1,N] [0,1], such that for all k, l = 1, . . . ,N,
fuzzy partition of P. We assume that the reader is familiar with k l, Ak(xk) = 1 and Ak(xl) = 0.
the notion of the fuzzy set and how is it represented. Below, If fuzzy sets A1, . . . ,An establish a fuzzy partition of
we explain the F-transform in more detail. The explanation [1,N] and B1, . . . ,Bm do the same for [1,M], then the Cartesian
product {A1, . . . ,An} {B1, . . . ,Bm} of these fuzzy partitions

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

is the set of all fuzzy sets Ak Bl , k = 1, . . . ,n, l = 1, . . . ,m. and m' : m < m' M basic functions, respectively) and a new
The membership function Ak Bl: [1, N] [1, M] [0,1] is error function e'. Thus, we obtain the second-level
equal to the product Ak Bl of the respective membership decomposition of u:
functions. Fuzzy sets Ak Bl , k=1, . . . ,n, l =1, . . . ,m establish u(x, y) = unm(x, y) + en'm' (x, y) + e'(x,y), (8)
a fuzzy partition of the Cartesian product [1,N][1,M]. Let u: e'(x,y) = e(x,y) en'm' (x, y), (x, y) P.
P R and fuzzy sets Ak Bl , k = 1, . . . ,n, l = 1, . . . ,m, In our work, we use the simple F-transform-based fusion
establish a fuzzy partition of [1,N] [1,M]. The (direct) F- algorithm (SA) which is based the one-level decomposition
transform of u (with respect to the chosen partition) is an (7). The main role in fusion algorithms is played by the so-
image of the mapping F[u]: {A1, . . , An} {B1, . . . ,Bm}R called fusion operator : RK R, defined as follows:
defined by: (9)
Assume that we are given K 2 input images c1, , cK
with various types of degradation. Our aim is to recognize
Where k = 1, . . . ,n, l = 1, . . . ,m. undistorted parts in the given images and to fuse them into one
The value F[u](Ak Bl) is called an F-transform component of image. In this section, we describe the algorithm for image
u and is denoted by F[u]kl. The components F[u]kl can be fusion based on the one-level decomposition. Each input
arranged into the matrix representation as in (1) or into the image ci, i = 1, . . . ,K, is assumed to be a discrete real function
vector representation as follows: ci = ci(x,y) defined on the N M array of pixels
(F[u]11, . . . , F[u]1m, . . . , F[u]n1, . . . , F[u]nm). P = {(x, y) | x = 1, . . . ,N, y = 1, . . . ,M}
so that ci : P R. Moreover, the set [1,N] [1,M] is assumed
C. Inverse F-transform to be partitioned by fuzzy sets Ak Bl,
The inverse F-transform of u is a function on P, which is where k = 1, . . . ,n, l = 1, . . . ,m and 0 < n N, 0 < m M.
represented by the following inversion formula, Denote I = {1, 2, . . . ,K}.
Where i = 1, . . . , N, j = 1, . . . ,M. It can be shown that the
inverse F-transform un*m approximates the original function u IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
on the domain P.
Experiments have been performed on two set of images.
D. Fusion The first set of natural images was given in the Figures- 3, (a)
We now proceed with a detailed description of the and (b) and the second set of tree source images was given in
simple F-transform-based image-fusion algorithm (SA). The Figures-4 (a) and (b). The resultant fused images obtained
fusion is performed between multiple input images from using the wavelet and the proposed method were given in the
different sensors having multiple viewpoints, which results in figures- 3(c), (d) and 4(c), (d), respectively.
a 3D image output. We assume that the image u is a discrete Looking at the complexity of fuzzy transform, it is
real function, u = u(x, y) defined on the N M array of pixels O(md2d) {d: dimension, m: data size}, that is the complexity
P = {(i, j) |i = 1, . . ,N, j = 1, . . . ,M} so that u : P R. of the same order as in the case of wavelet transform. Finally
Moreover, let fuzzy sets Ak Bl , k = 1, . . . , n, l = 1, . . . ,m, the complexity of the image fusion using the fuzzy transform
where 0 < n N,0 < m M , establish a fuzzy partition of is O(pm2log2m) {p: number of input images}[21].
[1,N] [1,M]. We begin with the following representation of u Experimental results emphasize the fact that, The F-
on P: transform fusion is remarkably less in computational
u(x,y)=unm(x, y) + e(x, y), (5) complexity as compared to the Wavelet transform. This will
Where 0 < n N,0 < m M, let him a good candidate in the fusion of real-time images.
e(x, y)=u(x, y)unm(x, y), (x, y) P, (6) In many applications, the end user of the fusion result is
Where unm is the inverse F-transform of u and e is the a human. Thus, the human perception of the composite image
respective residuum. If we replace e in (5) by its inverse F- is of paramount importance and therefore, fusion results are
transform eNM with respect to the finest partition of [1,N] mostly evaluated by subjective criteria [20]. Objective
[1,M], the above representation can then be rewritten as performance assessment is a difficult issue due to the variety
follows: of different application requirements and the lack of a clearly
u(x,y)= unm(x, y) + eNM(x,y), (x, y) P (7) defined ground-truth. Mean squared error (MSE) based metrics
We call (7) a one-level decomposition of u. If function u are widely used for these comparisons, and will be used in this
is smooth, then the error function eNM is small, and the one- paper as an objective evaluation of the fusion algorithm in
level decomposition (7) is sufficient for our fusion algorithm. addition to Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) in decibels
However, images generally contain various types of (dB) and Maximum Error (MAXERR).
degradation that disrupt their smoothness. As a result, the error The mean square error between the input image, X, and the
function eNM in (7) is not negligible, and the one-level fused image, Y, is the squared norm of the difference divided
decomposition is insufficient for our purpose. In this case, we by the number of elements (N) in the signal or image:
continue with the decomposition of the error function e in (5). (10)
We decompose e into its inverse F-transform en'm' (with respect
to a finer fuzzy partition of [1,N] [1,M] with n' : n < n_ N Whereas the following equation defines the PSNR:

