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Locating of promising stratigraphic traps of

pinch-out type in Iraqnew sense

Article in Arabian Journal of Geosciences May 2011

DOI: 10.1007/s12517-011-0430-4


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Ali M. Al-Rahim
Baghdad University College of Science


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Locating of promising stratigraphic traps of
pinch-out type in Iraqnew sense

Ali M.Al-Rahim

Arabian Journal of Geosciences

ISSN 1866-7511
Volume 6
Number 5

Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:1381-1393

DOI 10.1007/s12517-011-0430-4

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Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:13811393
DOI 10.1007/s12517-011-0430-4


Locating of promising stratigraphic traps of pinch-out type

in Iraqnew sense
Ali M. Al-Rahim

Received: 22 June 2011 / Accepted: 27 September 2011 / Published online: 15 October 2011
# Saudi Society for Geosciences 2011

Abstract Stratigraphic traps of pinch-out type may perform finding stratigraphic traps (Hammer and Anzoleaga 1975).
prolific petroleum locations in Iraq. Reconnaissance of their The term pinch-out is used to describe and classify one of
expected locations, depth, and geometry was the main task the many types of stratigraphic and unconformity traps
of the paper. New suggested and developed method is (Halbouty 1972; Emery and Myers 1996). These types of
proposed to determine the sequence of sedimentary cycles of traps are not usually discovered using the standard
the stratigraphic trap. The methods of gradient and absolute exploration strategies designed for structural traps (Whaley
second horizontal gradient gives remarkable criteria to 2007). Stratigraphic traps, if associated with a major
distinguish the location of pinch-out structure even more structure, they often occur in an unexpected place such as
reliable from that the analytical signal. Mathematical concept in a down-flank position (Whaley 2007).
of the used method is presented in details and tested using a The total dependence on only one geophysical method to
new designed programmed Excel Separate Sheet. A new define positions, geometry, and depth of these types of
concept for constrain modeling is used to determine the exact stratigraphic traps is inadvisable. The judicious uses of
geometry of the pinch-out structure. Many suggested profiles gravity gradient method as a rapid, economic, and
across the Mesopotamian flank and inside the Mesopotamia complementary reconnaissance approach could greatly help
are taken as expected locations for the stratigraphic traps. in guiding seismic confirmation or after seismic work to
The method could determine also the sequence locations of confirm the interpretation. It is recommended as an
the sedimentary cycles for the pinch-out structure. The effective step forward in exploring for stratigraphic traps
reconnaissance results of this study may guide the seismic of pinch-out type. These are the recommendations of
exploration and confirm their interpretations and give new Hammer and Anzoleaga (1975). They were the first to
sense for interpreting the gravity data. apply the concept of gravity gradient to define the pinch-
out properties. Since that time, very little papers on the
Keywords Stratigraphic trap . Differential operator . subject of the use of gravity gradients to determine
Gradient and absolute second horizontal gradient . stratigraphic traps are published.
Constrain modeling . Pinch-out stratigraphic trap in The nature of the gravity problem is illustrated in Fig. 1.
MesopotamiaIraq It is apparent from the diagram that the pinch-out is well-
defined by the horizontal (GX) and vertical (GZ) gradient
profiles. The definition is less evident on the gravity curve.
Introduction In fact, it is difficult to distinguish the gravity anomaly of
the pinch-out from that of a vertical fault.
One of the important, and also one of the most difficult, The pinch-out edge of a stratigraphic trap is sharply
exploration problems confronting the petroleum industry is expressed in the various gravity gradients (horizontal, vertical,
differential curvature) across it. The gradient anomaly
A. M. Al-Rahim (*) depends upon the dip angle, depth of the pinch-out, and the
College of SciencesDepartment of Geology,
existence of density contrast (Hammer and Anzoleaga 1975).
University of Baghdad,
Baghdad, Iraq A pinch-out zone might produce a recognizable gravity
e-mail: anomaly as a result of the density contrast between the
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1382 Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:13811393

