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Michelle Finney

Complete the Following Chart for Each Theory

(Except the theory you are making the group presentation on as your Ppt. is adequate)
The Behaviorist Theory is the one I did my group presentation on.

Personal Evaluation
Provide your personal evaluation and
Theory Information Processing experience for each category
Traits applicable. Explain how learning
happens through reflecting on theory
Theoretical Basis Information Processing The idea of the concept comes from
the cognitive psychology. It combines
(Metacognition, Process and Product Orientation) the multiple theoretical perspectives
that help explain human learning as
it develops with memory. With this
idea, students begin to have cognitive
load of information because our
short term memory and working
memory can only hold so much
information at once.
Theorists Anderson, Bruner, Ausubel, Gagne, Taba, Gordon, Craik & Lockhart The constructivist Bruner believed
that learning happens by enactive
(action-based), iconic (image-based),
and symbolic (language-based).
Craik and Lockhart believed that
learning is based on structural (looks
like), phonetic (sounds like), and
semantic (means). John William
Atkinson believe that learning is
encoded through different stimuli
like visual, acoustic, and semantic.
View of Knowledge Fixed body of knowledge to acquire, How does this look in school setting?
In schools the information processing
Stimulated from outside,
theory ties in with the instructional
Prior knowledge influences how information is processed design model. The model is structure
by the sensory memory, the working
memory, and then thee long-term
Learning Acquisition of facts, skills, concepts, and strategies All information that is put into the
brain is stored, but it can stay there
Occurs through the effective application of strategies
for a short period of time or long
periods of time. The information that
one learns that is stored has to be
meaningful to the person or they are
not going to learn the information.
The information also has to be
processed more than once so the
brain has a chance to memorize it
and keep it stored.
Teaching Transmission, Today we are providing the students
with more information. The amount
Guide students toward more accurate and complete knowledge
of work and classes the students
having are making it hard for them
to learn everything that they need.
To help them out, we need to teach to
with higher standards that have
quality learning rather than more
work for them to complete.
Role of Teacher Teach and model effective strategies The role of the teacher is to provide
the information needed to be
Correct misconceptions
successful. It is important to know
that it is not the amount of work that
the students get for them to learn,
but rather the quality of the work
that they do.
Role of Peers Not necessary but can influence information processing The role of a peer is to help utilize
personal experiences. For example, if
you are working at a job and you
begin to brainstorm ideas, it will be
important to make accommodations
that help benefit the people around
you. It is also good to build skills that
help solve any potential problems
that may be faced.
Role of student Active processor of information , Learning information is often
personalized to the student. To
Strategy user
process the information to the
Organizer and reorganizer of information memory is by encoding, retrieval,
and storage. When students start to
Rememberer learn new information they develop
strategies to encode the information
they want to store. This will help
them be able to access the
information later because they have
encoded the information in a way
that will help them remember.
3-5 Big ideas in List several Big Ideas that inform your instructional planning you have developed based on this theory. Explain Big Ideas and how you
theory concerning applied them.
teaching and learning
that you will apply in Blooms Taxonomy is a good for
your professional information processing. It helps the
practice. brain develop information from the
beginning and works its way up to
long term memory. So in the model,
one gathers the knowledge and
works up to the period to the last
stage of evaluation. Another tool
that helps is using prior knowledge.
In a lesson, a student is going to fell
more engaged and connected to the
learning if they are able to relate to
the learning process. Finally, visuals
is very important to learning. If one
does not pay attention than the
information is just going to go over
their head than actually stick. So
One must become a good listener,
pay attention, and have their eyes
and ears open for the information to
Growth Mindset: How does Growth Mindset develop in this theory? The theory states that the brain is
Explain in this theory like an ability to grow, adapt, and
learn. The students begin to grow
when the environment are
challenging so they learn more
complex cognitive strategies.
Assessment Type Explain the type of assessment that is most appropriate for each theoretical view of learning Information processing has found
that there is not perfect assessment.
Every assessment that one does is no
better or worse than another type.
The only factor that determines how
one will do on the assessment is
based on the time spent learning,
money, and the effort they put into
Perfect Assignment Design a perfect assignment for this theoretical perspective. It must also be brain compatible for long term memory. A perfect assignment for a person
learning about cells is to create a 3D
model. It will help them remember
the different parts of the cell when
they have to label each part. The
object that are used in the model is
also good for the learner to visualize
the actual parts of the cell. In
addition to the building of a cell, the
activity can be pared with a
worksheet to get the brain
rehearsing the information for long-
term memory.
Perfect Assessment Design a perfect assessment for this theory for long term memory. When trying to create a perfect
assessment, one can use interim,
formal, and summative assessment.
These different types of assessments
can show the strength and weakness
of the learner by what information
that they were able to learn.
Long Term Learning How does learning get into long term memory through the use of this theory? The way the brain gathers
information is a three step process.
First the incoming information gets
stored in the sensory memory where
the information will get lost. Next, if
one begins to pay attention then the
information will go into short-term
memory. By not practicing the
information enough it will get lost.
Finally, once a person starts to
encode the information that is store
in the short-term memory, they will
begin to have this information kept
in the brain as long-term memory.
Lesson Model/long How does a specific lesson model in this theory get learning into long term memory? The lesson for learning is how one
term learning and stores information. Information
moves through the brain from
sensory storage to working memory
and finally long-term memory. When
information comes in it takes several
different paths. The paths it takes is
based off of encoding, attention,
recognition, and storage. So in order
for the learning process to occur,
information needs to makes its way
to long-term memory.

