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Unit 2

Cross Culture Conflict and Adjustment

Unforgettable Experience in Bengkulu

I have on unforgettable experience when I lived in 1998 until

2008.Exacly when I comeback to Padang in holiday. I lived in small village. It
is very far from Bengkulu it is about 155 km from Bengkulu . I lived in Lebong
district. In this village the safety condition is not good . It was often stolen in
the around of my life. The law is not become handle to get the justice. The
polices are afraid to society.

To more clearly about my complain experience in Bengkulu, I want to try

to state it now. I got shock in my self , when I want to Padang , I lived in small
house and simply. By going to Padang I have to thing about my thing. All of
the tool house hold have to be moved to the near of neighbour . If we did not
move then to the neighbour , So all of our house hold tool will lose. The
stolen will steal our house hold tool. They were not shy to us, Although we
are condition was very seize there. The people is often steal. So, we are
always careful to care out object.

In the nigh we do not sleep soundly, because we have to care our

house. We were sleep with husband alternatively. Early my husband slept
until 11 o clock. Aftforgeter that I sleep again morning. It happened

That all my complain experience in my self for I lived in Bengkulu. I

can not forget the experience.
Unit 3

The Different Verbal Communication The Way

People Speak


Heated conversation American: which He/she is speaking in the front of

the audience or is giving the transformation . We can give the instruction to
the speaker. Meanwhile, In Indonesian. We can not give the instruction.
When He/she is speaking in front of the audience or is giving the information.
We have to wait Him/his finished to speak.

Direct Communication America: If we offer to American to eat

something. So, He/she say yes( if he/she want) and no if she/he does not
want it. Meanwhile in Indonesian to eat something, So he/she said that I
lunch ten minutes ago ( in fact that she/he did not eat lunch) He/she just do
good manners= Basa Basi

Conversation structure American: In doing the conversation He/ she

says something seriously. It means that be used she /she is confidently to
say something to other people. Meanwhile, In Indonesian ,The conversation
structure that be Used by American is the same with Indonesian.

Judgment American: In American give the critic American to other

people say something he/she are not true you are wrong. Meanwhile: In
Indonesia is not direct to give critic to other people he/she think something
before he/she give critical.
Unit 4

Nonverbal Communication : Speaking Without



Verbal communication is spoken communicate. Including the of

gestures , facial expressions eye contact and conversation distance.

Nonverbal communication express meaning or telling without words.

Universal emotions such as fear , and sadness.

Facial expressiveness carry meaning that is determined by situation

an relationship in America culture the smile is typically an expression of

Eye contact is important because insufficient or excessive eye contact

can create communication barriers. In relationship, it serves to show
intimacy, attention and influence. Eye behavior in the United states, except
that is considered rude to stare.

Conversational distance. We all keep a comfortable distance around

us when we interact with other people. This distance has had several name
over the years. For American, the usual distance in social conversation
rangers from about an arms length to four feet.




Friendliness versus friendship: American especially in comparison to

certain other cultural groups.

Diversity in personal relationships: college students and other s may

even live with someone of the opposite sex for practical reason only. In the
United Of State ,marriage relationship of course differ from couple.

The singles scene: How do singles meet each other in the united state
mutual friends, parties, work, religious group, and various dating services
account for many of the way that single meet.

Mobility and Friendship: Many Americans, in general, do have

enduring friendship, but at certain points in their lives can be satisfied with
transient relationship.

Cross cultural friendship: One of the most frequent problem in cross

cultural relationship is that foreigners misinterpretation American
friendliness as an offer of friendship . Naturally, a foreigner who thinks that
an American.


The differentiated family: Types and traditions American

with Indonesian.

America: 1. Nuclear Family generally live in home without member
of the extended family meanwhile Indonesia: still live in home with member
of the extended family. America, Extended Family generally live outside of
the nuclear family meanwhile, In Indonesia inside of nuclear family.

America: 2. Autonomy : The children usually leave parents when they

are twenty five years old meanwhile in Indonesia the children usually leave
parents when they married.

America: 3. The elderly: The elder kept saverate from society.

Meanwhile, the elder kept integrated into society.

America: 4. Single parent family: the single parents be severated from

their family and live decrepit. Meanwhile, the single parents the generally
live in nuclear family.