Theoretical background

The gradients of the gravity field for a pinch-out structure

(shown in Figs. 1 and 2) (Heiland 1940 after (Hammer and
Anzoleaga 1975)) are:

(a) Horizontal gradient (HG):

1 dg r2
HG GX  2sin2 aln sin 2a b 1  b 2
G s dx r1

(b) Vertical gradient (VG):

1 dg r2
VG GZ  sin 2a ln  2sin2 a b 1  b 2
Fig. 1 Gravity and gradient anomalies on a stratigraphic pinch-out. G s dz r1
GX and GZ are the horizontal and vertical gradients of gravity,
respectively. The ordinates are in dimensionless units. The depth to Where G is the gravitational constant. is the
the top of the pinch-out section Z is the unit of distance (Hammer and density contrast in the pinch-out section.
Anzoleaga 1975)
r12 X1  X 2 Z 2

porous sandstone and the adjacent beds or between the r22 X2  X 2 Z T 2

water-saturated and oil-saturated parts of the sandstone 1 X1  X
b1 p=2 tan
section (Nettleton 1972). The density contrast (0.10.3 g/ Z
cm3) between porous reservoir rocks, saturated with 1 X2  X
hydrocarbon fluids at the top and water at the bottom b2 p=2 tan
under reservoir conditions, is sufficient to account for the
relative gravity anomalies associated with some hydrocar- These equations, like all gravity gradient equations, are
bon fields (McCulloh 1980). The gravity anomalies caused conveniently non-dimensional.
by density deficiency related to hydrocarbon reservoirs can The horizontal gradient profile gives a better expres-
be detected by means of gravity data processing (Aghajani sion of the up-dip edge of pinch-out from that the
et al. 2010). vertical gradient. This fact had been proven by Hammer
The method described by Hammer and Anzoleaga and Anzoleaga (1975). For this reason, the analysis will
(1975) was applied for a profile; the aim and contribution be limited to the horizontal gradient method and its
of the current paper is to apply enhanced method for the absolute second derivative. The point defined of the
profile and extend it to a map (the gravity field of Iraq) with steepest slope of the horizontal gradient profiles is nearly
enhanced technique using differential operator (Gradient coincident with the edge of the pinch-out (x= 0). In
and absolute Laplacian) and constrained modeling to addition, the point of steepest slope is not shifted
reconnaissance the exact locations, geometries, and depths appreciably by the stratigraphic dip angle . The position
of the expected stratigraphic traps of pinch-out type along and magnitude of the maximum slope is also nearly
the Mesopotamian flank of the territories of Iraq. The works independent of the horizontal extension L of the dip slope
use the concepts of linear filter convolution which are used as illustrated in Fig. 3. Consequently, the location of the
widely in image and signal processing and new ideas for pinch-out, irrespective of its geometry, is well-defined by
the use of second derivative vertex maxima to constrain the the point of maximum slope on the horizontal gradient
modeling aspect. profile (Hammer and Anzoleaga 1975).

Fig. 2 Diagram for stratigraphic

pinch-out theory (Hammer and
Anzoleaga 1975)
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Figure 4a could explain such treatment for a modeled