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

TABLE I. Comparison between different quality measures for the composite TABLE II. Comparison between different quality measures for the composite
images in Fig. 2. images in Fig. 4.
WAVELET 21.2571 486.8267 114
WAVELET 16.21033454 1.56E+03 132
F-TRANSFORM 17.92249472 1.05E+03 210
F-TRANSFORM 10.7776322 5.44E+03 255


Where, B represents the bits per sample. Finally, we calculate This paper focused on the application of the F-transform
MAXERR which is the maximum absolute squared deviation to the problem of image fusion. After a brief introduction to
of the data, X, from the approximation, fused image Y. the theory of F-transform, detailed description of the fusion
algorithm was given. This algorithm is based on one-level
decomposition of input images. We then proposed an
appropriate fusion operator and applied it on several types of
pictures. With the investigation of various types of images, ie.,
natural and medical, we showed that the proposed approach
can be successfully applied in cases when input images are
available as multi-sensor input images. Both subjective and
objective results show that the proposed scheme outperforms
other methods based on the wavelet transform. The F-
transform has been proved to be an efficient model for the
representation of signals.


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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

An Elliptical Basis Function Network for Non-blind Image

Mohammad Hashem*1 Essam A. Rashed #2 , Fatma Harby Mohamed #3
*Ain Shams University Suez Canal University
Faculty of Computers and Information Sciences Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics
Cairo, Egypt Ismailia, Egypt
1 2 ,3

AbstractBiomedical imaging deblurring attempts to recover overall image quality. In this paper, we consider the problem
original human organ boundaries degraded by an imaging of non-blind deconvolution with the help of image prior
system due to low intensity signals and blur like defocus or learned over small image patches. In non-blind deconvolution,
motion blur that are frequently occurred. In this paper, we aim the true image is estimated by utilizing the degraded image
to deliver an improved procedure in deblurring images that are
and well-known Point Spread function (PSF). Restoring image
degraded, particularly CT medical images. Our work relies on
probabilistic image patches prior Expected patch log likelihood details is still hard although the point spread function (PSF) is
(EPLL). The challenge is to find suitable prior in the presence of known [4]. From a clustering perspective any image cannot be
blur and noise. We propose a framework based on Gaussian adequately modeled by a single cluster Gaussian model but,
Mixture prior trained by elliptical basis function (EBF) network they can often be accurately expressed as mixture density
to restore CT images. An expectation-maximization (EM) distribution that can be modeled via a Gaussian Mixture
algorithm is used to estimate the basis functions. Extensive Model (GMM). So we extend the EPLL/GMM framework
experimental results indicate in terms of visual quality, PSNR from Zoran and Weiss [5] ((Expected Patch Log Likelihood
values that the EM-based EBF network outperforms the original (EPLL) framework using Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM))
EPLL-GMM model. The performance of the proposed method is
which model image patches via a simple Gaussian Mixture
assessed by experimental results pertaining to restoration of
blurred images. Model (GMM). In particular, (GMM) prior learned from DC-
Keywords Image deblurring, Gaussian mixture model, removed patches turns out to be extremely powerful for
Elliptical basis function, expectation maximization removing noise and blur. Deblurred results often contain
artifacts, such as broken lines and painterly structure details.
Challenge is to find a good learning algorithm to estimate the
Medical images such as computed tomography (CT) are GMM parameters which play a central role in the deblurring
often deteriorated by noise or blurring. Images gathered from process [6].
imaging system usually possess defective resolution due to In this study, an elliptical basis function network (EBFN)
losing information during the acquisition process and other is introduced as density estimator and used as a new
technical reasons [1]. Patient motion, cardiac and respiratory nonparametric method of estimating probability density
can cause misregistration artifacts, such as blurring, double functions for training data. Generally the EBFNs with full
images and long range streaks which also appear as shading in covariance matrices are an extension of the RBF networks.
the reconstructed image. The most widely kind of breathing The EBFNs do not require a large number of function centers
artifact brings about curvilinear cold regions when CT scans as RBFNs to model data involve clusters with complicated
are acquired while patient full inspiration. Quicker scanners shape, so it helps distribution of complex data without the
decrease motion artifact, as throughout the acquisition the commitment for a large number of basis functions. The basis
patient has less time to move. If the patient is able to hold their functions are estimated using the expectation-maximization
breath during scanning it will help respiratory motion (EM) algorithm. EBF basis functions assessment is equivalent
forestalling [2]. There are three specific effects of blurring in to mixture density models estimation; therefore mixture
medical imaging: Reduced visibility of details, image distributions can be represented by the hidden centers with no
unshrpness and reduced spatial resolution. Blurring reduces need to a large number of basis functions. Finally, the
the visibility of details such as small objects and structures in adaptation process is based on obtaining the minimum mean
the medical images as it spreads small components in the square error using least mean square (LMS) algorithm that
image into the surrounding background area which reduces the adjusts the output weights [7].
contrast of small objects and image features [2]. Image In section II, the degradation model is introduced, and
deblurring is a vital phase in recovering back the undegraded then EPLL framework is represented. In section III, EBF
form of the images from different types of degradations such network, which is extended on the RBF networks, is described
as noise, blur and contrast imperfections. Image deblurring is and the framework of the EM-based EBF network is
the process of granting the filtered image with sharpened view subsequently outlined. The EM algorithm is then employed to
by decreasing the blur amount in the meanwhile enhancing the estimate the Gaussian parameters of the EBF network is