The different education: value and expectation America

and Indonesia

America: Students participation is not only accepted but expected the
students participation active involvement of the learning process. Honor
system the demand that a students be honest in all areas of school work no
cheating of any kind is allowed. International students and immigrant
attending school in Indonesia. Little experience multiple culture shoch
students from abroad, accustomed to their countries educational
expectation, must adapt to new classroom norms a foreign educational
institution. Diversity in higher education students middle-aged students and
senior Utizent who wish to continue or exted their education have a variety
of institution of higher learning which to choose in the United Of States.

Indonesia: Student participation is only accepted and participation is

not active. Honor system the students cheating of kind be allowed.
International students can experience multiple culture shock. Diversity in
higher education is not middle-aged students.




American consists of two huge continents, and include north America,

and south America. Technically Americans could describe the people who
were born and raised in the United states. Descriptions of American between
skin white, hair brown , and their like go to beach, Their like read society

From the design they are: always use their dress style and most of
them are cristiany. American has have hak veto. They like learning the
traditional custom. Although their multi ethnic but their separate identity.


Jurusan : bahasa inggris
Npm : 08040554

Sekolah tinggi keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan

Stkip pgri-sumatera barat

To solve the problems, the teacher should provide be more

creative to design the strategies in teaching writing. She also
should provide the suitable method in teaching writing. SWELL
(Social- Interactive Writing For English Language Learner) is a
suitable method in teaching Narrative Writing.


Firmansyah Khairul Kamal

Peran Penghulu di Minang Kabau

Kapai tampek batany o
Ka pulang tampek babarito
Ba alam laweh bapadang lapang
Kok mangarek samo panjang
Manimbang samo barek
Mamanggang samo merah
Tibo diparuik indak dikampihkan
Tibo dimato indak dipiciangkan
Hilang ka mancari
Luluih manyalami
Hanyuik maminteh
Kurang manukuak
Panjang nan ka mangarek
Singkek mauleh
Senteang mambilai
Sayua bayam yo sayua nangko
Dimasak anak urang tiku
Jaweklah salam ambo kini ko
Assalam mualaikum Wr Wb
Yang terhormat kepada Bapak
UPTD kecamatan Nanggalo kodya Padang.
Yang terhormat kepada Bapak
Pengawas kecamatan Nanggalo.
Yang terhormat kepada ibu Kepala
Sekolah SD 02 kampung Kampung olo
Nanggalo. Serta teman yang saya cintai.
Syukur Alhamdulillah kita
panjatkan kepada allah Swt yang masih
memberikan rahmat dan hidayah sehingga
kita dapat hadir dalam ruangan ini dalam
rangka perpisahan siswa kelas 6 SD 02
kampung olo, salawat dan salam kita
panjatkan kepada nabi muhamad Saw yang
telah membawa kita dari alam jahiliah
sampai alam terang menerang seperti saat
Bapak ibuk- ibuk saudara-saudara
sekalian yang saya hormati. Izinkan saya
menyampaikan sebuah pidato singkat
mengenai perpisahan ini. Sungguh sangat
tidak sangka tiba saatnya pada hari ini
terjadi suatu Perpisahan . Kami sudah 6
tahun menimba ilmu di SD 02 yang kami
peroleh dari ibuk guru . Ibuk sudah berupaya
dan sekuat tenaga mengajar sehingga kami
mendapatkan ilmu pengetahuan. Kami
sangat ucapkan terimakasih kepada ibuk
guru semua atas usaha dan kerja kerasnya
didalam mendidik kami selama belajar di SD
02 ini. Mudah-midahan usaha dan niat baik
ibuk semua diberi pahala yang berlipat ganda
oleh allah swt. Selanjutnya kami atas nama
siswa kls 6 SD 02 Kampung olo
menyampaikan mohon maaf yang setulusnya
kepada ibuk guru andai kata selama kami
menimpa ilmu SD 02 ini melakukan kesalahan
baik di sengaja maupun tidak disengaja yang
sudah menyadari pada itu doakanlah kami
untuk mendapatkan dan melanjutkan ke
sekolah yang lebih tinggi, dan juga kami
sampaikan kepada adik-adik kami tinggalkan,
belajarlah dengan baik giat dan tekun serta
hormat kepada Guru dan orang tua.
Untuk menutup kata perpisahan
ini, Saya bawakan sebuah pantun yang
berbunyi sebagai berikut:
Masak padi anak urang alai
Disabuik anak urang Nanggalo
Bapisah bukan bacarai
Demi melanjutkan cito cito
Demikianlah sambutan saya
semoga bermanfaat terima kasih atas
perhatiannya asalamualaikum warohmatulahi

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