vertical contact body and Fig. 4b for a modeled pinch-out
structure. The pinch-out edge of a stratigraphic trap is
sharply expressed in the ASHG (ASD for the anomalies
field). Figure 4c, d show an extended model to cover more
than one sequence of sedimentary cycle for a stratigraphic
trap of pinch-out shape. The maxima of ASHG are
coinciding directly with the edge of the multi-sequence of
pinch-out structure. This gives a possibility to constrain the
modeling along these maximum vertexes. The thickness (T)
and dip angle () of each sequence in the pinch-out
structure are highly affected the amplitude of their
Tens of iteration on this Excel spreadsheet by change
T and of the pinch-out structure and all gave excellent
Fig. 3 Horizontal gradient of gravity profiles across pinch-out with
different slope lengths L. The factors 1/S and D for estimating depth to results to distinguish the start and end of pinch-out
the pinch-out are indicated (Hammer and Anzoleaga 1975) structure for more than 1 cycle of theoretical stratigraphic
trap sequences from the ASHG graph. The results are
Present treatment even more reliable than analytical signal method which
controls the potential method interpretation for more than
To define the exact location for this steepest slope on the 40 years.
horizontal gradient profile, it is possible to calculate an
absolute second horizontal gradient (ASHG) for the original
GX=HG values. The second absolute gradient (ASHG) is Depth estimation
equal exactly to the absolute second derivative (ASD) of
the original gravity field for the pinch-out structure. Depth estimation given by Hammer and Anzoleaga (1975)
Normally, the zero or minimum point for the line of the of the pinch-out may be calculated from the horizontal
second derivative determines the boundary of the causative gradient profile in two ways:
body of vertical contact type which is coinciding directly (1) from the maximum slope S.
on the maxima of the horizontal gradient profile. This is the (2) from the half-width D, (see Fig. 3).
base for all depth estimation method in potential method for
gravity and magnetic data (Roest et al. 1992; Debeglia and An approximated value for estimating the depth to the
Corpel 1997; Beiki 2010). As the boundary contact of the pinch-out is given as:
causative source body change from vertical angle, the Z D=2 and Z 2:8=S
maxima of the second derivative coincide with the corners
of the causative body whatever the angle is. This is a very Of the two formulas, the second is the more reliable
important characteristic for the second derivative, while the because it is less sensitive to the geometry of the pinch-out.
horizontal gradient gives a steepest slope at that location. These values are adopted for L/Z between 5 and 10. More
explanation to find L and value could be founded in
Hammer and Anzoleaga (1975). For that, constrain model-
Algorithm implementation and theoretical examples ing applied to determine the depth and geometry of the
pinch-out structure and for all L/Z ratios.
To emphasize the present treatment, the equations of GX
and GZ have been programmed using a Microsoft Excel
Spreadsheet (reader can request this Excel sheet directly Concepts to constrain modeling
from the writer of this paper upon request), then the ASHD
derived from GX and analytical signal (AS) derived from Actually, each vertex in the ASHG profile could be
GX and GZ using the following equation (Nabighian 1972; used to constrain the modeling procedure to follow the
Butler 1995; Mousavi 2009): causative body geometry. That is because in all
q mathematical formula used in modeling programs, the
theories include conversion of the volume integralR of
the causative body to a summation of lines integral for
and the results shown Fig. 4. the lines that bounds the boundary of the body to make the
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1384 Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:13811393

Fig. 4 The modeled structures and its horizontal gradient (HG1D =GX sharply expressed in the absolute second horizontal gradient
in Fig. 1 blue), vertical gradient (GZ green), analytical signal (AS (ASHG1D). c Pinch-out structure2 cycles of stratigraphic sequence,
violet), and absolute second horizontal gradient (2nd red) (ASHG1D) and d Pinch-out structure3 cycles of stratigraphic sequence. It is
which is equal to the absolute second derivative (ASD1D) of the very hard to recognize the sequence of the pinch-out structure from
anomalies field. a Vertical contact structure; the zero contour line of the gradients fields only and even from the analytical signal, while the
the second derivative determines the boundary of the causative body maxima of (ASHG1D) coincide with the vertexes of pinch-out
of vertical contact type which is coinciding directly on the maxima of structure. The thickness (T) and dip angle () of each sequence in
the horizontal gradient profile. b Pinch-out structure1 cycle of the pinch-out structure are highly affected the amplitude of their
stratigraphic sequence. The pinch-out edge of a stratigraphic trap is characteristics