Theor Constructivist/ Constructivist/Social Situated Personal Evaluation

Provide your personal evaluation and
y Individual experience for each category
Traits applicable. Explain how learning
happens through reflecting on theory
Theoretical Psychological Individual Social Situated Constructivism where we reflect
Basis on our experiences and construct
Cognitive/Psychological Constructivist Social/Constructivist
(Concerned with Individual Cognitive (Includes: Beliefs, Self Perceptions, Expectations of Society) our own understanding of the
Development) world.
Theorists Piaget, Dewey Vygotsky, Dewey Piagets theory is people producing
Suchman, Bruner, Sternberg, Slavin Suchman, Bruner, Sternberg, Slavin knowledge and form learning
Johnson Cooperative Lerning Johnson Cooperative Lerning
based off of their own experiences.
Vygotskys theory which the brain
works when speech and practical
activity converge.
John Dewey focused on previous
experience and prior knowledge to
help develop their understanding.
Knowledge Changing body of Socially constructed knowledge The knowledge that we learn is
knowledge, based off of assimilations and
Built on what participants contribute, construct together
Individually accommodation. When someone is
constructed in using assimilation it is caused by
social world, an individual to use new
experiences with old experiences.
Built on what learner
This helps a learner develop a new
outlook by rethinking what they
have my have thought before. With
accommodations on the other
hand, where the students learning
they have to work around the
information that is given to them
to have learning occur.
Learning Active construction, Restructuring prior knowledge Collaborative construction of socially defined knowledge and values Left hemisphere of the brain
Occurs through socially constructed opportunities Brain functions
Occurs through multiple opportunities and diverse
processes to connect to what is already known The learning process happens by
the use of sensory input and
constructs meaning out of the
information. With the left and
right hemisphere of the brain,
information is learned differently.
The left hemisphere is more of a
logical and sequential learning.
Learning from the right
hemisphere is more random. So
when teaching to learners in the
classroom, it is good to find out
what kind of learners you have so
you can teach to the correct side of
the brain.
Teaching Challenge, Participant Teaching can be a challenge for
some because each student learns
Guide thinking toward more complete Co-construct knowledge with students
understanding differently. A great teaching tool
that can be used is technology in
the classroom. The use of
technology can help improve the
learners experiences because it
incorporates audio, physical,
visual, and other different learning
strategies. So it is important to try
and make the learning more
personalized for storing learning.
Role of Facilitator, guide Facilitator, Guide, Co-participant The role of the teacher helps
Teacher learning stick by repetition and
Co-construct different interpretation of knowledge;
Listen for students current conceptions, ideas, Listen to socially constructed conceptions using the best strategies possible.
thinking As a teacher it is not good to teach
with one teaching strategy, but
with multiple ones because it is the
most effective when getting
information to stick. Teacher did
need to know that they cannot
drain the brain by having the
learning become boring. So the
teacher needs to include repletion
and reinforce the learning.
Role of Not necessary but can stimulate thinking, raise Ordinary part of process of knowledge construction The role of the peers is to help
Peers questions each individual develop their own
unique perspective. They must be
able to trust and understand what
information is shared so they can
learn new information. So it is able
to help them understand what they
are learning and how the people in
their community can help them
Role of Active construction (within mind) Active co-construction with others and self, The role of the student is to learn
student through a method of teaching
Active thinker, explainer, interpreter, questioner Active thinker, explainer,
Interpreter, called personalized learning.
Personalized learning is created by
