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Victoria Hughes

ECD 131
Field Work #3

Literacy-Rich Environment Checklist and Observation Notes


1. Print that
a. Labels objects (names on cubbies, materials)
b. Provides information (schedule, handwashing instructions, recipes)
c. Provides narrative descriptions (dictation about art work)
d. Identifies classroom practices (helper chart, waiting list)


a. Yes. As shown in the photos below, the classroom teacher does provide names of all children on their cubbies, and charts, sign-in
stations, work, etc.

b. Yes. Pictured below are handwashing instructions provided at the sink for the children to see.
Victoria Hughes
ECD 131
c. No. There were several articles of childrens work displayed throughout the classroom, but none of them included the childrens

d. Yes. The classroom teachers did include a helper chart that was accessible for the children. It is pictured below.

Teacher-created charts


Throughout the classroom there were teacher created charts that were useful to the children, and several of them had picture
support so they were easy for children to use them to figure out the basics of what it may have said.
Victoria Hughes
ECD 131
2. Variety of books throughout the classroom (story, predictable, alphabet, number/counting, informational/nonfiction, rhyming).
Record representative titles or genres of books.

The literacy/book area was the ONLY area in the entire room that books were provided for the children. There were books
available in this area that would have been suitable for other centers, however there were no books placed in other areas of
the classroom.
In the chart below I have listed all the books that were in the literacy/book area in the areas to which they should belong, and
be placed.

Group Area Block Area Dramatic Play Area Science Area Sand/Water/Sensory
Grandfather Rhymes Round The Day Jimmys Under One Rock My Lucky Day
Buffalo the World Boa Ate the Wash Alligators

Music/Movement Area Art Area Literacy/Book Area Math Area Other

N/A N/A Llama Llama mad Five Little Otis
at mama Monkeys Does a Kangaroo
have a mother
Victoria Hughes
ECD 131

2. Offers a variety of writing materials throughout the classroom (paper, notepads, markers, envelopes, dry erase boards). List types
of materials observed in each area.
The classroom had various materials such as these in the areas that they are absolutely necessary in: Art, Writing, etc., but the
rest of the centers were definitely lacking materials such as these.

Group Area Block Area Dramatic Play Area Science Area Sand/Water/Sensory
None None None None Markers

Music/Movement Area Art/Writing Area Literacy/Book Area Math Area Other (Sign-in table)
N/A (No Sponges None None Notebook
Music/Movement Crayons Pens
Area) Paper Pencils
Play Dough
5. Displays the alphabet at childs eye level.


No. As shown in the pictures below, there was an alphabet displayed toward the top of the wall, and on a door (helper chart was in
front of it), but neither one was visible to children at their eye level.
Victoria Hughes
ECD 131

1. What is the dramatic play theme?

There did not appear to be a theme in the dramatic play area. There were a few items that portrayed a veterinary office, but
not enough to consider it to be a theme.
List examples of role play props:
1. Dog House
2. Veterinary Bus
3. Bird House
4. Buggy
5. Cash Register
6. Oven, Refrigerator, Sink
7. Broom, mop, dust pan set
8. Various dress up clothes: firefighter, chef, doctor, etc.
9. Iron/Ironing Board

List examples of literacy props:

1. The dog house (dog box is written on it)
2. Shelf, oven, and refrigerator all have labels
3. Puppets (used to promote dialect between peers)
4. Baby dolls (used to promote dialect between peers)


1. Variety of materials and furnishings to make the area comfortable and attractive where children can look at books
a. Feature #1: The first attractive furnishing in the book area are the pillows.
b. Feature #2: The second attractive furnishing in the book area is stuffed animals.
c. Feature #3: The third attractive furnishing in the book area is a soft child-sized chair/pillow they are able to lean against.


There were appropriate items used within the literacy/book area in order to make it warm and inviting for children to come
and enjoy reading books.
Victoria Hughes
ECD 131
2. Display (with covers facing out) of at least 25 childrens books


Yes. There were at least twenty-five books displayed with outfacing covers for children to be able to read in the book area.
The picture below shows this area.

3. Provides books and related props for retelling stories.


Yes. There was a variety of stuffed animals provided within the library for children to use as retelling props. There are located in
containers down below the books as shown in the photo below.
Victoria Hughes
ECD 131
4. Provides space and materials for listening.


5. Includes table and chairs for writing and shelf with writing materials
Provides a variety of materials to write on (lined and unlined paper, stationary, envelopes, dry erase)
No. This area does not include a table or chairs, and no materials for writing either.

Provides a variety of materials to write with (pencils, chalk, markers)

No. This area does not provide any materials to write with.

Provides letter and word manipulatives (letter stamps, name cards, alphabet cards)
No. This area does not provide any manipulatives for children to use.


As indicated in the picture below, this area does not provide any materials other than books, pillows, and props/stuffed
animals for children to use.
Victoria Hughes
ECD 131

Which of the following literacy behaviors were teachers and children engaged? Please note specific examples.

Due to me working until almost 5 oclock everyday by the time I get to the center the children are outside already until their
parents come to get them. During this observation the class was already outside so there was no class behaviors for me to

Reading: N/A

Retelling: N/A

Phonological awareness: N/A

Print Awareness: N/A

Conversations (strive for 5): N/A

Writing: N/A

Vocabulary: N/A

Other: N/A
Victoria Hughes
ECD 131

Analysis Questions for Literacy Environment

1. Which areas of the classroom were well established in promoting literacy learning? Explain how and why you think so.

The areas that I thought best promoted literacy learning were the library area, dramatic play, the safe area, and the art
area. I feel that the library area promoted literacy because there was a variety of books (around 40) for children to choose
from and read. This area was warm and inviting, and even provided pillows for the children to get comfortable on while
reading. This area also provided several stuffed animals for children to use as retelling props for the stories that they chose to
read. Another area that I really felt promoted literacy is the dramatic play area. I feel that the dramatic play area was
incorporating literacy because almost all the objects were labeled, and there were several items provided that children could
use to create dialog between themselves and their peers. When children are engaged in conversation, they are expanding
their knowledge in the area of literacy development. The safe area provided literacy learning because it had several posters
displayed with both words, and picture support. Another area that was very literacy rich is the art area. This area incorporates
and encourages literacy learning because there are numerous tools available for children to practice writing, drawing, and
talking about their masterpieces.

2. What areas of the classroom need improvement in promoting literacy learning? Explain why you think so and how you would
improve them.
The areas of the classroom that I feel most need improvement are all areas except the ones listed above. The reason I feel that
the majority of the classroom needs improvement is because there were no books made available to children other than in
the library area. There needs to be a wide array of books available throughout the entirety of the classroom. I also felt that
there needed to be improvement throughout the whole classroom when it comes to providing writing materials and utensils.
The children do not have tools to practice literacy in the area of writing except for in the art center. Another suggestion I
would make to improve childrens literacy development in this classroom is to have the teachers create a wall alphabet that is
at the childrens eye level.

3. How will your observation of the literacy environment impact or influence your future work with young children?

This observation has helped me a lot on knowing what to and not to do in my future works with children. I now know what
makes up a good classroom environment, and what children need within the classroom to be the best learners that they are
able to be. I will ensure that my classroom has a variety of books available to children in EVERY center of the classroom
pertaining to that particular subject. I will also make sure that I provide an alphabet at their eye level, and make plenty of
charts for them to look at with picture support so that they are able to attempt reading it. Lastly, I will make sure that I provide
a warm and inviting atmosphere in the reading/library area. If children feel that the area is warm and welcoming they are
more likely to go and enjoy books there.

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