numerical computation procedure easier and simplified; could be followed in modeling the causative body later
this is for 3D modeling. While, for 2D modeling, the on in this paper.
conversion include converting surface integral to a lines
integral that make the boundary of the causative bodies
(Talwani and Ewing 1960; Gtze and Lahmeyer 1988; Extended the treatment to a map
Bijendra and Guptasarma 2001; Pignatellia et al. 2011).
This concept is a part of Green theorem to facilitate the The same treatment could be applied to a map using firstly
computation of the gravity effect of the causative bodies the horizontal gradient in the directions x and y of the map
(Dobrin and Savit 1988). then doing the same procedure to the horizontal gradient
Each line has two vertexes, and these vertexes sign map with absolute the result values to extract the location
their signature on the second derivative profile as a and surface extent of the flank area (pinch-out surface
maxima or minima. Using the ASHG, these vertexes extent) or taking the absolute second derivative to the main
will coincide directly with the maxima. These vertexes gravity field.
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Mathematical concepts: Absolute Horizontal Gradient The gradient operator with the following formula is used
(AHG=GX|) and its Absolute Second Horizontal Gradient to eliminate the sign effects of the HG2D(x, y) values due to
(ASHG) which is equal to the Absolute Second Derivative the direction of calculating the horizontal gradient in two
(ASD) of the causative field: directions:
For a profile (1-D): if g(x) is the gravity field in the x s
direction then its absolute horizontal gradient is: @g 2 @g
jHG2Dx; yj
AHG1D GXj j@g=@xj: @x @y

The Absolute Second Horizontal Gradient (ASHG1D) to The gradient operator generates a grid of steepest slopes
(AHG1D) is: (i.e., the magnitude of the gradient) at any point on the
surface (Talwani and Ewing 1960; Butler 1995; Pitas 2000;
ASHG1D j@AHG1D =@xj Mousavi 2009). The gradient operator is zero for a
The latter (ASHG1D) is equal to the value of absolute horizontal surface, and approaches infinity as the slope
second derivative (ASD1D) for the gravity field: approaches vertical.
Applying horizontal gradient again to the last data
ASD1D @ 2 g=@x2  ASHG1D |HG2D(x,y)| and take its absolute will produce the absolute
second horizontal gradient (ASHG2D) which is given by:
Figure 4a shows an explanation of these concepts.
For a map (2D): If g(x, y) is the gravity field and the ASHG2D j@ jHG2Dx; yj=@x @ jHG2Dx; yj=@yj
horizontal derivatives of the field are @g=@x in x
direction and @g=@y in y direction, then the horizontal Again, using absolute is to eliminate the sign effects of
gradient (HG 2D ) in (x, y) direction is given by: the values due to the direction of calculating the horizontal
HG2Dx; y @g=@x @g=@y: gradient.

Fig. 5 Bouguer gravity map of

Iraq (Al-Kadhimi et al. 1984)
with location of the suggested
stratigraphic trap (Abbas 2010).
The Mesopotamian Western
flank is located between 30 and
40 mGal gravity contour lines
and extended along the eastern
part of Iraq (AL-Sayyab and
Valek 1968; Jassim and Goff

Location of (25) study area. Suggested stratigraphic trap location.

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The ASHG2D is equal to the absolute second derivative present in the observed data for enhancing the signal-to-
(ASD2D) of the original data and absolute Laplacian noise ratio.
operator r2 gwith the following formula can apply and The smoothing approach utilized in this study use the
explain this concept: concept of linear convolution filter in image processing
  as a low-pass moving average filter with kernel
 2  @2g @2g  dimension 55 with the following parameter (Pitas
r g   
 @x2 @y2  ASHG2D ASD2D

2000; Surfer Program Version 9.0 2009; Wiggin 2001;
Phillips 1997, 2007).
The Gradient and Laplacian operators are both easy
to use in SURFER POGRAM (Surfer Program Version
9.0 2009). The user needs only to convert the Laplacian 1 1 1 1 1
output to its absolute value using math order and (fabs) 1 1 1 1 1
function which is built-in function Surfer program.
As state earlier, the Gradient and Laplacian operators
1 1 1 1 1
requires computation of absolute horizontal derivatives of 1 1 1 1 1
the first and second orders. It is well-known fact that the 1 1 1 1 1
filter characteristics of these derivatives are essentially
high-frequency enhancement filters. Due to this character-
istic, any high-frequency noise present in the data and any Modeling-quantitative interpretation
white noise in the map due to digitization error get
substantially enhanced, masking the response from the The quantitative interpretation of a potential field data
target. For that smoothing, the gravity map before process- involves estimation of the depth, location, contrast in the
ing the Gradient and Laplacian operators is mandatory to physical property, and the source geometry. Such an
get reasonable results and to suppress high frequencies interpretation suffers from an inherent ambiguity due to a