Questioner, the learner who uses the best
Active social participator strategy to help them learn new
information. With this theory
being surrounded by the
experiences of the learner, it is up
to the learner to determine the
outcome of the information that
they want to learn. The teacher is
only there to improve the learning
by creating an environment that is
possible to learn.
3-5 Big List several Big Ideas that inform your instructional planning you have developed based on this theory. Explain Big Ideas and how you
ideas applied them.
When learning students are
absorbing information from their
environment. They are taking the
learned information from other
prior knowledge and learning
from each individuals experiences.
This shows that learners are
benefiting from the prior
knowledge to new information.
This is going to give the student a
goal for learning because they are
taking the prior knowledge and
seeing how much more they need
to learn about the new knowledge.
Growth When the brain is supported the
Mindset: learning is increased. We need to
Explain in
this theory target and teach different ways to
learn rather than just telling them
they are smart. It is good to
challenge the student to use their
prior knowledge to new learned
information. This is building
interaction where the student will
want to learn.
Perfect Design a perfect assignment for this theoretical perspective. It must also be brain compatible for long term memory. A perfect assignment will be fill
Assignment: bucket activity. The teacher is
encouraging the students during
the process by rehearsal method.
The teacher is also providing a
little bit of the activity at a time to
not overload the students brain.
Assessment Explain the type of assessment that is most appropriate for this theoretical view of learning. The different types of assessments
Type that the teacher can check for
understanding is exit tickets and
reflective journal. These are not
necessarily assessments that are
used for grading, but they are good
to see what the student has learned
and does not understand.
Long Term How does learning get into long term memory through the use of this theory? In order to store information into
Learning long-term memory, people have to
visual see what they are learning.
The more that a person sees the
object is going to help them
remember the information.
Lesson How does a specific lesson model in this theory get learning into long term memory? The lesson model that works well
Model/long is taking facts and connecting it to
learning new understanding. To do this,
teacher use open-ended type of
questions to trigger the learning
process and great long-term
learning in the brain.
Personal When learning the information is
Application coming from our prior knowledge.
We take information that we have
learned to develop new ways of
thinking and learning. We want
the learner to connect by doing
more hands-on problem solving to
Brain The brain stores information in
Research/Tr the brain three different ways. The
ansfer of
Learning first way is through sensory
memory which includes echoic and
iconic senses. The next time is
short-term memory which is
considered the working memory.
Finally, the last king of memory is
long-term which is declarative,
procedural, and episodic.

Theory Social Learning Personal Evaluation

Provide your personal evaluation and
Address each area experience for each category
according to the applicable. Explain how learning
views of this theory. happens through reflecting on theory
Theoretical Basis Social Learning The social learning theory is based off
people learning from one another
Cognitive/intellectual development linked with skill in social process through observation, imitating what
they see, and modeling. In the
education world, the students are
constantly observing the teacher and
the other students in the classroom in
the learning process.
Theorists Bandura, Dewey Albert Bandura did his theory for
social learning through the
Johnson and Johnson, Slavin, Shlomo, Sharan , Thelen observational learning model.
John Dewey did his social learning
theory by focusing on how species
survived in their environment.
David Johnson and Roger Johnson
believed that without the cooperation of
its members society cannot survive.