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introduced in section IV. Finally in section V, the EM-based III. ESTIMATION MIXTURE DENSITY DISTRIBUTION
EBF network is applied to deblurring framework and its PARAMETERS
performance is evaluated and compared with common Clearly image priors play a central role in the deblurring
conventional EPLL-GMM classifier. The paper is then process. Gaussian mixture prior learned from small image
concluded with a summary and outlook for further research. patches with their DC removed will be presented for image
deblurring. The most common form for the mixture density is
II. IMAGE DEGRADATION/DECOVOLUTION MODEL the radial basis functions (RBFs) or generally elliptical basis
Image restoration aims to enhance the corrupted image functions (EBFs). One of the most ways to describe radial
quality by recovering an original and sharp image from its basis functions is to interpret them as mixtures of Gaussians
distortions observation. In degradation model, the original and deal with the basis functions as components of a mixture
image is blurred using degradation function and additive density model [10]. By describing RBFs as mixtures of
noise. Image degradation is commonly modeled as: Gaussians many statistical tools applications as the (EM)
algorithm can be utilized for parameter estimation. The feature
where y, x are n are vectors representing an observed blurry space density with a GMM using the EM algorithm will be
image, its latent image to be recovered, and noise respectively. modeled to obtain the RBF centers position. Once the center
For image deconvolution, A is a degradation matrix with a positions have been selected, the spread parameters can be
known kernel and denotes the mathematical operation of estimated from the covariance matrices of the corresponding
convolution. We follow the EPLL framework of [5], [9] to Gaussian components [11]. Briefly, the EBF network
estimate the restored image using Maximum A Posteriori overcomes the RBF network disadvantage as it requires a
(MAP) estimation, with a Gaussian likelihood function and large number of function centers to model data with
Gaussian noise: complicated shape clusters by incorporating full covariance
matrices into the basis functions of a RBF network. By
extending RBF structure into EBF network, there is no need to
where is a parameter set to be related to the standard use a large number of basis functions to identify complex
distributions of mixture densities. At final, the spread of each
deviation of the noise variance .
component should correspond to a definite category and the
Using GMM based patch prior proposed by Zoran and overall distributions of the feature space will be expressed as a
Weiss [5], [9], the log likelihood of a given patch is defined as: finite mixture with ellipsoidal spreads [12].
(3) An elliptical basis function (EBF) network, with the basis
here are mixing weights for each mixture component function [11] is defined as:
satisfy , are the mean and covariance of (6)
the Gaussians respectively, and k is the number of Gaussian
mixture components. where is the pth input vector and are the mean vector
The parameter set of GMM is learned and covariance matrix of the jth basis function respectively.
from a large collection of natural image patches. Smoothing parameter which controls the spread of the jth
It is hard to solve (2) directly, a common strategy is basis function can be determined as:
introduced for efficient optimization using auxiliary variables
as done in [5]. By using "Half Quadratic Splitting " and [11] (7)
reformulating (2), the cost function to be minimized using
Such that is the kth nearest neighbour of in the
patch prior p is:
Euclidean sense. The weight between unit i in the hidden
(4) layer and unit j in the output layer in EBF network can be
The choice of is setting to be such that is the iteratively adjusted as follow until convergence:
estimated amount of noise in the image . (8)
The optimization of (4) is carried out in an iterative
manner as follows: where is the weight from unit i in the hidden layer to
Solve x keeping { } constant. unit j in the output layer at time t (or the tth iteration) and
(5) is the weight adjustment at the current step.
The weight adjustment may be computed by the delta
Solve for { } given x. (using MAP). rule:
For each iteration, value of is kept constant.
We follow the approximation procedure from [5] to
where learning is rate and is an error term for node j. If
obtain a MAP estimate which is a Wiener filter solution:
node j is an output node then:
= (6) (9)
where is the Gaussian component with the highest where is the desired output of node j and is the actual
conditional weight.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

IV.EXPECTATION-MAXIMIZATION ALGORITHM where x is the original reference image, y is the restored