Fig. 6 Smoothed Bouguer

gravity map of Iraq with a
low-pass moving average filter
to reject all noises which may
amplify during the process for
Gradient and Laplacian Operator

Suggested stratigraphic trap location. (Abbas, 2010)

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Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:13811393 1387

lesser number of known quantities than the number of Applied the new treatment
unknown parameters describing the geological model. It is
impossible to obtain all the information simultaneously During the first symposium for petroleum and geology of
without a prior assumption. Iraq, a paper submitted by Abbas (2010) aimed to bring
Constrain the body parameter in modeling greatly help attention on the existence of stratigraphic trap along the
in the final result of the modeling. Mesopotamian Western flankIraq, where the Mesopota-
The program used in modeling is GeoModel 2.01 mian foredeep was influenced by many cycles of Retro-
(Cooper 2004). The constrain parameters used in modeling gradditional and prograditional phases resulting from sea
include: level changes and these could create various stratigraphic
features along this flank.
1. Use density contrast =0.1 g/cc. This is accepted For that the new treatment are applied to the Bouguer
contrast given by McCulloh (1980) for stratigraphic gravity field of Iraq (compiled by Al-Kadhimi et al.
trap. (1984) into 1:1,000,000 map) to examine the location
2. Use the vertexes of the absolute second horizontal presented by Abbas (2010). The aim is to reconnaissance
derivative (ASHD2D) to follow the horizontal locations the rest part of the Mesopotamia flank and inside the
for the geometry of the lower part of the causative Mesopotamia area searching for nearly the same gravity
body. The modeling in such way will need only to habitat form.
determine the vertical location of each line segment of The Bouguer gravity field of Iraq has been digitized with
the causative body and thus constrain their modeling. gird interval 2.5 km (Fig. 5). The gravity map shows two
3. As we get the same shape for the gravity field of the major gravity lows separated by a major central gravity
modeled body with the actual gravity field, a constant high. Detail descriptions and qualitative interpretations for
value used to raise or reduce the modeled field to meet this map have been presented by Jassim and Goff (2006).
exactly with the actual one. This constant value act as a The study of tectonic framework of Iraq completely depend
regional field removed from the original gravity. on the interpretation of gravity, magnetic, seismic data, and

Fig. 7 Gradient operator

applied to the smoothed
Bouguer gravity map (Fig. 6)

Suggested stratigraphic trap location. (Abbas, 2010)

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1388 Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:13811393

satellite images which have been integrated with well and The process is started with smoothing the Bouguer gravity
outcrop data to construct a series of isopach and structural map of Iraq (Fig. 6) with a low-pass moving average filter
maps covering the whole parts of Iraq, and a depth of with kernel dimension 55 to reject all noises that may
basement map (Jassim and Goff 2006). The Mesopotamian amplify during the process for Gradient and Laplacian
Western flank is located between 30 and 40 mGal gravity operators. Then, gradient operator applied to the smoothed
contour lines and extended along the eastern and south- Bouguer gravity map Fig. 7 and Laplacian operator applied to
eastern part of Iraq (AL-Sayyab and Valek 1968; Jassim the smoothed Bouguer gravity map and presented as absolute
and Goff 2006) Fig. 5. value in Fig. 8 to delineate the agreeable and conformable
The interpretation results (presented by Abbas 2010) of locations of stratigraphic traps of pinch-out type.
the three 2D regional seismic sections covering almost the
central part of the Mesopotamia; indicate the presence of
many stratigraphic aspects. These regional lines cover an Results
area of about 120 km long and 5 km wide. The stratigraphic
anomalies located within Lower Cretaceous Mauddud Many slice profiles taken across maps (Figs. 6, 7, and 8)
formation and Upper Jurassic Gotnia formation. This and shown in Fig. 8 searching for areas of high gravity
interval as drilling revealed in the central Iraq is highly gradient and ASHG maxima along the Mesopotamia flank
promising from the hydrocarbon point of view. The and inside the Mesopotamia and using any available data
locations of these regional lines are shown in Fig. 5 and from previous studies along the territories of Iraq. These
superimposed on the Bouguer gravity map of Iraq to profiles form the data used in the second step, that is the
analyze their gravity habitat. The aim is to reconnaissance constrain modeling to define the geometry and depth of the
the rest part of the Mesopotamia using the Bouguer gravity pinch-out structures.
map of Iraq and searching for nearly the same gravity A slice profile AA taken across the middle part of Iraq
habitat form. and compared with section presented by Jassim and Goff

