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AG/RES. 2888 KLV-0/36) AMERICAN DECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES (Adopted atthe third plenary session, held on une 15, 2036), "THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, RECALLING the contents of resoliton AG/RES. 2867 (KLIV-0/38), “Draft American Declaration on the Rights of ncigenous Peoples,” 2s weal the previous resolutions on tis se; RECALLING eso the “Declaration onthe Right ofthe Indigenous Peoples inthe “Americas, document AG/DEC. 79 (KUV-O/14), which ears that progress ia promoting and electively protecting the rights of the indigenous peopls ofthe Americas sa priory forthe ‘ranization of American States, RECOGNIZING the valuable support provided by the member states observer states, the ‘rans agencies, and entes ofthe Organization of American States forthe process within the Working Goup to Prepare the Daft American Declaration onthe Rights of ndigenous Peoples [RECOGNIZING os well the important partipaton of indigenous peoples ofthe American ‘the process of preparing this Dearaton; and TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the sgnfcant contribution thatthe indigenous peoples of the Amerleashave made to humanity, resolves ‘To.adopt the following Draft American Declaration onthe Right ef Indigenous Peoples 2/ 1. The United State resins committed to addressing the urgent issues of concern to indigenous peoples ‘seross the Americas, including combating societal dzrimination against indigenous peoples and 2. Canada reiterates its commitment toa renewed relationship with ts Indigenous peoples, based on ‘recognition of rights, respect, cooperation and partnership Canada is nw fully engege,

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