The (EM) algorithm is a computationally efficient image, and N is the number of pixels. The PSNR is also
algorithm for solving parameter estimation problems for the measured via the mean squared error (MSE) as:
GMM and supervised or unsupervised neural networks
training [11],[13]. Assume Gaussian mixture parameters:
} denote respectively the prior distribution, mean
vector, a full rank covariance matrix of the i-th component
density. Since, MAXI is the maximum possible pixel value within the
The GMM's output is given by: image.
B. Dataset and GMM prior learning
The GMM parameters are learned using patch data
(10) collected from CT image dataset [14] with their DC removed.
The maximum likelihood estimates of the mean vectors Subsequently we adopt a-100 mixture component GMM as the
and covariance matrices of a Gaussian mixture distribution in prior for both our proposed approach and predefined EBLL
the training phase are estimated by utilizing the EM algorithm. framework. A set of 2 x patches is trained using EM-based
The iterative EM algorithm is utilized for estimating the EBF network with zero mean and full covariance matrices. In
parameters of the component densities to make the training all experiments, a tuning parameter related to the noise
process more stable and efficient as follows: variance where N is the number of pixels in each
(a) E-Step
patch. For the GMM prior, the values for were set to 50*[1,
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]. Each model was trained on 8x8 pixels of
(11) non-overlapped patches with DC component of all patches is

(12) C. Evaluation on Image Deblurring

Image deconvolution yields an indirect noise reduction, a
resolution improvement and a contrast enhancement. To
Where is the posterior probability of the jth data point qualify and compare these benefits, we convolve 50 test
images from [14] with blur kernels, and then a white Gaussian
belonging to the ith component at tth step.
noise with standard variance 0.01 is added. In Table I, we
show quantitative comparison based on PSNR and PCC
(b) M-Step
(Person Correlation Coefficient) [15]. The PCC is a well-
established measure of correlation and it is broadly used in
(13) statistical analysis, pattern recognition and image processing,
(14) it is described as:
where is the intensity of the ith pixel in the original image,
By the EM-based EBF network, hidden centers represented is the intensity of the ith pixel in the restored image, is
with elliptical spreads of probability distribution functions can the mean intensity of the original image and is the mean
be expressed as mixture density distribution of training intensity of the restored image. In the linear training phase
patches [10],[11],[13]. from the hidden layer to the output layer, the training rate is
V.EXPERIMENTS kept to 0.01. The system is implemented, and experiments
A. Image quality measurements were conducted with 15 15 kernel. The time for the training
It is an important task to faithfully evaluate the quality of phase of the EBF network is about few seconds. Figure 1
images degraded with the proposed model. The simplest and shows a comparison between the results from proposed
most extensively used full-reference quality metric is peak approach and original EPLL. Results are superior both in
signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and mean square error (MSE). PSNR and Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM). The
The PSNR has been utilized to calculate similarity between SSIM estimates the visual impact of shifts in image
the original image and the restored image. The higher the luminance, changes in photograph contrast, as well as any
PSNR and lower the MSE indicate better quality in the other remaining errors by comparing local patterns of pixel
deblurred image. intensities that have been normalized for luminance and
To measure the performances of proposed method we use contrast. The SSIM is computed locally within a sliding
two tests. First, the restored images are compared to original window that moves pixel by pixel across the image. The
image using MSE. The MSE averaging the squared intensity measure between two windows x and y of common size NN
differences of distorted and native image pixels and it is is:
given as:

