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Social Story Analysis Sample #2

Criteria Met/Did Not Meet Criteria Evidence

1. Is there an The criteria were satisfied The evidence that proves that,
introduction, body because there was a clear is at the beginning of the
and conclusion? introduction, body and story the author wrote, My
conclusion. name is Masha. In my
classroom, we have many
rules to follow. We know the
story has a body because it is
several sentences long and it
covers the whole process of
what the student is learning.
We know the story has a
conclusion because the author
wrote, Using the washroom
pass shows the teacher that I
am responsible, and it helps
to keep order in the class,
which ties in with the
introduction where it said,
the rules help keep our class
in order.

2. Does the story answer The criteria were satisfied The author, Carol Gray
the relevant wh because the story answered writes, a Social Story
questions? all the wh questions. answers wh questions,
including who is involved,
where and when a situation
occurs, what is happening,
how it happens, and why.
(Gray, C., 2000).
Who Marsha / classroom
teacher / other students
Where Classroom / Outside
of classroom / washroom
When During class
What Using the washroom
How When going to the
washroom Masha needs to
use the washroom pass
Why So that the teacher
knows where she is and to
keep order in the class
The information was gathered
on the topic, this includes
where and when the situation
occurs, who is involved, how
events are sequenced, what
occurs and why, (Gray, C.,
2000). and was used in the
story to help Masha.
3. If the story is written The criteria were satisfied This is evident because the
for a young student, is because the student is whole story was written as if
it written from a first relatively young (grade 4) Masha was describing the
person perspective, as and the story is written from a event. Ex. My name is
though the student is first person perspective. Masha., When I need to
describing the event? leave the class to use the
Or, if the story is for washroom, I can get the
an older student or washroom pass. And Using
adult is it written from the washroom pass shows the
a third person teacher that I am responsible,
perspective, similar to and it helps to keep order in
a newspaper article? the class.
4. Does the story have a The criteria were satisfied As written by the author,
positive tone? If because the story was written Carol Gray, a Social Story
negative information in a very positive tone. is written in positive
is included, is it stated language, with positively
carefully using third stated descriptions or
person perspective? responses and behaviours.
(Gray, C., 2000). This story is
written as Masha explaining
herself using the washroom
pass and why. If I need to
use the washroom, I can get
the washroom pass off the
wall, and move my picture to
the pass placeholder This
will show the teacher that I
am outside of the classroom.
The only sentence that uses
slight negativity is, This
helps to make sure many
students do not go to the
washroom all at the same
time, but the purpose of that
is to answer the question,
why do we need to use the
washroom pass.
5. Does the story adhere This story adheres to Basic Carol Gray writes, a story
to either Social Story Social Story Ratio. can begin with seven
Ratio (Basic or descriptive sentences and
Complete)? close with two directive
sentences, and still adhere to
the Basic Social Story
Ratio. (Gray, C., 2000).
The Author of this story
writes several descriptive
sentences such as, My name
is Masha. , In my
classroom, we have many
rules to follow. , When I
need to leave class to use the
washroom, I can get the
washroom pass. , This also
helps to make sure many
students do not go to the
washroom all at the same
time. , If I need to use the
washroom, I can get the
washroom pass off the wall,
and move my picture to the
pass placeholder. The author
writes one directive sentence
which is, When I am done
using the washroom, I will try
to come right back to class.
That adheres to the Basic
Social Story Ratio. In terms
of the Complete Social Story
Ratio Carol Gray states,
there are two additional
types of sentences that may
also be used in a Social Story:
control sentences and
cooperative sentences.
(Gray, C., 2000). Control
sentences are statements that
are written by the person with
ASD to identify personal
strategies to use to recall and
apply information. (Gray, C.,
2000). Cooperative
sentences identify what
others will do to assist the
student. (Gray, C., 2000).
There are no such sentences
in this particular story,
therefore, it does not adhere
to the Complete Social Story

