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Notes for Acts of Teaching: Chapter 13

Problem Solving Skills of Effective Teachers 2. Know your goals

3. Know your work environment
What is a problem? 4. Plan
*problem is goal-response interference. 5. Learn how to set priorities and how to say no.
*need designates something that is an absolute 6. Know your support system
necessity to you. 7. Concentrate
*want designates something that would be nice to 8. Act, Do not procrastinate
have but is not essential to your well-being.
Preventing and Resolving Classroom Problems
Sources of Problems
-main source of problems are our pursuit of primary Preventing Classroom
biological needs and the secondary learned needs. - Prevention is better that cure
- A problem exist when we want to achieve a goal - use your innate and acquired skills and abilities
and cannot.
Resolving Classroom Problems
What Kinds of Classroom-Related Problems Do
The Problem Solving Approach (PSA)
Teachers Face?
*Stage 1: Problem Identification and Ownership
1. State the problem
- is defined as the teachers need to establish and
2. Identify the goal
maintain good relationship with others in the
3. Identify the problem owner
*Stage 2: Value Clarification:
- This includes everyone, students, faculty, staff and
4. Value the Goal
*Stage 3: Analysis of the problem situation.
5. Identify the obstacles preventing you from
- is the teacher need to have students behave well or
accomplishing your goal.
6. Project Strategies for removing, overcoming, or
*Five principle for Control
circumventing the obstacles.
- Pursue only classroom goals that are truly
7. For each of the potential solutions, list possible
important and attainable.
negative side effects or consequences.
- Analyze the factors that may be affecting the
*Stage 4: Rating the potential solutions
problem situation.
8. Rate each proposed solution to arrive at the best
- Use positive techniques for managing behavior.
one or ones.
- Use punishment sparingly and appropriately.
*Stage 5: Implementing and evaluating the best
- Teach students to manage their own behaviour.
Parent Relationship and Home Conditions
9. Decide how you would implement the best
- Teachers are also aware that the conditions in
students names impact school success.
10. Decide the extent to which the solution has
- Home conditions may be beyond the control of
brought you closer to your goal, thus reducing or
eliminating your problem.
Student Success
- is defined as the teachers need to help learners
Developing a Problem-Solving Attitude
achieve both academically and socially.
- be positive.
- do not blame others
- Lack of time represents a serious problems for
- accept the problem and respond.
- focus on the present and the future not on the past.
- Sometimes they bring it home.
* Suggestions how to use time Some Final Thoughts
1. Know yourself

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