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453 416 395 440 331 186 168 130

From the first to this current war, that is the total number of patriot medals given out to both sides.
There are only 15 alliances with more than 30 members. For the first time ever, we are seeing SBs
downgrade because the owner cannot find someone to take it. We are seeing enemy ships which are
nearly unkillable and weapons which can kill almost anything. We are seeing rule-breakers get away
with more than ever before and griefers more powerful than previously possible. And above all, we are
seeing the universe entering a cycle of hate and revenge with too few exceptions.

Indeed, we are seeing the universe changing in ways we never imagined.


This Treaty has been proposed (replaced with signed following signing) in order to return balance to
the universe. We are here because we enjoy this game and value its unique existence. We have a vision
of what we would like to see the universe return to. All sides acknowledge that it will take a gesture of
good faith from the powerful, and a willingness to trade pride for progress from the weak.


A little piracy is good, it keeps things interesting. Griefing is not, that is how we got here.
With so few active pilots, Piracy should be forgivable under certain conditions and a period of
Death is an accepted part of this game. Pilots need the ability to reskill without being harassed
by pirates and griefers.
Factions are entitled to their section of the Pardus Core.
A day when the number of pilots online goes back up instead of perpetually down.


The terms are somewhat vague, not to create loopholes but as a gesture of good faith that both sides
will diplomatically work together and resolve problems that arise as per the vision.

1. Return of PFC
a. One week following the end of the war, the empire will transfer SBs back to the
b. The MOs in Enif and Ras Elased will remain under Imperial control for no less than 3
months from the end of war. After 3 months leaders from both sides will discuss the
prior 3 months successes and failures as compared to the vision. The empire reserves
the right to keep both MOs standing if they feel the federation are not keeping to the
vision with mutual respect
c. Empire reserves the right to demolish one without demolishing both
d. Both MOs in Enif and Ras Elased will remain under imperial control for no more than 6
2. Travel in the PC
a. Members of all factions will be allowed to travel safely between all premium clusters for
the purposes of skilling
b. Do not kill and refrain from damaging the armor of other factions Euryales, Euryale
Swarmlings or Lucidi Squads
c. Factions reserve the right to revoke skilling rights is local rules are broken
3. PVP in the PC
a. There will be no PVP in the PC unless both parties agree
i. This includes bounty hunting
ii. This includes Piracy
4. Designated Piracy Pilot (DPP)
a. Factions are allowed to make trilateral agreements to allow piracy
i. At the time of this agreement, each faction can designate 1 pilot each to
acceptably pirate, the premium cores and non premium cores. This begins 3
weeks after the end of war. This pilot can change but only with public notice via
the Forum
ii. This pilot can be protected by his/her faction with no repercussions to their
iii. This pilot is allowed to remain in their alliance
iv. All sides are to be wary of ambush scouting but accept that this is an imperfect
system and it will happen
v. If all sides agree, this can be changed to 2, 3, or more pilots
vi. This policy allows for PvP and PvB only
5. MO Removal
a. If the federation would like help removing inactive MOs, they are encouraged to ask
imperials for assistance
b. If the empire would like help removing inactive MOs, they are encouraged to ask
federals for help
c. The Union is also invited
6. Switching Sides
a. There is to be no bad blood for pilots who decide to switch sides
b. Exception for when pilots take significant property with them
7. Zodiac Clause
a. Zodiac must rename to Zodiac the Useless for at least 30 days
8. Leaving the Treaty
a. Any pilots who wish to leave the treaty (or engage in piracy) are asked to leave their
alliances in order to avoid causing conflicts
b. Alliance leaders are asked to boot pilots who do not abide by the treaty and who are not
the DPP
c. Pilots who wish to reenter the treaty and their alliance after breaking the treaty must
wait 2 months and show they are capable of respecting the rules of the treaty while
they wait
9. Squads
a. No pirates, DPP included, are allowed to own faction SBs or have access to squads.
b. Any pirate, DPP included, who hire, use, and abuse squads will have all damages
covered by their perspective faction.
10. Mutually Assured Destruction
a. All sides agree to adhere to this agreement
b. Failure to follow will result in the mutually assured destruction of this game through
perpetual war, hate and distrust and ultimately inactivity

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