6. Is the story literally The criteria were satisfied Social Stories are literally
accurate? Can it be because the story could be accurate, mentioning possible
interpreted literally interpreted without altering changes in routine and using
without altering the the intended meaning. terms usually and
intended meaning? sometimes. (Fitzgibbon, A.,
2016). This is evident by the
author writing mostly
descriptive sentences for this
story. The story is written in
a way that anyone reading it
would understand what was
meant by it. In this story there
was no use of the insurance
policy using the words
usually and sometimes
but I dont believe the story
needed them for the story to
be literally accurate. For this
type of Social Story there
wouldnt be a change in
7. Is alternative The criteria were almost This is evident because the
vocabulary used in satisfied because it was entire story was written
place of terms that written in a positive tone but extremely positive but one
may cause the person there was one word I may word that may trigger Masha
with ASD to become have changed. is rules. She may feel
upset or nervous? anxious about this word.
Another word the teacher
could use that is a little less
daunting is guidelines.
8. Is the text written with The criteria were satisfied Each Social Story uses
consideration of because the story was easy to concrete, easy to understand
reading ability and understand and there were text enhanced by visual
attention span of the simple illustrations to help supports pictures,
person with ASD, with the understanding. photographs, maps, symbols,
using visual supports postage stamps etc.
to enhance the (Fitzgibbon, A., 2016).
meaning of the story? The author used simple
language and short sentences
for this story. Also the
illustrations are simple and
make the story easy to
comprehend. The only
suggestion I would give the
author would be to use real
pictures from the classroom
or the washroom pass and
real pictures of Masha. I feel
like doing that would make
the story even more relatable
and interesting for her.
9. If illustrations are The criteria were satisfied This is evident by the author
used, are they because the author used using illustrations that made
developed and simple illustrations that sense to the story. As
presented with Masha would be able to mentioned above, I would use
consideration of the understand. real life pictures of Masha
ability of the person and everything else to make it
with ASD? more interesting and
10. Has an effort been The criteria were satisfied I believe the author has made
made to incorporate because the author the effort to incorporate
the students interests incorporated Mashas Mashas interests by using
into the format, interests in the content and her name, My name is
content, illustrations, illustrations. Masha, using illustrations of
or implementation of a little girl that may look like
the story? her. Masha obviously uses the
washroom during that class
and she probably sees other
students leaving to go to the
washroom as well so she can
easily relate to the story.
Using the washroom pass is
more than likely something
she will use every day so she
will definitely be interested in
how to do this particular task
11. Overall, does the story The criteria were satisfied Overall the author created a
have a patient and because the author used story that was informative but
reassuring quality? positive language and wasnt simple. It was easy to
demeaning in any way. It was understand with steps that
simply written and Masha is capable of doing.
encouraging. The story is reassuring
because it is very positive and
incorporates everything
needed to make a well written
Social Story. The manner
in which a social story is
introduced is consistent with
its patient and reassuring
quality (Gray, C., 2000).
Therefore, this story will be
introduced at a time when
Masha is happy and relaxed.

In conclusion, I think this Social Story was really well written. In my opinion it met each
criteria Carol Gray has outlined for what makes a great Social Story. As stated by Carol Gray,
A Social Story is a short story defined by a specific characteristics that describes a situation,
concept, or social skill using a format that is meaningful for people with ASD. (Gray, C., 200).
Obviously Masha was having a problem with leaving the classroom when she shouldnt be to go
to the washroom and this Social Story will help her understand what she needs to do instead of
just walking out and also explains the reasoning behind it. I think that is important for someone
like Masha. She may not understand why its unsafe for her to leave the room without the
washroom pass, so incorporating the why is a really solid idea. Social Stories have another
purpose that is equally important and frequently overlooked: acknowledging achievement.
(Gray, C., 2000). I think the last sentence in the story kind of goes along with that. Using the
washroom pass shows the teacher that I am responsible, and it helps keep order in the class. In
giving Masha a bit of written praise in that last sentence will make her feel proud and happy to
use the washroom pass. This is another reason the story felt so positive to me. Hopefully over
time some parts of the story can be removed as Masha learns and understands the rules regarding
using the washroom pass.


Gray, Carol. Writing Social Stories with Carol Gray. Arlington, Future Horizons INC., 2000, pp.

Fitzgibbon, A., (October 5, 2016). Teaching Social Skills. [Powerpoint].

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