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How do I upload my documents?

Rod Vizcarra - October 06, 2016 12:11

Uploading Documents

System requirements

-Windows NT and above, or

-OS 8.6 and above

Supported Browsers
-Firefox 2.0 and above
-Chrome 20 and above

-Internet Explorer 7.0 and above

(Chrome and Firefox are recommended)

Other requirements
-Adobe Reader 8.0 and above
Download here.

How to Upload a Document

NOTE: Not all online recommendation forms will allow users to upload additional
documents. If you do not see the upload interface on the online forms, then you are not
allowed to upload additional files to your form.

To upload your essay or document, please follow the steps below:

Click on the Browse button (the button may also read as "Choose File" depending on
the specific recommendation), select the file you are uploading, and click on Open.
The file name should appear in the textbox to the left of the Browse button.

Click on the red Upload button to start the upload process

Your document or essay will be sent to our document processing servers. A screen
with the message, ""We are currently processing your document. Thank you for your
patience."" will appear.

To view your uploaded document, click on the Preview button

Please make sure that your file name does not contain any special characters: accents, tildes,
symbols, etc. (e.g., , , , &, *, #). Additionally, please refrain from using non-English
characters or digital signatures in the body of your essay as this may cause conversion errors.
Please limit your files to a maximum of 2MB (2048 KB) in size.

Uploading Documents with Special

Characters or Formatting
To upload documents that contain special characters or formatting, you must upload the
document in a PDF format. Uploading Word documents that contains text with special
characters may be changed and distorted in the process. It is suggested that users convert
word documents into a PDF format 7 or lower to upload these documents properly.

Valid File Formats

You can upload your essay in any of the
following file formats:
PDF (accepts created PDF's in Acrobat 7 and earlier)

Doc and Docx (Microsoft Word Format)

Generic ASCII Text

Generic RTF

JPEG (.jpeg or .jpg)

GIF (.gif)

TIFF (.tiff or .tif)

Bitmap (.bmp)

Note: It is highly suggested that PDF's (created in Acrobat 7 and earlier) are uploaded,
preventing any compatibility issues.

Mac Word Processor Formats

Text files created on Macintosh software such as AppleWorks and Pages should be saved as
an Acrobat 7 PDF version or lower. Check the documentation on your software for specific
instructions on how to save files under different formats.
Converting Paper Documents Into
Electronic Files
If you need to convert a paper document into an electronic file you will need a scanner.
When you scan your image we suggest saving the document in one of the accepted image
formats listed above. As stated above the file size CANNOT exceed 2MB (2048 KB). Once
you have scanned your image you can then attach it to your application using the
Essay/Document Upload feature.

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