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

With is the average of window x, is the average of VI. CONCLUSION

window y, is the variance of the window x, is the In this work, we have developed a non-blind
variance of the window y, is the covariance of x and y deconvolution framework relying on patch-based priors. The
, , , L is the dynamic range of the proposed technique combines a probabilistic image patch
images. By default: L = 255, and . priors, Expected patch log likelihood (EPLL) which achieves
a high performance on image deblurring and elliptical basis
TABLE I function (EBF) network based expectation maximization (EM)
PCC OF THE RESTORED IMAGES BLURRED WITH 15x15 MOTION algorithm to restore the given image which is degraded by
KERNELS AND NOISE LEVEL = 0.01. motion blur and additive noise. Experimental results indicate
that the EM-based EBF network performs training in a faster
Original EPLL EPLL based EBF manner, more precise, and simpler in structure. The analysis is
Patient (1) done on the basis of various performance metrics like PSNR
27.12 0.9961 27.91 0.9992 and SSIM, we obtain results that are overhead those in [5].
Patient (2)
32.92 0.9976 38.91 .9996
Patient (3)
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streak artifacts in x-ray computed tomography: a simulation study, In
Patient (4)
27.51 0.9972 32.3 0.9994 IEEE Trans. On Nuclear Science, 1999, vol. 46, pp. 691696.
[2] J. Hsieh, Computed tomography: principles, design, artifacts, and
Patient (5)
36.09 0.9980 39.51 0.9995 recent advances , SPIE and John Wiley and Sons, 2003.
[3] D. Kundur and D. Hatzinakos, Blind image deconvolution, IEEE
Mag.Signal Process.13,4364, 1996.
(b) Blurred [4] S. Cho, Y. Matsushita, and S. Lee. Removing non-uniform motion
(a) Original
PSNR= 22.96 , SIM=0.85 blur from images. In Proc. ICCV, pp. 18, 2007.
[5] D. Zoran and Y. Weiss, From learning models of natural image
patches to whole image restoration, In Proceedings of IEEE
International Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 479-486, 2011.
[6] M. Elad and M. Aharon. Image denoising via sparse and redundant
representations over learned dictionaries . IEEE Trans. on Image
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[7] S. Gutjahr and J. Feist: Elliptical basis function networks for
classification tasks . In International Conference on Artificial
Neural networks .Lecture Notes in Computer Science , vol .1327, pp.
373-378,Springer Verlag,Berlin,1997
[8] S.C. Mariana. Almeida and Luis B. Almeida., Blind and Semi-
Blind Deblurring of Natural Images, IEEE Transactions on Image
Processing, Vol 19, pp.36-52, No. 1, January 2010.
[9] J. Z. Feng, L. Song, X. K. Yang and W. J. Zhang, Image restoration
(c) Deblurring with original EPLL (d) Deblurring with proposed EPLL via efficient Gaussian mixture model learning,In Proceedings of
PSNR=27.85,SSIM=0.87 based EBF, PSNR=35.71, SSIM=0.96 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 1056-
1060, 2013.
[10] C. E. Thomaz, R.Q. Feitosa, A. Veiga, Design of Radial Basis
Function Network as Classifier in Face Recognition Using
Eigenfaces,Neural Networks, Proceedings. Vth Brazilian
Symposium on, pp. 118 123, 9-11 Dec. 1998.
[11] J.-C. Luo , Q.-X. Chen , J. Zheng , Y. L. Lreis , Y. Leung and J.-H.
Ma "An elliptical basis function network for classification of
remote-sensing images", Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens.
Symp., vol. 6, pp.3489-3494,2003.
[12] S. S. Salankar and B. M. Patre "RBF neural network based model as
an optimal classifier for the classification of radar returns from the
Fig.1 : Visual comparison between deblurring with original EPLL- ionosphere", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Ind. Techno., pp.2043-2048
GMM and proposed method using PSNR and SSIM as image 2006 .
quality measurement. [13] M.-W. Mak and S.-Y. Kung "Estimation of elliptical basis function
parameters by the EM algorithm with application to speaker
Fig.1 Visual comparison between deblurring with original EPLL-GMM and
verification", IEEE Trans. Neural Netw, vol. 11, no. 4, pp.961-
proposed method using PSNR and SSIM as image quality
969, 2000 .
[14] Chest Screeing CT dataset, JAMIT medical image database the
Visual results show that proposed method is especially Japanese Society of Medical Imaging Technology
good at preserving details concurrently allowing for very [15] A. Miranda Neto, A. Correa Victorino, et al, Image processing
smooth regions, which visually shows artifacts in case of the using Pearson's correlation coefficient: Applications on autonomous
original approach. The PSNR and SSIM values obtained for robotics, 2013.
three CT images blurred with uniform motion blur for various
parameter values are shown in figs 2-4.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

(a)Original (b) Blurred PSNR=16.37db , (C) Deblurring with original EPLL (d) Deblurring with proposed
SSIM=0.5117 PSNR= 34.17db, SSIM=0.9021 EPLL based EBF
PSNR=38.25db , SSIM=0.9598

Fig.2 Deblurring example: PSNR values in dB of the blurred and restored images blurred with motion kernel of size 9 9 and =0.01.

Fig.2 : Deblurring example PSNR values in dB of the blurred and restored images blurred with motion kernel of size
9x9 and =0.01

(b) Blurred (d) Deblurring with proposed

(a) Original (C) Deblurring with original EPLL
PSNR=17.15db, SSIM=0.6005 EPLL based EBF
PSNR= 27.51db, SSIM=0.8853
PSNR=32.33db, SSIM=0.9569

Fig.3 Deblurring example: PSNR values in dB of the blurred and restored images blurred with motion kernel of size 9 9 and =0.001.

(b) Blurred (d) Deblurring with proposed

(a) Original (C) Deblurring with original EPLL
PSNR=20.11db, SSIM=0.7225 EPLL based EBF
PSNR= 22.95db, SSIM=0.7132
PSNR=33.98db , SSIM=0.9991

Fig.4 Deblurring example: PSNR values in dB of the blurred and restored images blurred with motion kernel of size 5 5 and =0.001.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Multiclass Object Recognition Using Object-based

and Local Image Features Extractors
Menna Maged Kamel Mohamed Waleed Fakhr H. I. Saleh M. B. Abdelhalim
College of Computing and College of Computing and Radiation Engineering College of Computing and
Information Technology Information Technology Department Information Technology
Arab Academy for Arab Academy of Science Atomic Energy Authority Arab Academy of Science
Science and Technology and Technology Cairo, Egypt and Technology
Cairo, Egypt Cairo, Egypt Cairo, Egypt

