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MPSM/BI PT3/SET 1/2016

Marking Scheme (SET 1)


Question 1 [10 marks]

Assessment objectives:

This part assesses the students ability to:

Show understanding of the use of correct grammar in context

Correct grammatical errors in the text

Errors Correct Answer Item Tested
a) see seen Passive
b) their they Personal Pronouns
c) family families Nouns
d) was is Subject-Verb Agreement
e) although because Conjunctions
f) relaxed relaxing tenses
g) causing cause Modal Verb
h) handles handle To-infinitive
i) better best Adjectives
j) by to Prepositions

Note: There should be only one answer for each line. If a student writes more
than one answer, take only the first answer into consideration.

MPSM/BI PT3/SET 1/2016

Question 2 [10 marks]

Assessment objectives
Tis part assesses the students ability to :
Read and understand the text
Identify and transfer the correct information from a linear text into a
non linear
1. Do award marks for answers with minor grammatical errors. Correct
spelling is mandatory if the word exist in the text.

2. Do not award marks for over lifting that includes irrelevant sections of
the text.

3. There should be only one answer for each question. If a student writes
more than one answer, take only the first answer into consideration.

Answers for Question 2

Questio Key/Answer Marks

a) Petaling Jaya, Selangor 1 mark
b) RM 120 1 mark
c) 10.00a.m to 6.00p.m 1 mark
d) More than 80 rides 1 mark
e) Water Park 1 mark
f) Amusement Park 1 mark
g) Extreme Park 1 mark
h) Wildlife Park 1 mark
i) Scream Park 1 mark
j) Asias Nickelodeon Themed Land 1 mark

MPSM/BI PT3/SET 1/2016

Question 3 (20 marks)

Assessment Objectives

This part assesses the student's ability to:

read and understand a non-linear text.

respond to a non-linear text using established reading skills.

write an-email:

i. encouraging your friend to apply for the college.

ii. giving reasons why he/she should apply.


1. Do award marks for answers with minor grammatical and spelling errors
that do not disrupt meaning.

2. Do remember to use your discretion and good judgement for correct

answers that appear different from the suggested answers especially for
questions that require a personal response.

3. Do award full marks for intelligent lifting.

4. Do not award marks for over lifting that includes irrelevant sections of the
text. Do not award marks for answers where meaning is totally

Answers for Questions (a) to (j)

MPSM/BI PT3/SET 1/2016

a TRUE 1 mark
b FALSE 1 mark
c FALSE 1 mark
d TRUE 1 mark
e Outstanding track records 1 mark
f Write to college / call +603-28213633 1 mark
i. Spacious 1 mark
ii. Councelling 1 mark
To be able to gain new experience /
h To be able to expose ourselves to different cultures 1 mark
*accept any other suitable answer
To be able to make right decision /
i We will not feel regret later on 1 mark
*accept any other suitable answer

MPSM/BI PT3/SET 1/2016

General Guidelines for Marking Question (j)

1. Marked on a 5-band impression scale with marks ranging from 1 - 10.
2. Read and understand the instructions in Section D about the following:-
a. How writing is assessed and
b. What is expected of students
3. Read the response provided for relevance to task and assessment
objectives specified for the question.
4. Check whether response fulfils the criteria specified in a given band.
5. Indicate merit and demerit expressions.
6. Look for additional details which make the writing interesting.
i. Responses which are generally free from serious errors should be
placed in the upper bands.
ii. Responses with frequent minor and serious errors should be placed
in the lower bands.
7. Place a response with total or almost wholesale lifting in the lower
bands. For responses with intelligent lifting, award marks
accordingly based on the given criteria.
8. Students are allowed to use the points in the advertisement when
writing out their responses.
9. Read the response again to confirm or change bands.
10. If there is a change in the band, read the response again to check the
general criteria specified in the new band selected.
11. Award marks accordingly.

The general criteria in the bands are common to ALL tasks with specific
examples given to aid the examiners. All responses must be marked
using the criteria given in the bands. Please read the criteria carefully for
all five bands BEFORE marking.
The length of the response should not be a criteria in awarding

MPSM/BI PT3/SET 1/2016

Award marks based on the quality and relevance of the response.

