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Why I want to become a diplomat? And what attracts me in this activity?

A unique
and prestigious profession a diplomat at all times, attracted by its mysterious
ness and ample opportunities. Almost every ambitious person at least once in you
r life wants to try his hand at an officially authorized person intended to carr
y out negotiations and public relations with other countries in the world. I hav
e always been interested in the history of diplomacy, and the identity of promin
ent diplomats. Nowadays it is very easy to get education in a field of diplomacy
and possible in higher education institutions in foreign, political or specialt
ies at the Faculty of International Relations.
From a historical point of view, the diplomat profession was present eve
n in the initial stages of the state system of different nations, and the develo
pment of oratory and rhetoric greatly improved the position of state representat
ives of the ancient states. All diplomatic peaceful activities taken oppose the
term- military, although in practice they are closely intertwined. During the hi
storical times of different governments, when the war was preceded by diplomatic
preparation and there was a hard struggle to diplomats in the course of militar
y action, all conflicts were judging peace negotiations to prevent and resolve c
onflicts, representation of one or another state, compromise and mutually accept
able solutions deepening international cooperation and agreements. Scope of dipl
omacy in each country the greater the more its inter-national weight; they make
an impact on political and economic arenas exclusively due to the dynamism and p
rofessionalism, diplomacy. I believe that any diplomacy is subordinated to forei
gn policy, pro-dictated both by national interests and international situation a
nd in general as well as foreign policy in some significant issues, includes a s
et of techniques and methods that a state can use to find a worthy place in the
world to collaborate with other members of the international community. The esse
nce of diplomacy in a democratic society is to ensure continuity in the protecti
on of national interests first and foremost the welfare of the people regardless
of party, in power. Naturally, characterizing diplomacy, we cannot ignore these
factors that diplomatic skills, along with power factors and the background the
y played an important role in achieving foreign policy goals, formation of coali
tions, a tactical or strategic alliances and partnerships.
The success of diplomacy depends on a number of different factors. Profe
ssion of diplomat is very responsible and exclusive and main aim of diplomat is
officially represent a state, negotiate with foreign partners while abroad, defe
nd the interests of foreign and domestic national policy and not to have a chanc
e for any errors or delays since all this actions will be thoroughly studied and
analyzed. That is why you need to have a sharp mind a high level of self-contro
l, restraint and composure with charm, talent, skill to express their thoughts.
It is very helpful if diplomat is very sociable person who is not only good at e
xplaining his point of view, but that is perhaps equally important, to listen an
d understand his companion. which are basically the main requirements for person
al characteristics and skill of a profession. Diplomat definitely must know the
culture and traditions of foreign countries, as well as speak a foreign language
, because without it is not possible to establish a simple understanding and com
munication. The outcomes of hard work can be gathered only over time. After grad
uation and a job in the civil service, the financial situation could significant
ly disrupt the Novice diplomat, whereas in the case for a foreign destination, a
refund coming for the past three to five years.
The main disadvantage is the need for professional diplomat heavy daily
work over yourself desire to improve. Diplomacy should be necessarily inherent i
n erudition and analytical approach to contemporary economic and political situa
tion as at the present stage of development of society, and in retrospect. This
is necessary not only to gain recognition of their competence, but also receivin
g a cherished place and hold it for many years.
In recent years much has been changed about diplomatic work taking place
are working under the scientific-technical revolution. Diplomats now can use mo
dern means of communication and access to broad sources of information, such as
the Internet. Now a diplomat can get 90 percent of data which he is interested t
o - from the media and electronic information systems. It was here at the forefr
ont personality diplomat, his ability to listen and recognize what the backgroun
d of the adoption of a particular decision. I like to emphasize that the main fe
ature of diplomat is to be honest. To interact with partners from other countrie
s diplomat should get their trust and respect. A good diplomat should know what
to and what not to talk. Although privacy is important, it depends on the skill
of a diplomat to chose and use information.
The importance in the diplomatic profession is the need for compliance w
ith the protocol. Protocol, which is not limited to diplomatic etiquette, means
to facilitate relationships, particularly at the highest level. At the same time
, the diplomat should be avoided and the other extreme. He should always remembe
r that at any position, and regardless of his own views on the situation it repr
esents the views of his Government or of the capital of their state and understa
nd the views of the country in which he works, and begin to represent her at hom
e, instead of doing the opposite.
I would like to conclude that a good diplomat - is the one who knows and
protects the national interests of their country. Prominent diplomat - is the o
ne who understands the role and place of his country in the world and promoting
its interests, helping to strengthen peace and prosperity of mankind. And althou
gh the diplomat does not work by itself - its actions are defined and sent to th
ose who are pursuing a foreign policy, but much depends on its own initiative, i
ntuition and moral principles. And especially like to highlight - from a sense o
f proportion in dealing with any cases.

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