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1. Health Perception- Patient CBR verbalizes The patient considered herself a
Health Management Mahalaga ang Health. not healthy person due to her
Pattern Whenever she has common present condition. She said she
colds and fever she manages it was afraid and was crying
by taking OTC drugs such as, because she was afraid and it
Acetaminophen, was her first time in the
Chlorphenamine Maleate and Operating Room.
Eucalyptus Mentholated Topical
Cream and Sangobion.
2. Nutritional Patient CBR life before his pre Patient CBR was in Diet as
Metabolic Pattern confinement stage is normal. tolerated. As stated by the
The patient has a good patient, she only eats Lugaw as
appetite. She normally eats to what the doctors order. she is
three times a day without fail in fluid restriction so she drinks 2
including the snacks between cups of water (approximately 480
meals. She eats whatever she mL). Because of the operation,
wants. Her meals consist of of a her weight changes. She weighs
rice, vegetable, and meat 50 kg and stands 52 in height.
sometimes chicken or fish. She BMI is 20.16 and still, normal.
eats fruits like Banana. Her
snacks consist of a coke and a
junkfood. She also loves to
drink coffee and drinks 4-6
glasses of water (approximately
960-1440 mL). She stands 52
in height and weighs 52 kg. her
BMI 20.97 and is normal.
3. Elimination Pattern The patient defacates two The patient has an IFC. She
times without experiencing defacates once a day. And voids
discomforts. Stool is brown in 3 times a day. (approximately
color and is well formed. Urine 900 mL)
is yellow in color. The patient
soak 4 to 5 sanitary pads, fully
soaked per day.
4. Activity-Exercise Patient CBR is a Barangay Patient CBR activities are limited.
Pattern Health Worker. Her daily She spends her time talking with
activities includes house to the SO and nurses. She also
house survey and weighing entertains visitors. She lies
babies. Her leisure activities frequently on bed. She has body
were doing household chores, weakness and has difficulty in
watching TV and bonds with her performing activities of daily
daughter. living.
5. Sleep-Rest Pattern The patient sleeps 8-10 hours Patient CBR complains difficulty
every day. She sleeps around sleeping and cant sleep well
8pm and wakes up at 6am in because of vital signs taking. As
the morning. She takes a nap 2 stated by the patient, most of the
hours after lunch. time she is sleeping.
6. Cognitive- Patient CBR is a college She is oriented with the time,
Perceptual Pattern graduate. She can speak Itawes person and place. She responds
and Tagalog. She has no appropriately to verbal and
sensory deficits. physical stimuli. Patient responds
a bit slow to questions and can
speak and understood by others.
7. Self-perception CBR describes herself as kind As stated by the patient, she
Self-concept Pattern and friendly. She is a loving feels depress because of mixed
mother, daughter and a wife. problems personally, financially,
She said that sometimes some physically and emotionally. She
people think that she is thinks she cannot do her normal
snobbish. She loves to socialize daily living than before.
with her friends in their
8. Role- Relationship Patient CBR is a loving mother, Patient CBR lives with her
Pattern daughter and wife. She lives parents because she and her
with her husband and daughter. husband broke up. She gives
Patient CBR is very active and more importance to her family
usually socializes with her and daughter. She is very
neighbors. cooperative and participative
with the health care regimen.
9. Sexuality- Patient CBR has a good sexual The patients dont perform any
Reproductive Pattern relationship with her husband. sexual activity. She is a single
She is taking oral contraceptive mother to her daughter.
pills (Trust). The patient had her
menarche and adrenarche at
the age of 13. She had her first
coitarch when she was 20 years
old. Patient dresses well
according to the weather.
10. Coping-Stress When problem arises, patient The recent hospitalization was a
Tolerance Pattern CBR talks it with her husband. very depressive experience. For
She also copes with the help of patient CBR, there have been
her family and also with the many changes occurred that
guidance of the lord. As stated made it difficult for her to adjust.
by the patient, when she is She copes up and find strength
stress she cries and most of the with the help of her family,
time all she have to do is to daughter and god.
sleep and not to think about it.
11. Values- Belief The patient CBR is Roman The patient always prays and her
Pattern Catholic. She attends mass faith became stronger. She gave
every Sunday. She prays before more importance to her family,
going to sleep. She has a strong herself and her daughter.
faith in God. They believe in
albularyo and superstitious

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