MPSM/BI PT3/SET 1/2016

Band/Mark A B C D E
Criteria (9-10) (7-8) (5-6) (3-4) (1-2)
Successfully Largely Sufficiently Partially Hardly
Task fulfilment
fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled
Language Largely Sufficiently Partially Hardly
accuracy accurate accurate Accurate accurate
Well- Sufficiently
Organisation Lacking Hardly any
organised & Organised & organised
and organisation organisation
well developed with some
development and details and details
developed details
Sentence Varied and Largely
Some variety Lack variety sentence
structure effective varied
Lifting from Hardly any
A little lifting Some lifting wholesale Total lifting
text lifting
Award 0 mark when there is:

no response or response written in language other than English; or

mindless lifting of irrelevant chunks from other sources including rubric

When awarding marks, apply the 'best fit' principle. No script will fit neatly into any one of the bands. To
determine the appropriate mark, identify the band the response belongs to and refer to the criteria in the
band. Examiners should assess the script holistically and always refer to the coordinated scripts for

MPSM/BI PT3/SET 1/2016

SECTION C (20 marks)

Assessment Objectives

This part assesses the student's ability to:

read and understand a linear text.

demonstrate understanding of a poem.

respond appropriately to the comprehension task.

use language competently to convey meaning in the task.


1. Do award marks for answers with minor grammatical and spelling errors
that do not disrupt meaning.

2. Do remember to use your discretion and good judgement for correct

answers that appear different from the suggested answers especially for
questions that require a personal response.

3. Do award full marks for intelligent lifting.

MPSM/BI PT3/SET 1/2016

4. Do not award marks for over lifting that includes irrelevant sections of the

5. Do not award marks for answers where meaning is totally unintelligible.

Question 4 (15 marks)

Answer Marks
a Jaimee/ Joycelyns mum
b Jocelyn went missing/ Joceylns bike was there but she was not there.
i. Blockading street
ii. Searched the suburban neighbourhood 1
c iii. Handed out a photo of the blonde girl mark
*Accept any TWO answers
Caring/ loving/ determination/ brave 1
* Accept any other suitable answer mark

Meaning Word / phrase

i) Feeling of fear and worry frantic
ii) a town nearer to a larger city suburban
iii) moved nearer to someone approached
iv) moved slowly as you followed trailed 4
behind marks

f Joceyln
She was scared/ afraid/ happy/ relief
g *Accept any other suitable answers mark

h (Accept any suitable answers)

i (Accept any suitable answers)

Question 5 (5 marks)

Question Questions Marks


MPSM/BI PT3/SET 1/2016

(a) They lived without modern technologies 1 mark

(b) Money is the God of the younger generation. 1 mark
(c) Pollution / Destruction of forest, streams and hills. 1 mark
Answer: Grandparents era
Reason / Suggested answer: There was no pollution. 1 mark

Answer: Grandchilds era

Reason / Suggested answer: There are many interesting 1 mark
modern inventions.

(Accept any other suitable answer and reason).

Refer to the table below

Answer Marks
Answer with reason 2
Answer without reason 0
No Attempt 0

MPSM/BI PT3/SET 1/2016

SECTION D (40 marks)

Assessment Objectives

This part assesses the student's ability to:

write an article based on the given notes using correct and

appropriate language.

add more information, opinions and elaborate ideas.

write using coherent and cohesive structures to convey meaning


write an appropriate response based on a novel that they have read

(Question 7)

A. How writing is assessed

In the assessment of writing skills at the lower secondary school level, the
student is assessed on his/her ability to demonstrate the following skills in
his/her written responses:

reading skills in understanding the rubric and fulfilling the

requirements of the writing task

thinking skills to reflect depth and maturity of thinking by giving

ideas, reasons and supporting them with appropriate elaboration.

language skills in terms of using language appropriately to

provide the correct tone, form and content as required by the task.

The emphasis is on how well the response fulfils the set task and the level of
language used. Accuracy of language in terms of grammar, sentence
structures and mechanics of writing is essential for effective communication.
The examiner must be able to understand and follow the presentation of
ideas or events conveyed in the student's response. Creativity is important
but should not be the sole criterion in the assessment of writing.

MPSM/BI PT3/SET 1/2016

B. What is expected of a student

A student must at least be able to:

identify the requirements of the task.

provide the appropriate content according to the task specified.

use an appropriate format.

give evidence / reasons to support given response (novel).

use correct grammar, sentence structures and mechanics of writing.

use paragraphs to organise ideas.

elaborate and develop ideas e.g. by adding details, giving reasons

or examples to make responses more interesting.

MPSM/BI PT3/SET 1/2016

C. General instruction to examiners for marking Section D

1. Marked on a 5-band impression scale with marks ranging from 1-30

(Question 6) and 1- 10 (Question 7).

2. Read the response provided for relevance to task and assessment

objectives specified for the question.