View of Knowledge Knowledge constructed and continuously reconstructed by individuals/ groups Each student is going to learn
differently based on their experiences.
Students operate on experience to produce knowledge They will be encountered with many
different people in their live that will
Knowledge has a personal quality and is unique for each individual influence their learning and
background. Then the students can
bring to the classroom what they have
learned to the learning and it can be
used when interacting with other
students. This is allowing students to
construct knowledge from observation
of others inside and outside of the
How does learning Cooperative vs competitive, Learning for socialist happens by
happen in this Synergistic, observing what others are doing and
theoretical view? Cognition as well as social complexity key to increased learning learning from their experiences. This is
Learning from observation of others in a more advanced stage of development or skill level, good for students in class because they
Experienced based learning can learn from their classmates and
help each other out. This is helping
bring real world examples into the
learning process.
Teaching Modeling, Observation is important The teaching style best for this is
Model democratic processes, Experience-based learning, Inquiry and knowledge are central observing the teacher and other
students. One lesson that works well is
a cooperative lesson because the
students are working with a group of
other students to observe and model
their learning to complete a task.
Role of Teacher Facilitator, Encouraging , flexible supervisor, Co-participant, The role of the teacher is to be the
Requires high level of interpersonal and instructional skill facilitator. The teacher is there to
Responsive to student needs/Student centered scaffold the learning for the students.
Role of Peers Peers /role models are primary part of process of knowledge construction. The primary learning for students is
peers and other role models. The
cooperative learning model is a great
way to group students because they are
learning from each other based on
Role of student Participation is of primary importance, The students in the classroom are
learning by observing. They are
Cooperation with peers in a democratic learning environment is necessary observing different skills and behaviors
that are taking place around them.
When they are practicing what they see
or hear, they need to have the
opportunity to practice what they are
learning over and over again.
Growth Mindset: The growth mindset is integrated
Explain in this based off of social experiences.
theory Teachers are here to encourage the
minds of their students by modeling
the behavior that they want to see in
the classroom. As the students
observer what they see, their mind
will begin to grow and put into
practice a good growth mindset.
3-5 Big ideas List several Big Ideas that inform your instructional planning you have developed based on this Explain Big Ideas and how you
theory. applied them.
In the learning process information
just does not happen until the
learning is paying attention.
Learners will absorb the
information rather quickly through
paying attention, listening, visually
seeing it, and actively working with
what is trying to be learned.
Another important thing is not
making the work that is trying to be
learned to hard. If something is too
difficult, the learner will give up
and not learn what they should be
learning. Next, it is good to
determine the type of interaction
you want to have with the
information. If the interaction is
defined it will help know what
interaction is going to occur for
them learner.
Perfect Design a perfect assignment for this theoretical perspective. It must also be brain compatible for long The I do, we do, you do is a great
Assignment: term memory. example for this theory. It has the
teacher teach to the students while
the students are observing what
they see. Then the students work
with the teacher to do a task and
finally the student will work on
their on the observed task that they
observed and learned.
Assessment Type Explain the type of assessment that is most appropriate for this theoretical view of learning. A perfect assessment is to have the
students demonstrate their
understanding through vocabulary
and key concepts from the learning.
Another perfect assessment is
providing students with feedback
and making sure that they know the
progress of their learning.
Design a perfect Perfect Assessment: The perfect assessment is where a
assessment for this teacher can monitor the students
theory for long term abilities. One way to do this is give
memory. the students a vocabulary test or
concept test. The teacher can also
give the student feedback if the
students are working in a group.
This will help the students know
there progress of the learning.
Long Term Learning How does learning get into long term memory through the use of this theory? Reinforcement is helping move the
learner into long-term memory. The
more than one knows how they are
doing is going to make them feel
better about themselves knowing
their progress through the learning.
So by having different types of
reinforcements is going give some
kind of long-term learning.
Lesson Model/long How does a specific lesson model in this theory get learning into long term memory? In history class you can have the
term learning students work in groups to design a
board game that represents a
battlefield. Then the students can play
another groups game to see if who can
win the war based on the game the
other group created. Then the students
will reflect on the game based on what
they thought.
Personal Application How would you apply this theory for teaching students how to learn? They need interaction with other by
working in a group to learn better.
(Provide 3 or more Praise the students by making them feel
examples) good about what they are learning and
how they are working with other
students. Incorporate problem solving
skills in the lesson to develop new skills
and engage students to learn.

Brain Research: This is based on the brain interacting
Social and with others during the learning process.
Emotional Than the teaching is providing
Intelligence feedback to the students which is
providing emotional support during the
learning process. This is helping the
students build their intelligence because
they are using problem solving skills.


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