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lbert Einstein is
one of the most
notable and
scientist of the twentieth most famous discovery is
century. Although he the theory of relativity, E =
became known as a genius MC2. Which overtuned Isaac
of science and gained Newtons laws by
considerable fame later in explaining the relation of
life, as a child he was slow energy and mass as a
in learning to speak and consequence of space and
had a rebellious nature time. First introduced in a
towards the conventional 3-page paper in 1905, the
styles of learning at school, theory was so
which left many teachers revolutionary it couldnt be
to believe he would proven until more
amount to little. Inspired advanced technology was
by a compars, he scared available years later.
little geometry book and
classical music, his interest
in science and
mathematics grew and by
the age of sixteen he was
writing his first research
science paper and
attemping to skip the last
few years of high school to Born in Germany and
enter the Swiss Institute of raised in the Jewish Faith,
Technology. He failed the Einstein strongly opposed
entrance exam but set a injustices of race and
precedent in his life for religion and often lent
thinking outside of the box himself to the American
and challenging the rules. civil rights movement and
the efforts of the Zionist Einstein marely wrote a
movement to preserve and latter to President
cultivate the Jewish Faith. Roosevelt warning of
He was instrumental in Germanys possible use of
setting up the Hebrew nuclear weapons in the
University of Israel and was United States development
even invited to become of the atom bomb.
Israels second president,
Albert Einstein is not only a
which he declined. Above
world renowned scientist
all else Einstein maintained
who left an idelible mark
a non nasionalistic pacifist
on the world but also an
belief and urged for the
icon of popular culture
disarmament of all nations
whose name and image
and the information of a
have come to re-present
one world government.
genius and intellect.
Often credited as the
creator of the atom bomb,

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