3. Indicate merit and demerit expressions.

4. Check whether response fulfils the criteria specified in a given band.

5. Look for details which make the writing more interesting. Responses
which are generally free from serious errors should be placed in the
upper bands However, responses with frequent serious and minor
errors should be placed in the lower bands.

6. Read the response again to confirm or change bands.

7. If there is a change in band, read the response again to check the

general criteria specified in the new band selected.

8. Award marks accordingly.

MPSM/BI PT3/SET 1/2016

MPSM/BI PT3/SET 1/2016

Marking Criteria For Question 6

25 - 30 19 - 24 13 - 18 7 - 12 1-6
Task is Task is Task is
Task is largely Task is hardly

successfully sufficiently partially

fulfilled. fulfilled.
fulfilled. fulfilled. fulfilled.
Ideas are Ideas are Ideas are
well- developed sufficiently
Ideas are
developed and developed Ideas are not
and well- organised with some developed
organised with main organisation and not
and lack
with ideas and and organised.
supporting supporting supporting
details. details. details.
Language is Language is
Language is Language is sufficiently partially
accurate with largely accurate. accurate. Language is
few first draft accurate with Errors are Errors are inaccurate.
slips. minor errors mostly mostly
SWEs. MWEs..
Sentence Sentence
Sentence Sentence
structures are structures Sentence
structures are structures are
varied and lack variety structures are
mostly sufficiently
used and are distorted
varied. varied.
effectively. repetitive.
Vocabulary Vocabulary
Vocabulary used is wide used is Vocabulary
Vocabulary is
used is wide enough and sufficient but used is
and precise. mostly lacks limited.
precise. precision.
Interest is Interest is Interest is Interest is Interest is
aroused and largely sufficiently partially hardly
sustained. aroused. aroused. aroused. aroused.

Award0 mark when there is:

no response or response written in language other than English; or mindless lifting of irrelevant chunks
form other sources including rubric

When awarding marks, apply the 'best fit principle. No script will fit neatly into any one of the bands. To
determine the appropriate mark, identify the band the response belongs to and refer to the criteria in the
band. Examiners should assess the script holistically and always refer to the coordinated scripts for

The length of the response should not be a criteria in awarding marks. Award marks based on the quality
and relevance of the response.

MPSM/BI PT3/SET 1/2016

MPSM/BI PT3/SET 1/2016

Examiners are recommended to use the symbols given to ensure consistency
in marking and for ease of moderation

Merit- used to indicate

MERIT apt vocabulary, good

expression and structure
where it occurs

____________ Gross errors

Minor errors



L Lifting


R Repetition

MPSM/BI PT3/SET 1/2016

- Inverse word order
**Can also/also can
Marking Criteria For Question 7
9 - 10 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2
Task is Task is Task is
Task is largely Task is hardly

successfully sufficiently partially

fulfilled. fulfilled.
fulfilled. fulfilled. fulfilled.
Ideas are Ideas are
Ideas are Ideas are
well- sufficiently
developed partially
developed developed
and developed
and well- but lack
organised. and lack Hardly any
organised. organisation.
Largely organisation. ideas.
Well and
supported Minimal
supported Supported
with evidence evidence
with evidence with evidence
from the text. from the text
from the text. from the text.
Language is Language is
Language is Language is sufficiently partially
accurate with largely accurate. accurate. Language is
few first draft accurate with Errors are Errors are inaccurate.
slips. minor errors mostly mostly
SWEs. MWEs..
Sentence Sentence
Sentence Sentence
structures are structures Sentence
structures are structures are
varied and lack variety structures are
mostly sufficiently
used and are distorted
varied. varied.
effectively. repetitive.
Vocabulary Vocabulary
Vocabulary used is wide used is Vocabulary
Vocabulary is
used is wide enough and sufficient but used is
and precise. mostly lacks limited.
precise. precision.
Interest is Interest is Interest is Interest is Interest is
aroused and largely sufficiently partially hardly
sustained. aroused. aroused. aroused. aroused.

Award0 mark when there is:

No response or response written in language other than English; or mindless lifting of irrelevant chunks
form other sources including rubric

MPSM/BI PT3/SET 1/2016

When awarding marks, apply the 'best fit principle. No script will fit neatly into any one of the bands. To
determine the appropriate mark, identify the band the response belongs to and refer to the criteria in the
band. Examiners should assess the script holistically and always refer to the coordinated scripts for

The length of the response should not be a criteria in awarding marks. Award marks based on the quality
and relevance of the response.


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