Abstract- This paper examines a combined feature extraction rotation and scale invariant so they can deal with the shape
method for visual object recognition. The method is based on problems in images.
applying Bag of words (BoW) using the object-based Zernike
Moment (ZM) shape descriptor and the Speeded up Robust Practically, neither global nor local features are enough
Features (SURF) local descriptor on the detected objects in an alone to recognize scene images. As global ZM works on the
image. Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier is trained on the whole scenery image which is poor as the image contains
extracted features using a one versus all method. The multiple objects in it and extracting features for the whole
experiments are tested on two benchmark data sets for object image wont represent them. As well, local SURF descriptor
recognition like COREL 1000, and Caltech 101. Using this ignores the object shape which might give a good clue to
combined feature extraction method, the derived results identify it.
outperform the other published methods applied on the same
databases. This paper presents a combined approach of local and
object-based feature extractors. The approach is composed of
Keywords Object Recognition; Speeded up Robust Features; the following steps;
Bag of Words; Zernike moment
First, all objects in an image are annotated and detected. So
I. INTRODUCTION an image is treated as a set of objects. Second, to extract
The field of visual object recognition has been growing in object-based feature for each image, ZM features are calculated
the recent years and became a challenging problem; it didnt for the detected objects. Third, interest points detection and
reach the human level performance yet. Image recognition and features extraction; local interest points are detected from each
classification is an important research area for manipulating object in an image and features are calculated accordingly
large databases. As the features of an image have strong using the SURF technique.
relationship with its semantic meaning; object recognition
For each of the feature extraction techniques in second and
systems seeks to recognize the content of images automatically
third steps; a dictionary of visual words is built from a set of
using descriptors to classify the objects in an image. Some
extracted random patches. The key points of these patches are
approaches rely on the local features of an image and dont
clustered using k-means to form the visual word dictionary. By
capture the global features in it, although, shape is important
mapping the key points to the visual words each image is then
and gives a powerful clue to identify an object.
represented by a bag of words (BoW). A visual word vector is
Recent approaches, like speeded up robust features then constructed with the frequency of the presence or absence
(SURF), use local descriptors to extract local information from of each visual word in an image.
an image [1]. They tend to detect the local interest areas and
Finally, the resulted visual word vectors of the ZM
represent them in numeric vectors to quantify the image
extractor and the SURF extractor are concatenated. Images are
invariant descriptors.
then classified using non-linear support vector machine (SVM)
Other studies use complex moments as a global feature classifier.
extractor. An effective shape descriptor is the Zernike moment
The method was tested on popular benchmark data sets.
(ZM) which is based on a set of orthogonal complex moments.
Experimental results obtained on the Caltech-101 and COREL
It was first introduced to image analysis by Teague who
1000 datasets, presented later in this paper, achieve accuracies
constructed rotation invariants by ZM [2].
that are superior to the best published results to date on the
ZMs represent the image by a set of descriptors with a same databases.
minimal amount of information redundancy. As well, ZMs are

978-1-5090-0217-7/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 202

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt
After discussing the background and related work in the points of an image from the prominent features of its linear
next section, section III explains the proposed approach to space, and then builds local features based on the image
extract features from an image. Experiments and results are intensity distribution.
presented in section IV. Finally, conclusion and future research
In SURF, the Hessian matrix approximation is used in the
are discussed in section V.
interest point detection.
II. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK Given a point X = (x, y) in an image U, the Hessian matrix
A. Background H(X, ) in X at scale is defined as follows:
1) Zernike Moments
L xx (X, ) L xy (X, )
Zernike moments consist of a set of complex polynomials H(X, ) =
that form a complete orthogonal set over the interior of the unit L xy (X, ) L yy (X, )
circle [4]. The computation of ZMs from an input image
consists of three steps; computation of radial polynomials, Where Lxx (X, ), is the convolution of the Gaussian
computation of Zernike basis functions, and computation of 2
second order derivative g () 2 with the image U in point x,
ZMs by projecting the image on to the basis functions. x
and similarly for Lxy (X, ) and Lyy (X, ).
First the Zernike radial polynomials are computed. The
real-valued 1-D radial polynomial Rnm() is defined In interest point description, a distribution of intensity
as: content within the interest point neighborhood is extracted. It is
built using the distribution of first order Haar wavelet response
Rnm () = s = 0
(n - |m|) / 2 n-2s
c (n, m, s) (1) in x and y direction.
B. Related Work
n-s !
Where, c (n,m,s) =(1) s 1) Local Descriptors
s!((n + |m|)/2 - s)!((n - |m|)/2 - s)!

