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Poster on Translating Algebraic Expressions

Students in their groups will work collaboratively to create a poster on translating

algebraic expressions. Students will be required to include text, pictures, and charts
on their poster. Students must demonstrate creativity and an understanding of
translating algebraic expressions. Students will present poster to the class. On the
poster students must include:

At least three pictures

Key word charts for operators
Explanation as to why we translate algebraic expressions
Algebraic expressions for the following problems
o The length of a baseball field is 25 yards more than its width. Express
the length of the field in terms of its width w.
o Ten gallons of water were poured into one large container and one
small container. Express the amount of water poured into the small
container in terms of the amount g poured into the large container.
o Jenny works d days at her part time job at the YMCA. She earns $50 a
day. Express the amount of money she will earn in d days.
o Dees age is twice Michaels age plus five more. Write an expression to
represent Dees age.
Word expressions for the following problems
o x-5
o x+25
o 3(n+5)
o 2(9-n)

(Avoid using subtract, sum, multiply in your expressions)


Category 4 3 2 1
Required The poster All required All but 1 of the Several
Elements includes all elements are required required
required included on elements are elements are
elements as the poster. included on missing.
well as the poster.
Knowledge Students can Students can Students can Students
Gained accurately accurately accurately appear to
answer all answer most answer about have
questions questions 75% of insufficient
related to the related to questions knowledge
problems in problems in related to the about the
the poster. the poster. problems in problems and
the poster. how to solve
Problems All 8 problems 5-7 problems 3-4 problems Less than 3
and were were were problems were
Information- answered answered answered answered
accuracy correctly on correctly on correctly on correctly on
the poster. All the poster. the poster. the poster.
information on Some Information on
poster is information is the poster is
accurate. not accurate. not accurate.
Attractivene The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is
ss exceptionally attractive in acceptably not attractive
attractive in terms of attractive and and very
terms of design, layout, a bit difficult poorly
design, layout, and neatness. to understand. designed.
and neatness.
Shows student

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