Fig. 8 Laplacian operator

applied to the smoothed
Bouguer gravity map (Fig. 6)
and presented as absolute
values. Profile A-A taken across
the middle part of Iraq to
compare the results with
schematic section for the same
area. Profile B-B across the
stratigraphic trap suggested by
Jassim and Goff (2006). Profiles
P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, and P6 are
taken on different location along
the Mesopotamia Western flank.
Profiles P7 and P8 are taken
along the Mesopotamia between
Euphrates and Tigris rivers.
Locations of these profiles
follow the maxima of the ASHG
in eastwest direction where the
basement going more deep in
this direction. The interpretation
results for these profiles shown
in Fig. 11

Suggested stratigraphic trap location. (Abbas, 2010)

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Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:13811393 1389

(2006; page 59) Fig. 9. Following the maxima of the ASHG has been determined from the ASHD profile (see the dash
profile, it is possible to partition the profile to zones of line on the red profile and its connection to body line
pinch-out habitat structures (thinning upward formation vertexes). Some difficulties are faced during modeling the
cycles). These zones named from A to J and play important first part of the pinch-out structure due to expected rising
locations for pinch-out structures or stratigraphic traps (if in the basement relief in this part (Jassim and Goff 2006
the three necessary conditions for petroleum accumulation Figs. 4, 5, and 6 page no. 48). The depth to the top of the
available, they are mature source rockpermeable reser- structure is nearly 2.8 km and the bottom reaches 5.6 km;
voir rocktrap composed of structural cap rock). this result coincides with the suggested formations depth
Another profile B-B (Fig. 8) across the stratigraphic suggested by Abbas (2010). New suggested sequence of
trap presented by Abbas (2010) has been constrain sedimentary cycle with more depth is shown in the same
modeled and the result shown in Fig. 10. A constrain figure.
modeling used to distinguish the geometry of the pinch- Profiles from P1 to P8 (Fig. 8) taken across Mesopota-
out structures. Each line vertexes of the body geometry mia flank and inside the Mesopotamia and treated using the

Fig. 9 A slice profile A-A taken across the middle part of Iraq and locations for pinch-out structures or stratigraphic traps (if the three
compared with section presented by Jassim and Goff (2006), page 59. necessary condition for petroleum accumulation available, which are
Following the maxima of the ASHG profile, it is possible to partition mature source rock-permeable reservoir rock-trap composed of
the profile to zones of pinch-out habitat structures (thinning upward structural cap rock)
formation cycles). These zones named from A to J and play important
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Fig. 10 Profile B-B (Fig. 8)

across the stratigraphic trap
presented by Abbas (2010) has
been constrain-modeled and the
result is shown in Fig. 10. A
constrain modeling used to
distinguish the geometry of the
pinch-out structures. Each line
vertexes of the body geometry
have been determined from the
ASHD profile (see the dash line
on the red profile and its
connection to lower body line
vertexes). Some difficulties are
faced during modeling the first
part of the pinch-out structure
due to expected rising in the
basement relief in this part
(Jassim and Goff 2006; Figs. 4,
5, and 6; page no. 48). The
depth to the top of the structure
is nearly 2.8 km and the bottom
reaches 5.6 km; this result
coincides with the suggested
formations depth suggested by
Abbas (2010). New suggested
sequence of sedimentary cycle
with more depth is shown in the
same figure