n is the non-negative integer that represents the order, and Many different local extraction approaches for object
m is an integer represents the repetition satisfying n |m| = recognition have been introduced in the literature. Hu [3] and
(even) and |m| n. Vogel [4] use regular grid of the local regions to extract
patches from an image.
Using the radial polynomial, complex-valued 2-D
Zernike basis functions, which are defined within a Other like Maree [5] uses random sampling and
unit circle, are formed by: segmentation methods; then images are classified using
randomly extracted sub-windows. Recent popular approaches
Vnm (, ) = Rnm () exp (j m ) (2)
use local features to detect key points in an image. In 1999,
Where, | | 1, j = 1 Lowe and David G. [6] introduced the well-known scale
invariant feature transform (SIFT) descriptor for object
Zernike basis functions are orthogonal and imply no recognition. In SIFT; a 128 dimensional feature vector is
redundancy or overlap of information between the moments obtained from a grid of histograms of oriented gradients with
with different orders and repetitions. This property enables the automatic scale selection.
contribution of each moment to be unique and independent of
Later in 2006, Bay, Herbert, Tuytelaars, and Van Gool [7]
the information in an image.
proposed the SURF, which is a much faster scale and rotation
Complex Zernike moments of order n with repetition m invariant interest point descriptor. Like SIFT, both approaches
are finally defined as; produce hundreds of interest points per image. Each of these
points is characterized by a dictionary of visual words. An
n+1 2 1
image is then represented by a bag of words (BoW). This
Znm = (,)V*nm (,) d d (3) representation is then quantized and represented in a feature
0 0
vector that contains the presence or absence of information of
Where, f (x, y) is the image function and * denotes the each visual word for the image.
complex conjugate.
2) Features Quantization
To compute Zernike moments from a digital image, the The most popular approach today is the (BoW) [8]. Its goal
integrals in the equation are replaced by summations and the
is to transform the image key points features into a fixed
coordinates of the image must be normalized into [0, 1] by a
vector of weights; each weight resembles the importance of the
mapping transform. visual word in the image.
2) Speeded up Robust Features In BoW, the key points descriptors are clustered using k-
Speeded up Robust Features (SURF) is a fast and robust means clustering algorithm which encodes each key point with
algorithm for local image representation. It selects interest the index of its cluster by mapping it to the nearest centroid.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt
Each cluster is considered to represent a visual word; thus 5) Encode the image; create a feature vector of a
clustering process generates a codebook of visual words. Each histogram of visual word occurrences in it.
image is then represented by a bag of words; which is 6) Concatenate the resulted visual vectors for each
quantized as a histogram of the frequency of occurrence of image.
visual words. 7) Train a support vector machine classifier and predict
the image category.
Several approaches as presented by Mu [9], Jgou [10], and
Kesorn [11] worked on enhancing the BoW model. An Figure 1 illustrates the main steps in the proposed method.
extension to BoW called Spatial Pyramid Matching (SPM) was First, images are divided equally into training and testing sets.
proposed by Lazebnik [12]; it creates geometrical relationships For each input image, a preprocessing is done; all objects are
between features. It partitions the image into increasingly finer annotated with a bounding box around it and then cropped, so
spatial sub-regions and computes histograms of local features that single objects are detected from an image instead of
from each sub-region. Yang [13] introduced an extension to dealing with the entire image. ZM features are extracted for
SPM; sparse coding is used followed by multi-scale spatial each object designated from the image. As well, the object
max pooling, and propose a linear SPM kernel based on SIFT local key points are detected using the SURF technique which
sparse codes. results in hundreds of key points for a single image. After
balancing all the strongest features among all images, a feature
3) Global Descriptors vector of SURF is calculated for a variable size block width
Other studies rely on global feature extractors. Due to around each key point; which is determined from the scale of
moments ability to represent global shape features they have each key point.
been used extensively in image processing as by Belkasim in An image ends up with multiple feature vectors with the
[14]. Hu and Ming-Kuei [15] introduces one of the early
same dimensions describing each object in it. For each of the
studies illustrating the potential of image moments invariants ZM and SURF extraction methods, the descriptor is then
that enable successful recognition against scaling, translation, represented using BoW. The descriptors extracted from the
and rotation. images are grouped into clusters using k-means; resulting in a
ZMs are one of the most popular global descriptors. It is a visual word dictionary. The number of clusters determines the
complex orthogonal rotation invariant moment composed of a size of dictionary. Each key point descriptor is encoded by
set of circle polynomials in two polar coordinates. Since, the mapping it to the index of the nearest cluster centroid; in which
moments are sensitive to rotation; the magnitudes of the it belongs to. Only training images are used in building the
moments were used as image features. dictionary.
In many studies like Khotanzad [16], Kadir [17], Fleyeh Each image is then represented by a histogram of the visual
[18], and Hwang [19], ZM was used in different image words same length as the dictionary size, which is then
processing applications. In addition, Ono [20], Kim [21], converted to a single visual word vector with the frequency of
Vretos [22] and Singh [23] used ZM in face recognition. As the occurrence of each visual word in it accordingly. This
well, Wang [24] reported promising results using ZM in histogram is normalized using L2 norm to make it invariant to
Chinese character recognition. the number of descriptors used.

III. PROPOSED ALGORITHM Finally, the visual word vectors resulting from each
extractor on a single image is concatenated to form the final
Global Zernike moments are mostly applied to images that feature vector for an image. Figure 2 depicts the method steps
have explicit shapes so they can be described well. On the applied on a sample image from COREL data set.
other hand, local SURF is concerned more with the object
details. In this work, a combined local/ object-based feature Since there are more than two groups in the data sets, a
extractor is presented. In this method, the SURF features are multiclass Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier is used to
calculated for each explicit object in the image and its moments train the data set and predict a new image category.
to get the object shape characteristics of the texture around it. A one-vs-all classification schema is used which constructs
The proposed algorithm works as follows: M binary SVM classifiers, each of which separates one class
1) For an input image, detect the objects in it. from all the remaining classes. The ith SVM is trained with all
2) Extract object-based features for each object in an the training examples in class i with positive labels and all
image. other classes with negative ones. When the M classifiers are
3) Detect the local key points in an object and extract the combined to make the final decision, the classifier which
local features for patches around each of the key generates the highest value from its decision function is
points detected. selected as the winner. Accordingly, the corresponding class
4) Construct visual codebooks for each extractor; label is assigned without considering the competence of the
randomly selecting training patches and cluster them classifiers.
using k-means.