same procedure of constrain modeling. Locations of these Conclusion

profiles follow the maxima of the ASHG in eastwest direction
where the basement going more deep in this direction (Buday Stratigraphic traps of pinch-out type are prolific petroleum
and Jassim 1987; Jassim and Goff 2006). The results are locations in Iraq. Reconnaissance of the expected locations,
shown in Fig. 11ah. For profile P4 and P5 (Fig. 11 e, f) their depth, and geometry are the tasks of this paper. The new
the density contrast used is 0.15 due to reaching the suggested and developed method could also determine the
influence of saliferous Hormuz Salt deposition (AL- sequence of sedimentary cycles of the stratigraphic trap. The
Sayyab and Valek 1968; Buday and Jassim 1987; Beydon gradient and absolute second horizontal gradient ASHG give
1991; Al-Rahim 1997; Jassim and Goff 2006). Also, each remarkable criteria to distinguish the location of pinch-out
model can observe the sequence of sedimentary cycles for structure even more reliable than analytical signal.
each stratigraphic trap. Determination of such properties The future exploration for stratigraphic traps should be
from gravity data is not easy task at all. Any further focus on synclinal areas. In such settings, trapping mecha-
information from drilled well for density contrast and nisms like lateral depositional pinch-out, lateral facies change,
formation depth may integrate the constrain modeling. clastic macroform, and channel fill offer promising future
All these profiles locations determine an expected exploration opportunities, particularly for deeper water facies,
location for stratigraphic trap of pinch-out type. Some of such as those associated with submarine fan and slope
these profiles describe the whole sequence of the sedimen- environments. An overview of the overall exploration
tary cycles due to basement thinning out toward to the potential for the Iraqi territories can be used as an analogue
western flank of the Mesopotamia. to infer which geological setting are likely to provide
Many other locations in Iraq have the same habitat (see significant opportunities for stratigraphic trap in Iraq.
Fig. 8), but the efforts in this paper are concentrated on the The reconnaissance results of this study may guide the
Mesopotamian region only. seismic exploration to confirm their interpretations.
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Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:13811393 1391

a Profile P1 b Profile P2

c Profile P3 d Profile P4

Fig. 11 ah describes the suggested stratigraphic trap. Profile model can observe the sequence of sedimentary cycles for each
locations are shown in Fig. 8. The proposed constrain modeling used stratigraphic trap. Determination of such properties from gravity data
to distinguish the geometry of the pinch-out structures. Also, each is not easy task at all
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e Profile P5 f Profile P6

g Profile P7 h Profile P8

Fig. 11 (continued)
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Arab J Geosci (2013) 6:13811393 1393

Acknowledgments The author would like to thank the anonymous Halbouty MT (1972) Rational for deliberate pursuit of stratigraphic
reviewer of this paper for their excellent suggestions and reviewing unconformity, and paleomagnetic traps, in stratigraphic oil and
the manuscript of it. gas field, classification, exploration methods and case histories.
AAPG-SEG, Tulsa, pp 37
Hammer S, Anzoleaga R (1975) Exploring for stratigraphic traps with
References gravity gradients. Geophysics 40(2):256268
Jassim AZ, Goff JC (2006) Geology of Iraq.: Published by Dolin,
Prague and Moravian Museum, Brno, p 352
Abbas AF (2010) Observed giant stratigraphic features within western McCulloh TH (1980) Mass properties of sedimentary rocks and
MesopotamiaIraq: 1st Petroleum Geology of Iraq Symposium, gravimetric effects of petroleum and natural-gas reservoirs:
Geo 2010. 2122 April, University of Baghdad College of gravity magnetic exploration applications: society exploration of
Science - Baghdad-Iraq geophysics (edu. Guion, D, and Prieto, C), 1980
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