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt
dictionaries are trained for the tests with 2000 basis and
random patches from the training image sets.
All results report the average of 10 runs with random
selection of images for training and testing.
A. Caltech-101
The Caltech-101 data set contains 9144 images in 101
classes including vehicles, animals, objects, flowers, etc. The
number of images per category varies from 31 to 800 images.
Figure 3 shows sample of images from the data set.
The annotations given with the data set were used that
outlines the objects in the image and crop the object
accordingly. Examples of annotated objects are shown in Fig.
Table I presents the results compared with other recently
proposed ones. To make fare comparison, as recommended by
the original data set [25] and suggested by other authors Griffin
[26] and Zhang [27], the whole data set was divided into 5, 10,
15, 20, 25, and 30 training images per class and a maximum of
Fig.1. Block diagram for the proposed model 50 images for testing.
In the evaluation, 81.6% accuracy was obtained compared
with several existing approaches as in [11], [12] and [26-31] as
shown in Table I.


Training Images
5 10 15 20 25 30

Wang [31] 51.1 59.77 65.43 67.74 70.16 73.44

Zhang [27] 46.6 55.8 59.1 62.0 - 66.20

Lazebnik [11] - - 56.40 - - 64.60

Griffin [26] 44.2 54.5 59.00 63.3 65.8 67.60
Boiman [30] - - 65.00 - - 70.40
Jain [29] - - 61.00 - - 69.10
Gemert [28] - - - - - 64.16
Yang [12] - - 67.00 - - 73.20
Proposed Method 54.5 61.3 65.0 68.3 75.6 81. 6

Fig.2. The proposed method applied on a sample image from COREL

1000 data set.


In this section, the results on benchmark data sets are
reported; Caltech-101 and Corel 1000. As well, a discussion of
the results is offered. First, pre-processing is done on images
by annotating objects and cropping them. For each object, ZM
features with order 20 are calculated. Then using the SURF-64
descriptor, identify the region of interest points and pick the
80% strongest descriptors to calculate the features around
them. The images were all pre-processed into gray scale. All
Fig.3. Sample images from Caltech-101 data set

ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

Fig.4. Object annotation in Caltech-101 data set

Fig.6. Objects annotation in COREL 1000 data set
B. COREL 1000
The results confirm that object-based shape features and
The COREL 1000 dataset consists of 1000 images divided
local features are both capable together to recognize objects in
among 10 classes. Each category has 100 images. The
scene images with high accuracy. That is, neither applying ZM
categories are Africans, Architecture, Beach, Buses, Dinosaurs,
global feature descriptor nor SURF local descriptor alone was
Elephants, Flowers, Food, Horses, and Mountains. Figure 5
as effective as combining them for enhanced object recognition
shows a sample from each category in the data set.
Objects annotations and cropping are done manually on the
The main finding is that working on the detected objects in
whole data set. Samples of the manually cropped objects from
the image is way better than dealing with the whole image at
images are shown in Fig. 6. The same parameter setup was
once. Particularly, in ZM shape-based extractor, working on
prepared as mentioned before for Caltech-101. Experiments
explicit objects helps to define clear boundary for the object
were performed using 50 images for training and 50 for testing
rather than multiple objects in the same image.
as recommended by Oliveira [32].
Certainly, differences in dealing with the image objects
In the evaluation, 90.8% recognition performance was
contribute to the correctness variances between this study and
reached that is higher than SMK [34], ScSPM [12], LScSPM
the other previously stated ones. However, gray scale images
[33], and SSC [32] methods. Table II summarizes the results on
were used in features extraction. Future research should include
Corel 1000 data set.
color features to enhance the recognition accuracy.
Authors 50 Training Images The paper presented an approach for object recognition,
Lu [34] 77.9
which uses a combined feature extractor method. Objects in an
Yang [12] 86.20 image are detected first; some object annotations were already
Gao [33] 88.40 offered with the Caltech-101 data set and others for COREL
1000 were done manually.
Oliveira [32] 88.40
Proposed Method 90.80 The method then extracts the object-based features using
ZMs and the local feature SURF descriptors for the captured
objects in each image. As well, the technique uses bag of
words for compact representation of images so that the image
can be represented in a single feature vector.
Based on COREL 1000 and Caltech-101 data sets, the
experimental results show that, the proposed method achieves
better accuracy according to the published ones on the same
databases. Future work will focus on automating the object
annotations in images and enhancing the recognition
performance by including the color parameter in the SURF
extractor instead of dealing with gray images.
Fig.5. Sample image from each category in COREL 1000 data set
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ICCTA 2015, 24-26 October 2015, Alexandria, Egypt

ICCTA 2015 Committees

Conference Chair
H. E. Prof. Dr. Yousry S. El-Gamal
Former Minister of Education
President, Computer Scientific Society

Honorary Chair
Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghafar Ismail Farag
President, Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), Egypt

Conference Coordinators and Program co-Chairs

Prof. Dr. Ayman Abdel-Hamid, AASTMT, Alexandria, Egypt.
Dr. Essam Kosba, AASTMT, Alexandria, Egypt.

Organizing Committee
Prof. Dr. Ossama Ismail, AASTMT, Alexandria, Egypt
Prof. Dr. Khaled Mahar, AASTMT, Alexandria, Egypt
Dr. Mahmoud Farouk, AASTMT, Alexandria, Egypt
Eng. Hassan Bakr, AASTMT, Alexandria, Egypt
Dr. Mohamed Kholief, AASTMT, Alexandria, Egypt
Dr. Mohamed El-Habrouk, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
Dr. Mohamed El-Shaib, AASTMT, Alexandria, Egypt

Finance Chair
Eng. Mahmoud Morsy
Honorary Secretary, Computer Scientific Society


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